Statuses about sadness in the soul. Statuses about sadness

sad statuses For social networks, your page on Odnoklassniki or VK about pain in the soul.
If you feel very bad in your soul, rejoice: you have found a cruel mistake in your program. And you have a great opportunity to correct it, because mental pain is a person’s seventh sense, with the help of which these mistakes are detected. Igor Grishin

Time heals everything except the truth.

There is loneliness in the soul. It hurts to sit and know that no one in the world cares about you. And the most annoying thing is that there is no one to even talk about this problem with.

My heart sleeps for 24 hours in the arms of sadness...

Cats are scratching at my soul - and sadness, turning darker every minute into a dull melancholy, as if the sun was setting there, inside.

It hurts, but it's okay. I'm used to it.

There are people whom we meet and ask: “Are you okay?” They answer: “Okay” Without saying anything more, because they are prisoners of themselves and social norms. They cannot express the suffering that devours and breaks the soul. And we move on, in the bustle sometimes we do not notice their glances, we do not hear the silence of the cry in their silence, not seeing that the needle of the barometer of their heart has stopped at the “Storm” line.

Really, in order to understand something, a person needs to experience a catastrophe, pain, poverty, the proximity of death?!

The trouble is that I suddenly didn’t care at all. I have no goals, no ambitions. I really don't like this.

I'm so tired of the pain I hear and feel. Tired of the roads, tired of being alone, like a sparrow in the rain. Tired of having no one to share or consult with. I'm tired of people hating each other. It's like shards of glass in the brain. I'm tired of wanting to help so many times and not being able to. I'm tired of the darkness. But most of all from the pain. There's too much of it. If only I could end it all myself!

I run from myself and my own thoughts, that I used wings to fly. And in fear of loneliness, I rush to the crowd of despicable, old enemy. For help - so that there is at least someone nearby.

There is a kind of sadness in the world that cannot be expressed in words or tears. It’s impossible to explain to anyone, the pain settles like a heaviness at the bottom of the heart, like snow on a windless winter night.

Strength, strength is needed: without strength you can’t take anything; and strength must also be obtained by force

Inside me the world is thrown into turmoil. I watch, I listen, I wait. A second, a minute, an hour, a day passes and the moat of my fears grows like a hole...

After pain and disappointment comes indifference. Indifference kills everything.

There is nothing sadder than sitting in a car with nowhere to go. No, perhaps it’s even sadder to sit in a car near the house where you lived for almost ten years and which suddenly, overnight, ceased to be your home. After all, usually, when you have nowhere to go, you can always go home.

“There is nothing worse than being left alone with emptiness in your own heart.”

Tears are not a sign of weakness at all. They talk about the presence of a soul.

"Freedom - reverse side loneliness."

How sad it is when in your heart there is neither love nor pain, but just complete emptiness.

And time doesn’t heal. It does not mend the wounds, it simply covers them on top with a gauze bandage of new impressions, new sensations, life experience. And sometimes, getting caught on something, this bandage comes off, and fresh air enters the wound, giving it new pain... and new life... Time is a bad doctor. Makes you forget about the pain of old wounds, inflicting more and more new ones... So we crawl through life, like its wounded soldiers... And every year the number of poorly applied bandages in our soul grows and grows...

Some words have an expiration date.

You can persuade yourself to be tolerant...But if you are forced to do something, then, excuse me, you cannot tolerate it!

Unspoken gratitude is like a nod to someone in the dark.

People say that you need to live in the present, not look back, not look into the past... But I can’t, I don’t know how to live on, for me the past is a thousand memories... memories associated with you...

A pure heart restores vision and cleanses the eyes.

“You know, being single is actually easier. It’s easier than engaging in self-deception, waiting for mutual feelings or suffering from betrayal.”

Sadness is the faithful companion of a lonely person. Sometimes she puts on the light robe of thoughts about past pleasant moments, but more often she puts on the dark mantle of hopelessness.

It is sad, but suffering is perhaps the only reliable way to awaken the soul from sleep.

It is sometimes difficult to understand the silence of another person, because it expresses too much...

Illusions of the soul, the atmosphere of the planet.

How sometimes you want to say a lot. But it’s a shame to speak in person, on the phone it’s not the same, and writing is too much.

I hate being drunk. You think that you will be cool and happy, but in reality you are sad and bad.

You go to where he might be, or where he has been, and pretend that everything is really good. But you can’t fool yourself - in fact, all this is terrible and very painful. And you can look good as you like, buy a new dress, get a new hairstyle, it won’t take away the melancholy in your eyes (No Makeup)

Sometimes I feel unbearably sad, but in general life goes on as usual.

When you are very upset about something, it is very difficult to swallow.

If you want to get rid of sadness, do not attach your heart to anything or anyone. Sadness and pain come from attachment to visible things. There has never been, is not and never will be a carefree place on earth. A sad place can only be in the heart...

When we are sad, we become excessively proud. We create the appearance that we don’t need anyone, even though someone else’s hand on our shoulder is so important to us.

My smileer is out of order.

Even a stone can be destroyed by drops of endless rain.

Life is a strange thing. Sometimes she mixes events up so much that it is impossible to separate one from the other. Joy coexists with sadness, the pain of loss with new happiness. Sometimes it seems to me that there is much more fantasy in it than in dreams.

From the storm of life I brought only a few ideas - and not a single feeling. For a long time now I have been living not with my heart, but with my head. I weigh and examine my own passions and actions with strict curiosity, but without participation.

I learned to live without feelings. In an empty house without warmth, comfort. One web of the past and endless stream guests. They come, they go. No one is delayed...

After everything that happened to me?! Cupids can shoot me with arrows and I won't feel anything.

Being on the top of the mountain, we peer into the abyss. Having fallen into the abyss, we contemplate the sky.

If you hear a song that makes you cry and you don't want to cry anymore, you just turn off the tape recorder. But you can't escape yourself. You can't just turn yourself off. You can't get rid of the thoughts swarming in your head.

You, with your eyes downcast, hide your sadness from me, I understand everything, but for some reason I’m angry.

When you feel bad, go to your room and scream at the top of your lungs for a couple of minutes. And everything will pass. This is called catharsis.

Lord, can I temporarily die, right now? Here I’ll lie down quietly in a corner and disappear into oblivion for three days? You show me everything there, we’ll have a cup of coffee somewhere, chat, and let my body rest from global bewilderment and lie still. (Jonathan Tropper)

If you don’t take the world to heart, it won’t break...

It’s sad and painful when you hug someone you loved so much that even the thought of her lit up your whole being with a bright flash. In your soul now - no, not hatred, that would be better - inside you have an icy, boundless emptiness. She grows in you, and it makes no difference to you whether you hug her or take your hand away and walk away.

I don’t want to do anything... I don’t want to drive - there’s too much traffic: I don’t want to walk - you’ll get tired; lie down? - you’ll have to lie around in vain or get up again, but you don’t want either one or the other... In a word, you don’t want anything.

...Apathy has reached its maximum. There is no faith, no aspiration, no anger, no hatred, not even desire. Everything became too tiresome.

Mental pain is always sudden. Unlike physical pain, you cannot prepare for or get used to it; it hits you headlong, and not everyone can recover from it.

It feels like you have a radar at home, and when I’m happy, you feel it and rush to hurt me.

When it hurts so much, you don’t feel it a second time.

My heart turned into a lump of thin rubber bands that tore one after another.

I need to turn off my speech apparatus when my brain stops working.

I never tire of being amazed at how the most ordinary day in the blink of an eye turns into a living hell. (Erich Maria Remarque)

It is a mistake to assume that all people have the same ability to feel.

Yesterday's scent is still here today.
I'm broke. I am exhausted, cast ashore and possessed. I have to leave because you are still here in my air, teasing my sense of smell, invading my air waves. You're everywhere on the sheets and in the bathroom. My sofa smells like you. You left your underwear, coat, books and smell here, In my resting place. Where I crawled to die, like a cat under a house after being hit. Lying and waiting.

There is no more insignificant, stupid, despicable, pathetic, selfish, vindictive, envious and ungrateful animal than the Crowd. (Hazlitt W.)

The pain stings more sharply when it is caused by someone close to you.

Millions of people have chosen to avoid sensitivity. They became thick-skinned, and only to protect themselves so that no one could hurt them. But the price is very high. No one can hurt them, but no one can make them happy either. Natalya Solntseva

Sooner or later, any hurricane, any storm will subside... and the usual calm will come. No storm lasts forever...

Topic of the section: the saddest statuses for social networks about pain in the soul. Do you want to learn your greatest gift? — accept pain, melancholy, sadness, fear, torment into your soul. Now turn them into strength, into a smile, happiness, confidence, peace. You can do this, because it is Your torment, your fear, your sadness, melancholy and pain...

  • Share your sadness with the person closest to you and it will lessen. Share the joy and it will increase.
  • I would cover up loneliness altogether and paint a laughing sun in blue sky. It would be great to apply Photoshop to life. I would take everything sad away, I would decorate it with love like a rainbow.
  • Sadness is the emotion of the strong; for the weak there is depression.
  • People go to great lengths to avoid being sad. Fornication, drunkenness, cigarettes, drugs. And after this comes the final collapse of life. But you can endure melancholy and be a winner.
  • It is important to have a sense of humor in life. And then the saddest situation can be saved. The main thing is to have a non-standard view of circumstances. Ordinary life can kill hope for the best.
  • Many people think that I am a jester and I always laugh because I am having fun... but not many know that under the mask of a jester there is sadness, and laughter only hides tears.
  • A constantly sad person does not mean that he is soulful or spiritually developed. An eternally sad woman may be a bore. A man who is always quiet may turn out to be a weakling.
  • Fun without Divine inspiration loses its meaning and is vulgarized. Sadness takes on a tinge of selfishness.
  • Sadness proves that your soul is not dead.
  • The saddest thing about any defeat is the loss of faith in the process of struggle.
  • Were you famous or famous. Or maybe only those closest to you knew about you. It's sad, but by the end everyone will be dust. And then, one day, those who knew you will suddenly see a familiar twinkle in the eyes of your grown-up children.
  • Cold floor... A pack of cigarettes... A glassy look... And there is only one question in my head: “Why is everything like this? So strange and difficult?
  • Never stop smiling, even when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.
  • Dumb thoughts, cigarettes, clubs... I wish I could find time to put on lipstick... I wish I could find time to admit to myself... That's all. The End. it's time... to change...
  • I quit drinking, smoking and falling in love. I take care of the liver, lungs and nerves...
  • Strong is not the one who did not fall, but the one who fell and got up!
  • As I often notice and admit this unwillingly, my friends of yesterday hurt me today...
  • Tears? No, it's rain. Hurt? No, it's okay. Together? Alas, we are apart. Dreams? They don't make sense to me. Memory? You can't erase it. Heart? If it's broken, you can't fix it. Thoughts? They are all with you. Feelings? You can't change them.
  • Spring is a great time of year to cry and pretend it's just allergies.
  • I miss you very much. I love you very much. I just ask... Don't come back.
  • Sometimes we don’t run away from the person who hurts us, but try to be as close to her as possible...
  • Lousy. Burn all your bridges and realize that you are on the wrong side.
  • The subscriber does not answer or is temporarily unavailable. Try not to call again...
  • Today I accidentally found your scent in the bedroom. Never... At the same time, my heart was spinning and my head was shrinking...
  • I want gouache the color of her eyes. Paint all the walls and slowly die of happiness.
  • You sit in a cheerful company and laugh loudly until you cry... and at night you cry quietly...
  • Only cigarette smoke will dispel thoughts about you, but not for long... And only gray rain hides tears, love is so painful... And I don’t see flowers in my dreams - everything is erased from my soul... I love, I’m dying Are you silent? Be quiet...
  • How strange it is when there is not enough time for love. we shout, we whisper that this is the most important thing in life, but in the end, study, work, some other parallels and constant sad statuses turn out to be more important.
  • I'm allergic to changes in your mood.
  • You must be able to close a boring and sad book, leave a bad movie, quit a bad job and part with bad people.
  • People are often lonely because they build walls instead of bridges and drown in sadness.
  • If I am silent, it does not mean that I have nothing to say... just silence is the most painless and a sad status will not help here.
  • Time doesn't heal. Time only helps to come to terms... to heal deep wounds. But the scars still remain...just little souvenirs for life.
  • If FRIENDS don’t call or write….that means EVERYTHING is fine with them!
  • Well… the future I will learn not to answer calls and letters!
  • Sooner or later you discover that Lady Luck is an ordinary prostitute, and you have run out of cash and the time has come for sad statuses.
  • Look into my eyes and tell me what do you see in them? Sadness, sadness, melancholy, deception. . . Do you think it hurts? No, I'm used to it...
  • Time heals, but the liver needs to be treated...
  • Every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back!
  • The biggest problem in life is the suffering you cause, and the most sophisticated philosophy cannot justify a person who tormented the heart that loved him. When you write sad statuses, you expect him to read them and understand them...
  • Only the one who gave him the most happiness can inflict the most terrible pain on a person.
  • When your soul is sad, it’s painful to look at someone else’s happiness and sadness increases.
  • Sadness is enough on its own, but to truly enjoy it, you need to share it with others.
  • Never stop smiling, even when you are sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.
  • We make people who love us unhappy and try to make them happy people who are happy without us.
  • I’m too happy to love someone... Love is experiences... But I don’t want to worry - I want to live!...
  • There are a lot of adventures, melodramas, detective stories, comedies, thrillers in my life... Sometimes I just look up and look for a camera... But it’s not there... And then I understand - this is my life... Interesting and varied... in which the sadness is only contrived by me.
  • There are simply not enough words and there is no more breathing... After all, I love you and I don’t think this is stupid!
  • In complete despair and hopelessness, close your eyes and imagine that you are blind, and then open your eyes - you will understand that you are happy!
  • I will wait for you, just to know that you need it...
  • Sometimes it seems like the whole world is against you. But it just seems. In fact, no one cares about you.
  • I was always nearby, but you didn’t always notice it.
  • It’s a shame that there are very few people who will just write like that, for no reason or reason, simply because they are bored.

Do you know what pisses me off? When there is a reason to be sad, and the music is sad, and you’re alone at home... But you’ll burst into tears. And this pain eats you up, you rush around, not knowing how to get rid of it...

But it’s always sad to part, even if there is no love anymore...

There are days when, because of completely trivial events, one becomes inexpressibly sad.

There are a lot of adventures, melodramas, detective stories, comedies, thrillers in my life... Sometimes I just look up and look for a camera... But it’s not there... And then I understand - this is my life... Interesting and varied, in which the sadness is only contrived by me.

That's why this site has the "Angry" and "Fun" icons, but not the "Sad" icon...

Time heals, but the liver needs to be treated...

Everything human is sad. The hidden source of humor is not joy, but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven.

I feel sad and lonely, the rain is drizzling outside the window and there is a fine rain in my soul when I miss him and think about him.

Sad statuses are statuses primarily about loneliness. Sadness is always loneliness, although loneliness is not always sadness.

Sadness is a cruel ruler.

You don't need words to be happy, there are too many of them and you can get lost.

If you are sad and lonely, find something interesting to do and some idiot will definitely show up!

Life is not about the days that have passed, but about those that are remembered...

Look into my eyes and tell me what do you see in them? Sadness, sadness, melancholy, deception. Do you think it hurts? No, I'm used to it...

Why get attached to someone if we love until the first betrayal and hate until the first kiss...

And it doesn’t seem sad, and it doesn’t even hurt, but it’s wildly empty... And tears involuntarily...

And it’s boring and sad, and there’s no one to give a hand to...

And it’s boring, and sad, and there’s no one to punch in the face...

Go away, user, I’m sad,” the computer sighed sadly and turned off.

True love doesn't go away forever. She is like the sun - it goes away and then comes back again.

Their gazes crossed. Time has stopped. The air hung in the air: “I love you.” Both nodded coolly to each other and went their separate ways.

Every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back!

How sad it is that when you send me emoticons on ICQ with all sorts of kisses, the only thing I can answer is: “You got drunk again...”

How sad it is to look at him, hear his laughter, understand that he is nearby, but will never become yours.

When you're sad, you don't know what's going on with you, when you can't trust anyone - there is your friend who will always understand and console you.

When your soul is sad, it’s painful to look at someone else’s happiness and sadness increases.

When we are sad or lonely, we are happy and cheerful... When there is no one to share our feelings with, only music will help!

Someday you will look into my laughing eyes and cry...

Beauty changes your mood.

He who washes his ears in the morning is acting wisely! He will hear everything here and there, and then he won’t be sad!

  • Forward >

If it gets really bad, call me. We will smoke together, even if we quit, even if we smoke with each other.

Some idiot is now cutting his wrists, trying to die, and at the same time, somewhere, a child is dying, who so wanted to live...

Sorry dear, but I'm tired. Forgive me, but I'll go. I've been looking for the key for too long, but I can't see the right thing in my heart.

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

There is no point in happiness if there is no one to share it with...

I have heard a lot in life - promises, oaths, but the best thing I have heard is silence. There are no lies in it.

There are times when the best lighting for your further path- a burning bridge behind you!

No one knows what is really in the soul of a person who always smiles at everyone...

When people do not agree on the main thing, they diverge over trifles.

Some people have something to remember, while others have only what they want to forget.

The resentment will go away, the trust will not return.

We are often not happy with life, and we often do things where we take revenge only on those who are hurt... For those who don’t care...

People who hurt us don’t want to do us harm, they want to do themselves good!

The station saw more sincere kisses than the registry office. And the walls of the hospital heard more sincere prayers than the church.

It will take some time! And you will come to my page... Perhaps, not at all by chance... You will look at my photo, where I smile sweetly and tenderly. And it will hurt you when you realize that I will never be closer than on the monitor...

They got it with theirs: “everything will be fine.” It will be, I know... But I feel bad now...

Sometimes we say the most frank things as a joke, so that no one understands that it is true...

What a pity that memory cannot be killed. She alone is ruining our lives. How painful it is to remember everything and live... With the ridiculous phrase: “Time heals”

It's hard when a person is in your thoughts more often than next to you.

Bitter tears quietly fell on the pillow... I am not your love, but just a toy...

We hide our tears behind dark glasses, Bad mood behind the smiles, a broken heart behind the good looks. And people think that everything is always fine with us...

In our world, in order to be loved, you need to have beautiful breasts, butt, face, and the soul is just... a public toilet.

I know that sometimes ships sink at sea. They, like me, swam into someone’s heart, but could not get out of there.

Don't be bored. Don't wait. Don't believe it. Not to love. It doesn't work out.

It's so painful, it's insulting. It’s so hard if you love him and see that everything is fine with him.

You will open your whole soul to him, and he will tell you “it’s clear...”

And it doesn’t seem to be sad... And it doesn’t even hurt... My soul is simply empty... And tears involuntarily...

When you feel bad because of one person, you feel sick of the whole world......

Sometimes the happiest moments become the saddest memories.

Time heals almost everything. Just give it time.

Just don’t cry, just don’t break down... You need to smile, just smile...

Friends say in my ear: “Everything will be fine, just don’t lose heart!” I nod to them dryly: “Everything will be fine”... And I fall, I fall, I lose heart...

Before you judge someone, take his shoes and walk his path, taste his tears, feel his pain.

There are rivers of tears in my soul, and a sweet smile on my face...

It's pointless to cry in the rain - a drop more, a drop less.

Anyone can be brought to tears... But to make their eyes shine with joy... only a few))))))

Tears are words that the heart cannot say.

Virtual love brings real tears.

If I smile, it doesn't mean I feel good. I just know how to hide my tears

It's not rain - it's the windows that are crying.

Tears wash away our sorrows, drop by drop, day by day...

Those who have been beaten by life will achieve more. He who has eaten a pound of salt values ​​honey more highly. He who shed tears laughs sincerely. He who has died knows that he lives.

Statuses about pain and tears, about resentment

Tears are not a sign of weakness. And a sign that a person has a Soul!

Your girl has grown up. No one is wiping away her rare, angry tears of pain; she quietly moans them into the pillow, clenching her teeth into a creak, herself.

Tears are the blood of the soul.

Tears are a weakness, you can forgive yourself for them...

My heart is crying, the pain in my soul cannot be hidden...

Tears on the cheeks, pain in the heart, fear in the soul... We store love in phone numbers...

She can sit like that for hours, listen to the same song, wipe her tears with her palm and convince herself that she doesn’t care.

There are days like this - your eyes cry all the time...

Thank you anyway, for the pain, for the tears...

Sad statuses about women's tears

Women endure worse sorrows than those for which they shed tears.

I cried the tears of millions of people, And I have already paid in full for all my sins in advance...

Someday you will understand the price of a woman's tears.

Girls have such tears that they definitely need to cry, at any time of the day or night, cry so that everything inside burns out...

Beats means he loves. The husband thought, wiping away tears and examining the bruises in the mirror.

Let the weaklings with broken hearts cry, but I laugh. Because my heart is as cold as ice. If you don't come, someone else will come. I'm too good for tears!

I'm tired of playing cheerful and cheerful, when I want to sit in the middle of the street and sob bitter tears of loneliness.

God counts a woman’s tears and returns them to the man twice as much...

One wise woman said: “There are 3 occasions for tears: weddings, funerals and the birth of a child, and the rest is all bullshit...”

I will leave, proudly raising my head, clicking my heels... And behind the door I will slide down the wall in tears, but you won’t see them anymore!!!

The most powerful water in the world is women's tears.

The pillow sees a woman's tears... A friend knows a woman's secrets... For the rest, under the instrument of torture - Only smiles, only smiles...

Women's tears are love, happiness, joy, and longing...

Status about tears in eyes

And again the tears of autumn on the eyelashes of September.

A broken heart, tears in the eyes, emptiness in the soul, and only on the lips the words: “Come back, I love you.”

Tears froze on my eyelashes, and it seemed like my heart stopped beating, because I feel incredibly bad without you, and I love you more than my life.

Statuses with meaning

A tear is weakness. That is why it is a woman’s privilege, not a man’s.

Real tears only happen when the people closest to us leave...

Those eyes that look deepest into people's hearts are the ones who cried the most.

Tears stranger dispose us to it before we know their reason.

Between condolences and consolation lies an ocean of tears.

Even a tear can be dropped on the floor with pride. Not to be confused with self-respect and self-control. If you cried yesterday and cry today, then you will definitely find a reason to cry tomorrow.

Tears are more reliable witnesses of the state of the soul than laughter.

Tears cannot bring the dead back to life. There's one more thing to know about tears - they can't make someone who doesn't love you anymore love you again.

Perhaps our eyes need to be washed with tears from time to time so that we can see life more clearly.

I will always remember this phrase, I old man said: "They can't be beautiful eyes who never cried."

Status about the tears of a loved one

You paint a sparkle in my eyes and wipe away the tears on my cheeks, I love only you and want to be together forever.

I remember how he pestered me, and tears were flowing down my cheeks, I told him only one thing: “how I hate you,” and he smiled and answered: “no, you love me.”

The one they try to keep usually leaves, but the one who is ready to let go
They usually try to keep a smile……….and it’s true…..girls,
guys are such assholes, you should never cry and suffer for that person,
who left on his own………not a single guy is worthy of our tears, but the one who
worthy will never make us cry...

Today I cried my love. Standing in the bathroom, leaning on the sink with trembling hands. You flowed down my cheeks until the last drop.

Nothing touches a man more than the tears of the woman he loves, and nothing irritates him more than the tears of a woman whom he no longer loves.

We suffer when parting with a person. But who knows, maybe if we stayed with him, we would have shed a lot more tears...

Statuses about parents' tears
A mother's tears are drops that burn and make even their own blood hurt more. Mom is the most precious thing I have!!!
tears are flowing...

As children, tears helped us explain what we wanted to our mothers. Now tears help us understand what we want for ourselves.

The worst pain in the heart is when you see your mother crying and you can’t do anything.

Parents' tears. These drops flow more painfully than your own blood.

How many times have we heard the phrase: “there is nothing worse than a crying mother.” But only those who have seen their father’s tears truly understand what pain is.