At Kazan University, the hall where Lenin began his revolutionary path became imperial. Lenin studied here Marked on the map: entrance to the courtyard of the KSU exit from the courtyard staircase to the courtyard of the KGU observatory at the KGU anatomical theater

The university has 16 faculties: biology and soils, geography and geoecology, geological, historical, mechanics and mathematics, physics, law, computational mathematics and cybernetics, philology, Tatar philology and history, environmental, journalism and sociology, economics, international relations and political science, psychology, advanced training. The structure of the university includes: two branches - in Zelenodolsk and Naberezhnye Chelny, as well as the Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics named after. N. G. Chebotareva, Research Institute of Biology, Chemical Institute named after. A. M. Butlerova, Institute of Oriental Studies, Institute of Language, Ecological College, Center for the Sociology of Culture, Botanical Museum, Geological Museum named after. A. A. Shtukenberg, Zoological Museum named after. E. A. Eversman, archaeological and ethnographic museums, astronomical observatory named after. V. P. Engelhardt, Scientific telescope base in Turkey, Center information technology.

Scientific Library named after. N.I. Lobachevsky is one of the largest and oldest libraries in Russia - founded in 1804. It has more than 1 million items, including the first Russian printed book published by Ivan Fedorov in 1564, 14 incunabula (the first printed books published published before 1501), about 200 paleotypes (editions of the first half of the 16th century), books printed in the printing house of the famous Western European publishers Aldov, Etienne, Plantin, Elzevir, as well as the largest collection of publications in the Tatar language in Russia.

Kazan University was founded in November 1804 - the Affirmative Letter and Charter were signed by Emperor Alexander I. For many years it remained the easternmost institution of higher education: its district included the Volga region, Penza and Tambov provinces, the Kama region and the Urals, Siberia, and the Caucasus. Already in the first decades of its existence, the university became a major center of education and science. It formed a series scientific directions and schools (mathematical, chemical, medical, linguistic, geological, geobotanical, etc.).

In 1814, the grand opening of the university took place, consisting of four departments: moral and political sciences, physical and mathematical sciences, medical sciences and verbal sciences. The main building was erected in 1825, and in the 1830s the construction of the university complex was completed: a library building, a chemical laboratory, an anatomical theater, an astronomical observatory, and a clinic.

In 1834, Scientific Notes of Kazan University began to be published. In 1835, three faculties were established: philosophy (literature and physico-mathematical departments), law and medicine; in 1863 they were transformed into four faculties: historical-philological, physico-mathematical, legal and medical.

In 1925-1990s. Kazan University was named after V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin, who studied at the university for one semester at the Faculty of Law. IN Soviet years Seven new Kazan universities were opened on the basis of the university.

Among the outstanding scientific discoveries of Kazan University: discoveries and achievements: the creation of non-Euclidean geometry by N. I. Lobachevsky, the discovery chemical element ruthenium by K. K. Klaus, creation of the theory of structure organic compounds A. M. Butlerov, the discovery of electron paramagnetic resonance by E. K. Zavoisky, the discovery of acoustic paramagnetic resonance by S. A. Altshuler and many others.

Over the 200 years of its existence, KSU has developed a university campus, the harmonious core of which is a beautiful architectural ensemble in the style of Russian classicism of the 19th century. University professors and invited architects I. F. Yakovkin, N. I. Lobachevsky, P. G. Pyatnitsky, M. P. Korinfsky, K. L. Myufke worked on the design and construction of university buildings.

IN different years taught at the university: mathematician N. I. Lobachevsky, chemists N. N. Zinin, K. K. Klaus, V. V. Markovnikov,

On November 5 (17), 1804, Emperor Alexander I signed the Approval Letter and Charter of the Kazan Imperial University - one of oldest universities Russia.

In the first years of the reign of Emperor Alexander I, in the course of reforms in the field of education, new principles for organizing the public education system and new types of educational institutions were developed. In 1802, the Ministry of Public Education was created in Russia, and in 1803 preliminary rules for public education were published. In November 1804 Russian Emperor approved first General University Charter, charters of Moscow, Kharkov and Kazan universities, as well as the charter of educational institutions subordinate to universities.

For many years, Kazan University was the easternmost higher education institution in Russia. The educational district, headed by Kazan University, included the Volga region, Penza and Tambov provinces, the Kama region and the Urals, Siberia and the Caucasus. In the first decades of its existence, the university became a major center of education and science. A number of scientific directions and schools were formed here: mathematical, chemical, medical, linguistic, geological, geobotanical and others.

According to the charter of 1804, the university was supposed to open 28 departments in four departments: moral and political sciences, physical and mathematical sciences, medical or medical sciences, verbal sciences with the department of oriental languages.

Initially, the university occupied part of the building of the First Imperial Gymnasium. But soon the need arose for the reconstruction of existing and construction of new educational buildings. In 1822-1842. a university complex was built: the main building, observatory, anatomical theater, library, chemical laboratory with a physics office, clinic, buildings support services. The work was supervised by N.I. Lobachevsky, who held the position in 1827-1846. position of university rector.

In 1835, the University Charter of Emperor Nicholas I was introduced, which established three faculties in the educational institution: philosophy (verbal and physico-mathematical departments), law and medicine. With the introduction of the University Charter of Alexander II in 1863, they were transformed into four faculties: historical and philological, physics and mathematics, law and medicine.

Since 1834, the university began to publish Scientific Notes. Various scientific societies, formed at Kazan University: in 1839 the Kazan Economic Society was created, in 1878 - the Society of Archeology, History and Ethnography. In 1875 -1883. Kazan University was formed at the University linguistic school. In 1892, on the initiative of V. M. Bekhterev, the Neurological Society was organized. Outstanding scientists who made important contributions worked within the walls of Kazan University. scientific discoveries and became the founders of scientific schools. Among them are A. M. Butlerov, A. V. Vishnevsky, E. K. Zavoisky, N. N. Zinin, K. E. Klaus, N. I. Lobachevsky, V. A. Engelhardt and many others.

On June 29, 1925, by decision of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the university was named after V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin. In the years Soviet power Several new universities were opened on the basis of the faculties of Kazan University: Faculty of Medicine was allocated to the Kazan State medical school, chemical - became the basis for the creation of the Kazan Chemical Institute, economic - transformed into the Kazan State Financial and Economic Institute, legal - became the Institute of Soviet Law. In 1932, on the basis of the aerodynamic department of KSU, Kazan University was also formed aviation institute. In April 1945, the Kazan branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences was established on the basis of the university and academic departments of the university.

The university's scientific library is named after N. I. Lobachevsky and is one of the largest and oldest libraries in Russia. Her fund totals approx. 5 million volumes, of which more than 150 thousand units. hr. are book monuments.

In 1955, Kazan University was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and in 1979 - the Order of Lenin. In 1996, by Decree of the President of Russia, the university was included in the State Code of Especially Valuable Objects cultural heritage peoples Russian Federation. In 2010, the university was assigned the name Kazan (Privolzhsky) federal university.

Currently, the educational departments of Kazan (Volga Region) University include 14 faculties, the A. M. Butlerov Chemical Institute, the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Institute of Language, the Institute of Continuing Education, as well as 2 branches (in Naberezhnye Chelny and Zelenodolsk).

Lit.: Astafiev V.V. Essays on the history of Kazan University. Kazan, 2002; Biographical dictionary of professors and teachers of the Imperial Kazan University: For a hundred years (1804-1904). Part 1-2. Kazan, 1904; Bulich N. N. From the first years of Kazan University (1805-1819): Stories based on archival documents. Part 1-2. Kazan, 1887-1891; Vishlenkova E. A. Kazan University of the Alexander era: Album of several portraits. Kazan, 2003; Vishlenkova E. A., Malysheva S. Yu., Salnikova A. A. Terra Universitatis: Two centuries of university culture in Kazan. Kazan, 2005; Zagoskin N.P. Materials for the history of departments and institutions of Kazan University (1804-1826). Kazan, 1899; Ionenko I. M., Popov V. A. Kazan University during the Great Years Patriotic War. M., 1985; Isakov A.P. Chronicle of Kazan State University: history in facts supported by documents. T. 1-2. Kazan, 2004-2005; Kazan University (1804-2004): Bio-bibliographic dictionary. T. 1-3. Kazan, 2002-2004; Mikhailova S.V., Korshunova O.N. Kazan University: between East and West. Kazan, 2006; Rectors of Kazan University 1804-2004: essays on life and work. Kazan, 2004; Usmanova D. M. Professors and graduates of Kazan University in the Duma and the State Council of Russia, 1906-1917: Biographical sketches. Kazan, 2002.

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University: website. 1995-2012. URL: http://www. ksu. ru.

See also in the Presidential Library:

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University is one of eight Russian federal universities. The oldest university in Russia, after Moscow. It is an object of cultural heritage of R.F.

From the moment of its formation by Alexander I in 1804 until the revolution of 1917, it was called the “Imperial Kazan University”. The building of the First Imperial Gymnasium was transformed into a university, and the street was called Pokrovskaya. The building was built in 1789, designed by the architect F. Emelyanov, the customer was the landowner Molostvov. After Lenin’s death in 1924, it became known as “KSU named after. V.I. Ulyanov - Lenin".

By Decree of the President of Russia D.A. Medvedev in 2009, the main university of the Volga region was created on the basis of the university federal district- "Volga Federal University". As a result of protests by students and teachers related to the renaming of the university, the presidents of Russia and Tatarstan decided to retain the historical name “Kazan University”. In 2010, the Chairman of the Government of Russia issued a decree assigning the official name to the university - “Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University.”

The main educational buildings of the university are located on the university campus in the center of Kazan. The university accepted its first students in February 1805. In 1814, the university had 4 departments of physical and mathematical sciences, medical sciences, verbal sciences and moral and political sciences.

In 1825, the main university building was rebuilt. By 1830, the university had buildings of a library, an anatomical theater, a chemical laboratory, an astronomical observatory, a clinic, etc. The university became one of the centers of education and science in Russia.

The names of many famous scientists who taught or studied there are associated with the university: astronomer Simonov, founder of non-Euclidean geometry Lobachevsky, K. Klaus, who discovered ruthenium, Butlerov, Gromeka, Zavoisky, Altshuler and many other scientists known in their fields.

Among the university students were: L.N. Tolstoy, Melnikov-Pechersky, V.I. Ulyanov, A.I. Rykov, M.A. Balakirev, S. Aksakov, V. Khlebnikov, G. Derzhavin, V. Panaev, I. Shishkin, A. Arbuzov and others.

Currently, Kazan Federal University is a multidisciplinary university of a classical model. Specialists of various specialties are trained here for various areas activities. It includes 15 faculties. The university includes research institutes, laboratories, two astronomical observatories, a publishing house, and an information technology center. Scientific Library named after. Lobachevsky has rich funds. Its funds included the collections of Grigory Potemkin and Vasily Polyansky. It contains the most valuable manuscripts, manuscripts and ancient books. It contains about five million books and eleven reading rooms. K(P)FU has extensive international connections with more than 40 universities around the world.

Kazan University is one of the oldest universities in Russia. Many scientific schools that received worldwide recognition were founded here. Kazan University is included in the list of especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation, its ensemble is historical, cultural and architectural monument Russia.

Kazan University - from history

It was founded in 1804 and initially there were four faculties - historical and philological and physics and mathematics, medicine and law. Great Russian scientists studied here, among them the creator of non-Euclidean geometry N. I. Lobachevsky, who was the rector of the university from 1827 to 1846, astronomers I. M. Simonov and M. A. Kovalsky, chemists A. M. Butlerov, K. K. Klaus and N. N. Zinin, V. V. Markovnikov and A. M. Zaitsev, biologists and physicians V. M. Bekhterev and P. F. Lesgaft and many others. Among the students of the educational institution - famous historians and revolutionaries, artists and composers.

Kazan University was a center of advanced ideas and revolutionary struggle. In 1887, Vladimir Ulyanov entered the Faculty of Law. He took an active part in organizing a student meeting on December 4, 1917, for which he was expelled from the educational institution. However, despite, or perhaps because of this fact, the University bore the prefix “named after Ulyanov-Lenin” for many years.

On the basis of the educational institution, such Kazan universities as medical and pedagogical, aviation and chemical-technological, agricultural and financial-economic were formed.

In 1925, Kazan University was awarded the title of V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin. In 1955 he awarded the order Red Banner of Labor, and in 1979 - the Order of Lenin.

In accordance with the Decree of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev dated October 21, 2009, the Volga Federal University was to be created on the basis of KSU. At the same time, students and teachers of KSU came out in favor of preserving the historical name of the university and it was decided to assign the name “Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University” to the reorganized university - KFU.

In 2011, in the process of reorganization to educational institution The Tatar State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University, the Kazan State Faculty of Finance and Economics and the Elabuga State Pedagogical University were merged.

Kazan University – architecture

The ensemble of Kazan University is an urban planning and architectural monument of Russia. The complex of buildings, built in the classical style, occupies a block along Kremlevskaya Street (formerly Voskresenskaya).

In 1796, the Kazan Imperial Gymnasium was opened in the house for the military governor at the beginning of Voskresenskaya Street. By order of Alexander I of November 5, 1804, the Certificate of Confirmation and the Charter of Kazan University, which was initially located in the same building as the gymnasium, were signed.

Construction of new buildings began in 1822 according to the design of architect P.G. Pyatnitsky. A member of the construction committee, and later the rector of the university, N.I., took a large part in the development of the project. Lobachevsky. A significant contribution to the creation of the university complex was made by architects M.P. Korinfsky and I.P. Bezsonov, M.N. Litvinov and V. Bernhard.

The main building was erected in 1825. Its length was 160 meters. The building is decorated with three porticoes with columns, and in the lobby there are statues of famous personalities. The main staircase led to the assembly hall, decorated in a classical manner, and the church, decorated in the Doric style.

The center of the development in the university courtyard was the semicircular building of the anatomical theater, which is a quadrangle with eight Ionic columns. On the wing of the building you can see the inscription in Latin “Here is the place where death is glad to help life.” On either side of the anatomical theater building there is a physical and chemical building and a library. Previously, these buildings were connected to the anatomical theater by a lattice colonnade, which has not survived to this day. At the same time, a clinic and an astronomical observatory were built.

In the 20th century, the university buildings extended beyond the historical quarter. The Faculty of Geology was located in the building of the former theological seminary on Voznesenskaya Street, a building was erected Faculty of Chemistry along Lobachevsky Street, and in the late 60s, two educational and laboratory high-rise buildings were built to the north and west of the main building of the educational institution.

Kazan University today

Currently, about 50 thousand students study at KSU, the area of ​​educational and laboratory premises is 52 thousand square meters. There are dormitories for 12 thousand places. KSU branches are located in Naberezhnye Chelny and Zelenodolsk, Elabuga and Chistopol.

The Board of Trustees is headed by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

The educational complex of the university consists of five areas:

  • Physics and mathematics
  • Natural science
  • Engineering and technical
  • Economic
  • Social and humanitarian.

Implemented large number scientific projects with the participation of scientists from Great Britain and the USA, France and Hungary, Turkey and the CIS countries, as well as the Balkan Peninsula.

Institutes and faculties of KFU

Kazan Federal University is a multidisciplinary university that trains specialists in a variety of areas in institutes and faculties headed by directors. The KFU includes:

  • Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology
  • Institute of Ecology and Geography
  • Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies
  • Institute of International Relations
  • Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics named after. N.I. Lobachevsky
  • Institute of Physics
  • Chemical Institute named after. A.M. Butlerov
  • Faculty of Law
  • Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies
  • Institute of Philology and Arts
  • Institute of Mass Communications and Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Philosophy
  • Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Institute physical culture, sports and rehabilitation medicine
  • Graduate School of Information Technology and Information Systems
  • Institute of Economics and Finance
  • Institute of Management and Territorial Development
  • Higher School of State and Municipal Administration
  • Institute of Language
  • University department physical education and sports
  • Graduate School of Management and Business
  • MBA program
  • Institute of Continuing Education
  • Faculty of Advanced Studies
  • Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Students
  • Institute for Comparative Studies of Modernization of Societies
  • Engineering Institute

Kazan University has ten different specialized museums, which are its real asset. Museum exhibits and funds are used for scientific, cultural and educational purposes.

Documents and photographs relating to the Kazan period of Ilyich’s life are carefully stored in the room-museum of V.I. Lenin at Kazan State University. The exhibits are located in the former auditorium No. 7, where Vladimir Ilyich listened to lectures on the history of Russian law. They tell us about the arrival of 17-year-old Ulyanov in August 1887 in Kazan with the aim of entering the university. But the leadership of this educational institution treated young Vladimir Ulyanov, as a member of the Ulyanov family, very warily. On Vladimir Ilyich’s application for admission to the Faculty of Law, the rector of the university imposed a resolution: “Delay until reference is received.”

And only after it was received positive characteristic. Vladimir Ilyich was accepted as a student. ^

The original list of “Students of the Imperial Kazan University” is kept in the museum room, which indicates. that Vladimir Ulyanov entered the university on August 13, 1887.

From the first days of his stay at the university, Vladimir Ilyich became an active participant in the student movement and quickly gained authority among students. He takes an active part in the work of the Simbirsk-Samara community, which, along with other communities, was an illegal student organization.

In the same year, 1887, in Kazan, with the active participation of Vladimir Ilyich, a revolutionary circle of university and veterinary institute students was created, which formed the leadership core that held the famous student meeting-demonstration on December 4 (16), 1887.

In a secret report from the trustee of the Kazan educational district to the department of public education, a photocopy of which is kept in the museum room, we read that V.I. Ulyanov “even two days before the meeting gave reason to suspect him of preparing something bad, ... spent time in the smoking room. talking with the most suspicious students, he went home and came back again, brought something at the request of others and... behaved very strangely. On December 4, he rushed into the assembly hall. ...waving his hands, as if wanting to inspire others..."

At the request of the authorities, Kazan University was closed for two months, and students expelled from the university for participating in the gathering were immediately expelled from the city.

Vladimir Ilyich was also expelled from the university for his active participation in the gathering. arrested on the night of December 4-5, 1887 at his apartment (now Komleva Street, house No. 15). imprisoned and then sentenced to exile to the village of Kokushkino (now Lenino, Pestrechinsky district) under the secret supervision of the police.

The Kazan governor, in his secret order dated January 27, 1888, instructs the Dante Laishev police officer: “Immediately, upon receipt of this, establish the strictest secret surveillance of the mentioned Ulyanov, and it is necessary to keep in mind not only him himself, but also the persons visiting him, as well as always have accurate and detailed information about with whom he is and will be corresponding...”

So, being a 17-18 year old boy. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin firmly chose the path of revolutionary struggle for himself and received his first revolutionary baptism at Kazan University.

Kazan State University acquired a painting by a young Kazan artist Ismagil Khaliulov - “The First Arrest of V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”, which clearly shows this event. In the center of the picture is young Vladimir Plich. His face is inspired by a deep consciousness of his just cause. The view of a man who has chosen his life path revolutionary in the name of liberation of working people from the oppression of capitalism.

Other exhibits in the museum room of Kazan State University tell that Vladimir Ilyich. While in exile, he continued to study seriously. During the same period, Vladimir Ilyich became acquainted with the activities of Plekhanov’s Labor Liberation Group.

In October 1888, V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin received permission to return to Kazan, where his mother lived with her younger children.

V.I. Lenin strives for knowledge, repeatedly tries to resume his interrupted studies, but, as we read in the documents, all his requests are given a laconic answer: “reject.”

Vladimir Plich deeply studies the works of Marx and Engels. including Marx’s main work “Capital”

In the museum room there is a painting by the Kazan artist A. Golubev, in which we see the young Ulyanov-Lenin, deeply thinking about the open volume of “Capital” by K. Marx.

“Capital” by K. Marx made an indelible impression on the young man Vladimir Ulyanov. “He was very ardent and enthusiastic,” recalls A.P. Ulyanova-Elizarova. — told me about the foundations of Marx’s theory and the new horizons that it opened...”

With excitement, visitors enter Kazan University, into the room-museum of V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin. They listen with deep interest to the story about V.I. Lenin’s stay in Kazan, about the beginning of his revolutionary activity. Every year there are up to 10 thousand visitors to the Lenin room.

Students of Kazan State University sacredly honor the memory of V.N. Ulyanov-Lenin. Every year on Lenin's days they make a traditional ski trip along the Kazan-Lenivo-Kazan route and hold conversations about V.I. Lenin on nearby collective farms.

First-year students enter here with a special feeling of excitement and pride in their university. They carefully and deeply familiarize themselves with the museum’s materials. Many of them showed good knowledge of seminar classes on the basics of Marxism-Leninism when studying the topic: “The beginning of the revolutionary activity of V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin.”

The students are proud of it. that they study within the walls of Kazan University, where he began his revolutionary activity the great leader of all working people V.I. Lenin. Thus, first-year students of the 17th group of the Faculty of Geology wrote down in the report book on December 16, 1952:

“...visiting the room-museum of V. I. Lenin

we once again recalled in our memory the days of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin's stay in

the walls of the university. The image of a courageous fighter for a bright future for oppressed peoples once again appeared before our eyes. We are proud to be students of the university where Lenin studied, to walk along the corridors that he walked through. We will make every effort to justify the title of students of the university named after V.I. Lenin.”

“Our long-awaited dream is to visit the places where the great Lenin studied. - came true. A visit to the room-museum of V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin made an indelible impression on us. For the rest of our lives we will remember those unforgettable minutes that we spent within these walls.

The university becomes even closer and dearer to us from the knowledge that the founder of the world’s first socialist state, the genius of mankind, studied here.”

An entry by first-year law student Margarita Zykova, made on September 3, 1952, reads:

“My dream was to see the audience where I studied greatest man globe V. I. Lenin. This dream has come true. How much pride I felt for my people, for my leader, Comrade Stalin. when I entered the classroom where Lenin studied.

Here, in front of the portrait of Vladimir Ilyich, I give my word to carry everything with honor in my heart. what was so dear to Lenin and what became so dear to me...

Many thanks to the party and Comrade Stalin for allowing me to study at the university. where Vladimir Ilyich studied."

The Lenin room was visited by excursionists from Moscow, Leningrad, Central Asia, Georgia, almost all the cities of the Volga region, from Bashkiria, Khabarovsk, Sakhalin. Ural, Buryat-Mongolia. Stavropol region and other parts of the Soviet Union.

Teacher at Tbilisi 31st girls' school T. V. Khvaragadze writes:

“I am a native of the mountains. Gori, Georgian SSR. I visited Kazansky with my daughter state university, where the great leader and teacher V.I. Lenin studied. We are endlessly glad and happy. “I will work with even greater strength and energy to educate the younger generation - the future builders of a communist society.”

The feelings of deep excitement associated with visiting the room-museum of V. I. Lenin are evidenced by the records of Stalin Prize laureates. Stakhanovites Lidia Korabelnikova and Fyodor Kuznetsv, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, champion of the International Olympic Games Udodov. women's basketball team of the voluntary sports society "Stroitel", which is the European champion. students of the Uzbek University named after. Alisher Navoi, Yaroslavl Pedagogical Institute. Moscow Higher technical school them. Bauman, students of the Gorky Pedagogical Institute, participants in the Second Interregional Scientific Student Conference. workers, employees, school students, etc.

Visitors, leaving the museum room, take with them the bright image of the leader, whose example they vow to follow.


Head of the room-museum V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin Kazan State University