Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad Epub. Heart of Darkness

This is a story about a crushing thirst for revenge that destroys everything in its path, and about an indestructible love that can overcome any obstacles. Ethan Blake and his fiancee Claire met about a year ago. They intended to get married in early autumn, and it seemed that nothing could interfere with their happiness. But fate decreed otherwise.

The father also sent a strange box, inside of which was a small figurine of Claire. What could this mean? After all, Ethan's father did not know Claire yet and had never seen her before. Sensing that something terrible has happened, the lovers go to the city of Cedar Falls.

Dangerous adventures begin right on the train. First, when Ethan and Claire were in the compartment, a creature in a creepy mask suddenly appeared on the other side of the window and broke the glass. The guys fell into a deep sleep and woke up only at night, when the train was rushing at breakneck speed.

Suddenly there was a powerful explosion that threw the train off the bridge straight into the sea. Ethan and Claire miraculously survived and ended up on the shore, near the city of Cedar Falls. But that's all tragic events not finished. Having barely reached the city, that terrible shadow with a mask appeared again and kidnapped Claire right from under the nose of her fiancé.

Creepy shadows will haunt you everywhere, the whole city is shrouded in darkness, and the dark, empty streets are terrifying. Notice boards and scraps of newspapers are full of terrible news about numerous kidnappings in the city. Judging by the advertisements, “faceless ones” are roaming the city, as the locals call these masked creatures. The purpose of the kidnapping is unknown. But you can see above the city high tower, which swirls into the sky like a funnel at the top. Clouds and darkness thickened around her. Apparently, this is exactly the place where you can find answers to all your questions.

Don't be afraid, you don't have to wander through the dark streets of the city alone. There, Ethan will meet a man named Leonard, who will offer his help in finding Claire.

Many locations with hidden object and mine puzzles await you. You will not be able to find some items from the list immediately, but only after performing some action. For example, cut an apple with a knife to find a worm, or open a wallet to get money. IN difficult moment you can use the hint or skip button for mini-games so as not to waste time on complex tasks. But it will take time to recharge before you can use the hint again. Check your diary often so as not to miss important clues, clues or hints about solving a particular puzzle. Also in the diary, you will find a map that will help you not get lost in the city.

Download the game "Heart of Darkness. Forbidden City" for free

A young girl named Audrey is in trouble, or rather, her husband Patrick is in trouble, although we don’t know anything about this yet. The police's futile search yielded no results and the investigation reached a dead end. But then, just in time, a ghost postman appeared to Audrey, who showed Audrey the way to an old abandoned town covered in darkness. A brave girl, having lost all hope, goes to places forgotten by God.


Jane Lockwood does not remember her parents, therefore, having received a mysterious letter from her aunt, she immediately got ready to go to her father’s house. Don't leave the girl in trouble, go with Jane! Together you will find her father and restore the magical clock of balance. The locations will be tempting and unusually colorful; there you will find a lot of different gizmos needed to solve tricky puzzles and numerous tasks. Your faithful companions will be the map and the good-natured gnome Fay, he will be indispensable in all matters, until the bonus chapter!


Joseph Conrad

Heart of Darkness

The yacht "Nellie" swayed at anchor - its sails were motionless - and froze. It was high tide, the wind had almost died down, and since she had to go down the river, there was nothing else to do but drop anchor and wait for the tide to ebb.

The mouth of the Thames opened before us, like the entrance to an endless strait. In this place, the sea and sky merged, and on the dazzling surface, the barges rising with the tide up the river seemed motionless; clusters of sun-baked reddish sails, pointed at the top, glittered with their polished sprints. The fog hung over the low banks, which seemed to be melting, running down to the sea. A shadow lay over Gravesend, and further inland the shadows thickened into a dull gloom that hovered over the largest and greatest city on earth.

The captain and owner of the yacht was the director of a joint stock company. The four of us looked at him friendly as he, with his back turned to us, stood on the bow and looked towards the sea. No one on the whole river looked more like a typical sailor than he did. He looked like a pilot, who for sailors personifies everything that is worthy of trust. It was hard to believe that his profession drew him not forward, to this dazzling mouth, but back - to where the darkness thickened.

As I once said, we were all bound by the bonds that the sea imposes. By maintaining our friendship through long periods of separation, these bonds helped us to be tolerant of each of our stories and even beliefs. The lawyer, an excellent old man, used, due to his advanced age and numerous virtues, the only pillow available on deck, and lay on our only blanket. The accountant had already taken out the box of dominoes and was amusing himself by erecting buildings from bone tiles. Marlow sat cross-legged and leaned his back against the mizzenmast. He had sunken cheeks, a yellow complexion, a straight torso and an ascetic appearance; sitting with his arms down and his palms turned outward, he looked like an idol. The director, making sure that the anchor was holding well, returned to the stern and joined us. We lazily exchanged a few words. Then silence descended on board the yacht. For some reason we didn't play dominoes. We were thoughtful and in a complacent, contemplative mood. The day burned serenely in a dazzling brilliance. The water sparkled peacefully; the sky, not stained by a single cloud, was filled with a blissful and pure light; even the fog over the Essex marshes was like a shining and thin fabric, which, descending from the wooded hills, draped the low-lying banks in transparent folds. But in the west, upstream the river, the darkness deepened every minute, as if irritated by the approach of the sun.

And finally, imperceptibly making its way, the sun touched the horizon and from a blazing white one turned into a dull red ball, devoid of rays and warmth, as if this ball was about to fade away, struck to death by the touch of darkness hanging over the crowds of people.

The appearance of the river immediately changed, the shine began to fade, and the silence became even deeper. The old wide river, untouched by ripples, rested in the sunset after many centuries of faithful service to the people who inhabited its banks; she spread out calm and majestic, as if waterway, leading to the most remote corners of the earth. We looked at the mighty stream and saw it not in bright light short day, which lights up and fades away forever, but in the solemn light of unfading memories. Indeed, it is not difficult for a person who, as they say, “gave himself to the sea” with reverence and love, to resurrect the great spirit of the past in the lower reaches of the Thames. The stream, forever carrying out its service, keeps memories of people and ships that rose upstream, returning home to rest, or went down to the sea, towards battles. The river has served all the people of whom the nation is proud - it has known everyone from Sir Francis Drake to Sir John Franklin; These were knights, titled and untitled - great knights - rovers of the seas. All the ships sailed along it, whose names, like precious stones, sparkle in the night of centuries - all the ships, starting with the "Golden Hind" with round sides, which was filled with treasures and after the queen's visit fell out of glorious legend, and ending with the "Erebus" and the “Terror”, who strived for other conquests and never came back. The river knew ships and people; they came from Datford, from Greenwich, from Erith - adventurers and colonists, warships and merchant captains, admirals, unknown smugglers of the eastern seas and emissaries, "generals" of the East Indian fleet. Those who were looking for gold, and those who were striving for glory - they all descended along this river, holding a sword and often a torch, messengers of power within the country, bearers of a spark of the sacred fire.

The sun set, dusk fell on the river, and lights began to light up along the shore. The Chapman Lighthouse shone brightly on the muddy shallows, rising as if on three legs. The lights of the ships moved along the river - a great movement of lights that came closer and went further. And further, to the west, the monstrous city was still marked by an ominous shadow in the sky - by day it was marked by a gloomy cloud, and by night by a crimson glow under the sparkling stars.

“And here, too, was one of the dark corners of the earth,” Marlow said suddenly.

Of us, he was the only one who still sailed the seas. The worst that could be said about him was that he was not a typical representative of his profession. He was a sailor, but at the same time a tramp, while most sailors lead, so to speak, a sedentary lifestyle. By nature they are homebodies, and their home - the ship - is always with them, as well as their homeland - the sea. All ships are alike, but the sea is always the same. Against the backdrop of an environment that never changes, foreign shores, foreign faces, the changing face of life slide past, veiled not by a sense of mystery, but by a slightly contemptuous ignorance, for the only thing mysterious to a sailor is the sea - his ruler - the sea, inscrutable as itself. fate. After a day's work, a chance walk or feast on the shore reveals to the sailor the secret of an entire continent, and usually the sailor comes to the conclusion that this secret was not worth discovering. The sailors' stories are simple, and their meaning is, as it were, enclosed in a nut shell. But Marlow was not a typical representative of sailors (if you exclude his love of writing stories), and for him the meaning of the episode lay not inside, like the kernel of a nut, but in the conditions that were revealed thanks to this episode: so, thanks to the ghostly moonlight, foggy rings sometimes become visible .

His remark did not seem strange to anyone. It was so much like Marlowe. They listened to him in silence. No one even bothered to grumble anything in response. Finally he spoke very slowly:

- I thought about those distant times when the Romans first appeared here, one thousand nine hundred years ago... yesterday... The light, you say, lit up on this river during the time of the knights? Yes, but it was like a flame spreading across the plain, like lightning in the clouds. We live in a flash of lightning - may it not go out while our old Earth moves in orbit! But yesterday there was darkness here. Imagine the mood of the commander of a beautiful... what are they called?.. oh yes!.. triremes in the Mediterranean Sea, who suddenly received an order to sail north. He travels by land, hastily crosses the lands of the Gauls and takes command of one of those ships that, according to the books, were built by a hundred legionnaires in one or two months... What clever guys these people must have been!.. Imagine that this the commander came here, to the end of the world... The sea is leaden, the sky is the color of smoke, the ship is as clumsy as a concertina, and he rises up the river, carrying orders, or goods, or... whatever you want. Sandbanks, marshes, forests, savages... very little food fit for civilized man, and nothing but Thames water to quench his thirst. Here, there is no Falernian wine, you cannot go ashore. Here and there you can see a military camp, lost in the wilderness like a needle in a haystack. Cold, fog, storms, disease, exile and death - death lurking in the air, in the water, in the bushes. People must have been dying like flies here. And yet he endured it. He endured it well, without wasting time on reflection, and only later did he boast, perhaps remembering everything that he had to endure. Yes, those were people courageous enough to look the darkness in the face. Perhaps he was supported by the hope of moving forward, getting into the fleet in Ravenna, if they were found in Rome good friends and if the terrible climate spares him. And imagine a young Roman from a good family, dressed in a toga. He, you know, was too keen on playing dice and, in order to improve his affairs, came here in the retinue of a prefect, a tax collector or a merchant. He landed among the swamps, walked through the forests, and at some site in the interior of the country he felt the wilderness closing in around him, felt the beating of the mysterious life in the forest, in the jungle, in the hearts of savages. There could be no initiation into these secrets. He is doomed to live in an environment inaccessible to understanding, which in itself is disgusting. And there is some kind of charm in this that makes itself felt. There is a charming power in the disgusting. Imagine his growing regret, desire to flee, helpless disgust, refusal to fight, hatred...

The devil found this place ideal: a small and unremarkable town with the most ordinary inhabitants. Just what you need to bring your insidious plans to life without publicity and fuss and conquer the whole world!

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The intrigues of the Man Without a Face

After long trips around the world, Ethan returns to hometown. Yes, not alone, but with his bride, the blond beauty Claire. He can't wait to introduce his beloved to his father. However, will everything work out as the young man planned? Despite being happily in love, on the way home Ethan is tormented by gloomy premonitions...

Our native places have changed beyond recognition! A dense fog has thickened over the city, the streets are empty and quiet, and a huge black tower of incredible height rises on the horizon. Flocks of crows circle in the sky, obscuring the dim sun. At that moment, Ethan and Claire needed to trust their intuition and run away from here as fast as they could before it was too late! But the lovers thought that there was nothing worse than stopping halfway. Back then they didn't know who he was Man-Without-Face and what kind of meanness he is capable of.

We must rescue the lovers from the Devil’s lair at all costs! To do this, look for items on the list, solve entertaining puzzles and complete mini-games. Excellent graphics and plot twists will give you true pleasure in the game!