What is a gerund in Spanish? Paraphrases with gerunds

Uso del gerundio
Use of gerund

The gerund can be used not only to form the present continuous tense Presente Continuo. There are a number of other cases when it is necessary. And we will consider these cases in this section, final for the first level.

1. Presente Continuo

In the first paragraph, we will indicate once again the function of the gerund that is already known to us - the formation of Presente Continuo. It is the most popular. The construction that is used is estar + gerundio.

El niño está comiendo una manzana- The child eats an apple
Estoy escribiendo una composición- I'm writing an essay
La tía de José está lavando los platos- Aunt Jose is washing the dishes

We already know when to use this construction, and how to distinguish Presente Continuo from Presente de Indicativo.

2. Participle

A gerund is, first of all, a gerund. In other words, it is a verb form that indicates actions performed in parallel with others: eating, singing, talking, etc.

Veo la peli comiendo patatas fritas- I watch a movie while eating chips
Mi mamá prepara la cena cantando una canción- Mom is preparing dinner while singing a song
Las chicas van por la calle hablando- Girls walk down the street talking

Unlike the Russian language, the Spaniards are not used to putting commas before gerunds.

Say it yourself in Spanish:

I drive my car listening to the radio
Maria talks to Luis, thinking about Miguel

3. seguir + gerundio, continuar + gerundio

The gerund can be used in some verb connectives that need to be memorized. There are only a few of them, and they are very common. The most popular is the link with the verbs seguir and continuar, both of which mean “to continue.” You know that there are verbs that have control with a certain preposition. These two verbs have gerund control.

Sigo trabajando en la misma empresa- I continue to work in the same company
Federico sigue estudiando español- Federico continues to learn Spanish
Continuamos buscando un apartamento- We continue to look for an apartment

While in Russian the verb “to continue” does not have such features, you should try to avoid using the infinitive in Spanish.

Don't say: Sigo trabajar or Continuamos buscar.

The verbs seguir and continuar are synonyms. However, the first of them is used much more often. Remember that if you say that someone continues to do something, you need to use a gerund.

Say it yourself:

4. ir + gerundio

Another gerund connective to remember is ir + gerundio. This is a rather interesting and unique Spanish construction, which has no analogue in Russian. It indicates an action that occurs with increasing progression.

Voy aprendiendo español - I know Spanish better and better
Los precios van subiendo - Prices are rising more and more

As can be seen from the examples, the listed actions have this increasing progression. And for more accurate translation in Russian we can use phrases such as “more and more”, “better and better”, etc. In Spanish, such constructions can be accompanied by the expression poco a poco - “little by little”, “gradually”.

El tiempo va mejorando poco a poco- The weather is gradually getting better and better
Poco a poco el miedo va creciendo- Little by little the fear intensifies

Say it yourself:

I know more and more Spanish words
The teacher gradually answers the students' questions

In conclusion, here is a list irregular verbs, which, when forming a gerund, will have deviating forms. Remember these cases.

corregir (to correct) - corrigiendo
decir (to say) - diciendo
pedir (to ask) - pidiendo
despedir (to say goodbye) - despidiendo
reír (to laugh) - riendo
repetir (repeat) - repitiendo
seguir (to continue) - siguiendo
sentir (to feel) - sintiendo
servir (to serve) - sirviendo
venir (to come) - viniendo
ver (to see) - viendo
vestir (to dress) - vistiendo
dormir (to sleep) - durmiendo
poder (to be able) - pudiendo
leer (read) - leyendo
construir (to build) - construyendo
caer (to fall) - cayendo
traer (to bring) - trayendo
oír (hear) - oyendo
ir (go, go) - yendo

As you can see, Spanish never ceases to amaze us with its exquisite turns and forms, which in our native language are missing. Despite this, they exist, and we can hardly do without them if we really want to speak like the Spaniards.

Conclusion to the first level

This section completes the first and very important level of the Biglang tutorial. After covering sixty different topics, not to mention phonetics lessons and texts, we managed to cover so many aspects of the Spanish language. We learned how versatile and special he is. Our vocabulary now includes a large number of words and expressions of various thematic areas. We can correctly construct affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences, use almost all Spanish parts of speech: adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, pronouns, numerals. Particular attention was paid to verbs. Knowing how to use all the knowledge we have acquired, our Spanish speech can help us express thousands of different meanings.

However, all of the first twenty lessons in the textbook were based on the present tense. Other tenses we need, such as the future and the past, have not yet been considered. These topics await us in the second, no less meaningful and exciting level. You will see how, having enriched vocabulary and by adding new grammatical tenses and constructions to existing knowledge, we will expand our Spanish worldview in geometric progression. But all this awaits us ahead. In the meantime, do not forget that, moving tirelessly forward, you need to make every effort so as not to lose the acquired knowledge and firmly establish it in your own speech.

Continue to study, increase your vocabulary, practice Spanish with native speakers and stay with your faithful assistant - the site, which is created with such a caring approach in order to improve and facilitate your learning.


Ejercicio 1
Rearrange the sentences using the gerund


Respondo a la pregunta y grito mucho - Respondo a la pregunta gritando mucho.

1. Hago la limpieza y canto mis canciones favoritas;
2. Los niños leen un libro español e intentan traducir cada frase;
3. El taxista conduce el coche y habla por telefono;
4. Mis vecinos andan por la calle y buscan las llaves perdidas;
5. Los señores salen del portal y hablan en voz muy alta.

Ejercicio 2

1. Maria relaxes listening to music;
2. Federico reads a book, thinking about work;
3. My friends talk while yawning;
4. Antonio and I speak Spanish, making a lot of mistakes;
5. The teacher explains new topic, giving interesting examples;
6. The waiter enters the hall, looking for our table;
7. Engineers argue while studying the project.

Ejercicio 3
Translate sentences into Spanish

1. I continue to live in this city;
2. We continue to go to the theater;
3. I am getting to know Spanish culture better and better;
4. Sylvia is talking on the phone while painting her nails;
5. Mario continues to visit his grandmother on Saturdays;
6. We are gradually getting used to the climate of Latin America;
7. People cross the street, looking around.

The gerund in Spanish partially corresponds to the gerund in Russian and is extremely often used both in colloquial and writing to indicate the duration of an action, as well as additional action and manner of action.

Today we will talk about the meanings of the Spanish gerund and cases of its use.

Spanish gerunds are always formed from verbs. If it is a first conjugation verb, then we remove the ending “ar” and add the suffix “ando”. For verbs of the second and third conjugation, a different rule applies: we remove the endings “er” or “ir” and add the suffix “iendo”.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in a gerund three vowels cannot come in a row, so we replace “i” with “y”: caer-caYendo (to fall); leer-leYendo (read), construir-construYendo (build), ir-Yendo (go).

The following gerunds need to be remembered, they are exceptions!

The Spanish gerund is never conjugated or changed in number!

It is very important not to confuse gerunds with participles! Gerunds end in “ando” and “iendo”, and participles end in “ado” and “ido”.

In Spanish there is also past tense gerund, which is used in official, more often written, speech, as well as in fiction. It denotes an additional action in the past. It is formed using the gerund from the verb “haber” and the participle of the verb:

Habiendo estudiado: After studying
Habiendo hecho: Having done
Habiendo comido: After eating

II. Using the gerund in Spanish

There are two types of gerunds in Spanish: the present gerund and the past gerund. The first is used many times more often, while the second is used almost exclusively in official written speech.

The present tense gerund is most often used in three main situations:

1. To indicate long-term action:

Estoy hablando por telefono.
I'm talking on the phone.

Ella ha estado cocinando.
She was cooking.

Estabas cantando.
You sang

Usted estuvo jugando con los niños.
you (polite, singular) played with the children.

Ellos habían estado discutiendo.
They were quarreling.

In this case we are talking about the construction “estar + gerund”, which approximately corresponds to the English continuous tense Present Continious, Past Continious, Present Perfect Continious, etc. depending on the shape. In Spanish, in order to use this construction in different tenses, you need to conjugate the verb estar in the appropriate tense, the gerund never changes.

2. To indicate an additional action, also in the past:

Calculando el dinero, ella vio un error.
While counting the money, she found a mistake.

Iremos de excursión aun lloviendo.
We will go on an excursion even if it rains.

Habiendo dicho esta frase, él se fue.
Having said this phrase, he left.

Here it is necessary to remember that, unlike constructions with gerunds in Russian, in phrases with Spanish gerunds two different subjects are possible. For example, in the phrase “iremos de excursión aun lloviendo” we have two subjects – “we” and “rain”. In Russian, the phrase “We will go on an excursion even if it rains” is absolutely incorrect and impossible.

3. To indicate a course of action.

Vamos a casa andando.
We'll walk home.

Habéis llegado a casa llorando.
You ( plural, with everyone on “you”) came home crying.

4. Composed of various sustainable verb constructions

Ya iré estudiando.
I'll study some more.

Andan diciendo que él se ha casado.
They say he got married.

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Detalles Category: Verbs and tenses

Gerund is an impersonal verbal form expressing simultaneity or precedence of the action expressed by the verb.

Gerund Formation

Verbs ending in –ar: The gerund is formed by adding the ending “ “ to the verb stem. -ando”:

andar – andando; cantar – cantando; amar - amando.

Other verbs form a gerund by adding the ending “ –iendo”:

correr – corriendo; comer – comiendo; mentir – mintiendo; decir – diciendo.

There are verbs that form a gerund not according to the general rule:

leer – leyendo; oír – oyendo; ir – yendo; creer – creyendo, etc.

Using the gerund

A gerund denotes a long-term action or course of action, i.e. it answers the question “how?”:

Vamos andando hacia el parque. We walk to the park.

Saltando, entra en la clase. Jumping, he enters the classroom.

Design estar + gerundio means a long-term action taking place at the present moment (action in progress):

Está trabajando y no puede atenderte. He works and cannot see you.

Estoy esperando. I'm waiting. (to emphasize the duration, it is appropriate to put “I sit and wait”).

Important point. The gerund is not used with negation; instead it is used with a preposition sin + inf.:

Viene cantando una canción. He comes singing a song.

Viene sin decir nada. He comes without saying anything.

Examples of gerund formation

Leer – leyendo
Estudiar – estudiando
Cantar – cantando
Esperar – esperando
Aclarar – aclarando
Despertar – despertando
Contar – contando
Entender – entendiendo
Remarcar – remarcando
Atraer – atrayendo
Filmar – filmando
Cocinar – cocinando
Escribir – escribiendo
Corregir – corrigiendo
Traer – trayendo
Estacionar – estacionando
Escuchar – escuchando
Pintar – pintando
Limpiar – limpiando
Extrañar – extrañando
Diluir – diluyendo
Responder – respondiendo
Proveer – proveendo
Redactar – redactando
Preguntar – preguntando
Calentar – calentando
Atardecer – atardeciendo
Componer – componiendo
Contraer – contrayendo

Examples of using the gerund

    Ahora no puedo ir al cine; estoy estudiando Porque mañana rindo un examen.

    Mi mamá está cocinando un pollo al horno con papas. Lo estoy oliendo desde hace rato.

    Mi prima, la que es actriz, está actuando en otra película. La están filmando en Spain.

    ¿Podrías bajar el volumen de la música? Estoy mirando la televisión.

    Estamos preparando la maqueta para la feria de ciencias, que es la semana que viene.

    Tengo todo desordenado porque estoy armando el bolso. Mañana vamos al campo.

    Me estoy preparando un sandwich porque no almorcé nada. Me estoy muriendo de hambre.

    Miren qué lindo el paisaje: está amaneciendo.

    Mi hermana me debería haber llamado hace horas. Ya me estoy preocupando.

    Estamos armando un rompecabezas de 2000 piezas; es todo un desafío.

    Los chicos están jugando al fútbol en la canchita de la esquina. Volverán a las 8.

    Estoy leyendo un libro de Gabriel García Márquez excelente. Se llama “Cien años de soledad.” Me lo venía recommendando mi madre hace años.

    Estábamos limpiando El garaje cuando llamaste, por eso no escuchamos el telefono.

    La biblioteca era un caos, por eso la estoy ordenando.

    Estamos practically Inglés porque la semana que viene nos tomarán lección oral.

    En este momento no tengo ganas de ir a caminar, estoy mirando una película de espías muy buena.

    Estoy escribiendo un cuento de suspenso muy bueno. Cuando lo termine te lo paso así me deís qué te parece.

The gerund can be used not only to form the present continuous tense Presente Continuo. There are a number of other cases when it is necessary. And we will consider these cases in this topic, final for the first level.

1. Presente Continuo

In the first paragraph, we will indicate once again the function of the gerund that is already known to us - the formation of Presente Continuo. It is the most popular. The construction that is used is estar + gerundio.

El niño está comiendo una manzana— A child eats an apple
Estoy escribiendo una composición— I'm writing an essay
La tía de José está lavando los platos—Aunt José is washing the dishes

We already know when to use this construction, and how to distinguish Presente Continuo from Presente de Indicativo.

2. Participle

A gerund is, first of all, a gerund. In other words, it is a verb form that indicates actions performed in parallel with others: eating, singing, talking, etc.

Veo la peli comiendo patatas fritas— I watch a movie while eating chips
Mi mamá prepara la cena cantando una canción— Mom prepares dinner while singing a song
Las chicas van por la calle hablando— Girls walking down the street, talking

Unlike the Russian language, the Spaniards are not used to putting commas before gerunds.

Say it yourself in Spanish:

I drive my car listening to the radio
Maria talks to Luis, thinking about Miguel

3. seguir + gerundio, continuar + gerundio

The gerund can be used in some verb connectives that need to be memorized. There are only a few of them, and they are very common. The most popular is the link with the verbs seguir and continuar, both of which mean “to continue.” You know that there are verbs that have control with a certain preposition. These two verbs have gerund control.

Sigo trabajando en la misma empresa— I continue to work in the same company
Federico sigue estudiando español— Federico continues to learn Spanish
Continuamos buscando un apartamento— We continue to look for an apartment

While in Russian the verb “continue” does not have similar features, you should try to avoid using the infinitive in Spanish.

Don't say: Sigo trabajar or Continuamos buscar.

The verbs seguir and continuar are synonyms. However, the first of them is used much more often. Remember that if you say that someone continues to do something, you need to use a gerund.

Say it yourself:

4. ir + gerundio

Another gerund connective to remember is ir + gerundio. This is a rather interesting and unique Spanish construction, which has no analogue in Russian. It indicates an action that occurs with increasing progression.

Voy aprendiendo español - I know Spanish better and better
Los precios van subiendo – Prices are rising more and more

As can be seen from the examples, the listed actions have this increasing progression. And for a more accurate translation into Russian, we can use phrases such as “more and more”, “better and better”, etc. In Spanish, such constructions can be accompanied by the expression poco a poco - “little by little”, “gradually”.

El tiempo va mejorando poco a poco— The weather is gradually getting better and better
Poco a poco el miedo va creciendo- Little by little the fear intensifies

Say it yourself:

I know more and more Spanish words
The teacher gradually answers the students' questions

In conclusion, we provide a list of irregular verbs that, when formed as a gerund, will have deviant forms. Remember these cases.

corregir (correct) – corrigiendo
decir (to say) – diciendo
pedir (to ask) – pidiendo
despedir (to say goodbye) - despidiendo
reír (to laugh) - riendo
repetir (repeat) – repitiendo
seguir (to continue) - siguiendo
sentir (to feel) – sintiendo
servir (to serve) – sirviendo
venir (to come) – viniendo

ver (to see) – viendo
vestir (to dress) – vistiendo
dormir (to sleep) – durmiendo
poder (to be able) - pudiendo
leer (read) – leyendo
construir (to build) - construyendo
caer (to fall) - cayendo
traer (to bring) - trayendo
oír (to hear) – oyendo
ir (go, go) - yendo
As you can see, the Spanish language never ceases to amaze us with its exquisite turns and forms that are absent in our native language. Despite this, they exist, and we can hardly do without them if we really want to speak like the Spaniards.

Conclusion to the first module

This topic completes the first and very important level of the Castellano Spanish textbook. After covering sixty different topics, not to mention phonetics lessons and texts, we managed to cover so many aspects of the Spanish language. We learned how versatile and special he is. Our vocabulary now includes a large number of words and expressions of various thematic areas. We can correctly construct affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences, use almost all Spanish parts of speech: adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, pronouns, numerals. Particular attention was paid to verbs. Knowing how to use all the knowledge we have acquired, our Spanish speech can help us express thousands of different meanings.

However, all of the first twenty lessons in the textbook were based on the present tense. Other tenses we need, such as the future and the past, have not yet been considered. These topics await us in the second, no less meaningful and exciting level. You will see how, by enriching our vocabulary and adding new grammatical tenses and constructions to our existing knowledge, we will expand our Spanish worldview exponentially. But all this awaits us ahead. In the meantime, do not forget that, moving tirelessly forward, you need to make every effort so as not to lose the acquired knowledge and firmly establish it in your own speech.

Continue to study, increase your vocabulary, practice Spanish with native speakers and stay with your faithful assistant - the site, which is created with such a caring approach in order to improve and facilitate your learning.


Ejercicio 1
Rearrange the sentences using the gerund

Respondo a la pregunta y grito mucho - Respondo a la pregunta gritando mucho.

1. Hago la limpieza y canto mis canciones favoritas;
2. Los niños leen un libro español e intentan traducir cada frase;
3. El taxista conduce el coche y habla por telefono;
4. Mis vecinos andan por la calle y buscan las llaves perdidas;
5. Los señores salen del portal y hablan en voz muy alta.

Ejercicio 2

1. Maria relaxes listening to music;
2. Federico reads a book, thinking about work;
3. My friends talk while yawning;
4. Antonio and I speak Spanish, making a lot of mistakes;
5. The teacher explains a new topic, giving interesting examples;
6. The waiter enters the hall, looking for our table;
7. Engineers argue while studying the project.

Ejercicio 3
Translate sentences into Spanish

1. I continue to live in this city;
2. We continue to go to the theater;
3. I am getting to know Spanish culture better and better;
4. Sylvia is talking on the phone while painting her nails;
5. Mario continues to visit his grandmother on Saturdays;
6. We are gradually getting used to the climate of Latin America;
7. People cross the street, looking around.

From scratch!
Lección trigésima sexta - Lección treinta y seis

Lesson 36

estar + gerundio construction

Passive voice of verbs

Miguel contesta a las preguntas de sus amigos...

Miguel y sus amigos están conversando. Carmencita está mirando por la ventana interrumpiendo a cada momento la conversación.

Creo que va a llover - dice Juan.

- ¿Llueve a menudo en la Unión Soviética? - pregunta Juana.

La Unión Soviética es inmensa y tiene climas diferentes.

Claro, la pregunta está mal hecha.

- ¿Y en Moscú, llueve mucho? - pregunta Juan.

A veces sí, pero, por lo general, menos que en Madrid.

La temporada más bonita en Moscú y la más agradable es la primavera, cuando no hace mucho frío ni calor.

Es muy bonito también el invierno, cuando hay nieve.

Quiero preguntarle una cosa, Miguel - dice Juan - en España se llama al parlamento Cortes o Congreso de los Diputados. ¿Puede Vd. Decirme algo sobre el parlamento en la Unión Soviética?

Sí, ¡cómo no! El organismo político más elevado de la Unión Soviética es el Soviet Supremo, que constituye el único organismo legislativo de la República, y consta de dos Cámaras: el Soviet (Consejo) de la Unión, y el Soviet de las Nacionalidades representantes de las diferentes Repúblicas y Regiones Autonomas del país. Ambas Cámaras tienen los mismos derechos y son elegidas por sufragio universal, en votación directa y secreta.

El organismo supremo del Poder, que actua permanentemente, es el Presidium (la Presidencia) del Soviet Supremo.


contestar reply
la pregunta question
conversar talk
interrumpir interrupt
creer believe; think
llover go (about rain)
a menudo often
inmenso, -a huge, immeasurable
el climate climate
claro It's clear
hecho made
el hecho fact
a veces Sometimes
la temporada season; time of year
bonito, -a beautiful
el otoño autumn
agradable nice
la primavera spring
el frio cold; hace frio Cold
el calor warm
el invierno winter
la nieve snow
llamarse be called
el parlamento parliament
las cortes Cortes
el congreso congress
el diputado deputy
el Congreso de los Diputados parliament, chamber of deputies
algo anything
¡cómo no! of course, definitely
el organismo organ
politico, -a political
elevado higher
el Soviet Supremo Supreme Council
constituir provide oneself; establish
Unico the only one
legislativo legislative
la Republica republic
constar constitute, consist
la camara ward
el consejo advice
el Soviet Union Council of the Union
el Soviet de las Naciones Council of Nationalities
el representante representative
autonomo, -a autonomous
el pais country, state
ambos both
el derecho right, law
la presidency presidium
el presidium presidium
elegido, -a chosen one
la vote vote
la session session


Meaning of words and expressions:

Word hecho in the first sentence acts in function passive participle, which is formed from the verb hacer do, do and is translated into Russian as meaning - made.

In the second sentence hecho serves as a function noun m. gender and is translated into Russian in the meaning - fact.

Remember the expressions:

estar conversando

carry on a conversation(at present)

a cada momento

every minute

va a llover

it's going to rain

a menudo


It's clear meaning: It's clear

la pregunta está mal hecha

the question was posed (done) incorrectly (badly)

puede Vd. Decirme algo...?

can you say anything...?

sí ¡cómo no!

of course!

hace frio (calor)

cold (warm)


1. estar + gerundio design

Están conversando

they are having a conversation
(at present)

está mirando por la ventana

she looks out the window
(at present)

Design estar + gerundio indicates a long-term development of an action and is not used to express an immediate action. This action can take place in the present, past and future tense.

Estoy leyendo la carta.

I'm reading(at present) letter.

Juan está estudiando ahora.

Juan is currently studying (studying.)


It's raining.(at present)

Juan estuvo estudiando ayer toda la tarde.

Yesterday Juan studied all day.

Durante el paseo, Juan estaba pensando en su porvenir.

While walking, Juan thought about his future.

Juan estará estudiando mañana.

Tomorrow Juan will study.

Instead of a verb estar verbs can be used ir, seguir, venir, however, the meaning of phrases with these verbs will differ to some extent from the phrase with estar.

Design ir + gerundio used to express long-term gradually developing action from its beginning, for example:

La epidemia va desarrollándose. The epidemic is gradually developing.

Design seguir + gerundio used to express previous long-term action, continuing to develop at the moment, For example:

La epidemia sigue desarrolándose. The epidemic continues to develop.

Design venir + gerundio used to express previous long-term action, continuing to develop to the present day(still), for example:

La epidemia viene desarrollándose. The epidemic is still developing.


It is important to remember that in Spanish after the verb seguir never the infinitive is not used and is replaced by gerundio, which is translated into Russian in this combination indefinite form verb.

2. Passive voice of verbs

El presidium es elegido.

The Presidium is elected.

In Spanish, the passive voice is formed using the finite forms of the verb. ser and the passive participle of the semantic verb.

Form passive voice can also be formed using a verb estar. Such constructions with the meaning of passivity occur if:

    The sentence uses the passive participle as an adjective without an object, for example:

    La pregunta está mal hecha.

    The question is posed incorrectly (badly).

    La carta está escrita.

    The letter has been written.

    the proposal indicates the location or geographical location, For example:

    La casa está construida en la orilla del mar.

    The house was built on the seashore.


I. Instead of a verb in indicative mood insert combination estar + gerundio in the appropriate form:


Juan trabaja - Juan está trabajando.
Juan trabajará - Juan estará trabajando.

José pasea con María. Jose con Maria. El padre y el abuelo conversan. El padre y el abuelo María y Juana beben té. Maria and Juana té. Los chicos jugaban en la calle. Los chicos en la calle. Las niñas lloraban. Las niñas La madre bebía café. La madre café Usted trabajará todo el día mañana. Usted Todo el día mañana. ¿Hasta qué hora escucharán ustedes la música? ¿Hasta qué hora la música? María y Juana mirarán la revista de la moda y hablarán hasta la noche. Maria and Juana la revista de la moda y Hasta la noche.