The best way to go crazy. Madness: types, causes and methods of prevention

One of the most simple ways go crazy - try to become yourself. It's about the same as entering a room you're already in. But if you can still leave the room, and then come back in, then become someone else, and then yourself again - you understand... Split personality is guaranteed!

This method is as reliable as it is popular, especially among psychologists and esotericists. The slogan “Be yourself!” Many of them only have it stamped on their foreheads. It is intended, however, for others - as one of the simplest means of healing from all diseases.

I read it and you think: “So, that means I’m not me at all, but someone else... Strange... Ah, I get it! Probably, it means that part of me is me, and part is someone else...” Well, it’s not far from “voices”. Simple, like everything ingenious. It seems that there is nothing more to write about, and so everything is clear. But the mechanism of such “self-craziness” is so universal and perfect that I would like to admire it even a little more. This is surprising, but why doesn’t such a simple thought occur to a person: in me, dissatisfied with myself, there is not someone else sitting with whom I am dissatisfied, and all this is me, simply dissatisfied with myself? Ha-ha, “simple” - you feel how you start to think about it, this is where it begins?.. Not a mechanism, but just a miracle! There is even a scientific name - “self-reflection”. I am watching myself... And which of us is real??? Well, as modern youth say, “inserts”? But that's not all.

The implication is that becoming oneself is a process. And here the question arises: has it already become, or not yet? and how much? So that the reader does not go crazy already in the process of reading this text, let’s look at the example of “entering a room.” I'm walking down the corridor. I went to the door. Opened it. He raised his foot... He stepped on. Now another... That's it! I'm in the room! How can you prove it? “I swear to my mother!” won't suit you. Well, after all, he stepped over the threshold - look, here he is!

Let's return to “becoming yourself.” I tensed up, relaxed, meditated, visited a psychotherapist (walked down the corridor). He got closer... He raised his leg... Where is the threshold? After all, I spent so much effort! So, it has changed in the right direction... Where is the threshold??? Ugh, damn it, I became myself, I became! I swear to my mom!!! Oh, who’s that nervous there? I’m not so nervous now, am I?

I think if you have read this far, then your psyche is strong, and you can continue. So, another tricky question: am I changing at all or not? He is not as idle as he might seem at first glance. From my psychotherapeutic practice, I can say that every third client asks it every three meetings. So I come to you, but does anything change in me? Yes or no? Hooray! We are already on the verge of madness again! Didn't notice? Then answer the question: what if there is at least something in this world that does not change over time? Or have we stopped time? But this is exactly how the question is posed - almost no one asks WHAT has changed in me. It’s the same with “self-becoming”: I become him, myself? Instead of asking WHAT EXACTLY about myself doesn’t suit me and HOW MUCH I have progressed in changing MYSELF, and not the other “living” in me.

Well, do you really have strong nerves? Then I will deliver the final “blow to the psyche.” There is an old paradox: what is reflected in the mirror when there is no one next to it? Not bad, right? And now for lovers of “self-formation”: when you sleep and don’t even dream, are you yourself? If yes, then the search for yourself could end here - just sleep more!

And one last thing. If you decide to drive someone you know crazy, and your words “Be yourself!” he simply ignored it, let him read this text, it should help...

We like people who are a little crazy, eccentric and ready to do crazy things. At the same time, we ourselves are terribly afraid of going crazy. True madmen seem to us to be necessarily unbalanced psychos, placed in special institutions, isolated from “normality.” At the same time, we know very well that many brilliant people, artists, scientists and musicians have always been a little crazy. We all have our quirks and we all have a little bit of crazy in us. Let's recognize a time bomb together!

1. I'm afraid of going crazy

Daily stresses do not go unnoticed by the body. We are afraid of everything: a kettle forgotten on the stove, an iron not turned off, an urgent report at work, a trip to the dentist, terrorist threats, natural disasters, etc. We get upset over little things and it seems that just a little more and our nerves will not be able to stand it, and something will happen. something irreversible. Everyday portions of stress, like layers in a pie, fit into our heads, and the state of panic becomes almost chronic. From people who long time are in such a stressful state, you can often hear “I’m afraid of going crazy.”

This is exactly how neurosis manifests itself, it hides in fears, sometimes deep and understandable only to our subconscious, and manifests itself after a series of stresses. The phenomenon is often temporary and certainly familiar to each of us firsthand. Constant hysterics give way to panic attacks, and sometimes psychosomatics comes into play and then it becomes no laughing matter. Endless searches for diseases and trips from doctor to doctor can really drive you crazy.

Fear of visiting a doctor is also no less common - iatrophobia. Watch the video!

2. Love to the point of madness

Love is blind, so madness has to lead it by the hand. And even regardless of age, madness sometimes becomes a guide for a loving heart. Attacks of jealousy, the inability to withstand separation and tearful streams of joy just from looking at a loved one - some will say that this is a manifestation of real feelings, while others will see a painful obsession with the object of love. From such a love disorder all sorts of things happen. sad stories in the style of “Romeo and Juliet” or “don’t let anyone get you.” Such painful relationships are definitely not doomed to last a long life. But their creators and perpetrators - the lovers themselves - risk either being cured or completely going off the rails.

3. Unrecognized genius

All brilliant people are partly crazy, but not all crazy people are brilliant people! It happens that a person considers himself not just exceptionally creative, but a real genius. I wrote one banal and frankly mediocre book or picked up paints for the first time, smearing them on the canvas, imagining myself to be the new Cezanne. When the crown has already been put on, but there has not yet been a reason for the coronation, this is an alarming sign! "Star stories" of some unrecognized geniuses make us ignore them creative activity, but to attract attention to yourself in other ways. They make shocking attacks, put on uncomfortable masquerade costumes and firmly believe in their special destiny. It’s good if an understanding of reality still returns to them, and the whisper of madness only adds ideas for creative implementation. But this does not always happen, and some are forced to remain misunderstood. Although, perhaps their time simply has not come. After all, the notorious Giordano Bruno was understood only 300 years after... he was burned.

4. I'm bad

Failures at work, personal life is not working out. What's the matter? Psychologists teach us to look for problems within ourselves, so people find them, but not always from the right side. This is how legends with curses and damage are born, and the sufferers themselves label themselves “losers” and “wreaths of celibacy.” Suggestion is a powerful thing. And the sad look and endless conversations about problems (which, by the way, absolutely everyone has!) good people they don’t attract and don’t make life brighter. If on initial stage“I am bad” syndrome can still be cured on your own active work over oneself, then in a prolonged form it can be very contagious, provoking a lazy, dull existence and real psychosis.

5. Workaholism and other addictions

We all know very well that drunkenness and drug addiction begin mainly due to internal problems and the inability to cope with them on our own. All this is dangerous and requires serious medical and psychological treatment. “I don’t drink or use drugs, so everything is fine with my head, there’s no addiction,” you think and go to work again on Saturday. You love your job, which means you don’t do anything bad. Meanwhile, psychologists have long equated workaholism to a neuropsychiatric disease. And this dangerous epidemic is now reigning all over the world. Working with your head is also a unique way to escape from problems. Behind such a frantic work rhythm, a workaholic often awaits emotional burnout, decreased sexual activity, insomnia and health problems on fertile nervous soil.

6. Wanderlust

What do children do when they want to protest, when they have problems with their parents or classmates, when it seems to them that they are not understood and the whole world is against them. They literally run away from problems. They run away from home. A child's way out of any situation, if suddenly reality begins to press, also works in adults and, if you do not pay attention to it, results in real deviation. . Many often change jobs, some change girlfriends or lovers, and some change entire cities. Once having escaped from psychological trauma, a person can continue to run away from any situation simply impulsively, while losing what is dear to him and parting with what is important to him.

7. Distracted man from Basseynaya street

Not only do all madmen have their own eccentricities and strange habits, they are also extremely forgetful and absent-minded. At a minimum, forgetting the birthdays of loved ones and friends is in their spirit. Psychologists, as a result of long and painful experiments, have found that poor memory and inability to learn are very alarming signs. Such disturbances are directly related to improper functioning of the brain and thus send SOS signals.

And yet, each of us sometimes lacks a little bit of madness... But it’s still better when your madness brings pleasure and pleasant surprises to your loved ones, and for this, always remain in a sober mind and good memory!

How to drive a person crazy quickly and easily? You need to pretend to be a fool and ask him stupid questions. Or you can just find fault with him and pretend that his arguments are complete nonsense.

Why did I bring this up? Yes, because today I was almost driven crazy in this way. Well, of course, I’m exaggerating a little, but if this lasted for several days or even months, then you could really go crazy.

And it was like this. I sometimes sell links from one of my sites in a serious exchange of eternal links. Recently, I deliberately increased the price to above average so that all sorts of freeloaders would not blow my mind. And yesterday I received one request to post a link. Link to a decent site on 1C topics.

I was not lazy and wrote a feature article and posted it in the main section of the site. (There is also a secondary one, and there is even a hidden one) The result is a URL like MY_SITE.RU/1C-linux Everything in general is first class. But the customer “optimizer” didn’t like it. I present the correspondence in its entirety.

Optimizer: If you look at the “breadcrumbs” in the article, then it itself should be here But here it is not. How to understand this?

I: Breadcrumbs show the RUBRIC of the article. Go to the main page and see your article. I didn’t invent this plugin, and it’s not my fault that it shows the path through the category. The article was written under your link, it is ABSOLUTELY thematic, which in reality costs much more. So the claims are not justified.

Optimizer: My question is exactly how to find an article after it leaves the feed on the main page. I am afraid that the article may be published in an isolated section to which there are no links on the site (unfortunately, I sometimes see this). If there is a real section and it can be reached from the main page, then I will be glad to accept the material.

I: Here's a simple answer - always look at - this is done for search robots. If it’s here, it won’t go anywhere. If it is displayed on the main page, then this cannot be a hidden section. If it is displayed in http://….ru/feed/ then this cannot be a hidden section. You owe me another 100 rubles for the SEO lesson :) And you don’t need to immediately send it for revision, just write a message first!

Optimizer: I'm not interested in signs of a partition's existence. I'm interested in the path to the section where the news is located from the main page of the site. Describe it and there will be no questions.

I: Well, don't you see the url in the browser? It goes straight away, without any categories or sections. It is impossible to have such a url from a closed section. Maybe you should hire an SEO specialist, like me, who would supervise all this properly? You will give the webmaster a heart attack by explaining banal things. See the url of the page http://… well, where is there anything to hide? Well, ask literate people if you don’t understand it yourself. I don’t even know how else to convince you. Well, go to the main page, look at your article in the feed, what else do you need?

Optimizer: If there is no section, then indicate the path from the main page of the site to the article, if you do not go through the news feed. The news feed is a very temporary phenomenon. If this path exists, then I have no questions.

I: It seems to me that you don’t understand anything AT ALL about website building and how everything works. What path are you talking about? Is there a link to the post in the sidebar menu? Eat. Is it on the main page? Eat. Is it in the section? Eat. Is the site on the map? Eat. You already owe me a lot of money for frayed nerves. Are you not a woman? Well, call your neighbor, whoever is next to you, let them explain to you what an ARTICLE IN THE MAIN FEED OF THE SITE means. Should I give you the admin password so you can check? Write to the exchange support service and let them check. I'm tired of proving something to you.

Optimizer: Sorry, I didn’t see that in the central part of the site you have a news feed with the ability to navigate through pages to past news. Initially I saw it in “Latest Articles” and thought that this was the only place it was displayed. I automatically assumed that in the central part of the main page you have standard materials, like on many sites. I apologize again.

I: I’m glad everything was resolved, otherwise I didn’t even know what to tell you in my defense. By the way, write in those assignments about hidden sections, this exists and it’s good when they warn you in advance.

He’s a good man in principle, he apologized, I probably shouldn’t have been so harsh with him, but really, I almost went crazy explaining that 2x2 = 4. I think that working with people requires a lot of nerves. Sometimes you look at the same bank employees who issue loans, and you want to wish them strong nerves - people today are so impatient!

But it’s good that everything was resolved. While we were arguing, this article had already been indexed, and after his approval I received the money.

HUNDRED SEVENTY RUBLES - was it worth going crazy over this?

Parenting is a difficult process. At any stage. It would seem that he is already five and can finally get some sleep. But damn! How can you sleep here if all your thoughts are occupied with the fact that he still can’t read! Or: he is already 18, and you are finally one hundred and fifty, and you can relax and read the newspaper. But how can you read here if there are dangers all around - drugs, alcohol and damn rock and roll! In short, no life.

But the most difficult period of parenthood is, of course, the first weeks of a child’s life, when you don’t know what you’re doing, what’s happening and why no one warned you about it. At this time, mothers are faced with a huge number of tasks that they have not previously encountered in practice. And even the most courageous women give in and at some point they realize that they no longer understand anything.

Relatives, advice, self-doubt and Googling only spoil everything, because they make you doubt yourself even more. But still, we often add unnecessary problems to ourselves by trying to become ideal mothers - in accordance with our implausible expectations from parenthood. Here is a list of things that will definitely contribute to the departure of your roof in the first month of motherhood.

Constantly comparing the child with other children or worse - with signs

Young parents are obsessed with the norm (why do you think NEN is called that?). It is important for them to know whether it is normal for a four-month-old child to weigh half a kilogram less than a neighbor’s three-month-old son? Is it normal for a 5 month old baby to not want to sleep through the night even though the pediatrician said he “should”? Is it normal that at six months he still has no teeth, although your mother says that at that age you already had five?

In general, it is normal that young parents want to know all this and monitor how their child grows and develops. However, the main mistake is that they consider themselves personally responsible for what is happening in the child’s body and psyche. biological processes. Get rid of this burden! Everything is fine with your baby, even if your distant relatives think that your baby is too small, thin and not hairy enough.

Exclusion of the father from caring for the child

Yes, for some women the maternal instinct is so strong that they cannot even entrust the baby to their own husband during the first few weeks. Okay, we understand you. But can he wash the floor himself? Should I put the kettle on? How about hanging washed laundry? How about drawing a bath for the baby? Well, at least go and buy you a kilogram of apples or herring or whatever you want right now? Let him be a full member of the family. Nothing bad will happen if suddenly you don’t iron his socks for tomorrow’s important meeting. No one will die because, instead of cooking a five-liter pan of pickle, you chose to sleep with your child.

Resistance to change

Let's say you've already come to terms with the fact that milk flows from your breasts, you don't get enough sleep, you go for walks in gray sweatpants and not your favorite skinny ones, and you now know how to assemble and disassemble a stroller and even carry it to the fifth floor in house without an elevator.

But even after recognizing these changes, many continue to resist the fact that transformations have occurred not only in life, but also in home. Young mothers cannot come to terms with the fact that the apartment is littered with tiny clothes, that now instead of a coffee table there is a crib, that instead of a cool carpet with abstract designs, there is an educational rug lying on the floor, which, if anything, develops your paranoia.

So here it is. Humble yourself. You are no longer alone. This creature will be with you. It will take up its allotted piece of space, even if every evening, exhausted, you hide its things and toys in closets and mezzanines. Sooner or later they will catch up with you, it is better to acknowledge their existence now to relieve that part of the brain that is rushing around in horror that you now have a child.

Excessive seriousness

Damn, no one argues that having a child is serious. What a huge responsibility and an incredibly fantastic event. But seriously, you can laugh at children, even such little ones. This doesn’t mean that someone is making fun of your motherhood, it’s just that it’s impossible to approach life with children without humor, otherwise you might go crazy, yeah.