Brief summary of the Sinichkin calendar 5 6 sentences. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Sinichkin's calendar"

Year: since 1928 Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: tits - Zinka and Zinziver, a hunter, a hunter's daughter and an owl.


Vitaly Bianchi's work "Titmouse's Calendar" tells the story of a bird that, due to its youth and inexperience, has not yet acquired a home. From morning to evening, the titmouse Zinka carefreely moved around the city from place to place, and at night she found a comfortable corner, be it a roof or a hollow. One winter day, the bird felt happy because of a successful find. The sparrow's comfortably furnished nest became her next place to spend the night. Waking up at night from a loud noise, the titmouse was disturbed by what she saw in the window. Jumping and making loud noises, the children, despite the late hour, had fun around the decorated Christmas tree.

So, in ignorance, she fell asleep again. Her morning awakening was again unexpected. This time the noise was made by sparrows, which explained to her the reason for the celebration. They said that the countdown for the next year began at midnight, and the month is called January. This became a reason for people to have fun. To the surprise of the sparrows, she did not know what months of the year there were, that each of them had its own signs and characteristics. Zinka promised the wise old sparrow to fly in at the end of every month. Thirty-one days later, she told him everything she had seen during that time.


Zinka mistook the beginning of February for spring. She flew merrily through the forest, feeding on insects. First she learned from the mouse that bears spend the winter in snowdrifts. She met a woodpecker, who hospitably let her into his hollow. In this way, he saved the frightened titmouse from the blowing snowstorm, preventing her from freezing. Flying out of the hollow, she was very surprised at the change in the forest, the broken branches and snowdrifts.

An unexpected meeting with a hare in the forest frightened her at first. However, later it became clear that he was not evil at all. Thanks to the bad weather, he remained alive, as the blizzard covered his tracks and the wolves walked away. At the end of the month, Zinka told the sparrow everything, who gave advice - to go to the field.


While in the field, Zinka learned that flocks of partridges live here, which get food in the form of insects from under the snow. Instead of diving into the snow with them, the titmouse fell asleep in the found basket. In the morning, Zinka had to be smart, as the field was covered with an ice layer, under which the birds remained. Having made a hole in it, everyone was saved. In gratitude, they fed and let the guest live with them. When the snow melted and the ground appeared, rooks, larks and starlings began to fly. It became noisy and fun in the field. Having told the sparrow about her observations, Zinka flew to the river.


Here the tit noted with curiosity how many streams, flowing into the river, hid under the ice, which completely covered it. The arriving bird with a long tail, calling itself Icebreaker, kept its promise. She hit the ice with her swinging tail. The broken blocks floated noisily into the distance along the river. The birds gathered around happily caught fish from the water. And the wise sparrow again advised Zinka to fly into the forest.


The forest has changed since then. But here and there in the shade near the trees there was still snow. The fields are green with rye. The air was filled with the noise of awakened insects and birds. Now Zinka could spend the night on any branch. Nature came to life every day: the first leaves appeared, frogs croaked, and a nightingale flew in. The beetles made noise and the butterflies flew. The titmouse was especially curious about the cranes, who, enjoying the spring sun, gathered in flocks, as if they were dancing in the meadow.


The first summer month for Zinka began with grievances against old friends: a woodpecker, partridges, who did not allow him to come close to them, threatening to fight. The hare, who changed the color of his coat from white to gray, remained her friend.

The old sparrow revealed some secrets of nature to Zinka. He said that with the onset of summer, everyone protects their chicks and eggs from enemies and friends.


Zinka decided to find a permanent place to live in the middle of summer. But all the nests and hollows were occupied. Out of boredom, she decided to help those around her - to feed other people's chicks with a butterfly. She almost killed the goldfinch babies, as the insect turned out to be too large for them.

At this time, people began to come to the forest to pick berries. One of the girls was a lover of collecting. One day Zinka tried to save her from a bear. But to the bird's surprise, the bear ran away on its own.


One day, a titmouse learned from her mentor, a sparrow, that August is the end of summer. Now she wondered why the forest dwellers were beckoning her again. Having looked closely, I saw that every inhabitant of the forest was stocking up for the winter: squirrels, mice, and hamsters. Zinka decided to take an example from them. She caught small insects and hid them under the bark of trees. And the nightingale, who was watching this, told her about his imminent flight to the south. This made Zinka think seriously about the future.


The coming autumn season brought with it long nights and rains. In a short day, people barely had time to collect bread in the fields, which in the morning were covered with transparent dew and cobwebs. Against the background of yellowed leaves of grass and trees, Zinka watched the migrating flocks of ducks and waders. And for the first time she found out who the hunter was. Before her eyes, a man with a gun killed two partridges with a deafening shot and wounded one of the tits. The girl who came running to his call turned out to be the same one from whom the bear ran away. She poured water on the titmouse and ran away after her father.


The titmouse, which the hunter's daughter brought back to life, was named Zinziver by Zinka. Having fought off the pack, he stayed to live with Zinka. While injured, he was unable to obtain food for himself. Therefore, she devotedly looked after him for a whole year. Now wading birds came here from the northern side to spend the winter. The wind tore off colorful leaves, driving them through the forest. Stormy days alternated with warm weather. The cheerful tits were no longer lonely. They jumped together and flew through the forest. The brave Zinziver became his friend’s protector. He saved her from the hare, who himself turned out to be a cowardly beast. Because of the gray color of his fur coat, he was afraid to come out from under the bush.


Along with the onset of the last autumn month news came about the returning robber, who had been hunting insects, birds and small animals for days. The tits left the forest in fear, hoping that they would be saved from the evil invisible man on the river. But with the appearance of ice on the river, the first duck in the flock disappeared. Zinziver began to track down the enemy. At the end of the month, fleeing from a robber who could cross the river, Zinziver and Zinka moved to the city.


In order to calmly spend the winter in the city and welcome spring with songs, the titmice began to look for housing. On the sparrow's advice, they found a house with a red roof. There lived a hunter who almost killed Zinziver. Now he was diligently nailing down a nest box for birds, which the girl Manyunya had built. The birds were happy about their new home. All month the hunter's daughter fed them delicious food. On the eve of the holiday, the tits found out who was destroying insects and animals in the forest. One day a hunter brought back a shot white owl, which flew around day and night. Now everyone was calm. The birds watched with pleasure as people celebrated the New Year, realizing that a new happy time would come after it.

V. Bianchi's story "The Titmouse Calendar" teaches us to respect nature in any of its manifestations, appreciate every moment spent in its surroundings, and take care of plants and animals for your future.

Picture or drawing Sinichkin calendar

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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Hello Write summary In Bianchi “Sinichkin Calendar”
In advance *

  • The fairy tale “Titmouse Calendar” is divided into small chapters - by month:
    January, February, March, April, etc.
    All chapters are united by one heroine - Zinka, a young titmouse.
    The author shows how changes occur in nature every month, the forest, field, meadows, and river change. In each of the 12 months, different events occur:

    January - Zinka saw the New Year tree for the first time, all the peacocks and lights, children decorating it. She was very surprised, and only the sparrows told her that he had come New Year.

    February - in vain Zinka thought. That it was already spring. As the February snowstorm and drifting snow began, the winds blew. It’s good that the woodpecker let Zinka into the spare hollow. Otherwise she would have disappeared. She crawled out of the hollow, and didn’t recognize the forest - everything was covered in snow.

    March describes how Zinka saved partridges that were in trouble (in the evening they dived into the snow, and then at night the frost hit, and they found themselves as if in a prison under the crust. But Zinka did not lose her temper and saved them.

    April-Zinka meets a new bird, Icebreaker, who breaks the ice on the river with her tail

    May - the forest holiday began. the nightingale sang, the frogs croaked, the beetles flew in
    The sun has now warmed everyone and given bright joy to everyone.

    June-Zinka flew into the forest, and into the field, and to the river, to her friends: the red-capped woodpecker, the partridges. I met a hare, but didn’t recognize him (instead of a white fur coat, a gray one)

    July - Zinka tries to help the birds, look after the chicks, but she can’t. She put a whole butterfly in one chick’s mouth, almost killing her. She tries to save the girl from the bear, but the bear, seeing the girl, runs away from fear.

    August-Zinka noticed that many bird animals are starting to stock up for the winter. And she doesn’t even have her own nest.

    September - birds gather in flocks. Zinka does not recognize the forest (all yellow, crimson)
    sees a hunter knock down a little titmouse.

    October - decides to visit Zanziver (the downed titmouse). He is already recovering. Zinka meets the hare again and doesn’t recognize it. It’s kind of gray with white spots.

Children will learn the name Vitaly Bianki along with his wonderful stories about nature. And one of best works This topic can rightly be called “Sinichkin’s calendar”. Summary for reader's diary will help you understand why children like this book so much and how it can be used for educational and educational purposes.

Meet the main characters

Reading or listening to Bianchi's work, little readers go on a journey through the forest, field, city with the young titmouse Zinka. Much is new to her, including the change of months and seasons. But Zinka has a good and wise friend - old sparrow. She meets him at the very beginning - in the summary of the story "Titmouse's Calendar" there is no way to fully convey their dialogue - and meets him whenever something in the world around her becomes incomprehensible to her. It is thanks to the sparrow that Zinka, and with her the readers, learn the name of each month and what causes the changes occurring in nature.


For the curious titmouse, the exciting adventure begins on the first night of the new year, when she was awakened by the loud cries of people and an abundance of bright light. In the morning, fun was observed among the birds. It turned out that everyone was celebrating the coming of the New Year, and with it the return of the sun and the calendar. Zinka could not remember the names of the months. Then the old sparrow invited her to fly everywhere and observe, and when she heard that the month was ending, to return to him.

In the summary of the “Titmouse Calendar” for the reader’s diary, it can be noted that in January she noticed how the frost was getting stronger, and in February she was surprised to discover that the bright sun could be replaced by a strong snowstorm, frightening and dangerous. Nature is unrecognizable after it: everything around is covered with snow and the branches on the trees are broken. The titmouse also made new friends: a field mouse, who told about a den with a bear, and a white hare, afraid of everything around him.


The old sparrow advised Zinka to meet spring in the field. What new the titmouse has discovered for itself will become known from the next part of the summary of the “Titmouse Calendar”.

It should be noted in the reader's diary that in March Zinka saved partridges from harm that had buried themselves under the melted snow. At night frost struck, and the snow became covered with an icy crust, which the attentive Zinka broke.

As soon as Zinka saw the rooks, the old sparrow was already sending her to the river to greet April. It was interesting to watch both the ice drift and the bustle of water birds.

In May, Zinka returned to the forest, where she witnessed a cheerful holiday and saw cranes for the first time. Even these venerable birds began to dance.


Surprisingly described in Bianchi’s book “The Titmouse Calendar” (a summary will definitely not replace full text) summer months.

In June, partridges refused to communicate with Zinka - the sparrow said that the birds were hatching chicks, so they did not allow anyone near their home. And the white hare suddenly turned out to be gray.

In July, Zinka wanted to get a house, but did not find free space, and therefore she watched with pleasure how the children picked berries.

In August, everyone was friendly again, and they began to make supplies for the winter.


September brought new discoveries: unfamiliar migratory birds stopped on the river to rest, and threads of cobwebs appeared in the air. Zinka also saw how a hunter killed partridges, and met a bird just like her. It turned out to be Zinziver, and then they began to live together.

In October, the forest shed its golden outfit and became empty. In November the first snow fell, the river became covered with ice and it became completely cold. And a terrible invisible man appeared in the forest, killing birds and animals.


Zinka, together with her friend Zinziver, flew to the city, where she settled in a warm nest - she was hung from a tree by a hunter and his daughter, whom the bird had seen in the forest and field in the summer. A little later, the hunter brought a large white owl from the forest, which in the fall struck fear into all forest inhabitants.

Finally, the New Year came again, and Zinka already knew that the sun and warmth would return with it - this is how we can end the summary of the “Titmouse Calendar”. This information will be quite enough for a reader's diary.

Title of the work: Sinichkin calendar

Year of writing: since 1928

Genre of the work: fairy tale

Main characters: tits - Zinka And Zinziver, hunter, hunter's daughter, owl.

To understand the kind world of Bianchi, you need to read the summary of the story “Titmouse's Calendar” for the reader's diary - one of the bright and amazing fairy tales of the children's writer.


A titmouse named Zinka is young and inquisitive, she wants to learn the world around us and enjoy the time given to her. One day she sees people celebrating New Year and is surprised. The sparrows explain to her that there are 12 months in a year, and the old sparrow advises her to observe nature every month. In winter, Zinka noticed how the fur of hares changes, how bears go into hibernation, how everything is covered with snow and ice. In the spring, the bird watched how the thaw came, how the birds guarded nests and burrows and their chicks. When summer came, Zinka noticed a hunter in the forest. He shot several partridges and wounded another tit. Zinka looked after the wounded man until he recovered and named him Zinziver. Together they watched the forest. When news appeared about a terrible beast killing birds, the tits moved to the hunter’s house. His daughter built a nest for them and fed them goodies. One day they saw a hunter bring a shot owl from the forest. Now the birds were calm.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Through the eyes of tits, readers see nature, how it blooms and fades, how animals get food, build housing, and raise offspring. This fairy tale teaches you to value time, love nature, forests, birds and animals, be kind to all living things, help each other and find friends everywhere.