Who is studying in residency. Cancellation of internship - details of medical education reform

Students completing higher education programs medical education in universities, they are always faced with difficult choices. In order to receive a decent salary and have an interesting and in-demand specialization, you need to complete some additional program.

To achieve this, students are offered two main paths: residency and graduate school.

What does studying in graduate school or residency provide?

There is hardly a clinic (whether private or public) that will allow yesterday's student to make important decisions, make diagnoses and prescribe treatment.

That is why graduate school and residency can be considered mandatory stages in becoming a doctor and part of higher education. Completing them makes it possible to conduct independent practice, take complex solutions and achieve high positions in medicine.

More about the interns

Residents are often confused with interns. This is predictable, because despite the fact that these are two different concepts, the difference between them is small.

The goal of residency and internship is the same - to give young specialists a set of relevant knowledge, skills and initial experience to the extent that will allow them to practice independently. However, different methods are chosen for this.

  • Learning process . Volume classroom training for interns cannot exceed more than 120 hours per year. Residents receive theoretical knowledge according to the program established by their department.
  • Supervision . Interns manage patients and complete appropriate paperwork under the supervision of the program director. Residents do this on their own.
  • Additional activities . Interns periodically take part in duties, the results of which report to the manager. Residents are allocated hours for self-study necessary disciplines.

The timing of the programs also varies. The intern receives the necessary certificate within 1 year. Residency lasts 2 years.

What is graduate school

We talked about programs postgraduate education oriented towards obtaining practical work skills. The postgraduate school prepares scientific workers. However, having a medical education is not a mandatory requirement for admission here. You need a desire to connect your scientific activity with this area.

Postgraduate programs last 4 years, during which the student studies a topic of interest to him, receives the necessary theoretical knowledge, teaches classes to other students, and prepares his thesis for defense with the help of a supervisor. Preparing this work is the main goal of training. If it is successfully defended before the dissertation council, the graduate student becomes a candidate of medical sciences.

Differences in Preparation

When comparing residents (as well as interns) with graduate students, several important differences can be identified.

  • Target . Residency is aimed at obtaining strong practical skills and the right to conduct independent medical practice, postgraduate study is aimed at obtaining a candidate's degree, mastering scientific research methods.
  • Duration . Residency (internship) - 2 years (1 year). Postgraduate course - 4 years.
  • Direction of training . For residents - emphasis on practice, for graduate students - on theory and scientific research.

In custody

Internship, residency and postgraduate study in medicine are the first step on the career path of a doctor who wants to achieve heights in his field. It is important to do it under the guidance of experienced practitioners, professional teachers and on the basis of a department with current training programs. Make the right choice!

Internship and residency are words related to medicine, namely to medical education. What is the difference between internship and residency.

How does an internship differ from a residency?

  • Internship lasts one year, residency – two years
  • An internship is considered in most cases to be incomplete preparation; sometimes it cannot be counted towards promotion
  • The list of specialties available for residency and internship may differ.

What is internship and residency?

Internship- this is the first year after graduating from a higher medical school, that is, after 6 courses. During this year, the graduate is engaged in practical activities (in various areas of medicine) under the guidance of doctors, but does not have the right to make decisions independently and is not responsible. At the end of the internship, a “Specialist Certificate” is issued, indicating the acquired specialty. After this, the person moves from the category of intern to the category of doctor and can work independently.

Residencyin-depth study, mastering a specific specialty for two years already. Other specialties are covered, but to a much lesser extent.
A resident may not necessarily be trained at a medical institution. Training can take place at the department. But the main thing is a narrow focus! That is, they train a specialist with capital letters in your business, in your specialty!
By the way, not everyone who wants to end up in residency is required to pass an exam, go through a competition, if there are more applicants than allocated places!

Residency is not mandatory, but may provide certain advantages when occupying a leadership position (head of a department, for example).

Where and how does learning take place?

Training takes place at the clinical departments of universities. Training can be carried out in full-time and by correspondence, but the second option, as a rule, can be used by an already established doctor. In this case, residency may also not be necessary in all specialties. The range of training is determined by the future and existing needs of the healthcare system. Important stimulating conditions are the opening of large specialized scientific and practical centers, improvement of the material and technical base and an increase in the need for specialists in a certain field, which affects wages and bonuses.


We continue to understand what residency is like. You can already understand what it is. But how does the preparation happen? Except individual approach, the level of professional training, work experience in the specialty and the conditions in which the work was carried out are taken into account. professional activity. All this cannot but affect learning. Therefore, an individual plan is developed and approved for each doctor. To train specialists, the most qualified personnel from the available teaching staff are attracted.

Educational plans

Although they are developed individually for each specialist, they still take into account standard programs. For maximum efficiency, the entire departmental team of the department is involved in the work. Regarding the workload, we can say that it includes work in diagnostic departments, mastering practical skills, supervising patients, participating in operations (this is important if residency in surgery) and seminars. You can also often find that 25% of teaching time is used to train a specialist in related disciplines. But this is used only for better performance of the tasks assigned to the specialist.

Certificate of completion of training

To confirm knowledge and completion of appropriate training, the graduate is issued a state diploma. It indicates that the person has received an education. True, initially a person is almost never given the opportunity to conduct independent activity. This is done in the best interests of the patient. This is necessary to avoid a situation where human life will end up in the hands of an amateur who will not be able to save her. Initially, a person studies under the guidance of an experienced curator. He is also assisted (albeit insignificantly) by the institution’s staff.

Difference in medical training

Residency is often confused with internship. One can only imagine how tired the doctors themselves are of this. So let's figure it out and find out how internship differs from residency. To do this, let's get acquainted with all the necessary terminological base. So, internship is the primary postgraduate training of medical graduates. educational institutions, which is aimed at ensuring that a specialist can carry out medical activities to provide qualified medical care. The wording is similar to that at the beginning of the article. But if you look into it and look into the documentation, you will find out that residency provides the knowledge needed to provide specialized medical care! Therefore, it takes longer - 2 years versus one for an internship. The training process includes supervising patients, maintaining medical records (carried out under the supervision of the supervisor), duty, lectures, seminars (up to 120 hours per year). It is necessary to perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and so on. That is, most of the time a person carries out practical activities. And always under the control of your mentor. Although different types training and are focused on achieving a common goal, they are assigned different tasks. Thus, a resident doctor must be able to work independently in health care institutions. That is why attention to their preparation is so important.

How does admission work if we are interested in residency?

Dentistry, surgery or something else – it doesn’t matter what the goal is. Let's look at how the learning process happens. It is carried out in isolation from medical practice. Can be carried out on a contract basis or at the expense of the budget. Typically, the training period for a specialist is two years. But if a person studies on a contract basis, then this period can be doubled. For clinical residency, you must have practice for at least three years (or complete an internship and have a recommendation from the academic council for training). Then there are interviews with members of the commission and passing exams. Training is carried out at the clinical sites of the departments of the university to which the person is admitted. For the entire period of training, the resident receives a supervisor, who can only be a professor or associate professor. If a person has successfully completed his studies and has experience in research work, the academic council can issue a recommendation for admission to graduate school. If you want to study for a residency, then you need to find out about all the details and time for submitting documents in advance. You need to focus on the end of spring (recommended) or the beginning of summer. In addition to the usual package of files, it will be necessary to provide a diploma of higher education in one specialty, an extract from the work record book, a list of scientific works, rationalization proposals and inventions.


So we figured out what residency is, what it is, found out the differences between it and graduate school, and also figured out how admission and educational process. This step is important for every person who wants to study his specialty well and become a skilled doctor. It is no secret that medical areas are complex and at the same time important for society. Alas, we cannot now say that the work of doctors is appreciated as much as we would like. Similar words can be applied to many professions, such as teacher, firefighter and a number of others. But you can change the current state of affairs only by working to improve yourself as a person and society as a whole. Although, if we take such areas as surgery and dentistry, then it is not a problem for a valuable (that is, a professional with golden hands) employee to make good money here.

Internship and residency are the final stage of medical education, crossed with active practice in medical institutions. How is an internship different from a residency? To answer the question, you will have to delve into the principles of training in medical universities.

What is residency and internship

Both options for postgraduate education have a pronounced practical orientation, differing markedly from each other. What is residency and internship in medicine?

Residency- postgraduate education, which is conducted for graduates of medical universities, universities and institutes. The main objective of the residency is to train specialists to work in government agencies of the Ministry of Health or private practice.

Residency classes include:

    seminars, listening and passing tests for a course of lectures;

    clinical rounds of patients in city hospitals, work with medical histories and epicrises;

    participation and speaking at thematic conferences within the chosen topic;

    working with patients undergoing treatment.

For applicants required Full-time traininglasting for2 of the year(sometimes can be extended up to 5 years). Quantity budget places determined by an annual document from the Ministry of Education; tuition is also possible on a paid basis. Such educational institutions operate on the basis of large universities or research institutes. Training is carried out according to individual plan from highly qualified specialists (from a candidate of science and above).

Additional Benefits of Residency

The following differences can be distinguished between residency and the abolished intern level:

    issuance of documents confirming completion of postgraduate studies;

    obtaining a certificate allowing independent practice;

    additional scholarship from the Ministry of Health, including target areas;

    vacations of a duration corresponding to medical leave;

    the possibility of early completion of studies after one and a half years (75% of the total program duration) subject to fulfillment of curriculum;

    the possibility of extending the period of study during pregnancy, illness or other emergency circumstances.

Admission procedure

The procedure for admission to residency training is described in the document - http://docs.cntd.ru/document/456065114

The entrance exam is conducted in the form of a test, which takes 60 minutes to complete. The minimum number of points to pass the test is 70 out of 100. The test is organized by an admissions committee made up of residency teachers. The results become known the next day and should be posted both on the organization’s official website and on the information stand.

During admission, the results of the specialist’s accreditation may be taken into account if they were carried out in the same year or a year earlier.

Internship and postgraduate studies

Internship is called the first year after graduating from medical school, during which the graduate is engaged in medical practice under the guidance of doctors. The difference between internship and residency is the lack of opportunity to make decisions - responsibility for making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment lies with a more experienced doctor. After a year, the intern is issued a certificate with a mark on the specialty obtained and he can begin to conduct full-fledged practice. The internship depends on the specific hospital and the doctor supervising the young specialist.

Important! From January 1, 2018, the internship was abolished, and young doctors have the right to full-time work in clinics and outpatient clinics from the very first year.

In addition to these options, there is also a classic graduate school, which lasts three years and is needed for scientific activity and writing a dissertation.

How does an internship differ from a residency?

The main difference between internship and residency from a medical student's perspective is their future medical career. If a doctor wants to advance to head of department or later move to an administrative position, he needs residency training. For ordinary professionals who want to start working immediately after receiving higher education, an internship is more suitable. Now they can start practicing right away, without spending several years on additional training.

Help in applying for an internship

Residents are distinguished by a more in-depth immersion in their specialty - almost two years individual training under the leadership of outstanding specialists make their presence felt. They must undergo a similar practice as interns, but manage patients and report documented decisions taken residents have to do it on their own. The advantages include part-time work, no hospital duty, and little responsibility to patients. Disadvantages - the difficulty of enrolling on a budget and the cost of paid training in case of failure.

The interns were immersed in hospital life from the first days; the lack of responsibility for making diagnoses and prescribing medications did not free them from the difficult routine.

The total volume of classes in the classroom could not exceed 120 hours annually; the rest of the time was devoted to practice.

For comparison, for residents this period is not limited and is set by the program. Internship training was more general in topic, in contrast to in-depth residency training.

Assistance in applying for residency

Completing a residency gives a significant competitive advantage when applying for a job - any hospital will first of all hire a specialist with additional education than the average graduate intern. In the first years, interns will be expected to work in clinics as therapists and exhausting, assembly line work in city hospitals.


Residency is an additional two years of study after graduation. People apply for it for a further career in the Ministry of Health or for the future, to become the head of a department in a few years. Provides in-depth education in the specialty and the opportunity to start working under the supervision of the best doctors in the city. A residency graduate receives permission to enter private practice. The career benefits are offset by the difficulty of admission and training.

Internship - until 2018, a mandatory year of postgraduate practice for those who did not enroll in residency. About a month of lectures and a year of work in a hospital without the right to make decisions allowed you to become a full-fledged doctor for free, a year earlier than residents. At the same time, those who have completed their internship cannot open private clinics (important for dentists, psychologists, orthopedists) and occupy leadership positions.

Internship and residency in medicine are the final forms of medical education with an active focus on practicing in medical institutions.

What is an internship in medicine?

Internship – This is a primary, postgraduate form of training for a future health worker, starting immediately after graduation from a specialized university.

During their studies, students consolidate their theoretical knowledge in practice under the strict guidance of the head of the department. Students are not allowed to independently establish a definitive diagnosis or prescribe experimental treatment, since their level of knowledge does not imply responsibility for the actions taken.

Upon completion of training and successfully passed certification, the intern is issued a specialist diploma of the appropriate type, confirming the presence of the required level of knowledge in the chosen medical field.

Completing an internship and obtaining a diploma is a prerequisite for graduates of all medical schools who want to become practicing doctors. For those who plan to conduct scientific activities at a research institute, an internship is not necessary.

What is a residency?

Residency– this is the final stage of higher postgraduate education for graduates of medical universities after internship, research institutes, etc.

The main goal of entering a residency is to obtain comprehensive knowledge in the chosen profession, necessary to open a private medical practice or obtain a position in the government healthcare structure.

Main tasks of residency:

  • in-depth study of the selected medical specialty(methodological, clinical, medical and social areas, etc.);
  • a focus on the practical application of acquired knowledge, development of the necessary skills and abilities for further work.

After graduation and positive certification results, the resident is issued a certificate giving the right to conduct independent medical practice (without an internship diploma, it is not valid).

Privileges during residency training

  1. Enrollment on the budget after successful completion of the competitive basis provides the right to independent further employment.
  2. The amount of the scholarship depends on the regulatory documents for the chosen specialty or on the decision of the organization that sent the specialist (the condition is relevant for the target residency).
  3. The supplement to the basic scholarship is granted only to residents admitted to positions financed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
  4. Specialists in training are entitled to vacations, the duration of which does not exceed the vacation period of a practicing physician in the chosen specialty.
  5. If the established work plan is completed ahead of schedule, the resident has the right to graduate ahead of schedule. The main condition is that the total training time should not be lower than 75% of the stated conditions.
  6. During training, it is allowed to take academic leave (illness, birth of a child, etc.). Registration of a break is carried out only on the basis of the relevant document.

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Target residency and its features

Target residency is the training of specialists in accordance with the terms of the agreement concluded between an institution engaged in advanced training of medical workers and the relevant educational institution.

Unlike clinical residency, specialists undertake to continue medical practice in the institution that sent them to study. The workplace or position is specified in the contract as a separate clause. A health worker has the right to early termination of employment agreements with the specified institution.

What is the difference between residency and internship?

  • different levels of training (in internship it is more generalized than in residency);
  • Only specialists who have completed an internship are accepted into residency;
  • after completing residency, graduates can apply for private practice or prestigious workplace in a public medical institution (head of department, position of chief physician, etc.).

Who are the interns?

Interns are students studying in their final years of medical universities. Training is based on the terms of a formal employment contract.

Training of workers takes place under the supervision of the project curator in strict accordance with the calendar plan. Completion is recorded in the diary and checked weekly, signed by the manager.

If an attempt to pass certification the first time fails, the intern will be issued an internship certificate. To enter residency and be able to work as a practicing physician, you must re-pass the exam.

Who are the residents?

Residents are specialists undergoing clinical or target residency training in a chosen medical field.

How are residents trained?

  1. Seminars, lectures, practical classes.
  2. Visiting patients, analyzing main and accompanying diagnoses.
  3. Preparation of reports for presentation at scientific conferences, symposia.

The main differences between interns and residents

An intern differs from a resident in that he is a graduate of a medical institution, undergoing practical training under the guidance of a supervisor, without being directly involved in medical activities.

Is internship/residency included in the length of service as a medical worker?

According to regulatory documents, internship is a subtype of compulsory university training, therefore such training not included in work experience. During this period, the intern is not a medical specialist. Accrual of medical experience - only after successful completion mandatory certification.

Residency training is included in the work experience, as it is considered work in the specialty.

How many years does the training last?

Internship duration: 1 year(along with vacation).

Residency training lasts two years (full-time) and up to five years (part-time or after unforeseen circumstances related to pregnancy, long-term illness, etc.).

What does the cost depend on?

The price of internship/graduate study depends on the location medical university, the prestige of the chosen direction, as well as other conditions (requirements of the contract, management, etc.).

When signing a contract for paid training, the payer can be an individual or legal entity.

Example of estimated cost at a regional medical university

To calculate the approximate cost of residency training, check out the price range presented in the table.

How to apply for an internship?

Persons who have successfully passed the state exams by specialty. Foreign citizens accepted on the terms of international treaties or on a paid basis.

There are two forms of postgraduate study – budget and paid.

To be enrolled in a budget financed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, you must undergo a preliminary competitive selection or meet the conditions targeted reception under contract.

Tuition on a paid basis is carried out under an agreement with a legal entity/individual paying for the services of the university.

Entrance exams

Admission to an internship is directly proportional to the requirements of the university - this could be an interview or a knowledge test. Possibility of retaking the current academic year excluded.

Enrollment of individuals occurs based on the results of the tests, and the results obtained are recorded in the protocol of the procedure. The final decision is communicated to the person no later than five days after the results are announced admissions committee or two weeks before the start of school.

When studying on a contract basis, enrollment is carried out after the bilateral signing of the training agreement and the provision of copies of payment receipts.

How to apply for residency?

Citizens of the Russian Federation can enter the residency after completing the internship, as well as foreigners with the opportunity to confirm the level of knowledge required for enrollment in a university. The number of budget places is determined by the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for accruing additional points for admission to residency

According to modern standards, admission to residency depends on the level of points awarded for various medical achievements. If a specialist fails to earn the required number of points before the appointed date, his admission is automatically postponed until next year.

Examples of calculations are described in detail in the table.

  1. Internship is last years training in the chosen specialty. You can continue your studies at another medical university.
  2. You can enter a residency program only with an internship diploma.
  3. Successful completion of residency means the opportunity to open a private medical practice.
  4. The cost of training depends on the location of the university and the prestige of the field.
  5. Studying in a residency is included in the work experience, but in an internship it is not.

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