What is indirect aggression? Aggression in psychology

Word formation. Comes from Lat. aggressio - attack. Category. A form of aggressive behavior. Specificity. With indirect aggression, the direction against a person or object is hidden or not realized by the subject of aggression.

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A draft definition of the concept of “indirect aggression”, presented by the ambassadors of Great Britain and France to the USSR to the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR

It is agreed between the three contracting Governments that the words "indirect aggression" in the preceding § 2 * are to be understood as not excluding (or including) an action taken by the State in question under the threat of force from another Power and with the consequence of the loss of its independence or his neutrality.

If circumstances should arise which do not fall within the foregoing definition, but which, in the opinion of one of the contracting Governments, constitute a threat to the independence or neutrality of the State in question, the contracting Governments shall, at the request of one of them, enter into immediate consultation for the purpose of any action which will be decided by common consent .


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Hitler Adolf(biographical materials).

Ribbentrop Joachim von(biographical materials).

The daily news report constantly frightens the average person with the number of acts of violence in all corners of the world. And everyday life is replete with quarrels, shouting and other manifestations of hostility.

Aggression in modern society perceived as evil and subject to public condemnation. However, there are many examples of hostile behavior of both individuals and entire groups of people.

Why do people cause suffering to each other, what are the causes of interpersonal and global conflicts? There is no clear answer to these questions, but studying the phenomenon of aggressiveness in different aspects of human life will help to better understand the problem.

What is aggression?

There are many approaches in the world to determining the cause, content and types of counteraction to such behavior. Thus, some psychologists believe that aggression is an innate human quality associated with instinctive impulses. Others correlate this concept with the need for an individual to achieve release (frustration), while others perceive it as a manifestation social learning a person who has emerged from past experience.

Thus, this type of personality manifestation is intentional behavior that is destructive in nature and leads to physical or psychological harm and discomfort in other individuals.

Aggression in psychology, and in everyday life, is often associated with anger, anger, rage, that is, extremely negative emotions. In fact, hostility can also arise in a calm, cool state. This behavior may be a consequence negative attitudes(desire to harm or offend) or to be unmotivated. According to many experts, a prerequisite for aggressive behavior must be that it is directed at another individual. That is, punching the wall and breaking dishes are not manifestations of hostile, but expressive behavior. But the outbreaks are uncontrollable negative emotions can subsequently be redirected to living beings.

Historical approaches

The definition of aggression is carried out through various approaches. The main ones are:

  1. Normative approach. Particular attention is paid to the illegality of actions and violation of generally accepted norms. Aggressive behavior is considered to be behavior that includes 2 main conditions: there are consequences that are disastrous for the victim and at the same time the norms of behavior are violated.
  2. Depth psychological approach. The instinctive nature of aggression is affirmed. It is an integral innate feature of the behavior of any person.
  3. Targeted approach. Explores hostile behavior in terms of its intended purpose. According to this direction, aggression is a tool of self-affirmation, evolution, adaptation and appropriation of vital resources and territories.
  4. Effective approach. Focuses attention on the consequences of such behavior.
  5. An intentional approach. Evaluates the motivations of the subject of hostility that prompted him to take such actions.
  6. Emotional approach. Reveals the psycho-emotional aspect of the behavior and motivation of the aggressor.
  7. A multidimensional approach includes an analysis of all factors of aggression with an in-depth study of the most significant, from the point of view of the individual author.

A large number of approaches to determining this psychological phenomenon does not provide an exhaustive definition. The concept of “aggression” is too broad and multifaceted. Types of aggression are very diverse. But it is still necessary to understand and classify them in order to better understand the causes and develop ways to combat this serious problem of our time.

Aggression. Types of aggression

It is quite difficult to create a unified classification of types of aggression and its causes. However, in world practice they often use its definition according to the method of American psychologists A. Bass and A. Darkie, which includes five components:

  1. Physical aggression - physical force is used on another individual.
  2. Indirect aggression - occurs in a hidden way (unkind banter, creating gossip) or is not directed at a specific person (gratuitous screaming, stomping, other manifestations of outbursts of rage).
  3. Irritation - increased excitability to external stimuli, which often leads to a surge negative emotions.
  4. Verbal aggression - manifestation negative feelings through verbal reactions (squealing, screaming, swearing, threats, etc.).
  5. Negativism is oppositional behavior that can manifest itself in both passive and active form struggle against established laws and traditions.

Types of Verbal Responses

The manifestation of aggression in verbal form, according to A. Bass, is divided into three main types:

  1. Rejection is a reaction that is based on the “go away” type and more crude forms.
  2. Hostile remarks are formed according to the principle “your presence annoys me.”
  3. Criticism is aggression directed not specifically at a person, but at his personal objects, work, clothes, etc.

Psychologists also identify other forms of hostility. Thus, according to H. Heckhausen, there is instrumental and hostile aggression. Hostility is an end in itself and brings direct harm to another person. Instrumental is an intermediate phenomenon in achieving a goal (for example, extortion).

Forms of manifestation

Forms of aggression can be very diverse and are divided into the following types of actions:

  • negative (destructive) - positive (constructive);
  • obvious (open aggression) - latent (hidden);
  • direct (directed directly to the object) - indirect (influence through other channels);
  • ego-syntonic (accepted by the personality itself) - ego-dystonic (condemned by one’s “I”);
  • physical (violence against a physical object) - verbal (attack with words);
  • hostile (the goal of aggression is immediate harm) - instrumental (hostility is only a means to achieve another goal).

The most common manifestations of aggression in everyday life are raising one's voice, slander, insults, coercion, physical force, and the use of weapons. Hidden forms include harmful inaction, avoidance of contact, self-harm, even suicide.

Who can aggression be directed at?

Attacks of aggression can be directed at:

  • exclusively close people - only family members (or one member) are attacked, behavior with others is normal;
  • people not from the family circle - teachers, classmates, doctors, etc.;
  • yourself - as in own body, and on the individual, occurs in the form of refusal to eat, mutilation, nail biting, etc.;
  • animals, insects, birds, etc.;
  • inanimate physical objects - in the form of eating inedible objects;
  • symbolic objects - passion for aggressive computer games, collecting weapons, etc.

Causes of aggressive behavior

The reasons for human hostility are also varied and cause controversy among professional psychologists.

Adherents of the biological theory are of the opinion that aggression is:

  • innate human reaction associated with (attack is the best defense);
  • behavior that arises as a result of the struggle for territory and resources (competition in the personal and professional spheres);
  • inherited property received with a type nervous system(unbalanced);
  • a consequence of hormonal imbalances (excess testosterone or adrenaline);
  • a consequence of use (alcohol, nicotine, drugs).

According to the sociobiological approach, people with similar genes contribute to each other's survival, even through self-sacrifice. At the same time, they show aggression towards individuals who are very different from them and contain few common genes. This explains conflict outbreaks between representatives of social, national, religious and professional groups.

Psychosocial theory links increased aggressiveness to a person's quality of life. The worse his condition (not getting enough sleep, hungry, not satisfied with life), the more hostile he is.

Factors influencing the level of aggressiveness

According to social theory, aggression is a human property acquired throughout life. Moreover, it develops against the background of the following factors:

  • (frequent quarrels between parents, use of physical force on children, lack of parental attention);
  • daily display and propaganda of violence on television and other media.

Psychologists also closely link factors of human aggression with the following personal qualities:

  • dominant style of behavior;
  • increased anxiety;
  • tendency to detect hostility in the actions of other individuals;
  • increased or, conversely, decreased self-control;
  • decreased self-esteem and frequent infringement of self-esteem;
  • complete lack of potential, including creative potential.

How to deal with an aggressor?

Aggression is an action usually aimed at destruction. Therefore, it is necessary to remember some basic rules of behavior with a negative individual:

  1. If a person is in strong psychological arousal, and the problem is minor, try to move the conversation to another topic, reschedule the discussion, that is, get away from the irritating conversation.
  2. It will have a positive impact on mutual understanding if the parties to the conflict look at the problem from the outside, with an unbiased look.
  3. It is necessary to try to understand the aggressor. If the cause is up to you, take possible measures to eliminate it.
  4. Sometimes it is helpful to show the aggressor empathy and understanding.
  5. It also helps to agree with him in those points where he is actually right.

Determine what type the aggressor belongs to

Specific methods of countering hostility depend directly on the type of personality of the aggressor:

  1. Type "Tank". Very rude and direct people who conflict situation the rod right through. If the issue is not very important, it is better to give in or adapt, to let the aggressor let off steam. You cannot question his rightness; you should express your opinion without emotion, because calm usually suppresses the rage of such a person.
  2. Bomb type. These subjects are not evil by nature, but they can flare up like children. In the event of an outbreak of hostility, it is necessary to allow the emotions of such a person to come out, calm him down and communicate normally further, since this does not happen out of malice and often against the will of the aggressor himself.
  3. Sniper type. Due to the lack of actual power, it creates conflicts through intrigue. It is important to present the culprit with evidence of his behind-the-scenes games and then look for a solution to this issue.
  4. Horn type. These people criticize everything in the world, from real problems to imaginary ones. They want to be heard. When contacting such an aggressor, it is necessary to let him pour out his soul, agree with his opinion and try to move the conversation in a different direction. When returning to this topic, one should switch his attention from the problem to ways to solve it.
  5. “Penknife” type. Such people are often ready to help and give in on many issues. However, this happens only in words, but in practice the opposite is true. When communicating with them, you need to insist on the importance for you of the truth on their part.

How to get rid of discomfort after communication?

IN modern world people have enough high level aggression. This implies the need to properly respond to other people’s attacks, as well as control one’s own psycho-emotional state.

At the moment of a hostile reaction, you need to take a deep breath and exhale, count to ten, which will allow you to abstract from the momentary outburst of emotions and look at the situation rationally. Telling your opponent about your negative feelings is also useful. If all this does not help, you can throw out excess anger using one of the following activities:

  • sports, yoga or active games in the fresh air;
  • picnic in nature;
  • relaxation in a karaoke bar or disco;
  • general cleaning (you can even rearrange it) in the house;
  • writing all the negative things on paper and then destroying it (you need to tear it up or burn it);
  • you can break dishes or just a pillow (this option is much cheaper);
  • conversation with the closest and, most importantly, understanding people;
  • crying also provides tangible emotional release;
  • in the end, you can just do what you love, it will undoubtedly lift your spirits.

In more severe cases a person cannot cope with negative emotions on his own. Then you need to contact a psychotherapist or psychologist. A specialist will help you recognize the causes of this condition, define aggression in each specific case, and also find individual methods for solving this issue.

Causes of childhood aggression

Very important aspect One that cannot be ignored is teenage aggression. It is very important for parents to figure out what caused this behavior, because this will make it possible to correct the child’s reactions in the future. Children's hostility has similar causes to adults, but it also has some peculiarities. The main ones include:

  • desire to receive something;
  • desire to dominate;
  • attracting the attention of other children;
  • self-affirmation;
  • defensive reaction;
  • gaining a sense of superiority by humiliating others;
  • revenge.

Aggressive behavior of adolescents in half of the cases is the result of miscalculations in upbringing, insufficient or excessive influence, unwillingness to understand the child, or a simple lack of time. This character is formed under an authoritarian type of parental influence, as well as in dysfunctional families.

Aggression in adolescents also occurs in the presence of a number of psychological factors:

  • low level of intelligence and communication skills;
  • primitivism of gaming activities;
  • poor self-control skills;
  • problems with peers;
  • low self-esteem.

Aggression on the part of a child left to its own devices can develop into open conflicts in the future, even in adulthood. Child psychology identifies almost the same types of hostility as adults. Therefore, we will dwell in more detail on the issues of combating it, which has some differences from cases with adults.

in a child?

The most important rule in education is following a personal example. A child will never respond to parents’ demands that are at odds with their own actions.

The reaction to aggression should not be immediate and cruel. The child will take his anger out on others, hiding his real emotions from his parents. But there should be no connivance, since children sense uncertainty on the part of their parents very well.

Aggressive behavior of adolescents requires timely prevention, namely the systematic and controlled formation of trusting and friendly relationships. Strength and weakness on the part of the parent will only make the situation worse; only sincerity and trust will really help.

Specific steps to combat aggression in a child include the following:

  1. Teach him self-control.
  2. Develop skills to behave in conflict situations.
  3. Teach your child to express negative emotions in an appropriate form.
  4. Instill in him understanding and empathy for other people.

Aggression (from Latin aggressio - attack)- motivated destructive behavior that contradicts the norms (rules) of coexistence of people in society, harms the objects of attack (animate and inanimate), causes physical harm to people or causes them psychological discomfort (negative experiences, states of tension, fear, depression, etc. .).

The purpose of aggression can be:- coercion; - strengthening power and dominance; - impression management; - earnings; - affective release, resolution of internal conflict; - revenge for suffering suffered; - inflicting pain on the victim, obtaining pleasure from his suffering.

The following are highlighted. types of aggression:

    physical aggression (attack) - the use of physical force against another person or object;

    Verbal Aggression - the expression of negative feelings both through form (quarrel, screaming, screeching) and through the content of verbal reactions (threat, curses, swearing);

    direct aggression - directly directed against someone. object or subject;

    indirect aggression - actions that are directed in a roundabout way at another person (malicious gossip, jokes, etc.), and actions characterized by lack of direction and disorder (explosions of rage, manifested in screaming, stomping feet, beating the table with fists, etc.). p.);

    instrumental Aggression, which is a means of achieving k.-l. goals;

    hostile Aggression - expressed in actions aimed at causing harm to the object of aggression;

    auto-aggression - aggression manifested in self-accusation, self-humiliation, self-harm, even suicide;

    altruistic Aggression, which has the goal of protecting others from someone else’s aggressive actions.

Aggressive behavior- one of the forms of response to various unfavorable physical and mental conditions life situations, causing stress, frustration, etc. condition. Psychologically, A. is one of the main ways to solve problems associated with the preservation of individuality and identity, with the protection and growth of a sense of self-worth, self-esteem, level of aspirations, as well as the preservation and strengthening of control over the environment that is essential for the subject.

Aggressive actions act as:

    means of achieving k.-l. meaningful goal;

    a way of psychological relaxation;

    a way to satisfy the need for self-realization and self-affirmation.

Aggressiveness is a personality trait that consists in the willingness and preference to use violent means to achieve one’s goals. Aggression is the manifestation of aggressiveness in destructive actions, the purpose of which is to harm a particular person. Aggression in different individuals can have varying degrees of severity - from almost complete absence to extreme development. Probably, a harmoniously developed personality should have a certain degree of aggressiveness. The needs of individual development and social practice should form in people the ability to remove obstacles, and sometimes even to physically overcome what opposes this process. A complete lack of aggressiveness leads to pliability and inability to take an active position in life. At the same time, excessive development of aggressiveness according to the type of accentuation begins to determine the entire appearance of the personality, turns it into a conflict person, incapable of social cooperation, and in its extreme expression is a pathology (social and clinical): aggression loses its rational-selective orientation and becomes a habitual way of behavior, manifesting itself in unjustified hostility, malice, cruelty, and negativism.

Aggressive manifestations may be:

    a means to achieve a certain goal,

    a way of psychological release, replacing a blocked need,

    an end in itself,

    a way to satisfy the need for self-realization and self-affirmation.

Thus, human aggressiveness is heterogeneous, varies from weak to extreme, and differs in its modality and purpose. It is possible to distinguish parameters of aggressiveness of various modalities, differing:

    the intensity of aggression, its cruelty;

    targeting a specific person or all people in general;

    situationality or stability of aggressive personality tendencies.

Conventionally, the following types of behavior can be distinguished from the point of view of aggressiveness:

    anti-aggression - negative attitude to any aggressive manifestations of a person who always tries to reconcile with people, considers it impossible for himself to beat the weak, a woman, children, a cripple; in the event of a conflict, he believes that it is better to leave, endure it, or contact the police; he defends himself only in the event of an obvious physical attack;

    intense aggression motivated by the satisfaction received from performing conditionally aggressive activities (games, wrestling, competitions), without the goal of causing harm. Thus, sport is a socially acceptable form of manifestation of a person’s aggressive tendencies, a kind of release of aggression, as well as a form of self-affirmation, increasing social status and obtaining material benefits (for professional athletes);

    undifferentiated aggressiveness- a mild manifestation of aggression, expressed in irritability and scandals on any occasion and with a wide variety of people, in hot temper, harshness, rudeness. But these people can reach the point of physical aggression and even domestic crimes;

    local aggressiveness, or impulsive, - aggression manifests itself as a direct reaction to a conflict situation; a person can verbally insult the enemy ( verbal aggression), but also allows physical means of aggression, he can hit, beat, etc. The degree of general irritation is less pronounced than in the previous subtype;

    conditional, instrumental aggression, associated with self-affirmation, for example in boyish romp;

    hostile aggressiveness- persistent emotions of anger, hatred, envy, a person shows his hostility openly, but does not strive for a clash between the parties, real physical aggression may not be very pronounced. Hatred can be directed at a specific person; strangers can cause irritation and anger in such a person for no reason. There is a desire to humiliate another person, feeling contempt and hatred for him, but in this way gain the respect of others. He is calm in fights, and if he wins, he remembers the fight with pleasure. He can initially restrain his aggression, and then takes revenge (in various ways: slander, intrigue, physical aggression). In the event of a preponderance of forces and the likelihood of impunity, it can lead to murder. In general, he is hostile towards people;

    instrumental aggression- to achieve any significant goal;

    brutal aggression- violence and aggression as an end in itself, aggressive actions always exceed the actions of the enemy, are characterized by excessive cruelty and special malice: minimal reason and maximum cruelty. Such people commit particularly cruel crimes;

    psychopathic aggression- cruel and often senseless aggression, repeated acts of aggression (aggressive psychopath, “homicidal maniac”);

    aggression motivated by group solidarity- aggression or even murder is committed as a result of the desire to follow group traditions, to establish oneself in the eyes of one’s group, the desire to gain the approval of one’s group, to show one’s strength, determination, and fearlessness. This type of aggression often occurs in groups of teenagers. Military aggression (actions of military personnel in combat conditions, killing the enemy) is a socially recognized and approved form of aggression motivated by group (or national) solidarity, social traditions of “defense of the fatherland”, “defense of certain ideas” are implemented, for example, defense of democracy, defense of law and order and etc.;

    sexual aggression of varying degrees- from sexual incivility to rape or sexual abuse and murder. Freud wrote that the sexuality of most men contains an admixture of aggression, a desire to subjugate, so sadism is simply the isolation and hypertrophy of the aggressive component characteristic of normal sexuality. The connection between sex and aggression is confirmed experimentally. Endocrinologists have stated that the aggressive behavior of males and their sexual activity are determined by the influence of the same hormones - androgens, and psychologists - that pronounced components of aggressiveness are present in erotic fantasies, and partly in the sexual behavior of men. On the other hand, suppression of sexual desires, sexual dissatisfaction of people is also accompanied by an increase in irritation and aggressive impulses; A woman’s refusal to satisfy a man’s sexual desire again leads to aggression. Conditioned aggression and sexual arousal appear to interact in humans, as in some animals, to mutually reinforce each other. For example, in teenage boys, an erection often occurs during fussing or power struggle, but never in a real fight. The game of lovers, when a man seems to “hunt” a woman, overcoming her conditioned struggle and resistance, excites him very sexually, i.e. here the conventional “rapist” also acts as a seducer. But there is a group of men who can experience sexual arousal and pleasure only in the event of actual aggression, violence, beating, and humiliation of a woman. Such pathological sexuality often develops into sexual sadism and sexual murder.

Aggression is a stable personality characteristic, in the presence of which a person is inclined to cause harm to objects around him. Aggression also manifests itself through the expression of negative emotions: anger, rage, anger, directed at external objects and objects. Not everyone understands why a person cannot contain his rage, or why child abuse and family violence occur. The culprit is aggression, which is manifested by a stable characterological personality trait called aggressiveness.

Aggression manifests itself in different ways, it all depends on the degree of irritation of a person, his character traits and the situation. There are several manifestations of this behavior, which we will consider in detail.

All types are based on several motives of human behavior: aggression arises as a result of the desire to achieve one’s goal (and someone or something interferes with this), the need to psychologically unload, the need to assert oneself.

Reasons for this behavior

Aggression in a person does not develop immediately. There are theories that say that this character trait is inherent in all living beings. In some ways this is true. When a person has to defend himself from danger, he begins to behave aggressively.

But what is important here is the difference between a personality trait and aggression, as a defensive, unintentional action. But many scientists agree that from birth a person does not have aggression; he learns a model of such behavior over the course of his life, depending on the social situation around him.

There are several reasons for aggression:

Aggression in psychology is understood as a socio-psychological phenomenon and does not relate to mental pathologies. According to the results of the study, this behavior occurs in healthy people subjective, if available psychological problems. For example, someone wants to take revenge, someone grew up in this and does not know other models of behavior, others are participants in some extremist movements, some are instilled with the cult of aggression as strength and courage.

Patients with mental illness do not always show aggression. There is evidence that only about 10% of people who cause mental or physical harm to others have mental illness. In other cases, such actions are dictated by psychosis, an exaggerated reaction to current events. In most cases, aggressive behavior is a desire to dominate.

Risk factors for aggression

Not every person will show aggression at the slightest traumatic situation. There are some features of the external situation and its internal perception that lead to damaging and destructive behavior.

Rather, a destructive model of behavior is formed in people prone to impulsiveness, who perceive everything very emotionally, as a result of which they develop a feeling of discomfort and dissatisfaction. When absent-minded, there is a possibility of emotional aggressiveness. If a person is thoughtful, he can make plans on how to show instrumental aggression.

Psychologists have proven that when a person’s basic values ​​are threatened, he becomes aggressive. Thus, it can be argued that any acutely unmet need in any person can lead to this destructive pattern of behavior.

Aggression often occurs when moral defense against stress is weak. At elevated level Anxiety also increases the likelihood of aggression. An excess of negative emotions in early childhood leads to such patterns. Trying to free myself from authoritarianism significant people(parents, leaders of small groups in which the individual belongs), the child has only one choice - to behave aggressively. Success after such behavior consolidates in his mind as a positive moment, the skill of self-affirmation through aggression is formed.

The reasons for the desire to cause moral or physical harm to another, or to oneself, may be irritation of the nerve centers located in the area of ​​the diencephalon.

How to see the manifestation of aggressive behavior?

Some scientists divide aggression into benign and malignant. Benign is a manifestation of courage, perseverance, and ambition. Overall, to achieve good results In work and career, manifestations of such aggression are even encouraged. But unconstructive, malignant aggressiveness represents a conscious intent to cause harm. This can be seen through the manifestation of such traits as rudeness, cruelty, and violence. Passions, negative emotions and feelings rage within a person.

The manifestations of aggression in men and women are slightly different. Men are characterized by a bright emotional outburst with physical impact on an object, not necessarily the same one that caused the reaction. This is hitting the table, hitting the wall, waving your arms, stomping. In women, aggression manifests itself through discontent and periodic complaints about life. In this state, women are characterized by constant “nagling” of their husband, gossip, and any unfounded conclusions that carry negative consequences.

Often a person does not realize that he is showing aggression. In this case we're talking about about indirect aggression, he is prone to pickiness towards to an individual or family. After nagging and realizing that some needs are not met, he moves on to manifestations of verbal aggression: raising his voice, shouting, humiliation and insults, causing psychological harm to the interlocutor.

Ignoring is also considered a manifestation of aggression. Boycott has long been considered one of the effective tortures of a person, since he could not enter into dialogue and felt lonely, flawed and unwanted. Ignoring causes self-flagellation, guilt, that is, auto-aggression. A person punishes himself in this way.

Manifestation of childhood aggressiveness

The manifestation of aggressiveness is much more noticeable in children. They do not know how to hide their emotions. Of course, it is good that negative emotions do not accumulate, but in this state it is difficult for little aggressors to control themselves. Aggression in such children manifests itself through biting, pushing, hitting, threats, and negative actions. We can say that children have two main types of manifestations of the desire to cause harm to someone: physical and verbal aggression.

In adolescents, aggressive behavior is expressed somewhat differently and the mechanisms of its occurrence change slightly. Adolescents are more prone to verbal aggression; when aggressive, physical actions are more cruel, cause more damage, and border on criminality.

The psychological reasons for the manifestation of this condition are the transition from childhood to adulthood, dissatisfaction with the need for acceptance and love, and the unknown of independent life. Also happening physiological changes, which at the hormonal level can cause aggression.

Treatment, correction of aggressive behavior

As is known, non-physiological reasons for the appearance of aggression lie in environment and family situation, upbringing. In the case of preclinical aggression, that is, arising from psychological reasons, methods of psychological correction of behavior of children, parents and adults are used.

With damage to brain structures, hypertrophied psychological aggression, difficult cases emotional-volitional disorders, drug treatment is necessary.

Psychotherapy to overcome aggression

Aggression develops in a child at a young age, and this behavior, if uncorrected, accompanies a person into adulthood. It is important for parents to know in what cases their child will repress negative emotions, which will become the beginning of aggressive behavior:

Depending on the listed factors, psychotherapeutic methods for correcting aggression are used. A cognitive-behavioural, rational approach to problem solving is often used. The doctor helps a person, a child, learn constructive dialogue with interlocutors, socially adapted behavior, and discharging negative emotions in socially acceptable ways.

Aggression in its brightest manifestations is dangerous for society; the task of a psychotherapist is to teach a person to cope with emotions and work through internal problems - the reasons for such behavior. Psychoanalysis or its variations are also used for this. Methods for analyzing psychological trauma in childhood, removing blocks from the subconscious and elaborating psychological defense mechanisms help a person solve a problem that has been nurturing for years. Aggression does not disappear immediately after such an analysis. There should be someone nearby who will pay attention to unacceptable emotional reactions. He and the patient’s entourage must show their attention and love for the patient.

Drug treatment

Aggression provoked by physiological reasons can be treated with medications. Pharmacotherapy depends on the underlying clinical disease; especially long-term medications should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Benzodiazepines and antipsychotics are effective in treating manifestations of this behavior; second-generation antipsychotic drugs are also used. Some drugs are used sublingually, others work more effectively through intramuscular or intravenous injections.