How is the quarter grade calculated? How to Calculate GPA

The method for calculating the final grade in a particular subject depends on many factors, namely the contribution made to the final grade by the results of coursework, test assignments and your activity in lectures. Consult the syllabus (if your teacher or instructor has provided one for you) for the information you need. You can easily calculate your final grade if you know the number of assignments, the weighting of each assignment, and the score you received for each assignment.

Attention: the information presented in this article corresponds to the Russian point-rating system for assessing knowledge.


Calculate the unweighted final grade manually

    Record your scores. Find the grades you received on tests, homework, and the like during a specific period of time (quarter, semester, year). In some countries, such information is posted on the Internet. Record your grades in the first column.

    • If your activity in lessons (lectures) is taken into account when assigning the final grade, ask your teacher (teacher) what score you received for this.
  1. Record the highest possible score for each task. Information about maximum points can be found in curriculum(if you have one) or from your teacher. IN different countries Various knowledge assessment systems are used, but the most common are digital and percentage systems. In either case, write down your maximum scores in the second column (next to the column with your grades).

    • The digital (score-rating) system implies maximum quantity points you can get in a particular subject. For completing each task you receive a certain number of points. For example, if you can get 200 marks in a certain subject and you have to complete 4 assignments, the maximum score for each assignment is 50 (4x50 = 200).
    • In the case of a percentage system, you can get 100% for a particular subject, and each completed task is valued by a certain number of percentages, which add up to 100%. For example, if you need to complete 4 tasks, then the maximum score for each task is 25% (4x25 = 100).
    • Please note that in the examples given, the tasks are weighted equally (that is, the tasks are equivalent), although in reality this may not be the case.
  2. Add up the numbers in each column. Do this regardless of whether your knowledge is assessed using a numerical or percentage system. Add all the numbers from the first column and write the result under the first column. Then add all the numbers from the second column and write the result under the second column.

    • For example, to successfully master a certain subject, you need to complete 5 tasks, for two of which you can get 20 points, for the other two - 10 points, and for the rest - 5 points.
    • 20+20+10+10+5= 65. Thus, the total number of possible (maximum) points will be 65.
    • Now add up your scores. Let’s say that for the first task you received 18 points (out of 20 possible), for the second task - 15 points (out of 20), for the third - 7 points (out of 10), for the fourth - 9 points (out of 10), for the fifth - 3 points (out of 5).
    • 18+15+7+9+3= 52. Thus, the total number of points you earned will be 18.
  3. Calculate GPA. To do this, divide the total number of points you have earned by the total number of possible points. That is, divide the number you wrote under the first column by the number you wrote under the second column.

    Multiply the resulting average score (it will be expressed as a decimal fraction) by 100. This will convert your GPA into percentages. Or multiply decimal by 100, or simply move the decimal point 2 places to the right.

    • In our example: 52/65 = 0.8 or 80%
    • To move the decimal point 2 positions to the right, add a number of zeros, for example, like this: 0.800. Now move the decimal point 2 places: 080.0. Get rid of the extra zeros and you get: 80. That is, for the item in question you got 80%.
  4. Determine the final score. To do this, use rating scale. The grading scale compares the number of points you score (as a percentage) to your final grade (note that in some countries the final grade is expressed by a letter, such as A, B, B-, and so on).

    Calculate the weighted final grade manually

    1. Find out the weights (weighting coefficients) of the components of the final assessment. Remember that certain points affect the final grade to a greater or lesser extent. For example, your final grade may depend 30% on your activity in class or lectures, on your scores on four assignments (10% for each assignment), and 30% on your final exam grade. Please note that in our example, activity in lectures and the final exam are three times more important than completed assignments, so it is extremely important to find out the weighting coefficients of the components of the final grade.

      Multiply the weighting factors by the corresponding scores you received. To simplify the calculation process, write your scores in the first column and the corresponding weights in the second. Then multiply each score and its corresponding weighting factor. Record your results in the third column.

      • In our example, the final grade depends 30% on the final exam. Let's say that you received 18 points (out of 20 possible) for the exam. In this case, multiply the numerator and denominator of the fraction 18/20 by 30: 30 x (18/20) = 540/600.
    2. Add up the resulting values. Add the results of multiplying each score obtained by the corresponding weighting factor, and then add the results of multiplying each maximum possible score by the corresponding weighting factor. Now divide the sum of the weighted points received by the sum of the weighted possible points.

      • Let's look at an example. Assignment 1 = 10%, assignment 2 = 10%, test 1 = 30%, test 2 = 30%, lecture activity = 20%. The points you received: assignment 1 = 18/20, assignment 2 = 19/20, test 1 = 15/20, test = 17/20, activity in lectures = 18/20.
      • Task 1: 10 x (18/20) = 180/200
      • Task 2: 10 x (19/20) = 190/200
      • Test 1: 30 x (15/20) = 450/600
      • Test 2: 30 x (17/20) = 510/600
      • Lecture activity: 20 x (18/20) = 360/400
      • Sum: (180 + 190 + 450 + 510 + 360) ÷ (200 + 200 + 600 + 600 + 400), i.e. 1690/2000 = 84.5%
    3. Determine your final grade using the rating scale. Having calculated the final score (in percentage) taking into account the weighted coefficients, compare it with the rating scale, for example, 80-100% - excellent (5); 65-79% – good (4) and so on.

      • In most cases, teachers round the final score, expressed as a percentage. For example, 84.5% is rounded to 85%.

    Calculating an unweighted final grade using the table editor

    1. Create a new table. Launch a spreadsheet editor (such as Excel) and create a new table. For greater clarity, enter a title for each column. In the first column, enter the name of the factors ( tests, exam, activity in class), on which the final grade depends. In the second column, enter the points you received, and in the third column, enter the maximum possible points.

      • For example, you could name the columns as follows: “Final Grade Components,” “Points Earned,” “Points Possible.”
    2. Enter your details. In the first column, enter the name of each factor that affects the final grade, in the second column, enter the points you received, and in the third, the maximum possible points. If scores are expressed as a percentage, then the total possible scores should be 100.

    3. Add the data in the second and third columns. In the first column, under the names of the components of the final grade, enter “Total” (hereinafter without quotes). Then go to the cell located to the right of the cell with the word “Total”, that is, to the empty cell at the intersection of the “Total” row and the second column. Enter the sum function, namely "=SUM(", click on the cell with the first score received (second column) and drag the frame to the cell with the last score received (second column). Enter the closing parenthesis ")". The sum function should look something like this: =SUM(B2:B6).

      • Repeat the described process of entering the sum function with the maximum possible scores, which are in the third column.
      • The sum function can be entered manually (that is, without dragging the frame). For example, if your scores are in cells B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, enter the following function: =SUM(B2:B6).
    4. Divide the total points received by the total possible points. Go to the cell at the intersection of the “Total” row and the fourth column. Here, enter “=”, click on the cell with the result of summing up the points received, enter “/” and click on the cell with the result of summing up the possible points. You should end up with something like: =B7/C7.

      • After entering the formula, press Enter. The result of the division will be displayed in the corresponding cell.

    Calculating your GPA is very easy. To do this you need to remember school course mathematics. You need to add up all the points and divide them by the number of items. The resulting number will be your grade point average. To get an average score of 4.5-5.0, you need to study without C’s, practically with only A’s, only a few B’s are allowed.

    Average score is nothing more than the arithmetic mean, which is calculated using the formula:

    Average score = (score 1 + score 2 + score 3 + ... + score X) / X

    X is the total number of grades from which the average score must be calculated...

    Typically, university graduates do not have such questions, because this is not even higher mathematics. But for everyone else I will say:

    You need to sum up all the points you got. You have an example in the photo in your diary: 5+2=7.

    And then divide the resulting amount by the number of disciplines that have these points (grades). In our case, grades are worth in two disciplines, therefore 7 must be divided by 2. We get 3,5 . Here's your average score.

    At school, my daughter has an electronic diary, grades are given there and then the average score is displayed. If the grade is, for example, 4.5, then it’s up to the teacher’s discretion to give it a 4 or a 5, whatever he wants. I once asked a teacher why mine didn’t have a 5, to which I received an answer, I think that he doesn’t know a 5

    Calculating GPA is not complicated, it is a simple combination of addition and division. First, we add up all the grades for the reporting period, for example, for half a year or grades from an education diploma, and then divide by the number of lessons or subjects for which they were received. For example, while studying at school, you received only 4 and 5 in physics for half a year, which means the average score will be between these two marks. It will be more than 4, but less than 5. Similar to diploma grades - all final grades received during the study period are added up and divided by the number of courses completed. Previously, to receive a honors diploma, it was enough that the number of Good grades was no more than 25% of the Excellent grades, that is, the average score had to be 4.75.

    To calculate GPA grades in the certificate, you need to calculate the total number of grades, then add all the grades together (find the sum of all grades) and divide this sum by the number of points. The resulting number will be the average score. That is, saying mathematical language, we will find the arithmetic mean.

    In the case of a diploma, where, as a rule, they give excellent, good, mediocre, pass, we replace these evaluative words with points 5, 4, 3, and do not take into account the pass. In addition, you need to add the grades for coursework indicated in the diploma supplement. Then you will get a full average score.

    You add up all the grades in your diploma, then divide the sum by the number of grades. This way you get an arithmetic average, most likely this is what is meant, although to be honest the average score in my diploma is not high, but I was never asked about it when applying for a job, and the diploma was looked at after they were approved for the position .

    To calculate your average score, take your diploma supplement, add up your exam grades (which are listed as good, excellent, satisfactory), credits do NOT count. To grades in subjects, add grades for coursework, which are also indicated in the application. Then divide the resulting amount by the number of estimates that you added up. Get your GPA. Let me clarify once again that credits are not included in the average score, nor is the grade for your diploma. I know from experience that if there are a lot of Cs, then the average score will not be high. And an average score of 5.00 is generally a rare occurrence! In 10 years of working at a university, I have never encountered such a phenomenon. The most high scores were 4.80-4.85.

    The average score is calculated very simply. It is necessary to add up all the marks in the diploma, including coursework, and divide the resulting figure by the number of all grades (marks), including grades in term papers. This is how you get your average score. Of course, GPA characterizes part of your personality, but it is still not the indicator by which a person’s abilities should be assessed.

    If there are no C's in the diploma supplement, then in order for the average diploma grade to be 4.5 or higher, there must be an equal number of B's ​​and A's, or more A's than B's.

    in the diploma supplement there are 39 grades, of which 21 are fives, 17 fours and 1 three

    21*5 + 17*4 + 1*3 = 105 + 68 + 3 = 176 divide this amount by 39 and the result is 4.513.

    Despite the fact that there is one C, the average score is above 4.5 and is very high.

    The average score of a certificate or diploma of any education is determined by a simple arithmetic operation, which is precisely aimed at determining the arithmetic mean. Found by the formula:


    where x is the average score; y - grades for subjects; N - number of ratings

    But this arithmetic mean is very susceptible to lack of robustness, i.e. very large deviations and incorrect assessment, as in a rough example:

    Which of these people will be hired as an accountant?

    Masha - mathematics-2, accounting-2, statistics-2, art, physical education, labor, etc. - 5 (average score 4,7 )

    Dasha - mathematics-5, accounting-5, statistics-5, art, physical education, labor, etc. - 2 (average score 4,2 )

    Of course, Masha, since she doesn’t have a higher average score, but it would be best to hire Dasha for the position of accountant!

Academic performance /Ulgerim/

Quantity 5 + 4 + 3 * 100 / number of students


Quality /Sapasy/

Quantity 5 + 4 * 100/ number of students


Level /Money/

“5” - 1 “4” - 0.64 “3” - 0.36 “2” - 0.14

/Quantity “2” * 0.14/

To calculate the indicators, the formulas below are used:
% quality of knowledge (quality performance) = (number of “excellent.” + number of “good.”) x 100% / total number of students
% of academic performance (absolute academic performance) = (number of “excellent.” + number of “good.” + number of “good.”) x 100% / total number of students
Degree of student learning (SD):
SOU = (quantity "5"x100 + quantity "4"x64 + quantity "3"x36 + quantity "2"x16 + quantity "n/a"x7) / total quantity students
N/A - the number of non-certified good reason those who are not certified for a good reason should not be counted when calculating the number of students

Formulas and definitions

School teachers have power

which prime ministers can only dream of.

Winston Churchill

When calculating the average score (GPA), degree of learning (DOU), quality of knowledge (QK) and academic performance (A), a selection of significant marks is used, limited by established filters.

Sample – a group of marks selected by applying limiting filters (by type of final mark, subject, teacher, etc.)

Significant Marks – these are marks 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Their weight when calculated corresponds to the designation.

Insignificant marks - these are the marks of NAS, NAU, OSV, ZChT, NZCH. They are not taken into account in the calculations, i.e. are never included in the sample.

Average score (GPA)

SB = (K5 * 5 + K4 * 4 + K3 * 3 + K2 * 2 + K1 * 1) / M,




K2– number of marks 2 in the sample,

K1– number of marks 1 in the sample,

M– total quantity meaningful marks in the sample.

Degree of training (DOU)

SOU = (K5 * 100 + K4 * 64 + K3 * 36 + K2 * 0 + K1 * 0) / M(%) ,

K5– number of marks 5 in the sample,

K4– number of marks 4 in the sample,

K3– number of marks 3 in the sample,

K2– number of marks 2 in the sample (multiplied by 0),

K1– number of marks 1 in the sample (multiplied by 0),

M– total quantity meaningful marks in the sample.

Quality of knowledge (QK)

KZ = (K5 + K4) * 100% / M,

K5– number of marks 5 in the sample,

K4– number of marks 4 in the sample,

M– total quantity meaningful marks in the sample.

Academic performance (U)

Y = (K5 + K4 + K3) * 100% / M,

K5– number of marks 5 in the sample,

K4– number of marks 4 in the sample,

K3– number of marks 3 in the sample,

M– total quantity meaningful marks in the sample.

number of certified “4” and “5” 100

number of students on the list

% quality of knowledge =

number of certified “3”, “4”, “5” 100

% of progress =

number of students on the list

here is the correct calculation
academic performance = number of students by 4.5 multiplied by 100 and divided by the number of children without failing grades
quality = number of students by 3,4,5 multiplied by 100 and divided by the number of children

When summer comes, school graduates are faced with many questions, because they have to choose an educational institution, decide future profession. With the beginning of the admissions campaign, many begin to wonder how to find out the average score of the certificate.

Why this indicator is needed and how it is calculated is a pressing question for all applicants.

Why is the indicator needed?

The average score of the certificate is calculated by those applicants who plan to enter a secondary specialized educational institution. Currently in Russia there is a rule according to which people without entrance examinations(but there are some exceptions). The admissions committee only looks at the average score of the educational document and does not take into account Unified State Exam results.

In universities, completely different rules apply. Many people may not even think about how to calculate their GPA. The fact is that institutes, academies and universities do not look at this indicator. Applicants are accepted only taking into account the results of the Unified State Examination in certain subjects or taking into account the results of entrance tests conducted for certain categories of persons.

About the absence of entrance tests in colleges

Entrance tests are not provided for in many specialties. For example, you will not need to take anything if you choose “economics”, “law and organization of social security”, “tourism”, “hotel service”. Small testing is provided for those specialties that require certain professional qualities. Tests are carried out on " nursing", "medicine". In creative specialties related to design, applicants complete a drawing.

For educational programs that include tests and creative tasks, special admission rules apply. First, employees of a particular technical school or college look at the result of the entrance test. This can be either a “fail” or a “pass”. In the first case, the applicant is denied admission, without even paying attention to what average grade point he has. If “passed,” the applicant is allowed to participate in the certificate competition.

An example of calculating the average score of a certificate

Let's say we have a document on education. How to calculate GPA? Take the insert that accompanies this document. Next, we count how many disciplines we have studied over the course of school years. We got 20 items. Next, we take a calculator and add up all the grades that are indicated in the appendix to the certificate, or we calculate the total amount in our heads. The final value is 87.

Now we just have to calculate the average score of the certificate. As you can see, we have 2 values. Divide the sum of grades by the number of items. The calculator screen displays the number 4.35. This is our average certificate score. Maximum possible meaning- 5. This is the average score that straight excellent students have.

Competition between applicants: equality of average scores

Often admissions officers are faced with a situation where budget place there is only one left, and several people with the same average certificate score are applying for it. How do I know who will be accepted? The selection of an applicant for the last budget place is carried out taking into account grades in certain subjects.

For example, let's take the Moscow College of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If the average scores are equal, in this educational institution they look at grades in specialized disciplines - in the Russian language, English language and history. In other educational institutions, it is recommended to clarify the conditions for admission, because specific specialized subjects are defined for each specialty.

If the indicator is high

Excellent students don’t even have to think about how to calculate their average certificate score. Paths to various technical schools and colleges are open to them. If the average score is 5, then documents can be submitted to any educational institutions. In specialties without additional entrance tests, admission is guaranteed.

On educational programs With additional tests, you may not get creative assignments. However, the likelihood of this happening is very low. Excellent students always prepare responsibly for admission. “Failure” is possible only if the applicant is too worried. An unsatisfactory result can also result from the wrong choice of profession or a rash step. But this is possible purely theoretically. In practice, a different picture is observed.

If your GPA is low

With a low average score on a budget, it is impossible to enter prestigious and highly sought-after colleges, because after the entrance campaign the best applicants are selected. At bad grades It is recommended to apply to educational institutions that are not in high demand.

There is another option - to go to college not after the 9th grade, but after the 11th grade. After 9th grade, many graduates go to apply to colleges. The competition is very high. After the 11th grade, there are fewer people who want to become students at technical schools and colleges. The majority of graduates set themselves the goal of obtaining higher education.

A few years ago, graduates did not think about how to calculate the average score of the certificate, and did not worry about the grades in the document. Admission to colleges was based on the results of passing exams in general education subjects. For example, in medical colleges, when applying for “nursing”, applicants wrote a dictation in the Russian language. In biology, passing the exam was carried out using tickets.

There is no need to prepare for exams now, but it is worth taking care of your grades in order to obtain a higher average score for admission to college. Therefore, in the 9th and 11th grades, take a more responsible approach to your studies. If you have problems in any subjects, consider the services of a tutor. It will help you master school material, understand difficult topics. Schools often conduct additional classes and electives. You can visit them too.

And one more piece of advice. If your grades are low in 9th grade, then consider continuing your studies in school. In grades 10-11, you can get higher grades if you pay attention to your studies and try hard. If you are unable to cope with a significant part of the subjects, concentrate on preparing for the Unified State Exam in those disciplines in which you are strongest. Also choose a major related to these subjects. Having passed the Unified State Exam well, you will get a chance to enter a university. At any academy they won’t even look at your average score, but will take into account your Unified State Exam results.

How to calculate your GPA is a fairly simple question. Use the method described above. You can also define the indicator differently. Multiply the number of threes by “3”, the number of fours by “4”, the number of fives by “5”, then add all the values ​​and divide by the number of subjects studied. You will end up with the same average score.

In addition to the ratings school subjects In the certificate, the average score plays an important role. The calculation of the average score of the school certificate is carried out in a certain way and subsequently affects further training. You can also calculate your GPA yourself. To do this, you only need a certificate, a calculator and knowledge of mathematics.

Calculation of the average score of the certificate

The new type of certificates have an insert containing a complete list of subjects and grades. To calculate your average score, you will need the insert. Follow these steps:

  • count the total amount of items for which grades were given;
  • sum all the scores together (i.e. 5+4+4+5, etc.);
  • Divide the resulting amount by the number of items that were evaluated.

An example of calculating the average score of a certificate.

  • number of items – 15;
  • the total sum of all marks is 75;
  • average score = 75/18 = 5.

The average score was 5 - this is the highest average score. Usually admissions committee is loyal to applicants who have such an average score in their school certificate.

Why do you need a GPA on your transcript?

Today great value Unified State Exam scores are used for admission. However, in the case when a large number of applicants with the same Unified State Exam scores apply for the same place, the selection committee, based on the average score of the certificate, eliminates the candidates.

Very often upon admission to prestigious universities, secondary educational institutions and colleges of the country, the average score of the certificate should not be lower than 4.5. Otherwise, an applicant with a lower average score will not pass the competition for admission to the educational institution.

But the average score does not in any way affect the receipt of a gold or silver medal, because... If there is a C in the certificate, this is unacceptable.

Unlike the average score of a school certificate, the average score of a university or secondary school diploma does not affect a person’s future fate, and when applying for a job, it does not in any way affect the employer’s decision to hire.