The curriculum in schools of the 5th type. Special (corrective) training programs

Special educational institutions are designed to educate people with various developmental disabilities. There are eight types of such schools in total. Correctional institutions of the 1st type have been created to educate deaf children. Special schools of the 2nd type are designed to educate children who are hard of hearing, have partial hearing loss and varying degrees of speech underdevelopment. Correctional schools of the 3rd and 4th types are organized for training, education, and correction of developmental deviations and disorders. Such educational institutions accept blind and visually impaired children, children with amblyopia, strabismus, complex combinations of visual impairments, and those suffering from eye diseases leading to blindness.

Correctional schools of the 5th type are intended for children with severe speech pathologies, general underdevelopment severe speech, with stuttering. Special educational institutions of the 6th type were created for the training and education of children with any developmental disorders of the musculoskeletal system, with cerebral palsy, and deformities of the musculoskeletal system. Special schools of the 7th type are intended for the education and upbringing of children with delays mental development. With intact capabilities intellectual development Such children have attention, memory, increased exhaustion, insufficient tempo of mental processes, emotional instability, and lack of formation of voluntary regulation of activity. Corrective educational institutions of the 8th type were created for the training and education of children with mental retardation.

Correctional schools of the 8th type

The purpose of creating special educational institutions of the 8th type is the correction of developmental deviations, as well as socio-psychological rehabilitation for further integration into society. In such schools, classes are created for children with profound mental retardation, the occupancy of such classes should not be more than 8 people. Pupils from Type 8 schools have irreversible developmental disorders and will never be able to catch up with their peers, therefore, to a greater extent, education in these educational institutions is aimed at developing their life competence for adaptation in society, allowing them to avoid catastrophes of a social nature. They are given a small amount of academic knowledge, which is used to maintain socialization. Children with intellectual disabilities are educated in a special program until the 9th grade. Those of them who can master a blue-collar profession are subsequently engaged in low-skilled labor.

Tip 2: How to determine whether a child is in a good class

There is no exact definition of “good class”. For some, this is a specialized class with in-depth study of subjects, for others - individual approach to the child, and for others - strict discipline. Determine the criteria for a good class based on your preferences. Although a friendly atmosphere, psychological comfort and gaining deep knowledge are integral features of a good class.

First of all, a good one should be focused on the learning process. At the same time, it is important that children receive deep and lasting knowledge in a comfortable environment. To find out whether a child is in a good class, you can contact public opinion. To do this, you should find out the technical equipment, teaching staff, the performance of students in the class as a whole, as well as their participation and victories in various Olympiads. At the same time, we must remember that the regalia of teachers does not always indicate their human qualities, and victories at the Olympiads of individual students do not always indicate the high educational level of the entire class.

You should definitely ask about the opinions of students and their parents. After talking with a large number people, you can learn about the pros and cons in the organization educational process, advantages and disadvantages of teachers.

In many ways, the environment and atmosphere in the classroom depend on the teacher. Therefore, it is necessary to get to know the teachers and class teacher personally. It is very important what style of education is preached in the family (strict or democratic). A teacher with a similar approach to educational work the child will feel more comfortable.

It's worth visiting the class school break and see what the children are doing. Perhaps self-government is encouraged in the class or patronage of older students over younger students is accepted. All this disciplines and has a positive effect on the child.

The design of a classroom, the presence of stands, can tell a lot. visual aids, wall newspaper. Class traditions and joint events (hiking, celebrating birthdays, etc.) speak about the cohesion of students.

Various training programs are now being introduced in schools. You should find out which one is taught in the class where. This could be the developmental education of the Zankov system, the Rostock program, or a regular traditional program. The child must be educated according to the system preferred by the parents.

Tip 3: What speech problems can be avoided before the child enters school

Alas, most parents notice that their child does not pronounce some sounds only when enrolling him in first grade. And then the drill begins, daily classes both with the doctor and at home, just to have time to “pull up” the child before September.

Firstly, this is a burden on children - in 3 months to master what it took 5-6 years to learn.

And secondly, such problems could be avoided if parents came with their child to a speech therapist at least once a year. Because only a specialist will notice in time the violations in the child’s speech development. This may be dyslalia - a violation of the pronunciation of individual sounds. Phonetic-phonemic disorders - when a child not only pronounces, but also perceives sounds incorrectly native language. And, finally, general underdevelopment of speech, when pronunciation, perception, grammar, poor vocabulary and coherent speech are impaired.

What should a child be able to do?

At 3 years old, a child has every right to distort sounds and construct sentences incorrectly. The main thing is that he understands the speech addressed to him and is able to convey his thoughts to others. If the child is able to fulfill your simple requests, and you understand him, despite the porridge in his mouth, everything is in order. The help of a specialist is needed by silent three-year-olds and those children who do not understand your simplest requirements. At 4 years old, a child should already speak in such a way that he can be understood not only by his parents, but also by strangers. By the way, for mothers and fathers this is a kind of criterion for the “correctness” of the development of their son or daughter. Parents get used to their children’s incorrect speech, and mother, of course, will be able to “translate” children's language for an adult. But if the kindergarten teacher or neighbor asks your child several times, he may need to work with a speech therapist.

At 5 years old, a child may still not be able to pronounce the sound “r”. And at 6 years old, before school, it is considered normal correct pronunciation and the use of cases, the ability to speak coherently and competently.

Very often, children who speak poorly for their age also eat poorly. As a rule, it is a real problem for them to eat an apple or a carrot, not to mention meat. This is caused by weakness of the jaw muscles, which, in turn, delays the development of movements of the articulatory apparatus. Therefore, be sure to force your child to chew crackers and whole vegetables and fruits, bread with crusts and chunks of meat.

To develop the muscles of the cheeks and tongue, show your child how to rinse his mouth. You need to learn to puff out your cheeks and hold the air, “roll” it from one cheek to the other.

What does it mean to develop fine motor skills? This means that the baby should work as much as possible with his naughty fingers. No matter how tedious it may seem to you, let the baby button up his own buttons, lace up his shoes, and roll up his sleeves. Moreover, it is better for the child to start training not on his own clothes, but first to “help” the dolls and even the parents get dressed. As the child's fingers become more agile, his language will become more and more understandable not only to his mother. It is very useful for children to sculpt. Just don’t leave your baby alone with plasticine in order to stop his desire to taste the molded ball in time. Many mothers do not trust their child with scissors. But if you stick your fingers into the rings of scissors along with your children’s and cut out some figures, you’ll get an excellent workout for your hand.

Finger games for children


Our assistant washes the dishes

(they rub their palms together - “wash the dishes.”

Washes fork, cup, spoon.

I washed the saucer and glass,

(extend the fingers from the fist, starting with the little finger).

And he closed the tap tighter.

(perform an imitating movement).


Flour was kneaded into the dough,

(clench and unclench fingers).

And from the dough we made:

(clap with palms, “sculpt”).

Pies and buns,

Sweet cheesecakes,

Buns and rolls -

We will bake everything in the oven.

(fingers are straightened one by one, starting with the little finger. Both palms are turned upward).

Very tasty!

In connection with the need to develop new educational standards for correctional schools, including for schools of type V, the problem of determining the specifics of studying various sections of the block is relevant. linguistic disciplines children with severe speech impairments.

Currently, students with severe speech impairments in grades 5-10 are taught according to the public school program. At the same time, the requirements of the program, naturally, do not take into account the characteristics of abnormal development of students. However, teacher observations show that children with severe speech impairment experience significant learning difficulties throughout school course. This requires the creation of special correction-oriented teaching materials for training this contingent of schoolchildren.

It is necessary to take into account the following features of the distribution of material and the content of work on the development of communication writing in grades 5-10.

  1. An important component of the work is the involvement of tasks aimed at transforming the text (structural, lexical and grammatical). This allows schoolchildren to realize the compositional and semantic unity of the text, to use variable means to express the same thought.
  2. The study of various types of speech begins with narration, since in such texts the unfolding of the message corresponds to the actual course of events; narrative texts are quite simple in their structural design.
  3. Teaching reasoning is carried out orally and is closely linked to the study of program material in the Russian language, literature, subjects of the humanities and natural sciences. This makes it possible to implement the communicative principle of teaching, according to which the primary task is the development of oral speech, and on the other hand, to establish interdisciplinary connections.
  4. Communication principle is also implemented by including written speech in those types of student activities that may subsequently be in social demand (composing business papers. letters, etc.)
  5. Particular attention is paid to the content, structure, language design texts. In this regard, a large place is given to the analysis of finished texts, presentations, and the compilation of one’s own texts based on the created model, by analogy with the analyzed text.
  6. Research and school practice show that composition in the form in which it exists in public schools is inaccessible to most students with severe speech impairments. This type We defined the work as composing a text using various kinds of meaningful and semantic verbal and non-verbal supports, which together represent a model of the analyzed or created statement.
  7. The formation of basic lexical concepts is transferred from Russian language lessons to speech development lessons and is linked to enrichment work vocabulary students.


Features of training and education

children in school V type

The purpose of the special educational institution for children with disabilities health (HHI), in particular with severe violations speech (TNR), is to prepare them for independent life in society. The skills acquired at school will allow verbal children to rationally and effectively apply their knowledge in real life. life situation independently achieve your goals. Organization educational activities as a special form of child activity aimed at changing oneself, is closely related toproblem of his speech development.

The spoken language of children entering school in most cases is laconic and is closely related to a specific situation. In children with OHP, namely in schoolchildren of type V, by the beginning schooling linguistic means are not sufficiently formed, the formation of the communicative and generalizing functions of speech is delayed. These features speech development students are determined by the specifics of education in a Type V school. Main academic subject, which serves most correctional purposes, is the initial Russian language course. The content of lessons on this subject in a special school has several directions: elimination of speech development disorders, organization of speech practice, teaching writing and reading, systematic study of information on grammar, spelling, preparation for further mastery of the Russian language as a subject. In the process of special language teaching, the development of cognitive activity based on speech facts, the gradual formation of abstract verbal thinking, the creation of a solid foundation for further raising the educational and cultural level of students.

Main speech development taskis to bring students closer to the normal level of practical proficiency in their native language, i.e. teach to use speech as a means of communication. For this purpose, the forms of speech communication and means of language are systematically improved according to the following interrelated directions:

A). development in children various types oral speech (dialogic, monologue) based on enriching knowledge about the world around us; b). formation and expansion of the lexical side of speech; V). practical mastery of the basic laws of language based on the assimilation of semantic and grammatical relations; G). formation of lexical and grammatical readiness for conscious mastery of other sections of the native language (teaching grammar, literacy, spelling).

The starting point for the system of work on speech development isprinciple of communicative orientation of speech. Compliance with it involves the formation of communication in the process of active speech activity, the creation of a motivated need for speech in students by stimulating their speech activity and modeling situations that contribute to the generation of independent and proactive statements. Students with general speech underdevelopment are involved in communicative activities from the very beginning. early stages learning without yet mastering all language system. At the beginning of training in a Type V school, a predominantly situational form of communication is used, and then the basis for contextual speech is formed. At this time, a dialogue is formed in a learning and play situation (1st grade) with a gradual transition to a short conversation based on the children’s ideas (2nd, 3rd grades). In the 3rd and 4th grades, the development of coherent oral speech is carried out during thematic conversations. Attention is drawn to the correct sequence in the transmission of events, the inclusion of elements of reasoning, evaluation and evidence.

Mastery grammatical structure language, morphological and syntactic elements is carried out in a practical way, without the use of grammatical terms. By highlighting one or another grammatical category or form for study, the teacher leads students to certain grammatical generalizations. In the 1st, 2nd, 3rd grades, students practically master the basic grammatical patterns of the language. Starting from the 3rd grade, children develop the ability to use complex sentences and the skills of using the learned types of sentences in coherent speech are consolidated. In the 4th and 5th grades, practical generalization of learned grammatical patterns is provided. Based on the development of oral speech, skills in the field of written speech are developed. The methodology for teaching written speech is correctional and propaedeutic in nature.

The main link in correctional and developmental work isclasses with a speech therapist teacher. The purpose of the classes is to organize and develop sound, morphological and syntactic generalizations in children. On this basis, the formation and improvement of coherent (contextual) speech, its oral and written forms occurs. On speech therapy classes the prerequisites for full-fledged educational activities are created. Children learn to give detailed answers, which are based on: a). analysis and synthesis; b). generalization; V). grouping of material; G). comparison, comparison of the material being studied.

An important task of speech therapy classes is to teach a story from a picture, from a series of pictures; descriptive, narrative stories; story according to plan, according to questions, according to reference words; a story with a given beginning or ending. The ability to compose stories allows you to identify the student’s ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships and determine the time frame of the event. In speech therapy classes, children also retell monologue texts, talk about real and imaginary events and objects, and learn to compose, which contributes to the formation of communication skills used in everyday life.

Schoolchildren consolidate their acquired speech skillson the speech development clock and sound culture speeches, which are conducted by teachers in the afternoon. Teachers use various methods and techniques for propaedeutics and correction of oral and written speech, for the development of its various types and forms. So, students read and retell works, reason and compose stories on a given or free topic, write mini-essays, discuss them collectively, share impressions, express their point of view. In a word, students during the hours of speech development and sound culture of speech use different types speech.

Gradually, schoolchildren learn to understand the goals and conditions of communication and consciously use language means, with the help of which a communicative task can be solved, actively interact in a specific communication situation. Students master the ability to adequately assimilate and transmit information in the process of interpersonal communication, manage collective forms of work, and correctly respond to various situational factors of communication. Under the influence of comprehensive correctional training and education among graduates special school Type V positive changes occur in the development of speech and cognitive activity. All this allows us to positively assess the possibilities of their full social adaptation.

Requirements for special conditions for obtaining initial general education established by the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education of Students with Disabilities (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2014 N 1598):

The structure of the adapted educational program for students with disabilities includes mandatory correctional and developmental courses, which are provided for by federal government educational standards from September 1, 2016 (applies to relationships arising from September 1, 2016, i.e., valid for first-graders of 2016 and subsequent years). Mandatory remedial courses provided for by the standards can be supplemented by the educational organization independently based on the recommendations of the PMPC and taking into account the IPRA.

Mandatory remedial courses are an integral part of the adapted educational program and are free for the student.

Mandatory correctional and developmental courses for students with severe speech impairments.

From SanPiNov to the conditions and organization of training and education in organizations that carry out educational activities according to adapted basic general education programs for students with disabilities (Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2015 N 26):

“Rehabilitation and correction measures can be implemented both during extracurricular activities, and during class activities.

The number of hours allocated for students with disabilities to master the main educational program, consisting of curriculum of a general education organization, including the obligatory part and the part formed by the participants in the relationship, as well as the hours required for rehabilitation and correctional activities, should not in total exceed the weekly educational load of students with disabilities.

Extracurricular activities is formed from the hours necessary to meet the individual needs of students with disabilities and in total amounts to 10 hours per week for each class, of which at least 5 hours are provided for the implementation of compulsory correctional classes, the rest - for the development area, taking into account age characteristics students and their physiological needs."

For creating special conditions for receiving education pay in state and municipal educational organizations not charged, it's free for the family. Corrective classes are an integral part of educational programs for teaching a child with disabilities and fees cannot be charged for them either. If the school requires remedial services included in educational program, conclude an agreement on paid services, contact the educational authority to resolve the situation.