Technology of research activities. Research learning technology

“Research work” - Research work competitions have become traditional in our region. Practice tasks (illustrative function). How to write a review? Research competitions: Main topic. Types of presentation. Part 5. In any case, it all starts with the help of a teacher. It is absolutely obvious that we are obliged to prepare the child for such activities...” E.S. Polat.

“Research activities in mathematics” - Solving Olympiad problems. 5.6- creative projects. Developing the ability to plan your activities. Almanac Report Publication Abstract Collection Fairy Tale Script Tutorial. Development of an analytical culture, research, creativity. Gaining skills for independent acquisition of knowledge. Study.

“Research work of schoolchildren” - Theoretical courses. Teacher. Features of the implementation of research activities depending on the form of training. The relationship between design and the project method of organizing research. Selection of methods for the task. Selecting a topic and task, formulating a hypothesis. ? Collection of own experimental material.

“Educational and research activities” - Stages of students’ research activities. Students presenting the research results. Text design of the work. Stage 6. Selection and determination of the research topic. Stage 3. Study. Stage 5. Richard Aldington. When monitoring research activities, you should track: The principle of research activities.

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“Student research work” - Receiving fundamental training in specialized subjects. Main stages of implementation of UIR. Summer educational and research practice in the chosen field. Introduction to research work. Educational and research work. Types of educational research work students. Practice is carried out in groups of 8-12 people after the 2nd semester.

Research activities in kindergarten

Tell me - and I will forget, show me - and I will remember,

Let me try and I’ll understand.”

(Chinese proverb)

Research activities- This special kind intellectual and creative activity based on search activity and research behavior; This is a child’s activity aimed at understanding the structure of things, the connections between the phenomena of the surrounding world, their ordering and systematization.

Children preschool age inquisitive explorers of the world around us. A child is an explorer by nature. The most important features Children's behavior is curiosity, observation, thirst for new discoveries and impressions, the desire to experiment and search for new information about the world around the child. The task of adults is to help children maintain this research activity as the basis for such important processes as self-learning, self-education and self-development.

The purpose of research activities in kindergarten- formation of basic key competencies, abilities for a research type of thinking.

Research objectives:

*Expand and systematize children’s elementary natural science and environmental concepts.

*Develop skills in conducting basic experiments and the ability to draw conclusions based on the results obtained.

*Develop the desire for search and cognitive activity.

*Promote mastery of techniques for practical interaction with surrounding objects.

*Develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, and draw conclusions.

*Cultivate interest in learning about the world around us.

*Stimulate children's desire to experiment.

The main method of children's research activities is experimentation. The main advantage of this method is the child’s contact with objects or materials, which gives children a real idea of ​​the object, its properties, qualities, and capabilities.

The structure of children's experimentation

*statement of the problem that needs to be resolved;

*goal setting (what needs to be done to solve the problem);

* putting forward hypotheses (searching for possible solutions);

*testing hypotheses (data collection, implementation in actions);

*analysis of the result obtained (confirmed or not confirmed);

*formulation of conclusions.

Children are interested in everything. The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal feelings, actions, and experiences. The baby explores the world as best he can and with whatever he can - with his eyes, hands, tongue, nose. He rejoices at even the smallest discovery.

Why do most children lose interest in research as they get older? Maybe we adults are to blame for this?

Very often we tell the child: “Move away from the puddle, you will get dirty!” Don't touch the sand with your hands, it's dirty! Throw away this crap! Throw a stone! Don't take the snow! Don’t look around, otherwise you’ll trip!”

Maybe we, adults - fathers and mothers, grandparents, educators and educators, without wanting it ourselves, are discouraging the child’s natural interest in research? Time passes, and he is no longer interested in why the leaves fall from the trees, where the rainbow hides, where the rain comes from, why the stars don’t fall.

In order for children not to lose interest in the world around them, it is important to support their desire to explore everything in a timely manner.

The goal of adults is not to suppress, but, on the contrary, to actively develop research activities.

Research technology as a specially organized activity contributes to the formation complete picture the world and knowledge of the surrounding reality of a preschooler.

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Technology of research activities in preschool educational institutions Municipal budget preschool“Olginsky kindergarten”, Poltava district, Omsk region

Research technology gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationships with other objects and the environment. This technology gives the child the opportunity to find answers to all his questions himself and allows him to feel like a researcher. .

The goal of research activities is to form in preschoolers basic key competencies and the ability for a research type of thinking. Objectives of research activities: *Expand and systematize children’s elementary natural science and environmental concepts. *Develop skills in conducting basic experiments and the ability to draw conclusions based on the results obtained. *Develop the desire for search and cognitive activity. *Promote mastery of techniques for practical interaction with surrounding objects. *Develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, and draw conclusions. *Cultivate interest in learning about the world around us. *Stimulate children's desire to experiment.

Methods and techniques for organizing research activities Setting and solving problematic questions Observations and experiments Modeling Classification Recording results Using literary words Playing with rules The main method of children's research activities is experimentation. The main advantage of this method is the child’s contact with objects or materials, which gives children a real idea of ​​the object, its properties, and qualities.

The structure of children's experimentation is a statement of a problem that needs to be solved; goal setting (what needs to be done to solve the problem); putting forward hypotheses (searching for possible solutions); testing hypotheses (data collection, implementation in actions); analysis of the result obtained (confirmed or not confirmed); formulation of conclusions.

Myths about children's experimentation are difficult to find and formulate a research problem; any research requires large resources and time; there is no good material base and much more.

“Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll remember, let me try and I’ll understand.” (Chinese proverb)

Experimenting with color will give your child a feeling of surprise, delight, and celebration.

Thank you for your attention!

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Self-education plan
  • The methodological basis of the requirements of the Second Generation Standard is a system-activity approach, an integral part of which are universal educational activities.
  • There are many ways to develop the intellectual and creative potential of a child’s personality, but their own research activities, undoubtedly, is one of the most effective.
  • Regulatory UUD:
  • the ability to set new educational tasks;
  • ability to plan your activities;
  • ability to predict the result;
  • control implementation;
  • the ability to independently adequately assess the correctness of actions and make the necessary adjustments.
  • Cognitive UUD:
  • carry out an advanced search for information using library resources and the Internet;
  • build logical reasoning, carry out comparison, synthesis; classify;
  • consciously and voluntarily construct messages in oral and written form;
  • record information using ICT tools.
  • Communication UUD:
  • construct statements that are understandable to your partner;
  • negotiate and come to general decision in joint activities;
  • consider different opinions, establish working relationships, collaborate effectively, formulate your own opinions and positions;
  • use adequately speech means to solve various communication problems, build monologue statement, own a dialogical form of speech.
  • Personal UUD:
  • adequate self-esteem;
  • a feeling of joy in learning new things;
  • feeling proud of oneself (having given a valuable idea, junior schoolboy feels increased self-confidence, which, in turn, reinforces his positive attitude towards himself);
  • motivational basis of educational activities;
  • the student’s internal position is developed at the level of a positive attitude towards school.
  • The use of the project method promotes the development of a harmonious personality and meets the needs modern society:
  • acceptance independent decisions;
  • ability to pose problems and ask questions;
  • search for non-standard, original solutions;
  • the ability to attract and interest others in the chosen topic;
  • unlocking individual potential.
Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" is an excellent basis for the implementation of research activities Research activities
  • Educational and methodological set by A. I. Savenkov
  • 1. Workbook"I am a researcher"
  • 2.Methodical manual for teachers “Methods of research teaching for junior schoolchildren”
  • Stage 3 pragmatic
  • I consult, unobtrusively supervise, rehearse the presentation of results
  • They work independently and together, consult, collect information, “extract” missing knowledge, prepare a presentation of the results
  • Stage 4 final
  • I summarize the results, sum up the results, evaluate the ability to substantiate one’s opinion, work in a group for a common result
  • They defend the project, reflect on the activities, and evaluate their effectiveness.
  • Stage 5 final
  • Reflection on completed work
  • Presentation of the finished product
  • · first: the teacher himself poses the problem and outlines solutions, but the solution itself must be found by the student (1st grade);
  • · second: the teacher poses the problem, but the ways and methods of solving it, as well as the
  • the student will have to find the solution on his own (mid-2nd grade, 3rd grade);
  • · third (highest): students pose the problem themselves, look for ways to solve it and find the solution itself (grade 4).
Our results
  • Literature:
  • 1. Golub G.B., Perelygina E.A., Churakova O.V. Fundamentals of project activities for schoolchildren: Methodological manual for teaching the course: /Ed. prof. E.Ya. Kogan. – Samara, 2006.
  • 2. Novozhilova M.M. etc. How to correctly conduct educational research: From concept to discovery: / M.M. Novozhilova, S.G. Vorovshchikov, I.V. Tavrel. – 2nd ed. – M.: 5 for knowledge, 2008.
  • 3. Romanovskaya M.B. Project method in educational process: Methodological manual:/M.B. Romanovskaya. – M.: Center “Pedagogical Search”, 2006.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.

Scientific research activity Educational and research activity A type of activity aimed at obtaining new scientific knowledge A type of activity whose main purpose is educational result. It is aimed at teaching students, developing their research type of thinking,

Stages of organizing research activities Stage 1: Determination of the objective area, object (subject) of research. Stage 2: Updating the topic, creating an incentive to work. Stage 3: Studying scientific literature Stage 4: Formation of a research group (leader, communicator, analyst) Stage 5: Defining the hypothesis, goals and objectives of the study Stage 6: Determining research methods Stage 7: Conducting research work Stage 8: Public presentation of research results

Research methods A method is a way of achieving the research goal. The very possibility of implementing the research depends on the choice of methods. Theoretical methods: Modeling, abstraction, analysis and synthesis Empirical methods: Observation, comparison, experiment

Advantages of TIO It creates a situation of choosing one of the alternative points of view on a problem Students act as researchers, respondents, opponents Educational material is not given ready-made, but is searched for and systematized. The lesson is conducted in the form of dialogue, conversation. The lesson creates an atmosphere of openness and mutual respect.

Comparison of the features of organizing schoolchildren’s research activities in knowledge and personality-oriented models Comparison parameters Research activity in a knowledge model Research activity in a person-oriented model The purpose of research activity Obtaining research skills, developing activity, specific work results. Development of personal identity “I am a researcher”, mechanisms of reflection, cognitive strategies, self-learning and personal experience.

Method of inclusion Incentive for adults. Lectures on the benefits of research activities. Occasional participation in external research activities. Involvement through internal cognitive motives, sustained interest in a specific educational field, personal participation in the system of “scientific readings” and conferences, communication with peer researchers at school scientific society

Fixed assets Training in research activities during the course of research. Initial heuristic training in the basics of research activities with constant correction. Carrying out research according to an externally specified pattern of organizational stages scientific research. Joint search by teacher and student for an individual research strategy.

As the study progresses, the student periodically reports to the teacher on his own work. During the organization of research activities, a research dialogue between teacher and student is constantly maintained. A polylogue with peer researchers is periodically organized. The student’s cognitive preferences are ignored during the research. In the course of research activities, the student’s cognitive preferences are revealed, reflected, taken into account and developed.

Features of organizing the stages of educational research Clear and strict adherence to accepted standards scientific world stages of research organization. Variability of stages of research activity, depending on personal and individual characteristics student. The research topic is selected by the student from a ready-made list of options. The research topic is formulated together with the leader based on the personal interests of schoolchildren

The hypothesis, objectives and research methods will be largely determined by the supervisor. The student independently makes attempts to determine the hypothesis, objectives and research methods, coordinating them with the supervisor. Lots of formulations and attempts. The research plan is often written formally and does not reflect the actual “route” of the research. The research plan is developed, changed and clarified during the course of the research, depending on the intermediate results of the activity.

The experiment is aimed at obtaining a pre-expected unambiguous result, sometimes “adjusted” to a hypothesis to ensure positive results. The experiment involves many results that are not exactly known in advance. Results that disprove a hypothesis are even more valuable than expected in terms of learning experience. A lot of “trial and error” in the implementation of the experiment.

Features of the organization of feedback Feedback is organized in the intervals between stages of the study and concerns mainly the content of the activity and results. Feedback is organized both on the results and on the research process. Personal discoveries, insights, and reflections on the sequence of actions and their effectiveness are especially important. Feedback leads to awareness of the criteria of personal and research competence. Through feedback, exploration becomes learning to learn.

Results of research activities The results of activities are considered mainly external parameters: speeches at conferences, certificates, victories in competitions. The results of the activity are first recorded as the internal and qualitative achievements of the student, and then as methods of social recognition, starting with the immediate environment (which is especially valuable!)

Using the acquired experience in the future It is assumed that the experience gained in actually organizing the research will be used by the child “in adult life”: in college, in future professional and scientific activity. The system for organizing research activities is built in such a way that the student always has the opportunity to continue research activities in order to consolidate success, take into account the results of feedback, especially on the results of implementing his own research strategy, in order to ensure a new level of personal development.

Stage 2 fundamental Offers: forms individual work or tries to organize groups, distribute roles in groups, plan activities. Introduces various forms presentation of results. Analyze the problem, Work individually or break into groups, distribute roles, plan work, choose a form for presenting the results.

Stage 4 final Summarizes the results, sums up, evaluates the ability to substantiate one’s opinion, work in a group for a common result. They defend the results of the research, reflect on the activity, and evaluate its effectiveness. Stage 5 final Publication of research results. Reflection on completed work.

Difference between project and research activities PROJECT Availability of a product of activity The result is expected Practice-oriented knowledge Has a situational nature Forecasting is deterministic Typically carried out by a group Driving force– solution to the problem GOAL - RESEARCH RESULT The result is not known in advance Scientific (fundamental) knowledge Has a long-term nature Probabilistic forecasting As a rule, is carried out individually Driving force - search for truth GOAL - PROCESS