American spacecraft Orion: human flight to Mars has become even closer. Orion spacecraft Orion manned spacecraft

Launch vehicle SLS
Delta IV Heavy (test flight)
Ares-1 (cancelled)
Specifications Weight 15 tons Dimensions 3.3 m x 5.3 m Duration of active existence 210 days Mission logo Project website Orion at Wikimedia Commons

Initially, the test flight of the spacecraft was scheduled for 2013, the first manned flight with a crew of two astronauts was planned for 2014, and the start of flights to the Moon for 2019-2020. At the end of 2011, it was assumed that the first flight without astronauts would take place in 2014, and the first manned flight in 2017. As of 2016, Orion's first manned flight is expected to take place no earlier than 2023, although the company has stated that it will try to make it by 2021.

The first unmanned test flight (EFT-1) took place on December 5, 2014, using a Delta IV Heavy launch vehicle.

Unmanned flight ( EM-1) using the SLS carrier with a flyby of the Moon was planned for the end of 2018, but then due to technical shortcomings and financial difficulties of NASA, the launch of the SLS was postponed until at least 2019.


The Orion spacecraft will carry both cargo and astronauts into space. When flying to the ISS, the Orion crew can include up to 6 astronauts. It was planned to send four astronauts on the expedition to the Moon. The Orion ship was supposed to ensure the delivery of people to the Moon for a long stay on it in order to subsequently prepare a manned flight to Mars.

The diameter of the Orion ship is 5.3 meters (16.5 feet), the mass of the ship is approx. 25 tons. The internal volume of Orion will be 1.5 times greater than the internal volume of the Apollo spacecraft. The volume of the Orion vehicle cabin (MPCV) is about 9 m³. And this is not the total volume of the sealed structure, but precisely the space free from equipment, computers, chairs and other “stuffing”; the ship will be equipped with a toilet.

The shape of the main part of the Orion spacecraft is similar to the shape of previous Apollo spacecraft, but its creation uses the latest advances in computer technology, electronics, life support system technology, and thermal protection system technology. The conical shape of the descent vehicle is the safest and most reliable when returning to Earth, especially with the speed of return from deep space (about 11.1 km/s). The main part of the ship is expected to be reusable. It is planned that service module of the Orion spacecraft(SM) the first two flights on the SLS launch vehicle will be an upgraded version of the ESA ATV transport vehicle, which will be equipped with a main engine AJ-10 and eight engines R-4D. The Orion spacecraft will be able to dock with Russian spacecraft, including the Federation.

Before flights to Mars, experts are developing a plan for a manned Orion mission to the asteroid no earlier than the end of the 2020s. Since the ship was originally created for flights to the Moon, which take relatively little time, to prepare for long-distance space travel it will be necessary to modernize it and increase the amount of usable space. The option of combining two Orions or connecting the ship with a larger residential module is being considered. It is planned that the ship will go to the asteroid with two astronauts on board.


Comparison with similar projects

Comparison of characteristics of developed manned spacecraft ()
Name Federation Orion Dragon V2 Starliner (CST-100) Gaganyan
Developer RSC Energia Lockheed Martin SpaceX Boeing CAST ISRO
  • to the OS in LEO (ISS)
Year of the first orbital
unmanned launch
2023 (Irtysh (Soyuz-5))
2024 (Angara-A5B)
2027 or 2028 (Yenisei)
2014 (Delta IV Heavy)
2020 (SLS)
March 2, 2019 (Falcon 9) planned August 2019 planned 2019 (LM-5B or LM-7) Dec. 2020 - 2021
Year of the first manned
2024 (Irtysh (Soyuz-5))
202? (Yenisei)
2023 (SLS) planned 2019 planned end of 2019 Dec. 2021 - 2022
When flying to LEO
Crew, people 4 or 5 or 6 - under contract with NASA - 4, + 1 tourist
maximum - 7
under contract with NASA - 4, + 1 tourist
maximum - 7
up to 6 people 3
Launch weight, t 14,4 12 14 14
Payload weight of cargo version, t 2 3,31
Up to 365 days Up to 720 days Up to 210 days
Up to 30 days Up to 1 week Up to 60 hours 7
Launch vehicle LM-5B or LM-7 GSLV Mk.III
When flying to the Moon
Crew, people 4 4 2 - 3-4 -
Launch weight, t 20,0 25,0 20
Payload mass in manned flight, t 0,1
Flight duration within the station Up to 180 days
Duration of autonomous flight Up to 30 days Up to 21.1 days
Launch vehicle

See also



  1. Amos D. NASA has chosen a new ship for deep space flights (Russian). BBS (May 25, 2011). Retrieved May 25, 2011. Archived February 16, 2012.
  2. Lockheed wins tender to replace Shuttles (Russian). BBS (August 31, 2006). Retrieved May 25, 2011. Archived February 16, 2012.
  3. NASA Names Orion Contractor(English) . NASA (31 August 2006). Retrieved May 25, 2011. Archived February 16, 2012.
  4. NASA Names New Crew Exploration Vehicle Orion (undefined) . NASA (August 22, 2006). Retrieved May 26, 2011. Archived February 16, 2012.
  5. Paul Rincon. Nasa budget slashes Martian funds (undefined) . BBC News. BBC (13 February 2012). Retrieved February 13, 2012.
  6. Live coverage: Orion lands in Pacific
  7. ESA member states commit funding for Orion service module(English) . (December 3, 2014). Retrieved December 5, 2014. Archived December 5, 2014.
  8. NASA announced successful testing of a rocket engine for future flights to Mars (undefined) . TASS (July 30, 2016). Retrieved July 30, 2016.
  9. Nikolay Vorontsov. The first launch of the super-heavy rocket SLS was postponed to 2019 (undefined) . Retrieved June 16, 2017.
  10. Afanasyev, I. Long live Orion? // Cosmonautics News: Magazine. - 2011. - No. 10. - pp. 14-15. Archived November 17, 2011.
  11. Project Orion, Environmental Control and Life Support System Integrated Studies(English) . NASA (2008).
  12. Building Orion(English) . Aerospace America (November 2016).
  13. The Orion Spacecraft as a Key Element in a Deep Space Gateway(English) . Lockheed Martin (July 2017).
  14. Orion needs minor changes to dock with Russian spacecraft (undefined) . RIA Novosti (December 17, 2014). Retrieved January 2, 2015. Archived January 2, 2015.
  15. The rejected Orion spacecraft will be sent to an asteroid (Russian). Blogspot. Retrieved May 25, 2011. Archived February 16, 2012.
  16. Barack Obama abandoned NASA's lunar program (undefined) . (February 1, 2010). Retrieved May 26, 2011. Archived February 4, 2012.
  17. Barack Obama sets his sights on Mars (undefined) . BBC (16 April 2010). Retrieved May 26, 2011. Archived February 16, 2012.
  18. Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle Test Article Splash Test(English) . NASA (July 13, 2011). Retrieved October 14, 2014. Archived October 14, 2014.
  19. Shuttle successors (undefined) . BBC Russia (20 July 2011). Retrieved July 21, 2011. Archived February 16, 2012. (Retrieved July 21, 2011)
  20. Testing NASA's Next Deep Space Vehicle(English) . NASA (July 21, 2011). Retrieved October 14, 2014. Archived October 14, 2014.
  21. Intensive testing of the Orion multi-purpose manned spacecraft prototype is underway. (undefined) . ARMS-TASS (August 22, 2011). Retrieved January 5, 2015.
  22. NASA Completes Orion Spacecraft Parachute Testing in Arizona(English) . NASA (September 27, 2011). Retrieved October 14, 2014. Archived October 14, 2014.
  23. New Orion spacecraft lands on two parachutes (Russian). Retrieved November 29, 2011. Archived February 16, 2012.
  24. NASA Conducts New Parachute Test for Orion (Russian). Retrieved May 1, 2012. Archived June 3, 2012.
  25. The first tests of the American Orion spacecraft for flights to Mars will take place in 2014 (undefined) (inaccessible link - story) .
  26. Europeans will begin making equipment for the Orion spacecraft by the end of the year // RIA

> Orion

Explore the circuit constellation Orion near the celestial equator: quart of the starry sky, description with photos, bright stars, Betelgeuse, Orion's belt, facts, myth, legend.

Orion- this is one of the most striking and popular constellations, located on the celestial equator. They knew about it in ancient times. It was also called the Hunter because it has a connection with mythology and depicts the hunter Orion. He is often depicted standing in front of Taurus or chasing the Hare with two dogs (Canis Major and Canis Minor).

The constellation Orion contains two of the ten brightest stars - and, as well as the famous (M42), (M43) and. Also here you can find the Trapezium cluster and one of the most noticeable asterisms - Orion's Belt.

Facts, position and map of the Orion constellation

With an area of ​​594 square degrees, the constellation Orion ranks 26th in size. Covers the first quadrant in the northern hemisphere (NQ1). It can be found in latitudes from +85° to -75°. Adjacent to , and .

Lat. Name Orion
Reduction Ori
Symbol Orion
Right ascension from 4 h 37 m to 6 h 18 m
Declension from -11° to +22° 50’
Square 594 sq. degrees
(26th place)
Brightest stars
(value< 3 m )
  • Rigel (β Ori) - 0.18 m
  • Betelgeuse (α Ori) - 0.2-1.2 m
  • Bellatrix (γ Ori) - 1.64 m
  • Alnilam (ε Ori) - 1.69 m
  • Alnitak (ζ Ori) - 1.74 m
  • Saif (κ Ori) - 2.07 m
  • Mintaka (δ Ori) - 2.25 m
  • Hatisa (ι Ori) - 2.75 m
Meteor showers
  • Orionids
  • Chi-Orionids
Neighboring constellations
  • Twins
  • Taurus
  • Eridanus
  • Unicorn
The constellation is visible at latitudes from +79° to -67°.
The best time for observation is January.

It contains 3 Messier objects: (M42, NGC 1976), (M43, NGC 1982) and (M78, NGC 2068), as well as 7 stars with planets. The brightest star is , whose visual magnitude reaches 0.18. In addition, it ranks 6th in brightness among all stars. The second star is (0.43), which is in 8th position in the general list. There are two meteor showers: the Orionids (October 21) and the Chi Orionids. The constellation is included in the Orion group along with, and. Consider the diagram of the constellation Orion on a star chart.

The myth of the constellation Orion

we need to explain the history and name of the constellation Orion. Hunter Orion was considered the most beautiful man. He is the son of Poseidon and Euryale (daughter of Minos). Homer in the Odyssey described him as tall and indestructible. In one of the stories, Orion fell in love with the Pleiades (7 sisters and daughters of Atlas and Pleione). Moreover, he began to pursue them. Zeus decided to hide them in the sky in the constellation Taurus. But even now you can notice that the hunter continues to follow them.

In another myth, the object of his adoration was Merope (daughter of King Oenopol), who did not reciprocate. One day he got drunk and tried to get her by force. Then the enraged king blinded him and drove him out of his lands. Hephaestus took pity on the man and sent one of his assistants to him to replace his eyes. One day Orion met the Oracle. He said that his vision would return if he arrived in the east at sunrise. And the miracle happened.

The Sumerians knew about Orion from the myth of Gilgamesh. They had their own hero, forced to fight the heavenly bull (Taurus - GUD AN-NA). They called Orion URU AN-NA - "light of heaven."

In cards he was often depicted fighting a bull, but this plot does not exist in mythology. Ptolemy described him as a hero with a club and a lion's skin, which is usually associated with Hercules. But since the constellation itself is not very noticeable, and Hercules had a feat with a bull, sometimes a connection is seen between them.

Almost all stories about his death include a scorpion. In one of them, Orion boasted to Artemis and her mother Leto that he could destroy any earthly creature. Then she sent a scorpion to him, which killed him with deadly poison. Or he tried to achieve the love of Artemis and then she also sent a scorpion. In another tale, Orion died from poison in an attempt to save Leto. Whatever the version, the ending is the same - a scorpion sting. Both ended up in the sky, with Orion setting behind the horizon in the west, as if running away from his killer.

But there is another story. Artemis fell in love with the hunter. But Apollo did not want her to give up her chastity. He gave her a bow and arrows and told her to shoot at a small target. She did not know that she was Orion, and she killed the man she desired.

Orion is popular in many cultures. In South Africa the three stars are called the “Three Kings” or “Three Sisters”, and in Spain they are called the “Three Marys”. In Babylon, Orion was called MUL.SIPA.ZI.AN.NA (Heavenly Shepherd), and in the late Bronze Age he was associated with the god Anu. The Egyptians believed that this was Osiris (the god of death). It was also represented by the Fifth Dynasty pharaoh Unas, who ate the flesh of his enemies to become great. After his death, he went to heaven in the guise of Orion.

Pharaohs were perceived as gods by their subordinates, which is why most pyramids (at Giza) were built to reflect the constellation. For the Aztecs, the growth of stars in the sky symbolized the beginning of the New Fire ceremony. This ritual was necessary because it delayed the date of the end of the world.

In Hungarian myths it was Nimrod, the hunter and father of the twins Hunor and Magor. The Scandinavians saw him as the goddess Freya, and in China - Shen (hunter and warrior). In the second millennium BC. there was a legend created by the Hittites. This is the story of the goddess Anat, who fell in love with a hunter. He refused to lend her his bow, so she sent a man to steal it. But he failed and dropped it into the sea. That is why in the spring the constellation drops below the horizon for two months.

The main stars of the constellation Orion

Explore the bright stars in the constellation Orion with detailed descriptions, photos and characteristics.

Rigel(Beta Orionis) is a blue supergiant (B8lab), located 772.51 light years away. Exceeds solar brightness by 85,000 times and occupies 17 mass. It is a faint and irregular variable star whose brightness varies from 0.03 to 0.3 magnitude over 22-25 days.

Apparent visual magnitude – 0.18 (the brightest in the constellation and the 6th in the sky). This is a star system represented by three objects. In 1831 F.G. Struve measured it as a visual binary surrounded by an envelope of gas.

Rigel A is 500 times brighter than Rigel B, which itself is a spectroscopic binary star with a magnitude of 6.7. It is represented by a pair of main sequence stars (B9V) with an orbital period of 9.8 days.

The star is connected by neighboring dust clouds, which it illuminates. Among them is IC 2118 (the Witch's Head Nebula), a faint reflection nebula located 2.5 degrees northwest of Rigel in the constellation Eridanus.

Part of the Taurus-Orion R1 association. Some believe that it would fit perfectly into the OB1 Orionis Association, but the star is too close to us. Age – 10 million years. One day it transforms into a red supergiant, reminiscent of Betelgeuse.

The name is from the Arabic phrase Riǧl Ǧawza al-Yusra - “left foot”. Rigel marks Orion's left leg. Also in Arabic it was called il al-Shabbar - “the foot of the great.”

Betelgeuse(Alpha Orion, 58 Orion) is a red supergiant (M2lab) with a visual magnitude of 0.42 (the second brightest in the constellation) and a distance of 643 light years. The absolute value is -6.05.

Recent discoveries show that the star emits more light than 100,000 suns, making it brighter than most stars in its class. Therefore, we can say that the classification is outdated.

Its apparent diameter ranges from 0.043 to 0.056 arcseconds. It is very difficult to say more precisely, because the star periodically changes its shape due to the colossal loss of mass.

It is a semiregular variable star whose apparent visual magnitude ranges from 0.2 to 1.2 (sometimes eclipsing Rigel). This was first noticed by John Herschel in 1836. Its age is 10 million years, and this is not enough for a red supergiant. It is believed that it developed very quickly due to its enormous mass. It will explode as a supernova in the next millions of years. During this event, it will be visible even during the day (it will shine brighter than the Moon and will become the brightest in the history of supernovae).

Part of two asterisms: the Winter Triangle (together with Sirius and Procyon) and the Winter Hexagon (Aldebaran, Capella, Pollux, Castor, Sirius and Procyon).

The name is a corruption of the Arabic phrase "Yad al-Jawza" - "hands of Orion", which became "Betlegez" when translated into medieval Latin. Moreover, the first Arabic letter was mistaken for b, which led to the name “Bait al-Jauzā” - “the house of Orion” in the Renaissance. It turns out that because of one mistake, the modern name of the star grew.

Bellatrix(Gamma Orionis, 24 Orionis) is a hot, luminous blue-white giant (B2 III) with an apparent magnitude ranging from 1.59 to 1.64 and a distance of 240 light years. It is one of the hottest stars visible to the naked eye. Releases 6400 times more sunlight and occupies 8-9 of its masses. In a few million years it will become an orange giant, after which it will transform into a massive white dwarf.

She is sometimes called the "Star of the Amazon." It ranks 3rd in brightness in the constellation and 27th in the sky. The name comes from the Latin "woman warrior".

Orion's Belt: Mintaka, Alnilam and Alnitak (Delta, Epsilon and Zeta)

Orion's Belt is one of the most famous asterisms in the night sky. It is formed by three bright stars: Mintaka (Delta), Alnilam (Epsilon) and Alnitak (Zeta).

Mintaka(Delta Orionis) is an eclipsing binary variable. The main object is a double star, represented by a B-type giant and a hot O-type star, whose orbital period is 5.63 days. They eclipse each other, reducing their brightness by 0.2 magnitude. At 52" from them there is a star of magnitude 7 and a faint star of magnitude 14.

The system is 900 light years away. The brightest components are 90,000 times brighter than the Sun and occupy more than 20 of its masses. They will both end their lives in supernova explosions. In order of brightness, the apparent magnitudes of the components are 2.23 (3.2/3.3), 6.85 and 14.0.

The name comes from the Arabic word manţaqah - “area”. In Orion's belt it is the faintest star and the 7th brightest in the constellation.

Alnilam(Epsilon Orionis, 46 Orionis) is a hot, bright blue supergiant (B0) with an apparent magnitude of 1.70 and a distance of 1300 light years. It ranks fourth in brightness in the constellation and 30th in the sky. Occupies a central place in the belt. Emits 375,000 solar luminosities.

It is surrounded by the nebula NGC 1990, a molecular cloud. The stellar wind reaches speeds of 2000 km/s. Age – 4 million years. The star is losing mass, so internal hydrogen fusion is coming to an end. Very soon it will turn into a red supergiant (brighter than Betelgeuse) and explode as a supernova. The name from Arabic “an-niżām” translates as “string of pearls”.

Alnitak(Zeta Orionis, 50 Orionis) is a multiple star system with an apparent magnitude of 1.72 and a distance of 700 light years. The brightest object is Alnitak A. This is a hot, blue supergiant (O9), whose absolute magnitude reaches -5.25 with a visual magnitude of 2.04.

It is a nearby double star, represented by a supergiant (O9.7) with 28 times the mass of the Sun, and a blue dwarf (OV) with an apparent magnitude of 4 (found in 1998).

The name Alnitak means "belt" in Arabic. On February 1, 1786, the nebula was discovered by William Herschel.

Alnitak is the easternmost star in Orion's Belt. Located next to the emission nebula IC 434.

Saif(Kappa Orionis, 53 Orionis) is a blue supergiant (B0.5) with an apparent visual magnitude of 2.06 and a distance of 720 light years. Ranks 6th in brightness. It is the southeastern star of the Orion quadrangle.

The name comes from the Arabic phrase saif al jabbar - "the giant's sword." Like many other bright stars in Orion, Saif will end in a supernova explosion.

Nair Al Saif(Iota Orionis) is the fourth star system in the constellation and the brightest star in the sword of Orion. The apparent magnitude is 2.77, and the distance is 1300 light years. The traditional name from Arabic Na "ir al Saif means "bright sword."

The main object is a massive spectroscopic binary star with a 29-day orbit. The system is represented by a blue giant (O9 III) and a star (B1 III). The pair constantly collides with stellar winds and is therefore a strong source of X-rays.

Lambda Orion– a blue giant (O8III) with a visual magnitude of 3.39 and a distance of 1100 light years. This is a double star. The companion is a hot blue-white dwarf (B0.5V) with an apparent magnitude of 5.61. Located 4.4 arcseconds from the main star.

The traditional name "Meissa" is translated from Arabic as "shining". Sometimes it is called Heka - “white spot”.

Phi Orion– refers to two star systems separated by 0.71 degrees. Phi-1 is a double star located 1000 light years away. The main object is a main sequence star (B0) with an apparent magnitude of 4.39. Phi-2 is a giant (K0) with an apparent visual magnitude of 4.09 and a distance of 115 light years.

Pi Orion- a loose group of stars forming the shield of Orion. Unlike most binary and multiple stars, the objects in this system are located at large intervals. Pi-1 and Pi-6 are separated by almost 9 degrees.

Pi-1 (7 Orionis) is the faintest star in the system. It is a main sequence white dwarf (A0) with an apparent magnitude of 4.60 and a distance of 120 light years.

Pi-2 (2 Orionis) is a main sequence dwarf (A1Vn) with a visual magnitude of 4.35 and a distance of 194 light years.

Pi-3 (1 Orionis, Tabit) is a white dwarf (F6V) located 26.32 light years away. It ranks 1st in brightness among the six stars. Reaches 1.2 solar masses, 1.3 radii and is 3 times brighter. It is believed that it may contain Earth-sized planets. Al-Tabit means "patience" in Arabic.

Pi-4 (3 Orionis) is a spectroscopic double star with an apparent magnitude of 3.69 and a distance of 1250 light years. It is represented by a giant and a subgiant (both B2), located so close that they cannot be separated visually even with a telescope. But their spectra demonstrate binarity. The stars revolve around each other with a period of 9.5191 days. Their mass is 10 times that of the sun, and their luminosity is 16,200 and 10,800 times brighter.

Pi-5 (8 Orionis) is a star with an apparent magnitude of 3.70 and a distance of 1342 light years.

Pi-6 (10 Orionis) is a bright orange giant (K2II). It is a variable star with an average visual magnitude of 4.45 and a distance of 954 light years.

Eta Orion– an eclipsing binary star system represented by blue stars (B0.5V), located 900 light years away. This is a Beta Lyrae variable (brightness changes due to one object blocking another). Visual magnitude – 3.38.

Located in the Orion Arm, a small spiral arm of the Milky Way. Located west of Orion's Belt.

Sigma Orionis- a multiple star system consisting of 5 stars located south of Alnitak. The system is located 1150 light years away.

The main object is the double star Sigma Oriioni AB, represented by hydrogen-fueling dwarfs separated by 0.25 arcseconds. The brighter component is a blue star (O9V) with an apparent magnitude of 4.2. The satellite is a star (B0.5V) with a visual magnitude of 5.1. Their orbital revolution takes 170 years.

Sigma C is a dwarf (A2V) with an apparent magnitude of 8.79.

Sigma D and E are dwarfs (B2V) with magnitudes 6.62 and 6.66. E is characterized by a huge amount of helium.

Tau Orion– a star (B5III) with an apparent magnitude of 3.59 and a distance of 555 light years. It can be seen without technology.

Chi Orion is a main sequence dwarf (G0V) with an apparent magnitude of 4.39 and a distance of 28 light years. It is accompanied by a faint red dwarf whose rotation period is 14.1 years.

Gliese 208– an orange dwarf (K7) with an apparent magnitude of 8.9 and a distance of 37.1 light years. It is believed that 500,000 years ago it was 5 light years from the Sun.

V380 Orion is a triple star system illuminating the reflection nebula NGC 1999. Its spectral type is A0 and its distance is 1000 light years.

The nebula has a huge empty hole, displayed as a black spot in the central region. No one yet knows exactly why it is dark, but it is speculated that narrow jets of gas from nearby young stars may have penetrated the nebula's dust and gas layer, and strong radiation from an older star in the region helped create the hole.

The nebula is 1500 light years away.

GJ 3379– a red dwarf M3.5V with a visual magnitude of 11.33 and a distance of 17.5 light years. It is believed that 163,000 years ago it was 4.3 light years from the Sun. This is the closest Orion star to our system. Located just 17.5 light years away.

Celestial objects of the Orion constellation

Orion Cloud– hosts a large group of dark clouds, bright emission and reflection nebulae, dark nebulae, H II regions (active star formation) and young stars in the constellation. Located 1500-1600 light years away. Some regions can be seen with the naked eye.

Orion Nebula(Messier 42, M42, NGC 1976) is a diffuse reflection nebula located south of the three stars that form Orion's belt. It is sometimes also called the Great Nebula or the Great Orion Nebula.

With a visual magnitude of 4.0 and a distance of 1344 light years, it can be seen without the use of technology. It resembles a fuzzy star south of Orion's Belt.

It is the closest region of massive star formation and is part of the Orion Cloud cluster. Contains the Trapezium of Orionis, a young open cluster. It is easily recognized by its four brightest stars.

– a young open cluster with an apparent visual magnitude of 4.0. Occupies 47 arcseconds at the center of the Orion Nebula. On February 4, 1617, it was found by Galileo Galilei. He drew three stars (A, C and D). The fourth was added only in 1673. In 1888 there were 8 of them. The brightest 5 illuminate the nebula around them. This is an asterism that is easy to find by four stars.

The brightest and most massive star is theta-1 Orion C. It is a blue main sequence star (O6pe V) with a visual magnitude of 5.13 and a distance of 1500 light years. It is one of the most famous luminous stars with an absolute magnitude of -3.2. It also has the highest surface temperature among stars that can be found with the naked eye (45,500 K).

(Messier 43, M43, NGC 1982) is a star-forming emission-reflection nebula. Region HII was first discovered by Jean-Jacques de Meran in 1731. Charles Messier later included it in his catalogue.

It is part of the Orion Nebula, but is separated from it by a large band of interstellar dust. The apparent magnitude is 9.0, and the distance is 1600 light years. It is located 7 arcminutes north of the Trapezium of Orion.

Messier 78(M78, NGC 2068) is a reflection nebula with an apparent visual magnitude of 8.3 and a distance of 1600 light years. Discovered in 1780 by Pierre Mechain. In the same year, Charles Messier added it to his catalogue.

It surrounds two 10th magnitude stars and is easy to find with a small telescope. It also contains approximately 45 T Tauri variables (young stars in the process of formation).

(Barnard 33) is a dark nebula located south of Alnitak and is part of the bright emission nebula IC 434. It is located 1500 light years away. In 1888, it was discovered by American astronomer William Fleming.

It got its name because of the shape formed by dark dusty clouds and gases, reminiscent of a horse's head.

is an emission nebula located in the Orion molecular cloud complex. It is 1600 light years away and has an apparent magnitude of 5. It is believed to have appeared 2 million years ago due to a supernova explosion. Occupies 150 light years in radius and covers most of the constellation. In appearance, it resembles a giant arc centered around Messier 42. The loop is ionized by stars located in the Orion Nebula. It got its name in honor of E. E. Barnard, who took a photograph of it in 1894 and gave a description.

Flame Nebula(NGC 2024) is an emission nebula with a visual magnitude of 2.0 and a distance of 900-1500 light years. It is illuminated by the blue supergiant Alnitak. The star emits ultraviolet light into the nebula, bouncing electrons off clouds of hydrogen gas inside. The glow appears due to the recombination of electrons and ionized hydrogen.

Cluster 37(NGC 2169) is an open star cluster with an apparent magnitude of 5.9 and a distance of 3600 light years. It is less than 7 arcminutes in diameter and contains 30 stars, 8 million years old. The brightest of them reaches an apparent magnitude of 6.94.

In the mid-17th century, the cluster was discovered by Italian astronomer Giovanni Battista Godierna. On October 15, 1784, he was noticed separately by William Herschel. The cluster is sometimes called "37" because the arrangement of stars resembles this number.

– a reflection nebula and one of the brightest sources of fluorescent molecular hydrogen. It is illuminated by the star HD 37903. The nebula can be found 3 degrees from the Horsehead Nebula. Located 1467.7 light years away.

Monkey Head Nebula(NGC 2174) is an emission nebula (H II region), 6400 light years distant. Associated with the open cluster NGC 2175. It is called the Monkey Head Nebula due to associations in images.

Orion (MPCV Orion) – multi-purpose manned spacecraft developed in the USA since the mid-2000s.

Initially, the Orion spacecraft was created as part of the Constellation program, the goal of which was to resume US manned flights to the ISS and the Moon, with subsequent flights to Mars. On Earth orbital flights, Orion should replace the Space Shuttle.

Initially the ship was called CEV (Crew Exploration Vehicle), then the name Orion was introduced, since 2011 the changed code has become MPCV (MultiPurpose Crew Vehicle- multi-purpose manned spacecraft).

Initially, the test flight of the spacecraft was scheduled for 2013, the first manned flight with a crew of two astronauts was planned for 2014, and the start of flights to the Moon for 2019-2020. At the end of 2011, it was assumed that the first flight without astronauts would take place in 2014, and the first manned flight in 2017. In December 2013, plans were announced for the first unmanned test flight (EFT-1) using the Delta 4 launch vehicle at the end of 2014, the first An unmanned launch using the SLS launch vehicle is planned for 2017.


The Orion spacecraft will carry both cargo and astronauts into space. When flying to the ISS, the Orion crew can include up to 6 astronauts. It was planned to send four astronauts on the expedition to the Moon. The ship was supposed to ensure the delivery of people to the Moon for a long stay on it in order to subsequently prepare a manned flight to Mars.

The diameter of the Orion ship is 5.3 meters, the mass of the ship is about 25 tons. The internal volume of Orion will be 2.5 times greater than the internal volume of the Apollo spacecraft.

The shape of the main part of the Orion spacecraft is similar to the shape of previous Apollo spacecraft, but its creation uses the latest advances in computer technology, electronics, life support system technology, and heat protection system technology. The conical shape of the descent module is the safest and most reliable when returning to Earth, especially with the speed of return from deep space (about 11.1 km/s). The main part of the ship is expected to be reusable. The Orion Service Module (SM) will be an upgraded version of ESA's European ATV transport vehicle.

This concludes the broadcast. Thank you all for your interest in astronautics! :)

The rescue team is already near the Orion lander. He looks whole and healthy.

I will pause for 40 minutes to ensure that the overall test was successful. After this, the article will be published.

Now the long operation to deliver the capsule to the shore will begin.

Seconds before landing: photos from cameras on Orion.

Landing confirmed!

And also filming from a drone. Everything looks very good.

Filming from a drone.

There is footage of parachutes opening, transmitted directly from the ship.

The signal has been restored. Literally a minute until landing. UPD. Sorry, minutes.

The ship enters the dense layers of the atmosphere. Due to friction, the air around it heats up to form a plasma, which does not transmit the radio signal. Now communication with the ship will be lost for three minutes. It is during this period that the surface temperature of Orion will be maximum. Height - less than 100 km.

Altitude is about 520 km.

The altitude is about 900 km.

In a second, the altitude drops by about two kilometers.

Passing through an environment with a very high number of charged particles does not affect the operation of the on-board computer and the exchange of data with the ship, according to the official blog of the mission.

We fly through the Van Allen radiation belt. And, judging by the broadcast, we are already maneuvering a little.

All systems are working fine. There is less than an hour left before landing.

In accordance with the schedule, the capsule has already separated from the second stage of the rocket and continues its descent on its own.

Apogee – 5800.4 km.

The current flight altitude is approximately 5789 km.

This is how things stand. At 17:00 Moscow time, the second stage of the Delta IV Heavy rocket, to which the ship was docked, turned on for the second time and worked for 4.5 minutes. This impulse gave the stage and spacecraft combination an acceleration that would allow them to rise from about 545 to almost 6,000 km. The resulting energy, however, is not enough to overcome the gravitational forces of the Earth. At approximately 18:10 the ship will reach its maximum altitude, after which it will begin to descend. Formally, it could fly for many months in such a highly elongated elliptical orbit, at each orbit descending to 500 km and rising several thousand upwards, but today’s flight will end quickly. Already at the end of the current (second) orbit around the Earth, the return capsule (aka command module) will separate from the second stage of the rocket and issue a braking impulse. Its speed will quickly drop, and along with it the flight altitude will begin to decrease sharply. The capsule will enter the Earth's atmosphere and land in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California.

A look at the Earth through the Orion window from an altitude of about 4800 km.

The flight operates according to the schedule below. The ship has now left the high radiation zone. The next stage is reaching the maximum altitude around 18:10 Moscow time. Photo: Earth as Orion sees it.

There is confirmation that the video from the ship was successfully uploaded.

Earth from an altitude of ~545 km. After all, it’s already better than from the height of the ISS!

Nothing new yet. I'll be back in touch in an hour. The first photos should already appear by then.

Yessss, we will be shown photographs of the Earth through the window of the Orion capsule! I've been waiting for this!

Let me remind you that in the evening there will be a big article about flights to Mars and into deep space in general.

They promise to show in more than an hour the video recorded by the cameras installed on (in) Orion.

The flight is going well. Communication will be restored as the ship flies over Australia. UPD. Already there, flying over the Pacific Ocean. The second engine start will be at 17:00 Moscow time.

Video recording of the launch for those who missed it.

From 17:00 to 17:50 there will be a break in my broadcast.

Orion is now making the first of two orbits in its orbit around the Earth. All systems are working fine.

I translated the flight schedule to Moscow time for convenience. Let me clarify that the accuracy was down to the minute, since the exact launch time was not yet known.

Time (Moscow time)Description
15:05 start
15:09 separation of the side modules of the first stage
15:10 central module compartment
15:11 activation of the upper stage of the Delta IV Heavy rocket
15:11 Resetting service module panels
15:11 removal of the emergency rescue system
15:24 end of the first start of the upper stage engine
17:00 the beginning of the second activation of the upper stage engine
17:05 end of the second activation of the upper stage engine
17:10 first entry into the Earth's radiation belt, duration about 15 minutes
18:10 reaching the maximum flight altitude, about 5800 km
18:29 separation of the upper stage and service module from the lander
18:35 second entrance to the Van Allen radiation belt
19:18 loss of communication, Orion enters the upper atmosphere of the Earth
19:20 peak heating, up to approximately 2200 degrees Celsius
19:21 restoration of connection
19:24 deployment of the braking parachute system
19:25 deployment of the main parachute system
19:29 landing in the Pacific Ocean at a speed of about 8.9 m per second

The Orion spacecraft is in orbit at an altitude of more than 500 km. The second activation of the engine raises the apogee of the orbit to 5800 km.

The ship reached a speed of 6.7 km per second.

In three minutes, the first activation of the second stage engines will end. Here it is, a link to the schedule.

The separation of the service module fairing flaps (which is a fake in this flight).

The entire carrier is internally powered.

T-0:04:00. The countdown has begun.

T-0:06:00. The survey was completed and everyone said GO. Let's fly, fly, fly!

The spacecraft has been switched to internal power.

T-0:09:00. I missed something like 10 minutes :(

15 minutes before launch. The scheme is the same as yesterday. Around 15:00 survey. If all parameters are confirmed, at 15:01 the countdown begins from T-0:04:00.

31 minutes before the start. Weather conditions are satisfactory. They say they are still afraid of rain, but there is no rain yet. Wind speed (22 mph) is close to the upper limit (23 mph).

The commercial shows an electric propulsion module powered by solar energy (Solar Energy Propulsion program). I'm sure many missed this news, but most recently it became part of the mission to deliver the ARM astroid into lunar orbit (launch in 2019). This is very good news, because the technology of powerful electric propulsion tugs will be needed to fly to Mars. It is known that the SEP for the ARM mission will contain about 10 tons of xenon as fuel. For ion engines this is a lot.

Bolden says his granddaughter wants to work on Mars :) I missed it yesterday. Or is this not a repeat? UPD: Yes, this is a new interview.

A replay of the interview with the head of NASA is shown. There are no reports of worsening weather or any technical problems yet.

T -1:00:00. The launch vehicle is fully fueled.

T -1:05:00. The broadcast has started.

View of Delta IV Heavy on Friday morning. Let me remind you that the official broadcast on NASA TV will begin at 14:00.

Weather conditions have improved. Refueling of the central and side units is completed.

T -2:00:00. In general, judging by the slope of the flow of evaporating oxygen, there is also a strong wind today.

Clarification about weather conditions. You can't fly because of cumulus clouds; it's raining near the cosmodrome. The sky is expected to clear in about an hour.

Some evaporation of liquid oxygen is not visible. Maybe they close the valves and check their functionality? UPD. And now it's floating again.

A moment of optimism: at the moment the weather conditions are being met (as it turned out - not).

Still from the broadcast at 12:10 Moscow time. Now it's soaring stronger.

The first stage modules are now being filled with liquid oxygen. Second stage fueling will begin soon. After all, hydrogen and oxygen are the most environmentally friendly fuels: 2H 2 + O 2 = H 2 O. Not to mention the fact that the components of this fuel are easily extracted from the same water that is found on many bodies in the Solar System. I think everyone knows about the disadvantages of oxygen-hydrogen rockets.

2 hours 55 minutes before launch, if the weather doesn’t interfere.

The broadcast shows that oxygen has begun to evaporate.

By the way, the ship that disrupted yesterday's launch turned out to be a cargo barge. Just like that.

Haha, it turns out that the rocket's refueling has only just begun. As the internal Sheldon of the leading NASA blog reports, each of the three first stage modules holds 500 thousand liters of propellant components. In this case, liquid hydrogen is cooled to -253°C, and oxygen – to -183°C. For now, only hydrogen refueling is in progress.

So far everything is like this. Refueling continues. The weather is worrying.

On the issue of weather conditions. Wind at various heights, rain and cloudiness are taken into account. If all three factors come together, then the launch will be at 15:05. Otherwise we will wait for something to change. Luckily, the weather on the Florida coast changes quickly.

Now the main threat to Friday's launch comes from rain approaching from the south and strong high-altitude winds. Meanwhile, refueling of the rocket has already begun.

Permission to refuel the rocket has been received. The weather forecast is not encouraging: the chances of acceptable conditions are 40%.

I’ll take advantage of the one-day popularity of the site to remind you of educational articles. Here, for example, is my favorite: comparing the effectiveness of machines and people in space exploration. But about the rocket system for landing spaceships. You can also read.

To the conversation below: here is the interior of the Orion. Of course, by the time of the first manned flight it can still change a lot.

Some statistics. Yesterday, fewer people came to the site to follow the launch of Orion than during the first launch attempt of Angara-1.2PP in June, but more than during the second attempt in July. I don’t know what conclusions can be drawn from this, but I appreciate the record on December 25th.

Let's talk about Orion's competitors, since there is nothing to do yet. There are none. Orion is a deep space vehicle, and people haven't made one like that for over 40 years. True, Russia is developing a promising new generation transport ship (PTK NP), which is often not very correctly called PPTS. It currently exists only in a draft and is due to go into space in the next decade, but the PTK NP is the only one in its capabilities that can be considered an analogue of the American ship. Personally, it’s hard for me to say which one is better. Each has advantages and disadvantages. For example, Orion has a slightly larger internal volume and level of reusability. It is assumed that the service life of the American ship is up to 15 years, and the service life of the PTK NP is only up to 3 flights beyond low Earth orbit (or up to 10 flights to LEO). Orion has a more advanced heat-protective coating, and the maximum flight period as part of the space complex is two years (for the PTK NP it is one year). This is not surprising, given that the ship is being developed for a flight to Mars.

PTK NP also has something to boast about. A controlled landing on land using a jet propulsion system looks much more technologically advanced and comfortable for astronauts than a 1960s-style parachute drop into the ocean. The warm lamp interior of the PTK NP will also clearly be more comfortable for astronauts. Finally, the space flight period of the PTK NP, of course, does not allow it to be used on long-distance flights, but I am almost sure that it was taken from the technical specifications and is not related to design restrictions. To increase the duration of the flight as part of the station, you just need to conduct a little research and confirm the characteristics of the materials. There is an opinion (and a well-founded one) that Roscosmos should soberly assess its capabilities and develop a lighter ship for the Moon based on the Soyuz. But in its class, PTK NP is a good, competitive project.

There is also such a thing as the manned spacecraft “Dragon”, its first flight is scheduled for 2017. This is a low-orbit ship, and it is not a competitor to Orion. On the other hand, we must remember that SpaceX does not hide its interplanetary ambitions. Elon Musk has emphasized in several interviews that the Dragon's heat shield will be able to withstand a return to Earth at escape velocity. This alone, however, does not automatically turn the ship into an interplanetary one.

Launch site at Cape Canaveral, photo by NASA. Let me remind you that the most interesting things will begin after the start. During the mission, which will last 4.5 hours (schedule), cameras installed on the ship will send photographs to Earth. We will see the Earth from a great height. And perhaps the interior of the Orion command compartment.

I’ll tell you right away where it’s better to follow events in the most intense moments around the start (since the site will crash again). TV broadcast - NASA channel (,), text broadcast in English - In addition, the NASA blog dedicated to the EFT-1 mission is updated quite quickly. Those wishing to follow the forum should register there right now, since guest access will again be closed at the time of launch.

While everyone is finishing their morning coffee, I open today’s text broadcast. The launch of the rocket with the Orion spacecraft is scheduled for 15:05 Moscow time. This time the NASA-TV report will begin at 14:00 in the city by default (this is 16:00 in the capital of the Urals, 17:00 in the center of Soviet science, 18:00 in the city on the Yenisei, 19:00 in the city on the coat of arms of which a black tiger eats a poor sable, 20:00 in the land of mammoths and nature spirits, 21:00 in the city from where a couple of containers of warm hearts went to Moscow and, finally, 23:00 in the land of bears and volcanoes).

The launch of the command module of the American spacecraft Orion, scheduled for December 4, did not take place. The rocket launch was postponed four times - first due to problems with a ship that sailed into a closed area above the rocket's flight path, then twice due to too strong winds and, finally, due to jammed drain valves of the hydrogen tanks of the left accelerator and the central module of the rocket .

Due to the fact that the valves could not be restored to service before the end of the 160-minute launch window, the launch was postponed to a reserve date - Friday, December 5. The appointed time of day has not changed. The launch window opens at 15:05 Moscow time and will last 2 hours 39 minutes.

Editor's note. I promised to write a big story today about how NASA is going to fly to Mars, but it was a hoax to score hits; it's best read after the Orion mission is completed. Therefore, the article will be published tomorrow evening.

Postponement until tomorrow. Yes, there will be a text broadcast. Yes, also with brakes. The start time is the same - from 15:15 to 17:40 Moscow time.

In case of success, the starting time is set at 17:44. Note, this is only to trigger if the valves become exhausted.

So far nothing is working out. One more try, definitely the last one.

The launch window closes at 17:44. The last attempt to launch the ship is underway today. If after two minutes under increased pressure the valves do not work, then that’s it.

They will try to put increased pressure on the valves.

They say you need to check all the other valves. The valves of the hydrogen tanks on the central block and the left accelerator are in question. But there is still hope to fly today.

There will be no launch today. More likely. It's not really clear, but the likelihood of the problem being solved today is rapidly diminishing.

By watching the evaporation of liquid oxygen on television, you can watch how the valves open and close.
Sorry, I blocked some of the IP addresses so that I could update the site :(

While the engineers are cleaning the valves, the tea is brewing, and there are a bunch of people sitting on the sidelines, I will advertise important articles about Russian cosmonautics: 1) Russia remains in low orbit and 2) How Roscosmos is going to the Moon (no way, to be honest - and this is bad).

They will try to open and close the valves 5 times. That's it, I'm off to tea!

Whatever you want, I'll pour myself some tea.

The oxidizer tank drain valves are not closed on one side module and on the central module. We are waiting.

T-0:04:00. T-0:03:09 - valves are not closed. Cool down for a couple of minutes.

6 minutes before launch, everything is fine.

Please don't read my broadcast. Here is a good text broadcast in English on SFN. True, their website is also down :(

The new start time is 16:26. In 10 minutes.

The first stage engine mount temperature exceeds the limit. But they say it's not scary.

Ironic: if it weren’t for that yacht, we probably would have already left :)

Let me remind you of the current situation: we are by the sea and waiting for calm weather until 17:40 Moscow time. If the wind does not subside by this time, the Orion launch will be postponed until tomorrow. However, launch conditions are expected to occur within 45 to 60 minutes.

They say the likelihood of a launch today remains high.

Stop again. 3:05 before launch the countdown was interrupted. The wind is to blame again.

Even NSF and FNK are hanging. True, not tightly. Four minutes until launch. The countdown has started again.

5 minutes before launch, and all conditions are met.

New time - 15:55!

Looks like the situation is changing for the better...

We're just waiting. If the wind subsides, we will fly.

Everything allows for a launch, except for strong wind. The backup date is tomorrow, but we hope the wind will subside.

2 hours 10 minutes remain until the launch window closes. The ship was transferred back to external power.

They are trying to determine a new launch time - the problem with the wind remains.

3:43 - countdown stopped again. Strong wind at the surface.

6 minutes before launch. The ship has been switched to autonomous power supply. There is a green light.

Started a new post to update it faster.

The new start time is 15:17. Less than 10 minutes, counting down!

The launch is delayed due to the presence of the ship in the designated ocean area and problems with the second stage vent valve - official mission blog. Previously, it was said that there was a problem with the valve, but it would affect the start.

Still "red light". Another minute - and there will be a delay. Let me remind you that the window closes at 17:45 Moscow time. If the yacht does not leave the danger zone before this time, which is unlikely, the launch will be postponed to a reserve date.

It's beautiful there :)

Well, there's a red light. Initially, the starting countdown is frozen at T-0:04:00. They will launch when all conditions are confirmed. The problem is that someone has swam into an area of ​​the ocean below the second stage's flight path, which is closed for safety reasons. Oddly enough, this is a frequently occurring problem. Now the military will remove the boat, and preparations for the launch will continue. Still counting on 15:05.

Still 70% for good weather. Looks like we're flying at 3:05 p.m. But, in general, the starting window is 2.5 hours.

It's almost dawn in Florida.

“Thank you, Charlie,” the commentator concluded the conversation.

In the broadcast, NASA head Charles Bolden talks about the difficulties of deep space flights. He again talks about his intention to extend the operation of the ISS until 2024. He says that Mars is the ultimate goal for our generation: (Sad but true.

T-0:45:00. 45 minutes before launch.

For those who listen to the broadcast in English: by exploration, the Americans mean manned space exploration.

Flight director Mike Sarafin: “We haven’t had this feeling for a long time - like something new is starting in manned space exploration.” Meanwhile. 57 minutes left before launch.

To be honest, I don't think NASA will land humans on Mars in the mid-2030s. It would be good if they at least fly to the vicinity of the planet in 2035. But by 2040 there is a chance to make it. True, there is also a company called SpaceX, founded by Mars freak Elon Musk. Once upon a time, he wanted to send a small greenhouse to Mars using a light-class Russian conversion rocket, and when he realized that this was physically impossible, he began developing rockets himself. If, after creating the Falcon Heavy rocket (first flight - summer 2015), SpaceX still tries to send some semblance of a greenhouse to Mars, I will be sure that Musk is truly driven by his passion for space exploration, and not by anything else.

By the way, at the beginning of October, SpaceX published an advertisement for a vacancy for a farmer. Why would this be? :)

The weather allows for a rocket launch.

Interesting. Did you notice in the broadcast how liquid oxygen evaporates from Delta IV? And this is how it evaporates at the Angara. Although they tell me here that at Angara it could be the release of gas or nitrogen in general. But even on the video recording of the Angara-1.2PP launch it was clear that there was strong evaporation.

Here it is, a boat under a fairing and an emergency rescue system.

Meanwhile, the rocket refueling was completed. 2 hours 8 minutes before start.

Let me remind you of the schedule for future flights of the Orion spacecraft.

It's actually a lot more fun. The fact is that launches of the super-heavy rocket SLS will need to be carried out annually, otherwise the maintenance of infrastructure and production will become too expensive. And now fans of space exploration will have their eyes wide open, but launching manned expeditions will be cheaper than research probes. Yeah, NASA calculated that the creation of large heavy interplanetary stations under SLS would cost 6-8 billion dollars. Whereas "Orion" - here it is, standing in the hangar, reusable. Add an inexpensive habitable module and fly (although some missions will require other equipment, for more details, see the evening article).

One way or another, in the schedule under discussion, manned launches into deep space are planned in the 2020s every two years. I am ready to guess that American astronauts will visit the space telescope named after them on a maintenance mission. Webb at the Lagrange point L2 (1.5 million km from Earth). The launch of the telescope, which will replace Hubble, is scheduled for 2018. In addition, in the second half of the 2020s, a real, full-fledged flight to an asteroid in an undisturbed orbit will still be needed - simply to confirm the technology of long-term space expeditions. Finally, landing on Mars in the 2030s will likely be preceded by a flyby of that planet, and perhaps also by landing people on one of its moons, Phobos or Deimos.

By the way, 41 years, 11 months and 27 days ago, the last lunar expedition, Apollo 17, went into space. The astronauts returned to Earth on December 19, 1972, and no humans have flown beyond low-Earth orbit since then. The distance to the Moon is 385 thousand km, to the ISS – 400 km. At the height of the ISS, gravity is only 10% weaker than on the surface of the Earth.

The official broadcast has begun. They say that preparations for the start are going well.

Here's another interesting fact. In the United States, control over government spending is much stricter than in Russia, so NASA has to fulfill its obligations on time. Special statistics are kept on delays in the implementation of various space projects. Depending on the year, NASA's average delay can range from 3 to 7 months. For example, Orion was supposed to go into space at the end of September. The launch was postponed by two months due to the fact that the Delta IV Hevay rocket allocated for September tests was withdrawn to launch a military satellite. Despite this, achieving key plans on time is of great importance. For example, in 2006 it was stated that flight tests of Orion should begin before the end of 2014. And here it is.

Unfortunately, NASA has to scramble to meet the deadline. In most cases, this only fulfills the letter, but not the spirit, of the requirements of the public administration. For example, the Orion that will be launched today is not actually a fully operational spacecraft. A service module for it will be made only in four years. An unmanned flyby of the Moon should take place in 2018, and a manned one in 2020 (note: the purpose of this mission is still being clarified).

Another example is a mission to study an asteroid. Under the Obama administration's "flexible path" for space exploration, NASA has two goals: an asteroid mission in the mid-2020s and a Mars landing in the mid-2030s. The American space agency is really going to send astronauts to the asteroid in 10 years. But it was originally supposed to be a year and a half expedition to an asteroid on a large spaceship. Now NASA wants to send one Orion into lunar orbit, where the robot will first deliver a cobblestone measuring 2-4 meters. The duration of the mission will be less than a month, and even to go into outer space, the astronauts will have to depressurize the ship (in fairness: the possibility of increasing the duration of the mission to 60 days is currently being considered due to an additional small habitable module). That is, formally the requirements of the administration are met, but nothing more.

Here's another diagram. From this it can be seen that during the flight the ship will make two incomplete revolutions around the Earth.

Duty post on the NASA blog.

Preparations for the launch, scheduled for 7:05 Eastern Time (15:05 Moscow time), are going well. United Launch Alliance (note: rocket manufacturer and launch services operator) has begun filling the Delta IV Heavy rocket with propellant components: liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen. The weather forecast remains the same, the probability of acceptable conditions at the time of launch is 70%. The spacecraft will launch from launch pad 37 at Cape Canaveral. The spacecraft will land in the Pacific Ocean upon completion of its mission.

The NASA television channel has been broadcasting a boring picture from the launch complex in Florida since the morning. The comments, apparently, will begin soon. All the most interesting things are after 15 Moscow time.

Fueling of the rocket begins. For reference, the Delta IV family of rockets uses oxygen-hydrogen engines manufactured by Aerojet Rocketdyne: RS-68A on the first stage and RL-10 on the second. Delta IV Heavy (28.8 tons to low orbit) is the most powerful rocket in service in the world today. There is also a slightly heavier modification of the Atlas V (29.4 tons), but it has never been used.

Those wishing to comment on today's events have the opportunity to speak out

The future has arrived. Space travel and interplanetary ships, stations for people on the Moon and Mars and long-term human stay in outer space no longer seem like science fiction. Achievements in astronautics, space exploration and the latest discoveries of physicists have made the beginning of our century akin to the end of the past for the Internet. A time of uncertainty, development of creative thought and financial reality. Dozens of international companies work in the field of space technology, projects appear and disappear, providing food for the development of creative imagination. Becoming an incarnation in reality is lucky in everything. The American astronautics project, the Orion spacecraft, has become a reality. This article, other projects, and prospects for space exploration are discussed.

General introductions

"Orion" is the latest generation spacecraft, the purpose of which is to take humans beyond the Earth's orbit. Equipped with modern technologies, the reusable capsule, placed on the Delta IV Heavy launch vehicle, will be able to transport a crew of six astronauts and will take a person to Mars as early as 2030. These are the plans voiced by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

In December 2014, the Orion spacecraft spent 4.5 hours in Earth orbit and landed in the Pacific Ocean, proving the possibility of implementing the company's plans. The heat shield, capsule and parachute system have been tested. The crash test cost $350 million, but they met the hopes of the entire world community for the Orion spacecraft. Photos and video materials occupied the media space and the attention of the world community for a long time. Applications for astronaut candidates on the Orion spacecraft soared from eight thousand to a record 18,300. The film of the ship's launch collected record numbers of views on video hosting sites.

So far the best

Designed in the image and likeness of Apollo, this ship represents the latest generation of Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle. Since the mid-2000s, a partially reusable manned spacecraft has been developed as part of the massive US Constellation space program.

The Orion spacecraft consists of a reusable and habitable capsule and a service module. The capsule was manufactured by the aerospace corporation Lockheed Martin for NASA. The customer of the module was ESA, and it was manufactured by Airbus Defense and Space. This is a major international joint project in the field of space shipbuilding.

Specialized sources describe in detail the structure and technical characteristics of this aircraft. For the average reader, this is cumbersome and obscure information characterizing the Orion spacecraft. The design and principle of use of Orion has a number of characteristic and specific features, which we will dwell on.

"Orion", "Apollo", shuttles and others

The appearance and shape are similar to the Apollo capsules and the Russian Soyuz. It is this form that is most optimal when entering the atmosphere and moving through it. Excess heat is absorbed using an ablative heat shield, which burns out almost completely upon landing and is easily replaced for a new flight.

The control system is based on single-core PowerPC 750FX processors, which led the media to claim that Orions are no smarter than modern smartphones. But the developers explained their choice by the high reliability of these systems under extreme vibrations, temperature fluctuations and cosmic radiation.

The Orion spacecraft has another innovative quality. According to the principle of modules, anything can be attached to the ship. From additional engines to transport compartments. The media immediately called it a “space truck.”

Unlike the Space Shuttle, which was designed as a space shuttle, the Orion spacecraft is equipped with such a detail as a powerful system for protecting and rescuing astronauts at launch. The system automatically turns on the rocket engines, they will carry the crew away from the explosion zone and ensure a normal landing.

Project Orion: the beginning

A program called Orion was born in San Diego in 1958 in the depths of the General Atomics company. Her parents are the legendary atomic physicist Frederick Hoffman, co-author with Theodore Taylor. The goal they set for themselves was a relatively cheap and simple spacecraft capable of reaching speeds close to the speed of light. The basis of the project was an explosive-type nuclear pulse rocket. They proposed replacing the explosion chamber with a steel shield, which would immediately make it possible to achieve an exhaust velocity of up to 10,000 km/s. According to the design, nuclear charges with a power of up to one kiloton were thrown out of the ship and exploded 60 meters from the shield at certain intervals.

The Orion program: a difficult path

Several models of such pushers were manufactured, and already in 1959 the first tests were carried out with the launch of the installation to a height of up to 100 meters. The pulse engine confirmed the possibility of stable flight. The shield also underwent changes, and it was decided to spray graphite lubricant on its surface.

The program was designed for 12 years, with a cost of 24 billion dollars. NASA did not support the project then and the program was closed. And after the signing of an international treaty banning the atmosphere and land in 1964, the Orion project was outlawed.

It was returned to in the 2000s as part of the Constellation manned spacecraft development program. The development and construction were entrusted to the company. And in 2014, the first Orion spacecraft successfully launched and landed. NASA lived up to its hopes.

"Orion": with hope for the future

In March 2017, the US Congress unanimously approved NASA's budget of $19.1 billion for 2018 - almost $200 billion more than last year.

The Congressional bill states that humans should be on the surface of Mars in 2030.

Well, the prospects for the Orion project inspire optimism and please us with the availability of financial opportunities. The re-launch of the spacecraft into orbit is scheduled for 2018, and a manned mission is expected a few years later. The Agency is working on the preparation and development of new programs.

Technical prospects

NASA does not stand still and is considering various interstellar flight projects. Even the most futuristic ones: a project of nanoships that self-repair anywhere in the galaxy or laser sails.

Since the 1990s, the agency has been holding space propulsion research workshops where top physicists and engineers review all designs and theories. The Breakthrough Physics Principles program seeks the promise of using quantum physics to enable interstellar travel.

The most impressive project is the use of antimatter as an energy source for intergalactic travel. Humanity has already obtained antimatter and even found a way to store it. Why not fly it to the stars?

Fantastic prospects: Krasnikov pipes

The Warp Drive from Star Trek isn't all that fantastic. The Alcubierre engine power plant, which compresses space-time in front of itself and expands it behind it, is theoretically justified. Since 2012, such developments have been carried out by scientists at the University of Sydney.

Mikel Alcubierre published the idea of ​​his “time bubble” in 1994. A year later, a theoretical physicist from Moscow, Sergei Krasnikov, put forward a theory about a device that would enable space travel at speeds faster than the speed of light.

These are curvatures of space based on the “wormhole” principle, created artificially. According to his theory, the astronaut will return at the same time he set off. This will happen due to the movement of the spacecraft through other dimensions and curved space-time.