Summary of nodes on teaching literacy in the preparatory group. Summary of a lesson for children on teaching literacy in a preparatory group for school Development of literacy in a preparatory group

Lesson objectives:

Review and consolidate your knowledge of sounds. Continue learning to distinguish between vowels and consonants.

Strengthen the ability to find the location of a sound. Continue learning to perform sound analysis of words: divide words into syllables.

Promote the development of sound analysis and phonemic awareness.

Develop oral speech logical thinking, attention, fine motor skills of the fingers, cognition.

To cultivate a desire to help the weak, goodwill, love and respect for birds.

Previous work: Reading the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”, guessing riddles, talking about birds.

Equipment: apple tree, stove, river, colored chips, object pictures, notebooks, pencils, apple, basket of apples, picture of a tit.

1 Org. Moment

2 Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Educator: Today, guys, during our literacy lesson we will go on a journey through a fairy tale. And according to which fairy tale, you have to guess.

In a fairy tale the sky is blue

Birds are scary in a fairy tale

Apple tree save me

River save me


Guys, we received a letter from Alyonushka, she asks us to find and save her brother Ivanushka, the swan geese took him to Baba Yaga. Shall we help Alyonushka? To start traveling through a fairy tale, let's say the magic words.

Ra-ra-ra - the game begins.

SA-sa-sa- miracles await us on the way.

(Baba Yaga runs out to the music)

Why did you come here? I won’t give you Ivanushka, you won’t find him.

(Baba Yaga runs away)

Guys, where does Baba Yaga live? (in the dense forest)

3. Phonetic exercise

Wolves howl in the forest

Leaves rustle shhhh

Snakes crawl and whistle ssss

What did we say? (Sounds)

What are sounds? (we hear, pronounce)

What sounds are there? How are consonants different from vowels?

Guys, look at the tree? What kind of tree? (Apple tree). Let's ask the apple tree where the geese and swans took Ivanushka?

Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the geese and swans fly?

  1. Play with the apple. Game "Sounds Lost".

(pass the apple, saying the word)

...arelka, ...tul, ...osuda, ...yba, ...urtka, ...kaf, ...ozhka, ...iraf, ...ilka.


There is a hut in the dark forest (we walk)

Standing backwards (turning)

There is an old woman in that hut (tilts)

Grandmother Yaga lives (turn back)

Crochet nose (show nose)

Eyes big (show eyes)

Like embers are burning

Wow, how angry? (we shake our fingers)

My hair stands on end.

  1. Guys, look, we've reached the river, maybe the river knows where the geese-swans Ivanushka

Taken away? Let's ask. River, river, where did the swan geese fly? We need to go across the river. To pass through the river, you need to correctly identify soft and hard sounds, with which the words on the cards begin.

Lemon green chip

Blue chip fish

(Working with cards and chips)

Well done, guys! We did it. So you and I crossed the river.

  1. We meet the stove

Oven-oven where did the geese-swans fly? Determine the place of the sound and in the words of the task a titmouse flew to us. She wants to help us. As in a word, a titmouse has a beginning - a head, a middle - a body, and an end - a tail. Where do tits live in the summer? And in winter? Why?

Tits bring great benefits to forests, parks and gardens.

A great tit eats as many insects per day as it weighs.


Hands up

And shook it

These are trees in the forest

Arms bent

Quietly shook

These are trees in the forest

Hands raised, wave smoothly

These are the birds flying towards us

How will they sit down too?

Let's show you, put your hands back.

(Baba Yaga runs out to the music)

  1. Guess the riddle

On the edge

On the track

The house is worth

On chicken legs

Sound analysis of the word izba

How many sounds are there in a word? (4)

1 star? (and) vowel

2 stars? (h) consonant, hard, voiced.

3 stars? (6) consonant, hard, sonorous.

4 stars? (a)vowel

How many syllables are in this word? Well done!

Baba Yaga, I won’t give up Ivanushka, shade my hut, then I’ll let you go.

  1. Working in a notebook

Baba Yaga: You completed the tasks, take your Ivanushka.

Ivanushka: Thank you guys for saving me from the evil Baba Yaga. The apple tree gave you apples,

Help yourself

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I present a summary of direct educational activities for children of the preparatory group in the Literacy section. This summary will be useful for teachers of the preparatory group.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", " fiction", "cognition", "socialization", "health".

Purpose of the lesson: Consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities in the section “Teaching literacy”.


Educational e: Check the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children, developed in literacy classes;

Speech: Practice differentiating the studied sounds; practice sound analysis of words; consolidate the ability to compose and analyze sentence diagrams; identify the level of mastery of reading skills; consolidate generalizing concepts; enrich vocabulary children;

Educational: consolidate the ability to work in a notebook and at the board;

Educational: cultivate the ability to listen to comrades, not interrupt each other.

Demo material : cards with the words: ROCKET, COBRA, KOLOBOK, EDGE, DINNER; physical education card.

Handouts . “Candy” - a treat with chips (vowel sound, stressed, soft consonant sound, hard consonant sound, voiced consonant sound, unvoiced consonant sound, syllable (stressed, unstressed), cards with pictures of catfish, pike, crucian carp, shark; colored pencils, notebooks or blank pieces of paper, envelopes with a tongue twister; cards with the game “Lost Letter”

Q. Guys, guests have come to us, many guests, look at them and say hello to them. They want to see you, what smart and literate children you are.

B. Sit down on the carpet and all your attention is on me.

Q. I want to invite you to go to the land of Grammar. And to get there, you need to remember and tell everything you know about sounds, letters, syllables. Are you ready?

Q. Who will tell me what sounds are? What are they? Children's answers. (vowels and consonants: hard and soft, voiced and voiceless).

Q. What are letters? How are they different from sounds? Children's answers (we hear and pronounce sounds, and we write letters, see them, etc.)

V. Well done.

V. Here we are in the land of Grammar. The inhabitants of this country have prepared treats for you, but the treats are not simple, go to your tables, take a piece of candy and unwrap it, you see chips inside, take turns saying what you know about these chips. Children unfold and tell a vowel sound, a stressed sound, a soft consonant sound, a hard consonant sound, a voiced consonant sound, a voiceless consonant sound, a syllable (stressed, unstressed).

V. Well done!

B. Please take a seat at the tables. You and I already know that words are made up of sounds. Is it possible to divide the word? Such sound parts of a word are called syllables. To make the word sound correctly, we put...emphasis. How to put the emphasis correctly? Children's answers (the word needs to be called and the syllable that lasts and will be stressed)

Q. Here is a task that the inhabitants of this country have prepared for you - divide the words into syllables and put emphasis. The teacher shows a sample. river (river)

(Children do all the words on the cards, the words are: catfish, pike, crucian carp, shark)

V. Well done, guys! And, how can you call in one word the words you worked on (fish) Who catches the fish, what is the name of this person? (fisherman) Let's write down this word and do a sound analysis. Children work at tables, one at the blackboard.

V. Smart girls. Now, come to me, let's play. Physical education lesson based on the poems of I. Nikolaevich

There is a worm sitting on the hook (children squat)

Scaring the fish, he makes faces. (articulation gymnastics “Turkey”)

From that - half a day fisherman

Can't catch anything. (children jumping)

The children sit down on the carpet.

B. Pay attention to the board where the word is written, read it ROCKET. What does this word mean? Children's answers. (an aircraft that moves in space)

What animal is hidden in this word? Answers from CANCER children

COBRA. What does this word mean? Children's answers (the largest poisonous snake in the world)

What kind of wall lamp does the cobra carry? Children's answers BRA

KOLOBOK. What does this word mean? Children's answers (folk tale character)

What part of the person’s face is hidden in this word? Children's answers

EDGE. What does this word mean? Children's answers (edge ​​of the forest)

What artillery piece is hidden at the edge of the forest? Children's answers CANNON

DINNER. What does this word mean? Children's answers (Evening food)

What non-venomous snakes crawled in for dinner? Children's answers UZHI.

V. Well done! Now go to the tables and take the envelope containing some kind of message. Children are reading.

The hedgehog needs a beetle for dinner.

V. Great. Tell me, what did you read, what is it called? Children's answers Suggestion.

Q. How many words are there in this sentence? Let's draw a diagram for this sentence (one child goes to the board, the rest write on their pieces of paper).

How do you spell the first word in a sentence? (The first word in a sentence is written with capital letters). What comes at the end of a sentence? Children's answers (period) What punctuation marks are added at the end of the sentence? (! ?)

V. Well done! Come out to me. Now let's say this tongue twister together correctly (quietly, calmly, quickly, loudly, and now as if at the end there is question mark, joyfully). Next, the teacher asks the children individually.

V. Well done. What sound is common here? [F] what can you say about this sound. What is he like? Children's answers (Agreed, always firm, loud) Wonderful!

B. Take a seat at the tables. And as a farewell, the residents of this wonderful country have prepared for you the last task “The Lost Letter”

V. So our journey through the country of Letters has ended. Well done guys, you completed all the tasks, what did we do in class today? Which task did you like the most? How do we end our lesson?

Nadezhda Moskaluk
Summary of an open literacy lesson in preparatory group

: "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik"

MKOU "Pavlovskaya secondary school" (preschool department) Lesson summary for the preparatory school group"Seven-flowered flower"

Prepared: teacher Moskaluk N.V. 2015.

Summary of GCD on teaching literacy in the preparatory school group TOPIC: "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik"

Age: school preparatory group.

Integration of educational regions: social - communicative, cognitive development, speech development, physical development.



1. Teach children to conduct sound analysis of words, differentiating sounds (consonants and vowels)

2. Improve phonemic hearing: learn to isolate a sound in a word, determine its place in a word.

3. Practice writing sentences and the ability to create a sentence outline.

4. Develop the ability to divide words into syllables.


1. Develop the ability to listen carefully and follow the instructions of the teacher.

2. Continue to develop the ability to defend your point of view.

3. Build a sense of camaraderie.

Demo material: flower with seven petals, envelope with letter.

cards with pictures.

Handouts: colored circles (red, blue); cards with numbers 1,2,3,4; strip diagrams for writing proposals.

Organization of children: in a circle, at tables;

Preliminary work: game for developing auditory attention "Remember, repeat"; making sentences from given words; drawing up diagrams of composed sentences, sound analysis of words.


1. Organizational moment–1 task “Guess the riddle and describe it”

2. Work on the topic classes: - 2nd task

3 task

4 PHYSICAL MINUTE - 5 task "Find the Sound"

Task 6 "Game Sound Houses".

Task 7

3. Summary classes. Move:

Educator. Guys, come to me. Tell me what's your mood today?

Children. Good, joyful, cheerful.

Educator. Amazing! Let's hold hands and give each other our good mood. (Children stand in a circle).

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tighter

And let's smile at each other.

Educator. Guys, this morning at group I discovered such a wonderful flower, seven-flowered. And there's a letter pinned to it. I wouldn’t read without you. I suggest you open the envelope and read the letter, in case it is for us. Do you agree?

(Teacher opens the envelope, takes out a letter, reads: “Dear guys, you are going to school soon, so you should know and be able to do a lot. I am sending you my magic flower with tasks - riddles. If you complete all my assignments, it means that you are ready for school. Then I congratulate you in advance. And if some tasks seem very difficult to you, and you find it difficult to complete them, then it’s also not a problem. You still have time before school starts and you will have time to study. I wish you good luck! Good morning! Wise Owl.) Educator. Well, let's try to complete these tasks? (Yes). And at the same time, we will show our guests what we have learned, and we will also find out what else is worth learning before starting school, so that both teachers and parents can be proud of us.

So what petal we'll open first, Baby's name?

Children's answers.

1 Task “Guess the riddle and describe it”

I open my buds

into green leaves.

I dress the trees

I water the crops,

Full of movement

my name is... Educator: Well done! Guys, tell me what is it like, spring?

Children: warm, sunny, cold, early, long-awaited, rainy, noisy, green, windy, task 2 “Make a proposal based on the painting”

Educator: Guys, look at the board. (There is a picture on the board "Spring"). Children make up sentences about spring and determine the number of words in the sentence.

There are pattern stripes on your tables. From them you should lay out a diagram proposals:

1. The long-awaited spring has arrived.

2. The children went for a walk in the park.

(Children lay out sentence diagrams. Then we check at the board)

Educator: Well done and you completed this task. Educator: You correctly characterized spring and completed the second task of the Wise Owl.

Educator: what petal with the task will we open?

3 task “Guess the riddle and do a sound analysis for the word - the answer” The streams are running faster, the sun is shining warmer, the Sparrow is happy with the weather - he came to see us for a month... (MARCH)

Educator: Well done, you guessed the riddle. Now let's do a sound analysis of the word "MARCH". To do this, you have blue and red circles on your table.

What sounds are indicated in blue?

What sounds are indicated in red?

How many sounds are in a word "MARCH"?

What color is the first circle? So, let's begin the sound analysis of the word "MARCH".

Children perform similar actions with other sounds and lay out the sound track for the word March in front of them. One child works at the blackboard.

Educator: How many sounds are in this word? How many vowels? Do you agree?

Whoever has the circles in the same order as the children named, raise your hands. Well done! You also completed this task, now let’s do some physical education

4. Physical education minute:

We tear off the next petal, and there is this: exercise:

5 task "Game Sound Houses". Educator: Guys, now we’re going to play Sound Houses. There are houses with windows on your tables. How many windows there are in a house, there are so many sounds in a word. You need to choose from two pictures the one that suits your house. (each has a house and two cards). Well done, you have completed this task.

Educator. We tear off the next petal. Listen to the task. Task 6 “Divide the words into syllables and determine their number”.

Educator. You have signs on your tables with the numbers 1,2,3,4. Now I will show pictures. Your task is to name the word and determine how many syllables there are in this word. If there is 1 syllable, you raise a sign with the number 1, if there are 2 syllables, you raise a sign with the number 2, and if there are 3 syllables, you raise a sign with the number 3, 4 syllables, with the number 4. Is the task clear? Let's start.

The teacher shows the pictures (rainbow, rose, poppy, icicles, dandelion, willow, rook) and children determine the number of syllables and pick up cards.

Educator. Well done. That's right.

7 Task “Where is the sound hidden?”

Guess what, guys?

My difficult riddles.

And then determine

Where does sound live? Tell me.

Educator. You and I must guess the riddles of the Wise Owl and determine where he lives in these riddles sound: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word. Are you ready? Let's get started.

The teacher reads riddles. Children solve riddles.

The first to get out of the earth

On a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost

Even if it's small.

(Snowdrop) Educator. Where does the sound [n] live in this word?

Children. In the middle of a word.

In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of the ravine.

(Stream) Educator. Where does the sound [r] live in this word?

Children. At the beginning of the word.

Housewarming party at the starling's house

He rejoices endlessly.

So that a mockingbird lives with us,

We made it.


Educator. Where does the sound [s] live in this word?

Children. At the beginning of the word.

There's someone's house on a branch here

There are no doors or windows in it,

But it’s warm for the chicks to live there.

This is the name of the house.

(Nest) Educator. Where does the sound [o] live in this word?

Children. At the end of a word.

Educator. Well done, and you all did an excellent job with this task.

Educator. Well done, guys, you completed all the tasks, and we can safely write about our achievements in a letter to the Wise Owl.

Tell me did you like ours class? Which task did you think was the easiest? Which one is the most difficult?

Tatiana Garnysheva


Improve the skills of sound analysis of words: identify vowels, consonants (soft, hard, voiceless, voiced); place of sound in a word; divide words into syllables, determining the number of syllables;

Improve the technique of conscious reading of words and sentences; enrich children's vocabulary.


Develop phonemic hearing, visual perception, thinking, attention, memory;

Develop the ability to answer the teacher’s question with a complete answer, practice coming up with sentences with a given word;


Create a good mood;

Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, the ability to listen to the teacher and comrades, the desire and ability to work in a team;

Encourage activity and independence.

Vocabulary work:

sound, syllable, word, sentence, stress, letter.

Organization of the lesson:

1st part, standing on the mat, then at the tables, physical exercise - on the mat.


Dispensing: letters for coloring, colored pencils (blue, red, a table for determining the place of a sound in a word, chips, object pictures for determining the number of syllables, the word “”, words divided into 2 parts, puzzles and cards for composing a word.

Demo: numbers 1, 2, 3 to determine the number of syllables in a word, syllable table for reading, pictures for composing a word using the first letters, split sentence “I’M GOING TO SCHOOL.”

Progress of the lesson:

“Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello:

Good morning!

Good morning! sun and birds.

Good morning! smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind and trusting.

Good morning lasts until evening."

Guys, let's look at each other and smile. Let your smiles be with us throughout the lesson, we are in a good mood, we are ready to start the lesson.

You learned a lot in kindergarten, you will soon go to school, and now we will test your knowledge and skills.

What do you need for this? (listen carefully to the teacher, answer questions correctly). The lesson will be interesting and difficult, so you will need attention, resourcefulness and your knowledge, we do not quarrel and help each other.

Remind me what we study in literacy classes? (we study sounds and letters).

How are sounds and letters different? (we pronounce and hear sounds, and we see and write letters).

What sounds are there? (sounds are vowels and consonants).

There are letters on your table, let's name them?

(A U O M S H S H L Y N R K P T I Z V ZH B G D Y L)

Take a colored pencil and fill in the letter with the appropriate color.

What two groups did we get? (vowels and consonants).

How are vowel sounds pronounced? (they are sung, do not encounter obstacles during pronunciation, form a syllable).

How are consonants pronounced? (they are not sung, they encounter an obstacle during pronunciation, they do not form a syllable).

“The vowels stretch out in a ringing song,

They may cry and scream

They can cradle a child in a crib,

But they don’t want to whistle and grumble.”

"And the consonants agree

rustle, whisper, hiss,

But I don’t want to sing to them.”

And now I have the next task for you, listen carefully. I read the tongue twister: “Margarita was collecting daisies on the grass, Margarita lost daisies in the yard.”

What sound is very common in this tongue twister? (sound "R").

Now I will pronounce words, and you must determine the place of the sound “R” in the word: at the beginning, middle or end of the word, and mark with a chip the square on the card where this sound is located.

(river, drum, mosquito, rainbow, size, cheese, watermelon, outlook)

I have prepared unusual balls for you, what do you see on them? (letters). You need to make as many words as possible from the available letters.


“There’s a lot of trouble with letters

Well, that's the kind of people they are,

But when the mind is smart

Build them in a clear row,

Letters will turn into words

And they will talk to you."

DREAM, ELEPHANT, NOSE. What can you say about these words, what are they? (short).

Name another short words(cat, house, cheese).

What other words are there? (long). Name long words (bicycle, steam locomotive, excavator).

And now I invite you to play the game “Find your house.” Each house has its own number: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4. Take object pictures, name your word, divide it into syllables and find your house, how many syllables are in the word, this will be the number of your house.

Help me find my house.

Well done, take your places at the tables.

“Everything has a name -

Both the beast and the object.

There are a lot of things around,

But there are no nameless ones!

And everything that only the eye sees -

Above us and below us

And everything that is in our memory

Signified by words."

What time of year is shown in my picture? (winter).

- “WINTER” - let's look at this word.

How many letters are in the word "WINTER"? (4 letters)

How many sounds are there in the word “WINTER”? (also 4)

How many consonant sounds are there in the word “WINTER”? (2 consonant sounds). Name them (sounds Z and M).

Where in this word is the sound Z and the sound M? (the sound Z is at the beginning of the word, and the sound M is in the middle).

The sound Z is consonant, sonorous, soft.

The sound M is consonant, sonorous, hard.

How many vowel sounds are in the word “WINTER”? (2 vowel sounds)

What sounds are these? (and, a).

What vowel is in the middle of the word? (AND)

Where is the sound "a"? (at the end of a word)

Divide this word into syllables. How many syllables are in the word “WINTER” (two).

Why does this word have two syllables? (because there are two vowel sounds).

Let's remember the rule - “The number of vowel sounds in a word, the number of syllables in a word.”

Read the first syllable (ZI, the second syllable (MA).

Which syllable is stressed? (MA).

Name the unstressed syllable? (ZI)

Well done guys, you completed the task.

Next task: reading according to the syllable table and composing words.

(magpie, Vova, crow, owls, braids, cow, hair).

You have cards with words laid out on your tables; when I was preparing for class, I mixed them up. You need to make up a word, arranging the syllables in the right order, read it and make a sentence with this word. You will work in pairs.



Well done guys, you did a good job.

There are pictures in front of you, you need to guess the word by its first letters. (SCHOOL).

Tell me, please, what are the letters made up of? (words).

What comes out of words that come together? (offers).

Our speech consists of sentences. In order to speak correctly and beautifully, we select words according to their meaning to each other, and we come up with sentences.

Now make a sentence from the words you see here: SCHOOL. V. COMING. ME (I'M GOING TO SCHOOL).

What sign is put at the end of a sentence? (dot).

What other signs are put at the end of a sentence?!)

Pronounce the sentence so that you can put signs (.,) at the end of the sentence.

Solution to the puzzle:


4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4

Cards: you need to make up a word that does not have enough syllables, insert the appropriate syllable and read this word.



Guys, I’m happy for you, you completed all the tasks that I prepared for you.

Which task did you like the most?

Which activity did you find difficult?

You showed your skills, knowledge, and showed ingenuity. Well done!

“How good it is to be literate in the world,

After all, literacy is a step to the light,

Which should not be missed."

Thank you for your work!

Program content.

  1. Continue teaching children to name words with given sounds.
  2. Continue learning to conduct sound analysis of words.
  3. Strengthen the ability to compose a sentence of two words; with the given word.
  4. Learn to post a proposal.

Materials and equipment.

Demo material:

Red, blue, green chips; board; toy truck; apples.


Red, blue, green chips; silver rectangles; cards for laying out with the image of an apple; pictures depicting various objects.


I. ARTICULATIVE GYMNASTICS (Articulation gymnastics - exercises for training the organs of articulation (lips, tongue, lower jaw), necessary for correct sound pronunciation)

The Tale of the Merry Tongue

Once upon a time there lived a Merry Tongue. He woke up early in the morning. Opened the window (open your mouth wide so that your teeth are visible). Looked left, looked right (turn the tip of your tongue left and right). Looked at the sky (touch your upper lip with the tip of your tongue). He looked at the ground (touch his lower lip with the tip of his tongue). I saw the sun in the sky and smiled broadly (smile). He closed the window (close his lips tightly). Tongue ran to the bathroom to wash. He began to brush his teeth (ex. Brush your teeth. Smile, open your mouth slightly, show your teeth and run your wide tongue over the outside of the upper teeth, imitating the cleaning movements of a toothbrush. We also “brush the lower teeth.”). And then rinse your mouth (puff out your cheeks, as if you were rinsing your mouth). And he ran to the kitchen for breakfast. I saw pies with jam on the table and licked my lips (lick my upper lip on the right, then on the left). I ate three pies and ran outside. Tongue sat down on a horse and galloped up the hill (imitating the clatter of hooves slowly). And then he started singing his favorite song Aaaaaaaa, Ooooooooo, Uuuuuu, Iiiiiii, Eeeeeee, Yyyyy (listing of vowel sounds). Tongue got to the mountain and decided to swing on a swing (exercise: Swing. Mouth wide open, lips in a smile. Rhythmically change the position of the tongue: 1) the tip of the tongue behind the upper incisors; 2) the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors. Only the tongue moves, not the chin!). I looked at my watch (exercise: Watch. Open your mouth, stick out your tongue. Alternately move your tongue to the right corner of your mouth, then to the left.). It's time to go home. I got on the horse. I galloped home. And the horse runs quickly down the hill (imitation of the clatter of hooves quickly).


"Say the word"

- Guys, now we’re going to play a fun game called “Say the Word.” I will tell you the topic, and you will tell me the words. At the same time, you pass the ball to each other until I say STOP! (Topics: Pets, Fruits, Wild animals, Hats, Furniture, Vegetables.).

- And now you and I will play another game. I will tell you a sound, and you will tell me any word that begins with this sound.



Guys, look what I have in my hands (showing a toy truck). Now look what she does (I show that the truck is moving).

— The truck (car) is moving. You and I have come up with a proposal. How many words are in our sentence? Say the first word. Say the second word.

- And now I will teach you how to lay out a proposal. Look, we have silver rectangles. One rectangle represents one word of the sentence. Words in a sentence must be placed at a distance from each other. Let's try to put out our proposal together: THE CAR IS DRIVING.

“And now I suggest you work on your own.” You have pictures of objects. Each has its own picture. Your task is to come up with a sentence with these items.

I give the children time to independent work.

- Now let's hear who has what proposals.

I invite the children to post their proposal.



The wind is breathing, breathing (Hands up - deep breath)

And the trees keep swaying (Then - to the sides, waving your hands)

The wind is quieter, quieter, (Up again - deep breath)

And the trees are higher, higher (And down, long exhale)

Let's sit down, be quiet. (Children sit at their desks)


Sound analysis of a word

I put the apples in the back of the truck and ask the children what the truck is carrying. (Apples). Then I remove the apples and leave one, asking what the truck is carrying now. (Apple). I suggest the children do a sound analysis of the word APPLE. I invite the children to listen to how the word sounds, highlighting each sound intonationally. Next, I suggest doing a sound analysis of the word yourself and laying it out with chips on a card with a picture of an apple.

Next, the child parses the word at the board, names the sounds and characterizes them. Let us remember the rule that the sound [th`] is the shortest in our speech and is always a soft consonant. Children must find mistakes (if any) in themselves and correct them.

- Who can tell me how many hard consonants are in a word? How many soft consonants? How many vowel sounds?

- How many syllables are in this word? Why did you decide that? Let's check it out. How can we do this? (put your hand to your chin). Which syllable is stressed? I listen to the children’s answers and help where help is needed.


- Guys, let's remember what we did in class today?

- What new have we learned?

— Who was the most active today?

teacher, GBOU secondary school No. 1995, Moscow