Topic of the week: “Indoor plants. Amazing flower.docx - Summary of an integrated lesson (artistic and aesthetic development: modeling) in the second junior group on the topic: “Amazing flower Modeling spring flowers 2nd junior group

Date of publication: 03/03/17

Danilova G.N.
Summary of the modeling lesson in the first younger group"Flowers for my beloved mother"

Summary of a modeling lesson in the first junior group« Flowers for your beloved mother » .

Equipment: cardboard with a blank, plasticine, boards for sculpting.

Target: teach children to pinch off a small piece of plasticine from a large one; place parts in a given location; consolidate knowledge of basic flowers: white, yellow, red, green, blue;

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Children, you already know that we will soon celebrate Women's Day. This is a holiday for all mothers, grandmothers and girls. Listen to what good poem I'll read it to you.


Who came to me this morning?


Who said: “Time to get up”?


Who braided my hair?


Swept the whole house by yourself?


Who flowers in the garden?


Who kissed me?


Who's childish loves laughter?


Who is the best in the world?


Today we will prepare a gift for your mothers and grandmothers.

Look, there is cardboard in front of you, on which there is only the middle flowers. But there are no petals. What's missing?

Children: petals.

Play: That's right, now we are going to tear small ones from a large piece of plasticine and stick them to our middle. What colors on your cardboard middle?

Children: red, yellow, white, blue, green.

Vosp: Well done, right.

Give children different types of plasticine flowers. Offer to choose the one you like.

Play: First we need to make the plasticine soft so that it is easy to sculpt from it. Warm it in your hands, knead it. Take a large piece of plasticine and pinch off a small piece. Now roll a small ball with your fingers.

Children who cannot cope need help.

Play: Now you and I will roll out a lot of small balls, and each one will have different ones. flowers.

And now that we have completed this task, we will attach the petals to our centers. Take one small ball and place it in the middle of our flowers. Now press with your finger and lightly smear the petal.

Very beautiful we get flowers, I think that mothers and grandmothers will be very pleased with the gifts you made for them.

Playback: Let's look at our flowers. What the colors turned out to be flowers from Marina?

Upon completion classes It is necessary to review each child’s work and be sure to praise each child.


To give children basic knowledge about garden flowers, their structure, growth conditions and care.
Enrich children's vocabulary on the topic “flowers”.
Form stable ideas about size, quantity, color, geometric shapes.
Practice the ability to place objects in space (edge, middle, in a corner, in a row, in a circle).
Improve counting skills.
Practice sculpting, gluing, and finger painting.
Teach children to carefully examine and examine the object of observation.
Develop the ability to repeat movements after the teacher, coordinate movements and words of a song.
Develop thinking, motor skills, visual and auditory concentration, coordination of movements.
Teach children to do teamwork.


Fresh flowers in a vase.
Artificial flowers, millet, spatulas, rakes, watering cans, flower bed trays.
Volumetric dandelion flowers made from colored napkins.
Background picture with images of flower beds in the form of a circle, square, rectangle; fabric flowers.
A background picture with flowers with petals in the form of geometric shapes (one petal is missing), petals and leaves of these flowers cut out of colored cardboard.
Multi-colored clothespins, balloon sticks.
Egg cage cut pieces of four sections with holes in the tops, each section painted a different color, artificial flowers with petals of the same colors.
A blank painting for finger painting with a cloud, droplets and flowers, finger paints, wet wipes.
Background picture with flowers without stems, counting sticks.
Sheets of paper, glue, applique details: vase, flower.
Green salted dough, pasta in the shape of flowers, painted in different colors.
Buttons of different colors in two sizes, a picture of flowers with circles, the corresponding color and size.
A blank picture depicting the sky and earth, plasticine, sequin flowers.
Audio recordings: “Buttercups-daisies” by Zheleznov.

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting game “Our smart heads”

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, cleverly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs are straightened,
We smile at each other.

Observing flowers in a vase

Look what's in the vase? There are flowers in a vase. Look at the flowers' petals, stems, and leaves. Come and smell the scent of the flowers.

Breathing exercises “Dandelion”

Blow on the dandelion so that its petals move, but try not to puff out your cheeks.

Didactic game “Plant flowers in flower beds”

We will plant flowers in these flower beds. Look and tell me which ones geometric shapes Are these flower beds similar?
Here is a flowerbed in the shape of a circle, and here is a flowerbed that looks like a rectangle, and this flowerbed is square.
Plant one flower in the middle of each flower bed.
In a round flowerbed you can plant flowers in a circle. On a rectangular one - in a row. And plant flowers in a square flowerbed - in the corners.

Didactic game “Pick up a leaf and a petal for a flower”

Take a close look at these flowers. Show a flower with round petals (square, triangular, oval). One petal fell from each flower. Place the petals in place on their flowers with the same petals.
Now attach green leaves to the stem.

Game with clothespins "Flowers"

Attach clothespins to the center of the flower.

Didactic game “Plant flowers”

You need to plant the flower in a hole of the same color as the flower's petals.

Drawing “Rain, ley-ley-ley, the flowers will grow soon!”

Children use their fingers to draw the droplets and centers of flowers.

Musical-dynamic break “Buttercups-daisies”

Children perform movements to the music according to the text and the adult’s demonstration.

Exercise with sticks “Flower stems”

Place sticks instead of flower stems. Find and show identical flowers.

Application “Flowers in a vase”

Stick a vase and let it stand in it beautiful flower. How many flowers are in the vase? One flower.

Dynamic pause “Flowers grow in the meadow”

Flowers grow in the meadow
Unprecedented beauty.
(Children squat)
Flowers reach for the sun.
Stretch with them too.
(Stand up, stretch, raise your arms up)
The wind blows sometimes
But that's not a problem.
(Waving arms, swaying body)
Flowers bend down
The petals drop.
And then they get up again
And they still bloom.
(Stand on your feet, twist your torso left and right)

Game with buttons "Flowers"

Arrange the buttons into circles of the appropriate color and size.

Finger gymnastics “Flower”

Like little children
There is a scarlet flower,
(Pinch the fingers of one hand)

And its petals -
These are the fingers of the hand.
(Open your palm, spread your fingers to the sides)

One, two, three, four, five -
Let's learn to count now.
(Fingers with the other hand)

Bas-relief sculpture “Beautiful flowers”

Tear off pieces from the plasticine, apply them to the picture, place a flower on top of the plasticine and press firmly with your finger.

Manual labor "Flowerbed"

Children make a flowerbed cake from salt dough and press and plant pasta flowers.
- How many red flowers? One. How many yellow flowers? Two. How many orange flowers? Three.

Collective exercise “Arranging a flowerbed”

Children pour millet into the tray with spatulas, level it with a rake and stick artificial flowers into the cereal. Then water from a watering can (imitation).

Modeling lesson for children of the second junior group "Vitamins for animals"

Shangarieva Guzaliya Vilsovna, teacher
Place of work: MDOAU No. 153, Orenburg
Description: This material will be useful and interesting to teachers of younger groups and parents. The lesson requires preliminary preparation.
- developing children's interest in modeling;
- familiarization with the properties of plasticine;
- introduction to a new toy;
- consolidating children’s knowledge about vitamins and their benefits.
- continue to develop skills in working with plasticine;
- continue to develop knowledge about primary colors;
- promote the development of aesthetic perception;
- develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher;
- develop gross and fine motor skills;
- strengthen children’s ability to tear small pieces from a large lump, roll balls and flatten them;
- cultivate accuracy in work;
- cultivate sympathy for someone else’s misfortune and a desire to help.
Preliminary work: reading by K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”, printed board game “Vegetables and Fruits”, looking at illustrations to the work of K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”, conversation with children about healthy life.
Equipment: plasticine, a board, napkins, paper blanks for a doctor’s suitcase, a soft toy fox, a printed board game “Vegetables and fruits. Assemble the puzzle”, a treat for children - apples.
Progress of the lesson:
Children sit on chairs. A knock is heard on the door. The teacher opens the door, and there is a fox.
Chanterelle: Guys, Doctor Aibolit sent me to you! We're in trouble! Aibolit has run out of vitamins.
Children: What are vitamins for?
Educator: Vitamins help children and adults to be strong and healthy. Some vitamins are needed for growth, others - for the eyes - to see well, others - for the head - to think well, to be smart. And there are vitamins that protect us from diseases. If a child does not receive enough of these vitamins, he begins to get sick often. What do you think, at what time of year do we get the most vitamins?
Children: In summer and autumn, because there are a lot of fruits and vegetables at this time.
Chanterelle: Well done guys! You know a lot. And I know the game. Do you want to play?
Children: Yes.
The fox and the guys are playing the game “Put the puzzle together.” They collect various vegetables and fruits, and the teacher helps.
Educator: : Guys, do you know that at other times of the year, so that people do not lack vitamins, vitamin tablets are sold in pharmacies. And Doctor Aibolit ran out of such vitamins. Well guys, let's help Aibolit?
Children: Of course we will help!
Educator: Let's make some vitamins and put them in these suitcases. And the fox will give it to Aibolit. The suitcase has compartments for vitamins, they are of different colors. What color vitamins will we make? Children name the colors drawn on the blank.
The teacher shows the procedure. Children look carefully and show movements in the air.
Educator: We pinch off a small one from a large lump of plasticine, roll it into a ball in a circular motion and flatten it. It turned out to be a vitamin. This is how I do the rest of my vitamins. (speaking and performing)
Children look at the prepared material in front of them and begin to work at the prompting of the teacher. The teacher helps the children.

In the middle of the lesson, the teacher conducts gymnastics for the eyes:
Close our eyes tightly
We count to five together
Open, blink
And we continue to work.

Educator: Our eyes rested a little. Let's finish the job.
Children finish modeling. The teacher and the fox conduct physical exercises.
Our hands can clap - clap, clap.
Our hands can slap - slap, slap.
You can raise your hands up
You can swing them
Knock your fists
Wave your wings,
You can put your hands on your belt
And make them dance with lanterns.
Everyone can shake hands
And collect a big circle.

Educator: Well guys, let's play. Let's look at our vitamin cases. (look at the suitcases and discuss the work done)
Educator: We will show our suitcases with vitamins to our parents, and then send them by mail to Doctor Aibolit.
We exhibit our works at the stand.

Chanterelle: Guys, I really liked your place, can I stay?
Children: Yes!
The fox treats everyone with apples.

Extracurricular activity summary
Theme: Summer - “Flower”
Completed and led by: Kochetkova T.Yu.
Date: June 2, 2016
Time: 10.00 – 10.15
Venue: MBOU "Northern Secondary School No. 1" structural unit"Northern kindergarten "Vasilek"
Group: 1st junior group “Stars”
Number of children: 11 out of 26

Purpose of the lesson: Formation of basic ideas about summer.

Lesson objectives:
1. consolidation of knowledge about nature, seasonal changes;
2. consolidate knowledge of colors (red, yellow, blue, green);
3. instilling in children love and respect for nature;
4. instill in children accuracy when doing work;
5. develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Visual material:
Materials for work: image of a flower “Background”, plasticine, plasticine board, napkins for hands.

Parts of the lesson
Lesson content
Organizational and methodological instructions

Introductory – introductory part
(1 min.)
- Hello, guys! My name is: Tatyana Yurievna. Today we will go to Summer!
At the beginning of the lesson, the guys sit on chairs.

Surprise moment
(2 min.)
- Guys, listen to the riddle.
Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench
They're looking at me
They want milk
- Guys, who is this riddle about? (hedgehog) That's right, this riddle is about a hedgehog. And today I didn’t come alone, a hedgehog came to visit you with me! Look, what is he holding in his hands? (flowers) Yes, he picked some flowers on the way to you! Look what they are? (beautiful, different, colorful) That's right! They are all very different and beautiful. Tell me, at what time of year can we see flowers on the street? (in summer) Good! And what time of year can we see a hedgehog in the forest? (also in summer) Well done! What else can we see in the summer? (butterflies, birds, mushrooms, etc.) That's right, all this happens in the summer!

By solving the riddle, lead to a conversation about summer.

Hedgehog toy with flowers.

(1 min.)
- Now let's imagine that we are all flowers. The hedgehog will read a poem to us, and we will do the movements:
A flower wakes up
A petal reaches out to the sun
And it sways in the wind

And then it rises again
And he smiles sweetly at everyone.

Let's pull ourselves up
Tilts right, left

We get up in IP.
Let's smile

Well done! You made good flowers.
The teacher reads the poem and shows the movements, and the children repeat after him.

Preparing for work (1 min.)
- Oh, look, what else did the hedgehog bring us? (drawings) Yes, these are drawings of flowers. And the hedgehog asks us to help dress them up. And we will dress it up with plasticine. For this we will need: a drawing - a background, which I will give you, we will also need plasticine and special boards. Take your chairs and carefully, slowly, sit down at the tables. When you sit down, try not to hit anyone with your chair.
Show a picture of a flower.
Distribute a background drawing, plasticine of the desired color and a modeling board, as well as napkins for hands.

work (5 min.)
- So, guys, here are drawings of flowers. Now we will dress them up using plasticine. Look what color the hedgehog's flowers are? (red, yellow, blue) That's right, we will also use these colors. Look: now you take a piece of plasticine, pinch off a small circle from it, roll a small ball and glue it like this, into a circle - here.
- When performing work, be careful, do not throw plasticine around so as not to get dirty or stain others. If you drop a piece of plasticine, pick it up immediately.
Show the sequence of work. Ensure that work is completed correctly and accurately.

Analysis of completed work
(1 min.)
- Oh, look, this flower is so elegant that it has become more cheerful. And he decided to read us a poem:
A wonderful flower grew in a clearing
On a summer morning he opened his petals
Beauty and nutrition to all petals
Together they give roots underground.
- What is this poem about? (about flowers) That's right! So your flowers began to smile because you dressed them up. They became so beautiful! What color is this flower? (red, yellow, blue)
Show flower sample.

Selectively, look at the guys’ work.

Lesson summary
(2 min.)
- So, guys, the Hedgehog really liked your flowers. They turned out so beautiful! Only he forgot what time of year they can be seen? (in summer). Where can we see them? (in the forest, in a clearing, in a flower bed) That's right! Tell me, how did we help the hedgehog? What did we do with the flowers? (dressed up) Yes, we dressed them up. Tell me, is our summer clothing different from winter? (yes) What? (lighter, thinner in summer) In summer we wear thin and light clothes. What is _______________ wearing today? (tights, T-shirt, pants, sandals, etc.) Well done! What did we dress the flower in? (in different colors) Of course! The flower was pale and sad, but we dressed it up in different colors, and it began to smile!
Show the hedgehog. Have a conversation about summer and seasonal clothing. Reinforce your knowledge of paint colors.

Cleaning the workplace (1 min.)
- Guys, the hedgehog is very pleased with your work, now he asks you to help him collect the remains of the plasticine. Now we will all collect the boards together and put them in place. Now let's go and wash our hands after work:
The hedgehog didn't wash his paws well. He just moistened them with water. He didn't try to wash them with soap. And the dirt remained on his paws. The towel is covered in dirty spots. How unpleasant it is. Germs will get into your mouth. Your stomach may hurt... ugh ugh ugh.

Clean the workplace together with your children.

Wash your hands after working with plasticine.

Didactic game
(1 min.)
- Let's imagine that we are flowers in a summer garden. The hedgehog will read a poem to us, and we will depict the actions:
A flower wakes up
A petal reaches out to the sun
And it sways in the wind
Low, low to the ground bends
And then it rises again
And he smiles sweetly at everyone.
We raise our arms up to the sides
Let's pull ourselves up
Tilts right, left
We bend down and reach the floor with our hands.
We get up in IP.
Let's smile

Well done! You coped with all of Hedgehog's tasks perfectly! Thanks everyone!
Consolidate acquired knowledge through a didactic game.

Abstract complex lesson on modeling and familiarization with nature in the second junior group
topic: “He looks like a hedgehog”

Goals: Educational: Continue to teach children how to make a product with several parts. Strengthen the techniques of circular rolling, connecting parts, drawing lines in a stack. Introduce children to the cactus plant.
Developmental: Develop curiosity, fine and gross motor skills.
Educational: Foster a love of plants. To instill in children the desire to create a finished image using natural and waste materials.

Integration of educational areas: Social and communicative development, cognitive development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic, speech development.
Pictures depicting various cacti. Living plant in a pot.
Green and black plasticine, stacks, modeling boards, plastic lids, chopped and dried pine needles, flowers from a fruit tree.
Green hoops, red paper flowers.
Preliminary work: Children use felt-tip pens to paint the plastic lids with vertical lines to decorate a cactus pot.

Progress of the lesson:

Today we have a guest. This is the plant about which they say:
He looks like a hedgehog
Only rooted into the ground.
No ears, no legs, no eyes,
But, on the other hand, the thorns are great!
Growing very slowly
And it doesn't bloom every year.
He has a red flower

How beautiful is the blooming...
This plant is called a cactus. Look what an unusual plant this is. Instead of leaves it has thorns. What can you say about a cactus? What is he like? Green, prickly, beautiful.
There are baby cacti the size of a fingernail, and there are giant cacti - taller than our building kindergarten.
Cacti are not afraid of heat. They are watery inside. Even the smallest cacti have large roots.
Different cacti have different spines: hard and soft, long and short, and there are even cacti with poisonous needles.
In ancient times, people plucked the spines of large cacti and used them as needles.
Many cacti are edible. They make compotes, jam and are simply eaten raw.
Some cacti can eat small insects. Their bright, red flowers, smelling of meat, attract insects. A midge flies up to the scent, lands on a flower, and it goes bang, closes, and swallows the fly.
Let's play a game about cacti that eat insects.
Dynamic pause “Cacti and insects”
Hoops are cacti. Some cacti with red flowers. It is these cactus hoops that insects flock to. And you will be the insects.
One, two, three, four, five, let's start playing! Children, turn into insects and fly to the cacti.
The teacher makes sure that the children gather only in those hoops where the red flower lies. You can invite the children to “chew.”
He always lives in the desert,
And there is no water there.
When watering a cactus, don’t ruin it -
The cactus needs very little water.

When caring for a cactus, you need to be careful not to touch its spines. The thorns can hurt and dig into your palm. This happened with one child from Natalia Shaibakova’s poem “Cactus”.
Reading the poem "Cactus"
Mom's cactus on the window
Doesn't give me peace.
I'm spinning around him
I don’t take it, in case I inject myself.
I remember my mother’s words:
“It's prickly. You can’t take it!”
But I can't stand it anymore -
My finger hit a cactus!
“Ahhh” - I let out a strong roar -
I haven't found the words yet.
But now I know for sure -
I don't play with the cactus!
Modeling “Blooming cactus in a beautiful pot”
Take the plastic caps in your hands. You have already made them beautiful and turned them into pots for indoor plants.
To plant a plant in a pot, first of all you need to fill the pot with soil - earth. To do this, take black plasticine and fill the lid of the pot with it.
Now let's get to the cactus. Divide the green plasticine into two unequal parts - one part should be large and the other part should be small. Take a larger piece of plasticine and roll it into a ball, then roll it lightly between your palms to create an oval shape. Now “plant” the cactus in a pot of soil - place and lightly press the green plasticine onto the black one. From a small piece of green plasticine we will make a shoot for the cactus: roll out the ball in a circular motion with our palms and attach it to the large cactus.
Now take the stacks and apply stripes with them on the cactus from top to bottom.
What are our cacti missing? There are not enough thorns. Stick needles into the green plasticine and the cactus will have spines.
RESULT. What beautiful cacti you have! Indistinguishable from the real thing! And, although cacti bloom very rarely, today they just bloomed - stick a flower into your cacti.
You can take your beautiful cacti home. Show them to your family and friends and be sure to tell them everything you learned today about this amazing plant.