Complex antonyms. Antonyms: examples of words, concept, exercises

selection of an antonymic pair is a very complex act of mental activity for a child with general underdevelopment speech. To help him in mastering an antonymic pair, it is necessary to be guided by the principle of clarity, to guide the child throughout the entire correction period to study the differences between two concepts using the example of pictures, objects, outdoor games, to develop a desire to use words in everyday life. given practical material for the acquisition of antonyms by children with SLD when studying certain lexical topics



Children's learning of antonyms preschool age with ONR.

Mastery of the native language and speech development is one of the most important acquisitions of a preschooler and becomes common basis education and training of the individual. In modern speech therapy literature the word is considered as a sign denoting the result of cognition and thinking. The main feature of a word is the unity of its lexical and grammatical meanings. Words in a language are part of a single lexical system. Semantic fields are formed around the word. In this regard, the study of antonymy makes it possible to identify the peculiarities of the organization of the core of the semantic field and the accuracy of the meaning of the word. Completing tasks for selecting antonyms requires the child to have a sufficient volume of vocabulary, the formation of a semantic field that includes given word, the ability to identify a differentiated semantic feature in the structure of the meaning of a word, and compare words according to an essential semantic feature. These tasks can only be completed successfully if the word is actively searched for its opposite meaning. The correct search for a word is carried out only when the child has formed a certain antonymic series.

When conducting speech therapy work for the development of vocabulary, it is necessary to take into account modern linguistic and psycholinguistic ideas about the word, the structure of the meaning of the word, the patterns of vocabulary formation in ontogenesis, and the characteristics of vocabulary in preschool children with speech pathology.

Taking into account these factors, the formation of vocabulary is carried out in the following areas;

Expanding the volume of the vocabulary simultaneously with expanding ideas about the surrounding reality, the formation of higher mental functions(thinking, perception, ideas, memory, attention, etc.);

Clarification of the lexical meanings of words;

Activation of the dictionary, improvement of word search processes, translation of words from a passive dictionary to an active dictionary.

When working on antonyms, it is first advisable to use techniques for working on isolated words, then with the same words in sentences and coherent statements.

In children with general speech underdevelopment, substitutions of adjectives are observed, essential features of which - size, height, width, thickness, are not differentiated: tall-long, low-small, narrow-small, narrow-thin, short-small, fluffy-soft and others.

With such a mixture, it is necessary to disassemble antonymic series using clarity.

So, selecting an antonymic pair is a very complex act of mental activity for a child with general speech underdevelopment. To help him in mastering the antonymic pair, it is necessary to be guided by the principle of clarity, to guide the child throughout the entire correctional period to study the differences between the two concepts using the example of pictures, objects, and outdoor games, and to develop a desire to use words in everyday life.

Below is practical material for the mastery of antonyms by children with ODD when studying some lexical topics (materials from Pozhilenko E.A., Lalaeva R.I. and some of our own adapted materials were used)

  1. Autumn
  1. Spring

In spring nature comes to life, and in autumn it freezes.

The water in the stream is muddy, but in the river it is clear.

In winter the snow is white, and in early spring (gray)

  1. Winter
  • Insert the correct word.

In frosty weather the snow is crumbly, and in thaw it is sticky.

We go up the mountain on skis, and from the mountain we go down.
In winter the cold comes, and with the arrival of spring the cold (ends).

  1. Summer
  1. Wild animals.
  • What word is missing? Complete the sentences.

In the fall, bears, hedgehogs, and badgers fall asleep, and in the spring they wake up.

In summer the bear is well-fed, but in spring (hungry).
The fox has fluffy fur, while the moose has smooth fur.

  1. Pets.
  1. Garden. Fruits. Berries.
  • Complete the sentence.

Banana is sweet and pomegranate is sour.
The apple is hard and the apricot is soft.
The currant bush is tall, and the strawberry bush is low.
Kiwi skin is rough, while plum skin is smooth.

Strawberries were frozen and then (thawed).
Apricots grow high and strawberries grow low.

  1. Birds.
  1. Vegetables. Garden.
  • Complete the sentences.

There are ripe and (unripe) tomatoes

Carrots are sweet and onions are bitter.

Raw potatoes are hard, but boiled ones are soft.

Dill is sown thickly, and carrots (rarely).

Potatoes are planted in the spring and dug in the fall.

  1. Transport City
  1. Furniture
  • Complete the sentences
    The chair is hard, and the sofa is (soft).
    We sat on the chair, then (got up).

The chair was dropped, then (picked up).

The back of the chair is at the top, and the legs are at the bottom.

  1. House.

old - new
durable - dilapidated
ancient - modern
multi-storey - single-storey

external - internal

order - disorder
comfort - neglect
cleanliness - dirt
build - destroy
hammer - pull out
nail - tear off
high - low
inside - outside
beautiful - ugly

  • Make sentences with wordsbuild, destroy, outside, inside.

The old house was destroyed and a new one was built.

The walls are painted on the outside and wallpapered on the inside.

  1. Clothes Shoes.
  1. Dishes. Foodstuffs.
  • Tell me what word is missing.

The borscht is poured into a deep plate, and the porridge is placed into... a (small) plate.

An enamel pan is durable, but a porcelain cup... (fragile).

Milk is liquid, and sour cream is thick.

When it's hot, it's nice to eat (cold) ice cream, and when it's cold, it's nice to drink (hot) tea.

  1. Family.
  • Answer which word is missing.

The younger brother is hardworking, and the older one is lazy.

The sister is obedient, and the brother is impudent.

If you quarrel, you need to quickly (make peace).

  1. My body. Human.
  • Complete the sentences.

If you are asked, you must (answer).
First he got sick, and then he (recovered).
There is no need to be sad, you need to (rejoice).

Since our school days, each of us has been familiar with the concept of “antonym”. Lexical units (words) with opposite meanings belonging to the same part of speech are called antonyms. They can be either similar in spelling and sound, or completely different.

Identifying antonyms is quite simple. You just need to come up with a negative form for any word. But not every lexical unit in the Russian language can be matched with its opposite meaning. Let's look at examples of antonym words and how to form them.

General concepts

The concept of “antonym” is of Greek origin and is literally translated as “the opposite of a name.” Main feature of such words lies in the opposite of their lexical meanings. For example, white - black, good - evil, run - go, and so on.

Take note! Words that have opposite meanings must belong to the same part of speech.

Thus, the antonym “dark” cannot be chosen for the noun “light”, because it will belong to the group of adjectives. Thus, the correct pair will be “light - darkness”.

An antonymic pair can be composed of the following parts of speech:

  • noun (mountain - hill, circle - square, love - hate, etc.);
  • adjective (beautiful - ugly, dirty - clean, white - black, etc.);
  • (shout - be silent, walk - stand, love - hate, laugh - cry, etc.);
  • adverb (good - bad, fast - slow, always - never, here - there, etc.).

To form words of antonyms, the presence of a qualitative feature in a lexical unit is required, which could change and reach the opposite. It follows from this that most often antonymies can be subject to qualitative adjectives And . For example: big - small, many - few, and so on.


In the Russian language, antonyms are different both in structure and meaning, and in their use in speech. By structure, antonymous pairs can be:

  1. Same root. These are lexical units whose morphemic composition has the same root. For example: to come - to leave, progress - regression, beautiful - ugly, add - set aside. Same-root antonymous pairs are formed using various prefixes, which can also be opposite to each other.
  2. Multi-rooted. These are words that have different bases and roots in their morphemic composition (bad - good, morning - evening, native - foreign, etc.). You can find many more such examples of antonyms in the Russian language than examples of same-root antonymic pairs.

According to their semantic meaning, antonymic pairs are of the following types:

  1. Contrary or opposite. These are antonymous pairs that allow the presence of an intermediate link in their composition. This link usually has a neutral meaning. For example: love - (indifference) - hatred, past - (present) - future, remain silent - (whisper) - speak, etc.
  2. Contradictory or non-gradual. Such words, antonyms, contrast in their meaning objects, signs and relationships, which exclude the existence of an intermediate concept. For example: smart - stupid, life - death, good - evil, etc.

Based on their use in speech, antonyms are divided into the following types:

  1. General language ones that reflect our everyday reality (laugh - cry, leave - come, big - small).
  2. Contextual or copyright. Depending on the context and the will of the author, some words may be subject to antonymy. Such antonymous pairs may not be fixed in dictionaries, but in the context they will carry opposite friend from each other meaning.

Take note! Contextual antonyms are used to express the author’s assessment and attitude to the reality being described.

An example of such antonymy is the well-known fable “Wolves and Sheep,” where the author contrasts two different concepts that are not enshrined in antonymic dictionaries.

How to explain antonymy to children

To explain to children what an antonym is, it is best to avoid terminology and go straight to practice. Examples for children should be simple concepts that affect their everyday life.

For example, in pictures it is easier for a child to understand the difference between antonymous pairs: big - small, beautiful - ugly, dirty - clean, white - black, and so on.

It is also important to explain to the child that not all words in a language can be matched with others with the opposite meaning. So that he can perceive this, write separately on a piece of paper several words for which antonyms cannot be found. This way, the child will be able to draw certain conclusions and remember exceptions.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

Antonymy in the Russian language is a rather complex phenomenon that has been studied by many linguists for a long time. From an early age, teachers and parents try to explain to the younger generation the difference between synonyms and antonyms. And these two concepts can also be called words with opposite meanings. The Russian language is full of exceptions, but at the same time it is very beautiful and multifaceted. Antonymy is only a small part of it, but it is very important to study.

Antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word and creates a semantic contrast in the pair lexical units.

Antonyms in Russian

Two words with contradictory meanings form an antonymous pair. A word can have more than one antonym, which is due to the polysemy of lexical units in the Russian language. For example, the antonym of the word “light” (luggage) in the literal sense is “heavy”; in a figurative meaning, its antonymic connection with other words is observed: light (wind) - strong (wind), easy (task) - difficult (task).

Antonyms act as one part of speech; often refer to an adjective, since the antonymic relationships of words are based on common qualitative features (good - bad). Vivid contrasting concepts are also expressed by nouns (good - evil), adverbs (easy - difficult), etc. Not all words provide for the presence of antonyms, for example, some specific nouns (house, apple), colors do not imply contradictory words.

The reverse concept of an antonym is a synonym. Hot and cold are antonyms, while hot and hot are synonyms.

Types of antonyms

Depending on the nature of the connection between words that have opposite meanings, the following types are distinguished:

  • linguistic, or dictionary, antonyms - antonyms built on the literal meaning of a word, for example: find - lose;
  • additional, or complementary, antonyms are words whose opposite meanings are achieved by negating other words, for example: untruthful (implying “false”);
  • contextual, or relational, antonyms are words that acquire antonymic meaning only within the context. The words “teacher” and “student” are not antonyms, but are contrasted in the context of their relationship.

Based on their morphological structure, they distinguish between single-root (come - leave) and multi-root (deep - shallow) antonyms.

Meaning of antonyms

Antonyms are common in folklore as a lexical antithesis, given their semantic binary position (Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness). Antonyms are widely used in oratory, fiction, journalistic literature as a tool for enhancing the expressiveness and contrast of speech.

An example of the use of antonyms in literature

They got along. Wave and stone
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
(A. S. Pushkin; “Eugene Onegin”)

Antonyms are used by writers in the title to emphasize the antithetical structure of the work: “Poetry and Truth” by J. V. Goethe, “Cunning and Love” by F. Schiller, “The Splendor and Poverty of Courtesans” by O. de Balzac, “Red and Black” by Stendhal, “ Crime and Punishment" by F. M. Dostoevsky, "War and Peace" by L. N. Tolstoy, "Thick and Thin" by A. P. Chekhov, "The Prince and the Pauper" by M. Twain.

The use of antonyms in speech to express differences in qualities, objects, and phenomena that are homogeneous in nature is called antonymy. Antonymy underlies a number of stylistic figures built on the contrast of lexical meanings (oxymoron, chiasmus).

The word antonym comes from Greek anti – against and onyma, which translated means name, word.

(from the Greek anti - against, ónyma - name) - these are words with the opposite meaning when used in pairs. Those words enter into antonymic relationships which are revealed with opposite sides correlated concepts associated with one circle of objects and phenomena. Words form antonymous pairs based on their lexical meaning. The same word, if it is polysemantic, can have several antonyms.

occur within all parts of speech, but the words of the antonymous pair must belong to the same part of speech.

The following do not enter into antonymic relationships:

– nouns with a specific meaning (house, book, school), proper names;

– numerals, most pronouns;

– words denoting gender (man and woman, son and daughter);

– words with different stylistic connotations;

- words with increasing or diminutive accents (hand - hands, house - house).

In their structure, antonyms are not homogeneous. Among them are:

– single-root antonyms: happiness - misfortune, open - close;

– antonyms with different roots: black - white, good - bad.

The phenomenon of antonymy is closely related to the polysemy of a word. Each meaning of a word can have its own antonyms. Yes, word fresh will have different antonymic pairs in different meanings: fresh wind - sultry wind, fresh bread - stale bread, fresh shirt - dirty shirt.

Antonymic relationships can also arise between different meanings of the same word. For example, to review means “to get acquainted with something, check, quickly examining, looking through, reading” and “to skip, not to notice, to miss.” The combination of opposite meanings in one word is called enantiosemy.

Depending on the distinctive features that words with opposite meanings have, two types of antonyms can be distinguished general language(or just linguistic) And contextual speech(copyright or individual).

General language antonyms are regularly reproduced in speech and enshrined in the vocabulary (day - night, poor - rich).

Contextual speech antonyms- these are words that enter into antonymic relationships only in a certain context: Sing better with a goldfinch than with a nightingale.

The use of antonyms makes speech more vivid and expressive. Antonyms are used in colloquial and artistic speech, in many proverbs and sayings, in the titles of many literary works.

One of the stylistic figures is built on the sharp opposition of antonym words - antithesis(contrast) – characterization by comparing two opposing phenomena or signs: Long live the sun, may the darkness hide! (A.S. Pushkin). Writers often construct titles of works using this technique: “War and Peace” (L.N. Tolstoy), “Fathers and Sons” (I.S. Turgenev), “Fat and Thin” (A.P. Chekhov), etc. .

To others stylistic device, which is based on a comparison of antonymic meanings, is oxymoron, or oxymoron(gr. oxymoron - lit. witty-stupid) - a figure of speech in which they connect logically incompatible concepts: living corpse, dead souls, ringing silence.

Antonym dictionaries will help you find an antonym for a word.Antonym dictionaries– linguistic reference dictionaries, which provide descriptions of antonyms. For example, in the dictionary L.A. Vvedenskaya An interpretation of more than 1000 antonymic pairs is given (their synonymous correspondences are also taken into account), and contexts of use are given. A in the dictionary N.P. Kolesnikova Antonyms and paronyms are recorded. The book contains approximately 3,000 paronyms and more than 1,300 pairs of antonyms. There are no illustrations of the use of antonyms in the dictionary.

In addition to antonym dictionaries general type, there are also private dictionaries that record polar relations in some narrow areas of vocabulary. This includes, for example, dictionaries of antonyms-phraseologisms, dictionaries of antonyms-dialecticisms, etc.

Let us once again pay attention to the most common examples of antonyms: good - evil; good - bad; friend - enemy; day - night; heat - cold; peace - war, quarrel; truth is a lie; success - failure; benefit - harm; rich - poor; difficult - easy; generous - stingy; thick – thin; hard – soft; brave - cowardly; white – black; fast – slow; high – low; bitter - sweet; hot – cold; wet – dry; full - hungry; new - old; big - small; laugh - cry; speak - remain silent; love - hate.

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. You often hear arguments about this, but you don’t have to be a philologist to understand that learning Russian is a real feat.

Especially considering the presence of a large number of words that are comparable in meaning, but often completely different in spelling (). Or, conversely, different in meaning, but identical in spelling (). But there are also words that sound the same, but differ in spelling ().

In this regard, we only have to find out what antonyms are, what role they play in the Russian language and whether we can do without them, in principle.

Looking ahead, I will say that without them, the lexical beauty of the Russian language would have suffered significant damage. To understand this, it is enough to turn to our classics, who often used this technique in their work.

What is an antonym?

In short, this is the opposite of synonyms ( different words, meaning approximately the same thing, such as “cheerful - joyful”, “traveler - traveler”). In the case of an antonym, the definition will sound like this:

these are the words that have opposite meanings(opposed to each other), but necessarily belonging to the same part of speech. For example, “day - night”, “bright - dark”, “walk - stand”, “cold - warm”.

The word itself is a derivative of ancient greek wordsἀντί, meaning "against" and ὄνομα, meaning "name":

It turns out that antonyms are most often two words (lexical oppositions), belonging to the same part of speech, which can be:

Numerals, pronouns and proper names, as well as words related to different parts of speech. There are many words in the Russian language that cannot be contrasted, but in this case it can be found figuratively.

Please note that the figurative meaning of the same word may differ in different contexts.

For example, we can say about an animal different ages“old” and “young” (wolf, goose, ram), but we cannot describe a car, a machine tool, a sofa in exactly the same way. They can also be old, but there is no such expression as a “young” car (sofa, machine). In this case, another antonym, “new,” would be better suited.

And there are quite a lot of such examples, so it’s impossible to explain in a nutshell what this is (as well as about synonyms, paronyms and homonyms). I’m not talking about foreigners - for them this is a direct path to the “yellow house”.

Types of antonyms, according to what criteria they are divided

Speaking about the types of autonomous entities, we can highlight:

Now let’s consolidate the learned material by watching a short video on the topic, without missing anything interesting:

Examples of various antonyms

The lexical set of the Russian language is so rich that foreigners do not have enough to understand what synonyms, antonyms and homonyms are. whole life. In this regard, it is incomparably easier for native speakers.

There are the following types of antonymic words and expressions:

It is obvious that without these lexical embellishments our language would be boring and uninteresting. Without them, how could you describe a person who has the complete opposite of another personality or convey experiences and feelings.

Thus, several concepts can be contrasted at once, as in the example of “loving good and hating evil.”

Antonyms in Russian proverbs

We can talk a lot about how useful antonyms are, and how difficult it is without them, but it’s better to look at examples. In this regard, Russian proverbs and sayings illustrate the material well.

Everyone, for example, understands the meaning of the proverb, which says that “a sleigh must be prepared in the summer, and a cart in the winter.” Antonyms enhance the effect. Each of us knows that “the well-fed is no companion to the hungry,” “the morning is wiser than the evening,” and “the bins of a bad owner are sometimes thick and sometimes empty.”

Sometimes the opposite is indicated by entire phrases. For example, about a rich person you can say that “he has no money,” but a poor person has it “like a cat crying.” You can also “keep your eyes open”, or you can “count crows”, “live on your own hump” or “sit on someone else’s neck”.

The Russian language is truly rich, and you won’t envy those who have to learn it “from scratch,” because how can you explain to a foreigner what “seven spans in the forehead” is and how the expression “without a king in the head” is different.

And in conclusion, check how correctly you have mastered the material and understood what an antonym is:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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