Institute of Eastern Countries. Student reviews

One of the most famous educational and scientific centers Oriental Studies - The Institute of Oriental Countries was initially called the Eastern University, later renamed the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. This university studies almost entirely Eastern regional studies in all existing areas: ethnology, languages, religion, history, management and economics, information systems with computer translation of oriental languages ​​and much more. The regions studied by the Institute of Oriental Countries cover two thirds of the world - from North Africa to Far East and from Australia to China inclusive.


The university comprehensively trains highly qualified personnel in regional studies, oriental studies for teaching and scientific activity, state services, commercial enterprises, international organizations and so on. Graduates who have received in-depth training from the Institute of Oriental Countries can become analysts, experts, and generalists.

This university has realistically and effectively implemented all the ideas of integrating education and science. It was not in vain that the Institute of Oriental Countries was created in 1994 on the platform of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For more than twenty years, a merger has been taking place here educational process with the achievements of fundamental science. More than seventy percent of the university staff consists of scientists from this temple of science.


Academic science has by no means left these walls, allowing it to maintain and even improve the high Soviet quality liberal arts education. Less than thirty percent teaching staff just fighting for scientific titles, the rest already have it, being academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences and doctors of sciences, noted not only by Russian high awards, but also foreign, and this is also what the Institute of Oriental Countries is famous for.

Head of the department S. A. Bykova was awarded in 2014 high order Rising Sun. She has been the head of the department with the closest ties to the country under study for twenty years, so the award clearly came to the right place. By the way, over the past fifty years, only forty people have received this order, and among them are M. Rostropovich, V. Gergiev, I. Antonova. Many employees of whom the Institute of Oriental Countries is proud have excellent reviews of their work. They were awarded by both the President of the Russian Federation and the Government.

Scientific work

Integration of education and science gives access to all resources of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where it is located scientific research. The library used by the Institute of Oriental Countries is excellent. Reviews from students often concern the rich book collection and its well-equipped electronic department, where everything is done for ease of use. This is where the development of joint activities between students and teaching staff takes place: the number of educational and scientific publications is growing steadily, students work in all conferences held by the Institute of Oriental Studies.

More than a hundred students took an active part in the World Congress of Orientalists (2004), they were translators, helped in offices, and made presentations. Eastern University was awarded with thanks and certificates for excellent organizational and scientific work. And student scientific conferences are held annually, often in English, and if in Eastern - with translation into English. Scientific works that students write are published - for this, the university has both a printing base and platforms for publications on its own websites.


The university has unique programs in many ways; the Institute of Oriental Countries is also famous for this. They were first accredited in 2010. What makes them unique? Considering one of the most popular specialties today - regional studies, we can conclude that in other universities its content is limited to the study of only one country. All regions of the East are studied here using modern academic research and comparative educational materials developed here.

Moscow knows the Institute of Oriental Studies as a non-budgetary higher education institution, but in addition to basic programs higher education there is also a short-term professional retraining, and this is an important component of the main activities of the university. These programs not only replenish the budget, they do much more useful work for the university by establishing close ties with the real economic sector. The Institute of Oriental Countries has corporate education programs, for example, it conducts lectures at Kaspersky companies and Aeroflot Russian Airlines. The Institute created specialized courses and textbooks, we have been working with many companies for almost ten years in a row.


Having graduated from the Institute of Oriental Countries, specialists are fluent in two foreign languages ​​- Eastern and Western, and if there was a desire during their studies, then three. High quality training is confirmed by victories in various competitions. For example, those organized by the Teachers Association Japanese language CIS countries, the Embassy of Japan, the Department of Japanese Culture at the VGBIL (Japan Foundation), - this is the Moscow international competition speeches in Japanese by students of the Russian Federation and the CIS.

Students of this university have won similar competitions five times, and there has never been a case where they did not become laureates. In 2013, more than a hundred students of the Institute of Oriental Studies took part in a unique study, which was organized by the University Research Center in Cambridge - EF English Proficiency Index. We took English language proficiency tests, and among students from fifty-four countries around the world, our average scores were ten points higher than all other participants.


The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Oriental Countries fruitfully cooperate - this is especially evident in publishing activities. The university publishes unique dictionaries, textbooks and teaching aids in the subjects of oriental studies. The subject matter is rare, so these books are in great demand. For example, “Sociology of the countries of the East”, “History of the countries of the South-East”, “Physical and economic geography Arab countries" and many others.

For the first time since the eighteenth century, a dictionary of the Jakarta-Russian language was compiled, richly illustrated books on Indian art were published, for which the Indian Ambassador to Russia warmly thanked the creators of the book, purchased fifty copies, one of which was presented to President of the Russian Federation Putin at the meeting.

Interesting and useful monographs are published about the modern East, about global problems, about the development of international relations between the eastern and western regions, about the traditions and modernity of the countries of the East. These books are purchased by many universities, including Moscow State University and other universities in the country; they are not on sale for long. The Institute of Oriental Countries also publishes its own scientific journal- "Bulletin of Eastern University".

Embassies of Eastern countries

Embassies of Eastern countries also work closely with the university: conferences, language competitions, and cultural events are held. Embassies provide the Institute with literature in foreign languages ​​(both educational and other), embassy employees work as teachers of oriental languages ​​(and most often free of charge) - as native speakers of these languages.

Students receive government scholarships for one-year internships in countries such as Indonesia, Iran, and India. Japan subsidizes internships for Institute students in their country. The Ministry of Education and Science provides subsidies for internships in China.


The “Orientalist” environment contributed not only to the acquisition of knowledge and skills, but also made education individualized, which helps solve both theoretical and applied problems. Modern working conditions are easily mastered by graduates of the Institute; they are always in high demand. It should be noted their rapid career growth in various areas of application of knowledge and skills.

They become good envoys, consuls, and among them there are heads of trade missions of the Russian Federation in Indonesia, China and other countries. It is probably impossible to find an embassy of Eastern countries where there are no university graduates. Many teach in Japan and many other countries; in Russia they are present at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University, and so on. Banks are also willing to employ graduates.

For applicants

The Institute of Oriental Countries conducts training for applicants several times a year. The passing score, as in all other universities, changes from year to year, but not significantly. In 2015, it averaged 67.52. The average annual cost of training is 154 thousand rubles; budget training is not provided. You can study full-time and part-time in undergraduate and graduate programs in the following specializations: Foreign Regional Studies, International relations, Linguistics, Economics. Applicants wishing to enter the Institute of Oriental Studies are awaited by the admissions committee at the address: Moscow, Rozhdestvenka Street, building 1.

Hello, dear readers – seekers of knowledge and truth!

Orientalist - there is something exotic and unusual in this word. In conditions of constant time pressure, continuous rush, you really want to touch a world where everything is measured, unhurried and there is always an hour or two for a tea ceremony or afternoon rest.

But it’s not enough to be a fan of anime and sushi, accept the deep philosophy of Confucius and dream of working somewhere on a Thai island studying culture. The profession of orientalist is fraught with much more; it requires enormous effort, many years of study, devotion to one’s calling and great love for the East.

Today’s article will tell you about all the intricacies of the specialty: what orientalists do, where they are taught, what real professionals should know and what key qualities they should have, whether this profession is in demand at all, and most importantly, whether it is worth mastering.

Students of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of St. Petersburg State University

This article will be useful to young people who are faced with difficult life choices - choosing a profession, adults, accomplished individuals, in a good way those who are “sick” of eastern countries, as well as simply curious researchers of the world. So...

What does an orientalist do?

An orientalist is a person who knows everything about the East or its individual countries. This is a universal professional who understands the whole complex scientific disciplines relative to Asian and African countries.

This includes:

  • story;
  • cultural studies;
  • economy;
  • jurisprudence;
  • geography;
  • policy;
  • literature;
  • linguistics;
  • art;
  • philosophy;
  • religion;
  • material and spiritual heritage;
  • cultural phenomena;
  • holidays, customs and traditions;
  • literary works;
  • folklore;
  • household items, etc.

Despite the wide range of sciences, an orientalist is a narrow specialist. Usually he studies a specific country or region, for example, China, Japan, Vietnam, Indochina or Southeast Asia. African studies is sometimes distinguished separately from oriental studies.

Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich (09/27/1874-12/13/1947). Russian artist, orientalist, traveler, writer, mystic philosopher, public figure, academician

In this regard, orientalists who study specific countries, peoples or languages ​​can be called more highly specialized.

Here are just some of the sciences they deal with:

  • Vietnam Studies;
  • Buddhology;
  • Sanskritology;
  • Korean studies;
  • Malaistics;
  • Kalmyk studies;
  • Sinology, also known as Sinology;
  • Turkology.

It would seem that after so many years of scientific study of the cultures of other countries, everything has already been discovered, told and proven. But this is by no means true - every year oriental scientists study cultural heritage Asia and find something new, becoming discoverers. Confirmation of this is the huge amount of fresh scientific works, research, monographs, dissertations, concepts, scientific views.

Specialists do not just study theoretical foundations, they immerse themselves in the history and traditions of countries, get acquainted with their people, spend a huge practical work without visiting the country being studied. To fully understand what kind of profession an orientalist is, it takes them more than one year of continuous practice.

You can study the East only by seeing it from the inside. It is very different from the Western world, so globalized, focused on income, power and other attributes of a successful life.

Despite the fact that Asian countries have come a long way in terms of modern technologies, technology, industry, and in some industries even go ahead of the rest, here the connection with the ancestors, traditions, and culture of the past remains strong. And orientalists, understanding this, study what is so important to the eastern peoples.

Nicholas Konstantinovich and Yuri Nikolaevich Roerichs during the Manchurian expedition, 1934

Moreover, their work is not limited to research institutes, translations, and teaching. Good specialists are also needed in the field of trade, business, and when it comes to international relations.

It would seem, how are business and knowledge of culture connected? In the East they are even very connected! Knowing their traditions helps build relationships. For example, if we give our Chinese, Korean or Japanese partners a business card with one hand, they will be offended - in their homeland it is customary to give important documents and gifts with both hands as a sign of respect. Knowing this, you can make Asian friends.

What qualities does he have?

Despite the narrowness of his specialty, an orientalist must be a versatile person and have a broad outlook.

First of all, he must know at least two foreign languages: English and the language of the country he is studying. Moreover, knowledge should not be limited literary language, rules of grammar, you should apply these rules in practice, be able to understand native speakers and master colloquial speech. This is complicated by the fact that eastern languages ​​have much less in common with Russian than European languages.

A specialist must know history, law, culture, religion, literature, art, customs, characteristics of the country being studied, and the current economic, social, and political situation. It is important to be able to summarize this information, work with documents for the archive, and write scientific works and articles for periodicals.

To the necessary personal qualities These include good memory, emotional stability, patience, willingness to study long and hard. When choosing a profession as an orientalist, you need to understand that you won’t have to expect quick results - a lot depends on the person himself, his cognitive abilities, desire and love for the East.

Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich (08/16/1902-05/21/1960). Russian orientalist, linguist, art critic, ethnographer, traveler, language specialist, etc. Doctor of Philology, Professor, Director of the Urusvati Institute of Himalayan Studies, Head. Sector of Philosophy and History of Religion of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

At the same time, the abilities that a professional must have depend on the specifics of the job. If this is a researcher, translator, editor, then he is required to be careful, persevering, and attentive. If this is an employee in the trade or business sector, then his communication skills will be important.

Where to get an education?

Before you firmly decide to become an orientalist, you need to study one of the oriental languages ​​at a basic level and prepare for the fact that studying will take a lot of time. Since the specialty is quite complex, it is mainly assumed full-time training: 4 years of bachelor's degree and 2 years of master's degree, during which a foreign internship is usually planned.

Today, more than 30 Russian universities offer the opportunity to become an orientalist. The largest of them include:

  • Moscow State University, Institute of Asian and African Countries;
  • MGIMO;
  • National Research University Higher School of Economics, Department of Oriental Studies;
  • RSUH;
  • RUDN;
  • MSLU;
  • St. Petersburg State University;
  • Far Eastern Federal University;
  • Siberian Federal University.

A more detailed description of faculties, specialties, information on the availability of budget and paid places, admissions committee can be found on the official websites of educational institutions.

Institute of Asian and African Countries, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov

Even after receiving education, a specialist needs to constantly improve his skills, attend courses, lectures, seminars, read professional literature, go to practice abroad.

Where to find a job?

People around them often scare us with “horror stories” that orientalists are not in demand anywhere, and this more of an activity for the soul. There may be some truth in this - finding a job for new graduates and future professionals can be difficult. But this is only because it is quite difficult for young specialists without work experience in any field to get a good position.

In the profession of oriental studies, as in many other specialties, much depends on the person himself, his aspirations, desires, experience, and ambitions. But here there is a clear advantage over other university graduates against the backdrop of Russia’s growing rapprochement with Asian countries, globalization, the strengthening of mutually beneficial trade, social and economic relations, and the development of tourism.

Meeting of Russian scientists in Dharamsala, India

Orientalists can realize themselves in completely different areas:

  • Research institutes, educational institutions;
  • publishing houses, libraries, magazines, newspapers and other media;
  • translations, editing;
  • domestic, foreign and international organizations - as consultants, translators, specialists in foreign economic activity;
  • public service.

Evgeny Yanovich Satanovsky (born June 15, 1959). Russian scientist, orientalist, economist, professional

Is it worth becoming an orientalist?

If you are still asking this question, then you definitely should. And it doesn’t matter how old you are, what level of education, gender, marital status, or civic position. If you are head over heels in love with Eastern culture, then why not give it a try?

Of course, first you need to weigh everything - after all, even the eastern sages always avoided hasty decisions. And like any profession, it has its pros and cons.

The clear advantages are interest, the opportunity to travel, internships in foreign companies, mastery of several foreign languages, communication with representatives of another culture, a fairly large number budget places in universities upon admission, the originality of the profession.

The disadvantages include possible problems with initial employment and low salaries at the initial stage.

If such difficulties do not frighten you, you should become the same pioneer who is exploring the still unknown world of the East.


The history of Russian oriental studies includes dozens and even hundreds of famous world-famous scientists who throughout their lives have been engaged in the study of oriental culture and have written many works. In subsequent articles we will introduce you to some of the most famous of them. Follow our blog news - subscribe to new fresh articles.

Thank you very much for your attention, dear readers! May your chosen one life path gives joy and novelty of discoveries. Share this article on social networks, if you liked it, and we will search for the truth together.

For Moscow, St. Petersburg and for the European part of Russia in general, perhaps eastern languages ​​are not so relevant. But the further beyond the Urals, the higher their importance, and the more people who study or want to study oriental languages. Moreover, in order to learn Chinese, Japanese and other oriental languages, it is not at all necessary to go to Moscow. Oriental faculties and institutes of oriental studies are located in various parts of Russia. And the availability modern means telecommunications and the Internet allows you to immerse yourself in the language environment with equal success, regardless of your place of residence.


Kazan (Volga region) Federal University


Siberian Federal University


Department of Oriental Languages ​​of the Russian State University for the Humanities

Department of Japanese, Korean, Indonesian and Mongolian languages, MGIMO (Moscow)

Faculty of Oriental Studies, Moscow State Pedagogical University (


Linguistic Center "Lisa" (Nakhodka) ( - Non-state educational institution
Translations and foreign language courses: English language, Spanish, Chinese language, Korean language, German, French language, Japanese


St. Petersburg state university
Oriental Faculty (

( At the end of 1994, the Oriental Faculty separated from the Higher Humanitarian Courses (HHC) and was registered as an independent educational institution- Oriental Institute. The main founders of the institute were the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) named after. Peter the Great Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Adult Education Russian Academy education.

RGPU named after. A.I. Herzen - Linguistic Center

In connection with the strengthening economic situation countries of the Far East and Russia's revision of its political guidelines, the demand for specialists with knowledge of Eastern languages ​​is steadily increasing in the labor market. Let's try to answer the question of where and how oriental languages ​​are studied in Moscow universities.

If an applicant has firmly decided not only to learn an Oriental language at one of the universities in Moscow, but also to acquire a deep knowledge of the culture of the country of the language being studied, then it is best to give preference to the specialty “Oriental and African Studies”. This specialty can be obtained only in five metropolitan universities:

Name educational institution Faculty Passing score in 2014 Number of budget places Tuition fee (RUB per year)
National Research University Higher School of Economics World economy and world politics 274 50 330 000
Institute of Asian and African Countries 341* 71 325 000
Institute of Foreign Languages 227-235 20 150 000
Institute oriental cultures and antiquity 219 15 170 000 - 190 000
- // - History, political science and law 219 10 170 000 - 190 000
State Academic University of Humanities under the Russian Academy of Sciences Philosophy - No 160 000

*in four subjects

Prestigious: National Research University Higher School of Economics

The HSE Department of Oriental Studies, which from the current academic year separated from the Faculty of Philosophy and became part of the Faculty of Economics and World Politics, was opened in 2009. What makes this department especially interesting is that it not only fundamentally teaches oriental languages ​​and cultures, but also introduces students to the methods and ways of working in the countries of the East. Largely thanks to the business focus of the department, it managed to overtake passing score and the cost of training Mecca of orientalists of past years - the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Moscow State University.

Meanwhile, such a young department cannot boast of a rich selection of languages ​​offered for study. The four most popular directions are actively developing here: Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Arabic. The compulsory program includes the study of one Eastern language, however, from the second year (subject to good academic performance) as part of an elective, you can also begin to learn a second Eastern language. Whether it is possible to master two oriental languages ​​in just 4 years of study is up to the student to decide.

Fundamental: Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov

An applicant who can boast of good language preparation, excellent Unified State Exam results, deep knowledge of history (the faculty provides additional entrance examination) and an unshakable desire to become an excellent orientalist, first of all you should try to enter the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University. Here, ordinary schoolchildren are turned into specialists who not only have a perfect command of the Eastern language, but also understand the literature, history, culture, politics and economy of the country of the language being studied.

And, of course, not a single Moscow university can compete with ISAA in the number of oriental languages ​​offered for studying. Thus, at the philological department of the faculty they are currently conducting educational activities eight departments:

  • Arabic philology ( Arabic and its dialects);
  • Japanese philology (Japanese language);
  • Chinese philology (Chinese language);
  • Iranian philology (Persian, Dari, Pashto and Tajik languages, as well as (additionally) Armenian and Georgian languages);
  • Indian philology (Hindi, Urdu and Tamil languages);
  • Turkic philology (Turkish, Turkmen and Uzbek languages);
  • philology of Southeast Asian countries, Korea and Mongolia (Vietnamese, Korean, Indonesian, Malaysian, Filipino, Mongolian, Burmese, Khmer and Laotian-Thai languages);
  • Western European languages ​​(specializes in teaching second foreign language).

Entering the Institute of Asian and African Studies is no easier than entering other faculties of Moscow State University; studying is very difficult (especially if the applicant plans to study an oriental language from scratch). But after four years of sleepless nights and cramming Khuruf with hieroglyphs, the graduate will receive an invaluable store of knowledge, a coveted diploma and a flurry of interesting offers from employers. By the way, you can study oriental languages ​​at this Moscow university on a contract basis: in 2014, the faculty allocated 41 contract places. However, as usual at Moscow State University, this will not be cheap: tuition fees in 2014/15 academic year amounted to 325,000 rubles.

Available: Moscow City Pedagogical University

MSPU is one of the most democratic universities in Moscow where you can study oriental languages. Thus, to be admitted to the budget in 2014 in the specialty “Oriental and African Studies” (profile “Languages ​​and Literatures of Asia and Africa - Chinese”), the applicant needed to score only 227 points on the Unified State Examination. And in the “Japanese language” profile - 235 points. For each direction, 10 budget and 10 extra-budgetary places are allocated.

Note that the “Translation and Translation Studies” profile (with the qualification of a linguist) is slightly more popular at this Moscow university. The passing score for the Chinese language department in 2014 was 247 points, and for the Japanese language department - 246 points. Each department accepts 5 students for budget places and 10 for non-budget places. However, the cost of tuition at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​at Moscow State Pedagogical University is only 150,000 rubles per year, so even the points indicated above are not so critical.

Despite the fact that the departments of Chinese and Japanese languages ​​in the Moscow City pedagogical university were opened only in 2006, they managed to establish international cooperation and organize free internships for students in the country of the language being studied. This is especially true for the Chinese language department, from which more than 20 students go to China every year for a year or semester. In addition, the university employs native speaking teachers.

For students studying oriental languages ​​at this Moscow university, it is also mandatory to study English as a second foreign language. In addition, there is an opportunity to study another European language on a paid basis. One of the significant disadvantages for nonresident students is that there is no dormitory at MSPU.

Unstable: Russian State Humanitarian University

At the Russian State Humanitarian University, you can master the specialty “Oriental and African Studies” at two faculties at once: at the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity, as well as at the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State Humanitarian University. At the same time, both departments of the university have significantly lost their positions this year. If in 2013, to enter the specified specialty, it was necessary to score 257 points according to three Unified State Examination results, then in 2014 - only 219.

The Department of Modern East of the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law implements curriculum in five areas: Arabic studies, Chinese studies, Iranian studies, Turkic studies and Japanese studies. However, the main languages ​​for teaching are only Arabic and Chinese. At the same time, teaching Chinese at the Russian State University for the Humanities will cost 190,000 rubles per year, which is 20,000 more than when specializing in other oriental languages.

The Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity has three departments where oriental languages ​​are taught:

  • Department of History and Philology of the Ancient East (Arabic and Persian languages);
  • Department of History and Philology of Southern and Central Asia(Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Persian, Tamil, Mongolian, Tibetan, Turkish and Kazakh languages);
  • Department of History and Philology of the Far East (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Laotian-Thai languages).

However, it is worth considering that in conditions when the faculty allocates only 15 budget places for the specialty “Oriental and African Studies”, in reality it will be almost impossible to choose, for example, Tibetan as a first language. And the opportunity to specialize in “History and Philology of Thailand and Laos” is provided only on a contractual basis. In other words, if an applicant definitely wants to study a rare oriental language, then the only university in Moscow that is ready to guarantee such an opportunity is the Institute of Asian and African Studies of Moscow State University.

Miniature: State Academic University of Humanities under the Russian Academy of Sciences

Despite the fact that GAUGN is the only university in Russia that was founded on the basis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, its popularity is not so high. The university has very few budget places (and for the specialty “Oriental and African Studies” there are none at all), there is no dormitory, educational buildings are located in different parts of Moscow and, as a result, there are few students at the university, and most of them have very modest Unified State Exam results. Thus, in 2014, only 5 students were enrolled in the GAUGN specialty “Oriental and African Studies”, four of whom had Unified State Examination results below 200.

The most significant drawback of teaching oriental languages ​​at this Moscow university is that no one here specializes in the languages ​​themselves. Orientalists are trained here at the department of philosophical and political thought of the East, which has a very, very indirect relationship to philology.

The second option to study oriental languages ​​at Moscow universities is to study to become a philologist, linguist, translator or teacher. This opportunity is provided by a number of educational institutions in the capital. Of those universities that were not described above, it is worth highlighting:

Moscow State Linguistic University

At the Department of Oriental Languages ​​of the Faculty of Translation of Moscow State Linguistic University you can learn Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Persian and Korean. At this Moscow university, 110 budget places are allocated for the direction of “Translation and Translation Studies” (for all languages, including European). The passing score in 2014 was 237 points, training is carried out only on a budget. It is interesting that this educational institution accepts Unified State Exam results not only in the usual English, German and French, but also in Spanish.

Naturally, in a language university with such rich history and a good reputation, you can count on deep and comprehensive language teaching. The department cooperates with many educational institutions in Turkey, Japan, China, Korea and some Arab countries, so excellent students are sometimes sent on free internships. The duration of study at the faculty is 5 years (specialist qualification).

Moscow Pedagogical State University

At the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State Pedagogical University you can get teacher education with two profiles at once - Russian and foreign (Chinese) language. In other words, a graduate of this department will be able to teach Russian and Chinese languages. In 2014, the university allocated 20 budget places for this specialty, and the passing score was 228 points. The cost of training on a commercial basis is only 115,000 rubles per year. The duration of training, despite the fact that the graduate is awarded a bachelor's degree, is 5 years.

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

IN Russian University friendship of peoples, oriental languages ​​can only be studied in additional programs vocational education(Arabic, Chinese and Persian), as well as in the master's program as a second foreign language (Chinese only).

Some non-state universities in Moscow also specialize in teaching oriental languages, for example:

This commercial linguistic university in Moscow allows students to learn the most popular oriental languages: Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, Arabic, Turkish, Hindi and Farsi. In addition, it is mandatory to study English as a second foreign language. And although the cost of studying at the Institute of Oriental Studies is quite high for a non-state university - in 2014 for a full-time course it was 174,000 rubles for 2 semesters (duration of study 4 years) - the quality of education deserves it. The fact is that the university operates on the basis of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And graduates are given a diploma with the assignment of a very prestigious specialty “Linguist”.

It speaks volumes about the demand for the educational institution. high score Unified State Examination of students who entered the Institute of Oriental Studies in 2014: many have a score above 200, and the score of some students would allow them to study oriental languages ​​in pedagogical universities Moscow or Russian State University for the Humanities on a budget basis. In 2015, the institute plans to enroll 23 students in the first year of the linguistic faculty.

International Independent Ecological and Political Science University

This non-state university in Moscow is implementing a joint Russian-Chinese program with the Qingdao University of Technology and Science. After successfully completing the program, which takes 5 years, graduates are awarded a Chinese international bachelor's diploma. Moreover, the first year of study takes place in Russia, and the next four years - in China.

Students have the opportunity to choose one of three specialties:

  • international management (management and economics);
  • international law (jurisprudence);
  • protection environment(ecology and environmental management).

The cost of training is 150,000 rubles per year in Russia and 79,700 rubles per year in China. Admission is based on test results (Unified State Examination results are not required).

Veronica Gebrial

Candidate of Sociological Sciences