Demonstration versions of the OGE in physics (grade 9). Independent preparation for the OGE: is it effective and what is needed for it? Material for OGE in physics

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Studying material without the help of tutors and experienced teachers not only has a number of advantages, but is also associated with certain difficulties. It is advisable to refuse a tutor if:

  1. You have no difficulty understanding the subject. Perhaps you simply missed some topics due to illness, which created gaps in your knowledge, or some of the material was missed by the teacher himself, who gave topics for home review.
  2. You know the subject generally well and want to brush up on your knowledge. Even if your report card always showed excellent marks, do not neglect preparing for the exam. Over the course of a few years, some information is forgotten, and remembering it won’t hurt at all. Plus, doing it yourself is quite easy.
  3. They will be able to help you. Parents-teachers or professors or even excellent classmates who are willing to spend half an hour explaining a complex topic will greatly help you. If you are confident that you can cope with the bulk of the material on your own, and that they will help you with complex topics, feel free to choose self-study.

Start preparing in advance, don’t put everything off until the last few weeks. The end of the year is already a stressful period, you will have to write tests, complete individual assignments and many other types of work, and there will be very little time to prepare. In addition, it is better to absorb information in small parts, delving into each rule and formula.

Exercise regularly. It is better to set aside 1-2 hours every day than to devote the whole weekend to preparing and sitting at the computer for many hours in a row. Don’t forget, the brain can work effectively for no more than 40-45 minutes, after which you must definitely take a break. If you try to “catch up” on all the classes you missed during the week in one day, the material you read will be forgotten very quickly.

Don't forget about repetition. It is best to repeat the material twice - 6 hours after studying and the next day. Repeat and remember only the key information, and you will not forget it until the day of the exam.

Study in a calm, quiet environment, do not be distracted by any household chores, concentrate.

How to prepare for the OGE yourself: what materials are needed?

First of all, take care of the equipment and stock up on all the necessary materials that you will use.

You shouldn’t immediately go to the library and ask for textbooks from previous years; they are unlikely to help you. The fact is that the material in them is presented with lengthy explanations, the study of which will take a lot of time. In addition, the OGE program changes annually, some topics are skipped. In textbooks you will have to learn and repeat everything, even things that may not be useful at all in the exam.

Special preparation guides will be an excellent alternative to textbooks. The material in them is presented concisely; in fact, basic concepts, formulas, dates, rules and other key information are highlighted. Often the text is accompanied by tables, diagrams, diagrams and other graphic components that simplify the process of systematizing and memorizing information.

In addition to manuals and collections with the theoretical part, you will need materials for practice. It would be a good idea to practice solving tests and problems, answering written questions and writing essays, that is, performing the types of tasks that you will encounter during testing.

A complete database of materials for preparation on the site "site"

In order not to waste extra money and time searching for and purchasing all the necessary manuals and collections with training tasks, register on the website. Here you will find a complete database of materials that will help you prepare for the OGE in all subjects:

  • Russian language and literature
  • English, Spanish, French, German
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Social studies
  • Stories
  • Mathematics
  • Geographies
  • Computer Science

We have collected all the necessary materials for our users:

  1. Theoretical manuals that contain textual information, tables, diagrams, diagrams, graphs, maps, images and much more.
  2. Practical tasks, including tests, tasks, examples, open tasks with independent formulation of the correct answer, retellings, essays and others.

All materials on the website “site” are divided into separate sections corresponding to subjects and organized by topic. Thanks to this, you can easily find the information you need and prepare yourself as efficiently as possible.

If you are preparing for the Unified State Exam, we offer you online preparation, which will save you time and money.

Most often they write about preparing for the Unified State Exam, undeservedly forgetting about the Unified State Exam. But in order to take the exam after the eleventh grade, you must first go to the tenth and study fruitfully for another two years. It is the preparation for the OGE and passing it that mobilizes all the child’s internal reserves and powerfully motivates him to continue his studies and strive for a prosperous future and an interesting profession.

By intensively preparing for the OGE, the child builds a solid foundation for further success. This includes good studies in grades 10-11, a significant foundation for passing the Unified State Exam with a high score, and successful studies in the chosen educational institution where the child will enter after graduation.

The examination paper consists of two parts and contains 26 tasks. In Part 1 there are twenty-two tasks of varying difficulty, but requiring a short answer - you need to write a number or a set of numbers as an answer, and establish correspondences.

Part 2 - four tasks - requires detailed answers. Moreover, one of them is laboratory work. Equipment for it will be provided, so there is no possibility of making a mistake with the necessary instruments and materials. What should the graduate demonstrate when completing this practical task? Correctly conduct a physical experiment, sketch, be able to record the results obtained, analyze them and make correct calculations. The task is very difficult and you need to carefully prepare for it. Also, do not forget that you only need to clearly complete the assigned task. There is no need to carry out any additional measurements that are possible when carrying out this or that laboratory work, as well as calculations during the exam - this is a waste of such precious time, which could be used to solve other tasks. No points are awarded for additional research and solutions. Only for completing the assigned task.

Often an offensive mistake when preparing experimental work is a careless sketch of the experimental setup, or its absence, or incompleteness.

Also, graduates often forget to write down units of measurement during calculations or, having made correct calculations, do not draw a conclusion. Trifle? But they add up to points.

What else should you pay attention to when preparing for the OGE in physics? For the correctness of the calculations. Even with ideal accuracy of physical calculations, mathematical calculations, unfortunately, often turn out to be erroneous, and hence low scores.

When making decisions, it is always necessary to write down not only the calculations, but also all the formulas used in this case. If they are missing or only a few are recorded, you should not expect good results. There should also be a brief record of the condition, for example, a calculation problem.

Taking into account the conditions of the OGE, the nature of the tasks, you need to prepare for the upcoming test. Don’t just cram theory and formulas, but strive for understanding so that every letter in the formula is filled with meaning.

If we look at the analysis of exam papers even for the Unified State Examination, we see that in addition to the topic “Mechanical Motion”, all the others covered up to the tenth grade: thermal, electromagnetic and quantum phenomena cause difficulties for graduates and numerous errors. Even... Archimedes' law. Therefore, having been well prepared to pass the Unified State Exam, the child is already preparing to successfully pass the Unified State Exam.

When solving the demo version of the OGE-2017, exam papers from previous years, it is necessary to achieve not only the correct solution, but also learn to fit into the time allotted for the exam - 180 minutes. Some schoolchildren, due to the specific nature of their temperament, do not like rushing: they are used to savoring a task, thinking about different solutions for a long time, and taking their time to write it down. The “Specification of Testing and Measuring Materials in Physics” - a golden document, a truly practical guide to successful step-by-step preparation for passing the exam - provides a practically calculated approximate required optimal time: it is proposed to spend 2-5 minutes on solving basic tasks, with increased complexity - from 6 to 15, high - 20-30. When preparing, it is imperative to take into account the clearly limited period of time allotted for completing the examination work.

Hard work, perseverance, the desire to learn, understand, and achieve a goal always leads to victory and high results.

This page contains demo versions of the OGE in physics for grade 9 for 2009 - 2020.

Demo versions of the OGE in physics contain two types of tasks: tasks where you need to give a short answer, and tasks where you need to give a detailed answer.

To all tasks of all demonstration versions of the OGE in physics Answers are provided, and long-response items have detailed solutions and grading instructions.

To complete some tasks, you need to assemble an experimental setup based on standard kits for front-line work in physics. We also post a list of necessary laboratory equipment.

IN demo version of the 2020 OGE in physics compared to demo version 2019 The structure of the examination work has changed:

    Total number of tasks in the examination paper reduced from 26 to 25.

    Quantity tasks with detailed answers increased from 5 to 6.

    Maximum score for completing all work tasks increased from 40 to 43 points.

    are used new task models:

    • task 2 to recognize laws and formulas;

      task 4 to test the ability to explain physical phenomena and processes, in which it is necessary to supplement the text with gaps with suggested words (word combinations);

      tasks 5–10, which previously had a choice of one correct answer, but are now offered with a short answer in the form of a number;

      task 23– a calculation problem of an increased level of complexity with a detailed answer, the solution of which is estimated at a maximum of 3 points.

    Content expanded tasks 22

    : It is mandatory to record direct measurements taking into account the absolute error.

    Introduced. The maximum score for completing these tasks is 3.

Demo versions of the OGE in physics

Note that demo versions of the OGE in physics are presented in pdf format, and to view them you must have, for example, the free Adobe Reader software package installed on your computer.

Demo version of the OGE in physics for 2009
Demo version of the OGE in physics for 2010
Demo version of the OGE in physics for 2011
Demo version of the OGE in physics for 2012
Demo version of the OGE in physics for 2013
Demo version of the OGE in physics for 2014
Demo version of the OGE in physics for 2015
Demo version of the OGE in physics for 2016
Demo version of the OGE in physics for 2017
Demo version of the OGE in physics for 2018
Demo version of the OGE in physics for 2019
Demo version of the OGE in physics for 2020
List of laboratory equipment

Scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work
to a mark on a five-point scale

  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2020 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2019 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2018 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2017 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2016 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale.
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2015 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale.
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2014 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale.
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2013 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale.

Changes in physics demos

Demonstration versions of the OGE in physics 2009 - 2014 consisted of 3 parts: tasks with a choice of answers, tasks with a short answer, tasks with a detailed answer.

In 2013 in demo version of the OGE in physics the following were introduced changes:

  • was Added task 8 with multiple choice- for thermal effects,
  • was added task 23 with short answer– to understand and analyze experimental data presented in the form of a table, graph or figure (diagram),
  • was the number of tasks with a detailed answer has been increased to five: to the four tasks with a detailed answer of part 3, task 19 of part 1 was added - on the application of information from the text of physical content.

In 2014 demo version of the OGE in physics 2014 in relation to the previous year in structure and content hasn't changed, however, there were criteria changed grading tasks with a detailed answer.

In 2015 there was variant structure changed:

  • The option became consist of two parts.
  • Numbering tasks became through throughout the entire version without letter designations A, B, C.
  • The form for recording the answer in tasks with a choice of answers has been changed: the answer now needs to be written down number with the number of the correct answer(not circled).

In 2016 in demo version of the OGE in physics happened significant changes:

  • Total number of jobs reduced to 26.
  • Number of short answer questions increased to 8
  • Maximum score for all the work hasn't changed(still - 40 points).

IN demo versions of the OGE 2017 - 2019 in physics compared to demo version 2016 there were no changes.

task 23– a calculation problem of an increased level of complexity with a detailed answer, the solution of which is now worth a maximum of 3 points.

Contents have been expanded tasks 22 to explain phenomena in which a practice-oriented context is predominantly used.

Requirements for completing experimental tasks have changed: recording of direct measurements taking into account the absolute error has become mandatory.

Introduced new criteria for evaluating experimental tasks. The maximum score for completing these tasks became 3.

Physics. A new complete guide for preparing for the OGE. Purysheva N.S.

2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2016 - 288 p.

This reference book contains all the theoretical material on the physics course necessary to pass the main state exam in 9th grade. It includes all elements of content, verified by test materials, and helps to generalize and systematize the knowledge and skills of the basic school course. Theoretical material is presented in a concise, accessible form. Each section is accompanied by examples of test tasks. Practical tasks correspond to the OGE format. Answers to the tests are provided at the end of the manual. The manual is addressed to schoolchildren and teachers.

Format: pdf

Size: 6.9 MB


Preface 5
Mechanical movement. Trajectory. Path.
Move 7
Uniform linear motion 15
Speed. Acceleration. Uniformly accelerated linear motion 21
Free Fall 31
Uniform movement of a body in a circle 36
Weight. Substance density 40
Strength. Addition of forces 44
Newton's Laws 49
Friction force 55
Elastic force. Body weight 60
The law of universal gravitation. Gravity 66
Body impulse. Law of conservation of momentum 71
Mechanical work. Power 76
Potential and kinetic energy. Law of conservation of mechanical energy 82
Simple mechanisms. Efficiency of simple mechanisms 88
Pressure. Atmospheric pressure. Pascal's law. Archimedes' Law 94
Mechanical vibrations and waves 105
Structure of matter. Models of the structure of gas, liquid and solid 116
Thermal movement of atoms and molecules. Relationship between the temperature of a substance and the speed of chaotic movement of particles. Brownian motion. Diffusion.
Thermal equilibrium 125
Internal energy. Work and heat transfer as ways to change internal energy 133
Types of heat transfer: thermal conductivity, convection, radiation 138
Amount of heat. Specific heat capacity 146
Law of conservation of energy in thermal processes.
Energy conversion in heat engines 153
Evaporation and condensation. Boiling liquid 161
Melting and crystallization 169
Electrification of bodies. Two types of electric charges. Interaction of electric charges. Law of conservation of electric charge 176
Electric field. The effect of an electric field on electric charges. Conductors and dielectrics 182
Constant electric current. Current strength. Voltage. Electrical resistance. Ohm's law for a site
electrical circuit 188
Series and parallel connections of conductors 200
Work and power of electric current. Joule-Lenz Law 206
Oersted's experience. Magnetic field of current. Interaction of magnets. The effect of a magnetic field on a conductor carrying a current 210
Electromagnetic induction. Faraday's experiments.
Electromagnetic oscillations and waves 220
Law of rectilinear propagation of light. Law
reflections of light. Flat mirror. Refraction of light 229
Dispersion of light Lens. Focal length of the lens.
The eye as an optical system. Optical instruments 234
Radioactivity. Alpha, beta, gamma radiation.
Rutherford's experiments. Planetary model of the atom 241
Composition of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear reactions 246
References 252
An example of a variant of control and measuring materials OGE (GIA) 255
Replies 268

The reference book contains all the theoretical material for the basic school physics course and is intended to prepare 9th grade students for the main state exam (OGE).
The content of the main sections of the reference book - “Mechanical Phenomena”, “Thermal Phenomena”, “Electromagnetic Phenomena”, “Quantum Phenomena” - corresponds to the modern codifier of content elements on the subject, on the basis of which the control and measuring materials (CMMs) of the OGE are compiled.
The theoretical material is presented in a concise and accessible form. The clarity of presentation and clarity of the educational material will allow you to effectively prepare for the exam.
The practical part of the reference book includes sample test tasks, which both in form and content fully correspond to the real options offered at the main state exam in physics.