The Perseid meteor shower is the most beautiful meteor shower in August. Perseids meteor shower - the most beautiful starfall in August Orionids meteor shower

The Perseid meteor shower is an incredibly beautiful astrological phenomenon. Simply put, people call it a starfall. Experts have already talked about when the peak of this event will be - at what time and on what date. Read about where and when you can watch the beautiful fall of many stars in August 2017 in the material

Starfall in August 2017: time, what date - when will it happen

Every year, the inhabitants of the planet admire a wonderful phenomenon - a starfall: traces of light formed as a result of the combustion of small particles of cosmic meteoroids in the dense atmosphere of our planet. This “fairy tale” is simply mesmerizing, which is why millions of people always come out to see it. By the way, from mid to late August, stargazing is a frequent occurrence.
In August 2017, the most beautiful starfall is the Perseid Meteor Shower. You can already observe it now, but so far these are not such frequent combustions. But on the night of August 12-13, the sky will be simply beautiful - one meteorite will burn up per minute, experts said. Not everything, of course, will be seen by people, but still “stars will fall” very often.

The thing is that the night from August 12 to 13 is the maximum peak of activity of the Perseid meteor shower. It is because of him that there will be a “fairy tale” in the sky. It will be most visible in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, in particular in Russia. Forecasts of the International Meteor Organization say that they expect about 100 meteors per hour.

In order to see it as it gets dark, on August 12 you can go outside, preferably away from the city, to the shore of the lake, and look towards the constellation Perseus. This way you can watch the whole night - the sky will be simply magical.

On the night of August 13, the Perseid meteor shower will be visible in the sky over the capital and other Russian cities. This starfall is one of the three most spectacular cosmic phenomena along with the April Lyrids and December Geminids. For now, weather forecasters promise clear weather. In this case, the Perseids will be visible to the naked eye. How stated leading specialist at the Phobos Weather Center, “the weather situation is developing favorably with a 90% probability.”

The peak of the meteor shower is expected from 23:00 to 00:00 Moscow time.

Meteors occur when cosmic dust particles burn up upon entering the atmosphere. Streams of celestial bodies are usually associated with the passage of the Earth through dust plumes left over from comets. Fragments of rock ejected from the comet's nucleus, entering the atmosphere of our planet, burn up in it, flaring up like stars. When the Earth, on its way around the Sun, encounters these particles, they penetrate the atmosphere at a speed of more than 150 thousand km/h, drawing either straight solid or broken lines. Most flares are caused by meteoroids the size of a grain of sand. Casual eyewitnesses often mistake glare from a meteor shower for the machinations of a UFO.

“The Perseids look like white luminous streams that seem to “line” the night sky. The glow time of meteors usually lasts several seconds. Up to 100 meteors per hour are expected to be visible in the sky this year,” stated at the Moscow Planetarium, where they also noted that only cloudy weather and the waxing Moon can interfere with the viewing of star rain.

The August meteor shower started on July 17 and will end on August 26. After August 20, the intensity of the stream will gradually decrease: from this time on, only one or two meteors per hour can be seen in the night sky.

The Perseids appear in the sky as a result of the Earth's passage through meteorite debris surrounding Comet Swift-Tuttle. The stream appears from the side of the constellation Perseus, in whose honor the Perseids got their name. Visually, at the level of this cluster there is a source of flow. Meteor showers are best observed in the northern hemisphere.

Comet Swift-Tuttle itself approaches the Earth only once every 135 years, but the Earth passes through its tail every year.

Entirely celestial body will approach our planet again in 2126.

A feature of the current starfall will be the presence of a bright Moon in the sky, which may interfere with a good “picture”. If at first the epicenter of the Perseids is concentrated in the northeast, then by morning it will gradually rise above the horizon. Experts recommend observing this unique natural phenomenon far from city lights - in the countryside. For example, on the shore of a pond, in a field or in a forest clearing. If you can’t get out of the city to watch the starfall, it is best to take a position on the balcony, or better yet, on the roof of a high-rise building on the outskirts.

In addition, experts advise not to focus on individual particles, and also remember that meteors do not appear in the sky continuously. Pauses between streams can be 5-10 minutes.

“After midnight, the intensity of the flow, as a rule, increases, and by 4:30 in the morning, counting the white streaks in the sky becomes more and more exciting,

reported at the Barnaul Planetarium. — The radiant is located in the constellation Perseus, the landmark is given by the circumpolar constellation Cassiopeia, bordering Perseus: direct your gaze to this part of the sky. A favorable period for observations is when the Moon in the first or last quarter phase will not “expose” the search for meteors.”

Humanity has been observing the Perseids for about 2000 years. In former times, they were mistakenly taken for shooting stars, which is why, in fact, the “popular” name for this phenomenon was born. The first mention of “fire rain” was found in 36 AD among the Chinese, but it is officially believed that the annual meteor shower was discovered by the Belgian mathematician, astronomer and meteorologist Adolphe Quetelet in August 1835.

Previously the National Aeronautics and Research Administration outer space USA () that an asteroid the size of the Cheops pyramid will approach Earth on August 28. However, it seems there is no need to worry: if scientists’ calculations turn out to be correct, the celestial body will fly at a distance of 1 million km from the surface of the planet.

Each of us at least once admired the stunning spectacle of star rain. Knowing the dates of starfalls in 2017 in advance, you will be able to make the most of these events and not miss a single star shower.

For a long time, starfall has been considered a mystical event, captivating with its beauty and grandeur. Contemplation of the starry sky helps to come to inner harmony, and when you see a shooting star, you can make any wish that will definitely come true.

Quadrantids in January 2017

Lyrids starfall in spring 2017

This year the Lyrid shower should be expected in April, from the 16th to the 25th. The constellation Lyra has been giving us this stunning spectacle for several centuries. In 2017, the peak of the meteor shower will occur on April 21, and the overall intensity of meteor falls will decrease compared to last year.

Energetically, this April starfall is perfectly compatible with the fulfillment of desires related to self-development and creativity. At this time, it will be easiest to start learning a new hobby or gain useful skills.

When will the Aquarids starfall occur?

Aquarids are a meteor shower divided into three types:

  • Eta Aquarids: The shower can be seen from April 19 to May 28, 2017;
  • Delta Aquarids: Meteor shower runs from July 12 to August 23;
  • Iota Aquarids: This meteor shower will begin on July 1 and end on September 18.

The energy of the Aquarids starfall is extremely strong: this meteor shower brings fundamental changes, inspiration and love. During these three starfalls, you can fulfill your most cherished wish and completely change your life and destiny.

2017 Perseid meteor shower

The Perseid meteor shower is the most famous and brightest. In the coming 2017, it can be seen from July 18 to August 24, and the peak of activity with the fall of more than 250 meteors per hour will reach August 11-12. It is better to admire this spectacle of incomparable beauty away from the city and sources of street lighting: the ideal solution would be a trip to the village or a country trip with an overnight stay in nature.

The energy of the Perseid meteor shower is extremely powerful and requires careful handling. For example, astrologers recommend that during this period of time you carefully weigh your every word and even thought, since such a bright starfall can attract into your life absolutely everything that you say or think about while experiencing strong emotions. At this time, empathy will help more than ever: you will be able to better understand those around you and avoid many troubles.

Draconids in autumn 2017

The Draconid glow can be observed annually from October 7 to 12: although this meteor shower is very brief, it is unusually bright and has a strong energy. This year, the peak of starfall activity will occur on October 8, and the intensity will reach 20 meteors per hour.

The Draconids were given to us by the constellation Draco, and on a subtle level they extremely sharpen the sense of justice. During this period, it is extremely easy to “break the woods”, unable to cope with your own emotions, or to fall into melancholy from the general world injustice. Astrologers and psychics recommend not starting new businesses and not making fateful decisions at this time. You can take care of yourself and your needs, give warmth, care and attention to your loved ones, and also pay more attention to the beauty around you.

Orionid meteor shower

This starfall is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful. The Orionids in 2017 will begin their movement on October 2 and end around November 7-8. The speed of falling meteors in the stream is very fast, and the intensity of the meteor shower will reach 15-20 meteors per hour.

The energy of the Orionids is tough, fast, impulsive. Emotions will break through even in the most restrained and cold-blooded people, feelings will be intense, and words will be hot and sincere. Try to be honest with yourself and dear people at this time, because sometimes a frank conversation can correct even the most difficult situation.

Leonids in 2017

Typically, the Leonids are far from the brightest meteor shower: the flow rate reaches no more than 10 meteors per hour. But this year we'll see a spike in this meteor shower, which occurs every 33 years. The Leonids will be much brighter than usual, and the intensity of meteor showers can reach 20-30 per hour. Such a spectacle will be beautiful in the cold autumn sky: you can watch the starfall from November 8 to November 28, 2017.

Energetically, the Leonids perfectly contribute to creative inspiration: at this time poetry is best written, paintings are created and the art of meditation is comprehended. Don’t be afraid to create and express yourself: your work will bring very real results.

When can you see the Geminids in 2017?

The Geminids are a major stellar shower that ends the calendar year. It will be possible to observe this meteor shower from December 4 to 17, and it will reach its peak activity on the 13-14th. This time the shower will pass through the constellation Gemini: this means that the meteor shower will be best seen in the Northern Hemisphere.

The energy of the Geminids will contribute to restorative practices and the fulfillment of desires: at this time, the beginning of any creative process will be especially good and successful. Try to look for answers about your purpose and path at this time: the energy of the meteor shower will help you receive comprehensive information at the subconscious level.

The starry sky contains many attractive secrets, and only some of them have been unraveled by astronomers and astrologers. It is no secret that the stars directly influence our lives, and for it to be happy, it is necessary to be in harmony with lunar and stellar energy. Good help will have a hand in this

Perseids starfall in summer, August 2017 – when and at what time can you see this amazing romantic phenomenon in the night sky? In August 2017, don’t miss your opportunity to make a wish “on a shooting star”, of which, by the way, there can be up to 60 per hour. The Perseids starfall is one of the most popular among both professionals and amateurs, and it is not surprising: the Perseids are a very abundant meteor shower and are among the TOP 3 most beautiful starfalls. At this time, you can observe up to 1 spark per minute in the sky - therefore, stock up on “spare” wishes.

When and at what time can you watch the Perseids starfall?

The Perseids begin to fall on August 9, and reach their apogee by August 12-13, gradually, as they move away from the Earth, they fade away by the 20th. The magical spectacle is the result of falling meteorite rocks, cosmic dust and pieces of ice from passing meteors. The Perseids as a meteor shower originate from the constellation Perseus.

The special brightness of the stream is given by the “cherry on the cake” - comet Swift-Tuttle, whose tail, in fact, loses cosmic rocks, giving us this stellar fireworks. It was on the basis of the Perseid shower and comet Swift-Tuttle in particular that the discovery was made that the meteor shower “falls” from the tail of the comet.

Needless to say, you won’t see such beauty during the day? Turn off the lights in the house, go out onto the balcony, street, garden, park or nature, look at the sky and enjoy the peace. Remember that the Perseids will not return for another year.

Where will you be able to see and how to watch the Perseids starfall?

The Perseids starfall is best viewed, of course, while looking up to the constellation Perseus. In this part of the sky you can observe the maximum number of falling meteors. First, find the constellation Ursa Major (Bucket) and the North Star in the sky. The ladle is a constellation in the shape of the kitchen tool of the same name, in the shape of the letter “J” of seven stars. If everything is more or less clear with the Bucket, then we look for the North Star, drawing a line to the right from the edge of the bucket: you should reach the edge of the Small Bucket. Polaris is the outermost star of the “handle” of the bucket of the constellation Ursa Minor. From the North Star, draw a line further - you will come across the constellation Cassiopeia (a cluster of stars in the shape of the letter W). Below is the constellation Perseus. This can be seen more clearly in the MeteoWeb diagram:

The Perseids have been known to mankind for about two thousand years, reports the Moscow Planetarium. Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet is considered to be the discoverer of the Perseid stream. The absolute record for falling meteors in the entire history of observing the Perseids was recorded in 1839 - 160 falling meteors per minute! Therefore, prepare a wish list. The nights from August 9 to 13 are definitely worth taking a break from the hardships of life and turning your gaze to the sky.

By tradition The most active periods of starfall are the second half and end of summer.

2017 was no exception in this regard, and according to publicly available information from astronomical centers, which throughout the year provide current news regarding the situation in space, in August 2017, throughout the Northern Hemisphere and in Russia in particular, it will be possible to observe the most active and incredibly beautiful starfall . According to scientists, for the period of mid-August, or more precisely, on the night of August 12-13, 2017, it will be possible to observe a whole cluster of burning meteors that are already heading towards the Earth to fulfill the wishes of those who made wishes.

From August 12 to 13, we will experience the most beautiful starfall of the year. This night marks the peak activity of the Perseid meteor shower. According to IMO (International Meteor Organization) forecasts, up to 100 meteors are expected per hour. To see it you need to look towards the constellation Perseus. It can only be observed in the northern hemisphere. The activity of the stream will end on August 24, reports the Moscow Planetarium.

Such phenomena at the end of summer, as mentioned earlier, are an extremely common situation for Russia, since during this period the planet passes a specific area in space, in which small particles have accumulated, burning in our atmosphere. However, the fact that this is an annual event does not diminish its beauty in any way, because such a simple physical phenomenon as the combustion of something from air friction ultimately creates a fabulous and enchanting spectacle that is perfect for couples in love as an unusual way of leisure.

Perseids starfall in 2017

The Perseids are a very powerful and unusually beautiful meteor shower. It is also one of the big three largest star falls. It can be called one of the most beautiful meteor showers. It usually begins around July 17, and reaches its peak on August 9-13. In 2017, the Perseids reached their apogee on the night of August 12-13. Maximum quantity combustible particles can reach more than 200 per hour. To see it you need to look towards the constellation Perseus. It can only be observed in the northern hemisphere.

The Perseids are one of the oldest meteor showers. Memories of him can be found as early as 36 AD. Around the eighth century, the Perseid received the name “tears of St. Lawrence.” And all because in Europe the St. Lawrence Festival occurs during the most active period of this meteor shower.

In order to see the Perseids starfall, it is enough to find a place where there will be good review sky and it is advisable to stay away from all light sources at this time. And don’t forget to make a wish, because according to legend, it is during this period that everything you think comes true. However, you need to remember one thing important detail- at this time you need to be alone. To achieve greater success, you need to count as many shooting stars as the sum of your birth date. Only after this make a wish and remember - no negative thoughts.