Presentation of the research project "when the school bell rings." School starts with a bell and the sound of a ringing bell

Municipal budget educational institution

Kaduysky municipal district

"Kaduyskaya high school»

Conference “First steps into science”

Title of the work: “The Sound of the School Bell”

P. Kaduy, 2017



    The influence of the school bell tone on students and teachers:

2.1 Purpose, objectives, relevance and hypothesis…………………………………….4

    1. Consultations with specialists……………………………………………..4

    1. Analysis of printed publications and Internet resources…………………………….5

    1. Student survey results primary classes and school teachers………6


    List of sources…………………………………………………………………………………..10

Appendix 1 (photo report of consultations with specialists)…………………..11

Appendix 2 (photo report of student surveys)……………………………......12

Appendix 3(results of surveys of students in grades 2-4)……………………..13

Appendix 4 (students’ answers)……………………………………………………………..14

Appendix 5 (teachers' answers)……………………………………………………………...16


For the first time, the school doors open with a school bell for every first-grader. But the holiday is over, everyday life begins and it is not a joyful bell that calls you to school, but a loud and sharp bell, the sound of which irritates your ears, the sound of which makes you flinch, you want to cover your ears with your hands and run away from it. But he catches up with you again and again, after every lesson, day after day. It is known that the safe noise level for humans is 40 dB. The sound of a school bell is 100 dB. This is twice the safe level. The school bell is just one component of school noise, to which is added screaming and running around during breaks, and noise from the street. Noise pollution ranks second in terms of harmful effects on the human body after chemical pollution environment. Doctors say that noise makes a person angry. Evil people always Bad mood, which affects not only themselves, but also those around them. They get sick from constant irritation. In modern medicine, a diagnosis has appeared: “Chronic embitterment.”

Prolonged noise adversely affects the hearing organs, reducing sensitivity to sound. Noises cause functional disorders of the cardiovascular system; have a harmful effect on the visual and vestibular analyzers, reduce reflex activity, which often causes accidents and injuries. It leads to disruption of the heart, liver, exhaustion and overexertion nerve cells. Sudden loud noises, such as a school bell, affect the autonomic nervous system. A strong, unpleasant sound causes palpitations, increased blood pressure and adrenaline levels in the blood. Under the influence of “school” noise, students show changes in the functional state of the central nervous system. The noise intensity level in the classroom is mainly in the range from 50 to 80 decibels, with a frequency from 500 to 2000 hertz. Noise up to 40 decibels does not cause negative changes; they become pronounced when exposed to noise of 50 and 60 decibels. Noise levels above 80-100 decibels contribute to an increase in the number of errors in work, reducing labor productivity by approximately 10-15% and at the same time significantly deteriorating its quality.

2. The influence of the school bell tone on students and teachers

2.1. Purpose, objectives, relevance and hypothesis

Why did we choose this particular topic? This is interesting for our social class and age group. In some schools, instead of a rattling, ear-irritating bell, there are already melodies that are pleasant to the ear, making you “wake up”, cheer up in the morning, or smile after a poorly written test. We would like to improve the time spent in the institution for schoolchildren, their parents and teachers, to awaken pleasant emotions from listening to the school bell, to simply smile when hearing cheerful, energetic, positive, pleasant music, but this will require time and the solution of some other problems.

Now our project goal: the impact of the school bell on students and teachers.

To achieve our goal, we have set a number of tasks:

    Consult with experts about the impact of the school bell ringtone on students and teachers;

    Find information on our topic in printed publications and Internet resources and process it;

    Conduct a survey among students in grades 2-4;

    Conduct a survey among school teachers;

    Draw conclusions.

The hypothesis of our project: let's say that the sound of a school bell is an irritant for students and teachers. And we will try to prove it.

2.2 Consultations with specialists

Our group turned to the deputy director for administrative and economic affairs, Galina Anatolyevna Blinova (see Appendix 1) for advice on the school bell and setting up the system.

We consulted with the school health worker Galina Valentinovna Tsareva (see Appendix 1). She told us that "Noise makes a person angry. Such people poison the lives of not only those around them, but also themselves. In modern medicine, a diagnosis has even appeared - “chronic embitterment”. People who are constantly angry because of noise produce too many stress hormones in their blood, such as adrenaline. This increases blood pressure and increases heart rate.”

We visited the school teacher-psychologist of our school Borisova Galina Gennadievna(see Appendix 1)and consulted about the school bell. “I really like the idea of ​​studying the influence of the school bell ringing. I am ready to help, if necessary, to advise on this problem.” And this is what she told us: “Many of us sometimes catch ourselves in the fact that the most minor troubles cause disproportionately strong irritation. At the same time, the mood deteriorates, the state of health worsens, and as a result, mental instability gradually becomes an unpleasant character trait.”

So, from a psychological point of view,negative impact have the following sounds:

    Modern commercial music - hip-hop, rock, hard rock, electronic and pop - is written at low frequencies, which, according to research, has an impact similar to the rumble of an earthquake, building collapse or avalanche. A person subconsciously feels a threat, and may also feel a loss of strength and depression. Long-term exposure to low frequencies causes changes in the functioning of the glands responsible for hormonal levels, the level of insulin in the blood changes, and the ability to self-control decreases or completely disappears.

    Swearing and obscene speech, lyrics with a negative message have a strong influence on a person. A person who constantly hears swearing, screaming, and negative speech around him will simply wither away if he does not think about protecting himself.

Useful sounds include: first of all, these are the sounds of nature: the murmur of a stream, the singing of birds, the sounds of waves and rain, the songs of dolphins. These sounds allow you to disconnect from the bustle of the city and direct your inner gaze to your own sources - living nature. Result: stress relief, a state of peace and relaxation, lower blood pressure, improved overall well-being, improved mood.

    Appendix 1

    Consultation with Deputy Director for ACh Blinova Galina Anatolyevna

    Consultation with the school’s medical worker, Tsareva Galina Valentinovna

    Consultation with teacher-school psychologist Borisova Galina Gennadievna

    Appendix 2

    Survey of students in grades 2-4 of the Kaduyskaya Secondary School

    2 "A" class

    2 "B" class

    3 "A" class

    3 "B" class

    3 "B" class

    4 "A" class

    4 "B" class

    4 "B" class

    Appendix 3

    Results of surveys of students in grades 2-4


    Questions for students :

    Does the sound of the school bell annoy you?

    Which is better: the sound of a bell (K), a school bell (Z) or a melody (M)?

    What kind of music would you like to hear as a call? A – Modern, B – Sounds of nature, C – Classical, D – Standard.

    What genre of music should I play for the school bell? A – pop music, B – rock music, C – traditional, D – classics.

Appendix 4

Answers from students in grades 2-4

Appendix 4

Answers from students in grades 2-4

Appendix 5

Answers from school teachers

The mood with which they go and the melody of the school bell When the bell rings... Being late. How does the school bell affect you? What should we exchange the sound of the bell for? What about teachers? Conclusion. WHEN THE SCHOOL BELL RINGS...

In what mood do you go to school? Such morning moods of schoolchildren are easily explained; every weekday we have to get up early in the morning when we want to get some more sleep. If instead of a bell some cheerful melody or song played, it would help to wake up and cheer up. Moreover, most children also see the mood of the ringtone connection. Does the ringtone of a school bell affect your mood? Attention!  80% of students go to school in a joyful mood primary school 3133% of middle and high school students

When does the bell ring? he Bell is a tool that is designed to streamline the educational process and is absolutely necessary in school. The bell organizes the start and end of work, hurries children and teachers to classes and informs that it is time to rest.

HOW DOES THE SCHOOL BELL AFFECT YOU? Annoying, “hurts” the hearing I flinch No effect I am happy Headache I am scared I experience anxiety, stress I experience anxiety anxiety 30% 30% 21% 11% 8% 5% 3% 2% 1% It is the sharp loud sound of the school bell that causes special complaints, which is why most students Would like to change the school bell ringtone. The wishes were expressed that the call should be melodious, start quietly and gradually become louder. The emotional perception of the bell depends on whether it is for recess or for a lesson, and which lesson the bell calls for. The guys wrote about this in their profiles.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO CHANGE YOUR RING TONE? Opinions about ringtones are divided; it is difficult to choose ringtones to please everyone at once. We believe that you need to try, change melodies, and create your own music library of the most popular melodies. However, what should be taken into account first of all is not the popularity of the melody, but how it affects the psyche. For example, you cannot play a hard rock tune either during or after a lesson, because... it greatly excites the psyche. This can lead to injuries during recess and poor understanding of the lesson topic. If yes, which one? Favorite performers and groups (rap, hip-hop, metal, jazz) Pop Children's songs Symphonic Any melody Lyrical Sounds of nature 24% 10% 9% 7.5% 6% 4% 2% WOULD YOU LIKE TO CHANGE THE RING MELODY?

HOW DID THE TEACHERS RESPOND? How does the school bell affect you? Would you like our school to change the school bell ringtone? Since teachers are adults and psychologically mature, the bell affects their psyche to a much lesser extent. However, if even these professionals in the educational process sometimes flinch from a piercing sound, what can we say about schoolchildren, especially elementary school students? call, If yes, what melody? Classical 50% Children's Bells I don't know 23% 23% 4% WHAT DID THE TEACHERS RESPOND?

CONCLUSIONS  The bell is a tool designed to streamline the educational process, it is absolutely necessary in school, it organizes the beginning and end of work, hurries children and teachers to classes and informs that it is time to rest.  In our opinion, the emotional perception of the bell depends on whether it is for recess or for a lesson, and what particular lesson the bell calls for. The guys wrote about this in their profiles.  Half of the children go to school in a bad mood or with sadness, so the school bell can be one of the factors that would lift their spirits and make them smile.  That bell that now rings in almost every school is now technically outdated, and can even cause harm to the students it calls to class.  The sharp loud sound of the school bell causes particular complaints, which is why most students would like to change the melody of the school bell. There were wishes expressed that the call should start quietly and gradually become louder  Opinions about the ringing tone were divided, it is difficult to choose ringtones to please everyone at once. We believe that you need to try, change melodies, and create your own music library of the most popular melodies. CONCLUSIONS

Thanks for watching the presentation! We hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for watching the presentation!

Traditionally, in Russia at the end of May they celebrate one of the main holidays for schoolchildren - last call. The celebrations take place at a time when school has already ended and final exams have not yet begun. The last bell thus brings a kind of end to the long-term educational marathon with all its lessons and changes, victories in regional competitions and calls to the director, quarrels with peers and first love.

History of the holiday

The last bell in the USSR began to be celebrated in the 1970s of the twentieth century. The exact date of the origin of this tradition cannot be determined. The fact is that at that time the Ministry of Education decided to add significance and solidity to secondary education. After all, as you know, previously only graduation was widely celebrated in Soviet schools. Thus, educational institutions a signal was sent to introduce a new holiday - the last call. True, all schools of the union began to celebrate it not immediately, but gradually. Over time, the holiday has become overgrown with traditions and is loved by both students and teachers. Each educational institution determines the date of the last call independently.

Last bell at Moscow school No. 1259. Photo: AiF

Celebration traditions

In most schools, on the eve of the last bell, the assembly hall and the courtyard are decorated. They draw wall newspapers that tell about the everyday school life of each class. Special clothing of Soviet cut also belongs to the traditional attributes. school uniform with aprons for girls (boys, as a rule, wear a formal suit).

Recently, sometimes graduates prefer to attend the holiday in more modern outfits. Nevertheless, lush white bows in the girls’ hair are just as integral an attribute of the solemn event, as are the wide scarlet ribbons with the inscription “Graduate” used by schoolchildren, as well as bells attached to clothes and then carefully preserved.

The ceremony to celebrate the last bell consists of two parts - official and free. During the first, congratulations are heard for future graduates, teachers, head teachers and the director speak. In addition, the program held in the schoolyard provides for the actual “last bell” - for this ceremony, one of the male graduates and a small first-grader are selected - she, holding a large bell, is carried on the graduate’s shoulders.

Then schoolchildren can celebrate their holiday more informally. Dressed up students traditionally walk in the city center, take souvenir photos, and let balloons into the sky. Also, in some schools, entire classes are sent to sanatoriums and rest homes for the last bell.

Various calendar systems ancient world one day we came to unified system, known as the Julian calendar, which did not last long - from the reform of its founder (46 BC) to the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, convened by Constantine the Great in 325 AD. It was on this day in 312 that Emperor Constantine the Great granted Christians freedom of religion. At the Council, the Holy Fathers established the celebration of the Church New Year on September 1 (Old Art.) instead of March 1.

In ancient Judea, September 1 was celebrated as a harvest holiday, and we know for certain from the Gospel that on this day the Savior first addressed the people with a sermon. On the same day in 312, Emperor Constantine, having adopted Christianity from his mother Helen, defeated his enemy Mauxentius, overshadowing the army with a banner on which a cross was depicted. After the victory Christ Church ceased to be persecuted and began her victorious march through the Byzantine Empire.

But in Rus' there are many strange things. So, for example, the year 1699 lasted... 4 months.

In September, the Orthodox greeted him by singing a troparion for the New Year, and at the end of the year, Peter I issued a decree on celebrating the New Year from January 1 and introducing chronology in the Western style - from the Nativity of Christ.

What about September 1st? Many years later, this day became the Day of Knowledge, the beginning of a “new life” for many children - symbolic and at the same time natural. Celebration of the first bell. This is the most awaited day for those who cross the school threshold for the first time. This is a holiday for first-graders and freshmen. Both are entering a completely new life. Therefore, this day is one of the most exciting and memorable for them.

Knowledge Day is an official holiday, which is celebrated on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.80 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days", ed. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.11.88 N 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days.”

September 1st is the holiday of a new beginning academic year, primarily for pupils, pupils, students, teachers and instructors. Traditionally, on this day, schools hold ceremonial assemblies dedicated to the beginning of the school year. First-graders are greeted with special solemnity in schools. In secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, as a rule, they do without rulers, but this does not diminish the solemnity of the moment.

On September 1, students and their parents give flowers to teachers and congratulate them on the start of the school year. The top officials of the state traditionally congratulate teachers and students on Knowledge Day. Various educational institutions are visited by district administrations, city and country leaders.

September 1st happened in history significant events, one way or another related to training:

In 1714In St. Petersburg, by order of PETER I, the first state library in Russia was created. Now it's a library Russian Academy Sci.

In 1919The world's first State Film School, now known as the All-Russian Film School, opened state institute Cinematography named after. A. S. Gerasimova.

In 1953A new complex of Moscow State University buildings opened on the Lenin (Sparrow) Hills.

In 1964for the first time on television appeared the program “ Good night, kids!”, entertaining and educating kids, preparing them for school life.

Catchphrases of this day:

The first of September is the first day of the calendar

First time in first grade

It all starts with a school bell

Knowledge is power


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Study of legislative materials

The initiative group worked with legislative framework. We studied the education law and the school charter.
The Education Act states that responsibility for the school bell rests with the school authorities.

Education Law:

Article 7. Powers Russian Federation in the field of education, transferred for implementation to bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation

Point 5


14) exercise of other powers in the field of education established in accordance with this Federal Law.

In the school charter:

13.1. The educational organization adopts local regulations on the main issues of organization and implementation educational activities, including those regulating:

– rules for admitting students;

– training mode;

– forms, frequency and order current control academic performance and intermediate certification students;

– the procedure and grounds for transfer, expulsion and reinstatement of students;

– the procedure for registering the emergence, suspension and termination of relations between the educational organization and students and (or) parents (legal representatives) of minor students;

– individual training curriculum, incl. accelerated learning;

– provisions regulating the activities structural divisions and organs educational organization;

– internal regulations;

– procedure for providing financial assistance students and employeeseducational organization;

– provision of paid educational services;

– requirements for clothing for students educational programs primary general, basic general and secondary general education;

Study of media materials, analysis, conclusions

Analysis of information from printed sources.

During the work on the project, we carried out an analysis of printed publications, during which it turned out that we are not the only ones concerned about the issue of the impact of noise on the human psyche. For example, back in 2003. At Mattersburg School in the Australian province of Burgenland, school officials concluded that the bell that signaled the start and end of classes irritated children's ears. It is especially difficult for primary school students who are unaccustomed to getting scared. Accustomed to soft home environment children experience stress during the first year of school, and this can negatively affect the further formation of the psyche. The loud and unpleasant sound of a bell has a bad effect on concentration and hearing. The teachers and management of the Mattersburg school believe that children should not be subjected to unnecessary stress, so it was decided to replace the bell with something more pleasant. This school became the first primary school in the world educational institution, in which so-called “soft” music is used instead of a bell. Melodies were specially selected that, from the point of view of psychologists, create a pleasant mood and increase performance. Now, two minutes before the end of the lesson, a gentle melody begins to sound quietly in the classroom, telling students and teachers to end the lesson for now. It gets louder and when the melody ends, the lesson comes to an end. Students have time to answer teachers' questions, and teachers themselves, who often forget about time, can calmly complete the lesson. No one jumps up suddenly, and the students take their time gathering their things. School principal Johanna Schwartz cannot get enough of the new bell: “Previously, children jumped up from their seats and rushed headlong to recess, knocking each other over as they went. It was an extra headache for teachers and stress for students, but now everything has changed for the better.”

After analyzing articles from newspapers and magazines, the initiative group was convinced that the solution to the problem of modernizing the school bell was correct.

The question of the musical tastes of young people and their attitude to the modernization of the school bell

So, social group conducted many questions among schoolchildren of different age groups and their parents, as well as teachers. We asked questions regarding the main problem: “is it an ordinary school bell or a melody on the bell?” And many others about musical preferences. What music should you choose for the school bell?

The survey was conducted among all visitors to the school: students from grades 1 to 11, parents, teachers:

Let's set the next goal. What melody should I choose for the call?

We conducted a survey among primary school students and their teachers:

We conducted a survey among grades 5–11:

The children themselves were asked about the genres of music popular among teenagers. Adults support the ideas and musical tastes of the “people of the new generation.”

  • Let's get started to organize voting on the choice of track for the ringtone. IN social network We are publishing a poll on VKontakte in the “New BSOSH” group and selecting music for voting.
  • The competitors with the best proposals have been identified. Let's get started with the voting itself.
  • We announce the voting results.