Topics for self-education. Personality-oriented approach to learning Literature on the topic of self-education

1. Study of a work of art in the context of culture (national, world).

2. Development cognitive activity students through objects.

3. System of work on teaching various types of research activities (abstracting, modeling, design, etc.).

4. Formation of motivation to study the Russian language and literature in the classroom and during extracurricular activities.

5. The use of dialogue technologies in Russian language and literature lessons.

6. Possibilities of using information and communication technologies in Russian language and literature lessons, elective courses and in extracurricular activities.

7. Use of the regional component in teaching subjects.

8. Integration of humanities subjects.

9. Mastering various integrated courses (Russian literature, stylistics, rhetoric, etc.). 10. Integration of classroom and extracurricular activities in subjects.

11. Teaching Russian language and literature in the system of developmental education.

12. Problems of differentiation (internal and external) and individualization of training.

13. Work with gifted children in subjects.

14. Teaching subjects in correctional and developmental classes and compensatory education classes.

15. Specifics of work in gymnasiums and gymnasium classes.

16. Mastering subjects in different age groups in rural small schools.

17. Specialization of training: teaching subjects at basic and specialized levels.

18. Profiling of training: development of an original program elective course pre-profile training (profile training).

19. Implementation of the activity approach in teaching subjects.

20. Mastering a competency-based approach to teaching the Russian language at school.

21. Focus on the text as the most important component of modern humanitarian education.

22. Students mastering the literary conceptual apparatus in the process of studying literature at school.

23. Formation of skills of analysis and interpretation literary text in literature lessons (elective courses).

24. Philological analysis of literary text in the system of intra-subject connections school course literature.

25. Criteria-based approach to assessing educational achievements in Russian language and literature: problems of preparing students for exams in subjects.

26. Improving forms of control and diagnostics in subjects (current, intermediate, final).

27. Organization of an effective methodological service in a school (district): from the experience of the head of a school educational organization (RMO).

28. Continuity in the teaching of subjects (between primary and secondary, primary and secondary (complete) schools).

29. Problems of choosing, mastering and correcting teaching materials in subjects.

30. Problems of maintaining the spiritual and physical health of students in the lessons of their native language and literature.

31. Formation of a health-saving teaching system, creation of conditions for optimal learning of the material by students and their development.

The areas suggested above as an example may become an area of ​​your research. However, the topic methodological work should be formulated independently in accordance with the problems that arise in your professional activity, and those goals that are a priority for you and your students. For example, if in the current socio-cultural conditions for your class (school, village) the urgent task is to form the national identity of students, cultivate respect for national history and culture, then the research topic within the first direction may sound as follows: “Formation of individual self-awareness in the process of studying (mastering) a work of art in the context of national culture.”

Work plan on the topic of self-education

“Development of reading skills in the primary stage of education”




Consider and outline tasks on the topic of self-education.

Study articles, work with the magazine “Primary School”, Internet resources, methodological manuals.

Introduce students to various types breathing exercises.

Conduct explanatory work with parents, familiarize them with reminders for children and parents that will help improve work on the book and self-reading.

Learn game exercises.

Conduct a questionnaire for children and parents “Read it yourself.”

Learn eye exercises to train and strengthen the muscles around the eyes.

Attend reading lessons at elementary school.

Conversation “What types of tasks can be used for works of different genres.”

Attend literature lessons in 5th grade.

Create a “Literary Basket” folder with students, hold essay and poem competitions.

Conduct additional work on the topic of self-education “Russian language and reading - what unites them”?

Adjust your personal portfolio.

Hold an open extracurricular activity.

Work with additional literature.

Draw conclusions based on the results of teaching activities.

“Development of reading skills in primary education”


1. master holistic, conscious, expressive reading.

2. study scientific literature on the chosen topic;

3. systematically expanding the horizons and increasing the business classification of the teacher;

4. promote interest in reading and Russian language lessons;

5. development in a primary school student logical thinking, curiosity, observation;

6. expanding the reading horizons of children.

Tasks of the selected topic:

-Teach holistic reading techniques, master paced reading, master conscious and expressive reading.

-Develop general educational skills: retell, highlight main idea, divide the text into parts, make a plan.

-Contribute to the enrichment of students’ inner world, knowledge about life and the world around them. --Develop independent thinking, receive artistic pleasure.

-Development of reading technique.

Reading is important in every person's life. important place, since it is books that can enrich inner world person. To provide knowledge about life and the world around us, to develop independent thinking and to provide artistic pleasure.

The significance of a book in a person’s life is enormous. In the age of computers and high technology, a person cannot do without reading. But, having barely learned to read in elementary school, children are more likely to become interested in computers and television. The reading process slows down and interest in it is lost. Because of this, the processes of intellectual activity also slow down: the children read the terms of the task and exercises more slowly, and forget its essence before they begin to perform it. Many terms and concepts that they should know about at this age are simply unknown and uninteresting to them. It’s no secret that the desire to read, a strong interest in reading, is formed in the family, and its basis is the child’s habit of reading. That is why the main burden of nurturing a child’s sustainable interest falls on the teacher and our task is to teach holistic reading techniques, master paced reading, help master conscious and expressive reading, as well as develop general educational skills: retelling, highlighting the main idea, dividing the text into parts , draw up a plan, as well as other techniques for working with a work of art.

During reading lessons in primary school The tasks of developing and further improving students’ reading skills and developing children’s full perception of works of art are being solved.

Nurturing correct and clear speech in a child is one of the most important tasks in common system training work native language.

Correct reading requires:

Clear pronunciation of words: without distortion, without repetition, without missing syllables and sounds, without rearranging letters;

Correct placement of stress in words;

Compliance with the rules literary pronunciation(spelling requirements: for example: “evo, into, krasnovo...”

Reading any work must be conscious and therefore children must understand:

The meaning of each word;

The meaning of each sentence;

Determine the main thoughts, main content in the text, confirm it with private thoughts;

Reading awareness is helped by the use of illustrations, promotes a deeper perception of artistic images, evokes emotions and promotes a deeper perception of artistic images, evokes emotions and promotes expressiveness, imagery and vividness of speech, stimulates storytelling.

Along with conscious reading, reading fluency should also develop, but we must understand that with reading fluency, speed of understanding should develop.

The improvement of reading skills is facilitated by repeated reading of the same text, since when reading repeatedly the student is already familiar with the text, a “reading field” is developed, that is, he reads one word, and with peripheral vision prepares to read the next word, thus developing smooth reading skills . Also, achieving accuracy, fluency and expressiveness in reading is facilitated by clear articulation when pronouncing sounds, syllables, and words. In my class I do the following exercises:

Take a deep breath for a count of 1 – 3, hold your breath for a count of one and exhale for a count of 1 – 10, while exhaling we pronounce the sounds of vowels and consonants. Then we complicate the same exercise: while exhaling, we pronounce a tongue twister, a sentence, a line from a poem. Or another exercise: sit down, straighten your shoulders, keep your head straight. Taking a deep breath, pronounce the sounds consonant-vowel, while I show how to pronounce: “loud - quiet”, “higher-lower”, “fast-slow”. These exercises take a few minutes and contribute to the development of voice, diction, and strengthen spelling skills.

The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities to understand reality, the more complete his future relationships with children and adults, his behavior, and, consequently, his personality as a whole. Conversely, a child’s unclear speech will greatly complicate his relationships with people and often leaves a heavy imprint on his character.

Our task is education full personality. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions for free communication child with the team. Do everything to ensure that children, perhaps earlier, master well in native speech, they spoke correctly and beautifully.

Development of written speech – important task teaching your native language. Speech is the basis of all mental activity, a means of communication. Students’ abilities to compare, classify, systematize, and generalize are formed in the process of acquiring knowledge through speech and are also manifested in speech activity. Logically clear, demonstrative, figurative oral and written language student - an indicator of his mental development.

Speech arises from the need to speak out. It is necessary to teach the child to construct sentences correctly, that is, not to skip words, to put words in a certain sequence, to coordinate them correctly with each other and to pronounce them correctly, and then put them in writing. When teaching coherent speech, it is necessary to give children theoretical information, since skills and abilities are formed more successfully when they are meaningful.

Students from the first grade gradually become familiar with the requirements for their speech, and in the process of performing various exercises they realize what it means to speak on a topic, to reveal the main idea, to speak in order, coherently. It is necessary to help students understand what a story, description, reasoning is; how does a description of an object differ from a description of a painting or a description based on observations; what is the difference between a story about what you saw and a story based on a picture; the difference between detailed and selective stories, between oral composition and written, between presentation and composition. Children acquire all this knowledge and skills only through practical means in the process of performing oral retellings and writing summaries.

From the first days of school, children show a love for retelling. Their stories and descriptions enliven lessons and develop initiative, sociability, and imagination in children. The formation of speech skills and abilities begins from the first lessons of the Russian language in the first grade.

Training in full speech perception occurs mostly in reading and Russian language lessons. The purpose of these lessons is to teach children to read and perceive work of art, approach it as the art of words, that is, teach to read expressively. In elementary school, “...that same thread begins that pulls the student’s love for literature, passion for reading, and the desire to know by heart, to imitate the teacher in his ability to read expressively” (G.K. Bocharov).

In literary reading lessons, when working on a work, I try to show the integrity of the artistic image, the indispensability of each artistic element, and the beauty of the word. I take into account the students’ personal perception of what they read, the emotional state of the children, and their readiness for empathy. Each lesson should be aimed at developing children's interest in learning. And also on the development of a child’s logical thinking, curiosity, and observation skills.

I develop conscious expressive reading of a work by reflecting on the features of the text in the process of listening and rereading it. Analyzing the text, together with the students we try to understand whether we read it this way, why it should be read this way and not otherwise. I constantly support children's creative speech activities. I give everyone the opportunity to express their own opinion, reasoning, attitude towards what they read, and evaluate their own emotional state in the process of listening or reading a work. I teach how to find means of expressing the author’s position, I try to create an atmosphere of relaxed conversation, in which the author of the work, the teacher, and the students equally participate. It is also one of the forms of preparation for expressive reading is reading by role, since with this reading children become artists and everyone must play a role with their voice, choose the tone, tempo, etc.

Expressive reading is manifested in the ability to reason based on the content readable text, use pauses (logical-grammatical, psychological and rhythmic - when reading a poem), make logical emphasis, find the necessary information, read loudly and clearly enough.

Preparing for expressive reading of a work is, first of all, a process of finding the correct intonation of reading (searching for the right tempo, strength and melody of speech), as well as non-linguistic means - gestures and facial expressions. The skillful use of intonation and sound means of expression needs to be taught.

The ability to convey intonation expressiveness of speech is one of active forms creative activity, which should be given special attention, both in class and outside of class, which will introduce children to reading, help them understand, see the richness and beauty of the Russian language.

I want to describe several basic tasks and exercises for developing reading skills that I use in literary reading lessons:

· Read quickly whole words “in a circle” (for example, house, house - tooth, house - tooth - nose)

· Pronounce a combination of sounds at different tempos, strengthening and weakening, raising and lowering your voice (for example, Ra-ru-ry-ri-re-re)

· Read and complete the words

Ba-boo-bathere are poles in the yard


Sa-sa-sarunning in the forest.....

· Connect the proverbs on the left with the half on the right with arrows.

· Read the tongue twister

· Find the animals that are hidden among the letters


· Guess the puzzles

· Proverbs and sayings

· Riddles

Studying and developing a system of exercises for the development of reading skills and expressiveness of oral speech in literary reading lessons, I was convinced that when applying it in practice, students develop an interest in reading, a desire to know by heart, and the ability to read expressively; observe speech culture and develop communication skills.

In my practice, I also use reading – sprinting. The point of such reading is that children read an unfamiliar text to themselves at maximum speed. To do this, let’s use this reminder:

Purse your lips tightly;

Read only with your eyes;

Read as quickly as possible.

For myself, I concluded that this topic is very important for the development of a full-fledged citizen, and therefore I will continue to work on the topic further.

English language

Control and evaluation activities of teachers and students

Activity approach Tsydik D.Z.)

Communicative competence (Polonskaya T.A.)

Health saving

Information technology as a means of teaching a foreign language (Santotskaya S.S.)

Communication activities (Venskaya O.Ya.)

Control and assessment activities

Cognitive independence in the classroom (Bakovich V.A.)

Problem method (Lopan A.V.)

Working with Gifted and Highly Motivated Students

Development of speaking skills in primary school (Ivashevich E.V.)

Advice from a psychologist on working with gifted students


Competency-oriented tasks in the system of preparing students for CT in mathematics (Zhuk A.A.)

Personality-centered learning in mathematics lessons (Polyakh N.M.)

Taking into account individual characteristics is the basis for differentiated education of students (Kokhovets R.S.)

Memo on the formation of educational and cognitive competence through the organization of independent activities of students (Bandaretskaya I.I.)

Memo about conducting a didactic game (Bandaretskaya I.I.)

The use of tests in mathematics classes for diagnosing and monitoring the quality of students’ assimilation of theoretical and practical material (Sheshko V.F.)

Tests in mathematics lessons (Zhidis M.S., Sheshko V.F.)


Formation of techniques for students’ independent work with educational information in biology lessons (Pronevich S.V.)



Optimal use of students’ individual abilities is possible only in conditions of differentiated learning (Nichipor E.V.)

Types and methods of solving problems in chemistry (Cherkas O.S.):



A problem-based approach to learning new material as a means of activating mental activity (Konon L.M.)

Belarusian language

“Methods and methods of arganization of practical science in the development of educational competences” (Venskovich N.I.)

Pharmacy-based communication competences and the use of advanced communication-arranged metadata in the lessons of Belarusian language and literature (Baranovskaya A.A.)

Memo on the topic of self-education “The development of spiritual and moral aspects studied in the lessons of Belarusian literature” (Gayko T.V.)

Methods for making mats on the lesson (Penda V.V.)

Physical culture and health

Prevention of postural disorders and flat feet in young children (Gintsevich L.O.)

Formation of various motor abilities, skills, knowledge among students of secondary school age (Ermak E.L.)

Primary school




A system of exercises for developing sustainable reading skills in primary schoolchildren (Shor T.S.)


Competency-oriented tasks in academic subjects literary reading, Russian language (Emelyanovich S.V.)

Modern mathematics lesson at the 1st stage of general secondary education from the perspective of a competency-based approach (Emelyanovich S.V.)

Self-education. Practical and didactic material (Yarmantovich O.R.)

Unconventional exercises to practice spelling (Blyudnik T.A.)




TICKET 9 (Gubeiko S.P.)

Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russia (Gubeiko S.P.)




Development of giftedness of students through the formation of subject competencies in history lessons (Gushchinskaya E.V.)

Requirements for registration of work on self-education

Materials are prepared in a separate folder in the following form:

explanatory note (justification for the choice of topic, goal, task)

terms of self-education;

self-education schedule indicating the timing of the creative report (presentation of experience);

increasing the theoretical level;

application theoretical aspects in practical activities;

effectiveness of self-educational activities;

used (studied) literature;

applications: analytical and practical materials on the topic of self-education.


The explanatory note provides justification for the need to organize self-educational activities specifically on this topic (“what’s the problem?”), i.e. a convincing answer is given to the question: “What do I want to master and why?”


A goal is an indirect indication of the result of self-educational activity towards which the teacher’s efforts are directed. It is advisable to define one goal.


Promotion professional level on the problem...

Mastering the skills to solve a problem...

Studying... technology and creating conditions for its application in the classroom...

Improving the quality of education in ... through the organization ...


Formation of tasks is the specification of a set goal, the definition of an algorithm of actions to achieve a set goal. This is the answer to the question: “How to achieve the goal?” Objectives must correspond to the purpose, content, and methods of the proposed activity.



Work out...


Create conditions...





Real deadlines are determined for organizing self-educational activities: from one year to 2, 3 years, necessary for a high-quality study of the chosen topic, its methodological and practical testing.

If work on the topic continues, then draw up a schedule for the current academic year (plan more practical testing of the topic). The folder should contain all the work done for the previous academic year.


The self-education schedule is intended for step-by-step implementation of the goal of self-educational activity. The main components are the direction of activity throughout the entire period of self-study.

Sample schedule for teacher self-education:

As stages can be determined:

- preparatory: study and analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the topic, meetings with the deputy director, methodologists, experienced teachers, etc., diagnosis of the problem under study on initial stage activities, etc.;

- basic: combining theory and practice, determining one’s own way to solve a given problem, practical testing, etc.;

- final: summarizing, presentation of material on the topic being studied.

Deadlines are prescribed in each stage and in substages, if the teacher needed to determine the substages.

Planning the content of activities can include: various stages implementation, selection and synthesis of necessary literature, familiarization with new pedagogical technologies, attending lessons from experienced teachers, selecting methods and techniques for organizing effective lesson activities, developing technological maps, algorithms, memos on the topic, modeling the activities of a student, teacher... etc.

You can indicate methods and forms of self-educational work: conversation, discussion, speech, exchange of experience, analysis of activities at various intervals, systematization of theoretical and didactic material, study, generalization, implementation of learned experience, diagnostics, questioning, description, evaluation of activities, drawing up recommendations, practical events (lessons and other activities), exhibition, etc.

Result - this is a product of activity in accordance with the stage of implementation of the self-educational program: compiling a list of used literature, accumulating and systematizing memos, algorithms on this topic, an open lesson or other event at the initial stage of activity, creating a bank of innovative information, a plan for introducing ... into lesson activities, publication of methodological didactic materials, creation of a methodological piggy bank, media library, etc.


Study of scientific, methodological, psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic of self-education, their analysis and selection for further application.


Participation in seminars, workshops, conferences with presentation of experience on the topic being studied, development practical materials, holding open lessons extracurricular activities, cool and parent meetings, participation in competitive events, etc.


Increasing professional level and quality educational process, permission problematic issues, positive dynamics..., effectiveness of participation in events... etc.


All sources used in the process of the teacher’s work on the topic of self-education are indicated.


ANALYTICAL AND PRACTICAL MATERIALS ON THE TOPIC OF SELF-EDUCATION- these are speeches, practical developments and development of open events.

Registration starts with title page , where it is indicated: educational institution, approval by the methodological council of the educational institution, topic of teacher self-education, period of its study, full name. teacher

An approximate list of topics for teacher self-education.

  • Development of creative activity of students in the classroom
  • Activation cognitive activity students in mathematics lessons
  • Usage gaming technologies in math lessons
  • Using a computer in teaching physics
  • Application of integrated learning in biology and chemistry lessons.
  • Using circuit training to develop basketball skills
  • Patriotic education in life safety lessons
  • Using school museum materials in history lessons
  • Using project methodology techniques in lessons English language
  • Possibilities of using personal development training in Russian language and literature lessons
  • Implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the process of teaching geography.
  • Using the project method in teaching
  • Accounting individual characteristics students when studying mathematics.
  • The use of information and communication technologies as a means of improving the quality of students’ knowledge and developing their creative abilities.
  • Using elements of the developmental education system in mathematics lessons.
  • The role of reflection in organizing and instilling skills in educational work.
  • Technology of the activity approach in mathematics lessons as a method of improving the quality of knowledge.
  • Using a computer in teaching various subjects (for computer science teachers)
  • Increasing cognitive activity in computer science lessons.
  • Using Internet resources when conducting computer science lessons.
  • Computer technology in physics lessons as a method of improving the quality of knowledge.
  • Techniques and methods for activating cognitive activity in chemistry lessons.
  • Taking into account individual characteristics is the basis of differentiated education for students.
  • Improving the quality of knowledge through the use of modern pedagogical technologies.
  • Ecological direction in the education of students in geography lessons.
  • Independent work of students in lessons
  • Formation of a well-rounded personality with the help of outdoor and sports games in a physical education lesson

Sample topics for self-education

  1. Development of creative and intellectual abilities students in class.
  2. A problem-based approach to learning new material as a means of activating mental activity.
  3. Creation problem situations through active independent activity of the student.
  4. Organization of design and research activities in the classroom.
  5. Research activities students.
  6. Research and project activities students in class and outside of school hours.
  7. Multi-level differentiation of students in the classroom.
  8. Usage information technology in teaching.
  9. Development of cognitive activity in students in the classroom.
  10. Personality-oriented approach through interdisciplinary connections and project activities.
  11. Formation of skills and abilities when working with tasks of advanced and high level Difficulties in preparing for the CT.
  12. Formation of students' self-educational skills through the use of information technologies in the classroom.
  13. Creating conditions for creating emotional and psychological comfort in the classroom through various means of visualization, including ICT.
  14. Research activities of students when studying history native land as one of the conditions for the formation of a creative personality.
  15. Formation of cognitive independence of students.
  16. The mini-project method as a means of activating students’ cognitive activity.
  17. The use of gaming technologies in the classroom.
  18. Individualization of learning as a factor in student learning success.
  19. Methods of preparing students for Olympiads.
  20. The use of information technology in lessons in the context of modernization of the educational process.
  21. Formation of a competence-based approach to the study of history among students.
  22. Methods and forms of extracurricular work.
  23. Activation of students' cognitive activity in lessons using ICT.
  24. Using tests in history and social science lessons as a means of developing students' educational and intellectual skills.
  25. Development critical thinking in class.
  26. Technology for developing critical thinking in the classroom.
  27. Student-centered learning through a differentiated approach.
  28. Differentiated learning.
  29. Cognitive and creative activity of students in the classroom. Modular technology in training.
  30. Incentives educational activities students - students work with the greatest efficiency and the least stress.
  31. Development of students' abilities through mastering various types of educational activities.
  32. Practical orientation in the lessons.
  33. Individual and differentiated approach to learning.
  34. Personality-oriented approach to learning.
  35. Group and paired forms of work in lessons.
  36. Activating students' work when studying history. Increased motivation.
  37. Skill building independent work in class.
  38. Project work on history.
  39. The role of a school history course in the socialization of the personality of a young person (student)
  40. Skill building research work students in lessons and in extracurricular activities.

Sample topics for self-education for foreign language teachers

1. Problems of forming a picture of the world, characteristic of the country of the language being studied, among students when studying foreign language.
2. Ethnocultural component in the content of education in the context of teaching foreign languages.
3. The role of the computer in modern communicative technology for teaching foreign languages.
4.Usage interactive forms work in the process of developing speech competence of secondary school students.
5. Monitoring the development of foreign language competence.
6. Communicative approach to teaching foreign language grammar.
7. Independently controlled work of students in teaching a foreign language.
8. Using collaboration technology in teaching foreign language communication.
9. Development of creative thinking of schoolchildren in a foreign language lesson.
10. Development of the student’s personality in the process of learning intercultural communication.
11. Cultural self-determination of students in the conditions of linguistic multicultural education.
12. The teacher’s system of working with highly motivated students.
13. Integrated foreign language teaching in a modern school.
14. Social technologies in teaching students foreign language communication.

For the 2016-2017 academic year. For a year I studied the following methodological literature:

1. Bogolyubskaya M.K., Shevchenko V.V. Artistic reading and storytelling in kindergarten. Ed. -3-in. M., "Enlightenment", 1970.

2. Gerbova V.V., Introducing children to fiction. Program and methodological recommendations. Mosaic-Synthesis. Moscow, 2008.

3. Gurovich L. M., Beregova L. B., Loginova V. I., Piradova V. I. Child and book: St. Petersburg: 1999.

4. Karpinskaya N. S. Artistic word in raising children. M., “Pedagogy”, 1972.

5. Naydenov B.S. Expressiveness of speech and reading. M., “Enlightenment”, 1969.

6. Ushakova O. S., Gavrish N. V. Introducing preschoolers to literature. – M., 1998.


1. Bogolyubskaya M.K., Shevchenko V.V. Artistic reading and storytelling in kindergarten. Ed. -3-in. M., "Enlightenment", 1970.

Fiction accompanies a person from the first years of his life. And in preschool childhood, the foundation is laid on which all subsequent acquaintance with the enormous literary heritage will rest.

Fiction serves as a powerful, effective means of mental, moral, and aesthetic education of children; it has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of a child’s speech. It enriches emotions, fosters imagination and gives the child excellent examples of Russian literary language.

Most of the reading material in kindergarten is works of fiction and folk poetry. A writer, a poet talk about people, their actions, feelings and experiences, about the events taking place before their eyes, about their participation in these events, their attitude towards the environment.

In order to correctly and truthfully convey the images of a work to little listeners, to help them correctly understand the idea of ​​a work, the teacher must be able to read it expressively or tell it figuratively.

The teacher must be able to reveal the figurative structure of the work, expressed in language, and see images behind the words that lead to an understanding of the writer’s ideas and intentions. “Speak not so much to the ear as to the eye,” advises K. S. Stanislavsky.

All cognitive processes are involved in the perception of a work of art: memory, thinking, imagination. When listening to literary works, the child does not see the events described in front of him. He must present them based on his experience. The understanding of the work, content and idea depends on how correctly he does this.

To solve the problems of comprehensive education of children through literature, the formation of a child’s personality, and his aesthetic development, the correct selection of works of art is important.

Selecting a work of art - a story, poetry, fairy tale, teacher kindergarten First of all, it evaluates it from the ideological, semantic, educational significance for the child. However, when choosing a work of art for children, the question of language accessibility is determined mainly by its semantic composition. Unfamiliar words are explained in advance or replaced with familiar ones.

Bogolyubskaya M.K. believes that expressive reading consists of speech techniques and artistic performance techniques.

A) Speech technique is a set of skills and abilities through which language is realized in a specific communication setting. This refers to breathing, diction, orthoepy.

B) Techniques artistic reading and storytelling: basic tone, intonation, reading logic, pauses, tempo, voice strength, posture, facial expressions and gesture.

Older children are able to more deeply comprehend the content of literary works and understand some of the features of the form expressing the content, that is, they can already distinguish literary genres and their characteristic specifics. They easily distinguish between prose and poetry, they say that poems are written well, they can be sung, that is, they notice the rhythmic and metrical organization and consonance of poetic lines. It is necessary to draw children's attention to the features of genres, then they will become more deeply aware of the artistic merits of literary works.

Each lesson on memorizing poems poses many tasks for the teacher: he must read the poem expressively, pose questions correctly, drawing children’s attention to the content and expressive means of the work, teach expressive reading, finding the correct intonation, correctly placing logical stress, observing pauses, controlling his voice (raising or lowering it in the right places).

Reading literary works brings to the consciousness of children the inexhaustible wealth of the Russian language, and contributes to the fact that they begin to use this wealth in independent activities - verbal creativity.

But in order to achieve this, special work is needed to analyze literary works, as a result of which children will learn to distinguish between literary genres, understand their specific features, feel the imagery of the language of fairy tales, stories, poems, and the relationship between content and artistic form.

To deepen the perception of literary works, it is necessary to give children creative tasks to come up with comparisons, epithets, synonyms, antonyms, inflection and selection of rhymes for a given word. Only when children themselves master the way of expressing certain artistic content in words will they be able to more deeply understand various artistic means.

The child’s sensory-visual experience and preparation for perception are of great importance. literary work, education of a figurative vision of the world. Therefore, it is good to draw children’s attention, for example, in Yesenin’s poem “White Birch,” to a birch tree covered with snow, so that they see both fluffy branches and snow fringe. And if children hear the enchanting lines of Yesenin’s poem near this birch tree, they will deeply understand the beauty of the work. The day before, you can look at a reproduction of K. Yuon’s painting “Winter” and draw the children’s attention to the beauty of the birch trees depicted on it, covered with snow.

Thus, at each lesson, children are taught to highlight artistic means in poetic works and, in addition, consolidate the knowledge acquired in the lesson in independent children's activities, i.e. develop a poetic ear.

When introducing the genre of a story, the teacher should explain that stories tell about some event or incident in life, that there are different stories: about people and nature, funny and sad, short and long.

After reading a story, you need to ask the children what was read to them (a fairy tale, a poem or a story), why they think that it is a story and not a fairy tale or a poem. Then questions are asked to determine the children’s understanding of the main meaning of the story, moral actions heroes, attention is drawn to the artistic form of the story (how the author describes this or that phenomenon, what he compares it with, what words he uses to characterize the hero, etc.). It is good to connect classes on reading stories with performing creative tasks to select synonyms and antonyms for a given word, which can be taken from the text of the story.

The fairy tale evokes love and lasting interest in all children with its dynamism and brightness of images; together with the heroes of the fairy tale, children experience a feeling of fear in tense dramatic moments, a feeling of relief, satisfaction when justice wins.

Analysis of the tale and creative activity with older children to school age should be such that they can understand and feel its deep, ideological content and artistic merits, so that they remember and love poetic images for a long time.

In classes on reading and telling fairy tales, it is necessary to bring children to an understanding of the genre of the fairy tale, drawing their attention to the specificity of the artistic form, the figurativeness of the language (repetitions, beginning, ending, comparisons, constant epithets), and teach them to understand the difference between a fairy tale and a story.

These tasks can be solved at every lesson in reading or telling a fairy tale, but they are especially needed when reading original fairy tales, when children can be asked to determine the genre of the work themselves. For example, after reading P. Bazhov’s fairy tale “ Silver hoof"or M. Gorky's fairy tale "Sparrow" ask what was read - a story, a fairy tale or a poem. Children begin to reason that in the named works animals talk, and this only happens in fairy tales, therefore, the work they read is a fairy tale.

Thus, in the most elementary form, preschoolers begin to understand the specific features of genres. They can already explain how a story differs from a fairy tale, how prose differs from rhythmically organized speech.

Thus, as a result of training in elementary analysis of the features of a literary text, speech is improved (vocabulary, coherence, grammatical correctness, sound culture, imagery).

But children do not always use the acquired knowledge and skills in their own activities. They notice figurative words, comparisons, epithets in a literary work, but cannot apply them themselves. Carrying out creative tasks, i.e. systematic exercises, helps them use this knowledge in their speech and in independent activities - creative storytelling.

2. Gerbova V.V., Introducing children to fiction. Program and methodological recommendations. Mosaic-Synthesis. Moscow, 2008.

The manual contains a program and methodological recommendations for introducing children aged 2–7 years to fiction. The book presents a list of works of fiction for reading to children. The literary material is selected in such a way as to ensure the development of the artistic and creative abilities of preschool children, their aesthetic taste, and the culture of perception of works.

Raising a reader is a long and laborious process. Throughout preschool, children are encouraged to read age-appropriate works. The author provides a list of works for reading to preschoolers.

3. Gurovich L. M., Beregova L. B., Loginova V. I., Piradova V. I. Child and book: St. Petersburg: 1999.

The main task of teachers is to instill in children a love of the literary word, respect for the book, and the development of a desire to communicate with it, i.e. everything that forms the foundation for the education of the future “talented reader”. Raising a future reader is impossible without relying on the thoughts, experiences, and moods that a book evokes in a child. Therefore, the teacher must know the peculiarities of children’s perception of fiction.

For children of senior preschool age the following is typical:

Close interest in the content of the work, in establishing diverse connections;

Formation of the ability to perceive a literary work in the unity of content and form;

Growing attention to expressive means language;

The heroes of the work become closer and more understandable to them;

Sympathy for the characters and concern for their fate become conscious;

Understanding the complex hidden motives of the characters’ behavior;

The feelings and experiences of children when listening to works are already quite deep and stable, and the ways of expressing them are varied: in some cases the children smile, laugh loudly, turn to each other, in others their external activity is inhibited (they become quiet, sit motionless, listen intently reader);

The reconstructive and creative imagination continues to develop;

Ability to perform basic analysis of literary works.

4. Karpinskaya N. S. Artistic word in raising children. M., “Pedagogy”, 1972.

N. S. Karpinskaya believes that a fiction book provides excellent examples of literary language. In stories, children learn laconicism and precision of language; in poetry - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness.
From the book, the child learns many new words and figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. The book helps the child develop his own judgments about what he has read and the need to speak out, which develops speech. Children's artistic and speech activity arises, associated with the perception of literary works, their execution, with various creative manifestations in this regard: inventing riddles, rhymed lines, fairy tales, stories.
5. Naydenov B.S. Expressiveness of speech and reading. M., “Enlightenment”, 1969.

This manual is intended primarily for teachers, but it is no less useful and interesting for kindergarten teachers. A teacher, like an educator, influences his students by his example. His speech should be clear, precise and expressive. No wonder A.S. Makarenko considered speech the main element of “pedagogical technique.”
Whether the teacher is explaining, telling, reading, talking, or listening to the students’ answers, he monitors not only the content, but also the form of speech.

Expressive reading is an art as independent as music or painting. But each of these types of art can be used in the study of language and literature. The only difference is that the use of expressive reading is more necessary and more fruitful than the use of any other form of art.

Naydenov B.S. believes that a child’s independent, natural speech is always characterized by expressiveness. The teacher’s task is to support the expressiveness of the child’s speech, without forgetting the expressiveness of his own speech.

6. Ushakova O. S., Gavrish N. V. Introducing preschoolers to literature. – M., 1998.

The book reveals a system of work to familiarize preschoolers of all age groups with fiction(fairy tales, short stories, poems, works of small folklore forms); a methodology is given for the development of verbal creativity in preschool children; complex classes are presented, including a combination of artistic and speech, visual and musical activities.


Throughout academic year In the senior preschool group, a daily reading evening was held. For reading to children, I selected both works recommended by the “From Birth to School” program and non-program works.

As a result of daily reading, most of the children in the group learned to distinguish between genre features of works. Children also developed the ability to experience compassion and empathy for the characters in books. I try to read books to children that are beautifully designed with color illustrations, thereby maintaining interest in the book.