My native land (School essays). I want to tell you about my native land Prepare a message about my land

Essay on the topic “my land”

My region is an amazing place where everyone can find something for themselves. Our region is adorned with the most beautiful and picturesque nature, a wide and deep river, as well as a huge number of cultural attractions. Every village, even the smallest one, will certainly have its own source of pride. It can be a historical building and heroic deeds of local residents who threw all their strength into defending their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, and even amazing creations of nature itself.

I really like the beautiful nature that surrounds me throughout my life. My region is rich in mighty forests. One visit to which can already be called a fabulous and unique adventure. Walking among tall and spreading trees of various species, I always felt indescribable pride that I was born and live in my own region. My family has a small dacha, which is located near the city. It is surrounded by forest, which I enjoy walking through so much. Walking a little from the dacha, you can see a small lake in which summer residents swim. I also love to take a dip in the clear and cool water after a hot day. The whole nature of our region, in my opinion, invisibly affects the population that lives in it. After all, we have so many good, kind and sympathetic people! And this is certainly another reason to be proud of your native land.

My favorite place in our city is the embankment. The design of the embankment itself is very beautiful if you carefully examine its architecture. It also offers an amazing and beautiful view of the deep river. In my opinion, our river also gives uniqueness and originality to our region. And, of course, one cannot underestimate the benefits that the river brings to the surrounding nature. Without our main “water” artery, it is impossible to imagine the life of many settlements that receive water from it. The surrounding nature would also lose some of its unique flavor if there were no river.

Of course, I have not yet been able to visit all corners of our small Motherland, but I hope that in the future I will have such a chance. I really want to visit all the cities of our region, enjoy its beauty and kindness of the people, get unique and unforgettable emotions that will even stronger strengthen my love for my native spaces and landscapes, and once again make sure that my region is the best for me!

It's always easy to write about a place you love because it feels good. You can describe your favorite places, memorable events that happened there. You can remember and relive everything that gave you pleasure and was valuable to you. Everyone’s favorite region is most likely the place where a person was born and raised, where he walked since childhood, where he went to school, where he met his first friends and first love. This is the place where everything most often happens for the first time. Of course, there may be exceptions, but most often the native land is the most beloved.

You can even say that you don’t choose your favorite region, because you cannot choose where exactly to be born. How you can’t choose whether to love or not love your region. Most likely, you will love him, because this love will be passed on to you from your ancestors, grandparents, mothers and fathers.

My favorite region always leaves only warm memories, and most often only pleasant moments are remembered. Most likely, this is a property of memory, but this is not the only reason. While we are small and live with our parents, we do not often have serious problems. And even if they arise, our parents also help us cope with them. This is probably why so many wonderful memories are associated with our native and beloved land, and everything bad that happened is overshadowed by something brighter.

If a person has his favorite region, it means he has a place where he can always come and feel at home, feel very comfortable, in his place. This feeling is very important, it gives confidence in oneself, in the future, it instills confidence in many things. This is probably why people who lose their home and move voluntarily to another place feel so lost.

My favorite land is my native land, the place where I was born and where I grew up. This place is very dear to me also because my parents grew up there, my history is there. Even if this story is not very long, it is the story of my family, and it was born and continues in my beloved land. This is very important to me, and everything in my region has value for me, since it is all part of me.

When I think about my beloved and native land, I want to make it better, I want to instill the same love in everyone who calls it their homeland. I would like every resident of my region to realize that this region is our little homeland, and if we don’t take care of it, then no one will take care of it. This is very important, because the region cannot exist on its own; it needs our support and attention. No one else can give him this except us.

"For man there is nothing
closer and dearer than our native land..."

Essay on the topic "My native land"

Native land! So many amazing memories in just a few words. Blooming cherry orchards and fragrant mint carpets along the paths. The alluring blue of the blue summer sky, the aroma of golden linden, harvesting bread - nostalgia overwhelms you at the mere mention native spaces, where you were born, grew up and took your first steps into an exciting and interesting life.

You will always have your mother's shining eyes, your father's wise instructions, your grandmother's fairy tales and your grandfather's stories about the war. Native land, you have experienced so much and mean so much. Once upon a time, military battalions passed through these steppes, trying to free our strong people from the oppression of the enemy. Once upon a time these fields were dotted with golden corn with green feathers. Once upon a time, the murmur of a river merged with the noise of a birch grove, and you sat on a small hummock, wandered your gaze over the relief expanses and thought about something of your own.

Native land always beckons you, pulls you back to those paths along which you ran with the guys, to those orchards where you stole ripe apricots. We travel around the world, travel, meet new people, but in our hearts there is always one single corner of warmth and comfort, where you feel not just at home, but really there, in your own place. native land.

Now, walking along the dusty, noisy city streets, peering into sparkling shop windows and neon signs, you mentally return to where you caught butterflies in the morning and ate your grandmother’s cherry pies. There is nothing closer or dearer to a person native land- a place that raised you like a small spikelet and sent you on a long journey to the heights of life’s journey.

« Essay about the Motherland» / January 2015

Essay on the topic "Nature of my native land"

The city where I live is surrounded by very picturesque nature. Many natural monuments and reserves are located around. Lush forests, deep lakes and even high mountains are located, if not within walking distance, then the drive to them is no more than two hours. If you take the train in my city and go through 4 stations, you can end up at a station that leads to the foot of the largest mountain in my country. When I saw Hoverla for the first time, I was greatly impressed by its majesty and monumentality; looking at it you realize all your insignificance and understand how short the human life is.

And if you get off 2 stations earlier, you find yourself in a marvelous area, with green thickets and winding paths. After walking along one of them for a couple of kilometers, a rapid mountain waterfall opens in front of you, next to which there are many underground springs with crystal clear water. Also nearby is the famous lake, which is famous for its blue color and ancient legends.

Forest and its inhabitants

I already wrote that my native land located in a forested area. In the forests around there are clearings for relaxation and picnics, many mushroom spots, all these areas are well known, illuminated and it is almost impossible to get lost in them. But there are places where the thicket becomes impassable and the high crowns of trees hide the sunlight.

Nature is the most important wonder of the world

These places are inhabited by wild animals and many of them are far from harmless. Non-dangerous representatives of the local fauna are roe deer, various birds and small rodents. But among the predators there are foxes, wild boars and even wolves. Only hunters are allowed to go to the habitats of predators and only after the start of the hunting season.

Nature of my native land amazes with its diversity and beauty.

« Essay “Nature of my native land”» / January 2015

Composition About my native land

– this is the most dear thing a person has. Native land– this is the place where a person was born and raised. I was born and raised in Kuban. This is a wonderful place, soaked in fresh air and warm rays of the sun.

I believe that the native land should be the most beautiful and beloved. If a person leaves his native land on his own, then he is not a patriot of his birthplace.

If a person is forced to leave his native land due to need, then the blame should not lie on him. The nature of my native land is multifaceted. she seems to be crying and saying goodbye to summer, and the frost covers everything with fluffy snow and the forest and fields freeze. It is very beautiful to look at the forest in winter. A snow cap covers all the tops of the trees and they seem to be in the same color scheme.

As soon as it disappears, the first, still barely green, grass appears. The first flowers are trying to emerge from the ground and will bring joy to all people. The trees have already taken off their snow cap and seem to be reaching out for the sun. The first green leaves appear on the branches. The rays of the sun break through the window and illuminate my entire room. Sometimes the sun will be my alarm clock in the morning so I won't be late for school. Butterflies arrive, and the world around us becomes more colorful. Summer is my favorite time of the year. In my native region, in the summer you can do whatever you want. Not far from my house there is a sea in which I like to swim. The native land is not only nature, but also the animals that inhabit this land. We have a wide variety of birds that fly here and stay until autumn. They then fly to warmer climates to wait out the winter.

My native land is very dear to me, although there are no palm trees or peach trees here, there is the warmth of loved ones and clean air. Once, I thought about removing all Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) and creating safer electricity production facilities. Because of them, our air is not always as clean as we would like. After all, people can create something new so as not to destroy our planet.

I am proud that I still have not left my native land, but intend to develop here and start a family. Homeland is everything for a person. Each person has his own, even if it is very small, homeland. A person must protect it with all his might and not pollute it, because our descendants will live on it.

« Essay on the topic native land» / January 2015

Our native land is the most beautiful and amazing place on earth. The most beautiful nature - only here are the most interesting fairy tales, as well as the kindest and most beautiful people. And all because everything here is dear, our own, beloved.

Each person has his own native land, a place where he wants to return, where he was born. Why does your native land attract you so much? Why do people yearn for him in a foreign land? Perhaps because the world around us appeared in all its glory in these parts, here people first came to know it. Here the little man saw the sun and blue sky for the first time, heard the sound of rain, went to school for the first time and learned what friendship is.

Our native land is undoubtedly the most beautiful place on the planet, the best people live here. The fondest memories are associated with this place: my home, my mother waiting from school with a delicious lunch.

Wherever a person is, no matter how far he travels from his native land, he will always remember him, so beloved, beautiful and dear.

Updated: 2012-06-20

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Hello, Natasha! My friend Katya is writing to you. A year and a half has passed since our vacation on the coast of the Azov Sea, but I still remember the sound of the surf and the gentle sun. In such wonderful moments, you loved to talk about Moscow. I realized that separation from my hometown brings me sadness, so I want to pick up a photo album and look through pictures of painfully familiar places.

Due to my mother’s illness, on the advice of doctors, my family recently moved from the northern region to Belgorod. You know, Natasha, this city really attracted me with its history and beautiful view. I study at a wonderful school where I have many friends. But, nevertheless, in my letter to you, Natasha, I would like to talk about my hometown Norilsk. In the north it is called “a pearl in a snow frame.” The history of the name of the city is unusual, which comes from the word “norilo” - in the local dialect it means an object for underwater fishing. But the coat of arms of Norilsk depicts a polar bear holding a key - a symbol of strength and inaccessibility. My hometown was built in the forest-tundra zone, on permafrost, near the Norilsk River and the Norilsk Mountains.

If you could imagine, Natasha, how beautiful the Northern Lights are! In the period from November 30 to January 13, the polar night reigns over the expanses of my native land, when you can admire the flickering of an unforgettable iridescent light against a dark background of harsh dark silence. What a pity that I will not soon see this wonderful natural phenomenon, which has become the main feature of the northern places.

I want to say that the winter in my homeland is quite severe. If the air temperature in Norilsk is below thirty degrees, students are allowed not to attend school. Such days are called “activations”. On the one hand, long holidays are coming for children, but it is very difficult to master the missed material in especially important subjects, such as mathematics and Russian. I noticed, Natasha, that in the black earth region the natural climate is warmer and milder. How wonderful it is to watch the arrival of spring in Belgorod, when everything around is blooming and fragrant! This time of year in Norilsk is not particularly long. There are short, sunny days with frosty nights. The snow melts at the end of May, and in the mountains - at the beginning of July.

How many animals live in the tundra of Norilsk! Majestic deer, handsome arctic foxes, and hares live here. Among the birds you can see arctic partridges and owls. You know, Natasha, deer sometimes wandered into the streets of Norilsk. They came here in search of food. At school, the kids and I helped the animals of the reserve, built special feeders for them, and fed them. By spring, people had to use rescue services to transport deer from the reserve into the wild.

What significant dates does the history of Norilsk remember! Nineteen forty-two became a special year for my hometown. At this time, the development of large metal took place, because three hundred and twenty-five years ago, the current capital of Taimyr, Dudinka, was founded on the banks of the Yenisei. By nineteen fifty-three, tens of thousands of builders, miners, metallurgists, geologists, road workers, doctors and teachers were already living in the village beyond the Arctic Circle.

Natasha, I know first-hand about the harshness of the Northern Territory, because I lived in Norilsk for almost thirteen years. But how wonderful it is that this city became the origin of my family! My parents were born here, and I was born here. Once upon a time in the sixties, my grandparents came to harsh Norilsk on Komsomol vouchers. They did not know each other and met in this city. One of my grandfathers, on my father’s side, worked as a builder, building beautiful and bright houses for northern residents, another grandfather, on my mother’s side, mined ore in a mine. My grandmothers are also people of different professions. One of them worked as a telephone operator and established communications between enterprises, the second grandmother was a primary school teacher. She worked for a long time at a school in Norilsk.

Oh, how beautiful and majestic my hometown is! Dear Natasha, it seems to me that Norilsk is akin to that nameless star that has been illuminating the expanses of White Silence for centuries, showing the way to wanderers and travelers, strong and proud, moving towards their goal. If you only knew how sad it is to realize that I won’t be able to go to Norilsk and experience the beauty of my native place any time soon. Now I live in Belgorod, which gives me so much warmth, the gentle rays of the sun and the smiles of friendly townspeople. You know, Natasha, I think that soon this city will be a “new homeland” for me. But Norilsk in my memory and heart will remain a warm and hometown. This is where I will end my letter. Natasha, I am sending you photographs of Norilsk, which are very dear to me. I hope that you will appreciate the beauty of the northern region. I will be glad if you send me photographs depicting your favorite places in Moscow.

Write. I'm looking forward to your answer. Best regards, Katya.

Completed by a student of grade 6 “A” Makeeva Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Teacher Olkhova Oksana Nikolaevna

I want to tell you about my native land

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