Everything about the universe. Interesting facts about the universe

Doctor pedagogical sciences E. LEVITAN.

Peer into the previously unattainable depths of the Universe.

An inquisitive pilgrim has reached the “end of the world” and is trying to see: what is there, beyond the edge?

Illustration for the hypothesis of the birth of metagalaxies from a decaying giant bubble. The bubble grew to enormous sizes at the stage of rapid “inflation” of the Universe. (Drawing from the magazine "Earth and Universe".)

Isn't it a strange title for an article? Isn't there only one Universe? By the end of the twentieth century, it became clear that the picture of the universe is immeasurably more complex than that which seemed completely obvious a hundred years ago. Neither the Earth, nor the Sun, nor our Galaxy turned out to be the center of the Universe. The geocentric, heliocentric and galactocentric systems of the world have been replaced by the idea that we live in an expanding Metagalaxy (our Universe). There are countless galaxies in it. Each, like ours, consists of tens or even hundreds of billions of star-suns. And there is no center. It only seems to the inhabitants of each galaxy that other star islands are scattering from them in all directions. A few decades ago, astronomers could only assume that planetary systems similar to our solar system existed somewhere. Now, with a high degree of certainty, they name a number of stars in which “protoplanetary disks” have been discovered (planets will one day form from them), and they confidently talk about the discovery of several planetary systems.

The process of learning about the Universe is endless. And the further we go, the more daring, sometimes seemingly absolutely fantastic, tasks the researchers set for themselves. So why not assume that astronomers will someday discover other universes? After all, it is quite likely that our Metagalaxy is not the entire Universe, but only some part of it...

It is unlikely that modern astronomers and even astronomers of the very distant future will ever be able to see other universes with their own eyes. And yet science already has some evidence that our Metagalaxy may turn out to be one of many mini-universes.

Hardly anyone doubts that life and intelligence can arise, exist and develop only at a certain stage in the evolution of the Universe. It is difficult to imagine that any forms of life appeared earlier than the stars and the planets moving around them. And not every planet, as we know, is suitable for life. Certain conditions are necessary: ​​a fairly narrow range of temperatures, a composition of air suitable for breathing, water... In the Solar System, the Earth found itself in such a “belt of life.” And our Sun is probably located in the “life belt” of the Galaxy (at a certain distance from its center).

Many extremely faint (in brightness) and distant galaxies have been photographed in this way. The most striking of them were able to examine some details: structure, structural features. The brightness of the faintest galaxies in the image is 27.5 m, and the point objects (stars) are even fainter (up to 28.1 m)! Let us recall that with the naked eye people with good vision and the most favorable conditions observations show stars of approximately 6 m (these are 250 million times brighter objects than those with a magnitude of 27 m).
The similar ground-based telescopes currently being created are already comparable in their capabilities to the capabilities of the Hubble Space Telescope, and in some ways even surpass them.
What conditions are needed for stars and planets to arise? First of all, this is due to such fundamental physical constants as the gravitational constant and the constants of other physical interactions (weak, electromagnetic and strong). The numerical values ​​of these constants are well known to physicists. Even schoolchildren, studying the law of universal gravitation, become familiar with the constant of gravity. Students from the general physics course will also learn about the constants of three other types of physical interaction.

More recently, astrophysicists and specialists in the field of cosmology have realized that it is precisely the existing values ​​of the constants of physical interactions that are necessary for the Universe to be what it is. With other physical constants, the Universe would be completely different. For example, the lifetime of the Sun could be only 50 million years (this is too short for the emergence and development of life on planets). Or, say, if the Universe consisted only of hydrogen or only helium, this would also make it completely lifeless. Variants of the Universe with other masses of protons, neutrons, and electrons are in no way suitable for life in the form in which we know it. Calculations convince us: we need elementary particles exactly as they are! And the dimension of space is of fundamental importance for the existence of both planetary systems and individual atoms (with electrons moving around the nuclei). We live in a three-dimensional world and could not live in a world with more or fewer dimensions.

It turns out that everything in the Universe seems to be “adjusted” so that life in it can appear and develop! We, of course, painted a very simplified picture, because in the emergence and development of life huge role Not only physics, but also chemistry and biology play a role. However, with a different physics, both chemistry and biology could become different...

All these arguments lead to what in philosophy is called the anthropic principle. This is an attempt to consider the Universe in a “human-dimensional” dimension, that is, from the point of view of its existence. The anthropic principle itself cannot explain why the Universe is the way we observe it. But to some extent it helps researchers formulate new problems. For example, the amazing “adjustment” of the fundamental properties of our Universe can be considered as a circumstance indicating the uniqueness of our Universe. And from here, it seems, it’s one step to the hypothesis about the existence of completely different universes, worlds absolutely different from ours. And their number, in principle, can be unlimited.

Now let's try to approach the problem of the existence of other universes from the standpoint of modern cosmology, a science that studies the Universe as a whole (as opposed to cosmogony, which studies the origin of planets, stars, and galaxies).

Remember, the discovery that the Metagalaxy is expanding almost immediately led to the hypothesis of the Big Bang (see "Science and Life" No. 2, 1998). It is believed to have occurred approximately 15 billion years ago. Very dense and hot matter went through one after another stage of the “hot Universe”. So, 1 billion years after big bang from the clouds of hydrogen and helium that had formed by that time, “protogalaxies” began to emerge and the first stars in them. The “hot Universe” hypothesis is based on calculations that allow us to trace the history of the early Universe starting literally from the first second.

Here's what our famous physicist Academician Ya. B. Zeldovich wrote about this: “The Big Bang theory in present moment does not have any noticeable shortcomings. I would even say that it is as firmly established and true as it is true that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Both theories occupied a central place in the picture of the universe of their time, and both had many opponents who argued that the new ideas contained in them were absurd and contrary to common sense. But such speeches are not able to hinder the success of new theories."

This was said in the early 80s, when the first attempts were already being made to significantly supplement the “hot Universe” hypothesis with an important idea about what happened in the first second of “creation”, when the temperature was above 10 28 K. Take another step towards " from the very beginning" was possible thanks to the latest achievements of physics elementary particles. It was at the intersection of physics and astrophysics that the “inflating Universe” hypothesis began to develop (see “Science and Life” No. 8, 1985). Due to its unusual nature, the “inflating Universe” hypothesis can be considered one of the most “crazy” ones. However, it is known from the history of science that it is precisely such hypotheses and theories that often become important milestones in the development of science.

The essence of the “inflating Universe” hypothesis is that at the “very beginning” the Universe expanded monstrously quickly. In just 10 -32 s, the size of the nascent Universe grew not 10 times, as would be the case with a “normal” expansion, but 10 50 or even 10 1000000 times. The expansion occurred at an accelerated rate, but the energy per unit volume remained unchanged. Scientists prove that the initial moments of expansion occurred in a “vacuum”. This word is put in quotation marks here, since the vacuum was not ordinary, but false, because it is difficult to call a “vacuum” with a density of 10 77 kg/m 3 ordinary! From such a false (or physical) vacuum, which had amazing properties (for example, negative pressure), not one, but many metagalaxies (including, of course, ours) could be formed. And each of them is a mini-universe with its own set of physical constants, its own structure and other inherent features (for more information about this, see “Earth and the Universe” No. 1, 1989).

But where are these “relatives” of our Metagalaxy? In all likelihood, they, like our Universe, were formed as a result of the “inflation” of a domain (“domains” from the French domaine - area, sphere), into which the very early Universe immediately broke up. Since each such region has inflated to a size exceeding the current size of the Metagalaxy, their boundaries are separated from each other by enormous distances. Perhaps the nearest mini-universe is located at a distance of about 10 35 light years from us. Let us recall that the size of the Metagalaxy is “only” 10 10 light years! It turns out that not next to us, but somewhere very, very far from each other, there exist other, probably completely outlandish, according to our concepts, worlds...

So, it is possible that the world we live in is much more complex than hitherto assumed. It is likely that it consists of countless universes in the universe. We still know practically nothing about this Big Universe, complex and amazingly diverse. But we still seem to know one thing. No matter how far other mini-worlds are from us, each of them is real. They are not fictional, like some of the now fashionable “parallel” worlds, which are now often talked about by people far from science.

Well, what happens in the end? Stars, planets, galaxies, metagalaxies all together occupy only the tiniest place in the boundless expanses of extremely rarefied matter... And there is nothing else in the Universe? It’s too simple... It’s somehow even hard to believe.

And astrophysicists have been looking for something in the Universe for a long time. Observations indicate the existence of “hidden mass,” some kind of invisible “dark” matter. It cannot be seen even with the most powerful telescope, but it manifests itself through its gravitational effect on ordinary matter. Until quite recently, astrophysicists assumed that in galaxies and in the space between them there is approximately the same amount of such hidden matter as there is observable matter. However, recently many researchers have come to an even more sensational conclusion: there is no more than five percent of “normal” matter in our Universe, the rest is “invisible.”

It is assumed that 70 percent of them are quantum mechanical, vacuum structures evenly distributed in space (it is they that determine the expansion of the Metagalaxy), and 25 percent are various exotic objects. For example, low-mass black holes, almost pointlike; very extended objects - “strings”; domain walls, which we have already mentioned. But in addition to such objects, whole classes of hypothetical elementary particles, for example “mirror particles,” can make up the “hidden” mass. The famous Russian astrophysicist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences N.S. Kardashev (once upon a time, both of us were active members of the astronomical circle at the Moscow Planetarium), suggests that the “mirror world” invisible to us with its planets and stars may consist of “mirror particles”. . And the substance in the “mirror world” is approximately five times greater than in ours. It turns out that scientists have some reason to believe that the “mirror world” seems to permeate ours. It’s just that we haven’t been able to find it yet.

The idea is almost fabulous, fantastic. But who knows, maybe one of you - current astronomy lovers - will become a researcher in the coming 21st century and will be able to uncover the secret of the “mirror Universe”.

Publications on the topic in "Science and Life"

Shulga V. Cosmic lenses and the search for dark matter in the Universe. - 1994, No. 2.

Roizen I. The Universe between a moment and eternity. - 1996, No. 11, 12.

Sazhin M., Shulga V. Mysteries of cosmic strings. - 1998, No. 4.

Space. There is nothing more interesting and mysterious. Day by day, humanity increases its knowledge of the universe, while simultaneously expanding the boundaries of the unknown. Having received ten answers, we ask ourselves a hundred more questions - and so on all the time. We have collected the most interesting facts about the universe in order not only to satisfy the curiosity of readers, but also to rekindle their interest in the universe with renewed vigor.

The moon is running away from us

The Moon is moving away from the Earth - yes, our satellite is “running away” from us at a speed of approximately 3.8 centimeters per year. What does this mean? As the radius of the lunar orbit increases, the size of the lunar disk observed from Earth decreases. This means that such a phenomenon as a total solar eclipse is under threat.

In addition, some planets orbit from their star at a distance suitable for the existence of water in liquid state. And this makes it possible to discover planets suitable for life. And in the near future.

What do they write in space?

American scientists and astronauts have long been thinking about the design of a pen that could be used to write in space - while their Russian colleagues simply decided to use an ordinary slate pencil in zero gravity, without changing it in any way and without spending huge sums on developing concepts and experiments.

Diamond showers

According to, diamond rains occur on Jupiter and Saturn - thunder constantly rages in the upper atmosphere of these planets, and lightning discharges release carbon from methane molecules. Moving towards the surface of the planet and overcoming hydrogen layers, subjected to gravity and enormous temperatures, carbon turns into graphite and then into diamond.

If you believe this hypothesis, up to ten million tons of diamonds can accumulate on gas giants! At the moment, the hypothesis still remains controversial - many scientists are sure that the proportion of methane in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn is too small, and, having difficulty even converting into soot, methane most likely simply dissolves.

These are just a few of the huge number of mysteries of the universe. Thousands of questions remain unanswered, we still do not know about millions of phenomena and secrets - our generation has something to strive for.

But we will try to tell more about space on the pages of the site. Subscribe to updates so you don't miss out new release!

> Interesting facts about the universe

10 most interesting facts about the Universe and space: initial temperature, diameter, shape features, the mystery of dark matter and dark energy, where to look for the center.

Do you think you are familiar with Universe and her secrets? We offer you top 10 interesting facts that may surprise you.

  1. Was hotter when I was younger

Among scientists, most agree with the Big Bang theory. Confirmation received when discovered cosmic microwave background radiation. Of course, we can't see the moment with our own eyes, but extrapolation proves that the Universe was infinitely hot at the beginning and began to cool as it expanded.

Researchers believe that in the first minutes of expansion the temperature reached a billion Kelvin. But in the first second there are 10 billion Kelvins. So that you understand, today these indicators are 2.725 Kelvin.

    With old age comes cold

Tracking the most distant galaxies confirms that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating. If we add information about constant cooling, we get the final result in the form of a Big Freeze.

This means that the space will be deprived of useful heat (energy) and all movement will stop. This is also supported by the readings of WMAP (studies cosmic microwave background radiation).

    The diameter of the Universe is 150 billion light years

Of course, such a figure can be confusing, since it differs greatly from age. But everything can be explained by the acceleration of expansion.

    Age – 13.7 billion years

If you don’t believe it, then know that these calculations are reliable with an accuracy of 1%. Thanks to WMAP, which studies the cosmic microwave background radiation. Older methods also confirm a similar number, along with measurements of the ages of stars in the oldest clusters.

    The Earth is round, but the Universe is not

Starting from general theory Einstein's relativity, we can talk about three possible forms of the Universe: open, closed and flat. And here WMAP comes into play again, confirming the latter option. If we combine the form with the concept of dark energy, we get the most possible prediction of the end of everything - the Big Freeze.

    Large scale structures

If you zoom in as far as possible, you will notice that the Universe is represented by threads, voids, superclusters, groups and clusters. The latter unite into superclusters, and they can form walls that are part of the filaments. Places without anything are called voids. CMBR measurements confirm that the space is full in some parts and empty in others.

    A huge part remains invisible to us

Using wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum (radio waves, visible light, infrared and x-rays) managed to see distant places. We still lack the power to look deeper. But we can believe there's something else out there based on temperature distributions, gravitational lensing, orbital velocities, and galactic rotation rates. This also confirmed the presence of dark matter. And dark energy is responsible for accelerating the distance of galaxies.

    The universe has no center

No. Of course, the Earth is not located at the center of everything. Moreover, we don't even occupy the center of the galaxy. And yes, Milky Way also not located in the central part. There is no point in looking for this place, since the Universe is devoid of a center.

    Objects are in a hurry to move away from each other

Galaxies do not stop moving away. Until the latest discoveries, it was believed that one day everything could end with a Big Rip (everything, even atoms, would be destroyed). This theory was based on the accelerated rate of expansion. Scientists thought it would last forever and cause everything to break apart.

    To understand everything, you need to study elements smaller than an atom

Researchers wanted to find out where it all began, so they began to peer into the past, finding smaller and smaller structures. They understood that they would encounter a young and hot Universe, with high density, small size and an incredibly large energy reserve.

It turns out that we are again returning to the study of elementary particles, which contribute to the study of the appearance of everything.

Now you know 10 interesting facts about the Universe. But this is just the beginning! The Universe is an endless space filled with amazing, mysterious celestial bodies, like black holes, pulsars and neutron stars. Sometimes there are stars and planets that can shock you with their behavior or appearance. In addition, scientists do not lose hope of finding life beyond the Earth. Therefore, follow the interesting links on the site and explore the vastness of the Universe with us.

Microscopic particles that human vision can only be seen with a microscope, as well as huge planets and star clusters, amaze people. Since ancient times, our ancestors tried to comprehend the principles of the formation of the cosmos, but even in modern world There is still no exact answer to the question “how the Universe was formed.” Perhaps the human mind is not able to find a solution to such a global problem?

Scientists tried to understand this mystery different eras from all corners of the Earth. The basis of all theoretical explanations are assumptions and calculations. Numerous hypotheses put forward by scientists are designed to create an idea of ​​the Universe and explain its origins. large scale structure, chemical elements and describe the chronology of origin.

String theory

To some extent refutes the Big Bang as the initial moment of the emergence of elements outer space. According to the Universe, it has always existed. The hypothesis describes the interaction and structure of matter, where there is a certain set of particles that are divided into quarks, bosons and leptons. Speaking in simple language, these elements are the basis of the universe, since their size is so small that division into other components has become impossible.

The hallmark of the theory of how the Universe formed is that the aforementioned particles are ultramicroscopic strings that constantly vibrate. Individually they have no material form, being energy that collectively creates everything. physical elements space. An example in this situation would be fire: looking at it, it appears to be matter, but it is intangible.

Big Bang - the first scientific hypothesis

The author of this assumption was astronomer Edwin Hubble, who in 1929 noticed that galaxies were gradually moving away from each other. The theory states that the current big universe arose from a particle that was microscopic in size. The future elements of the universe were in a singular state in which it was impossible to obtain data on pressure, temperature or density. The laws of physics in such conditions do not affect energy and matter.

The cause of the Big Bang is said to be instability that arose inside the particle. Peculiar fragments, spreading in space, formed a nebula. Over time, these tiny elements formed atoms, from which the galaxies, stars and planets of the Universe arose as we know them today.

Space inflation

This theory of the birth of the Universe states that the modern world was initially placed at an infinitesimal point in a state of singularity, which began to expand at incredible speed. After a very short period of time, its increase already exceeded the speed of light. This process is called “inflation”.

The main goal of the hypothesis is to explain not how the Universe was formed, but the reasons for its expansion and the concept of cosmic singularity. As a result of working on this theory, it became clear that only calculations and results based on theoretical methods are applicable to solve this problem.


This theory dominated long time up to late XIX century. According to creationism, organic world, humanity, the Earth and the greater Universe as a whole were created by God. The hypothesis originated among scientists who did not refute Christianity as an explanation of the history of the universe.

Creationism is the main opponent of evolution. All nature, created by God in six days, which we see every day, was originally like this and remains unchanged to this day. That is, self-development as such did not exist.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the accumulation of knowledge in the field of physics, astronomy, mathematics and biology began to accelerate. With the help of new information, scientists are making repeated attempts to explain how the Universe was formed, thereby relegating creationism to the background. In the modern world, this theory has taken the form of a philosophical movement consisting of religion as a basis, as well as myths, facts and even scientific knowledge.

Stephen Hawking's Anthropic Principle

His hypothesis as a whole can be described in a few words: random events doesn't happen. Our Earth today has more than 40 characteristics, without which life on the planet would not exist.

The American astrophysicist H. Ross assessed the probability of random events. As a result, the scientist received the number 10 with a power of -53 (if the last number is less than 40, randomness is considered impossible).

The observable Universe contains a trillion galaxies and each contains approximately 100 billion stars. Based on this, the number of planets in the Universe is 10 to the twentieth power, which is 33 orders of magnitude less than in the previous calculation. Consequently, in all of space there are no such unique places with conditions as on Earth that would allow the spontaneous emergence of life.

I have already written a lot about the Universe, but my knowledge is constantly expanding and now it is much easier for me to explain this one of the most complex and interesting topics. On this page I will answer many questions regarding the Universe: about black holes, about planets, about satellites of planets and many related questions, everything related to the Universe. In the previous answer about God, I wrote that the meaning of God’s existence is to create and create.

Let's highlight three main directions:

1.Create the Universe (a home for the mind);
2 .Create intelligence (this is the eternity of God);
3. Create energy (promotes unification of minds, creating a hive mind). Energy is also information, without which collective intelligence is impossible.

We see that the creation of the Universe comes first in importance, because... a home is needed for the birth of reason. If we open the Bible, the first chapter of the book of Genesis, we will see that God first created the earth, and only then created man.
(1 . In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

27. And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them.) - Bible. Being. Ch. 1:1;27.
The universe is one of God's greatest creations.

Question - How does the Universe work?

The Bible does not directly write about the Universe, like many other things. The Bible is full of secrets. But it has everything, it answers any question. Indeed, the first chapter of Genesis describes the creation of the earth and the solar system, which includes the earth. But I will answer separately about the structure of planet Earth. The Universe is written about in clues and scattered throughout the Bible. Therefore, the first chapter of the book of Genesis is also a clue about the creation of the Universe. But the totality of all the clues in the Bible shows the great Creation of God. To begin with, we will familiarize ourselves with information from the book of Proverbs of Solomon.

(24 I was born when there were no deeps, when there were no springs abundant with water.
25 I was born before the mountains were raised, before the hills,
26 When He had not yet created the earth, nor the fields, nor the initial grains of dust of the universe.
27 When He prepared the heavens, I was there. When He drew a circular line across the face of the abyss,
28 When he strengthened the clouds above, when he strengthened the fountains of the deep,) - the Bible. Proverbs. Ch. 8:24-28.

Scientists, students and modern youth, think carefully about this wisdom, because... The book Proverbs from the Bible is dedicated to special wisdom that covers many important areas, including the Universe. I have given five verses. What is written here is not the truth, because... no repetitions, at least three times. But this is an important clue for the Bible interpreter about the creation of the Universe. Everyone can interpret these verses in their own way, and perhaps someone will come close to the truth. But I knew about the universe after analyzing the book of Genesis, but I looked in the following books of the Bible to show more clearly what I want to talk about. I was looking for these verses to show you that there is such a clue about what I will tell.

One of the Gods created by God the Forefather, with His unlimited knowledge (wisdom), moved away from His Universe so far, where there was not even a speck of dust around, i.e. there was no space, no planets, no galaxies - absolute emptiness (Never equate “Space” with emptiness. Space is one of God’s greatest and most complex creations. According to the Bible, space is an abyss). But let's carefully analyze each verse, each expression:

Verse 24. ( I was born when the abysses did not yet exist) - this expression says a lot. The first and important point is that God possessed wisdom before the creation of our Universe, because arrived from another. But the second point is more important for us, this is that the “abyss” is an artificial creation of God, which appeared after God acquired wisdom;

(when there were no springs abundant with water) - this expression gives a very important clue about the "sources". In this verse the spring is associated with water, which is life. To understand what a source is, I’ll get ahead a little. The last verse contains the expression ( springs of the abyss). In the first verse there are springs of water, in the fifth verse springs of the abyss. These are the most difficult moments in understanding the creation of the Universe, this is the foundation of creation. I will say about each of these three great creations of God:

Water is the source of life for all life in the Universe. Water is “matter”, i.e. its first state, from which the whole consists material world. This “matter” can be touched and seen; from it God creates planets and galaxies, satellites and luminaries, and, of course, bodies for the mind. For example, on earth, seas and mountains are created from “water”. The water we drink is one of its states.

The Abyss is the source of intelligence in the Universe. The Abyss is the second state of “matter”, of which not only the mind, but also the collective mind consists. The Abyss is energy, it is information, it is everything that connects the mind in the Universe into a collective mind, it is the connection of God the Forefather with all the minds of all Universes.

The source is the source of “matter”, all its seven states, two of which we have already learned. The source is an enterprise for processing and manufacturing the necessary “matter” and delivering it to right place, both in the Universe and beyond. The source is a repository of "matter", this is what scientists call " Black hole".

Now, after this hint, let’s return to the beginning of the Bible, to the first book of Genesis, to the first chapter. I will show you the first seven verses and explain, so that you yourself will understand.

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was upon the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light. And there was light.
4 And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness.
5 And God called the light day and the darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning: one day.
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate water from water.
7 And God made the firmament, and separated the waters that were under the firmament from the waters that were above the firmament. And so it became.

These verses tell how God created the solar system. In the first verse we see that God created the heavens and the earth. Please note that the sky comes first (not material), and the earth comes second (material). The second verse shows another important point - when the solar system was created, the abyss and water were already present here - our God did not create them, He used ready-made building materials. But here there is an interesting point in which the abyss has an interesting addition - the Spirit of God (rushed).

Firstly, the Spirit of God, this is information - a program, this is part of the abyss and it shows that in the abyss everything is in motion, controlled by God. You have heard the expression: the Spirit of God entered into man. E this means that certain information has entered the human soul, which is always in touch with the abyss (on earth the abyss has a different state, and is called the firmament). The firmament differs from the abyss only in the presence of additional chemical elements for human life. The firmament according to the Bible is the atmosphere according to the earth.

I have already said that the abyss is not only energy, but also, which is very important, it is information, and intelligent and controllable (humanity is at such a low level of development that it is impossible to understand). Second part of the verse ( The Spirit of God hovered over the waters) explains the order - this is why you need to first create an abyss, because This is an energetically information-transport bus (field). This is the presence of all the information in the Universe and the energy to move spiritual entities that must build planets and galaxies. Therefore, first God creates the abyss, and then the material world. We start with the spiritual and move on to the material. Then, the mind will arise in the material world in order to rise to the spiritual. This is the circle of eternity - the beginning and the end.

This cycle is eternal. Verses three through five show that God created the luminaries the Sun and the Moon. Verse six shows that the Lord created the “firmament.” The Firmament is one of the states of the abyss, i.e. chemical elements for life on this planet (oxygen, etc.) are added to the firmament. The firmament has the same properties as the abyss, i.e. information and energy, it also transmits light and all waves and signals, but most importantly, it ensures movement, as throughout the entire Universe. The entire Universe is filled with energy for the mind. The seventh verse shows that God separated our material world with the help of the firmament, or rather protected it from negative material and immaterial influences from the outside.

Protection from meteorites and dangerous rays and fields. Let me remind you that every creation of God must have at least three states, this also applies to the firmament. Its other states are protective fields around the earth - the ionosphere, nanosphere and others (possibly from three to seven states). These states smoothly move from Tvedi to the abyss. I want to call your attention to verses six and seven. In the sixth the word “water” was repeated three times, in the seventh the word “firmament” was repeated three times. Three repetitions in one verse - highest truth, reliability and importance of this information. But the priority of following highlights more important information. But water (the material world) is not only ahead in the verses, in this chapter it is repeated eleven times, while the word "firmament" is repeated nine times.

From here we know that in the Universe, water is the source of life, the most important component of the Universe, because... without knowledge of the material you will not rise to spiritual world. Let's take a close look at the creation of the solar system, which is intended for life on planet Earth - this is the Universe in miniature. The Earth is a planet, the Moon is a satellite of the planet, the Sun is a source of heat for life on the planet, water is the source of life on the planet, the firmament is source of information, for the collective mind (we don’t yet know how to use the energy of the firmament). Here are all the constituent elements of the Universe and we will talk about each separately. God did not directly mention the truth about the black hole, but there is a hint where the word “everything” refers to sources of water and abysses:

(11. In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the sources of the great deep burst forth, and the windows of heaven were opened;) Bible. Being. Ch. 7.

You understand perfectly well that when God gave the flood, He could not directly write the source of the water, so He gave a clue through the source of the deep (in plural, but for the galaxy one source of the abyss or water or at the same time is enough), but the source of the abyss also participated in this process to create a vacuum tunnel through which water was transmitted from the water source to the earth. The windows of heaven create the source of the deep (this is not material). The Abyss (the energy of the abyss and the controlled information of the abyss are interconnected and form a single whole - the abyss) changed the structure of the upper layers of the firmament to remove resistance for the rapid movement of water to the ground. Now let's go back to the book of Proverbs of Solomon.

Verse 25. (I was born before the mountains were erected, before the hills,) . In this verse, wisdom reminds us that God founded the earth with wisdom. Another clue shows this (The Lord founded the earth with wisdom, established the heavens with understanding. - Bible. Proverbs. Ch. 3:19.). This verse connects the previous verse about the Universe with our earth, showing one whole.

Verse 26. (When He had not yet created either the earth, or the fields, or the initial grains of dust of the universe.). This verse completely reconnected the creation of the earth with the creation of the universe. The laws in our solar system correspond to the laws of the Universe.

Verse 27. (When He prepared the heavens, I was there. When He drew a circular line across the face of the deep.). in the first phrase, wisdom reminds us that it was through wisdom that God created everything. I'll show you another clue that has to do with heaven. (He created the earth by His power, established the world by His wisdom, and spread out the heavens with His understanding. - Bible. Jeremiah. Chapter 10:12.). The expression is to draw a circular line across the face of the abyss, which means he created a new Universe and it has limitations. The Universe is not infinite and has rigid boundaries. The Abyss determines these boundaries. Within these boundaries there exists information and energy, which is the Universe. The creation of the abyss is the first stage of the creation of the Universe, and only then God creates homes for the mind - planets, galaxies, satellites and suns.

Verse 28. (When I affirmed the clouds above, when I strengthened the sources of the deep). This is a very difficult clue. Here the Lord means the sky by clouds. The Bible mentions the third heaven. For a Bible interpreter this is enough, because... the knowledge is already embedded in me. The first sky is the sky of our galaxy, which includes ours solar system. The second sky is the sky of our Universe, which includes many galaxies. The third heaven is the heaven under which God, the Creator of the beginning, lives, this is the heaven of all Universes that are accessible to God the Forefather, because only He understands logical thinking of all intelligent worlds.

This verse shows that when the Lord creates galaxies, He simultaneously places the sources of the deeps there. Every galaxy must have a “Black Hole”, this is what scientists call the source. The source in the galaxy constantly maintains the level of the abyss, because... the energy of the abyss is constantly spent on all the needs of the mind and maintaining the stability of the galaxy. Not only does movement in the Universe use the energy of the abyss, but the enormous amount of information exchange requires a lot of energy, not to mention ensuring the passage of light and signals.

After all, the passage of light, signals, spaceships is not carried out due to transmitters or ships, but only due to the presence and use of the energy of the abyss. Abyss is the most “smart” information and transport bus (field).

In the Universe, water sources are not permanently installed in galaxies; they are delivered to cleanse an outdated planet or galaxy, or are sent to create new planets and galaxies. When the earth needed water, God brought a water source here and from it loaded water into the earth. More about black holes later.

Speaking about the Universe, we cannot ignore the important question - where does the energy that the Universe itself needs for its life support and for the mind come from (the soul is also energy!). I have already said that all the laws in the Universe apply throughout the Universe, because... The Lord created everything. Let's get down to the ground, because... We live here and it’s easier for us to take earthly examples. You have all heard such names - engine, generator, in short, electric machines. The Lord also “gave” this technique to us; we receive all knowledge on earth from the Lord. When we apply power to the engine stator (fixed part) electric current, the motor rotor (moving part) rotates and performs mechanical work. If we mechanically rotate the generator rotor (moving part), then we will receive electric current from the stator (fixed part).

Thus all electric machines are reversible. Such processes also occur in the Universe. To obtain energy, something must rotate or move. Movement is not only life, but also energy. Therefore, everything in the Universe moves and rotates - the main condition for maintaining the balance of energy in the Universe. In our solar system, all the planets rotate with the sun, and each planet revolves around the sun. The entire solar system rotates through the galaxy and rushes quite quickly through it. But our galaxy rushes and rotates across the expanses of the Universe, like all galaxies. And all this creates the harmony of energy balance that God created. How movement turns into energy, I have not delved into such depths of knowledge, but I will briefly try to explain. Today there is no need for this complex knowledge.

I have always asked God to give me a superficial knowledge of the Universe and I believe that this is quite enough, for which I am grateful to God. The Universe is motionless, and its boundary is the stator (the motionless part of the Universe). It seems that God applied “voltage” to the stator, and the rotor (the entire moving part of the Universe, i.e. all the planets and galaxies) began to rotate (move). I'll add. The motor can be thought of as a transformer. We apply one voltage to the primary winding, and remove another voltage from the secondary winding (more or less). The same goes for the engine. We supply an electric current to the stator, it creates an electric magnetic field that penetrates the motor rotor and induces its electromagnetic field there.

If the rotor is stationary, then voltage can be obtained from it (transformer mode). If the rotor is movable, this magnetic field will cause it to rotate. But it seems that the engine of God - the Universe, simultaneously has two functions of a transformer and an engine. Inside the Universe, everything is in motion and at the same time everything is filled with energy. This is because the entire Universe is covered by a special field that interacts with the abyss ( special type"matter"), inducing a huge EMF in it.

Anyone who is connected with electricity knows what EMF is - Electromagnetic Motive Force. This suggests that the Universes have rigid boundaries, which are determined by the field. When scientists say that the Universe is expanding, this is not entirely correct. The Universe from the original circle lengthens and rushes from the beginning of the transition, from where it began to be created, into the opposite side to the point of transition to the new Universe. I have already written that Universes are not eternal. Imagine the Universe - a ball that stretches into an ellipse until a certain point of transition from dying to reviving, i.e. new. The process occurs smoothly over many billions of years. Therefore, two Universes, like two circles connected to each other, turning into one another, form, as it were, the number “eight” and identify infinity. Therefore, God is eternal, because. By creating intelligence in the Universe, He, like the Universe, is renewed. Eternity is a continuous process of renewal - infinity. Our Universe was also created from a dying Universe, from which “Black Holes” - repositories of “Matter” were transported.

The dying out of the Universe does not depend on the life of planets and galaxies that die and are reborn; the Universe ends its life when the “Abyss” is destroyed - the connection in the Universe, without which it is impossible to control this Universe. We, out of ignorance, call the “Abyss of God” space, considering it empty, and this is a big mistake of scientists. Without this “empty” space, the existence of the Universe is impossible, because... All types of connections between intelligent worlds will disappear. The collective mind of all worlds is the reason for the creation of the Universe. The universe cannot exist without energy, and neither can the mind. When our planet receives the status of an intelligent world, we will be told everything in detail and not only about that. Here is a brief summary of the Universe that I understood from the Bible and the clues God gave me through the Internet.

An example of the reorganization of the solar system at the same time. The entire solar system is “seeded” at the same time and processes occur at the same time - now is the time of loading the planets with energy (some with water, others with hydrogen).

How does planet Earth work?

There are many questions about the earth, such as: does anyone live inside the earth?; Is the earth hollow or?; creation of the earth and other issues related to the planets. All planets in the Universe are structured the same, the difference is small, depending on whether there is intelligent life on the planet or not. All the planets in the Universe are sown like plant and fauna Yes, people are also born from a seed. Everything in the Universe is made from seed—that’s what the Creator decided.

(The spiritual body is sown, the spiritual body arises. There is a spiritual body, there is a spiritual body). Bible. 1 Corinthians. Ch. 15:44.

(You are wrong about the origin of the solar system and life on Earth. The solar system arose from a dust cloud, seeded by a Coalition construction team in a region of the Universe that meets two basic requirements for the conditions for the development and emergence of organic life: - in a region sufficiently distant from other stars; - having a dimension of space close to +Pi.). - Third message to humanity from CON.

The planet seed is a thermonuclear engine that creates a controlled, adjustable magnetic field of the planet. This concludes the similarities between the planets. Planets can be divided into several categories according to their purpose:

Planets for the life of intelligent worlds, with an ideal and stable climate;

Planets are testing grounds for growing, training and testing souls. The difference between planets of this class is the creation of specially harsh and difficult conditions for life. Heat and cold, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, hurricanes and typhoons, tsunamis and floods, and many other negatives, such as short life, disease, war, crime, etc., are artificially created.

Uninhabited planets are reserve planets that maintain the balance of a single magnetic field to keep planets with life strictly in given point its "solar" system. These could be planets for future life or planets where there has already been life. Such planets are destroyed only when it is replaced with a new similar one.

Satellite planets are intended for long-term stay (on a rotational basis - six thousand years) by service personnel to prepare the planets for life and vice versa. Life on satellite planets can be placed on top of the planet or inside, depending on the preparation of the planet the satellite is serving. Such satellite planets are placed next to the planet on which preparatory or experimental work is being carried out. Since planets are reusable satellites, their service life may differ from ordinary planets, i.e. increased.

Planets are power plants (Suns) that provide inhabited planets with heat to maintain a given climate.

Planets are sources that we cannot see from good reasons- "black holes".

We'll talk about everyone briefly. Planet Earth has the status of a testing ground for the formation, training and testing of souls and is classified as an inhabited planet, which means it is necessarily fueled with water (uninhabited planets can be fueled with hydrogen). Like all planets in the Universe, our planet also has magnetic, gravitational and other fields. The earth's magnetic field performs many important functions, many of which our science does not yet know about.

The main ones are: the creation of a special protective field of the earth; creation of a magnetic field included in the general magnetic field of all planets of the solar system; to stabilize the planet at a given point in the solar system; creating living conditions on the planet for flora and fauna, as well as for humans. For the planet itself, the thermonuclear engine is the heart of the planet, which ensures the movement and rotation of the planet, maintaining temperature stabilization on the surface of the planet, and much more. With the help of its engine, the planet can move in the desired direction not only in the solar system, but also throughout the galaxy.

In order for the heart of the planet to work, it needs to be fed with energy. The thermonuclear engine of the planets is powered by hydrogen, which is obtained from water. Filling the planet with water is described twice in the Bible, and mentioned three times by God's great prophet, Edgar Cayce. The first time the Bible mentions is at the creation of the earth, when the planet was completely covered with water and the second time when God gave a flood to the earth. Moreover, through the flood, God explained this process in detail in the Bible. The book of Genesis describes that the water went into the earth, and this is true because... underground, water decomposes into hydrogen for the engine and oxygen to maintain the composition of the atmosphere, and also there, in the bowels of the earth, fresh water and chemical elements to feed vegetation, which in turn feeds the animal world and humans. It is also described there that the tops of the mountains have special holes and this is connected with water. Water is the source of life for all living things.

The planet is also a living organism and it needs water. According to the Bible, animals and people should eat only what grows from the seed. But who lives by the Bible? But let's continue about the Earth. The rotor of a thermonuclear engine consists of molten lava (magma) and can rotate in any direction throughout the entire sphere (the main difference between God's engine and earthly ones). The engine stator consists of a complex field that not only holds the lava, but also controls it, causing it to rotate at any speed and in any direction throughout the entire sphere, for people this is from the world of fantasy. You may ask, why such a complex rotation field? When we drive a car on a road, even a good one, we constantly adjust the speed (ascents and descents), constantly turn the steering wheel, because... the road cannot be perfectly straight, and cars are not ideal, because... do not take into account wind direction, wind speed, etc. Everything in the Universe is in motion, planets and stars, systems and galaxies move.

If you ask why is movement needed in the Universe? So that the “abyss”, what scientists call empty space, has energy, because. with the help of this energy, spiritual entities move (people of the future) throughout the Universe without ships, and also to move alien ships, because the task and purpose of the mind is to create minds, planets and support life on them. When we (our planet and the entire solar system along with the galaxy) move around the Universe, we move along a given trajectory, this is also a road with obstacles that need to be avoided.

Along the way we meet other galaxies that have their own magnetic and other fields, so our magnetic field, like the entire field of the solar system, is constantly regulated. We are all participating in this great process of balancing magnetic fields, gravitational fields and other unknowns. Eat certain cycles for cosmic life, when certain adjustments occur. For example. The galaxy can be imagined as a large field, which is divided into small fields.

On the ground there is wheat in one field, potatoes in another, etc. The peculiarity is that each field is sown at the same time. In the Universe too. For example, if the solar system was seeded (remember what KON wrote about sowers) with certain planets at the same time, then maintenance will be done at the same time (on a field, planting, watering and harvesting always occur at the same time for the entire field). All planets have a prescribed loading period - 6 thousand years. Every 6 thousand years, all the planets in the solar system are filled with water (some, perhaps, only hydrogen) at the same time. For example, satellites of planets (like Phobos, the Moon) can only be fueled with hydrogen, because there is no active life on them, only maintenance personnel can be present, and they can deliver water for themselves as needed.

I would like to add that the satellites of the planets are located next to the planets on which there is a “young” mind, or the planet is preparing to be inhabited by a mind. Cities are located inside the satellites for service personnel working on neighboring planets. Let me remind you how much water there was during the flood - the water covered all the mountains by 15 arshins (6-8 meters), and this is from 6 to 8 km thick water on earth. And this huge mass was all directed deep into the earth, where there are “reservoirs” for it throughout the entire sphere of the earth. Water can move within the earth, keeping the planet in balance. There are factories the size of states in the depths that work day and night, for some it is hell.

From underground comes control of processes on earth, the same as from above from the Creator and alien civilizations. Fresh water comes from here, all water sources on earth, rivers, seas and oceans are regulated and maintained from here, temperature on the surface through the earth and currents in the seas and oceans are regulated, all chemical elements are supplied, etc. Energy sources oil and gas are supplied from here. For example, energy resources are now being supplied to the region of the state of Israel, because... this is recorded in the Bible (“the land of milk and honey”, which in fact is gas and oil - this is one of the simple secrets of the Bible). I recently received a hint - data on the size of the earth's fusion engine - its diameter is 600 miles. All underground processes involve waste from “production” - this is molten rock from chemical processes that are periodically released to the surface of the earth, what we call a volcanic eruption.

Over these thousands of years, a lot of “production” waste has accumulated there, because... Almost all water has been recycled. Now, before loading energy i.e. water, you need to make room for water, and this means throwing out many, many trillions of tons of molten waste from underground. The book of Genesis describes the flood and shows holes in the tops of the mountains for the release of this waste. Please note that eruptions never occur on the plain and in cities, only in places designated by the Lord. The Lord specially created mines from hard rocks that begin in the bowels of the earth and raised these mountains high so that people would not live here, so that only the waste of “production” would come out from here. Perhaps the engine rotor, which also consists of molten magma, is periodically renewed. Inside the earth there are complex engineering structures where our “sinners” work with alien representatives.

I learned about the engine diameter a few days ago from the tip "23 minutes in hell". Based on God's numbers, the average lifespan of planets is 3-7 billion years in earthly terms. But, in addition to the cycle of 6000 years, there is a “jubilee” cycle, which is equal to 50,000 years for the planets. This is a period of planned maintenance work. Each artificial creation requires periodic restoration and has its own service life. on a cosmic scale. For galaxies, the anniversary cycle is 50 million years. Then for the Universe it is equal to 50 billion years. The ratio of man to God in 1000 years is a constant in the Universe. If changes are now only taking place in the solar system, then this is the usual 6000 year cycle for refueling all planets with energy (water).

However, I do not rule out that the anniversary cycle of 50 thousand years has approached. And this threatens a complete reconstruction of the planet, because... Over thousands of years, the earth has changed, oil and gas have been pumped out, water has been consumed inside, huge reserves of waste have accumulated, voids and much more. We need a new balance taking into account water loading. Let me remind you that we are constantly rushing at high speed along the roads of the Universe and must constantly regulate our movement (magnetic and other fields) in order to maintain the harmony of life in the Universe. Are you familiar with the expression “Parade of the Planets”? This is testing, when at a given point the planets must line up strictly in one row, and in a “certain period of time.”

We are given information about time, but we are not given “ideal time”, i.e. to thousandths of a second. This ultra-precise time will show how to correct each planet that is “displaced”. This “parade of planets”, which will soon take place, will indicate to the Creators which planets and to what influences they will be subject. This is one of the causes of global disasters, but not the main one.

Question: Why do volcanoes erupt?

This is an unusually interesting and important topic. The Bible describes this natural phenomenon well, but the information is very hidden if for thousands of years no one has understood what a volcanic eruption is. The most interesting thing is that God showed a direct connection between the flood and volcanic eruptions. The book of Genesis, when talking about the flood, quietly showed that volcanic eruptions are an artificial creation of God, like the earth itself, to which God specifically gave the flood. Genesis chapter 8 describes the process of the flood and the descent of water into the earth.

I will give an excerpt from an analysis of the book of Genesis.

In the last chapter we read that the flood began (in the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month), now we read when it stopped (in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month), i.e. Five months or 150 days have passed, as the Lord says.

Now pay attention to the date (the first day of the tenth month), this is when the water subsided before the peaks of the mountains appeared. So the water, which was 15 cubits higher than the mountains, began to recede within two months and thirteen days, until the peaks of the mountains appeared. The water receded 73 days before the peaks of the mountains appeared, i.e. fell by 5-10 meters, but since God did not indicate which mountains, we will arbitrarily increase the number of meters. After all, the most high mountain Everest has a height of 8844 meters, the rest are lower. Therefore, we will multiply 15 cubits by 10, i.e. conditionally we accept 50-100 meters. (This is all conditional). This is the first surprise and mystery that the water dropped 100 meters in 73 days. In verse six, after 40 days, Noah opened the window and sent out the raven, but the ground was still covered with water. In verse 10, Noah released the dove after seven days and knew that the water had receded from the earth. So, after 47 days, the water from the tops of the mountains completely disappeared. In total, the water left the earth for 73 + 47 = 120 days. The familiar number is 120, the gimatrium of this number = 3, i.e. the truth of God's Word and His works.

Are you not surprised that the first hundred meters (maybe 200 or 300) the water disappeared in 73 days, and several kilometers (from 5000 m to 8844 m) the water disappeared in 47 days? The huge difference is this. When the tops of the mountains began to protrude from the water, holes opened up in the centers of the tops of certain mountains, where the Lord made vertical holes into the depths of the earth. The air cushions were released, releasing air from the underground reservoir, and water gushed out at tremendous speed, 100-300 times faster. Of course, God made these holes during the creation of the earth, before the first filling of water reserves, when he “gathered them in one place” in the first chapter (At the same time, the Lord made holes at the bottom of the seas and oceans to load water into underground storage facilities). If you think that God made these holes on many mountain tops only for the release of air bags, this is not so. The main number three appears constantly in the Bible - the truth of the word of God and His creations. The holes also provide three purposes:

1. Holes - air cushion release;
2. Holes - for the release of the resulting oxygen into the atmosphere, constantly adjusting the composition of the air;
3. The openings that God made on many mountains serve as outlets for underground waste (complicated things go underground all the time chemical processes, to give life to the earth and to us), which come out of the ground like volcanic eruptions.

In reality, God could have loaded water underground without these holes, but this is how God explained everything to us in detail about the structure of the earth - it was a brilliant hint, like all the ones that the Lord left in the Bible for me.

And often these eruptions are used to punish nearby cities; it is a pity that people still build homes at the foot of many dangerous mountain peaks. Why do scientists never think about why the molten mass does not come out in a city, in a field, on a plain, but must make its way through solid rocks, through the entire height of a mountain - a natural absurdity? No, this is not a natural absurdity, God prepared in advance the release of molten rocks away from cities and precisely through the tops of the mountains, because... on top of the mountains, no one builds cities. Moreover, the molten mass goes through a passage in solid mountain stone, so as not to harm the earth and people.

God took care of us during the creation of the earth. These mountains, for the eruption of volcanoes (industrial waste), not only rise high above the ground, but, and what is very important, descend deep down to the exit points of the “waste”, from where hot lava emerges. The time is approaching to refuel the heart of the planet, the thermonuclear engine, with energy, but before that it is necessary to empty the underground storage for water, and for this it is necessary to remove the production waste that is now located there. If volcanoes are associated with water. then earthquakes are associated with volcanoes.

After eruptions, volcanoes (holes) become clogged and need to be cleaned periodically, and this is one of the reasons for earthquakes, which often lead to eruptions. By the depth of the earthquakes, one can understand at what depth the industrial waste is located, and, accordingly, the “enterprises” for water processing. Why this necessary process(loading water) is associated with disasters and the loss of humanity? The answer is simple, humanity is not ready to meet representatives of intelligent worlds for repair and restoration work on earth. The governments of leading states are seeking to destroy alien intelligence so as not to lose power. Therefore, all governments will be destroyed and not a single alien civilization will make contact with them.

Contact will take place in 2017-2018. the rest of our civilization will gather for a world congress, which is written about in the Bible, and I will tell everything about the meeting with intelligent worlds and how should we begin to live?

In one of the articles I will tell you how to save not only the soul, but also the body? Volcanic eruptions are waste products from chemical processes occurring underground. This information complements information about the structure of the earth. The time will come when scientists will believe in God and begin to receive complete knowledge themselves.