Essay on environmental protection in English. Environmental pollution; Environmental pollution - Topic in English

Have you been asked to write an essay entitled Environment? Topic by English language with an emphasis on ecology requires knowledge of certain vocabulary, philosophical reflections, etc. And does it seem very difficult to you? Don't worry! After reading our topic, you will know the main points and, based on this text, you will be able to come up with your own, no worse.

English topic: “environment”

First, let's make a small outline of the story:

  1. A few words about our planet (as an introduction).
  2. Basic environmental problems.
  3. Ways to solve them.
  4. Your attitude to the topic (as a conclusion).

A small selection of vocabulary on the topic “Environment”

So let's get started.

Basic story

Our planet is a tiny part of a great unknown universe and, perhaps, it is the only place for human beings to live. It goes without saying that we should take care of it and protect it.

The Earth is sure to be in danger now. There are a lot of ecological problems such as different kinds of pollution (air, water and soil), global warming, overpopulation and some others. It is said that every 10 minutes on our planet some animal or plant dies out. It may look as a terrible threat and who is to blame for it? The answer is simple as ABC. People living on the planet pay little attention to the way they treat their home.

The forests are cut down or burnt. The trees disappearing, the quantity of oxygen is being reduced . Moreover the quality of air is becoming worse. It is caused by numerous chemical emissions. Industrial and nuclear waste is the other reason for the Earth pollution. Big cities produce tons of harmful substances and it seems to have disastrous consequences for the planet. Our rivers and lakes are poisoned with pesticides and fertilizers used by farmers. So to say, we have a great number of problems to solve as quickly as possible.

It may seem surprising but we have enough time, money and even working methods to succeed in environmental rescue. People should pay much attention to litter recycling, using energy-saving technologies and other things to improve the environment. It is not so difficult to plant a tree or to put the garbage into the bin.

So, everything is in our hands. Let’s make our planet cleaner and safer, and our issue will thank us.

Our planet is a tiny part of a vast unknown universe, and perhaps the only place where people can live. It goes without saying that we must take care of her and protect her.

Now the Earth is, of course, in danger. There are many environmental problems such as various types pollution (air, water, soil), global warming, overpopulation and some others. They say that every 10 minutes a species of animal or plant goes extinct on our planet. Surely, this seems like a terrible threat, but who is responsible for this? The answer is as simple as two and two are four. People living on the planet pay almost no attention to how they feel about their home.

Forests are cut down or burned. As trees disappear, the amount of oxygen decreases. Moreover, air quality is getting worse. This is caused by numerous chemical releases. Industrial and nuclear waste is another cause of pollution on Earth. Big cities produce tons of harmful substances, and it seems to have terrible consequences for the planet. Our rivers and lakes are polluted by pesticides and farm fertilizers. By the way, we are faced with a huge number of problems that need to be solved as quickly as possible.

It may seem surprising, but we have enough time, money and even technology to succeed in rescue environment. People should pay more attention to recycling, using energy-saving technologies and other ways to improve the environment. It's not that hard to plant a tree or throw trash in the trash.

Thus, everything is in our hands. Let's make our planet cleaner and safer, and our descendants will thank us.

Thematic dictionary (Vocabulary)

Universe - Universe

Human beings - people

Pollution - pollution

Global warming - global warming

Overpopulation - overpopulation

To die over - to die out

Threat - threat

To cut down - cut down

Quantity of oxygen - amount of oxygen

To reduce – reduce (s)

Chemical emissions - chemical emissions

Industrial and nuclear waste – industrial and nuclear waste

Harmful substances - harmful substances

Disastrous consequences - monstrous consequences

Pesticides - pesticides

Fertilizers – fertilizers

Environmental rescue - saving the environment

Litter recycling - waste disposal

Energy-saving technologies – energy-saving technologies

Garbage - garbage

Issue - descendants

NB! A few expressions for all occasions:

It goes without saying - goes without saying

Simple as ABC - just like two and two are four

So to say - by the way

Now the topic doesn't seem so complicated, does it? By reading the base story and studying the suggested word list, you have learned useful tips for creating your own “story.” All that remains is to look through a few additional dictionary entries (it’s always useful to expand your vocabulary) and think through the plot.

Thinking about the topic

And for inspiration, we offer several thematic aphorisms:

It takes many years to grow a tree but a day to cut it down. (It takes many years to grow a tree, but only one day to cut it down.)

Birds will flock to a fruitful tree. (Birds build nests on fruit-bearing trees.)

Hills with trees are footprints of God. (Hills where trees grow are the footprints of God / Hills and trees grow green where God has walked.)

Prepare now for the solutions of tomorrow. (Prepare for tomorrow's decisions today.)

When there is something wrong in the forest, there is something wrong in society. (When there is something wrong with a tree in the forest, there is something wrong with society.)

All of them belong to residents of African countries: don’t they know what a polluted environment is?!

Love nature! You need it!

So we talked about such a pressing problem as the environmental situation around us, and we used vocabulary in foreign language. In our opinion, now “environment” is a topic in English that is not particularly difficult, because we have already discussed many points. Go ahead, write your own stories and get decent grades! Good luck!

A short thematic video for inspiration:

I think that Russia is one of the dirtiest countries in the world. In Russia almost every family has a car. And fumes of cars are very dangerous. Our factories, cars, trains and planes make the air dirty, so the atmosphere is polluted.

I believe that one day someone will invent energy that hasn’t fumes. Or people will use renewable energy, for example solar energy, wind energy or hydro-electric dams. I know that these energies aren't so powerful, but we can use it sometimes, for example for cookers.

I think that right now we need new energy, because oil and coal are disappearing. All countries will be in the economic crisis, if we don’t find new energy!

I know that the world is getting hotter because of us! When the sun shines, everything gets hot and the dirt stops the hot air from going up to the sky. Because the hot air has nowhere to go, everything gets hotter.

Our world is warmer than it was one hundred years ago. Hot countries may become drier and the people who live there won’t be able to grow enough food. Ice in cold areas is changing to water because of higher temperatures. When this happens, the sea levels become bigger. Some towns near the sea may have a problem soon.

We can help if we stop making the air dirty but we must do something fast!

In addition, not many people understand that they are polluting environment. They are dropping litter on the streets. In my opinion drop litter or rubbish in the dustbin isn’t hard it’s easy.

I think that there must be a group of people who will follow the people whodrop litter in the streets. Finally there must be more bins in the streets. And, of course, don’t cut down trees!!! Grow trees, they clean the air!

I’m sure everything is in the hands of people. I call up: Protect environment, save nature!

I always drop litter in bins and call up my friends to do the same. Maybe when I grow up somebody will have already invented clean and powerful energy.



I think that Russia is one of the most polluted countries in the world. In Russia, most families have a car. IN ordinary family there are often two or more cars. And the exhaust from cars is very dangerous. Our factories, cars, trains and planes make the air dirty, so the atmosphere is polluted.

I believe that someone will invent energy that has no emissions. Or people would use renewable energy, such as solar power, wind power or hydroelectric power. I know these energies are not that powerful, but we can use them for groups of things, such as stoves, solar energy has been used, etc.

I think we need new energy right now because oil and coal are disappearing. All countries will be in economic crisis if we don't find new energy!

I know the world is getting hotter because of us! When the sun shines, everything becomes hot, and dirt prevents the hot air from reaching the sky. Since the hot air has nowhere to go, everything gets hotter.

Our world is already becoming warmer than it was a hundred years ago. Hot countries may become drier, and those living in them will not be able to grow enough food. Ice in cold places will change to water, the reason is high temperatures. When this happens, sea levels will rise. Some cities near the sea may have a problem soon.

We can help if we stop polluting the air, but we have to do something fast!

In addition, few people realize that they are polluting the environment. They throw garbage on the streets. In my opinion, throwing garbage into the trash can is not difficult - it's simple.

I think there must have been a group of people who observed people throwing garbage on the streets. Finally, let's put more trash cans on the streets. And, of course, do not cut down trees!!! Grow trees, they clean the air!

I am sure that everything is in the hands of man. I urge: Protect the environment, save nature!

I always throw trash in trash cans and encourage my friends to do the same. Perhaps, when I grow up, someone will already invent clean and powerful energy.


Slepchenko Anzhelika

A short essay about environmental problems and its protection.

Environment is our home, that needs to be treated well or we risk loosing it.

What do we mean when we talk about environment?

First of all we pay attention to its problems.

Main environmental problems are air pollution, global warming, energy crisis, deforestation, endangered species etc.

Any of them concerns each of us because we live on the one planet.

Air pollution is a problem of big cities. It causes by increasing number of cars and waste of industrial plants and factories.

As result it turns into destroying the ozone layer and global warming, having a bad effect on the climate of Earth.

Another big environmental problem is the growth of Earth’s population. It causes energy crisis and lack of food and mineral recourses. In the future the problem will grow worse if people do not find ways to use the alternative power like solar, for example, or learn how to stop Third World hunger.

One more of the actual problems are deforestation and illegal hunting. Both mean to leave our planet without its main recourses – flora and fauna.

These problems are global but we can help to save the planet by taking care of our local environment.

Translation of an essay on the environment

The environment is our home, which must be taken care of, otherwise we risk losing it.

What do we mean when we talk about the environment?

First of all, we paid attention to her problems.

The major environmental issues are air pollution, global warming, energy crisis, deforestation, endangered species, etc.

Any of them concerns each of us, because we live on the same planet.

Air pollution is a problem big cities. Caused by an increase in the number of cars and waste from industrial plants and factories.

As a result, the ozone layer is destroyed and global warming occurs, it turns out negative influence on the Earth's climate.

Another big environmental problem is the growth of the world's population. This causes an energy crisis, food and mineral shortages. This problem will get worse in the future unless people find ways to use alternative energy sources, such as the sun, for example, or learn how to stop hunger in third world countries.

Two more current problems— deforestation and poaching. These factors threaten to leave our planet without its main resources - flora and fauna.

These problems are global, but we can help save the planet by taking care of the environment.

Lesson Project

Topic: Environment protection

Date: 02/05/2015

Class: 7 a

Teacher: N.I. Kamonina


repeat and summarize environmental problems in the Trans-Baikal Territory and formulate ways to solve them based on subject knowledge and UUD



1) instill collective skills educational activities(ability to collaborate; plan and implement joint activities);

2) cultivate goodwill towards speech partners, the ability to work in a group, and respect for nature.


Development of educational skills: cognitive: 1) ability to work independently; 2) consciously construct your statement in accordance with the assigned communicative task, as well as in accordance with the grammatical norms of the language; 3) carry out information search.

Communicative: 1) participate in a collective discussion of problems; 2) adequately use speech means for discussion.

Regulatory: to develop skills of adequate self-assessment

Subject: to form communicative and linguistic competencies on the topic

Listening: understand the speech of the teacher and classmates; be able to understand sounding speech.

Speaking: speak briefly on a given topic using what you have learned speech material in accordance with the assigned communicative task.

Linguistic means: a) lexical side of speech: recognize and use in speech the main meanings of the studied lexical units on the topic.

Grammatical aspect of speech: passive voice in the present tense (Simple Present Passive)

Equipment lesson: computer, handout(cards), English textbook. language (Kuzovlev V.P.)

Lesson progress

    Org. Moment: greeting, defining the topic.

    Phonetic exercise


Our planet is in danger!

Forests are cut down

Water is polluted.

Air pollution is not reduced.

Join us and clean the Earth,

Everyone can make a difference!

    Speech exercises (viewing photographs about environmental pollution and conversation)

So, children, as far as you see, our planet is in danger. What are we going to discuss at the lesson?

How do you think?

    I think, we’ll discuss the problems of pollution. (the pollution of water)

    The pollution of the Earth, air.

Now look at the photos. What can you see?

P 1 Factories pollute the air.

P 2 People throw litter into the river

P 3 People cut forests

P 4 People leave litter in the forests

P 5 People throw away plastic bottles (and other trash)

P 6 Cars pollute the air

    Doing an exercise to use the Present Simple Passive

    Working on the text “Ecology”.

Now let's discuss the text. We won't read it. We had read it before. So, be ready to work at the text. What is the text about? – Ecology, it’s problems.

Perhaps we should start with the words from the text.

    On the board:

    Acid rain, global warming, ozone reduction

    To study the environment

    To preserve the Earth

  • To interfere in nature

    Development of civilization

    Vehicles in the streets

  • To create ecological security

    What are the se words formed of?

Development (develop, ment)

    Find the equivalents for the following words and phrases: save the land, study the environment. environment, acid rain, global warming, industrial growth, many species of animals and plants are disappearing forever, sources of noise, environmental safety.

    Read the words according to the content of the text

    Answer the questions: What does ecology study? What ecological problems do we have? Why do animals and plants disappear? What do cities suffer from? What is the reason of all ecological problems?

    Work in groups (presentations by scientists - hydrologists, ecologists, soil scientists). Speech by scientists on environmental problems of the environment, including Transbaikalia (prepared monologue statement)

Today you can see groups of scientists.

  • Soil – scientists

Let's listen to them.

“Water! You have no taste, no colour, no smell, you can not be described, you are enjoyable, not knowing what you are. You are not just essential for life, you are life itself”

“Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself.” A. S. Exupery. (The following are presentations by scientists on the water pollution index, as well as on the pollution of rivers in our region)

Environmentalists spoke about the main environmental problem - air pollution from transport, fires, etc. Soil scientists noted that the main cause of pollution is garbage.


Now we are to resume it. What should we do in order to save the environment, to protect nature?

Hydrologists: How can we help rivers, lakes, ponds, seas, oceans?

    Don't drop litter into the river

    Factories must not pour industrial waste

    Don't kill fish

    Don’t wash cars near lakes and rivers

Ecologists: How can we help the atmosphere?

  • Walk instead of using cars, buses

  • Don't use aerosols

    Don't cut down trees

    Don't burn rubbish

Soil – scientists: What should we do to walk along the clean ground?

    Don't leave litter

    Don't make fire

    Don't kill animals, plants

    Don't use chemicals

    Don't burn rubbish

How can pupils help nature?

What should we do at school?

    Clean the classrooms

    Water the flowers in the classrooms

    Don’t throw rubbish in the classrooms

    Take care of endangered animals and birds, feed birds in winter

    Plant more flowers and trees in the town



Today you are going camping

With your family, friends or class

Please help us, don’t drop any litter!

Because liter lives longer than us!

Because nothing is forever

And nature is getting tired.

If we don’t stop and think today

Tomorrow the earth could die.

Today you cut down your forests

But the planet needs our leaves.

Please stop it because tomorrow

You'll have no air to breathe!

You can have a bath or a shower

But today is the time to think.

Save the rivers because without them

You'll have no water to drink

Today we are still in your forests,

In the sky, in the rivers, but look:

Don't kill us! Because your children

Will see us in picture books.

(On the board there is a tree with petals - wishes on how to protect nature)

This tree shows our respect to nature. Now you see that everyone wants to save our planet. Our nature is in danger. We should protect it because we want to save our beautiful planet for the next generations.

Appendix No. 1 cards

Use Present Simple Passive

    When the air (pollute), the climate (change)

    When trees (break), birds (disturb)

    When glass bottles (leave) in the forest, animal (hurt)

    When the trees (cut down), the forests (destroy)

    When paper (recycle), nature (not damage)

    When nature (not pollute), wild animals (not hurt)

    When animals (save), nature (not pollute).

Appendix No. 2 text

In English

Translation into Russian


Ecology is the study that helps to preserve the Earth, its plants and animals. It is also supposed to study the environment and the relationship between human activities and nature. Until recently this relationship was in balance. However, at present times we have to face such ecological problems as acid rain, global warming, loss of rare species, ozone reduction, etc. Many scientists think that it is connected with the industrial boom and development of civilization in the world. Building numerous factories people have started to interfere intensively in nature. Every year the world industry pollutes the atmosphere with tons of dust and other harmful things. As a result many species of animals and plants disappear forever, including fish and birds. Many large cities suffer from factory smog. Their activity pollutes the air, the water, the forests and the land. Apart from factories there are lots of vehicles in the streets of every more or less developed city. It includes cars, motorbikes, buses, minivans, trucks and other types of transport which use fuel. First of all, they exhausted toxic gases into the air. Secondly, they are considered to be the main noise offenders in the city. This problem progresses as the number of cars increases from year to year. As a result the level of harmful substances in the air also increases. Another problem which is worth mentioning is the tree cutting. Trees are a source of oxygen and clean air. So, by doing this people simply violate the biological balance. All the above mentioned ecological problems are the result of man’s careless interaction with nature. In my opinion, environmental protection should become of a global concern and serious measures should be taken to create environmental security.

Ecology is a science that deals with the conservation of the Earth, its plants and animals. It is also supposed to study the environment and the relationship between human activities and nature. Until recently, this ratio was in balance. However, nowadays we have to face environmental problems such as acid rain, global warming, loss of rare species, reduction of ozone, etc. Many scientists believe that this is due to industrial growth and the development of civilization in the world. Having built numerous factories, people began to intensively interfere with nature. Every year, global industry pollutes the atmosphere with tons of dust and other harmful substances. As a result, many species of animals and plants disappear forever, including fish and birds. Many large cities suffer from smog from factories. Their activities pollute the air, water, forests and land. In addition to factories, on the streets of every more or less developed city there are many vehicles. This includes cars, motorcycles, buses, vans, trucks and other types of transport that use fuel. First of all, they release toxic gases into the atmosphere. Secondly, they are considered the main source of noise in the city. This problem is progressing as the number of cars increases year by year. As a result, the level of harmful substances in the air also increases. Another problem worth mentioning is the cutting down of trees. Trees are a source of oxygen and clean air. So by doing this, people are simply disturbing the biological balance. All the environmental problems mentioned are the result of man's careless treatment of nature. In my opinion, environmental protection must be taken to a global level and serious measures must be taken to create environmental safety.

Application No. 3 Photo

The topic “Environmental protection” in English will introduce you to good phrases and expressions that will subsequently allow you to speak out on this topic.

Our planet is in danger. It becomes more and more polluted every year. In addition, the ozone layer becomes thinner and this may lead to many phenomena, like acid rains, that may destroy our planet and our lives.

And we all know that the main reason why the Earth suffers is us. We pollute the air, the water; cause the extinction of animals and plants. However, we are still capable of saving our planet and species we share it with.

There are several measures we may implement. First of all, we should not throw any garbage and all countries must work the system of recycling garbage out. If we all get used to sorting it, we will simplify the process of recycling.

In addition, we may use modern technologies to invent a new kind of petrol to substitute oil with it. We can also try to use cars less and walk or ride a bicycle to move around the city.

In order to save animals, we must protect them better from poachers: build national parks, organize special groups and funds which will take care of animals and find investors to supply our wild neighbors with food. We should also breed animals not to let any species disappear.

Moreover, more trees, bushes, flowers must be planted. They clean the air and serve as a home for many animals, birds, and insects.

Summing up, we have the power to make the Earth a better place to live and we must use this power to prevent the damage we inflict by our modern activities.


Our planet is in danger. Every year it becomes more and more polluted. Moreover, the ozone layer is depleting, which can lead to many phenomena such as acid rain that can destroy our planet and our lives.

And we all know that we are the main reason why the Earth is suffering. We pollute the air, water, and provoke the extinction of animals and plants. However, we can still save our planet and the species we share it with.

There are a number of measures we could take. First of all, we should not throw garbage and all countries should develop a recycling system. If we all get used to sorting garbage, we will simplify the recycling process.

Moreover, we could use modern technology to create a fuel that would replace gasoline. We can also try to drive less, walk more, or bike around the city.

In order to save animals, we must protect them more thoroughly from poachers: build nature reserves, organize special groups and funds that would care for animals and find investors to provide our wild “neighbors” with food. In addition, we should breed animals so that no species can become extinct.

More trees, bushes and flowers should also be planted. They purify the air and serve as a home for many animals, birds and insects.

In summary, we have the power to transform the Earth into best place for life, and we must use this power to prevent the harm we cause through modern activities.

Useful phrases and words:

Acid rain - acid rain

To suffer - to suffer

Extinction - extinction

Species – species, individual

To implement measures - take measures

To work out - to work out

Petrol - fuel

Poacher - poacher

To inflict damage - cause harm/damage

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