Who controls ocean currents? Controlling the elements of water, air, earth and fire Film who controls water.

2/3 of the Earth's surface is covered with waters of oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers. Water is almost always in motion and in a restless state. In the earth's layers, water also has its own flows, including those ascending to the surface of the planet and descending. Updrafts inside rocks rise up to a height of up to 6 kilometers. In this case, water is carried away by energy flows (fluids) of the earth's crust.

In Tibet, at an altitude of over 5 km, there are 2 lakes nearby: Rakshasa - with dead water and Manasarovar - with living water. If in the lake Manasarovar the water surface is calm, then in the lake. Rakshasa is constantly stormy. When a man and a boat appear at the lake, a strong storm begins. As it turned out, in the underground caves under the bottom of this lake there are technical devices that influence the water of the lake with their energy waves. Based on a signal from sensor sensors installed near the shore of the lake, the water disturbances intensify to the point of a storm. According to information from Tibetan lamas of the lake. Manasarovar was built by Big People (BL) 2300 years ago, and the lake. Rakshasa - over 3 thousand years. The Big People had special knowledge and possessed unique mechanisms for carrying out enormous amounts of work in the mountains. Some examples of such mechanisms can be seen in sacred places in Tibet. Even before the new era, the BCs went underground, continuing construction work.

According to ancient sources, there have been repeated events on Earth global floods and other disasters. Therefore, all previous civilizations created underground cities, where they periodically went for long-term residence. The states of modern civilization in our time also create underground cities in case of global disasters, as has been repeatedly reported in the press. It is known from history that some peoples go underground (the Chud people and others in the north of Russia), others emerge from there to the surface, like the Tamils ​​- the people of India and Sri Lanka.

For humans to live in the habitats of the planet’s crust at different depths, it is necessary to create a certain temperature regime and other conditions there. The temperature there increases with increasing depth. Work to solve these problems has been carried out throughout the millennia. For this purpose, zones of “permafrost” and glaciation were created. The first center of the modern glaciation period appeared 39 thousand years ago in Africa near Lake. Victoria. With the migration of the North Geographic Pole towards it current situation, the number of ice formation centers (IFCs) was constantly increasing. Now CLOs are available on all continents, incl. and near the equator. It is believed that the work of BL was carried out in collaboration with By cosmic forces to meet the needs of underground civilization.

The flow paths of warm and cold water currents with their descending and ascending paths were formed, including at the poles and the equator.
As a result of research carried out in the 20th century, large technical structures were discovered at the bottom of the Atlantic, Pacific and other oceans. Zones with energy generation, parallel ridges and trough-faults with energy flows above them were identified.

If the storm on Lake Rakshas is caused by technical devices at its bottom, then it is possible that ocean storms are caused by stronger technical devices located at the bottom of the oceans and seas. They can also determine the directions of warm and cold currents.
For example, the warm Gulf Stream flows from the Caribbean Sea northward to the Arctic ice along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. At the same time, cold currents flow towards the side. Explain this to the influence gravitational forces You can't go with the currents.

Looking at the bottom topography Atlantic Ocean, we see that to the south of the equator, on both sides of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, there are 3-4 row parallel ridges of smaller size. In a number of places on the sides of the main ridge there are zones of strong energy generation, which can influence the speed and direction of ocean currents.

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge itself ranges from 500 to 2000 km in width. Along its entire length it has sharp peaks, deep faults and gorges.

Above its peaks there are ascending energy flows, such as above a chain of huge pyramids. There are also ascending energy flows above the tops of parallel ridges. Under the main and parallel ridges there is a system of extended cave tunnels.

Large ridges are found in all the oceans of the planet. Connecting, they form a mountain chain with a total length of about 60 thousand kilometers. The bottom topography of each ocean has its own characteristics (its own builders).

IN Pacific Ocean Parallel cracks-troughs with a length of up to 5 thousand kilometers are clearly visible. The width of each trench is up to 45 km with a depth of up to 3 km. Parallel trenches include: Clarion, Merey, Clipperton, Mendocino, Tonga-Kermodec, etc. Next to the trenches there are energy generation zones.

Above them and above the adjacent edges of the gutters there are ascending energy flows, forming a kind of screen. These energy flows can somehow affect water currents. Another secret of the builders of ancient civilizations has been revealed, which needs comprehension and further study.

Magic, which is increasingly entering our lives, is based on the ability to control the elements. If earlier, when people led a natural life, this was completely natural, now we need to learn again. Progress has played a cruel joke on humanity. Hiding among the “comfort”, we have completely forgotten how to understand and hear nature, and therefore, how to use its natural capabilities.

A little about the elements and abilities

Fortunately, this matter is fixable. Everyone has the ability for such management at the genetic level. You just need to try to remember them. Believe me, a person who learns to walk again after surgery has a much more difficult time than someone who decided to regain their naturally gifted abilities.

There are four elements in nature: earth, water, fire and air. They are completely different. But there is one rule: you need to work with them according to the same principle, based on knowledge and respect. That is, for nature to hear you, you should let it know that you feel and respect it. Let's talk about each in more detail.

Controlling the element of water

This medium is very powerful. If a thin stream can cause calm, then a huge ocean gives rise to fear. This cannot be allowed. Remember the basic principle: you acknowledge and respect, she submits. This means that there is no aggression or negativity between you and the elements (any). It turns out that the fear of water can break the connection and prevent your desire from coming true.

The element of water is used if a person wants to control his patience, flexibility of thinking, determination, and so on. To control water, you need to “communicate” with it as much as possible. Do exercises, swim, talk to her. Everything can be good. But, do not forget that the main test will be communication with the “big water”. If you don't feel afraid, she will submit to you. You can very easily check the contact in a simple way. Pour water into a glass. Look at her carefully. Give the command to warm up. If you feel the temperature change with your hand, then contact is complete!

How to control the element of air

This power helps to accept right decisions. Contact with her is only possible if you are absolutely honest with yourself. The air does not like omissions and conventions. In order to establish contact with this element, “air meditations” should be carried out. This is done like this: sit down in a minimum of clothing and try to feel the air with the entire surface of the skin. You need to breathe deeply and evenly. When this becomes easy, introduce elements of meditation. For example, imagine that you are the wind, flying where you want, and so on.

Fire element and its uses

quite difficult. She does not accept fear, does not like lies, like the previous ones. But there is also a small subtlety: fire is very changeable. He will not be able to merge with you if you are static, that is, you do not accept your every second change. Therefore, it is recommended to practice meditation on self-acceptance. Then you need to look at the fire (even a candle) and merge with it.

After some practice, you will feel that he “hears” you. Hurry up to seize the moment. It is necessary to immediately give a command, even the simplest one: turn left.” You will see that this is exactly what will happen! When the first result is obtained, you need to continue working. If the “subtlety” is caught by the inner gaze, then things will go easier.

How to learn to control the elements of earth?

Let's not talk much about this power. It is quite static and difficult to master. It is used as the basis of life (which it is). In order to feel the earth, you need to imagine it and place it “in your heart.” This meditation is not difficult. You should sit quietly, imagine a globe in front of you and “introduce” it into your chest. At the same time, feel the feeling of love!

The described exercises are aimed at making friends with the elements. If someone thinks that this is not enough to control them, then they are mistaken. The only condition that allows the magician to command these enormous forces is complete, unconditional mental contact, which makes him one of them. They merge into a single whole. Anyone who truly wants to learn will understand after a few trainings.

Water controls its memory

Recently, Russian meteorologists discovered how the ocean gives birth to hurricanes and preserves the memory of them. In some areas of the ocean, the water begins to warm up faster than in others, the air above warm spots also warms up faster, and wind appears and intensifies. Due to the rotation of the Earth, the air swirls and draws in surrounding air masses. Waves rise on the ocean, and the nascent hurricane receives additional fuel. A storm begins and turns into a hurricane. Where a hurricane passes, the ocean water cools by about one degree, to a depth of sixty meters, giving up its energy to the hurricane, and patches of fresh water appear on the surface of the ocean.

People noticed that the increase negative emotions in the world has an irritating effect on the ocean, hurricanes and storms occur more often. Water, with sharp “movements,” neutralizes negative information, returning itself to an equilibrium state. Anger, envy, and aggression of people cause a response from the water, and we then calculate losses from floods, sudden downpours, hurricanes and typhoons. Nature strives for balance, and it is time for people to follow its example and learn to control their emotions. A person’s power of thought is quite great, but spiritual growth and education are not enough. To exaggerate, we can say: he got angry with his neighbor, they began to quarrel - a flood came and washed away both houses. Water returns to people the information embedded in it: negative thoughts, military conflicts, violence, which is broadcast to the whole world by radio and television. The informational impact of water is one of the most serious impacts on humans, because water is our life.

Water remembers people’s actions, it’s not for nothing that sailors are so superstitious. If the water doesn't like the person on the ship, there won't be a happy voyage. Otherwise the ship will sink altogether.

There was once a story: a ship set out to sea, for some unknown reason deviated from its course, and, hitting a reef, sank. A few days later, the castaways were picked up by a passing ship. Soon the ship landed on the reefs, and the crews of two ships were already saving themselves on the nearby rocks. Only the sixth or seventh ship managed to remove the castaways and bring them safely to port.

There are people who love the ocean infinitely, and it reciprocates their love. Such people can sail in the ocean on a boat, without fresh water and food, but will remain alive. They will always have fish on hand and will find areas of almost fresh water in the ocean.

Life originated in the ocean and is closely connected with it to this day. I think that the increase in diseases, the emergence of new diseases, irritability, fatigue - all this can be associated with human poisoning of the ocean. We use the ocean as a storage room from which we can take the things we need and put away all the junk we don’t need. The balance of the ocean is disrupted, and the balance of water in the human body is disrupted. It is possible that the oil spill occurred in that part of the ocean that is closely connected with the person N. (let’s call him that), the water cannot feed him with energy, because it itself fights pollution, and N. feels severe fatigue and decreased immunity. And if toxic substances are thrown out, it is possible that cancer is associated with this (when you get cancer, the body’s cells do not perceive certain types of energy). Ocean pollution chemicals created by man - the water in the human body acquires distorted properties and, perhaps, the balance in the body is disturbed and a new disease appears.

It is likely that a person's memory is located in the water contained in the brain, which is why water reacts so strongly to a person's words and emotions. With his negative and evil thoughts and words, a person can poison, and with positive ones, he can heal everything that has even a little water in it.

What about ancestral memory? Why was it so important for rulers and people in power to have a half-blooded heir? Because blood is the memory of the family, the keeper of family traditions. Relatives also unite according to the principle of family memory. There is a saying about distant relatives - “seventh water on jelly”, which means that they have moved so far away that they have little common blood preserved, they have lost the memory of this family.

People who have achieved high spiritual development begin to receive knowledge directly from the world around them and can move around it without any technical means. Records of such cases have been left, confirmed by many witnesses and facts. All ancient and new information about the history of all people in the world, about the life of each of us, about the Universe is stored in water. Let's take care of it, and who knows, maybe immortality exists, and after death we turn into a drop of water to collect and store new information about our wonderful world?

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