Saxony anhalt map. Detailed Halle Saxony Anhalt satellite map

Saxony-Anhalt, or Saxony-Anhalt- a land of Germany, one of the new lands that became part of the Federal Republic of Germany after the annexation of the GDR. The capital is the city of Magdeburg.


Name Anhalt (German) Anhalt) was first mentioned in 1212 during the reign of the Ascanian princes. The single name "Saxony-Anhalt" appeared in 1947.


Saxony-Anhalt stretches from the Altmark region, bordering Lower Saxony to the north, to the vineyard hillsides of the Saale and Unstrut rivers, Germany's northernmost wine-growing region. In between are the fertile Magdeburg Plain and the industrial regions of Halle and Bitterfeld. The Elbe flows through the earth for about 300 km. In the southwest of the Magdeburg Plain rise the Harz Mountains with their highest peak, the Brocken (1142 meters). Extensive natural protected areas of great attraction are National Park The Harz and the Biosphere Reserve around the Elbe, where wild beavers still live.


In the 10th century, almost the entire territory of modern Saxony-Anhalt was part of the great Duchy of Saxony, which was part of the Holy Roman Empire.

IN XII-XIII centuries The Duchy of Saxony split into a number of independent duchies and counties. In 1157, the Northmark (now the Altmark region) seceded, becoming the Imperial Margraviate of Brandenburg. The County of Anhalt seceded in 1212 during the reign of the Ascanian princes and reached its cultural flowering under the Prince of Anhalt-Dessau, Leopold III. Among the other fragments of Saxony, the most important was the Duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg, whose owners received the title of Electors of Saxony.

In 1423, the Duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg, left without heirs, was transferred to the Margraviate of Meissen, with which the Meissen Margrave received the title of Elector of Saxony (later the Electorate became a kingdom).

After Napoleonic Wars almost the entire territory of present-day Saxony-Anhalt (including the former Duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg) was captured by Prussia. The Prussian province of Saxony was created there. The Duchy of Anhalt became part of the German Empire in 1871.

In 1918, after the overthrow of the German monarchy, Anhalt became the Free State of Anhalt; after 1934 - the state of Anhalt. After the end of World War II, Anhalt entered the Soviet zone of occupation and for some time was united with the former Prussian province of Saxony into the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

Saxony-Anhalt as an independent state has short story. Appearing in 1947, it existed until 1952. After the adoption of the “Law on the further democratization of the structure and methods of work of government bodies in the states of the GDR,” on July 25, 1952, the Landtag of Saxony-Anhalt decided to dissolve itself and form the districts of Halle and Magdeburg.

On October 3, 1990, German reunification took place. Saxony-Anhalt reappeared as a separate state on the map of Germany. On October 14, for the first time since 1946, residents participated in free elections of members of the state parliament. The individual regions included in the state are the oldest cultural centers of Germany.


The majority of believers are Lutherans, the largest Lutheran denominations being the Evangelical Church in Central Germany ( Evangelische Kirche in Mitteldeutschland) and the Evangelical Local Church of Anhalt ( Evangelische Landeskirche Anhalts).

Famous personalities

  • Russian Empress Catherine II was from Anhalt-Zerbst.
  • Martin Luther was born and died in Eisleben. His last refuge was the palace church of Wittenberg, on the doors of which he hung his 95 theses in 1517.
  • In the 13th century, at Falkenstein Castle, Eike von Repgow wrote The Saxon Mirror, a significant legal collection of the Middle Ages. In the 10th century, the Merseburg Spells, two ancient literary monuments of the German language, were written.
  • Kurt Weill, one of the most expressive composers of our century, was also born in Dessau.
  • George Frideric Handel was born in Halle.
  • In Magdeburg - Georg Philipp Telemann.
  • The German philosopher Oswald Spengler was born in Blankenburg on May 29, 1880.
  • At the princely court in Köthen, Johann Sebastian Bach composed his Brandenburg Concertos.
  • In 1663, naturalist Otto von Guericke demonstrated an experiment with the “Magdeburg hemispheres” to prove the existence of atmospheric pressure. He also invented the air pump.
  • A native of Quedlinburg is the first German female doctor, Dorothea Christiane Erxleben-Leporin, who in 1754 received an academic degree from the University of Halle.
  • Otto von Bismarck, German Chancellor from 1871-90, was born in Schönhausen (Altmark) in 1815. In 1998, on the 100th anniversary of his death, the Bismarck Museum was opened in Schönhausen.
  • The philosopher and writer Friedrich Nietzsche was born in the settlement of Recken in 1844.
  • Otto I the Great, the first Holy Roman Emperor (German: Otto I der Große), was born in Wallhausen on November 23, 912.


Cities located in the Harz such as Halberstadt, Wernigerode and Quedlinburg with their half-timbered houses from the 16th-18th centuries are worthy of attention. The old part of Quedlinburg with its 1,200 half-timbered houses, which are gradually being restored, was included by UNESCO in the list of World Heritage Sites. cultural heritage. In Naumburg, the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, which was built in the 13th century and contains sculptures of its founders Ekkehard and Uta, is worthy of attention. Dessau-Wörlitz Park (area 112 hectares) with the palace of Leopold III, built in 1773, is considered one of the most beautiful English parks in Europe. Tourists are also attracted by the Romanesque Road, which stretches 1,000 km across Saxony-Anhalt and connects over 70 architectural monuments. Dessau is home to one of the world's most famous design schools - Bauhaus. From 1922 to 1933 Wassily Kandinsky taught at this school.

German Sachsen-Anhalt
Administrative center
Date of formation October 3, 1990
Prime Minister Rainer Haseloff (CDU)
(since April 19, 2011)
GDP 24,000 euros
Population ▼ 2 235 548 (31.12.2014) people
Density 109.32 people/km²
Square 20,449.54 km²
Height 51 m
Time zone UTC+1 And UTC+02:00
ISO 3166-2 code DE-ST
Official website
Audio, photo and video on Wikimedia Commons

Saxony-Anhalt, or Saxony-Anhalt(German: Sachsen-Anhalt, (pronunciation) - land, one of the new states that entered the Federal Republic of Germany after the annexation of the GDR. The capital is a city.


The name Anhalt (German: Anhalt) was first mentioned in 1212 during the reign of the Ascanian princes. The single name "Saxony-Anhalt" appeared in 1947.

Coat of arms and flag

The state's coat of arms is a combination of the coats of arms of the former Prussian province of Saxony and the state of Anhalt. From start to finish mid-19th century, the province of Saxony had a Saxon coat of arms with yellow and black stripes and a green gear crown applied diagonally. During the Weimar Republic, the Prussian eagle was added to the upper right corner, and the symbol of the land of Anhalt, a bear walking along a red battlement, was added to the lower part of the coat of arms. The flag of Saxony-Anhalt is two-colored - its upper half is yellow and the lower half is black.


Saxony-Anhalt extends from the Altmark region, bordering the north with , to the vineyard hillsides of the Sale and Unstrut rivers, the northernmost wine-growing region. In between are the fertile Magdeburg Plain and the industrial regions of Halle and Bitterfeld. The Elbe flows through the earth for about 300 km. In the southwest of the Magdeburg Plain rise the Harz Mountains with their highest peak, the Brocken (1142 meters). Extensive nature reserves of great attraction are the Harz National Park and the Elbe Biosphere Reserve, where wild beavers still live.


In the 10th century, almost the entire territory of modern Saxony-Anhalt was part of the great Duchy of Saxony, which was part of the Holy Roman Empire.

In the 12th-13th centuries, the Duchy of Saxony split into a number of independent duchies and counties. In 1157, the North Mark (now the Altmark region) separated, becoming an imperial margraviate. The County of Anhalt separated in 1212 during the reign of the Ascanian princes and reached a cultural flowering under the Prince of Anhalt. Dessau Leopold III. Among the other fragments of Saxony, the most important was the Duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg, whose owners received the title of Electors of Saxony.

In 1423, the Duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg, left without heirs, was transferred to the Margraviate of Meissen, with which the Meissen Margrave received the title of Elector of Saxony (later the Electorate became a kingdom).

After the Napoleonic Wars, almost the entire territory of present-day Saxony-Anhalt (including the former Duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg), according to the decisions of the Congress of Vienna, became part of Prussia. The Prussian province of Saxony was created there. The Duchy of Anhalt became part of the German Empire in 1871.

In 1918, after the overthrow of the German monarchy, Anhalt became the Free State of Anhalt; after 1934 - the state of Anhalt. After the end of World War II, Anhalt entered the Soviet zone of occupation and for some time was united with the former Prussian province of Saxony into the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

Saxony-Anhalt has a short history as an independent state. Appearing in 1947, it existed until 1952. After the adoption of the “Law on the further democratization of the structure and methods of work of government bodies in the states of the GDR,” on July 25, 1952, the Landtag of Saxony-Anhalt decided to dissolve itself and form the districts of Halle and Magdeburg.

On October 3, 1990, German reunification took place. Saxony-Anhalt reappeared as a separate state on the map of Germany. On October 14, for the first time since 1946, residents participated in free elections of members of the state parliament. The individual regions included in the land are the oldest cultural centers.


The legislative body is the Landtag of Saxony-Anhalt (German: Landtag Sachsen-Anhalt), elected by the population, the executive body is the State Government of Saxony-Anhalt ( Landesregierung von Sachsen-Anhalt), consisting of the Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt ( Ministerpräsident des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt) and the ministers of the state of Saxony-Anhalt, the constitutional oversight body is the State Constitutional Court of Saxony-Anhalt ( Landesverfassungsgericht Sachsen-Anhalt), the highest court is the Higher Regional Court of Naumburg ( Oberlandesgericht Naumburg), the highest court of administrative justice is the Higher Administrative Court of Saxony-Anhalt ( Oberverwaltungsgericht des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt).

Administrative division

Administrative map of Saxony-Anhalt.

The territory of Saxony-Anhalt is divided into 11 districts (German: Landkreis) and 3 extra-district (equated to districts) cities (German: Kreisfreie Stadt). Districts in turn include cities (German: Stadt) and communities (German: Gemeinde), and the cities themselves are divided into towns (German: Ortschaft).

Districts and non-district cities

  • Districts ( Landkreise):
  1. Anhalt-Bitterfeld
  2. Byrde
  3. Burgenland
  4. Wittenberg
  5. Salzwedel
  6. Salzland
  7. Yerichov
  8. Mansfeld-Südharz
  9. Stendal
  • Cities equated to districts ( Kreisfreie Städte):
  1. Halle


Cities with more than 20 thousand inhabitants
as of December 31, 2012
Halle 231,4 Zeitz 29,6
229,9 Sangerhausen 28,2
84,6 Aschersleben 28,1
Wittenberg 46,9 Stasfurt 27,4
Bitterfeld-Wolfen 41,8 Quedlinburg 27,2
40,5 Köthen 27,1
40,3 Eisleben 24,4
Weissenfels 39,7 Salzwedel 24,4
Bernburg 34,5 Gardelegen 23,2
33,7 Burg 22,8
33,5 Zerbst 22,2
Naumburg 32,8 Blankenburg 20,9
31,9 Oschersleben 20,1

History of administrative divisions

Administrative reform 2007 in Saxony-Anhalt: 22 districts merged into 11 districts

Within the GDR, in 1952-1990, the territory of Saxony-Anhalt consisted of two districts: Magdeburg and Halle.

From 1991 to 2007 the newly formed state of Saxony-Anhalt included 3 extra-district cities (, Halle,) and 22 now abolished districts:

From 1991 to 2003 Saxony-Anhalt was also divided into 3 administrative districts:

  1. Magdeburg
  2. Halle
  3. Dessau

Local government authorities

Representative bodies of districts - kreistags (German: Kreistag), consisting of a head ( Landrat) and non-professional members of the Kreistag ( Ehrenamtliche Mitglieder des Kreistages), elected by the population, electing from among their members the chairman of the kreistag ( Vorsitzender des Kreistages), executive power in the districts is exercised by Landrats elected by the population.

Representative bodies of cities - stadtrat ( Stadtrat), consisting of the chief burgomaster ( Oberbürgermeister) and members of the stadtrat, elected by the population, who elect from among themselves the chairman of the stadtrat, executive power in the cities is exercised by mayors, elected by the population.

Representative bodies of communities - geminderats ( Gemeinderat), consisting of a burgomaster ( Burgermeister) and members of the geminderat, elected by the population, who elect from among themselves the chairman of the geminderat, executive power in the communities is exercised by burgomasters, elected by the population.

Representative bodies of towns - town councils ( Ortschaftsrat), the executive bodies of the towns are local burgomasters ( Ortsbürgermeister).

Sister regions

Saxony-Anhalt has partnerships with:


The majority of believers are Lutherans, the largest Lutheran denominations being the Evangelical Church in Central Germany (German). Evangelische Kirche in Mitteldeutschland) and the Evangelical Local Church of Anhalt ( Evangelische Landeskirche Anhalts).


The economy in Saxony-Anhalt is developing. After the reunification of Germany, most of the enterprises were closed or went bankrupt. Because of this, Saxony-Anhalt has very high unemployment (number of unemployed: 184,558 / unemployment rate - 14.6% (as of December 2007)).

Important sectors of the economy are agriculture And chemical industry. The loess soils of the Magdeburg Plain and the Harz foothills are considered among the most fertile in Germany. They mainly cultivate grains, sugar beets, potatoes and vegetables. Also, thanks to the city of Quedlinburg, the state of Saxony-Anhalt is known outside Germany as a center of seed production. In addition, there are many food industry enterprises in Saxony-Anhalt, including sugar factories. Heavy transport engineering plays a leading role.


Joseph's Cross

Cities located in the Harz such as Quedlinburg with their half-timbered houses of the 16th-18th centuries are worthy of attention. The old part of Quedlinburg with its 1,200 half-timbered houses, which are gradually being restored, was included in the UNESCO list of World Cultural Heritage sites. In Naumburg, the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, which was built in the 13th century and contains sculptures of its founders Ekkehard and Uta, is worthy of attention. Dessau-Wörlitz Park (area 112 hectares) with the palace of Leopold III, built in 1773, is considered one of the most beautiful English parks in Europe. Tourists are also attracted by the Romanesque Road, which stretches 1,000 km across Saxony-Anhalt and connects over 70 architectural monuments. Dessau is home to one of the world's most famous design schools, the Bauhaus. From 1922 to 1933 Wassily Kandinsky taught at this school.


  1. Statistisches Landesamt Sachsen-Anhalt, Bevölkerung der Gemeinden – Stand: 31. December 2014 (PDF) (Fortschreibung) (Hilfe dazu) (German)
  2. Welcome to Saxony-Anhalt. Official website of the land
  3. Partner regions of Saxony-Anhalt (German). Retrieved August 18, 2018.
  4. Brief essay about Saxony-Anhalt (German)
  5. Kandinsky Vasily Vasilievich. Biography of the artist


  • Saxony-Anhalt Official website of the federal state


CoordinatesCoordinates: 51°2800 s. w. 11°5800 E. d. / 51.466667° n. w. 11.966667° E. d. (G) (O) (I) 51.466667 , 11.966667 51°2800 s. w. 11°5800 E. d. / 51.466667° n. w. 11.966667° E. d. (G) (O) (I) Internal division5 city districts and 35 blocks MayorDagmar Szabados
(SPD) Square.02 km Center height87 meters Population232,963 people (2010) Density1725 people/km Time zoneUTC+1 , in summer UTC+2 Dialing code+49 345 Postal code06099-06132 Automatic codeHAL Official code15 0 02 000 Official website (German) Halle in the 24map directory

Halle, Sometimes Halle(German) Halle (Saale)) is a city in Germany, located on the Sale River. Most populated city state of Saxony-Anhalt: as of 2005, about 240 thousand people lived in it (of which more than 18 thousand were students).

The city is famous for its institute, which was founded in 1694; in 1817, the University of Halle was merged with the Institute of the City of Wittenberg; Since 1933, the united university has been called the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (German). Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg).

Main station in Halle

Opera building in Halle


Halle (there is also another transliteration of the name - Halle) was first mentioned in 806.

The first settlements arose here due to its favorable location and salt deposits. The word “Galle” itself is believed to be of Celtic origin and means “places rich in salt.” Salt determined the fate of the city: on the one hand, it managed to remain prosperous and rich literally every day thanks to this vital spice; on the other hand, the development of the salt industry over time received a logical continuation - chemical factories were concentrated here during the GDR years, and this had a very bad impact on the ecology of the entire region.

The city traces its history back to the 9th century, when Charlemagne founded a fortress here - one of a chain of defensive structures on the eastern borders of the Frankish Empire. City status was granted to the new settlement in 981 by the ruler Otto II. From the mid-10th century, Halle was part of the Archbishopric of Magdeburg for literally 7 centuries.

In 1638, the city was included in the Electorate of Brandenburg, and with the transformation of the latter into the Kingdom of Prussia, it became a Prussian city.

Halle has almost completely preserved its own historical center, while in Leipzig, just 40 kilometers from Halle, only a certain number of buildings have survived.

Halle is the birthplace of the great German composer Georg Handel.

On the official website you can see a panorama of the city from the heights of the Burg Giebichenstein fortress.

IN present moment There is an outflow of population from the city to nearby cities, such as Dresden, Berlin, Leipzig. The city's unemployment rate is high compared to larger cities

Not far from the city is the Geiseltal lignite basin, famous for finds of fossil plants and animals.


1300 4000
1500 7000
1600 10 000
1682 4000
1751 13 460
1800 15 159
1820 23 408
December 3, 185235 076
December 3, 185535 500
December 3, 186141 500
December 3, 186445 800
December 3, 186748 900
December 1, 187152 600
December 1, 187560 503
December 1, 188071 484
December 1, 188581 982
December 1, 1890101 401
December 2, 1895116 304
December 1, 1900156 609
December 1, 1905169 899
December 1, 1910180 843
December 1, 1916157 913
December 5, 1917155 059
October 8, 1919182 326
June 16, 1925194 575
June 16, 1933209 169
May 17, 1939220 092
December 1, 1945212 382
October 29, 1946222 505
August 31, 1950289 119
December 31, 1955289 680
December 31, 1960277 855
December 31, 1964273 987
January 1, 1971257 261
December 31, 1975237 349
December 31, 1981232 622
December 31, 1985235 169
December 31, 1988236 044
December 31, 1990310 234
December 31, 1995282 784
December 31, 2000247 736
September 30, 2005237 513

In front of you detailed map Saxony-Anhalt with the names of cities and towns in Russian. Move the map while holding it with the left mouse button. You can move around the map by clicking on one of the four arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale on the right side of the map or turning the mouse wheel.

What country is Saxony-Anhalt in?

Saxony-Anhalt is located in Germany. This is a wonderful, beautiful place, with its own history and traditions. Coordinates of Saxony-Anhalt: north latitude and east longitude (show on large map).

Virtual walk

The “man” figurine above the scale will help you take a virtual walk through the cities of Saxony-Anhalt. By clicking and holding the left mouse button, drag it to any place on the map and you will go for a walk, while inscriptions with the approximate address of the area will appear in the upper left corner. Select the direction of movement by clicking on the arrows in the center of the screen. The “Satellite” option at the top left allows you to see a relief image of the surface. In the "Map" mode you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself in detail with highways Saxony-Anhalt and its main attractions.