What does the data in the Pythagorean square determine?

“Truth Table” - 7. Ivan lives to the left of the Barber. How many different solutions does the equation have? Example 2. Indicate which logical expression is equivalent to the expression ¬(A \/ ¬ B \/ C) 1) ¬A \/ B \/ ¬C 2) A /\ ¬B /\ C 3)¬A \/ ¬B \/ ¬C 4) ¬A /\ B /\ ¬C. Let's write down the statements If there is no wind, then there will be cloudy weather without rain ¬B? P /\ ¬D.

“The Life of Pythagoras” - learn about the life of the ancient Greek scientist-philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras. Learn to live without luxury. The great sage did not even think of making a single move towards his salvation. Even while in captivity, Pythagoras did not stop studying. I learned a lot of interesting things about the life of Pythagoras - a wonderful and tragic life.

“Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem” - Algebraic proof. Statement of the theorem. The simplest proof. Euclid's proof. Pythagorean theorem. Proof of the theorem. Modern formulation. "IN right triangle The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs.” Consider the square shown in the figure. Geometric proof.

“Pythagorean Theorem 8th grade” - Egyptian triangle. What other proofs of the Pythagorean theorem are there? Geometric solutions quadratic equations. Pythagorean theorem. A figure formed by two rays emanating from one point. Pythagorean triplets. The easy way. Smallest side of a right triangle. Height. Discoveries of the Pythagoreans in mathematics.

“Pythagorean Theorem in Geometry” - Independent “discovery” of the proof of the Pythagorean Theorem will be useful and modern schoolchildren. And the theorem itself is... B) significance. The biographical information that has reached us about Pythagoras is fragmentary and far from reliable. In a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs. B) simplicity,

"Pythagorean theorem proof" - Educational Resources. Watch and prove it! Hawkins' proof. Proof of the Indian mathematician Bashara. The area of ​​a trapezoid with bases a and b, and height a+b can be calculated in two ways: S= (a+b)2/2 S= 2(ab/2) + c2/2. Various proofs of the Pythagorean theorem 8th grade. Watch and prove it! (? ABC - rectangular isosceles).

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Magic table of Pythagoras. http://aida.ucoz.ru Mathematics: in the world of interesting things. Author of the presentation: Blokhina E.V., teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 2”, Cherkessk, 2013.

2 slide

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The magic table of Pythagoras will help you decipher the code embedded in a person’s date of birth and find out your fate and the fate of people close to you. Fate according to Pythagoras. http://aida.ucoz.ru There is a theory that during his travels in Egypt, Pythagoras lived for a long time in the African Dogon tribe. This tribe, according to numerous legends and traditions, were not only contemporaries of the mysterious inhabitants of Atlantis, but also their diligent students. The Dogon believed that a person’s date of birth contained information about the person’s future, his character, health and other personality characteristics.

3 slide

Slide description:

http://aida.ucoz.ru The magic of Pythagorean numbers was not invented by the author, but was compiled from the numerological views of Egypt, Arabia, and Phenicia. According to his numerological view of things, the date of birth of a person is the starting point for calculating his basic qualities, the possible developments of his destiny and even the number of visits of the soul to earth.

4 slide

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http://aida.ucoz.ru The Pythagorean table allows you to determine what nature rewards a person with at birth, what circumstances he will find himself in, and how his life will turn out. Pythagoras revered the number above all else; he believed that all people at birth receive their own number, which carries a certain characteristic. 1 Character (individuality) 4 Health (prosperity) 7 Talent (creativity) 2 Energy 5 Intuition 8 Responsibility (commitment) 3 Accuracy (precision) 6 Work attitude (groundedness) 9 Intelligence (mind)

5 slide

Slide description:

http://aida.ucoz.ru Let's look at everything using an example. First, we write down the date of birth of the person for whom we are making a forecast: 02/29/1996. Now we add the numbers of the day and month of birth: 2 + 9 + 2 = 13. Now we need to add the numbers of the year of birth: 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 = 25. We add the resulting numbers: 13 + 25 = 38, 38 is the first working number. We add up the digits of the first working number: 3 + 8 = 11, 11 is the second working number. From the first working number, subtract double the first digit of the birthday: 38 – 4 = 34, 34 is the third working number. Let's add the digits of the third working number: 3 + 4 = 7, 7 is the fourth working number.

6 slide

Slide description:

http://aida.ucoz.ru The first row of numbers is the date of birth: February 29, 1996. The second row is made up of working numbers: 38. 11. 34. 7. Let's count the number of numbers in two rows - 14. This means that man came to earth for the 14th time. Pythagoras said that after a person has lived 15 times (meaning the number of bodily incarnations or reincarnations), he can acquire enough qualities (positive or negative) to no longer return to earth, but to continue existing in higher or lower forms of life respectively.

7 slide

Slide description:

http://aida.ucoz.ru So, we draw a table, in each square of which we enter the same numbers from the two rows of numbers obtained earlier. Here's what happens: 1 111 4 4 7 7 2 22 5 - 8 8 3 33 6 6 9 999

8 slide

Slide description:

http://aida.ucoz.ru Data decryption occurs as follows. Square 1. Character (individuality). 1 – sophisticated egoist; 11 – close to selfishness; 111 – good character; stable; 1111 – very strong-willed, strong; 11111 – dictator, tyrant; 111111 – (rare) a person is cruel, but at the same time he can do the impossible for a loved one. It is very difficult with such a person.

Slide 9

Slide description:

http://aida.ucoz.ru Square 2. Energy. the absence of twos means the absence of bioenergy, which means that the bioenergy channel is open for an intensive gain of energy. These people love old things, treat others well, thereby trying to profit from others. Trained by nature. 2 – there is enough bioenergy for life, but now, at this stage, it is not enough, so sports are required; 22 – enough bioenergy. You can already heal others. 222 – you are a good psychic; 2222 – these people are very much loved by the opposite sex. But if three sixes (666) are also added, beware of temptations.

10 slide

Slide description:

http://aida.ucoz.ru Square 3. Accuracy (accuracy). - there are no threes. This is a very neat and punctual person. Stands out among others with his conversation. 3 – these people are worried about disorder, but relatively (if I want, I do it, if I want, I don’t), it all depends on the mood; 33 – ability for science (wonderful mathematicians, physicists, chemists; 333 – ability for science (with a vengeance). Pedantry, accuracy, if there is no implementation in science. Square 4. Health (provision). - absence of fours. This person is very sick 4 – will not be very sick, mainly due to old age; healthy person or has a high temperament; 444 - the same thing, only with double the energy.

11 slide

Slide description:

http://aida.ucoz.ru Square 5. Intuition. - no A's. Unopened canal at birth. These people are always trying to do something, to do something, always in thought, in experiment, in calculations. Life experience shows that this person will make many mistakes. It's hard for these people to live. Everything that is given to them, they punch through with their heads; 5 – the channel is open, these people make fewer mistakes; 55 – highly developed intuition (investigators, lawyers); 555 – clairvoyant; everything that happens around them is clear to them. They know what they are doing; 5555 – clairvoyants; everything that is happening around them is clear to them. There are moments when they are on the other side of time and space.

12 slide

Slide description:

http://aida.ucoz.ru Square 6. Attitude to work (groundedness). - no sixes. A person came into this world to get a profession, physical labor is necessary, but he does not like it; 6 – grounded person. Physical labor is necessary. You can also think about studying; 66 – very grounded, but physical labor is not needed, and he loves it; 666 is an alarming sign. The person is very attractive, but also emotional. His partner should be with a large number of twos; 6666 - this person in his previous earthly transformations gained a lot of grounding and worked a lot. For this person there is no yoke of physical labor. He is always working. Such a person definitely needs to go to college, especially if there are also nines.

Slide 13

Slide description:

http://aida.ucoz.ru Square 7. Talent (creativity). - no sevens. This man was born to earn sevens in his subsequent transformations; 7 – a person lives much easier. There is talent, but not pronounced; 77 is a very strong sign, especially if its strength is fully developed. A musical man. Has artistic taste and can draw. If there are 1 and 2 in the calculation, then his egoism will guide him and his talent; no one needs him. A person walks on a razor's edge, endowed with everything - both good and bad. It won't be for him closed doors. If he is brought to justice, he will definitely be helped to win the case or pulled out of the debt hole. From childhood, you need to instill a sense of altruism. 777 is a special sign. These people will face serious difficulties; 7777 is a sign of alarm. People with this sign should be very careful.

Slide 14

Slide description:

http://aida.ucoz.ru Square 8. Responsibility (obligation). - absence of eights. A person will take something and is in no hurry to give it back; 8 – a person with a developed sense of responsibility; 88 – a very developed sense of responsibility, there is always a desire to help others; 888 is a sign of service to the people. Great responsibility. This is the sign of I. Gandhi; 8888 – this sign was only available in 1988. Children were born with developed abilities, with a penchant for studying the exact sciences. Square 9. Intelligence (mind). 9 – a person must develop another nine; 99 – born with a smart head, reluctant to learn; 999 - a person is smart by nature, everything is given to him; 9999 - the truth is revealed to a person in combination with a rare mind, but he is distinguished by rudeness and unmercifulness.

Municipal educational institution Komsomolskaya secondary secondary school Pythagorean table Completed by: Baitsev Anton Petrovich, Completed by: Baitsev Anton Petrovich, 5th grade student, 5th grade student Supervisor: Elena Anatolyevna Baitseva, Supervisor: Elena Anatolyevna Baitseva, mathematics teacher mathematics teacher Komsomolsk, 2008

You will need numerical calculations every day, so the methods of their production must be learned first. A. N. Krylov You will need numerical calculations every day, so the methods of their production must be learned first. A. N. Krylov Purpose: to show the lungs effective ways memorizing the Pythagorean table. Objectives: 1. Study the literature on this topic 2. Apply the acquired knowledge in practice 2. Apply the acquired knowledge in practice

Table of Pythagoras For the first time, the table of Pythagoras - approximately in the form in which we find it on the covers of student notebooks - appeared in the work of Nicomachus (Ι - ΙΙ century). For the first time, the Pythagorean table - approximately in the form in which we find it on the covers of student notebooks - appeared in the work of Nicomachus (Ι - ΙΙ century)

Pythagorean table (on fingers) Pythagorean table (on fingers) When initially learning to count, schoolchildren often resort to using their hands, and even further education in difficult cases, the same fingers help out: this is invaluable visual aid. Fingers help not only with counting and counting numbers within ten. You can quickly calculate examples from the multiplication table on your fingers, but only from 6 to 10. Let’s agree that the little finger is like right hand, and on the left it means the ring finger – 7, the middle finger – 8, the index finger – 9, and the thumb – 10. Let’s agree that the little finger on both the right hand and the left one means the ring finger – 7, the middle finger – 8, the index finger – 9, and the big one – 10. Let us multiply 7 by 8. Bend two fingers (starting with the little finger) on one hand and 3 fingers on the other (corresponding to the numbers 7,8). Curled fingers correspond to the tens of the number, and free ones correspond to the units. To get tens, we add the number of bent fingers on one hand and on the other hand, and we get units by multiplying the number of free fingers on one and the other hand. Let us multiply 7 by 8. We bend two fingers (starting with the little finger) on one hand and 3 fingers on the other (corresponding to the numbers 7.8). Curled fingers correspond to the tens of the number, and free ones correspond to the units. To get tens, we add the number of bent fingers on one hand and on the other hand, and we get units by multiplying the number of free fingers on one and the other hand. In our example (7 8) we had two fingers bent on one hand and three on the other. Two tens and three tens make five tens. There were three free fingers on one hand, and two on the other. We multiply: 3 · 2 = 6. Thus, we get: = 56. In our example (7 · 8) we had two fingers bent on one hand and three on the other. Two tens and three tens make five tens. There were three free fingers on one hand, and two on the other. We multiply: 3 · 2 = 6. Thus, we get: = 56. To multiply 6 by 9, bend one finger on one hand and four on the other. Add: = 5 (tens). Multiplying: To multiply 6 by 9, bend one finger on one hand and four on the other. Add: = 5 (tens). We multiply: 1 · 4 = 4. We get: = · 4 = 4. We get: = 54. To multiply 6 by 6, bend one finger on one and the other hand. Add: = 2 (ten). Multiplying: To multiply 6 by 6, bend one finger on one and the other hand. Add: = 2 (ten). We multiply: 4 · 4 = 16. We get: = · 4 = 16. We get: = 36.

Patterns of the Pythagorean table for 9 Patterns of the Pythagorean table for 9 The first pattern. Multiply 9 by 2, the result is a number with tens by 1 less than that number by which we multiply 9, there should be so many units that when added to the tens the number 9 is obtained: 9·2=18 (2dec.-1=1dec., to this ten you need to add 8 units: 1+8=9) 9· 2=18 (2dec.-1=1dec., to this ten you need to add 8 units: 1+8=9) Multiply 9 by 3, it turns out 9·3=27 (3dec.-1=2dec., 2+7= 9) Multiply 9 by 4, we get 9·4=36 (4dec.-1=3dec., 3+6=9) Multiply 9 by 5, we get 9·5=45 (5dec.-1=4dec., 4+ 5=9) Multiply 9 by 6, we get 9·6=54 (6dec.-1=5dec., 5+4=9) Multiply 9 by 7, we get 9·7=63 (7dec.-1=6dec., 6+3=9) Multiply 9 by 8, we get 9·8=72 (8dec.-1=7dec., 7+2=9) Multiply 9 by 9, we get 9·9=81 (9decimal-1=8dec. ., 8+1=9)

Second pattern Second pattern Let's multiply 9 by 2, as a result we get the following number: that the number by which we multiply 9, we turn into tens and subtract the same number of units. Let's multiply 9 by 2, and as a result we get the following number: we turn the number by which we multiply 9 into tens and subtract the same number of units. 9·2=18 (2·10-2=20-2) 9·3=27 (3·10-3=30-3) 9·4=36 (4·10-4=40-4) 9· 5=45 (5·10-5=50-5) 9·6=54 (6·10-6=60-6) 9·7=63 (7·10-7=70-7) 9·8= 72 (8·10-8=80-8) 9·9=81 (9·10-9=90-9) Patterns of the Pythagorean table for 9 Patterns of the Pythagorean table for 9

Slide 2

Project passport

  • Slide 3

    Project stages

    Determine the purpose of the project. Define the project problem. Relevance of the project. Explanation of the concept of Pythagorean Square. History of the Pythagorean Square. Calculation of Pythagorean Square using an example. The value of the final data as a result of calculating the Pythagorean Square. Calculation of the psychomatrix of our classmates and class teacher using the Pythagorean Square. Understand how much your date of birth influences your choice of profession. Receive the final product of the project.

    Slide 4

    Project methods

    1) Collecting information 2) Surveying students 3) Creating a presentation 4) Calculating the Pythagorean Square 5) Creating a project product

    Slide 5

    Project goal:

    Determine whether a person belongs to technical or humanities, based on individual figures obtained during the calculation of the Pythagorean square.

    Slide 6

    Project problem

    We chose this topic because the problem of choosing a profession is very common today. In modern understanding, the meaning career guidance work consists in the gradual formation in a teenager of internal readiness for conscious planning, adjusting his professional plans and interests. And the Pythagorean Square is needed so that no one makes a mistake in choosing the profession that best suits his natural talent.

    Slide 7

    Relevance of the project

    Today, many students do not know which high school profile to choose. This project should help students and teachers determine the future direction of their activities and identify the characteristics of their character.

    Slide 8

    The concept of the Pythagorean square

    Many people have been familiar with such a historical figure as Pythagoras since school. The Pythagorean theorem and other discoveries named after the great mathematician are, of course, well-known, but they are not truly exciting discoveries. One of the most interesting and exciting discoveries can be called the Pythagorean square without remorse.

    Slide 9

    History of creation

    Extant historical sources indicate that the famous mathematician Pythagoras studied secret knowledge for a long time from the Egyptian priests. They say that in the Dagon tribe, fragments of the sciences of previous civilization. Possibly from Atlantis.

    Slide 10

    Pythagoras studied in Egypt and then brought to Europe digital matrices, previously known only to a narrow circle of select people. In an adapted version, the secret tables have survived to this day and are now known as the Pythagorean square. Pythagoras did not leave behind a collection of works; he kept his teachings secret and passed them on to his students orally. As a result, the secret died with them. Some information still leaked through the centuries, but now it is difficult to say how much of it is true and how much is false. Even with Pythagorean theorem not everything is certain. Some historians doubt the authorship of Pythagoras, arguing that it was widely used in the household by a variety of ancient peoples.

    Slide 11

    About the square

    What does a Pythagorean square look like? This square consists of 9 cells, three in each row. They include processed data according to the date of birth of the person being studied. Why is such a well-known “square” needed? Since ancient times, each number has contained some information. So it is precisely on their meanings that all the fuss around a specific type of fortune telling is based. It would be more correct to say, not fortune-telling, but revealing the secrets of origin, current and even past lives.

    Slide 12

    Calculation of Pythagorean square

    For example, Immanuel Kant April 22, 1724 We write: 04/22/1724. We add: 2+2+4+1+7+2+4=22. This is the First working number. Let's add its numbers again: 2+2=4. This is the Second Working Number. From the First Working Number we subtract double the first digit of your birthday: 22-4=18. This is the Third working number. For example, if the date of birth begins with 0 (01) – 0 is discarded, 1 is multiplied. We add the numbers of the Third working number: 1+8=9. The result is the Fourth working number.

    Slide 13

    We write your date of birth and four working numbers in a line: 2241724224189. Now let’s turn to the table:

    Slide 14

    What does the data in the Pythagorean square determine?

    First of all, it determines the character of a person and the amount of bioenergy in him, followed by the internal storage and level of health. Important indicators become both the degree of down-to-earthness and the measure of talent. Oddly enough, the above-mentioned square easily determines the sense of duty and level of intelligence.

    Slide 15

    Slide 16

    Slide 17

    What significant benefits can be gained ordinary people from the received information of the Pythagorean square?


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    Slide captions:

    Trainer Table multiplication and division Trainer Table multiplication and division

    You are wrong!

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 x2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3x3

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3x4 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2x5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2x8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2x6

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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24:3

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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2x9

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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 54:6

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7x2

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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 34 27 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36

    Sinkwine: Pythagorean table

    Problem 3, page 35

    Wire consumption per cell

    Number of cells

    Total wire consumption

    Wire consumption per cell Number of cells Total wire consumption 2 pcs.

    Wire consumption per cell Number of cells Total wire consumption 20m

    Wire consumption per cell Number of cells Total wire consumption? same

    Wire consumption per cell Number of cells Total wire consumption 5 pcs.

    Wire consumption per cell Number of cells Total wire consumption?

    Wire consumption per cell Number of cells Total wire consumption? (same) 2 pcs. 20m 10 m 5 pcs. ?

    10 (m) - per cell;

    Answer: 10 meters of wire were used for one cell. 5 cells will use 50 meters of wire.

    Reflection: Complete the sentence Today I learned... I felt that... It seems interesting to me that... I would like to hear again... Working on the task helped me... I was surprised... I had a desire... The lesson gave me for life...

    Homework: Page 35, No. 2