Why didn't the end of the world come? But this was a unique case, right? This won't happen again

There are many hypotheses and theories about this. Many of them were based on Mayan calendar.

Various scientists and researchers have been deciphering these ancient manuscripts, but most of them have come to the conclusion that the end of the calendar indicates the beginning new era, and not the physical destruction of the world.

The Mayan calendar divided the history of humankind into 13 baktuns, each of which is equal to 394 years. The first baktun began in 1618 AD, and the end of the last one corresponds to the date 12/21/2012.

Modern descendants The Mayans live in Mexico, their number is about 800 thousand people. They are actively preparing to celebrate the end of the calendar (13th baktun), maintaining the belief that the advent of a new era will not bring wars and conflicts. Descendants will celebrate this day with dancing, fireworks and the performance of appropriate ritual actions.

Planet Nubiru

Many people say that the end of the world will come as a result of a collision between the Earth and the “wandering” planet Nibiru, which is four times larger than our planet. In addition, there is an assumption of the presence of unknown life forms on this planet. Although scientists do not observe any signs of the existence or approach of this planet. They say that in February 2013, only a small asteroid will fly past the Earth at a distance of 29,000 km.

Planet Parade

There is information that on December 21, 2012 there will be a great parade of planets: all the planets of the solar system will line up in one row. This astronomical phenomenon will cause their magnetic and gravitational fields to overlap, which could cause some of the planets to fall out of their orbits. The consequences of this can be devastating, but these are just theories and assumptions that have no confirmation. Some are of the opinion that this phenomenon can cause natural disasters. There is also an assumption that the parade of planets will take place as usual and will not affect the Earth.

Shambhala Oracle Theory

Quite popular is the theory of the Shambhala oracle, which predicts that on December 21 the Earth will pass through the “zero band” and this will lead to the disappearance of light for two to three weeks. During this time, many people will die, and after an incident, the light will resume and normal life will improve. Most astronomers and researchers refute this theory, saying that it is impossible for electromagnetic fields, and subsequently light, to disappear on Earth.

The science of numerology says that if you add up all the numbers of the date December 21, 2012, you will get the number 11. It is a revolutionary number that gives the manifestation of something good or evil. In other words, it represents the beginning of a new time.

Constant conversations and articles about the end of the world have led to mass panic. Many people are already preparing for this by purchasing food in large quantities and candles. Societies have also been organized that urgently “forgive” people’s sins and accordingly earn money from it. Some people who believe in the approach of the Apocalypse are prone to suicide (suicide) in order not to see the last terrible moments.

Why does humanity constantly search for dates for the end of all things?
This can be explained by a person’s desire to hide from everyday adversity. Is it really financial instability or failures in personal life can be compared with the end of human existence?

Human consciousness is a powerful physical factor that influences the course of spontaneous processes. An increase in seismic activity and natural disasters is beginning to be associated with this.
It is important to understand that modern erroneous interpretations of ancient predictions can become weapons of destruction.

It must be borne in mind that none of the existing, especially religious, prophecies name exact dates. Therefore, when information appears about any event of global significance, you need to think about its source and the benefits for the one who promotes it.

Remember that every thought you have causes a backlash from the world around you. Therefore, it is very important not only to analyze your actions, but also your thoughts. A positive attitude will help overcome many problems, and faith in a good future for all humanity will make it possible for our planet Earth to exist for a long time.

To the question Why didn’t the end come, Sveta? given by the author Welfare the best answer is Against the backdrop of a number of predictions about the end of the world in 2012, contrary statements are increasingly appearing. The end of the world in 2012 is cancelled, scientists say different countries and even the main “culprits” of this myth, the Mayan Indians.
This prediction was first refuted by scientists from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. According to them, the Mayan calendar does give 2012 a special meaning, but the end of the current “cosmic cycle”, which falls on this date, has nothing to do with the end of the world.
Scientists explain why the end of the world will not happen, and draw an analogy between the Mayan calendar and a regular calendar - wall, pocket or desk - which almost all of us use. After all, when it ends old year and the calendar becomes unusable, the end of the world does not come. And all the talk about the end of the world as a prophecy of the Mayans is nothing more than a myth and speculation on this fact. “The world will not end in 2012,” says Alfonso Arellano, chief specialist at the University of Mexico, with confidence.
The Mayans themselves refute the fact of the Apocalypse in 2012. Mayan elders from Guatemala are convinced that the world will not end in 2012, and this is just a myth created by Western Christendom. Moreover, Mayan elders are concerned about the modern civilized world's excessive attention to their calendar and complain that they are constantly harassed by journalists and ordinary people in search of an answer to the question of whether the world will end or why the world will not end.
“The Mayan Indians are more concerned about the problem of drought, and the topic of the end of the world, which worries the Western world, is completely unknown to them,” scientists assure. The Mayans never dealt with prophecies of the end of the world; the theme of the Apocalypse is not typical of their mythology at all. Most likely, we have the result of mixing Christian ideas about the end of the world with data about the end of the chronology of the Mayan Indians. If we add to this the global hysteria that arose, among other things, as a result of the much-hyped Hollywood blockbuster “2012,” it becomes obvious that rumors about this event are highly exaggerated and the end of the world will not happen.
As for the parade of planets planned for 2012, which supposedly will lead to a transition to a new dimension, scientists consider this fact to be quite controversial. A parade of planets is a rare phenomenon, but it is by no means unique, and previous planetary parades are in no way significant events were not accompanied. The statement that in 2012 the planets of the entire Galaxy will line up in one line has not been proven by scientists - by the way, it is almost impossible to prove such a fact. And the ill-fated planet Nibiru, which supposedly will also become in line with the three planets of the Solar System, has not been recorded by scientists at all. So, astrophysicists join the researchers of the Mayan calendar, who refuted the myth of the end of the world in 2012, also claiming: “There will be no end of the world! »
The end of the world is canceled - such optimistic statements are increasingly appearing on the eve of the predicted Apocalypse 2012. What is this - the truth or attempts to calm the growing wave of panic - will become known very soon.

Reply from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Why hasn’t the end come, Sveta?

Reply from Evgenia Varshavskaya[newbie]
because the Mayans stepped ;)

Reply from tractor manufacturing[guru]
Why did the end of the world come?

Reply from Daurbaev[guru]
did you want to ask Sveta why the end didn’t come?

Reply from European[master]
Because it is said that no one knows about its day and hour, and therefore all predictions about its date are false.

Reply from LECTURER[guru]
Well, her head hurts.

Reply from Alex Mercer[guru]
Because the correct version of the end of the world is Orthodox. Jesus didn't say when the end of the world would happen, but it would most likely happen when there were only a few true believers left.

Reply from Forever Riddle[guru]
Because it's Friday! Everyone had plans for the evening))

Reply from Pinspotter[guru]
No one arranged it, so it never happened.

Reply from Svetlana Star[guru]
The end did not come because everyone was prepared for it. Sveta.

Reply from Vladimir Vizgalov[guru]
And who said that it didn’t come! ? It's been a long time... at least in Russia. Isn’t this the end of the world if swindlers, embezzlers, swindlers, tricksters are honored... If laws are violated, money and connections rule the roost... If decency is for suckers, modesty is a vice, and conscience is a relic of the past... The end of the world is not necessarily an apocalypse!

Reply from Alexander Bodnar[guru]
The switch turned out to be made in China...

Reply from Georgy Shevchenko[guru]
I wanted it that way

Reply from Alex Alex[newbie]
warned means protected - correct answer

Reply from ?????°?? ???µ???????? [expert]
But because the world is nonsense
Actually a quantum transition

Reply from Nekit Popelnikov[newbie]
because I pressed the button and canceled

Reply from Dmitry Melnikov[newbie]
How does Sveta know when the end will come? And we also need to clarify who ends up - Sveta or you))


The special significance of this year in the destinies of Russia was pointed out by St. Rights. John of Kronstadt (see his dream).

During the stay of S. A. Nilus in Diveyevo on June 30, 1915, the great blessed Pasha of Sarov predicted the completion of the “circle of septenary calculation,” indicating that 7 years remained before the coming of the Antichrist, which fell on “half of the year 1922” 1.

(The prayerful connection of the blessed one with Rev. Seraphim of Sarov, whom she remembered alive, is well known. It is noteworthy that in the mentioned dream of St. John of Kronstadt, the elder who inscribed with his staff, among others, 1922, was none other than Father Seraphim).

Hieroschemamonk Nektary of Optina (between February and October 1917): “One pious girl had a dream: Jesus Christ was sitting on the Throne, and around Him were twelve apostles, and terrible torments and groans were heard from the earth. And the Apostle Peter asks Christ: when, Lord, will these torments stop, and Jesus Christ answers him, I give up to 22 years, 2 if people do not repent, do not come to their senses, then they will all perish like that” 3.

What stopped the Hand of the Lord? Sobering? But which one?

First of all, of course, veneration of the murdered Royal Family, as Royal Martyrs.

One of the first facts was reported by the Soviet atheist magazine “Revolution and the Church” (1919, No. 1): “Penza News” reports that wanderers appeared in Nizhnelomovsky district, distributing brochures “About the great newly deceased martyr Nicholas...” Among the poor, “wanderers” are not enjoying success, but local volost councils should still pay more attention to such free distribution of pogrom literature in the district (emphasis added - Comp.) literature..."

Protopresbyter Mikhail Polsky: “The Russian emigrant press reported (in 1947 4) about the daring prayerful call of the Royal Family in danger, when a hundred Cossacks, having lost contact with the convoy and the army, found themselves surrounded by the Reds in the swamps. Priest Fr. Elijah called everyone to prayer, saying: “Today is the day of remembrance of our Martyr King. His son, the youth Alexy Tsarevich, was an honorary Ataman of the Cossack troops. Let us ask them to intercede before the Lord for the salvation of the Christ-loving Cossack army.”

And oh. Elijah served a prayer service to “Martyr Nicholas, Sovereign of Russia.” And the chorus at the prayer service was: “Holy martyrs of the Royal House, pray to God for us.”

The whole hundred and convoy sang. At the end of the prayer service, Fr. Elijah read the dismissal: “Through the prayers of the holy Tsar-Martyr Nicholas the Sovereign of Russia, the Heir of His Youth Alexy-Tsarevich, the Christ-loving troops of the Cossack Ataman, the Blessed Queen Alexandra and Her children, the Princess-Martyrs, will have mercy and save us, as he is good and a lover of mankind.”...

To the objections that these holy martyrs have not yet been glorified and miracles have not been revealed from them, Fr. Elijah objected: “But through their prayers we will go out... And here they are glorified... They themselves heard how the people glorified them. God's people... And here the holy youth Alexy the Tsarevich will show us the way... But you don't see the miracle of God's wrath on Russia for their innocent blood... But you will see the manifestations of the salvation of those who honor their holy memory... But here Honor the instructions to you in the lives of the saints, when on the bodies of the holy martyrs, without any glorification, Christians built churches, lit lamps and prayed to such as primates and intercessors.”

A hundred and a convoy left the encirclement a wonderful discovery O. Elijah.

They walked knee-deep and waist-deep, sank up to their necks... The horses got stuck, jumped up, walked again... How long they walked and whether they were tired, they don’t remember. Nobody said anything. The horses did not neigh... - And they came out... 43 women, 14 children, 7 wounded, 11 old people and disabled people, 1 priest, 22 Cossacks - a total of 98 people and 31 horses. We went straight to the other side of the swamp, the corner of which was occupied by the Cossacks, who were holding back the Reds' encircling movement, right into the middle of their own. None of the surrounding residents wanted to believe that they had passed this way. And the enemy did not hear the noise of the transition. And in the morning the Red partisans could not establish a trace of where those cut off had gone. There were people - and they are not" 5.

An eyewitness testifies to the veneration of the Royal Martyrs by deep sub-Soviet Russia: “In 1932, he was in the Svyatogorsk Monastery (on the Donets River), 18 versts from the city of Izyum, Kharkov province. Here the cultural worker showed the caves and then the ascent to high mountain. On one of the platforms where visitors could take a break, suddenly an icon of the Royal Family caught their eye. The size is approximately two square feet or slightly larger. The Sovereign is depicted in coronation purple - a mantle, surrounded by his entire Family. Above the heads of all are the halos of saints. In an artistic sense, it is an exceptionally beautiful work, impeccably executed by a good artist. Anyone who saw this icon could not perceive it as blasphemy. The cultural worker began to explain: “Here is the king, ordinary person and a sinner, but during his lifetime he was considered a deity and under the old regime this icon was worshiped.” The one who heard this told him: “I was here in 1917 and this icon was not here.”<…>It must be assumed that this icon, such a beautiful work, was created by an admirer of the Royal Family and definitely did not serve the purposes that Soviet propaganda sought. Veneration of the Royal Martyrs in Soviet Russia is and is stored" 6.

Even the intelligentsia wavered. Yesterday's Marxists, liberals, democrats, although belatedly, still realized their sins. A form of repentance for them was the theoretical justification of the impossibility of Russia’s existence outside the Autocracy.

S. L. Frank (1877-1950): “A remarkable, essentially well-known, but in all its significance unappreciated, feature of Russian social and political system was that in the people's consciousness and people's faith only the supreme power itself was directly strengthened - the power of the Tsar; everything else is class relations, local government, court, administration, large industry, banks, the entire refined culture of the educated classes, literature and art, universities, conservatories, academies, all this was held only indirectly, by the power of the Tsarist power and had no direct roots in the popular consciousness. Deep in the depths of the historical soil, in the last religious depths of the people's soul, the mighty tree of the monarchy was strengthened by its roots - it seemed unshakable; everything else that was in Russia - all the legal, social, everyday and spiritual culture - grew from its trunk and was held only by it, like leaves, flowers and fruits - the products of this culture hung above the soil, not directly in contact with it and not having any influence on it. her own roots" 7.

Father Sergius Bulgakov (1871-1944): “... by some internal act, comprehension, the strength of which Orthodoxy gave me, my attitude towards the Tsarist power, my will towards it, changed. I became, according to the mean expression of the street, a tsar. I realized that the Royal power in its grain is higher nature power, not in my own name, but in the name of God... I felt that the Tsar also bears his power, like the Cross of Christ, and that obedience to him can also be the Cross of Christ and in His Name. In my soul, how bright star, the idea of ​​sacred Tsarist power caught fire, and in the light of this idea, the features of Russian history lit up and sparkled like gems in a new way; where I had previously seen emptiness, lies, and Asiaticism, the Divine idea of ​​the power of God by God’s grace, and not by the will of the people, flared up” 8.

V.V. Rozanov (after October 1917): “And the thought that we don’t have a Tsar in Rus', that he is in Tobolsk, in exile, in prison - so embraced my soul, filled me with melancholy<…>that my soul hurts, hurts and hurts.<…>I love and want to love Him. And in my heart I know that the Tsar will return to Rus', that Rus' will not survive without a Tsar.<…>It’s scary to say: but I don’t want such a Russia, and it’s cursed for me. For me, “social-democratic Russia” is cursed” 9.

However, the main act of repentance of the Russian people was the Amur Zemsky Sobor, held in Vladivostok from July 23 to August 10, 1922, of which His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon was elected honorary Chairman.

A. Khvalin, who studied the documents of the Council, writes that its participants recognized that “The Supreme All-Russian power belongs to the Royal House of the Romanovs and should be exercised in the order of legal succession to the throne.” The Council decided to “ask the Royal House to deign to lead the Amur Region and the Russian national movement Supreme Ruler from the Members of the Royal House at his discretion and will" 11.

Decree No. 1 of the Ruler of the Amur Zemsky Territory, Lieutenant General M. K. Diterikhs, dated August 8, 1922, stated: “For a thousand years it has grown, expanded and strengthened Great Rus', realizing the meaning of state unity in the holy symbol of the religious and moral ideology of the people: Faith, Sovereign and Land. And always, when this majestic covenant of our history, sanctified by the faith of Christ, was firmly, faithfully and consciously confessed by all the people of the Russian land, Rus' was powerful, strong and united in serving its historical, world destiny to be the Russia of Christ.

But there have been years in our existence of great seductions and temptations to leave the true national paths, abandoning one or another of the covenants of a historical symbol. The people fell into sin against the ideology given to them by God, and then the Russian land suffered great unrest, devastation, pestilence and famine with the captivity of various infidels and foreigners. And only with sincere repentance of apostasy, with the ardent impulse of the masses to return again to the path of the historical, holy principles of their unity in friendly, close, selfless and selfless service to their Motherland, and only to it, did the people find forgiveness of sin and return Holy Rus' to its former greatness and glory. And along with the revival of the land, the prosperity and peace of the people themselves were revived under the scepter of their hereditary successive Sovereign Leader-Anointed, in the meaning of which for the Russian monarchical ideology the Supreme Power from God is closely united with the God-protected people of the whole earth.

Due to our sins against the Anointed of God, who was martyred by the Soviet government, Emperor Nicholas II and his entire Family, a terrible turmoil befell the Russian people, and Holy Rus' was subjected to the greatest destruction, plunder, torture and slavery of godless Russians and foreign thieves and robbers, led by fanatics from the Jewish tribe, who also renounced their Jewish faith.

For five years, the people of the earth, scattered by the wrath of God, have been punished for their sin, bearing a heavy but deserved cross for the insane trampling of the holy historical covenant, for deviating in their symbol from the confession of the purity of the Orthodox faith and from the shrine of the One Sovereign power from God. But the Creator of His Holy Rus' is merciful and the prayers of the repentant people of “The Whole Earth” are heard and accepted by them. The hour of forgiveness and liberation is approaching. We are already at the door.

Here, on the edge of the Russian land, in the Amur region, the Lord put into the hearts and thoughts of all the people who gathered at the Zemsky Council one thought and one faith: Great Russia cannot exist without the Sovereign, cannot exist without the successively hereditary Anointed of God. And before those gathered here, in a small body, but strong in faith and national spirit, the Amur Association, the last people of the Russian land, are faced with the task, duty and good cross to direct all their service to prepare the way for Him - our future God-seer. Let us consolidate, unite into one force the holy covenants left to us from the historical symbol - Faith and Earth, let us selflessly give them our lives and property; in fervent prayer, with hearts cleansed of earthly weaknesses, let us beg for the mercy of the Almighty Creator, free our holy Motherland from the predatory international clutches of the beast and prepare the priest for the future council of “all the earth.” He will complete our service to the Motherland, and the Lord, having forgiven his people, will crown his native land with his chosen one - the Sovereign Anointed One" 12.

And here are the lines from the last Decree (No. 68) dated October 17, 1922: “The forces of the Earth of the Amur Rati are broken. Twelve difficult days of struggle alone with the cadres of the immortal heroes of Siberia and the Ice Campaign, without reinforcements, without ammunition, decided the fate of the Zemsky Amur Region. Soon he will be gone. He is like a body - he will die. But only as a body. In spiritual terms, in the meaning of the Russian, historical, moral and religious ideology that flared up brightly within his boundaries, he will never die in future history revival of Great Holy Rus'. The seed is thrown. It has now fallen onto unprepared soil. But the coming storm of horrors of the Soviet regime will spread this seed across the wide field of the Great Mother Fatherland, and in the future it will stick through the limit of our repentance and, by the infinite mercy of the Lord, to a fertile and prepared piece of the Russian Land and then give the desired fruit. I believe in this goodness of the Lord; I believe that the spiritual significance of the short-term existence of the Amur Region will leave deep, indelible traces even among the people of the region. I believe that Russia will return to the Russia of Christ, the Russia of God’s Anointed, but that we were still unworthy of this mercy of the Most High Creator” 13.

Numerous signs of those times should be taken as signs of the Lord’s acceptance of repentance and God’s mercy.

Facts are widely known about how the fabric was torn, rotted or burned, and the paint with which the Bolsheviks tried to cover up the image of St. Nicholas on the Nikolskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin was torn. The early 1920s were replete with cases of icon apparitions and renovations. The image of the Kazan Mother of God appeared on the window glass of a hut in one of the villages near Moscow. The miraculous renovations took on a particularly massive scale within the Petrograd and Pskov provinces. The icons of the Old Russian Mother of God were renewed in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery (Staraya Russa), and the Vladimir Mother of God in the chapel of the village of Ovchinkino, Astrilovsk volost. Even the godless authorities themselves admitted this. Here are the lines from the official documents; “The epidemic of icon renewal began to strike one after another the villages of the Medvedskaya and Samokkrazskaya volosts of the Novgorod district”; “In general... in a number of volosts of the Novgorod and Starorussky districts so many icons have been renewed that counting them accurately under the given conditions is a very difficult job. However, the bodies of inquiry in these districts discovered more than 150 updated icons...” Judging by the documents, all updated icons were selected and destroyed; their owners, witnesses and priests who served prayers before them ended up in the dock 14.

S. A. Nilus, in a letter dated July 22, 1922, reports: “Did I write to you about the massive renovation of old icons, to which we ourselves were many times, reverently amazed witnesses. All last year took place here in Ukraine in this complete miracle. Entire churches, crosses and gilded domes on temples and bell towers were renewed. In Rostov-on-Don, the cathedral and many churches were renovated in this way. In our villages and farmsteads there was almost no house where such a miracle had not happened, where, at least, they would not talk about it. Even the most ardent persecutors were at a standstill before him. Church of Christ. To my mind and understanding, this is a sign that anticipates the proximity of the new Lazarus in the person of the Venerable (Seraphim - Comp.); a new Solemn Entry into Jerusalem - a bright triumph of the Orthodox faith and the Transfiguration of the Body of Christ - His Ecumenical Church, the closeness of whose unification into a single Orthodox Church, even in the small Philadelphia flock, I have long anticipated; and only then - Her final betrayal, Her death and Her general Resurrection for the Last Judgment and eternal blessed life under the new heaven and on the new earth, where only truth will dwell...” 15.

And at this time in Optina Pustyn: “Many signs are happening among us: the domes are being renewed, blood has flowed from the Holy Cross, blasphemers are punished with tetanus and die. Unfortunately, the mass of the people are not admonished, and the Lord sends His plagues. Again, a dry autumn led to worms eating the sown bread. Those who unwaveringly believe in the Lord and trust in Him, the Lord showers with His mercies and bounties” 16.

Russia before the second coming.

John Carlson believes that expecting the end of the world to end on December 21, 2012 was a misconception from the start and "does not end on December 21, 2012, and there were no Mayan prophecies that predicted the end of the world on that date." The end of the long calendar of May on December 21, 2012 means only the end of one full cycle of chronology, which must invariably be followed by the next cycle.

John Carlson is a radio astronomer and received his PhD studying distant galaxies. He became interested in the Mayan civilization and the 2012 phenomenon back in the 70s, took part in the meeting American Association development assistance.

A great civilization once flourished in the rainforests of Central America. The Mayan people built huge cities, ornate temples and tall pyramids. At their peak around 800 AD, the population of Mayan cities numbered more than 2,000 people per square mile, comparable to modern Los Angeles. Maya mastered astronomy, developed complex written language and left behind exquisite artifacts.

John Carlson is confident that truth is much more interesting than fiction. The most interesting from the point of view of scientific achievement of the Maya was the awareness of the scale of time. According to modern theory big bang the world was created 13.7 billion years ago. Mayan ruins contain references to dates that extend back billions and billions of years.

The long Mayan calendar of 5,125 years was created to track events on this time scale. According to Dr. John Carlson, "It is the most complex calendar system ever developed by people anywhere."

Over 5125 years, 144,000 days passed 13 times and on December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar took the form, the same date was August 11, 3114 BC, when the era of modern civilization began according to the beliefs of the ancient Mayans . This is a significant interval according to their religious theory, but not one of the thousands of found artifacts that archaeologists have studied, according to the scientist, predicts the end of the world.

NASA also posted interesting video, in which scientists refute all the reasons that could supposedly lead to the “end of the world.” Astronomers claim that not a single asteroid or other is approaching Earth. cosmic body, which would represent real threat for life on Earth.

According to the Bible, the Great Tribulation will be the worst period in human history, followed by the end of the world. Christian apocalypse theorists believe that the fall of 2017 will mark the beginning of this seven-year period of excruciating suffering.

It took a lot of people, complex Bible verses, and calculations to arrive at this date, but basically the theory revolves around important dates concerning Jerusalem. In 1217, a rabbi named Judah Ben Samuel made a series of predictions regarding Jerusalem and the end of the world. First, he declared that the Turks would control the area for eight jubilees. (A Jubilee is a 50-year period that ends with people being forgiven, debts forgiven, and God's mercy). According to the rabbi, 1217 marked the beginning of the Jubilee cycle, as did 1517, when the Turks invaded Jerusalem, 300 years after his prediction. In 1917, eight anniversaries later, the Turks were expelled from Jerusalem on Hanukkah.

Ben Samuel then predicted that the city would become a no man's land on the ninth jubilee, that is, just under British rule when it was considered a corpus separatum (a separate body) and an international territory. The city was then divided between Israel and Jordan in 1948 and returned to Israeli control in 1967, at the end of the Ninth Jubilee.

2017 marks 50 years since Israel regained full control of Jerusalem. This last year tenth anniversary. According to the rabbi, it is then that the Jews will rule Israel and the end of the world will come.

Ninth prediction

The Hopi are a Native American tribe living in Arizona. As of 2010, 19,327 people lived on the 6.6 million square kilometer reservation—the Hopi tribe is one of the largest in the United States. And this culture has a long history.

Like many Indian tribes, the Hopi faced the cruelty of the Spanish conquistadors, although they saw glorious victories in 1542 and 1680. Finally, in 1882, President Arthur gave them a reservation, but they had already been in contact with the American government for years before that. One of the most important meetings took place in 1958 between minister David Young and Hopi elder White Feather. During this meeting, White Feather gave Young several ancient Hopi predictions.

The first two predictions were about white-skinned people and spinning wheels filled with voices, which the Hopi said would result in the arrival of Europeans and the conquest of the Americans. Next was a "strange monster like a buffalo" crossing the earth, signifying a warning on the scale of modern agriculture. The next three predictions were about iron snakes, a giant web and stone rivers: railways, telecommunication wires and roads.

These six predictions were fulfilled before they were told to Yang. But the last three are not.

The first prediction of the future made by White Feather was about the sea turning black, bringing death to everything in it. Many attributed this forecast to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. The next prediction spoke of long-haired youth seeking to learn Indian customs, which could well be attributed to the hippie movement. And here is the ninth prediction:

“You will hear about a dwelling in the heavens, above the Earth, which will fall with great destruction. It will appear as a blue star. Soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease."

The easiest way would be to assume that a comet will crash to Earth, and while many believe that this is what this prophecy is about, others believe that the “blue star” could be something else. China's Tiangong-1 space laboratory lost contact with Earth in 2016. It is now orbiting the planet and will continue to do so until it falls to Earth. Will she become the blue star of the White Feather prophecy? Or will it be some kind of experiment that will end humanity? Let's wait until October 2018, when the laboratory re-enters the atmosphere. If we survive, we will wait for the comet.

Second coming

Jean Dixon is considered one of the most important figures among 20th century fortune tellers. In addition to working closely with US Presidents Nixon and Reagan, Dixon wrote a newspaper column and wrote several books, including a horoscope for dogs.

In 1973, Dixon published her most famous book, The Call of Glory, which her followers consider prophetic. In it, the Catholic clairvoyant claimed that the beginning of the end would come in 2020, starting with a voice that would be heard around the world saying, “It’s over.” This will signal the Second Coming of Christ, who will fight Satan until the end of the world in 2037.

Fortunately, like most other psychics, Dixon was wrong. But unlike most other psychics, the phenomenon of ignoring incorrect facts was named after her and is now known as the Jean Dixon effect. Dixon argued that the information she received was always good, she simply interpreted it incorrectly.

Second Coming (One More Time)

If you do not trust psychics and prefer to receive information about the apocalypse directly from the Bible itself, then you should contact Kenton Beshore. The President of the World Bible Society, Beshore, is convinced that Armageddon will happen “no later than” 2021. One of the main reasons for his forecast is the interpretation of the parable of the fig tree.

The parable went like this: the owner of the vineyard was angry that his fig tree had not produced figs for three years. Then he came to the gardener and said: cut it down, since it does not bear fruit. The gardener prayed: sir, give me a year, and after a year we’ll see. Most interpret it to mean that God is preparing to strike down the unbelievers, but Jesus gives them a second chance.

However, since the fig tree is often taken as a metaphor for Israel, Beshore and others believe the parable means something completely different. In his book When, Beshore states that the parable means that Jesus will return one generation after the founding of Israel, and this will happen in 2028. Since Jesus will fight Satan to earn the respect of the good guys, this means real chaos and anarchy will begin in 2021.

An asteroid that brings death to the world

The International Messiah Foundation was founded in 2002 and operates as a kind of spiritual meat grinder. The Foundation seems to believe in all theistic religions, but the main ones are Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism.

The Messiah Foundation believes that scientists are well aware of a giant asteroid hurtling towards our planet, which it will collide with in 2026. But while these unnamed scientists believe we will have the technology to destroy it by then, the foundation disagrees. An asteroid will end humanity.

The Foundation claims that when this happens, the messiahs will arrive and save everyone worth saving. Needless to say, Jesus is among those expected. For those who are not waiting for Jesus, the Mahdi, the Avatar of Kalki, His Exalted Eminence Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, who founded the Messiah Foundation, will arrive. What is noteworthy is that the latter is also expected, despite the fact that he has not yet died.

Newton's prediction

When you remember Newton, his name is inevitably associated with science and thought, but, as it turned out, a man who had an apple fall on his head would do well to descend to Earth himself, at least a little. It's no secret that Newton was a strong believer in God, but few will remember that his faith in the Bible was as strong as his faith in science. He believed that the Bible contained hints about the end of the world; one just had to read it carefully.

Newton's calculations were long and complex, but essentially he believed that the end of the world would come after a long period of turmoil in catholic church. Newton believed that the year 800 marked the beginning of this period of decay and papal supremacy. The Book of Revelation mentions "time, times and division of time", which Newton interpreted as a year, two years and half a year, or 3.5 years in total. 42 months is also mentioned. 3.5 years and 42 months represent 1260 days in the old Hebrew calendar, and since days often represent years in the Bible, Newton concluded that the world would end in 2060.

However, Newton noted that he sees no reason for the end of the world to come before 2060. Ironically, he hoped that his prediction would help “put an end to the rash speculations of cranks who often predict the end of the world.” Nothing worked out for him.

Islamic second coming

Before comics and movies, parallel universes existed only in a religious sense. Technically, Jews, Christians and Muslims all worshiped the same God. These religions, along with several smaller ones, are known as Abrahamic religions and comfort half of the world's believers. Therefore, if Christianity became a sequel to Judaism, Islam will be an offshoot, a spin-off, in which Jesus appears as a respected prophet, not a messiah. It's like Iron Man showing up in the new Spider-Man movie.

According to a number of Islamic hadiths, the apocalypse will not happen overnight, but gradually. It will begin with the world plunging into a war against Muslims, which, in principle, is already partly happening. In response to this, Madhi, who is awaited, will unite all Muslims and prepare them for the return of the prophet, who many believe may be Jesus. Because the hadith says that the son of Mary will break the cross and kill the pig. The cross will be broken - this, of course, means a break in Christianity, which has followed a path that was not close to Jesus. Killing a pig means restoring rules of Judaism that were abandoned in Christianity, such as the ban on eating pig meat.

Said Nursi studied these hadiths and decided that he had determined the schedule of these events. According to his interpretations, the world will end in earthquakes, fire and the battle of a one-eyed monster who will fight the messiah when Gog and Magog descend to Earth. Gog and Magog appear in the Torah, Koran and Bible, sometimes as humanoid beings, sometimes representing hostile peoples. Whoever they were, Nursi believed that all of this would happen in 2129, so most of us would probably be able to watch all of this from the hellish cauldron of course.

Messiah Clock

It is known that Jews are waiting for the Messiah - this is one of the central beliefs of Judaism. Therefore, it is not surprising that many have tried to calculate exact time his arrival. Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna was an 18th century scientist who developed a clock (not a physical one, but as a method of timekeeping) to count down the time until the arrival of the messiah. Psalm 90:4 says that every 1000 years is but a day in the eyes of God, so Eliyahu applied this to the six days of creation. It turns out that on the seventh day, Saturday, God will begin to rule us forever. This time is also known as the Messianic Age.

Jewish days are structured slightly differently than Gregorian days, with new days beginning at sunset rather than at sunrise. Therefore, the Messianic Age will begin in the year 6000, not 7000. The year 6000 will see sunset on September 30, 2239. Thus, this is the last possible date for the Messiah's arrival before the Sabbath, although he may appear earlier to help us prepare for the new Kingdom of Heaven.

Unfortunately, although the eternal Sabbath will bring harmony and tranquility to the world, it will only come to those who are actively preparing for the coming of the Messiah. Even if you are a Jew, you will not see the Messiah unless you contribute to his arrival.

Koranic code

Rashad Khalifa was an Egyptian biochemist and a divine messenger of God, as he himself proclaimed. In the late 1960s, Khalifa began using computers to find mathematical codes hidden in the Quran. By the mid-1970s, he found them. His research was devoted to the frequency of words, letters, poems, numbers, etc. It turned out that the number 19 reveals the secrets of the ancient text.

Some evidence for this is that the first verse of the Qur'an has 19 letters, just like the first verse of the last revelation. The number of chapters between the famous “missing message” and the additional message is 19, and these edits were made by scholars 19 years after the death of the prophet. If we break down Rashad Khalifa's name (for example, A = 1, B = 2), the numbers somehow add up to 19, revealing the harbinger of the apocalypse. There are many other proofs, but this is enough for you.

The Koran, like most holy books, tells us to look for several things that will alert us to the end of the world. Among them are the division of the Moon (believers believe that when people brought moon rocks to Earth, this happened); opening the secret code (the aforementioned code 19); the creation of “earthly creations” that will reveal to us the existence of our creator, that is, computers.

Using these codes and clues, Khalifa deduced that the world will end in 2280, so we still have some time on Earth. When the end comes, a beep will sound and the Earth will be crushed, “truly crushed,” just like the heavens. Fortunately, a second Earth and Heaven will be created for believers.

The problem with mathematical codes is that they are quite easy to make to fit your prediction. Most evidence includes things like the total number of verses in the Qur'an being 6,346 (334 times 19). Thus, the most convincing argument in favor of this prediction is a criminal offense: the murder of Khalifa. Khalifa was assassinated by his former student in January 1990. Nineteen years later, the killer was extradited from Canada to face trial and ultimately convicted. December 19, 2012.

Sermon of the Seven Suns

Around 84517

Of the approximately 4,200 known religions that have existed throughout human history, Buddhism is considered the most widespread and respected doctrine among non-believers. But beyond peace politics and self-reflection, most people know nothing about Buddhism. Just a belief in reincarnation and jokes about the Dalai Lama asking him to make him a pizza “with everything.” How does the religion of serenity and rebirth see the end of the world?

To understand the Buddha's statements about the end of the world, you first need to know that the Buddha who founded Buddhism on Earth was Siddhartha Gautama. Gautama Buddha lived from 563 to 483 BC. e. and claimed that his teachings would be forgotten 5,000 years after his death, or around 4517 AD. e. By this point, we will all be living in selfish and sinful ways. Another Buddha - Maitreya - will descend and revive the religion in the next 80,000 years. This is how long people will live by then.

After this, the sermon of the Seven Suns will rush forward. The first is about our Sun, which will see all plant life “dry up, wither and cease to exist.” When the second sun rises, all animal life will die. The third, fourth, fifth suns will dry up the rivers, lakes and oceans, in order, and the sixth will usher in an era of severe volcanic destruction.

Finally, the seventh sun will appear and blow up the Earth, burning it to the ground and into complete non-existence. One can easily say that they are used to measuring time by the sun, but supporters of this religion literally perceive the prophecy as the appearance of new suns in our solar system or a supernova explosion. Fortunately, by the time all this takes place, we will have already achieved nirvana simply by achieving enlightenment. Obviously, if you have a Buddha and 80,000 years, this will not be difficult to do.