Who first created the globe. History of the globe The first globe of the earth

Each of us has seen a globe at least once in our lives, in a store or in a school closet. A globe, according to S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary, is “ visual aid- rotating model globe or other spherical celestial body».

More precisely, a globe is an image of a map applied to a spherical surface that repeats the approximate shape of the Earth, preserving similar contours and areas.

The globe was created since ancient times. Among ancient writers one can find references to Crates of Mallus, who around 150 BC. ago created the “globe of the earth.”

But still, the oldest globe that has survived to our times is the “earth apple”, which was created by Martin Beheim in 1492, a German geographer from Nuremberg. It is he who is considered the creator of the globe. Martin Beheim was an outstanding scientist in Germany in the 15th century.

He gained his knowledge from sea expeditions and from the great astronomers of that time. When working on the “apple”, Martin used materials famous traveler Mark Polo and the Portuguese with whom he sailed along the coast of West Africa in 1484.

He subsequently received the position of court cartographer and astronomer in Lisbon, and it was to him that Christopher Columbus came for advice before his main discovery.

In 1490, finding himself in hometown Nuremberg, Martin met a travel and geographical science enthusiast, Georg Holzschuer, a member of the city council.

Georg was inspired by Beheim's stories about his African expedition and persuaded him to create a globe that would display all the knowledge of that modern cartography. At that time, this was a truly great discovery.

Work on the globe or “Earthly Apple,” as the scientist himself called it, dragged on for four whole years. The metal ball, covered with parchment, was painted by a local artist from maps that Beheim gave him.

The boundaries of states and seas, as well as the coats of arms and flags of many countries, as well as elements starry sky, equator, meridians, south and north poles.

But of course, the accuracy of this globe cannot be judged, since it was based on ancient Greek knowledge about the world. Therefore, all locations of land objects on it are very approximate. Also, America is not depicted on this globe, since when the globe was finished, Columbus had not yet returned from his journey.

Subsequently, the globes were transformed, changed, and new knowledge brought from sea expeditions, simple travels or research by great scientists was added to the images on it. But it was Martin Behaim's globe that became the main prototype for modern globes.

And yet, the “Earth Apple” is a unique exhibit, a landmark of the Nuremberg German National Museum. It is there that it is still kept.

who first created the globe??? and got the best answer

Answer from Öyvind Groza Fiordov [guru]
Martin Beheim in the 15th century
Beheim, Martin
(October 6, 1459 - July 29, 1507) German geographer. In 1492 he created the first geographical globe. The original for B. was the world map, based mainly on the data of Ptolemy. Globe B. is of the greatest historical and geographical value (exhibited in the Nuremberg Museum).
“Earth apple” (German: Erdapfel) is the traditional name of the globe created by Martin Beheim in Nuremberg between 1490 and 1493. This globe is the oldest surviving globe.

Reply from Vyacheslav Gordeev[guru]
Organizer and creator of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA)
Golden Globe Award is an American award awarded by the Hollywood Association foreign press since 1944 for work in films and television films. The Golden Globe Awards are awarded each January based on a vote by approximately 90 international journalists based in Hollywood.

Reply from Choknut@y@ H@stuFFFк@[newbie]
The first globe was created around 150. BC e. Crathetus of Mallus.

Reply from N@stenk@[guru]
When did the globe appear?
In the works of ancient writers it is mentioned that a certain Crates of Malos - ancient Greek philosopher, follower of Aristotle and keeper of the Pergamon Library, back in the 2nd century BC. e. made a model of the Earth in the shape of a ball.
Neither this model itself nor any of its images have survived to this day, but those who saw this globe said that “Crates drew a single land on the ball, dividing it into parts by intersecting rivers, which were called oceans...”. Therefore, the very first, at least the oldest of all surviving globes, is considered to be a spherical model of the Earth with a diameter of 54 cm, created by the German geographer, traveler and mathematician Martin Beheim in 1492, now located in the museum of the city of Nuremberg.
On the “Earth Apple”, which is what Beheim called his brainchild (globes, from the Latin globus - “ball”, copies of the Earth were called later), geographical ideas about the surface of the Earth on the eve of the discovery of the New World were displayed, based on data taken from world maps ancient Greek scientist Ptolemy, who lived in the 2nd century. Soon, globes, which provided the most accurate cartographic representations and were in great demand among scientists and sailors, began to appear in the palaces of monarchs, cabinets of ministers and simply in fashionable houses in Europe, becoming a symbol of enlightenment.
Dutch globes made by the Amsterdam masters of Blaeu were especially popular. They also created the model of the Earth that was presented to the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1672 - the first in Rus'. The most famous of all foreign models of the globe is the Gottorp globe with a diameter of 311 cm, made by the German scientist Adam Oelschlegel in 1664, and presented to Peter I in 1713. Inside it housed a planetarium. Modern globes, on which, in comparison with the first ones, images of new lands discovered since then appeared, have moved from the field of functional use mainly into the field of visual aids for schoolchildren.

Reply from Maria Nesterova[guru]



Reply from Tanya Krasnoperova[newbie]
Globe (from Latin globus, “ball”) - a three-dimensional model of the Earth or another planet, as well as a model celestial sphere(celestial globe). The first globe was created around 150 BC. e. Crathetus of Mallus.
Well, the globe in the form that we see was invented by Martin Beheim in the 15th century
Beheim, Martin (October 6, 1459 - July 29, 1507) German geographer. In 1492 he created the first geographical globe. The original for B. was the world map, based mainly on the data of Ptolemy. Globe B. is of the greatest historical and geographical value (exhibited in the Nuremberg Museum).
“Earthly block” (German: Erdapfel) is the traditional name of the globe created by Martin Beheim in Nuremberg between 1490 and 1493. This globe is the oldest surviving globe.
Behaim's globe is a metal ball 507 mm in diameter, covered with a geographical map reflecting European knowledge of the world at the end of the 15th century, including the discoveries of the Portuguese in West Africa. The map does not indicate latitude and longitude for modern method, but there is the equator, meridians, tropics and images of the zodiac signs. The geographical errors found on the map repeat the inaccuracies of the maps of Paolo Toscanelli. Also presented brief descriptions various countries and images of their inhabitants. The Earth's Apple map does not take into account the results of Columbus's voyage, since he returned to Europe no earlier than March 1493, and the existence of America as a separate continent was proven by Amerigo Vespucci about 20 years later. America appears on the next globe we know of, created by Martin Waldseemüller.
“The Earth's Apple” is a unique achievement of cartography of the late Middle Ages, both in terms of the accuracy of the maps and the clarity of the image. The globe quickly became one of the city's landmarks and until the 16th century was exhibited in the reception hall of the Nuremberg Town Hall. It then came into the possession of the Beheim family, and since 1907 has been exhibited at the German National Museum in Nuremberg.

Reply from Nikolay Knyazev[active]
Martin Beheim

Reply from Syaji[newbie]

Reply from Lera Garf[newbie]

Reply from Mimi mimi[newbie]

Reply from Maria Mikhailenko[newbie]
We usually believe that this happened in 1492, and we were talking about lands already known.
And the Greek Crates of Malos made a globe back in 150 BC. e. , and the matter affected not only known lands, but also only supposed ones.
The oldest globe is located in Nuremberg and is called "BEHEIM"
In honor of the geographer and creator of the world's first globe, Martin Behaim, he created his own globe in 1492, when he was the chief navigator of Portugal.
With its help, he managed to reflect geographical ideas about the surface of the Earth just on the eve of the discovery of the New World. Behaim was helped in his work on the globe by the artist Georg Glockendon. The masters called their creation “Earth Apple”. The word "globe" from the Latin "ball" appeared later. On a ball with a diameter of 54 cm, Beheim depicted the surface of the Earth in accordance with the maps of Ptolemy. Beheim did not yet know about the discoveries of Columbus, who went to look for India in the same 1492. True, information has been preserved that in the 2nd century BC. e. A model of the globe was built by the philosopher Crates of Malos, who was a student of Aristotle's students. But Crates’s globe, if it existed, has not survived, and Martin Behaim’s “Earth Apple”, declared the oldest globe. Alas, the globe was used by scientists thousands of years before Beheim.
Celestial globes made of wood, stone and metal presented a picture of the starry sky. They served astronomers to explain the location of stars, and astrologers to interpret horoscopes. One of the companions of the god Apollo, Urania, the muse of astronomy, was depicted by the Hellenes with a star globe and a pointer in her hands...
In the 4th century BC. e. Greek astronomers made a round model of the Earth with parallels and meridians. Images of the earth's globe were minted on coins - for example, Demetrius I Poliorcetes, the Macedonian king who ruled in the 4th - 3rd centuries. BC e.
In 1672, the Netherlands sent a large globe to the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich as a gift. .
The St. Petersburg Lomonosov Museum has completed the restoration of the Gottorp globe-planetarium, which was the first exhibit of the Kunstkamera almost three centuries ago.
In the middle of the 17th century, a planetarium globe with a diameter of over 3 meters was made in the Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein (Northern Germany). A map of the Earth was drawn on the outer surface of the globe, and a map of the starry sky on the inner surface. The stars were represented by gilded caps of copper nails. The ball had fixed axis, on which a wooden round table and a bench for 12 people.
In 1713 during Northern War Peter the Great, while at the theater of war in Holstein, received a planetarium globe as a gift. The globe became the first exhibit of the first Russian museum - the Kunstkamera.
During the fire of 1747 it was badly damaged and was restored by masters Scott and Tiryutin. Later it was stored in a specially built room next to the Academy of Sciences, then in Tsarskoye Selo. During the Great Patriotic War The globe was taken to Germany by the Germans. After the war, the exhibit was discovered in German city Lübeck and by sea via Murmansk returned to Leningrad. The globe was in a deplorable state.
The canvas on which the earthly and celestial maps were drawn was torn in many places, the pictorial layer was damaged, and holes from rifle shots were discovered. In the post-war period, the globe was restored twice. But a comprehensive restoration of the globe was completed only this year

For many millennia, humanity has tried to imagine what the Earth looks like. For clarity, people created various layouts, which can easily include the globe. So when did he appear?
Many believe that people up until the Middle Ages believed that they were walking on a flat planet. However, this is a misconception. Even in ancient times, progressive minds boldly put forward the theory that the Earth is a sphere. So, for example, the great scientist Pythagoras believed. Therefore, we can conclude that the globe appeared several thousand years ago. More precisely two thousand years ago. The invention of the globe is attributed to a certain resident of the city of Pergamon (the territory of modern Turkey) named Crates. This is mentioned by a number of ancient historians. Unfortunately, this model of the Earth has not survived to this day.
Today, the oldest globe is the same age as the great discovery of Columbus. It was created by Beheim, a geographer from Nuremberg, Germany in 1492 year. It is truly symbolic that this globe and the discovery of America belong to the same year. Although, it is worth noting that both Americas are absent on this model. Behaim's globe is of medium size. Its diameter is just over half a meter.
Gradually, globes began to spread throughout Europe and gained some popularity. The British even came up with pocket globes, the size of a billiard ball. Characteristic feature English pocket globes were that they were simultaneously a model of the Earth and the dome of the starry sky, the image of which was applied to their inside.
Over time, more complex design features began to appear in the globe model. Since the sixteenth century, a clock mechanism began to be installed in the “womb of the earth”, which set the globe in motion. This helped determine the time at a specific geographic location. Some models added the Moon, which moved around the globe. So it was not only a clock, but also a calendar.
Globes decorated the offices of not only scientists and travelers of the time, but also monarchs and aristocrats. Such models were usually large in size and expensively inlaid with precious stones and metals.
Peter the Great also had a globe. He received it as a gift from the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein in 1713 year, during his German tour. The globe was huge, more than three meters in diameter, and was similar in design to English pocket ones. In other words, the starry sky was depicted on its inside. Authorship is attributed to Adam Olearius. The globe was in the Kunstkamera for a long time, but unfortunately it burned down in a fire. A new globe was ordered to the then famous inventor A.K. Nartov. He developed the project, and the globe was made by Scott B. and his apprentice Tityurin. Work on the grandiose model lasted seven whole years. The globe was amazing in its size. Inside there was a bench for observing the celestial bodies, which could accommodate up to twelve people. Geographic data on the globe was periodically updated.
But, nevertheless, it was a copy of the German globe. And the first purely Russian one was created by a clerk from Pskov - Maksimov Karp. This was at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The globe was relatively small.
The great Russian scientist Mikhailo Lomonosov dreamed of a wide distribution of globes throughout Russia, which, in his opinion, would increase the level of education of the population.
Gradually, globes began to appear depicting not only the Earth, but also the Moon and the starry sky. Now it is impossible to imagine school or higher education educational institution without the globe, which has become firmly established in the life of all humanity.

One of the greatest discoveries in geography is the invention of the globe, with the help of which it is easier to remember the location of oceans, seas, continents, islands, tropical forests, icy deserts, etc. Subsequently, this amazing object was improved by numerous scientists around the world. It has its own ancient and quite fascinating history.

Who created the first globe? Passions still rage around this invention.

What is a globe?

Globe from the Latin word globus means ball.

This is an image of a map on the surface of a ball, preserving the similarity of the contours and the ratio of sizes (areas). There are different geographical globes that display the surface of the Earth, the lunar surface, celestial globes, etc.

Before the idea of ​​a spherical object appeared, the first celestial globes had already been created. These spherical images of the starry sky were already known in Ancient Egypt.

History of the globe

The first globe appeared before our era (2nd century), and it was created by one inventor who was very fond of poetry. It was a learned philologist-philosopher named Crates of Malos. He could listen to the poem “The Odyssey” for days, and often after listening to it, he would plot on the map all the routes he had walked. main character. And at that time it was already known about the spherical shape of the earth, so he painted the ball.

Although this object corresponded to the level of knowledge of those times, it was a real globe. It was well appreciated by contemporaries, but for several centuries, who was the author of the first globe was forgotten.

In 1492, another globe was created in Nuremberg (Germany) to visually depict the geographical discoveries of Portuguese sailors. Thus, the scientist received the title of the first inventor of the globe.

That globe was called the “Earth Apple.” It represented a ball made of metal, no more than 50 cm in diameter. It should be noted that the continent of America was not yet on it, due to its discovery by Columbus at a later time. Also, there were no latitudes and longitudes on the globe yet, but there were tropics and meridians, and there was a short description of the countries. Now the first globe (1492) is kept in the Nuremberg Museum.

From those ancient times to the present day, a large number of the most unique, even unexpected, globes have been created, with amazing sizes, designs and materials. But two of these specimens cannot be ignored here: the largest and the most unusual and the oldest.

Who created the first globe - the largest in the world

The American company DeLorme has created a giant globe called Eartha. This organization develops maps and GPS navigation systems.

The diameter of the globe is 12.6 meters, which is the height of a 4-story building. Now this unique creation is located in the city of Yarmouth in America.

The giant globe consists of 792 map fragments fastened together with hidden bolts on a large frame. The last element was constructed from 6 thousand aluminum pipes. The peculiarity of this magnificent structure is that it is housed in a glass building and is illuminated from the inside, which gives it an extraordinary appearance.

This masterpiece is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

American oldest globe

Who created the first globe in America? The next similar item described here is also the oldest.

Scientists have established that it is made from halves of an ostrich egg glued together with shellac (a natural polymer). The card itself is carved into the shell.

But the answer to the question of who created the first globe depicting America can be answered that this is unknown. Why?

The globe, made from a huge ostrich egg, is the first to depict America, and it has survived to this day. But it was not possible to establish the exact date and its creator, due to the absence of any signs or signatures on the object.

Scientists have an assumption that this globe was created in the workshop of Leonardo da Vinci, since there are certain sketches characteristic of the works of the great artist. This item depicts continents signed in Latin, various animals, and even a man-sailor who was shipwrecked.

Dr. Missinet (philologist and map collector) believes that the find dates back to 1504.

Celestial globe

Who created the first celestial globe? Many versions exist. For example, in Naples there is a statue of Atlas (marble), dating back to the 3rd century BC. On his shoulders the hero holds a sphere with the image of constellations. There is an opinion that it also has a prototype - the globe of Eudoxus of Cnidus (Greek astronomer).

However, existing information about the existence of Earth globes in the ancient period is not entirely reliable. This means that there are still many reasons for controversy on this matter.

Planet Earth. View from space.

The caravel quickly cut through the heavy waves. The captain, having determined the position of the North Star and made calculations, bent over the globe - they had been sailing for many days, and only this globe and the stars could help determine where the ship was. Without a globe it is difficult to find the way to distant overseas countries. Many ships setting out on long voyages had a globe; it served as a map in those days. This continued until the 18th century. And then detailed sea charts and sailing directions appeared, and the globe lost its importance for navigation, but was very useful to schoolchildren. In the dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov we read: “The globe is a visual aid - a rotating model of the globe or other spherical celestial body.” Let us add that this model most correctly reflects and appearance The earth and the relationship of its parts.

Globes have been made since ancient times. Ancient writers mention Crates of Pergamum, who made a “globe of the earth” more than 2000 years ago. Unfortunately, no images of him have reached us. The oldest surviving globe is considered to be the “earth apple” with a diameter of 0.54 meters, created in 1492 by the German geographer Martin Beheim from Nuremberg. When working on the “apple,” he used materials from the famous traveler Marco Polo and the Portuguese who sailed along the coast of Africa. But there is no image of America on this globe, since it has not yet been discovered.

150 years have passed, and globes have become quite popular. In London, for example, pocket globes the size of an orange were sold relatively cheaply, on the inside of the hemispheres of which there was a map of the celestial bodies, that is, the globe was simultaneously a model of the Earth and the starry sky.

Vintage globe.

Gradually, the design of the globe became more complex. IN XVI-XVIII centuries They began to use a clock mechanism, with the help of which the globe rotated around its axis and it was possible to determine the time anywhere on the globe. Sometimes such a globe was attached to a model of the Moon moving around it, and then it served not only as a universal clock, but also as a calendar. Many European monarchs considered it obligatory to have globes in their office, which were quite impressive in size, complex and richly decorated.

A unique globe with a diameter of about 3 meters is kept in St. Petersburg, which also serves as a planetarium. On its outer surface there is a map of the Earth, on the inner surface there is a map of the starry sky. The history of this globe is interesting. In 1713, Peter I traveled through the Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein (now German territory). During his trip he visited Gottorp Castle. There he was struck by a globe of unusual size - and feet in diameter (3 meters 19 centimeters). It was claimed that the globe was made under the guidance of the famous traveler and geographer Adam Olearius. In gratitude for the military assistance provided by Peter I, the guardian of the young duke presented the curiosity to the Russian emperor. This huge globe was transported to St. Petersburg, cutting through forest clearings. Subsequently, it was placed in the building of the newly built Kunstkamera, and after its opening in 1719, many people came to look at the amazing exhibit.

In 1747, a fire broke out in the Kunstkamera, and among the exhibits damaged by the fire was a gift from the Duke. All that was left of the globe was charred metal structures. Wanting to hide the true extent of the damage suffered from the royal court, the academy decided on its own to “build another ball of the same size as the first.” Several proposals were made, including by the famous mechanic-inventor Andrei Konstantinovich Nartov. In 1748, “compass master” Benjamin Scott and his assistant F.N. Tiryutin began work on his project. The work took 7 years, but, according to contemporaries, the new globe turned out to be “the best art ever.” Its map until the end of the 18th century continued to be replenished with the latest data related to geographical discoveries. The ball was fixed on a metal axis, a table and a bench were installed inside, on which 10-12 people could sit to observe the movement of celestial bodies, like in a planetarium (on inner surface A star map was made on the globe).

In Russia, one of the first original globes was made at the end of the 18th - early XIX century Pskov deacon Karp Maksimov. The structure had a diameter of about 90 centimeters. This globe was probably given as a gift to the Russian Emperor, since until 1793 it was kept in the “Office of Peter the Great” in the Kunstkamera. M.V. Lomonosov, who headed the Geographical Department of the Academy of Sciences, paid great attention to the production of globes.

According to experts, the largest globe in the world is considered to be one made for the Paris Exhibition of 1899. Its diameter is 13 meters, and the length of the marked meridian is 40 meters, each millimeter corresponds to approximately a kilometer of the earth's surface. The weight of the globe was almost 10 tons (that’s what a modern bus weighs)! The globe rotated around its axis at a speed corresponding to the actual speed of rotation of the Earth. There were reliefs on it earth's crust, country borders, sea ​​routes, railways, routes of famous travelers and even mineral deposits are indicated.

A much smaller globe, but also very large, is kept in Denmark.

Originally it was a spherical tank for natural gas, but about 50 years ago one artist decided to paint geographical symbols characteristic of our planet on the outer surface of a metal ball to attract tourists. The result was a huge globe.

Medieval scientist.

The giant globe was also created in our country. It stands on the astronomical platform of the Moscow Planetarium. The model of the globe, two and a half meters in diameter, is made of special durable materials developed especially for this purpose - fiberglass and polymers, painted with colors that are not afraid of precipitation (valleys - green, seas - blue, rivers - blue). 70 meters from the globe, on the roof of the building adjacent to the astronomical site, there is a second ball - this is a model of the Moon. Its diameter is 70 centimeters. These sizes were not chosen by chance. The result is a real mock-up Earth-Moon system, it is “only” 5 million times smaller than the real one.

If you have read M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita,” then you probably remember the globe of the “prince of darkness” Woland. The globe lived the life of the Earth. If any part of it became filled with blood, it means that a war has begun at the corresponding point on the globe. If you looked closely, you could see all the details of the battles - destroyed houses, dead people. But such a globe is the fantasy of a brilliant writer. What kind of globes are there in reality? A wide variety of Earth models are produced. The most common are political ones, reflecting modern territorial division of the world, and physical, showing the physical and geographical structure of the Earth. Particularly distinctive are the so-called relief globes with modeling, convex surface mountains and hills. And probably, these small balls will serve people for a long time, showing our planet as only astronauts see it.