Project on the theme of Yesenin with research. Project for elementary school

“Yesenin Sergey Aleksandrovich” - They also taught me how to swim: they put me in a boat, swam to the middle of the lake and threw me into the water. Life and work of the poet. In 1924, a collection of poems by S.A. Yesenin “Moscow Tavern” was published in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). In 1919, Yesenin met Anatoly Maristoff and wrote his first poems - “Inonia” and “Mare Ships”.

“Yesenin about animals” - Long-standing friendship between a dog and a person. The technique of anthropomorphism. Sergei Yesenin. The image of a fox. The ruthless attitude of people towards animals. Attribute of a peasant hut. Our smaller brothers. Youth. Black horse. Revolution. Image of a cow. Pink horse. Red horse. Image of ravens. A harbinger of death. The people's symbol of misfortune.

“Yesenin about his homeland” - Lesson objectives: I won’t be back soon, not soon! Folk origins. The three-star birch forest above the pond warms the old mother's sadness. Oh, Rus', a peaceful corner, I love you, I believe in you” S. Yesenin. Bird cherry trees are pouring snow, Greenery is in bloom and dew. The spring dawns twisted me into a rainbow. The period of the poet's renaissance begins.

“Creativity of S. Yesenin” - Man. Richness of color designation. Stacks of the sun. Love for the homeland. The theme of the homeland in the works of S.A. Yesenina. The heart glows with cornflowers. The mirror of the backwater trembled. Birch. Snowflakes are burning. Love for native land. Animals. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. Reader's attention. Goy, Rus', my dear. Holy army.

“Yesenin 11th grade” - Here, according to the dawn and the stars, I went through school.” 1918. It’s as if I rode on a pink horse in the resounding early spring.” Native Ryazan land... “O land of formidable floods and quiet spring forces. S. Yesenin among the printing house workers. “Perhaps he will remember me...” Seryozha grew up an orphan with living parents. Teachers.

“Russian poet Sergei Yesenin” - Climax. The works of Sergei Yesenin. Imagism. Revolution. Figure lyrical hero. Tragic ending. Isadora. I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry. Contents of the poem. Analysis of poems. Military service. Melodiousness and picturesqueness. Poetry recent years. Literary debut. The golden grove dissuaded me.

There are a total of 35 presentations in the topic

And literature

Project topic

“Yesenin is eternal”

Creative name

“Only Yesenin could play on the simple and sensitive strings of the heart”

M. Osorgin

Fundamental question:

Where does talent come from?

Educational subjects

Russian language and literature, music, world artistic culture.

Project participants

11th grade students

Questions educational topic(problematic):

(“Theme of the Motherland in Yesenin’s poetry”)

· Why are the people who live with me on earth so “dear to me”?

· What color is the moon in Yesenin’s poems? (The role of color adjectives in Yesenin’s lyrics).

· Why is “In the Land of Birch Calico” so sad?

· Is there a world “where all living things have equal rights”? (“Our little brothers”).

· “Persian motives” about love?

Project abstract

Among the names especially dear to our people, the name of Sergei Yesenin, the great Russian poet, rightfully takes its place. His “song word” is addressed to Russian nature, the poet’s soul is open to people, his poems are a frank, confidential conversation with a friend. “It seems to me,” said the poet, “that I write my poems only for my good friends.”

Our project is about how today's " good friends“The poet is looking for and finding his answer to the question “Where do talents come from?” Someone agrees with: “From the generosity of the people. Russian people live on earth - and now they elect one. He will speak for everyone; he is mindful of the people’s memory, wise of the people’s wisdom.” And someone adds to this absolutely accurate and apt description: we love people’s love, because “only Sergei Yesenin knew how to play on the simple and sensitive strings of the heart.” Our painstaking creative work and there is an answer to the question “Where do talents come from?” As a whole class, we decided: “Our project is about how in the young heart of Sergei Yesenin a “feeling that rarely appears, shy in Russian, but lies in the depths of everyone’s soul” - love for the Motherland - was born and strengthened and gained strength. These words were once written by a great one. It's hard to disagree with the genius.

The birth of love for the Motherland is a great mystery, requiring great silence... Therefore, let us prefer the path of leisurely reflection and questions. This is the work of the soul... This is a touch of mystery. To the secret of talent. Talent - to love the Motherland...”

Project goals

Didactic goals:

· formation of research skills using a computer to analyze the structure poetic text, for awareness of integrity and originality art world Yesenina.

Methodological goals:

· teach how to format information collected independently, find the closest one to the idea literary text technical implementation option.

Problems (topics) of independent research

1) Yesenin and Blok. Block lessons.

2) Color in Yesenin’s lyrics.

3) “Yesenin is eternal” (“For you, O Motherland, I composed that song”).

4) What color is the moon in Yesenin’s poems?

5) Yesenin’s world in drawings.

6) “And the beast, like our smaller brothers,

Never hit me on the head..."

7) “We are leaving little by little now.”

Structure of the educational and methodological package

Description of the educational project.

Works creative groups -


“For you, O Motherland, I composed that song,”

“What do the colors say in Yesenin’s poetry?”

"Our little brothers"

"Rus' shines in the heart"

“The poems are fresh...”

Didactic materials: photo album, illustrations made by students for poems - “Yesenin’s World in Drawings”, newspaper and magazine clippings different years, album “Oh Rus', Raspberry Field...”, records, filmstrip “Thoughts about Sergei Yesenin”.

Methodological materials (project presentation), project evaluation plan,

Website of the project “Yesenin is Eternal.”

Additional materials for teachers (Intel program disks, list of information resources).

Stages and timing of the project.

Preparatory stage (80 min.). Takes place in a lesson on the topic: “The artistic world"

1. Updating the problem - 5 min.

2. Announcing the topic of the project, the timing of work on the project - 5 min.

3. Determining the goals of working on the project - 5 min.

4. Formation of working groups based on interests (6 groups of 3 - 4 students) - 10 min.

5. Offer a list of research questions for students to choose from, consultation on topics - 45 min.

6. Discussion with all project participants of forms for presenting the results of educational activities: presentations, publications, Web site. Discussion of evaluation criteria - 10 min.

Practical stage(4 hours)

1. Collection of information from various sources.

2. Study of lyrics under the motto “You must search with your heart.”

3. Homework “Only the heart is vigilant.”

4. Registration of work results for the purpose of systematization and structuring of the material.

Project protection stage(1 hour 20 min.)

Stage goals: develop students’ ability to present the information received.

1. Familiarity with the regulations for the project defense procedure and the progress of the defense - 5 min.

2. Presentation of the project by each group - 10 minutes.

3. After all groups have presented, there is a discussion stage. Opposing groups ask prepared questions to the speakers - 10 minutes.

4. Reflection stage (self-assessment of students’ activities, groups take turns talking about their advantages and disadvantages in their work) – 10 minutes.

5. The teacher sums up the work. Rewarding active and proactive participants in the project. Invitation to participate in the publication of the book “Only the Heart Is Vigilant.”

Forms for presenting results (In brackets are conclusions based on the results of student research work, completed by the authors in electronic form in the appropriate programs).


ü “For you, O Motherland, I composed that song.” (Our work is indisputable proof that “one must search with the heart.” Our heart told us which Yesenin’s poems, with their genuine sincerity and warmth, speak of the poet’s love for his homeland. This presentation is the answer to the question “Where do talents come from?” It remains to add: they are nourished by their native land, with which they are in love from the cradle).

ü “What do the colors say in Yesenin’s poetry?” (The image of the homeland occupies a central place in Yesenin’s lyrics. This image has many faces, and the means of depiction are different. Even the color adjectives blue and blue become symbols of the homeland).

ü “Our smaller brothers...” (“Only the heart is vigilant,” - under this motto I conducted my research and came to the following conclusions:
-Impressive, intelligent, almost humanly understanding Jim, almost akin to a person, he is almost his second “I”. No one is indifferent to the poet’s touching appeal to noble animals, representing a group of domestic and homeless four-legged animals, for which Yesenin always had a special sympathy. They are not so much about man’s smaller brothers, but about him himself, about his boundless love for the Motherland).

ü “Persian Motifs” (In “Persian Motifs” the poet willingly talks about Russia. The entire cycle is dominated by the atmosphere of heartfelt friendship between a Russian person and the people of the East. Even when the poet admires the East, pictures of his native land come to mind.)

ü “Rus' shines in the heart.” (“Mother Russia! Forgive me, forgive me!” - these words belong to the poet, for whom it was important to be himself and remain human in the most cruel years for Russia. Decades will pass, and the fragrant garden of Yesenin’s poetry will bloom and bear fruit, it will help we must preserve our native land as beautiful as the poet Sergei Yesenin once saw it).

ü “The poems are fresh...”. (But the main thing, the main thing for Yesenin, was something else: the fact that the first poet of Russia saw talent in him, a village boy. And a great, new, original talent. “Peasant of the Ryazan province, 19 years old. The poems are fresh, pure, vociferous.” , - Blok notes on Yesenin’s note...).

Web site “Yesenin is eternal” includes:


useful resources;

evaluation criteria;

general job description: purpose, resources, progress and results;

activities related to the organization of the educational project;

current class activities;

student work: essays, illustrations, music for some slides;

list of materials used.

Information resources

Marchenko A. Yesenin’s poetic world. - M.: Soviet writer, 1972.

Yesenin, M.: Education, 1986.

Naumov Yesenin. – Leningrad; Life and creativity, 1960.

Dear project participants! You have successfully completed the most favorite topic of our school's senior students and deserve the most highly appreciated. Group leaders will receive special certificates prepared by juniors from the “Reporter” club. And we all received great pleasure not only from skillfully executed presentations and publications, but also from the expressive reading of the poems of our favorite poet, from the illustrations of your cool artists, from your ability to speak publicly. You convincingly proved that the poet was right when he said: “My lyrics are alive with one great love, love for the homeland. The feeling of homeland is the main thing in my work.” This feeling ties everything together lyrical works Yesenina: love lyrics and poems about nature, a lyrical cycle dedicated to the family, lyrics of philosophical reflections... This was the unique integrity of the poet, his unique talent to love the Motherland himself and the talent to make a person fall in love with nature, which means with the homeland. Thank you all! Thank you for the labor of your soul, for your reverent touch on the mystery of talent, the talent to love poetry! I am sure that each of you knows the answer to the question: “Where do talents come from?” and will be able to take part in the creation school book“Only the heart is vigilant.”

Literature, 10th grade

Brief summary of the project

This project for the Literature course for 10th grade students is intended to introduce students to the biography of the greatest poet Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. The project is aimed at ensuring that students will be able to: - independently acquire the missing knowledge from different sources; - use acquired knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems; - acquire communication skills by working in different groups; - develop research skills (ability to identify problems, collect information, observe, conduct experiments, analyze, build hypotheses, communicate); - develop systems thinking. Yesenin lived only thirty years. But the mark he left on Soviet poetry is so deep that it was not erased neither by the efforts of some of his deaf and blind contemporaries, nor by the subsequent decades, in which the inertia of a distrustful attitude towards the poet made itself felt. His poetry has always lived in the soul and memory of our people, because it is rooted in the thickness folk life, feeds on its juices, grows from its depths.

Sergey Yesenin

Birth name: Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

Place of birth: village of Konstantinovo, Kuzminskaya volost, Ryazan district, Ryazan province, Russian Empire

Place of death: Leningrad, USSR

Occupation: poet

Years of creativity: 1910-1925

Movement: New Peasant Poets (1914-1918), Imagism (1918-1923)

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental Question

What do we owe to the poets and writers of yesteryear?

Problematic issues

What is the significance of S.A. Yesenin in the history of the USSR? Do they remember the personality of S.A. Yesenin now? Was Sergei Yesinin happy in his marriage to Zinaida Reich? How did the 1918 revolution affect Yesenin’s work? What works were written by him at this time?

Study questions

When was Sergei Yesenin born? In what village was he born? Who were his parents? In which magazine were his first poems published?Which literary movement headed by S.A. Yesenin? What nickname did S.A. Yesenin receive in literary circles? What theme became the main one in Yesenin’s work? When did S.A. Yesenin die? Why is the poet's death mysterious?

Project plan

Project business card

Teacher publication

Teacher presentation to identify student ideas and interests

Didactic goals:

  • To promote the formation of skills to see relevant, modern content in the poetic works of Sergei Yesenin.
  • Improve students' design skills.

Methodological tasks:

  • To develop the skills of analyzing poetic works and the information culture of students.
  • Teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships, highlight the main thing, generalize, systematize, and draw conclusions.
  • Develop critical thinking.
  • Foster a communicative culture among students.

Project abstract:

Studying the work of S. A. Yesenin always arouses interest among high school students, and the topic of the project was determined on their initiative.

Unraveling the secret of the popularity of Yesenin's poems and learning the originality and laws of his poetic world in the literature lessons allocated by the program, students tried to create their own presentations, videos, films, and the best of them were presented in the lesson - a report on project activities.

A true folk artist of words, poet of the twentieth century S.A. Yesenin, who considered himself the poet of the “golden log hut,” occupied a special place in the hearts of the children, so their works, both collective and individual, turned out to be meaningful, bright, frank and emotional.

While studying project activities from the 8th grade, eleventh graders independently determine the fundamental goal and objectives of the project, engage in literary research, use information resources and critical materials on literature. The criteria for evaluating the project are determined jointly and are understandable to students, for whom reflection is no longer difficult.

Created by schoolchildren educational materials can be used in lessons and in extracurricular activities, which will undoubtedly make lessons more attractive for students.

About the project

Type of project by dominant activity:

  • research;
  • intra-school (relationship with the library when creating a film);
  • informational.

Fundamental question.

Is the work of S.A. Yesenin relevant and attractive today?


If the poet’s poems evoke high feelings of love for the Motherland and nature, then they are relevant and modern. If songs written based on his poems are still sung today, and young people are interested in the life and work of Sergei Yesenin, then the question can be answered in the affirmative.

Study questions, answers to which were received during the work on the project:

What colors and sounds does Yesenin use in his work to create poetic images? Is color a reflection of the author's psychological state? What color are the sounds in S. Yesenin’s poems?

What is the greatness of Yesenin’s personality, extraordinary, endowed with a true poetic gift?

Selection speech material about the life and work of Sergei Yesenin, which can be used in Russian language lessons, prepare texts for writing an essay-reasoning on part “C” of the Unified State Exam.

Project work plan.

Start of the project: brainstorming, discussion of issues, setting a hypothetical goal and hypothesis, division into creative and research groups at the initiative of students, selection of an expert group, approval of criteria for evaluating finished works, planning the progress of work.

Discussion of intermediate results, consultation with the literature teacher and the lyceum librarian, creation of a film and presentations. Selection of the best presentations by an expert group.

The final lesson is protecting the project. Film demonstration. The answer to the fundamental question in the form of independent creative work.

Conducting a Russian language lesson on the topic "Means of expression in text (preparation for the Unified State Exam)" using speech material on the topic "The Artistic World of S.A. Yesenin."

Project software and hardware: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Published, web browser, image processing programs, Intel "Teaching for the Future" program

Musical accompaniment: songs based on Yesenin’s poems “I don’t regret. I don’t call. I don’t cry.”, “You are my fallen maple” music. G. Ponomarenko; “There’s a month above the window”, “I have only one fun left” muses. folk; "A month above the window" music. E Popova, "Reveler", "Hooligan" and others.

1. Introduction to the educational project.

Watching a video with musical accompaniment made by students with episodes from the series "Yesenin", produced by ORT, in leading role Sergey Bezrukov.

Teacher's word:

The larger the artist, the larger his work, the more original his talent, the more difficult it is for his contemporaries to appreciate his contribution to the spiritual life of the nation. To deeply and comprehensively reveal all facets of his talent.

Face to face

You can't see the face.

Big things can be seen from a distance. (1)

On the screen is the topic of the lesson, the fundamental question, the hypothesis, educational issues, answers to which were received during the work on the project. The teacher talks about working on a school project.

Teacher's word:

"Yesenin's love for his native land is as natural as breathing. It is the light that illuminates from within almost every poem of his individually and all of his poetry as a whole. This is not just a feeling - it is a philosophy of life, the cornerstone of his worldview. This is his support, source where he got his strength." This is how Koshechkin explains the deep feeling of the Motherland and native nature in the poems of S. Yesenin. (2)

2. Expressive reading student of Yesenin’s poem “Do not wander, do not crush in the crimson bushes:” and conversation:

What is this poem about?

Suggested answer: About nature. About the homeland. About love. Through love for women and nature, the poet’s love for his native land is revealed. This is “Yesenin’s feeling of his native land,” which is “akin to the people’s worldview with its love of life, deep comprehension of beauty, spiritualization of objects:.”

The poem leaves an impression of perfection, an aesthetic miracle. Why?

Students note the abundance of visual and expressive means, give examples, and pay attention to color epithets.

What is the role of color epithets?

You will find the answer to this question in the next work.

3. Protection of the presentation.

A presentation is presented, the fundamental question of which is: What colors and sounds does Yesenin use in his work to create poetic images? Is color a reflection of the author's psychological state? What color are the sounds in S. Yesenin’s poems?

Appendix 1. Sergei Yesenin. Colored poetry in sounds.

Sergei Yesenin, the poetic heart of Russia, lived a bright life, short as an instant. Only 30 years old. He left his readers a rich poetic legacy. Yesenin’s lines have truly magical power, they touch the soul, the voice reaches the very depths of the human heart: Yesenin’s poetic gift was given to hear the music of nature. Together with him, we listen to the “snow ringing”, listen to the “song of the blizzards”, believe that “uneven meadows: nettles sing”, that “the moon sings with a violin”. And “the blizzard cries like a gypsy violin.” He had “an extraordinary sense of rhythm, but often, before putting his lyrical poems on paper, he played them: apparently for self-test, on the piano, testing them for sound and ear, and, ultimately, for simplicity, crystal clarity and intelligibility to the human heart."

All of Yesenin's poetry is music. It contains the cry of a flute, the laughter of bells, the perky melody of a talyanka, a guitar strumming with a gypsy strain, the song of a nightingale, the noise of trees, the chatter of a rivulet and the ringing of bells!

In Yesenin’s poems an amazing thing happens, almost a miracle: sound and color seem to change places - the melody takes on color, and the color begins to sound. It is impossible to tell about the music that is heard in Yesenin’s poems, but you can hear it. The whole story will be filled with the sounds of poetry. Listen?!

What is written on paper cannot convey all the polyphony of Yesenin’s poems, which is why the poet concluded the melody in the colors of the rainbow.

How people's poet, Yesenin turned out to be close to the range of colors traditionally used in folklore and ancient Russian painting.

Thus, color epithets play the role of visual sensations. With their help, images dear to the heart merge together. Sound images give Yesenin’s verse a special expressiveness and musicality, which brings it closer to a song.

Appendix 2. Full text for the presentation.

4. Project defense - quizzes.

The quiz will require you to know about the life and work of S.A. Yesenin, critical thinking.

Appendix 3. Quiz project. Sergei Yesenin.

Conducting a quiz.

5. Watching a presentation film created by the creative team in collaboration with the librarian.

Teacher's word:

Yesenin is one of the most lyrical poets. He “poured out his whole soul into words” - all his feelings, all his emotional experiences. Yesenin the man and Yesenin the poet are one and the same person. Yesenin's lyrical hero is himself, S.A. Yesenin, poet by vocation. What is the greatness of Yesenin’s personality, extraordinary, endowed with a true poetic gift?

Film demonstration.

From the speech material accompanying the poetic presentation.

The poet has not been with us for almost 85 years, but everyone has their own Yesenin in their soul.

Grass heavy with dust
The night buzzes in the wires,
Like a bumblebee:
But Yesenin was killed,
Without even challenging him to a duel!
For beauty. For the blue in your gaze.
This is how flowers are picked. This is how they crush the grass.
He was killed in Leningrad,
Where I was born and live.
And, so as not to think about the loss, -
They demolished the house where he died down.
But also in the fake Angleterre
His pain and subsidence are in the air.
(Gleb Gorbovsky)

In this name there is the word “esen”,
Autumn, ash, autumn color.
There is something in it from Russian songs -
Quiet skies,
Birch canopy and blue dawn.
There is something about spring in him too
Sadness, youth, purity.
They’ll just say Sergei Yesenin -
There are features in the air throughout Russia.

A. Blok: “A peasant of the Ryazan province. The poems are bright, clear, vociferous, verbose. Language!: Once he came to me - a ruble in his pocket, and wealth in his soul!” (3)

Then for the first time
I clashed with rhyme,
From a host of feelings
My head turned.
And I said:
Since this itch has awakened,
I will pour out my whole soul into words.
("My Way", 1925)

How could the fair-haired boy know that such great fame would come to him? What Yesenin said has entered the treasury of world literature, which is why our poetic presentation is called: “I will pour out my whole soul into words:.”

6. Reflection.

Report of the expert group that worked with the assessment sheets for project activities.

7. Homework.

Independent creative work.

The answer to the fundamental question: Is the work of S.A. Yesenin relevant and attractive today?

8. Lesson summary.

The teacher summarizes the lesson:

We are waiting for a Russian language lesson on the topic “Means of expression in text (preparation for the Unified State Exam)” on speech material (4, 5) on the topic “The Artistic World of S.A. Yesenin”, which was prepared by a creative group of students.


  1. “To the singers of the log hut:” / Comp. V.I. Khokhlov. - M.: Soviet Russia,1990.
  2. Yesenin A. Full. collection cit.: - M., 2002, p. 800.
  3. Yesenin S. Full. collection Op.: In 7 vols. T. 2.6. M.: Nauka - Golos, 1999.
  4. Yesenin S.A. Collected works in 3 volumes. T. 1, ed. A.A. Kozlovsky, Yu.L. Prokushev. M.: Pravda, 1970, p.3.
  5. Prokushev Yu. S. Yesenin. Image. Poetry. Epoch. M.: Soviet Russia, 1979.

LITERATURE PROJECT TOPIC “Native nature in poetry S. Yesenin and A. Blok"


6th grade student

MBOU Pavlovskaya Secondary School

Tarasenkov Sergey

  • Goal: To understand the attitude of poets to their native nature using the example of the poetry of A. Blok and S. Yesenin. Tasks:
  • Study the biography of poets
  • Choose poems about natural phenomena
  • Learn to read poetry expressively
  • Answer the question: How did poets relate to the nature of Russia?

Project result:

  • expressive poetry reading
  • Computer presentation

Block Alexander Alexandrovich

Biography of Alexander Blok

Blok's parents separated immediately after the birth of the future poet, and he was raised in the family of his mother, who belonged to the circle of St. Petersburg professorial families. After graduating from the St. Petersburg gymnasium from 1898 to 1901, he studied at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University.

As a poet, Blok was formed under the influence of Russian traditions. classical literature. He started writing poetry early. At the beginning of his poetic path, the mystical romanticism of V.A. Zhukovsky turned out to be closest to him. The Singer of Nature, as Zhukovsky was called, taught the poet purity and sublimity of feelings, comprehension of the beauty of the surrounding world, contact with the mystery of God, and faith in the possibility of penetrating beyond the limits of the living.


Blok wrote his first poems at the age of five.

An asteroid is also named after the poet

Dawn Alexander Blok I stood up and raised my hands three times. They rushed towards me through the air Solemn sounds of dawn, Dressing the heights in crimson. The woman seemed to be getting up I prayed as I went to church, And with a pink hand she threw Grain for obedient pigeons. They were white somewhere above, Whitening, stretched out into a thread And soon cloudy roofs They began to gild the wings. Over the gilding of their borrowed money, Standing high on the window I suddenly saw a huge ball, Floating in red silence.


Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin was born on October 3, 1895 in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province, into a peasant family, father - Alexander Nikitich Yesenin (1873-1931), mother - Tatyana Fedorovna Titova (1875-1955). In 1904 Yesenin went to Konstantinovskoe zemstvo school, then began his studies at a closed church-teachers school.

After graduating from school, in the fall of 1912, Yesenin arrived in Moscow, worked in a bookstore, and then in the printing house of I. D. Sytin.

In 1913, he entered the historical and philosophical department of the Moscow City People's University named after A. L. Shanyavsky as a volunteer student. He worked in a printing house and had contacts with poets of the Surikov literary and musical circle.

Father and mother of S. Yesenin

Yesenin and Isadora Duncan, 1922

S. A. Yesenin and

S. A. Tolstaya

The bird cherry tree is pouring snow...

Bird cherry trees are pouring snow, Greenery is in bloom and dew. In the field, leaning towards shoots, rooks walk in a stripe.

Silk herbs are gone, It smells like resinous pine. Oh, you meadows and oak groves, - I am intoxicated by spring.

Secret news shines into my soul like a rainbow. I think about the bride, I only sing about her.

Rash you, bird cherry, with snow, Sing, you birds, in the forest. I'll spread the color across the field with an unsteady run like foam.

While working on the project I found out:

  • A. Blok and S. Yesenin wrote a lot of poems about the nature of Russia.
  • In their poems, the authors speak with love and tenderness about the nature of their country.
  • Reading the poems of these poets, I understand that nature has a soul, it is alive.