Summary of a correctional and developmental lesson on the topic "square". The use of correctional and developmental exercises in classes with children with moderate and severe mental retardation living in children's children's institutions Notes of a psychologist's classes with mentally retarded children

Summary of a correctional and developmental lesson on the development of mental processes in children with moderate mental retardation “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”

Arkhangelsk region, Verkhnyaya Toyma village, MBOU "Verkhnetoyemskaya secondary school"
Theoretical background:
In correctional and developmental classes, conditions are created for the child’s upbringing personal qualities, independence, activity, voluntariness, development of visual-spatial perception and visual-motor coordination, attention, speech, memory, mental activity.
Tasks for correctional and developmental classes on the development of mental processes are selected in such a way that children are in the zone of moderate difficulty, but are accessible to a particular child, which ensures the experience of success against the backdrop of a certain amount of effort.
Children are taught to analyze the content of tasks and complete them, justify the choice of each action, and make accessible generalizations based on the facts under consideration.
These skills form the basis for successful development of the school curriculum.
Target: to acquaint colleagues with experience in correcting deficiencies in the cognitive and emotional-personal spheres of children with moderate mental retardation using the studied program material.
-Level Up general development, filling gaps in previous development and training;
- Learn to compare objects according to one or three properties (signs).
-Formation of positive motivation for learning;
-Correction of deviations in the development of the cognitive and emotional-personal spheres; formation of mechanisms of volitional regulation in the process of carrying out a given activity;
-Develop the ability to identify properties (features) in objects, abstract these properties (features) from others, follow certain rules when solving practical problems.
-Cultivate a sense of collectivism in children.
-Develop confidence in completing tasks.
Children's age: 18 years old, 12 and 11 years old.
Lesson form: Journey into a fairy tale.
Preliminary work:
1. Listening to a fairy tale and watching the cartoon “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.”
2. Conducting correctional and developmental classes, according to the approved thematic plan.
3.Complete similar tasks in these classes.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment.
The children come in listening to the music. They greet the guests. They stand next to the teacher, dressed in a Snow White costume.
Snow White: Today you and I will have an unusual activity - a fairy tale. Because today I will be Snow White and my friends, the gnomes, came to class with me. Where are they? (The teacher invites the children to sit in their seats and look at the board.) Let's count how many gnomes came to our lesson. (Children count). These Dwarves also have names: Quiet, Grumpy, Sneezy, Cheerful, Shy, Simpleton, Sleepyhead.
Slide No. 2
Snow White: Tell me, what do we develop in our classes when the Dwarf comes to us? Why are we doing this?
(I came to all correctional and developmental classes fairy tale character Gnome, so the children will be able to tell themselves what they will do in this lesson and set a goal.)
Snow White: Each Dwarf has prepared an interesting task for you, and I will watch how you cope with them. Are you ready to go into a fairy tale? Then nod your head.

Main part:
Quiet: Slide No. 3.
Guess the riddle:
He wears it instead of a hat
Fun cap.
And he's only tall
With a child's shoe.
With a flashlight and a song
Walking in the forest at night.
You can't go wrong if
You will say: “This is a Dwarf!”
(Show which Dwarf matches the description in this poem.)
Slide number 4,5,6,7,8,9.
Children are offered the tasks “4-odd”, “What has changed?”
Sneeze: Slide No. 10,11.
Children are asked to color the picture according to the sample.

Slide No. 12, 13.
A physical exercise “Jolly Dwarves” is being held.
Simpleton: Slide No. 14.
It is proposed to carefully examine the Gnomes on the slide and then show a Gnome that matches the description:
-Which Dwarf is the thinnest?
-Which one is the thickest?
-Which Dwarf has a red hat?
-Which Dwarf has poor vision? How did you guess?
-Which Dwarf is the most fun?
Children are asked to assemble a picture from parts. Collective task. (You will get a picture with the image of a Gnome).

Slide number 15.
It is proposed to find the Dwarf who hid. Who else is in the picture?
Snow White: What a great fellow you are! You have completed all the tasks that the Dwarves have come up with for you. Tell me, what did we develop in class today? If you liked our fabulous activity, then nod your head. Let's look at the board, did the Dwarves like what you did? Slide number 16.
(Children are awarded sweet prizes for their work in class).

Slide number 17.
A lot for us
They could do something wonderful.
But more miracles
Commits a hundred times
The magic word “THANK YOU”!
Snow White: Thank you guys for your great work in class. Thank you, dear colleagues, for coming to visit us.

Presentation on the topic: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Integrated correctional and developmental lesson in the preparatory group “How does a hedgehog winter in the forest?”

Anastasia Almakova
Abstract complex lesson in children with mental retardation in the first year of education

Subject: "Vegetables"

Target: learn children distinguish and correctly name vegetables.


Correctional – educational: expand knowledge children about vegetables; form ideas about quantity (one, many); introduce geometric figure: circle; learn to agree a noun with an adjective; learn to highlight color in vegetables; practice classification by color; secure colors: red, yellow, green;

Corrective and developmental: develop the articulatory apparatus, sound pronunciation; develop visual and effective thinking; develop attention; develop visual perception;

Correctional and educational: cultivate interest in games; cultivate a desire to help others.

Equipment: basket, dummies of vegetables; small boxes of three flowers: red, green, yellow; black fabric (bed);

Vocabulary work: vegetable garden, turnip, onion, tomato, cucumber, pepper, cabbage, radish, beetroot, round, basket, red, yellow, green.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment

The defectologist knocks unnoticed.

defectologist: Guys, hear someone knocking on the door.

The defectologist opens the door and brings in the Masha doll with a basket and vegetables.

Doll Masha greets the guys.

II. Introductory part

defectologist: Masha, what did you bring? The defectologist speaks on behalf of the doll.

Doll: I brought a basket. I don't know what's in it. The doll sits on a chair.

III. Main part

defectologist: What am I holding in my hands?

Children: Basket. If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher answers himself, then speaks in chorus and individually with the children. Children sit on chairs.

defectologist: Let's see what lies here.

Didactic game "Name what you took"

Progress of the game: the child takes out a dummy vegetable, names it and determines its color. Then he puts it in the basket. At the end of the game, the teacher reinforces the names of vegetables and their colors in chorus.

defectologist: Well done!

defectologist: Name it in one word (Vegetables).

defectologist: How many vegetables are in the basket?

Children: A lot

defectologist: Where do vegetables grow?

Children: In the garden.

On the carpet on black fabric there are replicas of vegetables.

Didactic game “Gather vegetables from the garden”

Progress of the game: the speech pathologist shows, then the children take turns putting them into three boxes (yellow, red, green) vegetables.

How many vegetables are in the yellow box?

How many vegetables are in the red/green box?

defectologist: Right! Praises each child for correct performance.

Finger game “We chop and chop cabbage”

We chop and chop cabbage (cut with palms)

We are three, three, cabbage (fists rub each other)

We salt the cabbage, salt it (salt with a pinch)

We mash the cabbage, we mash it (we clench and unclench our fingers)

Put it in a jar and try it.

defectologist: Take one round vegetable from the basket.

defectologist: How many vegetables did you take?

Child: One

defectologist: What shape is your vegetable?

Child: Round. The child must agree correctly with the noun (vegetable) with adjective (round cabbage, round tomato, round turnip)

defectologist: ok, well done!

defectologist: Put the vegetable in the basket. How many vegetables did you put in?

Child: one

defectologist: How many vegetables are in the basket?

Children: a lot

defectologist: Well done!

defectologist: Masha, now you know what was in your basket.

IV. Final part

Who came to visit us?

What did Masha bring?

What vegetables did Masha bring?

How many vegetables were there?

Masha prepared cabbage salad for lunch.

What color is cabbage?

What shape is it?

Well done!

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Lesson notes for students with moderate, severe and profound mental retardation (intellectual impairment), severe and multiple developmental disorders

Item: Corrective and developmental lesson

Class: 1 additional

Subject: Square


    Introduce a geometric figure - a square. Reinforce the concepts of “big - small”, primary colors, triangle, circle.

    Develop visual perception, attention, fine motor skills through completing tasks.

    Cultivate interest in classes.

Equipment: kitgeometric shapes, geometric shapes cardboard, multimedia educational equipmentEduPlay.

Progress of the lesson

    Organizational moment

    Hello guys. Today we will get acquainted with a new geometric figure. But first, let's remember what figures you are already familiar with.

    Guys, look what's in my box. Find the shapes you know.

    What is this? What color? Big or small figure?The guys take out circles and triangles, name them, color, size.

    Main part

    Getting to know the square

The squares remain in the box. The teacher shows a large square.

    This figure is called a square.

    Let's count how many angles there are.(Four)

    How many sides?(Four)

    Now look carefully at the sides of the square. What are they?Identical.


    Task “What does a square look like”

    Look at the objects that are on your table. What objects look like a square?There are objects of different shapes on the table, the guys show objects that look like a square and name them.

    Well done!

    Construction of the "House"

    Let's build a house from our figures. What shapes do we need? Do we need a square?Needed.

    Find a large square and a large triangle. Let's build a house.

    What shapes did we use to build the house?(Square and triangle)

    Well done!

    Gymnastics for the eyes

Squares, circles and triangles of various colors and sizes hang on the wall.

    Look for a yellow circle in the office with your eyes. Come and show it. Well done!Further, similarly with other figures.

    Working with a multimedia educational system EduPlay

    Now we will repeat the studied figure.

    We will work on the computer.

The “Geometric Shapes” program, the teacher customizes tasks depending on the level of complexity of the task, the age and capabilities of the group of children. Selects the studied figure for the task, selects the colors in which the studied figure will be painted, selects the figures that will be used as false ones, as well as their color, and the complexity of the task.

    Look at the screen. What figure is shown above?(Square) What color is it?(Red)

    Select the same shape and the same color below.Further similar.

    Well done!

    Final part

    Our lesson has come to an end. Take your seats at your desks.

    What figure did we meet today?

    What objects does a square look like?

    How many angles does a square have? How many sides does a square have?


    Class over!

A variety of physical exercises, varying methods, methodological techniques, and conditions for organizing classes are aimed at maximizing the comprehensive development of the child and his potential. The appropriate selection of physical exercises allows you to selectively solve both general and specific problems. Such natural views exercises such as walking, running, jumping, throwing, exercises with a ball, etc. have enormous potential for correction and development of coordination abilities, balance, spatial orientation, physical fitness, prevention of secondary disorders, correction of sensory and mental disorders.
Taking into account the characteristics of psychomotor underdevelopment, physical and mental retardation, difficulties in perceiving educational material, when selecting tools it is necessary to be guided by the following didactic rules:
1) create maximum stock simple movements with their gradual complication;
2) stimulate verbal regulation and visual imaginative thinking when performing physical exercises;
3) activate as much as possible cognitive activity;
4) focus on intact functions, sensitive periods of development and potential capabilities of the child;
5) with all the variety of methods, give preference to the gaming method. In a relaxed, emotionally charged environment, children learn better educational material;
6) exercises that have names acquire game uniform, stimulate their memorization, and with repeated repetition, develop associative memory.

Walking correction

In the majority of children with mental retardation, deviations in physical development are reflected in the stability of a vertical posture, maintaining balance, gait, and the ability to measure and regulate their movements while walking. Disturbances in walking are individual and have different shapes severity, but the following are typical: the head is down, a shuffling gait, the feet are turned toes inward (or outward), the legs are slightly bent at the hip joints, the movements of the arms and legs are uncoordinated, the movements are not rhythmic. Some children experience lateral swaying of the body (Kataeva A.A., Strebeleva E.A., 1998).
Being a natural locomotion, walking serves as the main method of movement and an integral part of many exercises in all classes. During the training process, special attention is paid to the formation of correct posture, positioning of the head and shoulders, movement of the arms, and extension of the legs at the moment of repulsion. In the lower grades, walking in a straight line is performed with changes in direction, speed, stepping over objects, and acceleration. The load is increased gradually from class to class.

Running correction

In mentally retarded children of primary school age when running typical mistakes are: excessive tension, impetuosity, sudden stops, strong bending of the body or leaning back, throwing back the head, swaying from side to side, inconsistency and small amplitude of movements of the arms and legs, small irregular steps, walking on straight or bent legs (Dmitriev A.A., 2002).

Physical exercises to correct running

No. Exercises Corrective focus
1. Accelerated walking with transition to running, transition from running to walking Mastering the tempo and rhythm of movements, developing endurance
2. Running in place with high hip lifts and changing tempo (from minimum to maximum possible) Stimulation of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, assimilation of the tempo of movements, differentiation of efforts, coordination of movements of the arms and legs
3. “Running” only with your hands, standing still, with a gradual increase and decrease in tempo Correction of hand movement technique, mastering tempo, activation and breathing rhythm
4. Running “snake” without touching objects; the same - together, holding hands Orientation in space, balance, coordination of movements
5 Running in a straight line along a narrow (30-35 cm) corridor (marked with chalk, stretched rubber bands, etc.) Straightness of movements, orientation in space, stimulation of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems
6 Running with hops Rhythm of movements, proportionality of efforts
7 Running at maximum speed for 10, 20, 30 m race Development of speed qualities, stimulation of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems
8. Running with jumping and reaching for objects (mark on the wall, hanging ball) Coordination of movements, proportionality of efforts, speed and strength qualities
9. Running along landmarks (lines marked with chalk with jump ropes) Differentiation of effort and step length
10 "Pony". Running at different paces: slow, fast, trot, gallop, like a small horse Differentiation of temporal characteristics of movements, regulation of breathing rhythm, imagination
11. Slow running alternating with walking (5 - 10 minutes) in rough terrain (in a park, in a forest) with parents Developing endurance, strengthening breathing and cardiovascular system, strengthening the foot
12. "Shuttle run". Running at maximum speed, stopping, carrying objects (cubes, balls) Orientation in space, fine motor skills, proportionality of efforts, surreal qualities, dexterity, stability of the vestibular apparatus
13. Run in a circle with a stop (whistle, clap) and complete tasks: take a beautiful posture, the “stork” pose (stand on one leg, the other bent at the knee), the “swallow” pose (stand on one leg, friend back, arms to the sides ). Hold for 5 s. Speed ​​of motor reaction, speed of switching, coordination of movements, stability of the vestibular apparatus
14. Running for the hoop Fine motor skills of the hand, coordination of movements, differentiation of efforts
15. Running with a load in your hands (large ball, 2 balls, 4 pins) Coordination of movements, adaptation to changed conditions, coordination of actions
16. At the signal, run to the ball lying 10 m from the starting line, take it and, running back, place the ball on the starting line Reaction speed, dexterity, spatial orientation, frequency and accuracy of movements in time, stability of the vestibular apparatus

Jump correction

Violations in jumping from a place with a push with two legs are: pushing off with one leg, inconsistency of movements of the arms and legs during push-off and in flight, weak final effort, inability to land, low squat before take-off, push-off with a straight leg (Dmitriev A A., 2002).
Errors in long and high jumps include a weak push, sometimes a stop before the push, a low flight path, non-participation of the arms, which is explained by a low level of coordination abilities, leg extensor strength, and speed-strength qualities. In addition, children find it difficult to solve two motor tasks at the same time: moving their legs and swinging their arms.
The proposed preparatory exercises do not include classic long and high jumps, but prepare the foot and all the leg muscles. In classes with children, they perform an independent function, developing a variety of coordination abilities, correcting movement deficiencies and developing intact functions.

Physical exercises to correct jumps

No. Exercises Corrective focus
1. Jumps on two legs moving forward, turning to the right, to the left by 90" Coordination and rhythm of movements, strengthening the foot, orientation in space
2. Jumping alternately on each leg for a distance of 10-15 m
3. Jumping rope - on two, on one leg, alternately, in place and moving forward and backward Coherence and rhythm of movements, differentiation of efforts, strengthening of the foot, development of endurance
4. Frog jumps with arm swings (5-6 jumps in a row) Coordination of hand movements, differentiation of efforts, symmetry of movements
5. Jump from a place forward - upward through a stretched rope - height 10, 20, 30 cm with a swing of the arms Differentiation of the direction of efforts, coordination of movements of the arms and legs, speed and strength qualities
6. Jumping on two legs over stuffed balls from a half-squat with an euk swing Differentiation of distance and effort, coordination of arm and leg movements, development of leg extensor strength
7. Jumping up from a deep squat Coherence of movements, development of leg extensor strength
8. Jumping with a ball between your feet Coordination of movements, accuracy of kinesthetic sensations
9. Depth jump from a squat (jumping) onto foam mats from a height of 40-50 cm, followed by jumping up Overcoming fear, springy properties of the foot, coordination of movements, speed and strength qualities
10 Jump up while reaching for a suspended object (ball, balloon) Proportionality of distance and effort, coordination and accuracy of movements, speed and strength qualities
11. Jumping in place with clapping in front, behind, overhead for every second jump Coordination of movements of arms and legs, rhythm of movements
12 Jump on a gymnastic bench, jump from a gymnastic bench, jump over a gymnastic bench Differentiation of concepts with prepositions “on”, “with”, “through”
13. Jumping through a hoop
a) stepping over;
b) on two legs with interleaps;
c) on two legs
Strengthening the arch of the foot, rhythm and proportionality of efforts, coordination of movements of the arms and legs
14. Jumping in place on two legs with eyes closed, on every 4th count - turn 90° Strengthening the arch of the foot, the ability to reproduce a given rhythm of movements without visual control

Correction for climbing and climbing

The program includes climbing a gymnastic wall and a bench, and climbing over an obstacle. These exercises are of practical importance and contribute to the development of strength, dexterity, coordination of movements, strengthening the arch of the foot, developing posture, and the ability to control one’s body. Climbing and climbing correct deficiencies mental activity- fear, high self-esteem, fear of heights, inappropriate behavior in difficult situations. Exercises performed at height must be explained and demonstrated with the utmost precision and require safety and protection. To overcome obstacles, a gymnastic ladder, bench, beam, rope, inclined ladder, foam cubes, soft beam, wooden and rope ladders are used.

Physical exercises to correct climbing and climbing

No. n/i Exercises
Corrective focus
1. Crawl under a rope, under a log, under a bench Coordination of movements, proportionality of efforts
2 Climbing over the rail of a ladder Dexterity, coordination of movements, accuracy of movement, orientation in space
3. Climbing on a gymnastic bench on your knees, on all fours, forward and backward to the edge of the bench Coordination of movements of arms and legs, differentiation of efforts, speed of movement
4. Climbing over a gymnastic bench, foam cubes, soft beam, etc. Orientation in space, coordination of all parts of the body
5. Climbing over an inclined bench set at an angle of 10° Coordination, adaptive response to changed conditions
6. Climbing on an inclined bench in any way up and downhill Coherence of movements, orientation in space, differentiation of efforts
7. Climbing the gymnastic wall with side steps, on one rail, starting from the bottom, gradually rising higher and higher (do not look down) Overcoming fear of heights, prevention of flat feet, orientation in space, consistency and sequence of movements of the arms and legs
8. "Ship". Climbing up and down the gymnastic wall, stepping on each rail alternately with two feet Overcoming fear of heights, coordination and consistency of movements of arms and legs, prevention of flat feet imagination
9. "Hooray". Climb up the gymnastic wall, standing on each step, remove the ribbon hanging on the top rail, walk with side steps to the adjacent wall and go down in the same way Overcoming fear of heights, spatial orientation, motor memory, prevention of postural disorders and flat feet
10. "Turtle". Climbing on a gymnastic bench, lying on your stomach and pulling yourself up on your arms Coordination of movements, development of muscle strength of the arms and shoulder girdle
11. Climbing on a gymnastic bench in any way, followed by climbing over foam cubes (boards, piles of mats) Coordination of movements, speed of switching, coordination of movements, orientation in space
12. "Camel". Crawling and climbing on a gymnastic bench with a weight on the back (cube, rubber ring) Balance, coordination of movements
13. "To the mast." Climbing up and down a rope ladder Orientation in space, courage, coordination, differentiation of space, prevention of flat feet

Throwing correction

Impaired movements in throwing: tension, stiffness of the torso; haste; incorrect swing, throwing is done with straight legs or straight arms; untimely release of the projectile, weakness of the final effort, lack of coordination of movements of the arms, legs and torso.
Before learning to throw, it is necessary for children to master a variety of objective actions, which usually begins with large balls, because they are better to hold in their hands, and then moves on to small ones.

Correction and development of fine motor skills of the hands

One of the most pronounced manifestations of central nervous system damage is a violation of the nervous regulation of fine motor movements of the hands and fingers. Deviations always manifest themselves in purposeful motor acts that require precise coordinated movements, including throwing.
The versatility of exercises with a ball lies in their variety of effects not only on fine motor skills, but also on the entire range of coordination abilities, the eye, muscle sense, differentiation of effort and space, without which it is impossible to master writing, and many household, work, and sports skills. To activate the movements of the hand and fingers, a variety of small equipment is used - balls of different volume, weight, material, color; balls - inflatable, plastic, wooden; flags, ribbons, rubber rings, hoops, gymnastic sticks, cubes, hedgehog balls, geometric figures cut out of cardboard, buttons, toys, etc. The main method is play, but there are also independent exercises that can be performed in any environment: at home, in the yard, on a walk, in activities with parents, other children, on their own.

Physical exercises for the correction and development of fine motor skills of the hands

No. Exercises Corrective focus
1. With small balls (rubber, tennis, etc.)
a) Shifting, throwing the ball from one hand to another,
b) Tossing the ball with both hands in front of you, catching with both.
c) Throwing the ball in front of you with your right (left) and catching it with both.
d) Tossing the ball with the right, catching with the left and vice versa with a gradual increase in flight altitude
Coordination of hand movements, concentration, tracking movements.
Concentration of attention, differentiation of efforts in time and space
2 Throwing the ball high up and before catching it, performing various movements (claps in front, behind, under the knee), turning right, left, around Fine differentiation of hand forces, coordination of hand movements and additional movements in time and space. Shifting attention
3 a) Hitting the ball on the floor and catching it with both hands.
b) The same, but catching with the right (left) hand
Differentiation of efforts, visual analysis of the dependence of the height of the ball’s rebound on the force and direction of the impact, orien
4. a) Hitting the ball against the wall with one hand and catching it with both,
b) The same with an additional movement before catching the ball: clap in front, behind, under the knee, turn in a circle
Differentiation of force and direction of movement, regulation of muscle direction, switching speed, spatial accuracy
5. a) Circular movements of the hands to the right and left with tennis balls in both hands,
b) Alternately throwing balls and catching them with the right, then with the left,
c) Simultaneously throwing 2 balls and catching them with both hands after hitting the balls on the floor
Mobility in the wrist joint, distribution of attention, fine differentiation of temporary, power and spatial characteristics movements, simultaneous solution of two motor tasks (right and left)
6. a) Alternately hitting different balls on the floor and catching them with two (table tennis balls, rubber, rubber, tennis),
b) Hitting different balls against the wall,
c) Tossing and throwing balls from one hand to another,
d) Tossing with the right and catching with the right
Differentiation of tactile sensations, differentiation of motor reactions in response to different stimuli, accuracy of movements, proportionality of movements of the hand and fingers, distribution of attention
e) Tossing with the left and catching with the left,
e) Throwing the ball at the target from close range
7. Throwing at a horizontal target (hoop) from a distance of 4-6 m. Throwing at a target with three balls (plastic, rubber and tennis), different in weight and material
Differentiation of tactile sensations, effort and distance. Manual dexterity, quick response to switching, speed and strength qualities
8. The same, but at a vertical target (target, hoop) located on the wall at eye level Differentiation of tactile sensations, comparison of effort and space, ability of vision to distinguish distance, speed and strength qualities

Relaxation correction

A characteristic feature of the movements of a child with intellectual development retardation is excessive muscle tension both during physical exercise and residual increased tone after its completion, especially after throwing, climbing a gymnastic wall, exercises performed at height, unstable support after and during complex movements being studied.

Correct posture is characterized by: straight position of the torso and head; expanded chest; shoulders laid back, at the same level; moderate natural curves of the spine, legs fully straightened at the hip and knee joints, shoulder blades adjacent to the chest, located at the same height, stomach tucked (Fig. 4.1).
1. Sluggish posture. The head is lowered, the chest and back are flattened, the shoulders are brought together, the legs are slightly bent.
2. Slouching. The head is pushed forward, the shoulders are strongly contracted
Most children, due to general functional weakness, hypotonic state of muscles and ligaments, low level of development of physical qualities and coordination abilities, have a wide variety of postural disorders, including all of its most typical forms (Fig. 4.2).

To determine the type of postural disorder, a table is proposed, which lists all the signs of postural deviations from the norm. 4.2)
Often, poor posture is combined with flat feet, foot deformity, and clubfoot, which negatively affects the position of the pelvis and spine. Many mentally retarded schoolchildren have baggy posture, awkward movements, and a tense and unsteady gait. There are children with obvious paresis or paralysis of individual muscle groups (Chernik E.S., 1997).
Children, as a rule, have an idea of ​​​​correct posture and can demonstrate it quite accurately, especially against a vertical wall, but they immediately violate it when doing physical exercises, in everyday movements, walking, sitting at a desk.

When correcting posture junior schoolchildren with mental retardation it is necessary to be guided by the following provisions.
1. The formation of posture is based on the harmonious development of the strength of the muscles of the back, abdominals, upper and lower extremities, the ability to differentiate muscle-joint sensations, the position of individual parts of the body in space, the ability to tense and relax muscles at rest and in motion.
2. It is necessary to use all types of adaptive physical culture and all possible forms of physical education and recreational activities: morning hygienic exercises, physical education breaks, outdoor games, additional extracurricular and extracurricular activities, walks in the fresh air, swimming, hardening, etc.
3. On the part of parents, daily attention to the child’s posture is necessary, creating conditions for its formation: adequate hygienic and physiological requirements for clothing, furniture, lighting, postures during sleep, sitting, standing, etc.
4. Correction of posture, on the one hand, includes a broad complex effect of a wide variety of exercises on all muscle groups, on the other hand, the specific effect of purposefully selected exercises to compensate for violations of a certain type of posture.

Exercises for correcting lateral curvatures of the spine (initial stage)

No. Exercises Corrective focus
1. "Kitty." From a standing position on all fours - lowering and raising the head with bending in the lumbar region, followed by extension in the thoracic and lumbar spine Flexibility of the spine, strengthening of the muscular corset, coordination of movements of the head and torso, vestibular stability
2. "Ring". From a kneeling position, hands on the waist - bending, bending back until your head touches the floor. Carried out with insurance Spinal flexibility, abdominal stretching, back strengthening, vestibular stability, symmetry of movements
3. "Vanka-Vstanka." From a sitting position with knees bent as far as possible Strengthening the trunk muscles, motor coordination
with hands pressed to the chest and arms clasped - roll back and return to the starting position without using hands movements, differentiation of muscle sensations, orientation in space
4. "Bird". From a sitting position on the floor, legs apart, arms to the sides (fix correct posture) - bend forward until your hands touch your toes, maintaining the position of your head, torso and arms Flexibility of the lumbar spine, stretching of the back muscles, symmetry of movements, control over the position of body parts in space
5. "Snake". From a lying position on your stomach, legs together, arms at shoulder level, palms forward - slowly straightening your arms and raising your head, bend as much as possible in the thoracic and lumbar regions, throwing your head back Flexibility of the spine, stretching of the chest and abdominal muscles, control of force and timing characteristics of movement, resistance to vestibular irritation
6. "Boat". From a position lying on your stomach, hands behind your back, raise your head, chest, legs, fix the pose, sway “on a boat” Flexibility of the spine, static strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back and abdomen
7. "Swimmer". From a position lying on your chest - move your arms, as in breaststroke swimming on your chest, gradually increasing the amplitude and tempo of movements, without touching the floor with your hands Strengthening the muscles of the trunk, coordination and symmetry of movements, differentiation of spatial and temporal characteristics of movement
8. "Fish" From a lying position on your stomach, hands on your forearms on the floor, fingers forward - slowly straightening your arms, raise your head, bend in all parts of the spine and touch your feet, bent at the knees, to your head Flexibility of the spine, stretching of the chest and abdominal muscles, strengthening of the torso muscles
9. "Candle". From a lying position on your back, hands behind your head - first bend your knees and then straighten them Abdominal muscle strength, coordination of movements, spatial
to a vertical position in relation to the floor, fix the position and slowly lower it to the starting position natural orientation, regulation of range of motion
10. "Bike". From a lying position on your back, arms along the body and raising your legs to a vertical position - imitation of the movements of a cyclist, first slowly, with gradual acceleration Strength of the abdominal muscles, coordination and rhythm of movements, differentiation of the tempo of movements
11. "Arrow". From a lying position on the right side, right hand extended upward, the left one rests on the floor at shoulder level - abduction of the left leg upward. The same - on the left side with the right leg abducted Strengthening the lateral muscles of the torso, abdomen and legs, coordination of movements
12. "Pendulum". From the starting position lying on your back, arms to the sides - raise your legs 90° and, without spreading them, lower them to your right, lift them up again and lower them to your left, without lifting your shoulders from the floor Strengthening the abdominal muscles and lateral muscles of the body, coordination of movements, orientation in space, volitional effort
Exercises to correct a round (stooped) back
No. Exercises Corrective focus
1. 2. 3. "Kitty"
Flexibility of the thoracic spine, maintaining posture in dynamic exercises and static poses
4. "Crawl". Standing in front of a mirror, rotate your arms back, simulating arm movements in the back crawl, gradually increasing the tempo of movements. Control the position of the shoulder girdle Increased mobility of the shoulder joints. Strengthening the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. Rhythm and coordination of movements, regulation of the tempo of movements
5. "Pump". Standing in front of the mirror in a pose of correct posture - tilt the torso to the right and left, sliding your hands along the torso. Control the position of the shoulder girdle Strengthening the lateral muscles of the body, stability of the vestibular apparatus, regulation of posture
6. "Barbell". From a standing position in front of a mirror with a gymnastic stick behind your shoulders, tilt your torso forward to a horizontal position, constantly looking into the eyes of your mirror image Strengthening the muscles of the trunk, flexibility of the thoracic spine, visual control of posture regulation, symmetry of movements
7. "Onion". Standing close to the gymnastic wall with your back to the gymnastics wall, grab the bar at shoulder level - bend in the thoracic region, straighten your arms and return to the starting position Flexibility of the thoracic spine, coordination of movements, stretching of the abdominal muscles
8. "Monkey." From a standing position on the 4th rail from below, facing the gymnastic wall, with a two-handed grip at waist level, squat deeply, straightening your arms Strengthening the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle and torso, orientation in space
9. "Strongman." From a lying position on your stomach with dumbbells (1 kg each) in your hands, arms to the sides - slightly stretch your neck, bend in the thoracic region, move your arms to the sides, bring your shoulder blades together and raise your legs: return to the starting position, relax your arms Flexibility of the thoracic spine, static strength of the arms and shoulder girdle, symmetry of forces
10. "Eagle". From a lying position with your hips across a gymnastic bench, legs secured (partner holds ankles), hands behind head - bend forward followed by extension in the thoracic and lumbar regions, raise your head, move your elbows to the sides, fix the pose and return to the starting position, relax Flexibility of the thoracic spine, stretching of the muscles of the anterior side of the body, orientation in space, symmetry of movements, stability of the vestibular apparatus

Exercises to correct a round-concave back

No. Exercises Corrective focus
1 "Cockerel." 1) Standing on one leg, leaning sideways on the gymnastics wall, bend your leg at the knee, grab it by the ankle and pull your heel towards your buttock. The same on the other leg.
  1. The same, from a lying position on your stomach.
  2. The same, with both legs pulled up to the buttocks
2 "Column". Kneeling, arms along the body, chin tucked - tilt the body back, maintaining a straight line from the knees to the head Stretching the muscles of the anterior surface of the thighs, balance, differentiation of range of motion
3 "Mahi." Standing sideways against the gymnastics wall, holding the bar, swing your leg forward and backward, trying to reach your buttock. The same, standing on the other side Stretching the muscles of the front of the thighs
4 "Woodcutter". From the stand position, legs apart, hands locked - swing your arms up and sharply bend forward, do not bend your legs Stretching the back muscles, rhythmic movements, stability of the vestibular apparatus
5 "Book". From a sitting position on the floor, legs apart - bend forward until your forehead touches your knees Back muscle stretching
6. "Spider". Walking in a deep bend, grabbing your ankles with your hands Stretching the back muscles, spatial orientation
7. "Cancer". 1) From a lying position on your stomach, alternately lift your straight legs back and up. 2) The same, from rest on your knees Strengthening the muscles of the back of the thighs and back, coordination of movements
8. "Boat" Strengthening the muscles of the back of the thighs and back
9 "Bike" Abdominal muscle strength
10. "Scissors". From an emphasis sitting behind - crossing straight legs Abdominal muscle strength
11. "Numbers". From a lying position on your back and raising your legs up to right angle- writing numbers 1, 2, 3... with straight legs large amplitude, but without touching the floor. After each number there is rest, which is gradually reduced and eliminated completely. Conducted in a competitive form - who can write the most numbers (or letters) Abdominal muscle strength, coordination of movements, imaginative thinking, volitional effort, accuracy of movements, spatial orientation, regulation of range of motion
12. "Heavy legs." 1) From a supine position with a medicine ball (2 kg) clamped between your knees, bend your legs, lifting them to an angle of 45° and slowly return to the starting position.
  1. Do the same with a medicine ball held between your ankles.
  2. The same, but holding straight legs with a load at a height of 10-20 cm from the floor, for 5-10 s
Strength of the abdominal muscles, differentiation of forces and space, coordination and accuracy of movements, volitional effort

Exercises to correct a flat back

No. Exercises Corrective focus
1. 2. "Boat" "Swimmer" Strengthening your back muscles
3. "Lizard". 1) From a position lying on your stomach, chin on the back of your hands, placed on top of each other, move your hands to your waist, raising your head and shoulders, bringing your shoulder blades together. Hold this position for as long as possible without holding your breath.
2) The same, but move the hands to the shoulders, behind the head
Strengthening the strength of the back muscles, differentiation of spatial characteristics of movement, maintaining posture in an unusual position, volitional effort, coordination of movements
4. "Boxing". 1) From a lying position on your stomach, raising your head and shoulders, arms to the sides - clench and unclench your hands.
2) The same, but alternately bending and straightening your arms forward - up (boxing)
Strengthening the back muscles, developing motor skills, controlling the temporal characteristics of movement, proportionality and accuracy of movements
5. "Cancer" Strengthening your back muscles
6. "Gun". From a prone position on your stomach - pushing a medicine ball away from you (1-2 kg) Strength of the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle, coordination of movements and proportionality of efforts, maintaining posture in unusual conditions
7. "Corner". 1) From a hanging position on a gymnastic wall - alternately raising the legs bent at the knees. 2) The same, but raising straight legs. 3) The same, but raising both legs at the same time Strengthening the muscles of the front of the thighs
8. "Candle". 1) From a supine position, alternately raise straight legs. 2) The same, but at the same time Strength of the muscles of the anterior surface of the thighs, differentiation of forces,
straight leg raise. 3) The same, with weights (medicine ball) between the ankles coordination of movements, volitional efforts
9. "Pistol." 1) Standing sideways at the gymnastics wall, holding the bar at waist level - squat on one, the other - forward, stand leaning on the wall. 2) The same on the other leg Strength of the muscles of the front surface of the thighs, coordination of movements, maintaining posture during dynamic movements

Flat feet are quite common in children with mental retardation, so to prevent the development of flat feet, it is important to promptly identify existing disorders and take preventive measures.
A flat foot is characterized by a lowering of the longitudinal or transverse arch, which causes pain when walking and standing, Bad mood, rapid fatigue (Fig. 4.3).

The main cause of flat feet is weakness of the ligamentous muscles that support the arch of the foot.
Most often in weakened and obese children, although the nature of its occurrence may be different. There are congenital flat feet, rachitic, paralytic, traumatic and the most common; static (M.I. Fonarev).
Exercises for the prevention and correction of flat feet are used in the following starting positions: lying, sitting, standing, walking, which makes it possible to regulate the load on the muscles of the lower leg and foot. When choosing a starting position, you should exclude the negative influence of body weight on the arch of the foot in a standing position. First, exercises are performed lying and sitting.

Corrective exercises performed while lying down

1. Lying on your back, alternately and together pull the toes of your feet, raising and lowering the outer edge of the foot.
2. Bend your knees, rest your feet on the floor, spread your heels to the sides.
3. Bend your knees, rest your feet on the floor, alternately and simultaneously lift your heels off the floor.
4. With the foot of one leg, grasp the shin of the other and slide along it.
5. Lying on your back, alternately and simultaneously stretching the toes of your feet and turning them inward.

Corrective exercises performed while sitting

1. Maximum plantar flexion of the feet with inward rotation.
2. Alternately grabbing a gymnastic stick with your toes.
3. Raking a fabric mat with your fingers or simulating raking sand.
4. Grasping round objects (tennis balls, billiard balls) with the inner arches of the feet and moving them from one place to another.
5. Sitting on the edge of a chair, feet parallel, grab the knee joints with your hands, spread your knees, simultaneously place your feet on the outer edge and bend your toes.
6. Rolling with the feet of a ball, gymnastic stick, massage roller.
7. Maximum extension and reduction of the heels, without lifting the toes from the floor.
8. From an emphasis sitting behind you, knees bent, pull your heels towards your buttocks - crawling movements of the feet forward and backward using the toes.
9. From a sitting position with bent knees, place your hands outside between the thigh and lower leg, grasping the feet on the outside with your palms, and lift your feet one by one with your hands.
10. The same, but grab the feet from the inside.
11. In a kneeling position, with your feet spread outward, sit on the floor between your legs, grab your feet with your hands from the side of the sole and lift them one by one.
12. While sitting at the back, alternate and simultaneous circular movements of the foot.

Corrective exercises performed while standing

1. Standing on the outer arches of your feet, rise on your toes and return to the starting position.
2. Standing on the outer arches of the foot - half squat.
3. Standing, toes together, heels apart - rise on your toes, return to the starting position.
4. Standing, feet parallel at a palm's distance - bending your toes, lift the inner edge of the foot.
5. Standing next to the next (the right toe touches the left heel), rise on the toes, return to the starting position.
6. Place two clubs (pins) on the floor, their heads almost touching, and their bases pointing outward - grab the neck or head of the club with your toes and place it on the base.
7. Roll a tennis ball with your toes from toe to heel without lifting it.
8. Place your left (right) foot on your toes - alternately changing positions at a fast pace.
9. Standing, legs apart, feet parallel, hands on the waist - squat on the entire foot, maintaining correct posture, return to the starting position.

Corrective exercises performed while walking

1. Walking on your toes, on the outer arches of your feet.
2. Walking on your toes, in a half-squat, toes inward.
3. Goose step walking on the outer arches of the feet.
4. Walking on medicine balls.
5. Walking on toes on an inclined plane.
6. Walking on your toes with a high hip lift.
7. Walking lengthwise and sideways with side steps along a rope located on the floor.
8. Walking with side steps along the bar of the gymnastic wall, holding the bar at waist level.
9. Climb the gymnastic wall up and down, grabbing the bar with your fingers and turning your feet inward.
10. Walking on toes, collecting scattered nuts, checkers, buttons with your toes.
11. Walking on all fours in small steps.
12. Walking on a massage mat (on grass, pebbles, gravel).

Breathing correction

Children with mental retardation are characterized by irregular shallow breathing and the inability to voluntarily control the act of breathing and coordinate it with movement. Children should be able to use chest, diaphragmatic (abdominal) and mixed (full) breathing. First, various types of breathing are mastered at rest, and then in combination with movements. Inhalation and exhalation are carried out through the nose,
Moreover, the exhalation should be longer than the inhalation, which contributes to a more complete subsequent inhalation. The sooner a child learns to breathe correctly, the greater the effect of physical exercise.

Exercises to correct breathing

No. Exercises Corrective focus
1. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, right hand on the chest, left hand on the stomach - deep slow breathing through the nose Understanding the mechanism of full breathing: the right one controls thoracic breathing (the chest rises), the left controls abdominal breathing (the stomach rises)
2. Lying on your back, arms along your body - take a deep breath through your nose (inhale the “smell of a flower”), exhale slowly through your nose Increasing the depth of breathing, training in deep breathing, imaginative thinking
3. Lying on your back, arms along your body, legs bent at the knees - take a deep breath and exhale Increasing the depth of full breathing in a static position
4. The same, with a given breathing rhythm: inhale for 3 counts, exhale for 4 counts (“blowing off a dandelion”) Mastering the rhythm of full breathing
5. Standing, hands on waist - take a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth, lips in a tube (“put out the candle”) Increasing the depth of diaphragmatic breathing, imaginative thinking
6. Sitting on the floor, knees bent, elbows resting on the stomach, palms open in front of you - take a deep breath and exhale long (“blow on the milk”) Increased depth of chest breathing, imaginative thinking
7. Lying on your back, raising your arms up - inhale, lowering - exhale Increasing the depth of inspiration in combination with movement
8. Sitting on a chair, putting a medicine ball (2 kg) on ​​your stomach and holding it with your hands, take a deep breath, exhale slowly, mouth with a straw Increased mobility of the diaphragm, increased depth of inspiration
9. Sitting on a chair, spread your arms to the sides - take a deep breath, while exhaling - bend forward, reaching your toes with your hands Coordination of breathing with movement, accentuated strong exhalation
10. Standing, hands in front of the chest, after a deep breath - as you exhale, spring back the arms, bent at the elbows Coordination of breathing with movement, partial exhalation (4 counts)
11. "Woodcutter". Feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped - take a deep breath - raise your hands, while exhaling with a tilt, sharply lower your hands, saying “oo-oo-oo”>
12. "Frog". Jumping on two legs, moving forward with a wave of the arms. During the swing, take a deep breath, while jumping, exhale strongly while pronouncing the sounds “kwa” Coordination of breathing with movement, accentuated exhalation, development of respiratory muscles
13. Walking, hands on the belt with different breathing options: 3 steps - inhale, 3 steps - exhale; 4 steps - inhale, 4 steps - exhale; 2 steps - inhale, 3 steps - exhale; for 3 steps - inhale, for 5 steps - exhale, etc. Focusing on breathing, varying the breathing rate, matching the given breathing rate with movement
14. Running with an emphasis on breathing: a) after a strong inhalation through the nose, without holding your breath, gradually exhale for each step, on the fourth, exhale completely through the mouth while pronouncing the sounds “f-fu”; b) gradual inhalation for 4 steps, gradual exhalation for 4 steps; c) for 2 steps - inhale, for 4 steps - exhale Assimilation of different breathing rhythms, coordination with movement, attention to exhalation
15. Running with voluntary breathing, acceleration, stopping, jumping, etc. Development of the cardiorespiratory system, determination of individual breathing rhythm
16. Running and walking along the paths of the park, over rough terrain with regulation of the frequency and depth of breathing Same

Vision prevention

About 30% of children with mental retardation have visual impairment. Myopia is the most common condition.
For the preservation of vision, hygienic conditions for conducting classes are essential, in particular, rational and sufficient lighting, cleanliness of the premises, age-appropriate sports equipment and equipment, absolute safety, which create comfortable conditions for classes and reduce eye fatigue.
If a child begins to rub his eyes, squint from the abundance of light, or his eyes develop redness or watery eyes, he should be examined by a doctor. Ophthalmologists of the Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after. Helmholtz and specialists from the Federal Center for Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine have developed special physical exercise to prevent the onset and progression of visual impairment. Here are several exercises that are the simplest and most accessible for mentally retarded children, which can be performed both in class and at home (Lilin E.T., Doskin V.A., 1997).

Each lesson uses 3 to 5 exercises. Measures for the prevention and correction of vision are described in more detail in Chapter 2.