Time drive Gleb Arkhangelsky. Reading Gleb Arkhangelsky - Time Drive: How to have time to live and work

Book by Gleb Arkhangelsky “Time Drive. How to have time to live and work” is written in accessible language and will be interesting and useful even to those who consider themselves amateurs in time management. For some time it was believed that in our country it was impossible to learn how to manage your time - the unpredictable rhythm of life and mentality of Russians would not allow this. However, gradually the opinion changed, and the author of this book was able to prove it. Gleb Arkhangelsky was one of the first to talk about time management in Russia and began to write books about it. He tells how to manage to do everything without experiencing much stress, and gives examples from the lives of Russian people, which is a big plus of the book.

The book contains a large amount of information and covers the most different areas. Most of all, of course, it is focused on helping a person cope effectively with his work. However, someone will have to learn to rest, because often this is not given due attention in the flow of daily tasks.

After reading this book and applying the proposed methods in practice, you will be able to learn how to properly plan your time, pay attention important tasks, prioritize, assign smaller tasks to other people, avoid wasting time, always remember to rest to reboot your brain. The book also contains information on how to bet long-term and short term goals, understanding which of them are yours and not imposed on you by your environment. It is written here about how to motivate yourself, how to complete complex and unpleasant tasks step by step, completing everything on time. Readers will learn how to get rid of unnecessary things and learn to say “no”, how not to feel exhausted by life, but to enjoy it.

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Time is not money, as some people believe. Time has much greater value in a person’s life. Time is the most valuable resource, which only a person can have, and it will not be possible to replenish it, if it has already been spent or lost, unlike money.

It was this position that became the basis for the life and work of one of the leading specialists in the field of technology in Russia, Gleb Arkhangelsky. And speaking today about time management, it is simply impossible not to mention this person. It is for this reason that we have decided to devote one of our articles to the personality and the main ideas and concepts of this interesting person and a true professional in his field.

Who is Gleb Arkhangelsky?

Gleb Alekseevich Arkhangelsky, as already noted, is one of the most brilliant time management specialists in Russia. Currently, he is a well-known business coach, the author of several popular time management books, including “Corporate Time Management” and “Time Drive”, which became bestsellers, and is also the CEO of his own company“Organization of Time”, editor-in-chief of the Internet portal “Improvement.ru”, head of the department of time management at the Moscow Financial and Industrial Academy and candidate of economic sciences.

Gleb Arkhangelsky was born in Leningrad. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University, while studying there I began to become interested in time management issues, because... this was required by combining study with work.

After graduating from university, Arkhangelsky began working in a bank, but his activities had nothing to do with the organization. Management assigned him to work on a champignon production project. But it was such a dreary and boring task that Gleb went to the management and honestly admitted that this task, as they say, was not his, but his. A completely ordinary situation, which, as is implied, should have been followed by dismissal. But it was at this moment in the life of Gleb Arkhangelsky that an event occurred that could be called fateful.

Gleb's manager asked him what he would like to do. Gleb replied that he was interested in the system of time recording and analysis. And the desire of the future professional to deal with the presented issue in the most in a wonderful way coincided with the bank's needs in . So Gleb Arkhangelsky began to do what he really likes, gradually establishing and improving his relationship with the most valuable resource in his life - time.

Having subsequently left his job at the bank, the hero of our article decided to found his own consulting company, Organization of Time, of which he is the head to this day. The result of the efforts undertaken by this man was his reputation as the founder Russian school time management.

It cannot, of course, be said that the issue of organizing temporary resources was not relevant in our country - domestic businessmen and managers of various categories have always been interested in it, but specifically Gleb Arkhangelsky this problem was localized and began to be studied at the most serious level. Today, the seminars and master classes conducted by Gleb Arkhangelsky on the topic of time management are incredibly successful.

Let us recall here that time management in general is a special technology that allows absolutely any person to master and ultimately achieve maximum personal efficiency and productivity in any business, no matter what he or she does. This is what determines the relevance of time management that we can observe today.

Ideas of Gleb Arkhangelsky

In general, the essence of Gleb Arkhangelsky’s methods is based on two basic principles:

  • Learn about good time management techniques
  • Introduce these methods into your life gradually, but daily.

"Eat frogs in the morning"

One of the most effective method time management is “eating frogs in the morning.” “Frog” here refers to the most unpleasant task you need to do during the day. “Eat the frog” means to accomplish this task. By solving the most unpleasant task at the beginning of the day, you can not only rid yourself of unpleasant worries, but also recharge yourself with positive energy for the entire coming day.

"Cutting an elephant into steaks"

Another great time management technique is “cutting the elephant into steaks.” “Elephant” is some kind of global task that cannot be completed in one go. To do this, you need to divide it into smaller parts, i.e. "cut into steaks." Step by step solution difficult task– this is the path to its final solution.

Step-by-step execution of tasks

Another effective advice from Gleb Arkhangelsky is to perform only one step at a time. This concerns. From the entire volume of things that need to be done and tasks that need to be solved, you should choose one or two, and direct all your efforts to solving them over the next few weeks. Moreover, it is recommended to choose tasks that are focused on achieving.

Expansion of activity area

Here's another tip: once you have successfully completed a number of small projects in any one area, you need to start expanding your coverage area, i.e. start planning things in some new area, and then begin to implement these plans, having previously broken them down into several components. Such a simple maneuver will allow you to achieve high results in the area to which you are accustomed, and also gradually leave it, doing more and more new things.


In addition to all of the above, there is another significant point regarding time management - analysis. In the process of his activity, a person must pay due attention to analytical work, which, in turn, can be divided into two components:

  • Analysis of your activities
  • Analysis of your inclinations

Analyzing your activities means analyzing what exactly your time is spent on, where most of it goes, whether they are present in your life, etc. Here it is very convenient to use traditional methods of analyzing time use, such as, for example, recording time spent over several weeks, keeping a diary, analyzing completed tasks at the end of the day, and some others.

And analyzing your inclinations involves asking yourself questions regarding your time use habits. These questions are:

  • What activities that take more than 30 minutes per week can I do?
  • What tasks that take more than an hour a week can I complete in half the time?
  • Can I delegate some tasks that take more than 30 minutes a week to someone else?
  • Which activities of mine during the day were most effective, and which were the least effective?
  • How much time did I spend on during the day?
  • How much time do I spend on self-improvement?
  • How much time do I spend on routine and emergency tasks?

In addition to these questions, there are also a number of others.

By analyzing your time expenditure using this technique, you will be able to see how your time resource is distributed throughout the day, and what inclinations you have in this regard. This will help you eliminate the completely familiar, but ineffective organization of personal time, replacing it with a more productive one.


  • "Corporate time management: an encyclopedia of solutions"
  • "Time Formula: Time Management in Outlook 2007"
  • “Organization of time: from personal effectiveness to company development”
  • "Time management: a textbook"

In addition, we can visit Gleb Arkhangelsky’s resource – “Improvement.ru”, and also sign up for his trainings and seminars (information is on Arkhangelsky’s website).

If you are interested in learning about other time management experts, you can do so by going to. Don't forget to check out.

Reading time 8 minutes

One of the most important criteria for success is the ability to use your time with the highest efficiency and impact. So in this article we will tell you about a tool that is considered one of the most effective, namely - time management Arkhangelsk.

An amoeba, and not a Man, can be called one who mindlessly and irresponsibly floats with the flow, reacting to external influences, but without applying his freedom to build his life and without taking responsibility for what happens to his life and his time. © Gleb Arkhangelsky “Time Drive. How to have time to live and work"

What could be more important than your own time? What resource has the same value? Time is a source of limitless possibilities, the ability to realize which always depends solely on your actions.

Suppose you acquired a certain material resource, for example, shares of some very well-known and reliable company. You certainly paid dearly for them. And in order not to be left in the cold and not lose your securities at once, you will have to learn the rules and intricacies of the exchange market, or use the services of professional brokers who will teach you in a shorter time. It's the same with time.

It just so happened that you received life, and with it, the most valuable resource on the planet - time. A reserve that is absolutely unequal in any material respect, which you got for free, without any effort. So what could be more reasonable and justified than the desire to use this invaluable resource as efficiently as possible?

In this article you will find information about one of the most successful time management strategies, which was presented in the works of Gleb Arkhangelsky. Gleb Arkhangelsky is deservedly considered one of the best time management experts in Europe. He is a mathematician and the author of many books on effective time management.

The time management technique from Gleb Arkhangelsky has been tested by many years of practice and is objectively considered one of the best tools that can radically change everyone’s life. This technique will allow you to get the most out of every day. Don't forget that time management is a skill, which means it can be learned. There is nothing supernatural in this skill, only a set of practical, proven recommendations, step-by-step actions, structural combinations, which are presented in the second book of Gleb Arkhangelsky “Time Drive”. This work, which is certainly useful for everyone, will be discussed further in this article.

Time Drive by Gleb Arkhangelsky

The book is written in an easy-to-read language, clearly and competently structured and consists of chapters, each of which offers you a justification for the need to take an important step on the path to success, recommended to you by the author. At the end of each chapter there is very specific advice that will allow you to easily complete the tasks step by step.

1. Rest

The most important aspect responsible for your performance is properly organized rest. It's no secret that continuous long-term mental or physical stress leads to a decrease in concentration, and therefore performance. Relaxing is just as vital as working. These are complementary factors. The book “Time Drive” from Gleb Arkhangelsky gives you valuable advice that is designed to streamline your vacation and make it more productive.

  • The first essential detail, is the choice of time to rest. The author suggests resting rhythmically, using specific time intervals. Planning your vacation is just as important as planning your work process. It will be most effective to take a five-minute rest every hour and a half of work. Try to organize your time in such a way that you can relax according to the above principle.
  • Second important detail , is how you use these minutes of rest. It is very important how exactly you distract yourself from work. Many scientists from various countries and departments have proven that the best rest is considered to be maximum distraction from the work process. For example, the best option might be to do a little warm-up outside or in another part of the office. The more dramatic the change in situation, the better.
  • The third essential detail, is the correct sleep pattern. Our body uses alternating cycles during sleep - fast and slow. Cycle duration different people may vary from one to two hours. Thus, the most effective sleep will be the duration of which will be a multiple of the length of the cycle. That is, if your sleep cycle is about an hour and a half, then it will be much more productive to sleep seven and a half hours than eight full hours. Conduct personal observations of your sleep, determine the duration of your cycle and try to structure your rest in the right way.

2. Motivational aspect

Every person sometimes feels a strong need for a motivational resource, be it things, a certain state of mind, an emotional state, which should spur and dispose to perform various types of tasks. Time management by Gleb Arkhangelsky suggests using so-called “anchors” - clues that will become attached to your consciousness and will be associated with completing tasks of a specific focus.

The most common “anchor” is, oddly enough, music.

For example, when you need to relax, you can listen to light, unobtrusive music and drink black tea. When you need to set yourself up for tough, energy-intensive work, perhaps hard rock and a cup of strong black coffee are more suitable. Don't get attached to these associations, this is just an example. Each of you can have your own anchors. It is important not to use “anchors” that are tied to specific tasks when performing work of a different focus. For example, if in order to get in the mood for productive work, you prefer to drink a cup of strong tea, then you should not do this at the moment when you are getting ready to have a good rest. This way, you will simply unfocus your “anchor” and it will be less effective.

The manager accidentally heard his secretary on the phone complaining to her friend about life: “I’m going to quit... The salary and so on are fine, but the boss is such a cracker, he’ll never praise me, I can’t work like that...” The manager, being a structural and systemic person, wrote in to the schedule of daily routine tasks - “Praise the secretary.” And every day I ticked off the completion. The result was a highly motivated and dedicated employee. © Arkhangelsky G.A. “Time drive: How to have time to live and work”

The second important action will be eating “frogs”

Yes, exactly “frogs”. In Gleb Arkhangelsky's time drive, eating “frogs” means performing small, but not the most pleasant tasks. For example, call an annoying client or, finally, demand a raise from your boss. Often, the time to resolve these issues is about five or ten minutes, but since people tend to put things off for weeks, they accumulate over time and become significant problems. Agree, why spend several hours resolving an issue if you can resolve it in a timely manner in five minutes.

The author recommends that you eat “frog” in the morning, because in this way, by solving an unpleasant small-sized task at the very beginning of the day, you will get rid of the obsessive and unpleasant thought of its constant presence in your schedule.

The third important activity will be the engineering project - the “elephant”.

Larger, global, or large-scale tasks that require a significant investment of time and effort, time management from Gleb Arkhangelsky suggests breaking down into smaller ones, but with a clear allocated period for their solution. The author calls a global matter, be it an acting job or an engineering project, an “elephant.” You can’t eat an “elephant” at once; at the very least, you’ll choke. But the elephant can be divided into a certain number of steaks, which will be much easier to deal with.

3. Goal setting

It's scary to tie goals to deadlines. You have to look at your life honestly and realistically. And face unpleasant truths. It's scary to take responsibility. What if it doesn’t work out, what if I can’t... It’s much more pleasant to amuse yourself with dreams of better life, than to honestly and clearly state what I want and am going to achieve. And honestly admit that you haven’t achieved it - unless, of course, you achieve it. © Gleb Arkhangelsky “Time Drive. How to have time to live and work"

The fundamental aspect that shapes successful person, is the ability to clearly formulate goals and objectives. Proper planning of the working day and the direction of your actions depends on ultimate goal, to which the systematic implementation of certain tasks should lead.

Imagine that you are a legal entity. Yes, exactly legal, not physical. Imagine yourself in the role of some JSC “Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich”. What goals will you have? of this enterprise? What development strategy should he choose? What kind of team does he need to achieve the desired result? What should be the profit and turnover of this company? Just like in the market, you cannot have one, the most correct or the only correct option of behavior. There are many ways to achieve certain goals.

Understanding the right solution comes with experience. But what you definitely should have from the very beginning is this clear understanding motion vector. No well-run enterprise operates chaotically. Any activity must lead to achieving the goal.

In the book “Time Drive” by Gleb Arkhangelsky, the concept of a “native goal” is introduced, that is, a goal that is truly close to you. Determining such a goal is often quite difficult, since it requires some time for awareness. For example, do you think that best goal This week there will be a purchase of a high-quality classic suit from a famous couturier. But whether this will be your “native goal” is not entirely clear. Perhaps this choice is facilitated by a good advertising campaign, or simply beautiful appearance. The “native goal” must be really necessary for you. It should be what you feel the need for.

4. Organization of working hours

One of the most important aspects of successful time management from Gleb Arkhangelsky is the correct workday routine. The author suggests that you start planning your day in the morning or vice versa in the evening.

A positive aspect of planning a work day in the evening will be some kind of switch to rest, despite the fact that the next day begins with a clear understanding of the work process.

Morning planning will be good for clarifying some of the tasks that need to be completed, as well as for clarifying floating and unstable nuances that may not always depend on your decisions. Most useful recommendation from the author when planning a working day, is keeping a personal diary. This little one notebook, can very clearly demonstrate to you how wisely and effectively you use your most important resource - time.

Time management from Gleb Arkhangelsky offers you a special method of keeping a diary developed by the author. General algorithm Daily management provides for the classification of daily tasks based on time frames. Rigid meetings must be completed at a specific time, while flexible meetings can be completed throughout the day, at any time convenient for you.

The book “Time Drive” by Gleb Arkhangelsky is one of the best tools for planning your own time on the domestic and world markets. In this article we have given you brief description some chapters and postulates described in the book. Try to adhere to all the principles, and you will see that time management is not a fantastic task, but a reality.

Gleb Arkhangelsky, Sergei Bekhterev, Marianna Lukashenko, Tatyana Telegina

Time management. Full course

Authors: Arkhangelsky G.A.– chapters 2, 7, 8; Bekhterev S.V.– Chapter 4 (together with T.V. Telegina); Lukashenko M.A.– chapters 1, 5; Telegina T.V.– chapters 3, 4 (together with S.V. Bekhterev), 6.

Editor P. Suvorova

Project Manager A. Vasilenko

Corrector E. Aksenova

Computer layout M. Potashkin

© Arkhangelsky G.A., 2008

© Lukashenko M.A., 2008

© Telegina T.V., 2008

© Bekhterev S.V., 2008

© Alpina Publisher LLC, 2012

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© Electronic version books prepared by liters company (www.litres.ru)


XXI century makes new demands on each of us, no matter who we are: managers and specialists, executives, students, schoolchildren or owners of their own enterprises. Economic situation is changing rapidly, the amount of information we receive is growing day by day, competition is increasing, including in the labor market. Under these conditions, managing such an intangible and irreplaceable resource as time becomes extremely important. Time becomes more important than money.

In the new economy, where product life cycles are measured in months and weeks, the ability to quickly and flexibly respond to any unforeseen situations comes to the fore. Constant changes in activities - the introduction of new management systems, entering new markets, developing and introducing new products to the market - are becoming the norm in the activities of companies and organizations. Changes entail an increase in the volume of tasks performed by managers and specialists and create the need to find time reserves for the implementation of innovative projects.

The increasing pace of change requires modern professionals to accept more independent decisions, the ability to independently organize and plan your work. Ever-increasing external demands on an employee require him to be able to independently (without appealing to the manager) set priorities in conditions of limited time resources.

Therefore, one of the fundamental competencies of a modern professional has recently become the ability to effectively organize time at any level - personal, team, corporate, as well as the ability to coordinate one’s actions with the actions of others to complete assigned tasks.

You can learn to use time resources rationally, act effectively and achieve success by learning to properly plan your activities, manage your tasks and affairs (both long-term and short-term), set priorities, set goals for yourself and achieve them, distribute your workload, find time for both work and rest. And the sooner we manage to master the skill of effective time management, the faster and easier our path to the heights of mastery and success will be. After all, a person is given less than 20 years to build his career and achieve the desired level. And it is important to manage this time wisely, so as not to lose precious and irreplaceable hours and minutes that add up to years on the way to your goal.

We provide you with the opportunity to learn and begin to put into practice time management techniques that will make your movement to the heights of success not only fast, but also enjoyable.

The history of the formation of time management in Russia

Time management is often perceived as a purely Western technology. However, the domestic school of scientific organization of work and personal time has a number of its own achievements that have no analogues in Western science. Moreover, many of the developments of domestic time organization researchers were borrowed by Western specialists. In the history of the development of domestic time management, three main stages can be distinguished.

First stage falls on the 20s. XX century – a period of rapid development of the economy and scientific organization of labor (SLO). This is a time of labor enthusiasm, slogans and appeals and at the same time a period of very competent and effective management and management of the country's economy. The origin and development of time management at this stage was associated with the names A. K. Gasteva and P. M. Kerzhentsev, whose ideas and experience were especially important for the further study and development of the organization of time.

Alexey Kapitonovich Gastev, director Central Institute Labor (CIT), was personally acquainted and corresponded with Henry Ford. Knowing the ideas of Ford and Frederick Taylor, he disagreed with them in many ways. Unlike Taylor, who emphasized system and organization, and Ford, who improved production techniques, Gastev focused on the human factor. He believed that it is the person who plays main role in the activities of the enterprise. Therefore, Gastev’s consideration of organizational effectiveness as a whole begins with personal efficiency individual person at his workplace. Some of his developments allowed one of the “fathers” of scientific management, F. Gilbreth, after reading the publications of CIT, to declare: “The Russians are deeper into NOT than us.”

On July 18, 1923, an article “Time is building airplanes” appeared in the Pravda newspaper, which began like this:

“At one Congress of the Soviets, I sat next to an American journalist. The meeting, scheduled for 11 o'clock, did not begin until one o'clock, as often happens with us. The journalist asked me:

– How many people are in the hall?

- Three thousand and a half.

– Are there many mechanics, turners, model makers among them?

– Yes, the room is probably dominated by workers of different specialties.

Then my American, scribbling something in a book, said:

– Today we lost 7 thousand working hours waiting for the meeting to start. With such an expenditure of labor, it was possible to build one, or even two airplanes.

We waited another half-airplane, and only then did the meeting begin.

In fact, it’s time for us to express our endless delays in some real quantities, for example, in the airplanes of our air fleet. Then we will sooner realize the economic disastrousness of our laxity. Then we will learn to value time and work with precision.”

This article resonated widely and became a catalyst social movement the struggle for time, which resulted in the creation of the League of Time. Its leader and author of the article was Platon Mikhailovich Kerzhentsev. During that amazing period in national history without any government intervention, people organized cells of the Time League, wrote articles, and “infected” those around them with the idea of ​​a reasonable attitude towards time. “Fight for Time” sections soon appeared in almost all newspapers. At the same time, the League imposed rather strict requirements on its members, thanks to which they did not just called for to the organization of time, but also presented what they called for. Unfortunately, the League "Time", like most organizations associated with the scientific organization of labor, was closed in parallel with the collapse of the NEP (new economic policy). But the experience of the League has shown that it is possible to set the task of fighting for time on the scale of society and the state.

(estimates: 3 , average: 1,67 out of 5)

Title: Time drive: How to have time to live and work
Author: Gleb Arkhangelsky
Year: 2008
Genre: Job search, career, Management, personnel selection, Corporate culture

About the book “Time Drive: How to have time to live and work” Gleb Arkhangelsky

Gleb Arkhangelsky is a famous Russian time tracking expert. He is one of the founders and main ideologist of the Time Management Society, as well as the founder and CEO of the consulting company “Organization of Time”.

Arkhangelsky wrote several books on time management, which instantly became bestsellers. Over the past 30 years, not a single book on time management has been written in Russia, and Arkhangelsky’s works were the first of their kind. After all, just a few years ago it was believed that, based on the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, it was simply impossible to plan time here. However, the author and members of his TM communities managed to prove the opposite. Planning time is not only possible, but also necessary.

Time management is based on many components. Its technologies make it possible to make the most of the much-needed and fleeting time, in accordance with your goals and needs. True essence optimal time allocation - in determining your goals and actions in accordance with them.

Arkhangelsky’s next book, “Time Drive: How to Manage Your Life and Work,” has become a “minimum program” for the reader, collecting the most effective techniques for managing personal time. Provided here are universal tips on organizing work and rest time, motivation and setting goals, ranking them, as well as speed reading. The book is written so simply and accessible that it will be easy and understandable to read even for an outspoken amateur in time management.

"Time Drive", gradually revealing the essence of time management, invariably illustrates all its theses with real examples Russian life, which was a real gift for the domestic reader. This makes it much easier and faster to understand the essence of time management work.

Much has already been said about the precious resources of time. The author once again emphasizes that our information age sets an unprecedented pace and not everyone manages to manage even half of what is planned. But the author, with unprecedented enthusiasm, motivates the reader not to be afraid to set the most ambitious goals and achieve them. It teaches you not only to plan what you want, but also to methodically turn your dreams into reality.

"Time Drive" will definitely help its reader find common language with Time and fill his life with such achievements that he could not even dream of before.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online book“Time Drive: How to have time to live and work” by Gleb Arkhangelsky in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Time Drive: How to have time to live and work” Gleb Arkhangelsky

The rules of creative laziness are simple:
If you are going to be lazy, then be 100% lazy, without trying to do anything else at this time, think, solve problems, etc. Pure laziness is a pure feeling of the fullness of being and the universal harmony of the universe.
Consciously make the decision: “I want to be lazy - and I will do it.” Without hesitation or remorse.
Before creative laziness, load your brain with information that is important to you creative problem. But don’t think about the problem when you’re laziest!

Try to consider yourself not as a “specialist of such and such department” or “manager of such and such service”; forget for a while that you are part of big system, depending on superiors, clients, many rules, etc. Look at yourself as a Personal Corporation, CJSC “Ya”. This corporation has all the same controls as any company, for example:
personal strategic planning – setting long-term goals;
marketing – study of the labor market;
personal accounting – accounting and planning of money, etc.

If it’s difficult to immediately create a list of key areas, take 30-40 paper cards and write down your usual daily activities on them. For example, “I’m writing a report”, “I’m conducting an interview”, “I’m answering a client’s call”, “I’m talking to a friend on the phone”, etc. Then arrange these pieces of paper into 5-7 groups, with tasks that are close in meaning to each group. Once the logical structure of these groups is drawn, it will be enough to come up with simple names for them. Your key areas are ready.

The third step of creating a personal TM system
Articulate your personal values ​​and set long-term goals to make your dreams a reality.
Brief recommendations:
Manage your “personal corporation” proactively.
Clear out the stamps and draw “your day in a few years.”
Define your values ​​with a memoir.
Formulate your personal mission in the form of an epitaph.
Find your calling.
Identify 5-7 key areas of your life.
Make an overview timeline of your life goals by key areas and future years.
Make the closest and most understandable goals measurable.

On the left are all your daily “steaks” and “frogs”. On the right hand side, you mark each day whether they are completed or not completed. If any work was not planned for today, leave an empty space. If it was intended, but not completed, put a dash through. If completed, check the box.

The president of the Electroflot retail chain, Maxim Biryulin, spoke about his acquaintance, a top manager. “He has been using a four-color pen for several years now and writes all the tasks in his diary only with it. Ordinary tasks are in blue, priority ones are in red, those delegated “for control” are in green, unpleasant and postponed ones are in black.”

As a rule, the optimal regimen is about 5 minutes of rest every hour. Perhaps - 10 minutes in 1.5 hours. Duration from an hour to an hour and a half is the most comfortable interval of continuous work for a person. Remember school and university: a lesson is 45 minutes, a “pair” is 1.5 hours.

The second step of creating a personal TM system
Learn techniques for tuning into complex and unpleasant tasks to reduce the amount of time you spend working on them.
Brief recommendations:
Use “anchors” to tune in to different tasks and relaxation.
Use the “Swiss cheese method” when swinging.
Eat at least one frog every day.
Split the “elephants” into “steaks” that bring you closer to achieving the “elephant”.
Reward yourself with “in-between joys.”
Keep a table of daily tasks, with a list of rewards for completion.
Try a pin calendar.

Prose of life: yesterday is early, tomorrow is late, today there is no time.

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