Presentation on exploration of the deep sea. Deep sea exploration

Sea inhabitants

Prepared by Grigorieva S.A.


This is the biggest fish. She is a very ancient animal. Sharks of life at a time when dinosaurs inhabited the earth. She has many large and sharp teeth. They have very good hearing and sense of smell, and they swim with the help of fins at high speed.

Many sharks are predators, feed on fish and can even attack humans, so they are very dangerous.

Blue shark Considered a man-eating shark, there is a lot of evidence that it attacks people injured in shipwrecks and swimmers.

Shark - a storm for all fish -

Dangerous predator in the ocean

There are no number of shark teeth

There are seven rows in the mouth.

Shark fin - like alarm -

It is strictly forbidden to swim there,

Otherwise, the shark will eat you!

Blue whale

A huge animal lives in the seas and oceans - the whale. The whale feeds on plankton, filtering water through a special lattice of plates in its mouth - the baleen.

Blue whale

Whales look like fish, but they are not fish, but animals. They are warm to the touch, just like us or other animals. A thick layer of fat under the skin helps them retain this heat.

Sleeping on the waves rocking A very nice blue whale. It's huge in size The bravest in the ocean. He drinks water, eats plankton, That's why he is strong.


And a dolphin and a fish! Dolphins are sometimes even called “people of the sea” because they are very smart. They, like us, have a warm body (we and they are warm-blooded, since we have warm blood. Dolphins rise to the surface, inhale air through a special hole on their head and dive again, holding their breath.

Dolphins swim in the sea, Backs flash among the waves. They were just here They played and sailed away.

Killer whales

And the killer whale is not a fish either! They are black and white in color. Has a reputation as a cruel and very dangerous predator; in fact, the killer whale, like other carnivores, attacks the animals on which it feeds, but there is no evidence that it has attacked people.

Two killer whales cut the wave, It’s like their hands are two fins. We didn’t know life without each other, They don't need life without each other.


An octopus has eight tentacles; he lives on seabed and can change color to adapt to its environment.

Octopuses, octopuses You have so many legs If you played football More than one would have scored a goal!

sea ​​turtle

She has a shell, instead of legs she has flippers and the turtle swims well. A sea turtle cannot hide its head in its shell.

Hey sea turtle Take me for a ride Along the waves of crazy lambs Then land on the sand.


Jellyfish are more than 90% water; Some jellyfish can cause a painful burn.

Jellyfish looks an awful lot like jelly: Transparent, trembling on the running wave, But we won’t eat that jelly with you, Mom's porridge is enough for us.


It has a highly flattened body, which gives the impression that it is “flying” on water. Basically, the stingray lives on the bottom, at moderate depths, where it is remarkably camouflaged. Some species of stingray have a long spine on their back that secretes a strong poison. The mouth, located on the belly, has a lot of sharp teeth.

Now let's check what you remember.


Here is the expanse of the ocean A mountain with a fountain plows through, The tail beats, the water boils - Floating is important.


The front ones are flippers, and the back ones are paws! There is an oval shell. Looks like a hat! Knowing no other home other than the sea, It will give life to its offspring by crawling out onto the sand.

(Sea turtle)

Crystal saucer! Don't see the saucer? Or maybe the umbrella is lying on the waves? There are tentacles in it - spokes. And touch those knitting needles Not everyone can decide. There is fear of getting burned!


He looks cute At least it can be poisonous! The mollusk has eight legs. That's bottom...


Whale? Or maybe a dolphin Black and white giant? Lives in the oceans It eats living creatures ravenously.

(Killer Whale)

Like a torpedo with fins. With very scary fangs! With a keen sense of smell he senses the victim, Day and night everything moves.


Introduction Even as a child, we all wanted to look under the water, but not just to open our eyes in the water in the bathtub, but for real, somewhere deep, for example, at the bottom of the sea or ocean. After all, everyone knows that the seabed has its own plains, mountains and even volcanoes. And in order to get there you need scuba gear, or diving suits, or even better, bathyscaphes.

Deep Sea Research This building housed the Institute of Marine Biology from 1972 to 1988. Underwater research is an information process, as it is associated with the accumulation of information about the underwater environment, the interaction of various objects under water, and the influence of the environment on its inhabitants and humans.

The first devices for working underwater, created in the centuries, were metal helmets and suits into which air was pumped through a hose. The air pressure inside such a suit prevented the penetration of water.

Atmospheric diving suit This is a durable, waterproof suit that is used for working at great depths. The diver inhales air supplied at normal atmospheric pressure. A powerful metal spacesuit allows you to withstand water pressure at a depth of 300 meters. Such equipment allows you to obtain data that is very difficult to collect in other ways.

The first scuba gear for a short dive Scuba is a device that allows a person to swim underwater without any connection with the surface. This scuba gear allowed you to dive to meters, and the time was minutes. It was invented in 1957 and tested in the summer of 1958. Scuba diving allows you to observe the behavior of marine life for a long time without disturbing them.

New generation scuba gear In order to move and work underwater, scuba divers use special suits. The equipment must include cylinders with a compressed mixture of oxygen and other gases, replacing air. This mixture enters the lungs through a hose with a breathing tube.

First generation underwater vehicle. It was built in 1964, its weight is 16.5 tons. Maximum diving depth is 4500 meters. In 1968, due to a launching accident, the Alvin sank at a depth of 1,540 meters, 110 miles south of Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

Deepest dive On January 23, 1960, the bathyscaphe Trieste plunged meters into the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean, the Mariana Trench. No one had ever dived deeper before. The bathyscaphes are equipped with sophisticated measuring instruments; they allow observation and taking samples from the bottom necessary for the work of biologists and the examination of deep-sea oases and coral reefs.

Afterword The most famous in our time is the team of Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Those who dived in the years played their role in the fact that now the underwater world is open and no longer holds secrets, at least those that can be encountered during an ordinary dive.

Books worth reading!!! These books are not known to everyone: M.V. Propp "In the depths of the five oceans"; Lucien Laubier “Oases at the bottom of the ocean” (hydrometeo publishing); V. Levin, V. Korobkov “Under water - BIOLOGISTS” These books contain a lot interesting information, which you may need in preparing a presentation or in lessons: Physics, Biology and Geography. Rozhkov Artyom 7 "A"

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“Pressure at the bottom of the seas and oceans” Teacher of the state educational institution “Sanatorium boarding school” of Kalininsk Vasylyk Marina Viktorovna Presentation on physics on the topic:

As depth increases, pressure increases. Large values it reaches the bottom of the seas and oceans. At a depth of 10 km, the water pressure is 100 million Pa.

But some animals live at such depths; their body is adapted to high water pressure. Electric Ray Moray Eel Squid Cuttlefish Octopus

Pearl divers can dive to a depth of 20 - 30 meters while holding their breath for 1 - 2 minutes.

To increase the time spent under water, a person uses reed tubes; leather bags with air supply, “diving bell”.

In 1943 The Frenchman J. Cousteau and E. Gagnan invented scuba gear.

Scuba gear allows you to stay underwater at a depth of about 40 meters for about an hour.

A soft diving suit is used at diving depths of several tens of meters.

At great depths, they use a hard “Pantsirny” spacesuit. You can dive to 300 meters in it.

It is lowered from the underwater vessel using a cable. The bathysphere is used to dive to a depth of 165m - 1km.

Bathyscaphe is an autonomous self-propelled vehicle. With the help of a bathyscaphe, the Swiss J. Piccard and D. Walsh reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean. (Depth 11022 m.)

Happy sailing!

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Pressure at the bottom of seas and oceans. Deep sea exploration
MBOU Kishkinskaya secondary school
Head physics teacher Nina Yuryevna Kuzmina, 2015
Completed by 7th grade student Victoria Malyanova

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The depth of the oceans reaches several kilometers. Therefore, there is enormous pressure at the bottom of the ocean. So, for example, at a depth of 10 km (and there are greater depths) the pressure is about 100,000,000 Pa (100,000 kPa).

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The depth of the oceans reaches several kilometers. Therefore, there is enormous pressure at the bottom of the ocean. For example, at a depth of 10 km the pressure is about 100,000,000 Pa.

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At very great depths, the compressibility of water begins to be noticeable: due to compression, the density of water in deep layers is greater than on the surface, and therefore pressure increases with depth somewhat faster than according to a linear law, and the pressure graph deviates somewhat from a straight line. Addition of pressure caused by compression of water. At the greatest depth of the ocean, equal to 11 km, it reaches almost 3% of the total pressure at this depth.

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But despite this, there is life at the bottom of the ocean. Mostly the inhabitants of these places are fish. They are characterized by large sizes and bizarre shapes. How do fish withstand the weight of a layer of water several kilometers thick?

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It doesn't cause them any pain. The fact is that the body, muscles and bones of fish are saturated with water, and the fish feels the same pressure from the inside and outside. But if you pull a deep-sea fish to the surface of the water, the internal pressure ceases to be balanced by the external one. The fish swells, the eyes bulge, the insides turn out through the mouth. In such a swollen form, the fish can no longer dive to depth. The bodies of such fish are able to withstand pressure of millions of pascals.

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With special training, a person can dive to depths of up to 80 m without special safety equipment; the water pressure at such depths is about 800 kPa.

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At great depths, if special protective measures are not taken, a person’s chest may not withstand the water pressure. Special diving suits are used for protection. Back in 1839, English diving suits invented by John Dean began to appear in Russia. This diving equipment was a combination of Siebe's diving suit with a powerful pump. This equipment developed quite quickly, and by mid-19th century century was actually the prototype of modern twelve-bolt ventilated equipment.

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A little later, an analogue of modern three-bolt equipment appears in Russia, invented by the Frenchman Auguste Deineruz (French)

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Since the 1860s, the production of twelve-bolt equipment has been established at Russian factories. From about this time, ship divers were introduced into the crew of large ships.

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People began to dive under water quite a long time ago. Already in the 4th millennium BC there were daredevils who dived into the abyss to get corals. There are also known cases when warriors under water built entire artificial reefs for an enemy ship or committed other small pranks, for example, cutting off anchors. For breathing, they adapted tubes and air bags. But such devices were inconvenient - the bags constantly floated to the surface, and there was not enough air in them.

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Currently, at depths of up to 90 m, a diving suit made of rubberized fabric is used. It allows the diver to be mobile under water and capable of any work. Scuba gear is also used, which is a cylinder of compressed air. Modern scuba gear was invented in 1943 by the famous French explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau in collaboration with the talented engineer Emile Gagnan. Scuba gear revolutionized the study and exploration of the World Ocean - man felt completely free in a foreign element.

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Rigid spacesuits allow greater penetration into the depths of the ocean. The greatest depth of immersion of a diver in a rigid spacesuit is a little more than 200 m. But such a spacesuit is connected to the ship using a hose through which air is supplied; it restricts the diver’s movements, interferes with the latter’s rapid movement under water, and limits the freedom of work. The walls of this spacesuit are more than a centimeter thick. Since the shell takes on monstrous pressure at great depths (from 30 to 60 atmospheres), it is completely rigid. And in order for a diver not only to look at fish through a hemispherical porthole, but also to perform, for example, cutting, welding, flaw detection or rescue work, he needs to be able to bend his arms and legs. For this purpose, the limbs are made “articular” - they are divided into segments, and therefore the arms and legs bend due to the rotation of the segments.

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Modern submarines are able to withstand water pressure at great diving depths. Inside, the robust hull is divided into compartments by bulkheads, which increases the survivability of the ship in the event of a leak. Dive depth is one of the main characteristics of a submarine ship. Before the First World War, a depth of 50 meters was considered sufficient, as it allowed the submarine to take cover and not be detected by the enemy. Later, with increasing depth, freedom of movement increased and the boat became more mobile. Today, the possible diving depth of boats can average 700 m.

Exploration of the deep sea. Man began to explore the underwater world in ancient times. Experienced, well-trained divers (pearl collectors), holding their breath for 1-2 minutes, dived without any equipment to a depth of (and sometimes more than) meters.

To increase the time spent under water, people initially used breathing tubes made of reeds, leather bags with a supply of air, as well as a “diving bell” (in the upper part of which, when immersed in water, an “air cushion” was formed, from which a person received air.

At a depth exceeding 1.5 m, you can only breathe air that is compressed to a pressure equal to the pressure of water at a given depth. At a depth exceeding 1.5 m, you can only breathe air that is compressed to a pressure equal to water pressure at a given depth.

In 1943, the French J. Cousteau and E. Gagnan invented scuba gear - a special apparatus with compressed air designed for human breathing under water. Thanks to this invention, underwater swimming became an exciting and widespread sport.

Scuba gear allows you to stay under water from a few minutes (at a depth of about 40 m) to an hour or more (at shallow depths). Scuba diving to depths of more than 40 m is not recommended because... Inhaling air compressed to high pressure can lead to nitrogen narcosis. A person's coordination of movements is impaired, and his consciousness becomes clouded.

The bathyscaphe is not connected by a cable to the ship and is an autonomous (self-propelled) device. The first bathyscaphe was built and tested by the Swiss scientist O. Piccard in 1948. In January 1960, the scientist's son J. Piccard, together with D. Walsh, reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean on the bathyscaphe. Its maximum depth (measured in 1957 by the Soviet research vessel Vityaz) is m.