Train after 9. Colleges for training to become an electric train driver

The Russian railway sector and the Russian Railways company in particular are constantly in need of new specialists who have the necessary knowledge for work. Therefore, many young people decide to connect their future with the Russian railway. Railway technical schools and institutes are located throughout Russia and are constantly accepting new students.

Railway transport specialties

When choosing a direction of study, applicants are primarily interested in what specialties are offered for study at the railway technical school. In total, technical schools offer 7 standard specialties for subsequent work at Russian Railways.

Railway training

The duration of study is also of great interest among applicants. The duration of training varies from 3 to 5 years. To enter any faculty, an applicant must pass exams in Russian language and mathematics.

Railway technical school (college) - specialties

The specialties offered at the railway technical school after 9th grade are quite varied. After 9th grade, you can enroll in most technical specialties, saving a year on tuition.

The College of Railway Transport, whose specialties are mainly service, obliges the student to undergo an internship upon completion of training, with a total duration of 25 to 40 weeks in the relevant position.

Organization of railway transportation is traditionally considered a popular faculty among technical schools - a specialty according to the classifier 02.23.01 (formerly 190701). Training based on 11 grades will take 3 years, and after 9 grades – 4 years. If we talk about qualifications, then obtaining a diploma in this specialty will give the right to work as a dispatcher, operator, forwarder, signalman and station attendant. The internship will take 29-38 weeks.

Railway Colleges - List

  • Taiga Railway College;
  • railway technical school Chelyabinsk;
  • Railway College Chita;
  • Kursk Railway College;
  • railway college Omsk;
  • railway technical school Yaroslavl;
  • Rostov Railway College;
  • railway technical school Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Tyumen Railway College;
  • Krasnoyarsk Railway College;
  • Railway College Perm;
  • Saratov Railway College;
  • Tomsk Railway College;
  • railway technical school Samara;
  • Bryansk Railway College;
  • railway technical school Novosibirsk;
  • Voronezh Railway College;
  • Tula Railway College;
  • Railway College Ryazan;
  • Michurinsky Railway College.

Railway Institute - faculties

Institutes of railway transport engineers in Russia offer the same standard specialties for study as colleges, but with a more in-depth program.


  • Construction of railways;
  • Transportation process management;
  • Management of transport and technological complexes;
  • Industrial and civil construction;
  • Bridges and tunnels

In this case, the duration of training is increased by a year, but the qualifications allow you to occupy higher positions. One of the specialties that students prefer to study at the institute is automation and electrical engineering.

The qualification of a railway electrician can be obtained by enrolling in the specialty “Automation and telemechanics in railway transport”. The duration of study of the in-depth program is from 4 to 5 years, and the practice takes 27-33 weeks. You can also obtain the qualification of an electrician in the specialty “Electrical supply” by passing an exam in physics instead of mathematics.

Railway Institute - specialties

Studying at a railway institute also gives the right to work as a manager. One of the specialties that can only be obtained at a university is “Railway Engineering”.

“Passenger complex of railway transport” is a specialty that will take 5 years to master and will give the qualification of a railway engineer. To enter this faculty, you must additionally pass the Unified State Exam in Physics.

Railway specialties for men

“Technical operation of rolling stock of railways”, “Construction of railways, track and track facilities” are considered purely male specialties in Russian Railways. The first specialty gives the right to hold the position of assistant driver, inspector and operator of wagons, conductor, and also work for Russian Railways as a mechanic. The second specialty allows you to get a job as a signalman or track fitter.

Railway specialties for girls

Among girls, the easiest to study and quite broad when choosing a possible job is considered to be the specialty “Transport Service”. The specialty gives the right to work as a conductor on any civil transport, including railway and aviation.

Military Railway Institute

The Military Railway Institute of St. Petersburg celebrated its 90th anniversary in 2016. In total, the institute has 3 faculties and 11 departments. Training is conducted in 5 areas of higher education and 6 areas of secondary education. Mostly railway construction engineers study at the St. Petersburg Military Institute.

Distinctive feature Institute is training in the specialty "Bridges and transport tunnels". According to her recent years There is a significant shortage of specialists, which means that students in this area will receive one of the most sought-after professions in Russian Railways.

Railway institutes of Russia

The Moscow Railway Institute, like the St. Petersburg Institute, also has a construction focus. In total, 14 directions are taught at the Moscow Railway Institute. A specialty that can only be obtained in cities of administrative significance is the technical qualification “Construction and operation of engineering structures.” Its complete study will take 3-4 years of study.

The Moscow Railway University also offers the qualification “Technical operation of railway equipment”.

Railway institutes of Russia - list

  • Krasnoyarsk Railway Institute;
  • Railway Institute - Yekaterinburg;
  • Railway Institute - Samara;
  • Railway Institute in St. Petersburg;
  • Railway Institute - Khabarovsk;
  • Kurgan Institute of Railway Transport;
  • Irkutsk Railway Institute;
  • Perm Railway Institute;
  • Transbaikal Railway Institute.

You might be interested.

Moscow College of Railway Transport - federal state educational institution, a leading secondary vocational educational institution in the railway industry with more than 140 years of history.

The MKZhT laboratories are equipped with modern equipment and instruments, and its computer classes are equipped with the latest models of PCs

Today, MKZHT graduates not only have strong knowledge, but also guaranteed work at the enterprises of the Moscow, Oktyabrskaya Railways and the Moscow Metro.

The college has created all the conditions for the education of a comprehensively developed personality. Instilling such qualities as good manners and culture is in the traditions of the college.

For this purpose, interesting and useful meetings are held, thematic excursions and meetings with veterans of the 2nd Guards Airborne Division, railway troops, armored train veterans, traditional ceremonial events

CIT values ​​its connections with universities and colleges, and maintains and develops international relations.

The college has all the conditions for physical development students. There are gyms and outdoor sports grounds. There are sections for mini-football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, and gyms. Athletics cross-country is held annually.

Participation in the Spartakiad of colleges and technical schools of railway transport of Russia, which is being held for the second year, has become a good tradition, thanks to the enormous support of JSC Russian Railways.

Graduates educational institution in all specialties, including railway, they are in demand by enterprises in the field of transport and urban infrastructure; many of the graduates occupy important positions in transport enterprises and take part in the formation of political and social initiatives.

190701 Organization of transportation and management of transport (by type)

270835 Construction of railways, track and track facilities

080214 Operational activities in logistics

220415 Automation and telemechanics in transport (railway transport)

190629 Technical operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment (by industry) (correspondence course)

190623 Technical operation of railway rolling stock. Directions: locomotives and carriages.

210420 Technical operation of transport radio-electronic equipment (by type of transport)

140409 Electricity supply (by industry)

190631 Maintenance and repair road transport

080114 Economics and accounting (by industry)

080118 Insurance business (by industry) (full-time)

230111 Computer networks (full-time)

230401 Information systems(full-time)

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schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:30 to 17:00


General information

Moscow College of Railway Transport Institute of Applied Technologies Russian University transport (MIIT)


No. 02613 valid indefinitely from 07/14/2017


No. 02800 is valid from 04/04/2018 to 04/04/2024

About the college

140 years of the glorious history of the Moscow College of Railway Transport is the history of the graduation and work of thousands of qualified employees in the transport industry. During the procedure for joining the railway college to the Moscow state university communication routes in 2009 the status was changed and organizational structure educational institution. Now the Moscow College of Railway Transport is structural unit university. Still remaining one of the most prestigious educational institutions of secondary vocational education, the college demonstrates impressive competition for admission. 4-5 people per place – stable annual figures in the ranking of educational institutions.

Today the college trains specialists in thirteen specialties, providing a full-fledged secondary level vocational education, as well as 44 programs additional training, professional retraining, advanced training of specialists in the field of railway transport and other sectors of the economy. Number of students full-time exceeds 2000 thousand students, part-time students – more than a thousand. Since 2011 teaching staff college has fully begun to implement the new generation educational standards in the field of secondary vocational education. Development of a competent approach to quality, modern education not only improves and increases the level of preparedness of students, but entails the formation of effective educational and methodological solutions that are also in demand by representatives of other educational institutions. The last two years have been marked by the opening of new specialties of secondary vocational education within the college: “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles”, as well as “Operational activities in logistics”. Promising and economically attractive areas of professional training make the college even more popular among applicants.

The college has three buildings in Moscow. Academic buildings have serious modern resources for training competent specialists: 80 classrooms are equipped, 64 laboratories, a high-tech computer center, 36 classrooms equipped computer equipment. In addition, two sports and fitness complexes have been opened, industrial practice takes place in workshops and training workshops. For independent work There are two libraries with impressive collections for students. The task of holding meetings, conversations and events is solved by conference rooms and assembly halls. Cultural support is provided by the college museum.

Students of the educational institution are offered places in three modern dormitories, which are distinguished by transport accessibility and ease of movement around the city. The college administration and staff pay serious attention to physical education students. Industrial skills also play an important role, a significant part of which students receive thanks to the college’s partnership with the country’s largest transport company - JSC Russian Railways.

Graduates of the educational institution in all specialties, including railway, are in demand by enterprises in the field of transport and urban infrastructure; many of the graduates occupy important positions in transport enterprises and take part in the formation of political and social initiatives.


There are many and few railway technical schools in our country at the same time. But what is precisely predetermined by educational standards in them is their profession. What professions and specialties do they have after grades 9 and 11? Let's find out.

However, you need to start with the fact that you need to decide which technical schools and colleges we will talk about. Most of them are concentrated in the capital and large metropolitan areas of the country, and a smaller part is literally scattered throughout Russia.

They have one thing in common - specialties and professions that are related to the railway and which boys and girls can study after 9th or 11th grade.

What specialties are there at the railway technical school?

Since there are enough railway technical schools and colleges throughout the country, they train there not only to become specialists for the railway. There are even some that apply to railway, but it is not at all necessary to study for which at a railway technical school after grades 9 and 11 - for example, lawyer, economist, accountant.

First, let's look at the most railway areas of training.

  • Transport service is a real profession after grades 9 and 11 for applicants entering the railway technical school. Based on the results of the training, the graduate is awarded the qualification of a transport service specialist.
  • Electrical supply - behind this name lies not just a specialty that exists in the railway technical school, but also the profession of an electrician, which is needed not only in Russian Railways, but in all sectors of our life.
  • Technical operation of railway rolling stock is another specialty that is available at a railway college in almost any city. Its essence is that it is purely railway. The great news is that assistant electric train drivers, rolling stock mechanics, and even car conductors are studying this specialty.
  • Organization of transportation and transport management is perhaps one of the most important specialties. Train traffic coordinators – dispatchers, signalmen, forwarders and even station attendants – are trained in it.
  • Technical operation of transport radio-electronic equipment is a field of study at the railway technical school for those who would like to become a telecom operator, electrician, instrument assembler or radio mechanic.
  • Automation and telemechanics in transport is another area of ​​study for those who are interested in specialties at a railway technical school after grades 11 and 9. Graduates of this direction are assigned the profiles of an electrician, an electrician, a specialist in the repair and maintenance of signaling devices
  • Railway construction, track and track maintenance - this specialty is studied exclusively for work on the railway, and the resulting profile allows you to work as a signalman, flaw detector trolley operator and track fitter.

Railway technical school – professions after grades 9 and 11

In railway technical schools and colleges, as a rule, there are no specialties that are inaccessible to graduates of 9th grade, but available to 11th graders. Almost any educational profile can master both. The only difference will be in the timing of training. After 11th grade, the period of study at a railway technical school will be reduced by a year, and after 9th grade it will be about 3 years.

The list of professions is varied. Here are the most popular ones.

  • A locomotive driver is a dream, and not a profession available to a graduate of a railway college or technical school. They are accepted to study to become a locomotive driver at the railway technical school after 9 and 11, but only young men can study. After 9th grade, you will need to study for 3 years and 10 months, after 11th grade - 2 years and 10 months.
  • An electrician is a specialty available to both girls and boys that will be in demand not only in Russian Railways. On the railway, graduates will be able to work as an electrician of signaling, centralization and interlocking devices. Duration of training is from 3 to 4 years.
  • An assistant electric train driver is a very promising specialty at a railway technical school, available to young men after 9th and 11th grade.
  • Dispatcher is the most difficult profession available to those entering railway colleges and technical schools; it will allow you to literally manage trains and drivers, coordinating the work of everyone. The dispatcher is always behind the scenes of passengers, but is always in touch with those who carry these passengers.
  • The station duty officer is both a leader and a guide and even a compiler all rolled into one. He controls every train that passes his station. This is an honorable profession, which in the railway technical school after grades 9 and 11 is available to both boys and girls, so whether to enroll or not is up to you, there are no gender restrictions. The duration of training is the same - from 3 to 4 years.
  • The train planner is someone who can share responsibility with the station attendant. The profession is available to both boys and girls. It can be mastered after 9th or 11th grade, and this specialty can also be studied in courses.
  • Track fitter is another profession that can be mastered in courses at a railway technical school after grades 9 and 11. When you don't have time to study for a long time, this is a good option.

What other specialties are there at the railway technical school?

In addition to the main railway lines, Russian Railways also needs other specialists - and these are not only builders or mechanics, but also legal specialists, economists, cooks, and service specialists. Therefore, if after 9th or 11th grade you choose a railway technical school, then it may be suitable both for obtaining a railway specialty and for many other areas. The choice is yours.