When we become adults 1. When we become adults

Lesson about the world around us on the topic “When will we become adults?” 1st grade

Goal and objectives.

Subject : Introduction to the world of professions.

Personal: Activation cognitive activity students through the principle of interdisciplinary connections. To promote the development of a spiritual personality focused on healthy image life.


Regulatory UUD:

Determining and formulating the goals of activities in the lesson with the help of the teacher. Learn to express your assumption (version), work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

Communicative UUD: Development of the ability to work with information in the classroom; express your opinion and argue your point of view; Follow the rules of working in groups and pairs. Communicate your position to others.

Cognitive UUD: To navigate your knowledge system: distinguish new from already known with the help of a teacher. Gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using your life experience and information received in class. Process the information received: draw conclusions as a result collaboration the whole class.

Equipment: multimedia projector, laptop, screen, presentation, cards with examples, bag with letters, pictures for the game “What’s extra?”, map of the future village, drawing of the wise Turtle, emoticons of emotions, ball.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

The bell has already rung.
The lesson begins.
We are not alone today
The guests have arrived for the lesson.
Turn around quickly
Greet your guests!

Pull up, smile,
And sit down quietly, everyone.
Sit up straight, legs together,
Place your hands on the table.
We will now work,
After all, the tasks are not easy.
We, friends, cannot be lazy,
Because we are students.

. 2. Checking homework.
- Guys, let's remember what we talked about in the last lesson by solving the riddle.

( teacher reads a riddle)

I will sit in the saddle of a horse,
He'll finish me off quickly.
My horse is not alive
Three-wheeled horse - steel!(Bike)

Or rather, we were talking about when the bicycle was invented. I would like to remind you that you can ride bicycles in special areas.

Guys, what does this sign mean? (Cycling is prohibited!)

What does the next sign mean? (Cycling is allowed!)

What is the name of this bike? (Bicycle - “spider”)

What's the name of this one? And which group does he belong to? (Circus unicycle. To a special group)

Who is this special bike for? (For kids).

When will you be able to ride this bike? (When we become adults)

(Slide 7).

Can you be called adults now? Why? (No. We are young).

3. Main part.

Guys, the Wise Turtle has prepared a question for you. Let's read it

(the teacher places a question on the board next to the Wise Turtle.).

But to answer it, you need to complete tasks and get hints.

Task 1 (Work in pairs).

Guys, here is a card with examples and answers. Solve the Wise Turtle examples and put the answers in the appropriate boxes. (Children solve examples)

Turn over the answer cards; if you solved the examples correctly, you will be able to read the word. What word did you come up with? (PROFESSION).

(The teacher opens the first clue and attaches it next to the answer)

Who knows what this word means?

(Profession - occupation, type labor activity, requiring certain training, availability necessary knowledge, abilities, skills acquired as a result special education or in practice.

How to get a profession? (study in..)

How is the word “profession” connected to the question of the Wise Turtle? (Children's answers)

It’s true that a person who has acquired a profession can be considered an adult. And to get a profession, to become a good specialist, a master of your craft, you need to put in a lot of effort. There are many different professions. And it will take more than one lesson to learn everything. But we will get acquainted with some of them in this lesson.

Task 2 (Attention game).
-Guys, I suggest you play the game “Say the Word,” but remember that we are talking about professions.
The train is driven by...a driver.
A tractor driver is plowing in the field.
An artist will draw for us.
The boots will be made...by a shoemaker.
The singer sings songs to us.
The seller is busy with trade.
In a hot forge...a blacksmith.
Who knows everything...WELL DONE!

Task 3 (Game “Letters”)

I have letters hidden in my bag, now everyone will take out a letter and name the profession starting with that letter. (children come up with professions in a chain)
- What do you think is the most important and important profession? (children's answers)

The Wise Turtle is pleased with your answers and gives you the second clue


Let's think about how this sentence is related to the question of the Wise Turtle? (Children's answers)

F - minute:

Guys, please stand up from your desks. I will name different professions and throw the ball to you, and you will answer what people in this profession do and throw the ball back.

Ball game "Finish my sentence."

Doctor of people... (heals)

Children's teacher... (teaching)

Firefighter fire... (extinguishes)

Cook lunch... (cooks, cooks)

Hairdresser hair... (cuts, styles)

Policeman keeps order... (monitors)

Dressmaker clothes... (sews, cuts, mends)

Writer of a book... (writes, composes)

Milkmaid cows... (milks, feeds)

Tractor driver in the field... (plows)

Pilot in the sky….(flying)

Task 4 (Game “What’s extra”)

Every person needs various items, tools, equipment.

Look at the screen and determine: What tool do people of these professions not need to work? Select and show the card you want.

Well done! In the near future, each of you will turn 18 years old, you will receive a profession, work honestly and receive money for your work. Do you think the world around us will change by then?


How do you imagine our village in the future? (children's answers)

Task 5 “Ecologists”

Look at the map of the future village. Do you like everything here? (No)

What would you change here? (trash removed)

Guys, let's put things in order together. (children of group 1 go out and remove pictures of trash, children of group 2 attach pictures of flowers, trees, birds…)

Do you like this picture of our future village?

Who do you think determines what our world and village will become in the future? (From us)
- CONCLUSION: Every person is responsible for the future. We must take care of the world in which we live. We must take care of trees, rivers, lakes, and air. Don't pollute them

- Is the profession of people involved in science, which teaches us to take care of the environment, called ecologist? Perhaps some of you will become an ecologist.

The wise Turtle reveals the last clue to you: (“protection of the surrounding world”)

(The hint is attached to the board “caring for the environment”)


Guys, let's now answer the Wise Turtle's question with the help of hints: when will we become adults?

(Children draw a conclusion.)
-There are a lot of us, guys.
Everywhere we live
Let's plant trees
We'll plant gardens.
And whoever you are:
Doctor, painter
The main thing is to always remember one thing:
We are the masters of the planet
Despite the fact that children.
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other one in the world!

For the sun to shine,
It smiled at everyone.
Be nature's friends
And do only good!



Guys, if you can now answer the question of the Wise Turtle on your own, color the smiley face that smiles. If you need help - sad, and if you don’t know what to answer this question - then color in the crying emoticon.

(children color the smiley faces)..

Thanks for your work, lesson is over.

Many children ask the question “When will we grow up?” It seems that adult life is more interesting and varied, but this is not entirely true: in childhood, every child develops, learns new things, gets to know himself and the world around us. There is no need to rush this time, because it is in childhood that a person’s future is laid.

How do people and the world around them change with age?

IN modern society a person is considered an adult when he reaches his 18th birthday. At this point, young people have behind them school education. But in order to live in an “adult” life, you need to acquire a profession, find a job and earn money on your own.

Growing up, every person changes: he, even imperceptibly for himself, grows and develops, accumulates a store of knowledge and life experience. His lifestyle, routine, and activities completely change.

Rice. 1. An adult.

As a person changes, the world around him also changes. These processes are inextricably linked, because through his actions a person can both worsen the world around him and make it much better.

The preservation of nature throughout the world depends on the actions of each person:

TOP 4 articleswho are reading along with this

  • purity environment;
  • forest fire control;
  • saving endangered species of plants and animals;
  • prevention of environmental disasters.

The preservation of the environment directly depends on you and me. A homemade bird feeder, garbage collected after a picnic in nature, a planted tree - all this has great value for nature.

Rice. 2. Environmental protection.

Future professions

When a child becomes an adult, he is faced with a serious question - who will he be? Choosing a profession is a very important step, on which the lives of the people around you often depend.

For example, the boy Kolya never wanted to become a doctor, but his parents insisted that he study to become a doctor. As a result, the matured Nikolai Ivanovich, who does not like his job at all, does not treat people who turn to him for help poorly.

This is why it is so important to choose a profession you like, so that you can enjoy yourself and help the people around you. At all times, masters of their craft, professionals who never cease to develop, have been held in high esteem.

Choosing a profession is not so easy, because there are a great many, and each of them is important and needed by people:

  • A doctor helps cure any ailment, from a simple runny nose to a serious injury.
  • Seller - trades in a store, sells various goods.
  • Cook - prepares food in canteens, cafes, schools and kindergartens.
  • Policeman - maintains order, protects citizens from criminals.
  • Janitor - removes garbage, burns old leaves, sweeps roads.
  • Pilot - controls airplanes and helicopters.
  • Teacher - helps children learn a lot of new, useful and interesting things.
  • Tailor - making patterns fashionable clothes and then sews it.

Previously, the profession of a hairdresser had a different name. Barbers did hairstyles, wigs, curled hair and shaved beards. However it was not full list their duties: an experienced barber could easily pull out a bad tooth or prescribe a tincture for a headache.

What have we learned?

When studying the topic “When will we become adults?” According to the 1st grade environment program, we learned how growing up happens and what is connected with it. We also found out how important it is to choose a profession in the future and to be a good specialist in your field.

Test on the topic

Evaluation of the report

Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 94.

Lesson of the surrounding world, 1st grade Kuzovkova Tatyana Alekseevna

Subject: “When will we become adults?”

Lesson type : lesson in acquiring new knowledge.

Target : expanding knowledge about professions,the difference between the life of an adult and the life of a child.

Subject UUD : Introduction to the world of professions.

Personal UUD : Assessment life situations from the point of view of generally accepted norms and values.


Regulatory UUD :

Determining and formulating the goals of activities in the lesson with the help of the teacher. Talk through the sequence of actions in the lesson. Learn to express your assumption (version) based on working with textbook illustrations. Learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

Communicative UUD : Development of the ability to work with information in the classroom; express your opinion and argue your point of view; Follow the rules of working in groups and pairs.Learn to perform different roles in a group (leader, performer, critic). Communicate your position to others. Jointly agree on the rules andfollow them.

Cognitive UUD : To navigate your knowledge system: distinguish new things from what you already know with the help of a teacher.Gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using the textbook, your life experience and information received in class.Process the information received: draw conclusions as a result of joint work of the whole class; compare and group objects and their images.

Communicative: ability to build monologue statement; listen to your interlocutor.


Educational : consolidate ideas about time; generalize knowledge about professions and get acquainted with new ones;

Educational: develop attention, logical thinking, memory, imagination, speech, creativity students;

Educational: cultivate respect for people of any profession; show the importance of work in a person’s life; ability to work in a team.

Equipment: board, chalk, textbook, workbook, laptop, cards, presentation.

Lesson progress

    Organizational moment.

The bell calls us all to class.

Pull up, smile

And sit down quietly.

Lesson about the world around us. Today we have guests at our lesson. They will see how you can work, how attentive you are. Wish each other good luck, I wish you successful work and pleasant communication.

What would you wish for me?

II. Updating the topic.

- Let's start the lesson by reviewing what we have learned.

What day of the week is it today?

- If today is Wednesday, what day of the week will it be tomorrow?
- If today is Wednesday, what day of the week was yesterday?
- What is the name of the day of the week that comes after the weekend?
- How many days are there in a week? Name them.
- What month is it now? What time of year ends?
- What happened before winter? Autumn, what time was it? (in the past)
What time of year is the riddle talking about?
I open my buds
In green leaves.
I dress the trees
I water the crops.

III. Working on a new topic.

Let's look at the slides and remember who you were before school? (Preschoolers, toddlers).
- When were you like this? (In the past)slides

Who are you now, currently? (Schoolchildren, first graders).

Who do you think you will be in the future tense? (adults)

Who can guess what we will talk about in class today? About the future

Read the topic in the textbook. When will we become adults?slide

And towhere will you grow up?

Who can answer this question?

How is the life of adults different from yours?

What goal will we set for today's lesson? (find out how people and the world around them change over time, get acquainted with professions, expand knowledge about professions.)
- Time passes quickly, unnoticed. Just recently you were little, and now you are already schoolchildren.School is the beginning of the path to any profession.Every day you will learn more and more professions, your knowledge about them will become deeper.A few more years will pass, and you will already be school graduates. You have to choose your future path in life.

Now you go to school
But you'll grow up soon.
To get a profession,
You will go to college.
- Tell me, guys, why study at the institute? (To become a good specialist).
Every person is obliged to choose a business in life, a profession.
- Guys, what professions do you know?
- What do you need to master? future profession? (Knowledge, skills, attention, memory)
CONCLUSION: Okay. I see that you understand that every person cannot be a slacker, but must choose a profession for himself.And today in the lesson we will repeat and consolidate our knowledge about different professions, someone will hear the names of new professions, someone will see familiar professions from a new perspective.

Let's listen to Lev Kuklin's poem “When we become adults..”

Student 1: We wish we could become adults soon
Very, very serious!
What do we dream about, what?

Student 2: I'll become a miner!
Student 3: I am a photo reporter!
Student 4 : And I... And I am a dentist!
Student 2: Wonderful professions, earthly and heavenly! There are none like them in the world!
Student1 : I'll be an engineer!
Student 2 : I am a policeman!
Student 3: And I...It’s still a secret!
Student 4: When we become adults -
Skillful, serious -
Then everything will be within our reach!

Student 3: I will become an agronomist!
Student1 : And I’m an astronomer!
Student 2: And I... I'll fly into space!

Guys, which of you wants to become an adult? I think that your dreams will definitely come true.

Game “Guess the profession” slides

- Now guess the riddles and name your profession)

If your ear hurts

If your throat becomes dry,

Don't worry and don't cry-

After all, it will help you...doctor

A white bird circles over the field,

Waiting for a lane where you can board.

The plane is called a white bird,

It is controlled by a brave...!pilot

He writes and draws with chalk,

And fights with mistakes,

Teaches you to think, reflect,

What's his name guys?teacher

We get up very early

After all, our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning.Driver

We must fight the fire -

We are bold and brave.

People really need us.

So who are we?firefighters

Walks around the area with a heavy bag,

He puts letters in our mailbox...postman

He's not a pilot

not a pilot

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket.

Children, who, tell me, is this?astronaut

Master, master,
Lost weight

He's the funniest guy in the circus.

He is a great success.

All that remains is to remember

What's that funny fellow called?clown

Solving the crossword puzzle (there are crossword puzzles on the table)

- Write it downthe names of those professions that you heard about in the riddles vertically (doctor, teacher, astronaut)

You will solve the rest at home, color a person from each profession and write below who you would like to become. (9 professions in total) (music “When will we become adults?” plays)

Game "What's extra?" (or what profession these attributes are suitable for) pictures

Children look atslides and they say what is superfluous and who needs this item. (attributes)

IV . Physical education lesson about professions

We played in the profession -

In an instant we became pilots!

We flew on the plane

And suddenly they became drivers!

The steering wheel is now in our hands -

First class is moving fast!

And now we're at a construction site

We lay the bricks evenly.

One brick and two and three -

We are building a house, look!

It's game over

It's time for us to go back to our desks.

Game - pantomime“We won’t tell you about the profession, but we’ll show you what they do there!” (riddle about the artist)

Having a profession is wonderful! It’s even more wonderful to love her and do your part conscientiously. case! People respect professionals, true masters of their craft.

Guess the riddle:

IN last time was a teacher.

The day after tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he... artist.

Now you will be in the role of artists. Children go to the board, pull out a card with the name of a profession, choose attributes for themselves and dramatize this profession.(Doctor, TV presenter, teacher, hairdresser, seamstress, conductor)

- Guess who says that?

Who hasn't had enough? Who needs supplements? - cook

Which tooth hurts you? - dentist

Thank you very much for your purchase! - salesman

There is a letter for you, sign it. – postman

Sit down, how are we going to get our hair cut? - hairdresser

V . Creative work in pairs (distribute envelopes with pictures)

This envelope contains a cut-out picture depicting a person of some profession. What needs to be done? Collect a picture, name a profession and prove to us why this profession is important? Which profession is more important?
- All professions are important, all professions are needed.
Even the great writer V.V. Mayakovsky, whose work we will get acquainted with later on literary reading, spoke about professions with the following lines of the poem:

Having turned the book over,
wrap it around your mouth -
all works are good,
choose to taste!slide

VI . Work in the textbook.

Open the textbooks on p. 24.

How many of you want to become an adult? When can you be called adults? We learn about this from the text of the textbook.

when we reach 18 years old

let's get an education

let's choose a profession, it's a matter of life

Let's take care of the environment

Look at the photographs on p. 24. What professions are people depicted here? (milkmaid, artist, photographer, doctor, driver, hairdresser).

A lot of time will pass when you become adults and get a profession. Will the world around you change by the time you become an adult? How would you like to see the world around you in the future? How do you need to behave for him to become like this?

Look at the pictures on p. 25 textbooks, compare them and speculate about which city would be better to live in and why?
– Who do you think determines what our world will become in the future? (from people and their relationship to nature)
-What can you and I do to make the world a better, cleaner place?

More recently, a new profession has appeared -ecologist
is a person who is engaged in the protection and protection of the environment.
CONCLUSION: Every person is responsible for the future of the world around him. We must take care of the world in which we live.
- To get a profession, what should you do first? (study)
Mastering any profession that benefits people is both useful and honorable! SCHOOLCHILDREN is the name of the children's profession. How much they know about professions and everything connected with them!

VII . Work in workbook .

Open the notebooks on p. 18. task 2.

What actions can lead nature to the state shown in the first picture? Connect these pictures with green arrows.

What actions can lead nature to the state shown in the second picture? Connect these pictures with red arrows.

But task 3 on p. 19 - at home.

VIII . Reflection.

1 emoticon. Who thinks that they worked actively in the lesson, were attentive and answered questions correctly.

2 smiley. Who thinks that they worked actively in the lesson, but were not attentive enough, and therefore could not answer all the questions.

3 smiley. Who thinks that they worked actively during the lesson, but were not attentive, and therefore could not answer the questions.

Did our lesson turn out the way you wanted?
Thank you guys for the lesson. I had a lot of fun with you. What about you and me? The lesson is over.

VIII. Lesson summary.
- Let's summarize our work. Today we discussed the topic “When you become an adult.”

What have we learned?

What was the most important thing you remembered?

There are many of us, guys.
Everywhere we live
Let's plant trees
We'll plant gardens.
And whoever you are:
Doctor, painter
The main thing is to always remember one thing:
We are the masters of the planet
Despite the fact that children.
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other one in the world!

For the sun to shine,
It smiled at everyone.
Be nature's friends
And do only good!

Thank you all for your work. The lesson is over.

Open lesson on the surrounding world in 1st grade

Topic: When will we become adults?

Predicted results.

First graders will expand their understanding of time, professions and the state of the environment.

3 . Lesson objectives:

4. Predicted results




Lesson progress

1 Org. moment

    Updating knowledge

(picture of a bicycle)

In the last lesson we talked about the structure of a bicycle.

Show and name all the parts of the bicycle, tell them why they are needed.

(frame - holds the body, front and rear wheels - for movement, steering wheel - to control movement, chain and pedals - to rotate the wheels, rim and tires - composite wheels)

What rules must be followed when riding a bicycle?

(Children under 14 years of age are prohibited from driving on streets and roads. Young children may

drive only in a rest area where no other vehicles go)

How long ago did people invent bicycles?

(The first bicycle designs were presented more than 500 years ago - Leonardo da

Vinci is an Italian scientist.

    Motivation educational activities .

For several lessons we traveled back in time. Today in class I propose to go to the future. And when it comes, this is the future.

What will you become in this future if you are small children now? Let's close our eyes and imagine who you will be in this future, what you will do.

You still know little about professions, so it’s difficult to say what you will become.

3. Work on the topic.

a) conversation

So, what will we talk about in class?

What do your parents do?

Name your parents and tell them their profession.


Guess what profession we're talking about in this poem

The sun came out recently

Melting the ice on the windows

Tatyana Nikolaevna comes to us

Coming from the staff room

In first grade she was timid

Came here for class

She knows how to teach a lesson

It's okay that she's young.

(picture of a teacher) What a young teacher comes to our school

b) Work from the textbook

Well guessed the profession from the poem. Well done. How many of you would like to become a teacher in the future? What needs to be done to achieve this.

Can you guess the profession from the illustration in the textbook?


What does she do (milking machines help the milkmaid milk several dozen cows at once)

Look at the following illustration in the textbook.


Where can you see the artist's work? We come across his work every day, you just don’t notice it and don’t think about who so beautifully decorated your mugs from which you drink tea or your favorite saucer, or painted a design on your handkerchief or towel. Sit on the sofa and don’t think about the beautiful pattern created on the fabric of your sofa. But it was invented by an artist and fashion designer.


Guess the next profession.

A student reads a poem.

It's good for an engineer, but it's better for a doctor

I would go to treat children, let them teach me.

I'll come to Petya, I'll come to Polya.

Hello children. Who is sick with you?

How do you live, how is your tummy -

I'll look at the tips of the reeds from the glasses.

Place this thermometer under your arms, kids.

And the children happily put the thermometer under their arms.

How a doctor helps people.

DOCTOR is a very important and noble profession. He stands guard over human health and life. His task is not only to treat, but also to teach us how to prevent these diseases from entering our body. Therefore, you must carefully listen to your doctor’s advice.

What is the name of a pediatrician who treats children?


The profession of a doctor requires extensive knowledge of biology and anatomy. He knows a complete picture of the child's body.

Which one of you would like to become a doctor and treat people?


Let's practically try to become one today and relax at the same time

The girl has a cold, coughs, and has a sore throat. Which folk remedy will help her

If this remedy helps her, we will clap, and if not, we will stomp

(honey, garlic, ice cream, raspberries, cold milk, lemon, lingonberries)

Katya has a stomach ache.

She often eats chips and drinks carbonated juice. She's doing the right thing

Lena loves to eat fruits and vegetables, cottage cheese. She's doing the right thing.

Dima likes to eat a lot of sweets at once.

Well done. We rested and visited the doctor.

What do you call a doctor who treats animals?


Let's listen to a poem about the work of a doctor for animals

I thought about this

It would be nice to become a doctor

But not for children, but for cats

The children are in pain - we will cry,

Let's burst into tears in the heat of the moment

Mom will call the doctor

And to the stray cat

If suddenly it’s unbearable

Who calls him doctors

He's a stray, he's nobody's

It’s more difficult for a veterinarian than for a doctor who treats children. After all, animals cannot tell what hurts them. And animals can bite or scratch the doctor.

Good Doctor Aibolit

He is sitting under a tree

Come to him for treatment

And the cow, and the she-wolf, and the bug and the worm

And the bear

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone

Good Doctor Aibolit

You understand the work of a doctor of people and animals.

Let's talk about the next profession.

Guess the riddle and say who it is about.

Tell me, who cooks cabbage soup so deliciously?

Smelling cutlets, salads, vinaigrettes

All breakfasts, lunches


The girls will tell us about the work of a cook in their poems


A star sparkles in the sky,

Mustachioed cat sleeping in a ball

Only the cook can’t sleep -

The cook gets up after dark

The porridge gurgles lightly,

And the scrambled eggs sizzle

And to the delicious noise and hubbub

Appetite is coming to the dining room

We'll sit together in the dining room

Like a huge family

I'll be a cook in the dining room -

That's what I decided myself

Why does the chef get up very early?

What lunches do you like best?

Many good words they talk about the work of doctors, artists, pilots and astronauts. But the work of the cook is also of great importance. After all, when you eat a deliciously prepared dish, and one that is also very healthy, you work with great desire.

Let's have a game and relax. GAME - RECREATION

There are pictures of different products on the board. Let's imagine that we are cooks and are preparing borscht. What products are needed. Take them. And our senior cooks will evaluate us - whether we do a good job.

We need to work together and consult with each other. Take pictures of those products that are needed when preparing borscht.

Group work

(pictures of different products)

Girls, tell me - delicious borscht will turn out from these products. We had a rest and visited the cook

Guess who the next riddle is about.

We get up very early, because our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning.


The driver is another difficult and interesting work. Cars sometimes seem like living creatures to us. Nothing surprising. After all, they replace horses for us. When we travel by car or minibus, we experience the pleasure of driving fast.

And trucks - what an important job they perform, because they transport a wide variety of products. This includes food, furniture, gasoline, and building materials.. A freight train has arrived at the station - cars are already waiting for it. We urgently need to unload the train cars.

The driver's work is scheduled to the minute. Their cargo is waiting. You can't be late.

To work as a driver, you need to know a lot of science. This includes physics - which studies the laws of motion, and chemistry - the rules for handling gasoline and lubricating oils and the rules traffic. The driver must be attentive, careful and patient.

Bottom line

There are so many different professions on earth. All of them are very interesting and important in their own way.

Of course, we haven’t named all professions. Independent work.

Working in pairs

Guess the person's profession based on the tools and materials he needs for his work. shown in the picture. Name the person's profession.

4. Lesson summary

Guys, when you become adults, it doesn’t matter who you will be - a scientist, a doctor, a cook, or maybe a general. The main thing is you have to be good and decent people. Love your job, love your Motherland and do everything to make this Motherland even better, even more beautiful. And it all depends on you. After all, you will become adults, you will build our lives.

Look at the two pictures in the textbook on page 25.

What city would you like to live in? Why.

You want your life to become good and interesting. What should you do for this right now?

(Love your village or city, do not litter in it, take care of nature, do not pollute water in reservoirs)

Let's read the conclusion of our lesson from the 25th textbook.

5. Reflection

Let's summarize our lesson. What do you want to become? It depends on who the world around us will be like.

Let's check how you understand the rules good man. What's good and what's not.

Page 19 in the workbook.

Green pencil - good deeds

Red – bad things

Proverb " Loving nature means loving the Motherland."

Self-analysis of the lesson.

    Class characteristics.

    Lesson topic.

The topic of the lesson on the world around us is “When we become adults”

3 . Lesson objectives:

Expand children's understanding of time, the differences between the life of an adult and the life of a child

Formation in children of ideas about professions, the need to choose a profession and goals for the future

Instilling responsibility in children for the state of the world around them

Instilling in children a culture of behavior in society and in nature

4. Predicted results


Awareness of the need to acquire knowledge to obtain a profession

Development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning

Formation of motivation to take care of material assets


Mastering the ability to understand the goals and objectives of educational activities, searching for its achievement

Ability to listen to your interlocutor and conduct dialogue

Developing the ability to control and evaluate your own learning activities in accordance with the task


Fostering pride in the national achievements of the people

Formation of respectful and careful attitude towards values native land and the Motherland in general

Mastering the basics of environmental literacy, basic rules of moral behavior in the natural world and people

5. Lesson overview

1. The lesson began with updating knowledge about the structure of a bicycle. The children showed and named all the parts of the bicycle and repeated the rules of cycling. This stage took place in the form of conversation and dialogue with the teacher.

2. Work on the topic

The lesson is the first lesson in a series of lessons on traveling to the future.

The following steps were used in the lesson

Learning new material and applying this knowledge to practical exercises

Analysis of the results obtained

Reflection on acquired knowledge


Forms of lesson organization

To achieve the set objectives before the lesson, I used such forms of lesson as frontal conversation, collective review and discussion, individual - children independently learned to express their thoughts and knowledge, told a story about their family, and learned poetry.

Working in pairs, we learned to come to a common opinion together, the ability to listen to the opinion of our neighbor, and to conduct a dialogue.

Teamwork taught us to work together to solve problematic situation. To choose the right products you need to be able to work in a team.

Teaching methods

by the nature of cognitive activity

During the lesson, information methods were used for presenting new knowledge by the teacher (dogmatic method), intersected with heuristic methods (this is the assimilation of knowledge and skills through reasoning, requiring guesswork, search, resourcefulness), as well as research activities students (gaining knowledge through observation, independent decision- physical exercises), which did not cause children to become so tired during the lesson.

by the nature of the didactic goal

methods of communicating new knowledge

methods of consolidating acquired knowledge

methods for testing and evaluating acquired knowledge

by source of information

verbal, visual and practical methods

based on the principle of dividing or combining knowledge

analytical method intersected with the generalizing method, the comparison method was used in the lesson (children compared nature), as well as the observation and generalization method, the method problem-based learning was used when children worked collectively and in pairs (the teacher himself posed a problem to the children and showed ways to solve it), the children used the classification method (children learned to isolate the necessary ones from a group of objects into a specific group)

At the end of the lesson, a method was used to summarize the acquired knowledge and the need to obtain it in order to achieve the goals. Children learned to generalize knowledge and reason that in the world around them everything depends on the actions of the person himself.

By degree of management academic work

The lesson was led by the teacher.

6. Teacher's conclusions

The goals and objectives set before the lesson were fully completed.