Essay on property and morality. Essay on the topic “Morality”

In my opinion, the concept of morality is consonant with the concept of morality. Each of us knows what good and evil are, as well as what honor, dignity and nobility are. But truly moral people are distinguished not only by their understanding of such things, but also by the ability to embody these ideals in their behavior.

I think that each of us should strive to be moral, but, unfortunately, it is very difficult. Doing the right thing in any situation, sometimes even to the detriment of one’s own interests, is a difficult task, and for some people it is simply impossible. This is probably why there is so much talk today about the decline of morals in society.

Despite this, there are still moral people among us. For me personally, a worthy example of such a person is my grandmother Lidia Mikhailovna.

Grandmother was raised in the Soviet era. She still remembers the good films of that time, such as “We'll Live Until Monday,” “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha” or “Girls,” on which she grew up and was brought up.

Despite the fact that life was often harsh and unfair to her, grandmother did not lose faith in people, and her heart did not harden. She always strives to help others, and not only loved ones, but also just strangers.

In addition, my grandmother loves animals very much and now, despite her age, she works as a volunteer at a dog shelter, where she really likes it. It seems to me that the ability to compassion and the desire to help someone who is in trouble are also important qualities of a moral person.

I also really want to learn to find the strength to sincerely love others, since it is this that allows us to understand other people, not be angry with them and feel when they need our help. Grandmother says that the path to morality begins from the moment we forget about our selfishness. In some situations it is still difficult for me to do this, but still I try to follow her advice.

"Moral Choice"

Option 1

Moral choice - this is, first of all, a choice between good and evil: loyalty and betrayal, love and hatred, mercy or indifference, conscience or dishonor, law or lawlessness... Every person makes it throughout his entire life, perhaps more than once. Since childhood, we have been taught what is good and what is bad. Sometimes life presents us with a choice: to be sincere or hypocritical, to do good or bad deeds. And this choice depends on the person himself. I will prove this thesis by citing arguments from the text by V.K. Zheleznikov and analyzing my life experience.

As a second argument to prove the thesis, I will give an example from the reader’s experience. In A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin,” the main character faces a moral choice: to refuse a duel with Lensky or not to refuse. On the one hand, there was the opinion of society, which would condemn him for refusal, and on the other, Lensky, a friend whose death was not necessary. Evgeniy made, in my opinion, the wrong choice: a person’s life is more important than public opinion.

Thus, I proved that we are constantly faced with moral choices, sometimes even in everyday things. And this choice must be correct so as not to regret it later.

Option 2

What is moral choice? I think a moral choice is a choice between love and hate, trust and mistrust, conscience and dishonor, loyalty and betrayal, and to generalize, it is a choice between good and evil. It depends on the degree of human morality. Nowadays, as always, moral choice can show the true essence of a person, because the choice between good and evil is the most important choice of a person.

In the text by E. Shima you can find an example that confirms my idea. Gosha, a boy with a gentle character, commits a truly heroic act when, risking his health, he protects Vera. When the boy sees that the rocket might explode, he makes the right choice. This act characterizes him differently than at the beginning of the story, because by his act Gosha changes his opinion about himself for the better.

As a second proof of the thesis, I want to give an example from life. I would like to talk about Nikolai Shvedyuk, who, risking his life, saved five people who were riding a snowmobile and fell through the ice. The ninth-grader, seeing what had happened, called an ambulance and, taking a rope, rushed to help people. Nikolai committed this act, although no one forced him to do it: he made his moral choice.

Option 3

Moral choice - this is a choice between good and evil, between friendship and betrayal, between conscience and dishonor... The main thing is that a person makes a decision that he will not regret in the future. I believe that each person understands the phrase “moral choice” differently. For me, a moral choice is a choice in which a person’s upbringing and soul are manifested. To confirm my point of view, I will turn to V. Droganov’s text and personal experience.

The first argument in favor of my opinion can be propositions 24-25. In these sentences, the author talks about what the narrator understands many years later: his choice at that moment when he took the book from Kolka Babushkin was wrong, and he greatly regrets it. This once wrongly chosen decision became his pain, his “inseparable companion”, because the hero understands that, unfortunately, he cannot fix anything, it is no longer even possible to ask for forgiveness (30).

Thus, after analyzing two arguments, I proved that a moral choice is a choice that a person makes first of all with his soul, heart, and then with his mind. And sometimes the experience of the past years tells him that he did wrong.

Option 4

Moral choice - this is making one decision out of several: we always think about what to choose: good or evil, love or hate, loyalty or betrayal, conscience or dishonor... Our choice depends on many things: on the person himself and his moral guidelines, on life circumstances , from public opinion. I believe that moral choices may not always be correct, but are often a reflection of how a person was raised. A person with a bad character will choose decisions in his own favor: he does not think about others, he does not care what happens to them. For evidence, let us turn to the text of Yu. Dombrovsky and life experience. Essays on the OGE and the Unified State Exam

Secondly, I would like to recall the story of a boy from V. Astafiev’s story “The Horse with a Pink Mane.” In the work we observe that the boy realized his mistake and repented of his action. In other words, the hero, who is faced with the question of whether to ask for forgiveness from his grandmother or remain silent, decides to apologize. In this story we observe that the decision of a moral choice depends on the character of a person.

Thus, we have proven that moral choice is a decision that we make every day, and the choice of this decision depends only on ourselves.

An essay on the topic “Morality”, which describes the basic postulates of moral and immoral human behavior. Not everyone has sincere love, kindness, generosity, or patience towards other people. Education of morality is overcoming the egoistic principle in oneself. Virtues are within us. The boundaries of the concept of “morality” are established by good deeds. By changing ourselves for the better, we change the world around us.

Most often, morality is understood as the moral rules of human behavior. Morality is a norm of human behavior that determines his internal culture, his character, his attitude towards other people. Morality, morality, character. All these related concepts are learned in dynamics, because Each person determines his own standard of behavior. For one it is honor and honesty, for another it is a good upbringing, for a third it is intelligence, and the fourth will say that everything is relative. But surely every sensible person understands that we are talking about human virtues. Everything that does not fit into the concept of “good deeds” is on the plane of immorality.

Morality depends on the basic attitudes of upbringing from childhood. Everything that is absorbed from the parents’ behavioral model will find its response in the child’s character. If a child’s character was formed in an immoral environment, then it is unlikely that he will grow into a worthy person. In a family where they are taught to live according to conscience, and not according to “wolf laws”, a decent member of the community will be raised. He will have positive qualities and will be able to treat older people with respect. He will be attentive and responsive to requests.

For me personally, a moral person is one who does not envy others. Who knows how to be grateful for what they have and sincerely rejoices at the successes of others. Who never complains about the difficulties of life, about the lack of finances. The one who will support the weak, the one who is behind, the one who is having a harder time. This is a person with a kind, sympathetic heart. Someone who is not afraid to meet life’s circumstances halfway, maintaining the principles of inner purity.

I have been very lucky in my life, because... I live surrounded by people who have many positive qualities. My parents are examples of dignity and high morals. Envy, greed, and limited views on life are alien to them. All my friends live according to their conscience, because... Since childhood we have been familiar with the postulates “what is good and what is bad” from Mayakovsky’s poetic heritage. They also read “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer”, “The Fourth Height”, “Timur and His Team”, etc. The rich inner world and internal culture of an adult are ensured by reading good children's literature.

I sincerely feel sorry for people who have stopped believing in goodness and miracles, and the most pressing problem for them has become only financial self-affirmation. In pursuit of enrichment, they most often become spiritually limited. But condemnation cannot be attributed to virtue, therefore it is not worth judging such people. You need to think and act according to your conscience. Strive to develop spiritual qualities in yourself for which you will not be ashamed in front of yourself and loved ones. This will be our small contribution to a better world.

What is morality? On the one hand, this is a very complex philosophical question that requires serious thought. On the other hand, we can usually quite clearly determine whether a person acted morally or not. Well, let's speculate.

If we dig deep, we will realize that since time immemorial, the source of morality has been the scriptures. In Christianity, it was the ten commandments of Christ that determined the moral code of man. Why do I speak in the past tense? Probably because there are not so many believing people now, religion no longer permeates all spheres of human existence as before. In addition, as culture and humanity develop, new moral and ethical standards appear in society.

But what is morality? Perhaps it should be understood as the spiritual qualities of a person, which are based on high ideals of goodness, duty, honor, justice and are manifested in relation to other people and nature. Morality is how the person himself evaluates his actions and behavior from the point of view of good. But everyone understands good in their own way. What is good for one is completely unacceptable for another. And where is the truth? I think morality lies precisely in seeing your actions not only as acceptable, but also as good for society. Immoral behavior makes a person promiscuous, ethically ugly and unworthy.

Is it possible to talk about the actions of children from a moral point of view? I’m afraid not, because the concept of “good” at a tender age is very vague, a child is simply not interested in analyzing his behavior and looking at it from the angle of some obscure morality. Children's actions are determined by a single criterion - “like”, “dislike”. And it is absolutely not a fact that, as a child grows up, he will acquire moral traits. Here a lot depends on upbringing and environment. Parents and schools become the first teachers of morality for children. I don't think morality can't be learned. On the contrary, it is possible and necessary. A person learns all his life, and it is not only about broadening his horizons, but also about self-education, changing priorities, and mastering new values.

You need to control your every step. As experience shows, someone who has committed an immoral act once cannot resist in the future. And here antimorality is born: a person becomes a liar, an opportunist, or even an outright rogue. Therefore, it seems to me that there is no need to shout about moral standards - it is better to behave in accordance with them. The moral principles of one person will become the moral principles of society only if he is guided by positive intentions and lives according to his conscience.

What makes a person human and distinguishes us from animals? Where is the fine line that you cannot cross so as not to be accused of immorality? After all, you want to be in harmony with the world around you and with yourself.

First of all, morality is education. A child's personality is formed from childhood. To do this, they teach him what is good and what is bad. They explain that every person should have a conscience, which will limit impulses to indecent acts.

What is morality? It can be described as a set of positive qualities in a person. This is to be able to behave correctly in society, respect other people, be attentive and responsive. There must be a rich inner world and the absence of too negative character traits, such as envy and anger.

Nowadays, morality does not come first. People stop believing in goodness, in miracles. And all because reading books has taken a back seat. There are no such outstanding people as Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Mayakovsky. People do not strive to create any masterpiece so that it will be recognized throughout the world.

The most pressing problem of today is money. Everyone wants to earn millions - this is not bad, but moral people are becoming increasingly rare. People don't have time to read books, go sightseeing or visit museums and exhibitions.

The new generation is growing up. Parents, of course, teach them to be moral. Only good children's literature can contribute to the formation of morality. But in the age of high technology, do children really dream of finding and reading the book “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer”, “Dunno on the Moon”, “Barankin, Be a Man!” or "Gulliver's Adventure"?

All thoughts and desires of children are closely connected with computer games, smartphones, and tablet computers. How many lessons will a child learn from such entertainment that only provokes aggression? The spiritual morality of a person should come first in education.

But still, there are moral people and there will be no matter what. Moral people are characterized by such character traits as kindness, generosity, modesty, moderation in everything, and respect for other people. People with high spiritual and moral values ​​should bring light to this world and teach others how not to lose themselves in this world.

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