Mass transportation for the Easter holidays: free express trains, changes in routes and stops. On Easter, free buses will run to city cemeteries. Cemetery operations on holidays.

On Palm Sunday, Easter, and also on Krasnaya Gorka in Moscow, streets near cemeteries will be blocked. Free buses will also be available to the cemeteries. Stops for electric trains will also be added.

In the Christian tradition, believers visit the graves of their loved ones on Krasnaya Gorka (the next Sunday after Easter, which this year falls on April 8). But practice shows that people begin to visit cemeteries en masse, starting from Palm Sunday (April 1) and on Easter itself.

As the press service of Mosgortrans told RG, a total of 37 free routes are being organized to seventeen Moscow and suburban cemeteries on all three coming Sundays. Depending on the directions, buses will run at intervals from 1 to 5 minutes.

In addition, as RG was told by the press service of the Moscow railway, on April 1 and 8, additional stops near cemeteries were assigned to 42 electric trains in all directions. Changes are displayed in applications, as well as on the Russian Railways website in the “Passengers” section.

It will be almost impossible to drive to cemeteries these days using personal transport. To ensure unhindered passage of buses, significant traffic restrictions are being introduced, as well as temporary dedicated lanes.

So, around the Vostryakovsky cemetery, Ruzskaya Street from Pokryshkin to Koshtoyants, Borovskoye and Vostryakovskoye highways from Nikulinskaya to Ozernaya streets, as well as Admiral Kornilov Street from Kaluzhskoye to Kievskoye highway will be blocked.

Near the Shcherbinskoye cemetery, Molodtsovsky passage and the overpass across the Simferopol highway from Tipografskaya street to the cemetery will be closed.

For buses leaving for cemeteries from the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station, Festivalnaya Street from Leningradskoye Shosse to Smolnaya Street will be closed.

Stratonavtov passage from Volokolamsky passage to Tushinskaya Square and Projected passage No. 5492 from Fomicheva street to Planernaya will also be blocked.

A temporary dedicated lane will operate on the Pyatnitskoye Highway from the Moscow Ring Road to Baryshikha - all these restrictions are needed for buses to the Penyaginskoye and Mitinskoye cemeteries.

Near the Domodedovskaya metro station, the Kashirskoye Highway backup from Marshal Zakharov Street towards the region will be closed.

There are a lot of restrictions to ensure access to Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemeteries. Thus, Suzdal Street and Galina Vishnevskaya Street from Gorodetsky Street to Nikolo-Arkhangelsky Proezd, Proektirumy Proezd No. 326 from Saltykovskaya Street to Nikolo-Arkhangelsky Cemetery, as well as Vesnyakovskaya Street from Amilcar Cabral Square to Krasny Kazanets Street will be closed - in order to prevent buses could drive up to the Vykhino metro station.

In the north, the highway leading to it from the village of Shemyakino will be blocked for access to the Perepechinskoye cemetery. Novoshodnenskoye Highway will also be closed from Mashkinskoye Highway to the turn to the Khimkinskoye Cemetery.

All restrictions will be in effect on April 1, 8 and 15 from 06-00 to 16-00. A number of closures will also be introduced on April 17.

Free bus routes to city and suburban cemeteries


No. E1 "Metro station "Vykhino" - 2nd Moscow crematorium"

No. 706, E2 "Metro station "Vykhino" - Nikolo-Arkhangelskoe cemetery"

No. E5 "Novokosino metro station - Nikolo-Arkhangelskoe cemetery"


No. 510, E1 "Metro station "Domodedovskaya" - Domodedovo cemetery"

No. E2 "Kolychevo Village - Domodedovo Cemetery" (from the car parking area)


No. 600 "Metro station "Teply Stan" - Khovanskoe cemetery - Metro station "Salaryevo"

No. E1 "Metro station "Salaryevo" - Khovanskoye Cemetery"

No. E2 "Metro station "Teply Stan" - Khovanskoye Cemetery"


No. 741, E "Tushinskaya metro station - Mitinskoe cemetery"


No. 819 "Academician Yangel Street - Shcherbinskoye Cemetery"

No. E1 "Metro station "Akademika Yangelya Street" - Shcherbinskoye Cemetery"

No. E2 "Shcherbinka Station - Shcherbinskoye Cemetery"

No. E3 "Brusilova Street - Shcherbinskoye Cemetery (from the car parking area)"


No. E "Metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya" - Vostryakovskoye Cemetery"


No. 865, E1 "Metro station "Planernaya" - Perepechinskoe cemetery"

No. E2 "Skhodnya Station - Perepechinskoye Cemetery"

No. E4 "Lobnya Station - Perepechinskoye Cemetery"


No. E "Metro "Rechnoy Vokzal" - Khimki Cemetery"

No. E2 "Metro station "Planernaya" - Khimki Cemetery"


No. E1 "Metro "Rechnoy Vokzal" - Dolgoprudnenskoye Cemetery - Dolgoprudnaya Platform"


No. 150, 150e "Kashirskaya metro station - Kotlyakovskoe cemetery - Chertanovo platform"

No. 217, 217e "Metro station "Kantemirovskaya" - Kotlyakovskoe cemetery - 14th quarter of Lenino-Dachny"


No. E "Metro station "Ryazansky Prospekt" - Kuzminskoe cemetery - Metro station "Kuzminki"


No. E1 "Metro "Textilshchiki" - Lublin Cemetery"

No. E2 "Metro station "Lublino" - Lublin Cemetery"

Zelenogradskoe Central

No. 1 "14th microdistrict - Central Cemetery"

No. 2, E1 "Kryukovo Station - Central Cemetery"

Zelenogradskoe Northern

No. 20 "16th microdistrict - Northern Cemetery"

No. E2 "Kryukovo Station - Northern Cemetery"


No. 24 "Kryukovo Station - Alabushevskoye Cemetery"


No. 531e "Metro "Teply Stan" - Rakitki"


No. E "Electrougli Station - Bogorodskoye Cemetery"

Due to the Easter holidays, traffic will be limited near Moscow cemeteries. The restrictions will be in effect for three Sundays— April 9, 16 and 23 from 06:00 until the transport situation improves. This applies to roads near Butovsky, Domodedovo, Zakharyinsky, Mitinsky, Nikolo-Arkhangelsky, Perepechinsky, Khimki, Khovansky and Shcherbinsky cemeteries.

These days, free express routes will be added to the existing buses that carry passengers to city and suburban cemeteries.

Temporary signs restricting stopping and parking will appear:

— on the odd side of Volokolamsk Passage;

— on the section of the side passage of Planernaya Street (in Projected Passage No. 5492) from Fomicheva Street to building 12;

- on Planernaya Street (on the even side in the area of ​​building 4, building 1 - building 6);

— on the section of Pyatnitskoye Highway from the intersection with Baryshikha Street to the intersection with the access road to the Mitinskoye Cemetery;

— in Projected Passage No. 6418;

— on the section of Marshal Savitsky Street in the area of ​​building 32.

Traffic priority will be changed at the intersection of Pyatnitskoye Highway and the access road to the Mitinskoye Cemetery. And in the Stratonavtov passage from Volokolamsky passage to Tushinskaya Square and on the section of the side passage of Planernaya Street (Projected passage No. 5492) from building 12, building 1 to the Planernaya transport hub, traffic will be limited.

On the section of Pyatnitskoye Highway from the intersection with Mitinskaya (Muravskaya) Street to the intersection with Baryshikha Street there will be a dedicated lane for public transport towards the region.

In the Eastern District, traffic will be limited on sections of Veshnyakovskaya Street (from Amilcar Cabral Square to Krasny Kazanets Street); on Suzdalskaya street (from Gorodetskaya to Nikolo-Arkhangelsky passage towards the region); on the section of Proektiruemy Proezd No. 326 (from Saltykovskaya Street to Nikolo-Arkhangelsky Proezd); along Nikolo-Arkhangelsky Proezd from Saltykovskaya Street to the cemetery.

In the Western District, traffic will be limited on the section of Ruzskaya Street (from Pokryshkin to Koshtoyants); along Borovskoye and Vostryakovskoye highways from Nikulinskaya to Ozyornaya streets.

In the southwest, restrictions will be introduced in Molodtsovsky Proezd and on the overpass across the Simferopol Highway from Tipografskaya Street to the Shcherbinskoye Cemetery.

In the Southern District, the Kashirskoye Highway backup from Marshal Zakharov Street to Orekhovoy Boulevard towards the region will be closed. In the Northern District, sections of Novosvodnenskoye Highway (from Mashkinskoye Highway to the turn to the Khimkinskoye Cemetery), Festivalnaya Street (from Leningradskoye Highway to Smolnaya Street) and the road to the Perepechinskoye Cemetery will be closed to cars.

In the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts, traffic will be limited on the section of Admiral Kornilov Street from Kievsky to Kaluga Highway. The restrictions will be in effect on April 9, 16, 23 and 25.

In the South-Western District, restrictions will be introduced on April 9, 15, 16, 23 on Sanatornaya and Tyutchevskaya alleys, in the Novoyasenevsky dead end and the passage from Kakhovka Street to Perekopskaya. One-way traffic will also be introduced on Nikolai Sirotkin, Gagarin and Kuznetsov streets for access to the Zakharyinsky cemetery and on Mirgorodskaya street and in 1st Mirgorodsky lane for access to the Butovsky cemetery.

In addition, on April 8, 15, 22 and 25, the Kashirskoye Highway backup from Shipilovskaya Street to Orekhovoy Boulevard towards the region will be closed.

April 9, 16 and 23, 2017 In addition to the existing routes for travel to city and suburban cemeteries, special free express bus routes are organized:

‒ to the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye Cemetery: from the metro stations “Vykhino” (No. E1, E2 - with a stop at the Perovsky Cemetery) and “Novokosino” (No. E5);

‒ to the Domodedovo cemetery: from the Domodedovskaya metro station (No. 510e) and the village of Kolychevo (No. E2 - for visitors by personal vehicle).
Route No. D through the territory of the Domodedovo cemetery is cancelled;

‒ to the Shcherbinskoe cemetery: from the metro stations “Akademika Yangelya Street” and “Annino” (No. E1), the Shcherbinka railway station (No. E2) and from the “Car Park” stop in the 4th microdistrict of Shcherbinka (No. E3 - for visitors with personal vehicles );

‒ to the Khovanskoye Cemetery: from the metro stations “Salaryevo” (No. E1) and “Teply Stan” (No. E2);

‒ to Rakitki: from the Teply Stan metro station (No. 531e);

‒ to the Vostryakovsky cemetery: from the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station (No. E);

‒ to the Mitinskoye and Krasnogorskoye cemeteries: from the Tushinskaya metro station (No. E);

‒ to the Perepechinsky cemetery: from the Planernaya metro station (No. E1), from the Skhodnya (No. E2) and Lobnya (No. E4) railway stations, from the village of Nosovo (No. E3 - for visitors by personal vehicle);

‒ to the Khimki Cemetery: from the metro stations “Rechnoy Vokzal” (No. E) and “Planernaya” (No. E2);

‒ to the Dolgoprudnenskoye cemetery: from the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station and the Novodachnaya railway platform (No. E1);

‒ to the Kuzminsky cemetery: from the metro stations “Kuzminki” and “Ryazansky Prospekt” (No. E);

‒ to the Lyublinsky Cemetery: from the metro stations “Textilshchiki” (No. E1) and “Lublino” (No. E2);

‒ to the Kotlyakovsky cemetery: from the metro stations “Kantemirovskaya” (No. 150e, 217e) and “Kashirskaya” (No. 150e);

‒ to the Bogorodskoye (Noginskoye) cemetery: from the Elektrougli railway station (No. E);

– to the Zelenograd Central Cemetery – from the Kryukovo railway station (No. E1);

– to the Zelenograd Northern Cemetery – from the Kryukovo railway station (No. E2);

– to the Alabushevsky cemetery – from the Kryukovo railway station (No. 24).

From the beginning of movement until the end of mass transportation on April 9, 16, 23, 2017 ground transport routes are changing:

– the “Metro “Vykhino” stop for bus routes No. 613, 615, 620, 697 is cancelled. Boarding and disembarking will take place at the Sniperskaya Street stop;

– “Metro “Vykhino” stop for bus routes No. 79, 232, 247, 722, 747, 772, 821, 841, 855, 872; trolleybus No. 30, 64 is cancelled. Boarding and disembarking will take place at the stop “Veshnyakovskaya Street, 41”;

‒ buses No. 821, 841, 855, 872 will follow Novoukhtomskoye Highway, Moldagulova Street and Veshnyakovskaya Street instead of the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway and Kosinskaya Street;

– the first stop of the Novokosino Metro along Nosovikhinskoe Highway when traveling from the 2nd Moscow Crematorium is cancelled;

– buses No. 706 will go to the Vykhino metro station along Stary Gai Street and Veshnyakovskaya Street (similar to the express route). When traveling to the Vykhino metro station, stops are organized: “Stary Gai Street, 1”, “Polyclinic”, “Veshnyaki District Administration”. Arrivals at Novokosinskaya Street in the morning are cancelled. When traveling to the 2nd Moscow Crematorium, the stops “Nosovikhinskoe Highway” and “Nikolo-Arkhangelskoe Cemetery” are canceled. The Novokosino Metro stop when traveling to the 2nd Moscow Crematorium is moved to house No. 34 on Suzdalskaya Street.

– buses No. 760k will run from the Shchelkovskaya metro station to the Novokosino metro station. The Shchelkovskaya Metro stop for bus route No. 760k is moved 80 meters back in the direction of travel. After the end of mass transportation, buses No. 760k will run on their permanent route from the Shchelkovskaya metro station to the Novokosino MFC;

– bus route No. 560 “Metro Novokosino – 2nd Moscow Crematorium” is cancelled. To travel, use express routes.

– on bus route No. 510 when traveling to the Domodedovo cemetery, the stops “Voevodino” and “Shishkino” are canceled;

– on bus route No. 819, the stops “Greenhouse Economy”, “Gardening Partnership” and “Strawberry Fields” are canceled;

– the “Ulitsa Akademika Yangelya” metro stop is canceled for bus routes 118, 249, 462, 668, 864, 906 and trolleybus No. 40 along the Warsaw Highway backup when traveling from the center. This stop is organized: for bus No. 462 - at the same stop for buses No. 241, 249, 668, 797; trolleybus No. 40 (near the northern metro vestibule) on the Varshavskoye Highway backup; for buses No. 118, 864, 906 - at the same bus stop No. 643, 675, 680, 682 on Akademika Yangelya Street. Bus route No. 906 is extended to the final stop “Ulitsa Akademika Yangelya”;

– buses No. 600 will run on route No. E2 “Metro “Teply Stan” - Khovanskoye Cemetery.” On their permanent route from the Teply Stan metro station to the Salaryevo metro station, buses No. 600 will begin running after 17.00;

– the Salaryevo Metro stop for bus routes No. 707, 734, 844, 892, 964 is moved forward in the direction of travel;

– the “Metro “Teply Stan”” stop for bus routes No. 235, C2 is canceled; trolleybus No. 72, 81 along Profsoyuznaya Street when traveling from the center. On bus routes No. 235, C2, this stop will be located at the intersection with Teply Stan Street, at the existing stop for bus routes No. 37, 767, 781, 804;

– buses No. 865 will run from the Perepechinsky cemetery to the Skhodnenskaya metro station instead of the Planernaya metro station (after the Moscow Ring Road along Svoboda Street, Khimki Boulevard to the Skhodnenskaya metro station, then without passengers to the Planernaya metro station). On April 9, 16, 23 and 25, the Planernaya metro stop for bus route No. 865 is moved 200 meters back, to house No. 5 on Planernaya Street;

– boarding of buses No. 90, 200, 233, 284, 851, 857, 958 is transferred to house No. 11 on Festivalnaya Street (towards the northern lobby) and is combined with the stop for boarding “Metro “Rechnoy Vokzal” buses No. 173, 199;

– bus routes No. 930, D are cancelled; trolleybus No. 58;

– boarding and disembarking at the Tushinskaya metro station on bus routes No. 2, 210, 266, 614, 631, 640 is moved to the odd side of Volokolamsky Proezd;

Only April 25, 2017 In addition to bus routes No. 706, 760, which serve the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery on weekdays, bus route No. 560 “Metro Novokosino - 2nd Moscow Crematorium” is being organized.

Eight bus routes to city cemeteries will change operating hours on April 1, the press service of the State Unitary Enterprise reports. “Mosgortrans”.

Buses to city cemeteries will run according to a new schedule from April 1. The changes will affect buses No. 510, 560, 600, 706, 741, 760, 865 and D. You can view the new schedule on the State Unitary Enterprise website “Mosgortrans”.

In addition, on the Easter holidays of April 9 (Palm Sunday), April 16 (Easter) and April 23 (Krasnaya Gorka), a number of special free routes to Moscow cemeteries will traditionally be organized.

/ Friday, March 31, 2017 /

topics: Easter

The operating schedule of bus routes to Moscow cemeteries will change from April 1.
According to the press service of the city mayor, the buses will travel:
- No. 510 "Metro "Domodedovskaya"" - Domodedovo cemetery on weekdays - from 08:30 to 19:00, on weekends - from 07:00 to 19:00;
- D (on the territory of the Domodedovo cemetery) on weekdays - from 09:03 to 19:00, on weekends - from 07:33 to 19:00;

- No. 706 "Metro "Vykhino" - "2nd Moscow Crematorium" on weekdays - from 08:15 to 19:00, on weekends - from 08:30 to 19:00. Fixed flights at 07:30 and 08:00 remain, evening fixed flights are cancelled. Before 08:30 and after 19:00, buses will go to the 4th microdistrict of Novokosin;
- No. 741 "Metro station "Tushinskaya"" - Mitinskoye Cemetery on weekdays - from 08:30 to 19:00, on weekends - from 07:00 to 19:00. Evening fixed flights are cancelled;
- No. 760 "Metro" Shchelkovskaya "" - "2nd Moscow Crematorium" on weekdays - from 08:30 to 19:00. Before 08:30 and after 19:00, buses will go to the Novokosino MFC;
- No. 865 "Metro "Planernaya"" - Perepechinskoye Cemetery on weekdays - from 08:00 to 19:00, on weekends - from 07:00 to 19:00. After 19:00 buses will run on the “Planernaya Metro” section - “ Cherkizovo”;
- No. 600 "Metro "Teply Stan"" - Khovanskoye Cemetery- “Metro “Salaryevo”” will go with a stop at the Central and Western territories of the Khovanskoye cemetery. On weekdays - from 08:30 to 19:00, on weekends - from 07:00 to 19:00.

. . . . .

Buses will follow:

. . . . .

- No. 560 "Novokosino Metro" - "2nd Moscow Crematorium" on weekends - from 08:19 to 19:00;

. . . . . Before 08:30 and after 19:00, buses will go to the 4th microdistrict of Novokosin;

. . . . . Evening fixed flights are cancelled;

. . . . . Before 08:30 and after 19:00, buses will go to the Novokosino MFC;

. . . . . After 19:00 buses will run on the “Planernaya Metro” section - “ Cherkizovo”;

. . . . .

Buses running to the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk Cemetery on Palm Sunday, Easter and Krasnaya Gorka will follow a changed route - from the metro station “ Novokosino”, not from “ Shchelkovskaya”, as now, reports the portal of the mayor and government of Moscow.
On April 9 (Palm Sunday), April 16 (Easter) and April 23 (Krasnaya Gorka) free buses will run to the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery.
From the station “ Novokosino” Bus E5 will depart from “ Vykhina”- buses E1 and E2 and regular route No. 706.
Bus No. 760 "Metro" Shchelkovskaya”- "2nd Moscow Crematorium" now runs only on weekdays. On Saturday and Sunday you can use the shortened route No. 760k "Metro" Shchelkovskaya”- "MFC" Novokosino” and the new route No. 560, which runs from the metro station “ Novokosino” to the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

Dear residents of the Balashikha urban district!

The administration of the Balashikha urban district will organize transport services for residents on days of mass visits to cemeteries in 2017.

Schedule of vehicles for transporting passengers to burial places of relatives in the Balashikha urban district on April 9, 16 and 23, 2017

Type of rolling stock

Opening hours

Motion interval

Ost. "City Council" - Novskoye Cemetery"

Small class buses

Microdistrict "Novy Svet" - Novskoye cemetery"

Small class buses

Microdistrict "Yuzhny" - cemetery "Novoskoe"

Small class buses

"Balashikha-2" - Novskoye Cemetery

Small class buses

"Balashikha-3" - station. Nikolskoye

Small class buses

Art. Zheleznodorozhnaya - Purshevo cemetery

Small class buses

Art. Zheleznodorozhnaya - Feninskoye Cemetery

Small class buses

Microdistrict Zarya

Special (additional) routes

Type of rolling stock

Opening hours

Departure from Zarya microdistrict (CDC "Zarya" - Zarya microdistrict, Lenin St., 6)

Departure from the Novskoye cemetery

Zarya microdistrict - Purshevo cemetery

Small bus

Zarya microdistrict - Dyatlovka cemetery

Small bus

Zarya microdistrict - Novskoye cemetery

Small bus

Microdistrict Severny

In accordance with the decree of the administration of the Balashikha city district dated 03/27/2017 No. 299/3-PA, travel on the indicated routes in especially small and small class buses on 04/16/2017 is free, on 04/9/2017 and 04/23/2017 travel is provided according to the tariff.

Travel on municipal routes of regular transportation at regulated tariffs No. 22 “Balashikha-3” - Art. Nikolskoye", No. 33 "St. Zheleznodorozhnaya - Purshevo" and on the intermunicipal route of regular transportation at regulated tariffs No. 31 "Balashikha-2 - Novsky Quarter", served by the branch of the State Unitary Enterprise MO "MOSTRANSAVTO" convoy No. 1377, is carried out at a tariff with the provision of benefits to certain categories of citizens.

In order to increase transport accessibility of the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye, Purshevo, Dyatlovskoye, Feninskoye cemeteries for residents of the district on the days of their mass visits 04/09/2017 (Palm Sunday), 04/16/2017 (Easter) and 04/23/2017 (Red Hill) provides:

Increase in quantity vehicles on the municipal route of regular transportation at regulated tariffs No. 33 “Art. Zheleznodorozhnaya - Purshevo" for 4 large-class buses with each trip to the final stop "Cemetery "Purshevo";

Increasing the number of vehicles on the municipal route of regular transportation at regulated tariffs No. 26 “Art. Zheleznodorozhnaya - Dyatlovka" for 1 large class bus with each trip to the final stop "Dyatlovskoye Cemetery";

Organization of the work of the municipal route of regular transportation at regulated tariffs No. 22 “Balashikha-3” - Art. Nikolskoye" according to the working day schedule;

Amendments to the traffic pattern of the municipal route of regular transportation at unregulated tariffs No. 2 “Art. Zheleznodorozhnaya - Zhilgorodok - Central City Hospital - Pavlino microdistrict, 21" with travel to the church near the Fenino cemetery (6 small class buses).

Bus schedules on routes No. 22, 26, 31 and 33 on days of mass visits to cemeteries can be found at stopping points along their route, as well as in the dispatch service of the branch of the State Unitary Enterprise MO "MOSTRANSAVTO" motorcade No. 1377 by phone: 8-495- 521-38-41.

Additional information on transport services for the population on days of mass visits to cemeteries can be obtained from the transport, roads and communications department of the Balashikha city district administration by phone: 8-495-524-14-37 or by phone email: [email protected].

The administration of the Balashikha urban district strongly recommends using public transport due to the lack of sufficient parking spaces for personal vehicles in the area adjacent to the cemeteries of the Balashikha urban district.