Psychology for children. Dobro and his friends

  • Tags:
  • Books for children and parents
  • 3-7 years
  • 7-12 years

Julia Gippenreiter “Psychology for children. Dobro and his friends"

Publisher: AST

For children 5-10 years old

“Good lives in the world and does Good Deeds.
 From these deeds, everyone’s soul becomes warm, joyful, and everything around them becomes brighter and better. But from bad deeds the opposite happens. Or, for example, if a person is kind, then it’s good, fun to be with him, you want to be friends! And from bad things you want to turn away and run away!..”

In a new book, the country's leading child psychologist Yulia Borisovna Gippenreiter addresses topical issues of moral education of children who attend secondary and senior group kindergarten and study in primary school schools.

Using the example of simulated stories and everything famous fairy tales- such as “The Jungle Book”, “Cinderella”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Little Fish”, etc. - the author invites parents to consider different situations related to this or that moral choice, and discuss them with the child. Each chapter always contains a reminder to “Listen to what the child has to say.” Yulia Borisovna reminds parents and teachers that a child is equal side in a dialogue, his opinion and point of view must be taken into account. The book has special blank lines that parents and children can fill in after discussing a particular situation.

After reading this book, the child will gain an understanding of such concepts as conscience, honesty, guilt, justice and others, and will understand the important role they play in his life. The author of the book constantly addresses the young reader, encouraging him to think about the “moral lessons” that life itself gives each of us grades for.

Everyone knows about the importance of adolescence, in which independence is asserted, personality is formed, plans for the future are developed - the future life of a person is determined. This period has its psychological characteristics that parents need to know to understand their grown-up children. The quality of this knowledge can be determined by passing a test prepared by psychologist Victoria Vostretsova.

Today we’ll talk about the popular cartoon “Luntik and His Friends” and whether it can be shown to children. The cartoon was created by the Melnitsa studio on September 1, 2006. At the moment, 7 seasons of the animated series have already been released: 439 episodes. The action takes place in a forest clearing near a pond. Most of the characters are small animals: insects, fish, frogs, etc. They represent adults and children.

Luntik is an insect-sized alien creature. He was born on the Moon and accidentally fell to Earth. Here Luntik immediately found friends - Little Bee, Kuzya the grasshopper, and Mila the ladybug. Friends help Luntik get comfortable in a new place, talk about the peculiarities of life on Earth, for example, that everyone should have their own name and a house in which to live. Luntik is a very kind character with an open soul, he never offends anyone and is always ready to help. His kindness and openness to the world are contrasted with conventionally negative characters - the caterpillars Vupsen and Pupsen. They are constantly dissatisfied with life, envy other characters and strive to ruin someone's life. Because of the caterpillars' bad behavior, no one invites them to visit, and other residents of the clearing do not want to play with them. Of course, there are also adult characters in the cartoon: the married couple General Sher and Baba Kapa (future grandparents of Luntik), Spider Shnyuk is a creative and modest person, he helps the child characters understand art, Worm Korney Korneevich is the image of a sage and teacher, gives the child characters important advice. At the end of each episode there is a voice-over that tells in a few words the moral of the episode you watched.

The first episodes of the cartoon are based on the fact that Luntik finds himself in a World unfamiliar to him. At first, Luntik is frightened by this new place and its inhabitants, but with the help of his friends and the advice of adult characters, he gets comfortable on Earth, while showing his friends an example of boundless kindness and courage. In episode 6, the authors reveal the idea that a child cannot grow up alone, on his own, so Luntik finds grandparents with whom he stays to live. And, by the way, in the cartoon, not all child characters play all day long. Little Bee, since he is a little older than the others, studies at school. In one of the episodes, he decided to skip class, and then, because of the missed class, he didn’t know which flowers to collect pollen from. One way or another, a good educational message is present in every episode.

What does this cartoon teach:

  1. Help others

In one of the episodes, Luntik helps a leech that accidentally ended up on land return to the lake, even though the leech turned out to be very harmful. Also in another episode, Luntik and his friends help the caterpillars get out of a puddle of glue. And when Aunt Moti (an elderly sea turtle)’s house broke down, Luntik and his friends built her a new one.

  1. Be friends

The cartoon explains what true friendship is and how to behave correctly with your friends; it is told that you can’t be offended by your friends without talking to them and finding out what’s wrong, that you can stand up for yourself and your friends peacefully, that you can’t consider yourself the smartest and boss your friends around, that you can’t laugh at your friends’ troubles, that there is no need to brag, but to share with friends, and even that boys are stronger than girls and should help them.

  1. Listen to adults

In almost every episode, child characters resort to help and advice from adult characters. When they (children) cannot understand something, adults explain it to them, and when they find themselves in difficult situation– adults help them. For example, Korney Korneevich often helps children fix what they accidentally broke.

  1. Family values

General Cher and Baba Kapa are an exemplary married couple; they affectionately address each other, for example: “My little bee” or “I am your Kapa,” and celebrate the anniversary of their first meeting. Cher and Kapa “adopted” Luntik, declaring him their grandson. Luntik, in turn, asks them for advice on various issues, and they teach him how to receive guests, maintain order in the house and much more. Baba Kapa is like a true mistress of the house - she cooks delicious dinners, washes dishes and washes clothes. And General Sher and Luntik only help her in this, without shifting women’s affairs onto themselves. And when Luntik found a bug on the street and decided to take it home as a pet, it turned out that this could not be done, since the bug has its own family and its own home.

  1. Politeness

Almost all child characters in cartoons are polite, except for two caterpillars. Other children constantly teach the caterpillars polite words. It is only when the caterpillars use such words that they achieve what they could not achieve without politeness and respect for others. And Luntik taught Toad Klava good manners, and after that she was often invited to visit.

  1. See cause-and-effect relationships

In one of the episodes, the caterpillars Pupsen and Vupsen blocked the stream, because of this it changed direction and washed away Luntik and his friends with the flow of water. At the end of the series, the caterpillars themselves are carried away by the flow of water. In many episodes of the cartoon, negative characters get into trouble, for example, a leech and naughty fry who find themselves on land, or caterpillars who eat the poisonous fly agaric mushroom. This tells children that if you behave badly, you will get into trouble. In some episodes, positive characters also behave inappropriately. For example, they go for a walk at night. But then they got very scared, imagining what could happen to them (they could fall into a lake or hole, get lost), and decided that they would never walk at night again.

  1. Healthy lifestyle life

In one of the episodes, General Sher teaches Luntik and Kuzya to do exercises in the morning and harden themselves. And in another episode, Luntik did not sleep all night, and then slept all day, missing many interesting events. In the series, when it was winter outside, the characters dressed very warmly so as not to freeze. And the Caterpillars ate snow and icicles in the cold and soon fell ill. And when Kuzya ate too much candy while visiting Baba Kapa, ​​his teeth started to hurt. The cartoon also talks about the need to wear a Panama hat in the summer and that you can’t watch TV for a long time.

  1. Don't focus on appearance

In one of the episodes, Luntik became friends with the toad Klava, whom everyone was afraid of because of her huge size and terrifying appearance. And in another episode, the butterfly brags to everyone about its beauty and believes that beauty is the most important thing. Then she got dirty and was very upset that now no one would admire her. But, despite this, she was able to save Kuzya from falling into the pond, thereby showing that actions, not appearance, adorn.

  1. Explore the world around you

The cartoon tells about the seasons, where dew and frosty patterns on the window come from, who fireflies are and who lives under water. It also talks about our solar system, and about other stars.

  1. Understand art

The cartoon tells in an interesting way for children what painting, poetry, theater, ballet, circus are and how exciting and interesting it is.

  1. Various skills

For example, how to make beads, how to get other colors from three colors of paint, how to play hide and seek correctly, how to decorate a plate, how to correctly count the days of the week. In addition, the cartoon tells that magic only happens in fairy tales, and with its help in real life no problems can be solved, and everything can only be achieved through one’s own labor.

In general, almost every episode of the cartoon has something instructive and educational, and all this is presented in an interesting, game form, in a child-friendly language. Everyone - both positive and negative characters - sometimes commit bad actions that lead to sad consequences. But by the end of the series, the characters will definitely realize what they did wrong and why. They either receive punishment for their action or promise not to do it again. In addition, the cartoon is made colorful, but not too bright; There is no frequent change of frames, which allows the child not to focus on the outer shell, but to delve into the essence of the cartoon, experience the emotions of different characters, learning simple life lessons with them.

What parents need to pay attention to:

  1. By appearance It’s hard to tell Luntik whether he’s a boy or a girl. I think the authors of the cartoon should have thought out his image better. Unlike other characters, he walks without clothes (for example, Mila and Baba Kapa wear dresses, General Sher and Bee wear some kind of shirts). Luntik’s ears are shaped like bows, and his color is soft purple – not quite masculine. This may lead the child to think that Luntik is a girl. But the cartoon still clearly shows that Luntik is a boy: he plays mainly with other boys - Kuzya and Little Bee, he always comes to the aid of everyone, in one of the episodes Luntik learns to sew, and Kuzya accuses him of being Luntik behaves “like a girl,” and usually Luntik is not very good at doing women’s things - cooking, washing dishes, doing laundry. It is also worth noting that in the cartoon all the female characters are highlighted - they are in dresses, they have bows and pigtails.
  2. Luntik has an unusual ability: unlike all the characters, some of whom live only on land, and others only in water, Luntik can quite successfully spend half the series on land, and then the second half of the series - under water, communicating with the inhabitants of the pond . It is still better for parents to once again talk with their child about whether people can be under water, and under what conditions this is permissible.

So, let's summarize. The animated series “Luntik and His Friends” teaches:

A) Kindness, friendship and politeness;
B) Healthy lifestyle;
C) Anti-cruelty and anti-aggression towards others;
D) Respect for elders;
D) Understand art and the world around us.

This is a book for children aged 4–8 years and at the same time for parents concerned moral education child. It's written in simple language in the form of conversations with children about “good and evil.” You will simultaneously read and talk about the actions of heroes from your favorite fairy tales, as well as about cases from the real lives of children. The child will be able to more deeply feel the meaning of words such as conscience, justice, honesty, guilt, sympathy. The text contains many questions addressed to personal life and the child's experiences. The book can also be used as a guide to “moral lessons” in kindergartens and primary schools.

The work belongs to the genre Books for children: other. It was published in 2017 by AST Publishing House. The book is part of the "Psychology for Children" series. On our website you can download the book "Psychology for Children. Good and His Friends" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.