Biology test selection methods. Biology test "Selection"

Testing on the topic: “Selection and biotechnology”

Task No. 1. Choose one correct answer:

A1. An artificially created human population of plant organisms with certain valuable economic traits is called: A) species B) strain C) population D) variety

A2. Theoretical basis selection methods aimed at changing the hereditary properties of varieties and breeds is the science of: A) biotechnology B) cytology C) genetics D) embryology

A3. Distant hybridization can provide the emergence of biological forms of great economic value due to: A) inbreeding B) selection C) mutagenesis D) heterosis

A4.The use of protoplasts for hybridization refers to: A) genetic cloning B) cellular engineering C) genetic engineering D) artificial mutagenesis

A5. Industrial use biological processes and systems based on obtaining highly effective forms of microorganisms, cell cultures and tissues of plants and animals with specified properties is called: A) polyploidy B) distant hybridization C) radiation mutagenesis D) biotechnology

A6. The law of homologous series of hereditary variability of organisms was formulated by: A) V.I. Vernadsky B) B.L. Astraurov V) N.I. Vavilov G) I.V. Michurin.

A7. In animal breeding, the following is NOT used: A) testing sires by offspring B) outbreeding C) polyploidy D) individual selection

A8. In biotechnology, growth hormone and human insulin are obtained by: A) microbiological synthesis B) genetic engineering C) cellular engineering D) embryo transplantation

A9. Coffee comes from... the center. A) Abyssinian B) Andean C) Mediterranean D) South Asian

A10. A group of genetically homogeneous (homozygous) organisms that have valuable source material for selection is called: A) pure line B) phylogenetic series C) tissue culture; D) polyembryony

Task No. 2. Choose several correct answers.

B1. Microorganisms are used in the industrial production of: A) vitamins B) flour C) mineral salts D) kefir E) medicines E) hormones

B2. The Mediterranean center of origin of cultivated plants is the birthplace of: A) bread wheat B) rye C) cabbage D) sugar beets E) garlic E) olives

B3.The following methods are used in animal breeding: A) experimental production of polyploids B) method of testing producers by offspring C) mass selection D) unrelated hybridization E) closely related hybridization.

B4.The method of unrelated hybridization in plant breeding is used to: A) obtain heterozygous populations; B) crossing individual breeds; B) intergeneric crossing; D) heterosis; D) producing infertile offspring.

Control testing on the topic “Selection”

1. Interline hybridization of cultivated plants leads to:

1) maintaining the same productivity;

2) the emergence of new characteristics;

3)increasing productivity;

4) consolidation of signs.

2. Outbreeding is:

1) crossing between unrelated individuals of the same species;

2) crossing different species;

3) inbreeding;

4) there is no correct answer.

3. Hybrids arising from crossing different species:

1) are characterized by infertility;

2) are characterized by increased fertility;

3) produce fertile offspring when crossed with their own kind;

4) are always female.

4. The doctrine of source material in selection was developed:

1)H. Darwin; 2) N.I. Vavilov;

3) V.I. Vernadsky; 4)K.A. Timiryazev.

5. The center of origin of cultivated plants is considered to be areas where:

1)detected greatest number varieties of this species;

2) the highest density of growth of this species was discovered;

3)this type first grown by a human;

4) there is no correct answer.

6. Outbreeding is a crossing between:

1) unrelated individuals of the same species; 2) brothers and sisters;

3) parents and children; 4) there is no correct answer.

7. Inbreeding is used for the purpose of:

1) maintaining the beneficial properties of the body;

2) enhancing vitality;

3) obtaining polyploid organisms;

4) consolidation of valuable characteristics.

8. Heterosis is observed when:

1) inbreeding;

2) crossing distant lines;

3) vegetative propagation;

4) artificial insemination.

9. Biologically distant hybridization includes crossing representatives of:

1)contrasting natural areas; 3) different genera;

2) geographically remote areas of the Earth; 4) all answers are correct.

10. In cell engineering, the following cells are used for hybridization:

1) sexual; 2) somatic;

3) undifferentiated embryonic; 4) all of the above.

11. Cloning is not possible from cells:

1) leaf epidermis 2) carrot root

3) cow zygote 4) human erythrocyte

12. In biotechnological processes the following are most often used:

1) vertebrates 2) bacteria and fungi

13. The center of origin of plants such as grapes, olives, cabbage, lentils is located in:

1)East Asia 2)Central America

3) South America 4) Mediterranean

14. Inbreeding is:

1) crossing different species

2) crossing closely related organisms

3) crossing different pure lines

4)increase in the number of chromosomes in a hybrid individual

15. Center of origin of corn:

1) Abyssinian 2) Central American

3)South Asian 4)East Asian

16. The cucumber variety is:

1) genus 2) species

3) natural population 4) artificial population

17. An outstanding domestic scientist and breeder who was involved in developing new varieties of fruit trees:

1) N.I. Vavilov; 2)I.V. Michurin;

3)G.D. Karpechenko; 4)B.C. Pustovoit

18. Treatment of potatoes with colchicine leads to:

1) polyploidy 3) hybridization

2) gene mutations 4) heterosis

19. One of the effects accompanying the production of pure lines in selection is:

1) heterosis 2) infertility of offspring

3) diversity of offspring 4) decreased viability

20. For the first time, it was possible to develop ways to overcome the infertility of interspecific hybrids:

1)K.A. Timiryazev; 2)I.V. Michurin;

3)G.D. Karpechenko 4) N.I. Vavilov

21. A homogeneous group of animals with economically valuable traits, created by man, is called:

1) species 2) breed;

3) variety; 4) strain

22. “Evolution guided by the will of man,” in the words of N. Vavilov, can be called:

1)receiving modification changes

2)breeding new breeds and varieties

3)natural selection

23. Center of origin of potatoes:

1) South American; 2) South Asian tropical;

3) Mediterranean; 4) Central American

24. The variety of cat breeds is the result of:

1) natural selection 2) artificial selection

3) mutation process 4) modification variability

25. When obtaining pure lines in plants, the viability of individuals decreases, since

1) recessive mutations become heterozygous

2) the number of dominant mutations increases

3) recessive mutations become dominant

4) recessive mutations become homozygous

26. Obtaining hybrids based on combining cells of different organisms using special methods is engaged

1) cell engineering 2) microbiology

3) taxonomy 4) physiology

27. Branch of the economy that produces various substances based on the use of microorganisms, cells and tissues of other organisms -

1) bionics 2) biotechnology

3) cytology 4) microbiology

28. Isolation of a certain gene or group of genes from the DNA of any organism, its inclusion in the DNA of a virus capable of penetrating a bacterial cell so that it synthesizes the desired enzyme or other substance is

1) cell engineering 2) genetic engineering

3)plant selection 4)animal selection

29. A clean line is:

2) a group of genetically homogeneous organisms

4) individuals obtained under the influence of mutagenic factors

30. Interline hybridization in plant breeding leads to:

1) manifestation of the effect of heterosis in hybrids

2) decreased vitality

3) obtaining new pure lines for further crossing

4) the appearance of homozygous hybrids used for mass selection

Answers to tests:

Assignment number - answer option


Test on the topic "Selection"

"3" - 10 points

Option - 1





Selection is a process...

A) domestication of animals



Gene is...

A) monomer of a protein molecule B) section of a DNA molecule

B) material for evolutionary processes




A) visible in a non-dividing cell

B) are found only in somatic cells

C) are a structural element of the nucleus, which contains all hereditary information



Center for the Origin of Cultivated Plants N.I. Vavilov considered areas where:

A) the greatest genetic diversity was discovered for this plant species

B) the highest density of growth of this species was found

C) this type of plant was first grown by humans

D) not a single answer is correct



Inbreeding is used for the following purposes:

A) increasing the homozygosity of the trait B) increasing vitality

B) obtaining polyploid organisms D) not a single answer is correct



A) polyploids B) heterosis



Artificial selection as opposed to natural selection
A) more ancient B) preserves individuals with traits beneficial to the bodyB) carried out by a person D) is carried out by factors environment



Polyploidy is due to A) a decrease in the number of individual chromosomes B) an increase in the number of individual chromosomes B) a multiple decrease in chromosome sets D) a multiple increase in chromosome sets



A) have numerous offspring B) live longer



In animal breeding, unlike plant breeding, it is very rarely used.
A) artificial selection B) individual selection

B) obtaining heterosis D) mass selection



The method used in plant and animal breeding is A) determining the quality of sires by offspring B) hybridization B) obtaining polyploids D) self-pollination




Complete the sentences:


An artificially created human-made collection of animals of the same species, characterized by certain hereditary characteristics -............



A human-controlled process of mutation occurrence, successfully used in the breeding of plants and microorganisms………………….…



Home driving force in the formation of new breeds of animals and plant varieties adapted to human interests - ………………...


Test on the topic "Selection"

Level 1-2 test Evaluation criteria:

Type of control: current “5” - 18 points

Completion time: 15 minutes “4” - 15 points

"3" - 10 points

Option - 2





Widely used in the selection of microorganisms
A) experimental mutagenesis B) spontaneous selection

B) obtaining heterosis D) self-pollination



The direction of biotechnology based on the cultivation of cells and tissues of higher organisms - plants and animals - is called
A) by the method of removing microorganisms that synthesize different substances

B) microbiological synthesis B) cell engineering D) genetic engineering





The method of growing cells on special nutrient media is called the method A) hybridization of somatic cells B) cultivation of cells and tissues

B) artificial change in genotype D) heterosis



B) genetic engineering



Science of use biological objects V national economy called
A - biophysics B - biochemistry

B - genetics D - biotechnology



B) N.V. Tsitsin



How many centers of diversity and origin of cultivated plants are known?

A) 5 B) 6 C) 7



The domestication of animals and plants is based on

A) domestication B) natural selection

B) methodical selection D) artificial selection



Roses that are similar in appearance and genetically, artificially bred by breeders, form

A) Breed B) species

B) variety D) variety





Artificial selection as opposed to natural:

A) more ancient B) carried out by environmental factors

B) preserves individuals with traits useful for the body D) is carried out by humans


Complete the sentences:


The main driving force in the formation of new breeds of animals and plant varieties,

adapted to human interests - ......................................



The science of breeding new groups of living organisms ………………………….



The phenomenon in which a multiple increase in the number of chromosomes in the genome occurs is called …………………………….....


Test on the topic "Selection"

Level 1-2 test Evaluation criteria:

Type of control: current “5” - 18 points

Completion time: 15 minutes “4” - 15 points

"3" - 10 points

Option - 3





The great breeder I.V. Michurin was breeding

A) rocks B) mushrooms

B) strains D) varieties





In animal breeding, distant hybridization is mainly used for

A) obtaining fertile interspecific hybrids

B) overcoming infertility in interspecific hybrids

C) increasing fertility in existing breeds

D) obtaining the effect of heterosis in infertile species





Polyploidy is actively used in breeding:

A) plants B) animals

B) bacteria D) viruses



Biotechnology is based on: A) changing the genetic apparatus of cells B) creating artificial cell models B) exposure of cells to mutagen D) cell cloning



A set of individuals artificially created by man, characterized by
certain hereditary characteristics - productivity, morphological
and physiological signs are called:
A) viewB) typeB) populationD) breed, variety



The use of artificial mutagenesis in breeding is due to the need: A) increasing the frequency of mutations in organisms;
B) transferring recessive mutations to a heterozygous state;
C) reducing the frequency of mutations in organisms; D) increasing the homozygosity of individuals



Heterosis is

A) a multiple genome increase in the chromosome set

B) distant hybridization

C) depression that occurs during self-pollination of cross-pollinated plants

D) increased productivity and viability of hybrids of different lines





Indicate the method used in animal breeding

A) polyploidy B) tissue culture

B) closely related hybridization D) vegetative propagation



B) inbreeding



1. Polyploidy cannot be induced artificially by exposure to a certain chemical.

2. Heterosis is the phenomenon of increasing the vitality and viability of hybrids compared to the parent forms.


Complete the sentences:


A human-controlled process of mutation occurrence, successfully used in the breeding of plants and microorganisms…………………….…



An artificially created human-made collection of animals of the same species, characterized by certain hereditary characteristics -......................................


Test on the topic "Selection"

Level 1-2 test Evaluation criteria:

Type of control: current “5” - 18 points

Completion time: 15 minutes “4” - 15 points

"3" - 10 points

Option - 4





Pets versus plants A) have numerous offspring B) live longer B) reproduce only sexually D) do not require care



In selection, the dividing cell is exposed to poisons, the division spindle is destroyed, and the duplicated chromosomes do not disperse to the poles of the cell. These are the methods of obtaining A) polyploids B) heterosis

B) experimental mutagenesis D) distant hybrids



Conducts research on genotype rearrangement
A) cell engineering B) microbiological synthesis

B) genetic engineering D) method of culturing cells and tissues



In plant breeding, many highly productive varieties of fruit trees and shrubs were developed

A) V.N. Craft B) N.I. Vavilov

B) I.V. Michurin G) P.P. Lukyanenko



Overcoming infertility in distant hybrids is possible with the help

A) polyploidization B) heterosis

B) inbreeding



Not usually used in animal breeding A) hybridization B) mass selection

B) individual selection D) production of polyploids



Scientist who discovered centers of diversity and origin of cultivated plants

A) I. V. Michurin B) I. I. Vavilov

B) N.V. Tsitsin



Selection is a process...

A) domestication of animals

B) changes in living organisms by humans for their needs

C) studying the diversity and origin of cultivated plants



The method of cell fusion, which makes it possible to obtain hybrids between species that do not interbreed in nature, is called A) microbiological synthesis B) genetic engineering B) biotechnology D) somatic cell hybridization method



The benefit of heterosis is

A) the appearance of pure lines B) overcoming the uncrossability of hybrids

B) increasing productivity D) increasing the fertility of hybrids



A hybrid of wheat and rye - triticale - was obtained by

A) inbreeding B) artificial mutagenesis

B) distant hybridization D) intervarietal crossing



Breeders use cell engineering methods to obtain

A) effective medications

B) hybrid cells and growing organisms from them

B) feed protein for animal nutrition

D) food additives for animal nutrition


From the proposed statements, choose the correct ones (if any):


1. During mass selection, the phenotype of individuals selected for further reproduction must be taken into account.

2. Genetic engineering does not allow genes to be inserted into the genome of another.

3. Inbreeding is used to increase diversity genetic material for artificial selection.


Complete the sentences:


The science of breeding new groups of living organisms…….



The process of creating hybrids as a result of combining the genetic material of germ cells in one cell - ……………………………..


Discipline: "Biology"

Test work “Selection” (answers to tests)

Var. 1

Var. 2

Var. 3

Var. 4







2. B










































13. breed

13. artificial selection

13. 1

13. 1

14. mutagenesis

14. selection

14. mutagenesis

14. selection

15. artificial selection

15. polyploidy

15. breed

15. hybridization

Test on the topic: "Selection".

Option 1.

1. Scientific and practical human activity to improve old and develop new breeds of varieties and strains of microorganisms.

a) genetics; b) evolution; c) selection.

2. What form of artificial selection is used in animal breeding?

a) massive; b) individual.

3. What hybridization causes inbreeding depression?

a) closely related; b) not related.

4. Why is inbreeding carried out?

a) obtaining heterotic hybrids; b) obtaining clean lines;

c) strengthening the dominance of the trait.

5. What is the effect of heterosis?

a) decreased vitality and productivity;

b) increasing vitality and productivity;

c) increased fertility.

6. Does the effect of heterosis persist with further propagation of hybrids?

a) yes; b) no; c) sometimes.

7. In what organisms does polyploidy occur?

a) plants; b) animals; c) microbes.

8. A set of cultivated plants of the same species, artificially created by man and characterized by hereditarily persistent structural and productivity features.

a) breed; b) variety; c) strain.

9. Use of living organisms and biological processes in production.

10. Changing the genotype by inserting the gene of one organism into the genome of another organism.

a) biotechnology; b) genetic engineering; c) cloning.

Test on the topic: “Selection”

Option #3.

  1. What methods of reproduction are typical for animals?
  1. What methods of reproduction are typical for plants?

a) sexual, b) asexual, c) vegetative.

  1. What forms of artificial selection are used in animal breeding?

a) mass, b) individual.

  1. What kind of crossing causes inbreeding depression?

a) closely related, b) unrelated.

  1. For what purposes is inbreeding carried out?

a) strengthening vitality, b) strengthening the dominance of a trait, c) obtaining a pure line.

  1. What is heterosis expressed in?

a) increasing the productivity of the hybrid, b) increasing the fertility of the hybrid,

c) receiving new breed or varieties.

  1. How do heterotic hybrids reproduce in plants?
  1. How do heterotic hybrids reproduce in animals?

a) vegetatively, b) sexually, c) do not reproduce.

  1. In which organisms does polyploidy occur?

a) plants, b) animals, c) humans.

  1. Is the mentor method used in animal breeding?

a) yes, b) no.

Test on the topic: “Selection”

Option number 4.

  1. The birthplace of many tuberous plants, including potatoes, is the center...

A. South Asian B. South American tropical.

B. Mediterranean. G. Central American.

  1. The use of biotechnology methods in breeding allows...

A. Accelerate the propagation of a new variety. B. Create a hybrid of a plant and an animal.

B. Accelerate the reproduction of new breeds. D. Identify hereditary diseases in humans.

  1. The method of isolating individual individuals among agricultural crops and obtaining offspring from them is called...

A. Mass selection. B. Interline hybridization.

B. Distant hybridization. D. Individual selection.

  1. In breeding work with microorganisms they use...

A. Inbreeding. B. Methods for obtaining heterosis.

B. Distant hybridization. D. Experimental production of mutations.

  1. About 90 species of cultivated plants, including corn,

Coming from the center...

A. East Asian. V. Central American.

B. South Asian G. Abyssinian tropical.

  1. Infertility of interspecific plant hybrids is possible

Overcome with...

A. Heterosis. B. Individual selection.

B. Mass selection. G. Polyploidy.

  1. In breeding work with plants they do not use...

A. Distant hybridization. B. Mass selection.

B. Testing of sires by offspring. D. Individual selection.

  1. In breeding work with animals they do not use...

A. Inbreeding. B. Polyploidy.

B. Interline hybridization. D. Unrelated crossing.

  1. The artificial transfer of desired genes from one species of living organisms to another species, often distant in origin, is one of the methods...

A. Cellular engineering. B. Chromosome engineering.

B. Distant hybridization. G. Genetic engineering.

  1. The first stage of animal selection is….

A. Unconscious selection. B. Hybridization.

B. Domestication. D. Methodical selection.






(theoretical part)

tests in the form of the Unified State Exam


9 – 11 CLASS


biology teacher

Andreeva Elvira Yurievna

Norilsk – 2010

Test option No. 1

(topic “Selection”)

The test consists of 3 parts.

A1. Crossing individuals different types and genera used to obtain new forms is called the method:

A2. In breeding to obtain new strains of microorganisms, the following method is used:
    experimental mutagenesis 3) obtaining polyploids obtaining heterosis 4) distant hybridization
A3. When pure lines are crossed with each other, the following phenomenon is observed:
    mutagenesis 3) polyploidy distant hybridization 4) heterosis
A4. The importance of cell engineering for selection is that it: A5. The method, the essence of which is to increase the number of chromosomes in a dividing cell by a multiple, is called the method: A6. Domestic animals, as opposed to cultivated plants:
    need care 3) live longer, reproduce only sexually 4) have numerous offspring
A7. Breeders use biotechnology methods to obtain:
    effective medicinal plants, hybrid cells and growing feed protein hybrids from them for animal nutrition, food additives for food
A8. Thanks to the discovery of N.I. Vavilov created centers of origin of cultivated plants in Russia:
    Main botanical garden 3) Institute of Genetics Experimental Breeding Station 4) collection of plant varieties and species
A9. Individual selection as a selection method in contrast to mass selection:
    carried out by genotype 3) not used in animal breeding; carried out by phenotype 4) not used in plant breeding
A10. The reproduction of new individuals from one or more cells is carried out by:
    cell engineering 3) microbiology genetic engineering 4) cytology

B1. Select several correct statements. These selection methods are used by breeders in animal breeding. polyploidyB. heterosisB. distant hybridizationG. mutagenesisD. mass selectionE. individual selection

C1. Give a detailed answer to the following question. What is a clean line?
C2. Give a detailed answer to the following question. What causes mutations?
C3. Give a detailed answer to the following question. What is the advantage of polyploid organisms over diploid ones?

Test option No. 2

(topic “Selection”)

The test consists of 3 parts.

The first part contains questions under the letter A. In them you need to choose only one correct answer.

The second part contains questions under the letter B. These tasks can be:

    or to choose several correct answers;

    tasks to establish correspondences of positions between processes and objects, as well as a description of their properties and characteristics;

    tasks to determine the sequence of biological phenomena or processes

The third part (under the letter “C”) includes a detailed answer to the question posed.
A1. Mass selection as a selection method in contrast to individual selection:
    used to restore the number of bison
2) especially widely used in animal husbandry
    carried out by genotype carried out by phenotype
A2. The process behind the creation of pure lines of cultivated plants by breeders is:
    reducing the proportion of homozygotes in the offspring reducing the proportion of heterozygotes in the offspring increasing the proportion of heterozygotes in the offspring increasing the proportion of homozygotes in the offspring
A3. Discovery of N.I. Vavilov, the centers of origin of cultivated plants were of great importance for the development of:
    ecology 3) theory of evolution of selection 4) biotechnology
A4. The effect of heterosis is due to:
    high heterozygosity 3) low heterozygosity accumulation of recessive mutations 4) accumulation of dominant mutations
A5. Violation of the process of formation of the fission spindle is the reason for the appearance of:
    heterosis 3) mutagenesis of polyploids 4) gene mutations
A6. The ability for breeders to predict the appearance of certain traits in individuals of related species appeared with the discovery of the law: A7. In animal breeding, unlike plant breeding, the following is not used:
    artificial selection 3) polyploidy method mass selection 4) individual selection
A8. The use of living organisms and biological processes in food production is:
    cell engineering 3) genetic engineering mutagenesis 4) biotechnology
A9. High viability of first generation hybrids during distant hybridization is: A10. In biotechnology, mushrooms are used to obtain:
    feed protein 3) antibiotics food enzymes 4) food additives

B1. Select several correct statements. What is the characteristic of genetic engineering?A. genes are insertedB. groups of genes are inserted. cells are grown. tissues are grownD. genes transferred E. cell cultures are grown

C1. Give a detailed answer to the following question. Is heterosis fixed in a number of generations?
C2. Give a detailed answer to the following question. What is the essence of distant hybridization?
C3. Give a detailed answer to the following question. What methods are used to obtain new strains of microorganisms?

Test option No. 3

(topic “Selection”)

The test consists of 3 parts.

The first part contains questions under the letter A. In them you need to choose only one correct answer.

The second part contains questions under the letter B. These tasks can be:

    or to choose several correct answers;

    tasks to establish correspondences of positions between processes and objects, as well as a description of their properties and characteristics;

    tasks to determine the sequence of biological phenomena or processes

The third part (under the letter “C”) includes a detailed answer to the question posed.
A1. The method, the essence of which is to increase the number of chromosomes in a dividing cell by a multiple, is called the method:
    heterosis 3) mutagenesis of distant hybridization 4) polyploidy
A2. Breeders use biotechnology methods to obtain:
    effective medicinal plants food additives for food hybrid cells and growing from them hybrids of feed protein for animal nutrition
A3. The reproduction of new individuals from one or more cells is carried out by:
    cytology 3) cell engineering genetic engineering 4) microbiology
A4. In breeding to obtain new strains of microorganisms, the following method is used:
    experimental mutagenesis 3) obtaining polyploids obtaining heterosis 4) closely related hybridization
A5. Individual selection as a selection method in contrast to mass selection:
    not used in animal breeding 3) carried out by phenotype carried out by genotype 4) not used in plant breeding
A6. When pure lines are crossed with each other, the following phenomenon is observed:
    polyploidy 3) mutagenesis, distant hybridization 4) heterosis
A7. Crossing individuals of different species and genera, used to obtain new forms, is called the method:
    polyploidy 3) distant hybridization experimental mutagenesis 4) heterosis
A8. Domestic animals, as opposed to cultivated plants:
    reproduce only sexually 3) live longer
2) need care 4) have numerous offspring
A9. Thanks to the discovery of N.I. Vavilov created centers of origin of cultivated plants in Russia:
    Main Botanical Garden 3) Institute of Genetics, collection of plant varieties and species 4) experimental breeding station
A10. The importance of cell engineering for selection is that it:
    significantly accelerates the reproduction of plants significantly accelerates the growth of plants accelerates the development of plants increases the vital activity of plants

B1. Select several correct statements. These selection methods are used by plant breeders in plant breedingA. polyploidyB. heterosisB. distant hybridizationG. mutagenesisD. mass selectionE. individual selection

C1. Give a detailed answer to the following question. The significance of N.I.’s discovery. Vavilov's law on homologous series in hereditary variability
C2. Give a detailed answer to the following question. What is the essence of heterosis?
C3. Give a detailed answer to the following question. New achievements in the field of breeding.

Test option No. 4

(topic “Selection”)

The test consists of 3 parts.

The first part contains questions under the letter A. In them you need to choose only one correct answer.

The second part contains questions under the letter B. These tasks can be:

    or to choose several correct answers;

    tasks to establish correspondences of positions between processes and objects, as well as a description of their properties and characteristics;

    tasks to determine the sequence of biological phenomena or processes

The third part (under the letter “C”) includes a detailed answer to the question posed.

A1. A method for overcoming the infertility of interspecific hybrids was first developed by:

    S.G. Navashin 3) I.V. Michurin G.D. Karpenko 4) N.I. Vavilov
A2. The ability for breeders to predict the appearance of certain traits in individuals of related species appeared with the discovery of the law:
    splitting 3) independent inheritance of genes of linked inheritance 4) homologous series in the inheritance of variability
A3. The use of living organisms and biological processes in food production is:
    genetic engineering 3) cell engineering biotechnology 4) microbiology
A4. Mass selection as a selection method in contrast to individual selection:
    carried out by phenotype carried out by genotype used in restoring the number of bison especially widely used in livestock breeding
A5. In biotechnology, mushrooms are used to obtain:
    feed protein 3) antibiotics
2) food enzymes 4) food additives
A6. The importance of cell engineering for selection is that it:
    significantly accelerates plant growth accelerates plant development increases the vital activity of plants significantly accelerates plant reproduction
A7. The process behind the creation of pure lines of cultivated plants by breeders is:
    reducing the proportion of heterozygotes in the offspring increasing the proportion of heterozygotes in the offspring increasing the proportion of homozygotes in the offspring reducing the proportion of homozygotes in the offspring

A8. High viability of first generation hybrids during distant hybridization is:

    mutagenesis 3) individual selection heterosis 4) polyploidy
A9. “Species and genera that are genetically close are characterized by similar series in hereditary variability” - this law formulated:
    I.V. Michurin 3) G.T. Morgan N.I. Vavilov 4) S.G. Navashin
A10. In animal breeding, unlike plant breeding, the following is not used:
    artificial selection 3) mass selection
2) polyploidy method 4) individual selection

B1. Select several correct statements to answer the question. What does biotechnology do and where is it applied?A. plant breedingB. in agricultureV. selection of bacteriaG. mushroom selectionD. in the food industry E. in light industry

C1. Give a detailed answer to the following question. What is the essence of distant hybridization in plant breeding?
C2. Give a detailed answer to the following question. Why do breeders obtain polyploids?
C3. Give a detailed answer to the following question. Similarities and differences between genetic and cellular engineering.

Answer key for selection tests.

question number