The dash between the subject and the predicate is short. Dash between subject and predicate

Subject And predicate are in the closest almost “family” relationship - grammatical And semantic. The predicate is called that way because it tells, "says" about the subject. These members of the sentence carry the main meaning of any sentence.

Are there problems in the “relationship” between subject and predicate? Of course they do. First of all, this concerns compound nominal predicate. This predicate type, as you remember, consists of linking verb(auxiliary component) and noun part. Most often we find the verb in the role of a linking verb be. Usually it is present in a compound nominal predicate in past tense: was, was, was, were . For example: A distinctive feature of the professor was his love for his subject.

Present tense The linking verb is almost always omitted and the subject remains with the nominal part of the predicate. For example: Time is the best medicine.

Sometimes we can still find the verb be in the present tense. As a rule, this is a feature of scientific, bookish speech. For example: Predicatethere is one of the main members two-part sentence.

In ordinary, colloquial speech, linking verb be falls. It probably wouldn’t occur to anyone to say something like “I am a high school student.” But the linking verb does not like to disappear without a trace; it often leaves its deputy In the role of such a deputy we can see dash. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if there is no linking verb, but sometimes before the predicate there are other words that can be “friendly” or “not friendly” with a dash. Remember a few tips.

1. Words that are “friends” with a dash are: this is what it means. If you see them before the nominal part of the predicate, feel free to putdash.

Modern children - This very inquisitive creatures.

Light winter rain Here existence disaster of our time.

To love -means to understand And forgive.

2. The following words are not friendly with dashes: like, what, as if, as if, exactly, not. If you saw them before the nominal part of the predicate, remember that they took the place of the linking verb, so The dash is superfluous in this case.

Head without knowledge like a well without water.

Unscientific person what axe unchiselled.

Birches in the forestlike girls in snow-white sundresses.

Children's eyesas if black beads.

Pines exactly big candles.

Heart not a stone.

Dash– a very important, telling punctuation mark. To determine whether you need to place a dash between the subject and predicate in a sentence, there are a few things to consider.

1) Let's see if there is a linking verb (!!! in any tense). If there is, we don’t put a dash.

Dog was his best friend (linking verb in past tense).

Dog There is its the best Friend (linking verb in the present tense).

Dog will his best friend (linking verb in the future tense).

Compare: Dog -its the best Friend (no linking verb).

2) If there is no linking verb, we look to see if there are words-friends or words-enemies for the dash before the nominal part. If we see words this means we put a dash. If you saw the words how, what, as if, as if, exactly, not, no dash needed.

3) What else can prevent you from putting a dash between the subject and the predicate? This introductory words, adverbs and inconsistent secondary members of the sentence related to the predicate. They can stand between the subject and the predicate, replacing a dash.

The joint efforts of student and teacher, of course, path to success.

A rash decision is always risky step.

Pavlik is your favorite student.

4) We determine how the main members of the sentence are expressed. A dash is placed if in the role of subject and predicate we see a noun in the nominative case, a numeral noun and a verb in the indefinite form (infinitive). If one of the main members of the sentence is expressed by another part of speech (adjective, pronoun, adverb), we do not put a dash.

I'm the best student in class(pronoun and noun).

Pavlik is the best student in class(nouns in the nominative case).

Twice two - four (numerals).

Justify idleness - case wrong(infinitive and noun in the nominative case).

This girl beautiful (noun in the nominative case and adjective).

5) The last difficulty. Subject and predicate order. If the predicate comes before the subject(reverse order of sentence members), there is no dash.

Duty every person to be polite.

Home task the art of making you think.

Probably not Which of you were afraid of quite a large number of rules that you need to pay attention to when placing a dash between the subject and the predicate. Indeed, this is a difficult moment in the Russian language. And when taking the Unified State Exam, you still need to know these rules.

But I would really like to add that the dash is a wonderful punctuation mark, it is a favorite sign of authors, because the author can put this sign where he wants to highlight and emphasize something. And then the rules go away.

You are the most wonderfulstudents!

Tutor –not just a teacher.

The goal of every person is be happy!

Good luck with your Russian language!

Still have questions? Don't know how to put punctuation marks between the subject and the predicate?
To get help from a tutor -., when copying material in full or in part, a link to the original source is required.

Hello! There is this beginning of the text: “Evgenia Ivanovna Volkova is a native Leningrader. She worked at the factory throughout the Great Patriotic War.” Is a dash necessary in the first sentence, is it acceptable to write without a dash?

According to the basic rule dash between subject and ska those being asked need it. It may not be placed if the logical stress falls on the predicate ( native Leningrader).

Question No. 295096

Hello, sorry for the repeated question, I didn’t see the answer. Is it written in the sentence “The main motive of my life (/-) is not to live life in vain, to advance humanity at least a little forward” dash between subject and ska to be taken into account. I doubt it, because... one rule states that if there is a particle not before the predicate, then it is not placed, and the second states that if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed in an indefinite form, and the other is expressed in the nominative case of a noun, then a dash is placed. Thank you.

Russian help desk response

A dash is not placed when there is a particle Not, if the predicate is expressed as a numeral or a noun. If the predicate is expressed by an infinitive, this rule does not work. In this case, a dash is needed.

Should I put a dash in this sentence? (after the word "columns"). Thank you very much in advance! Therefore, the height of the column is from 8 to 15 meters, depending on the situation.

Russian help desk response

Right: Therefore, the height of the columnfrom 8 to 15 meters, depending on the situation . In specialized literature dash between subject and ska a term expressed by a numeral or a phrase with a numeral is usually not placed, and the names of units of measurement are abbreviated.

Question No. 291827

Is it necessary to put a dash in the sentence “A tram is a reliable friend to a person”?

Russian help desk response

Dash between subject and ska predicates, which are expressed by nouns, are usually not placed if the predicate is preceded by a secondary member of the sentence related to it. Therefore, it is correct without a dash.

Good afternoon Please tell me whether a dash is needed in the following sentence: Every child can become successful, and special kids () are no exception. We believe that a dash should be added, because... predicate missing. Is our opinion correct?

Russian help desk response

The predicate is not omitted, it is expressed by a noun exception.Dash between subject and ska not: ...special babies are no exception.

Question No. 285024

It happens sometimes: you think too much about the simplest question, and the obvious becomes difficult to discern. I have already looked through all the reference books on punctuation on your website, but I haven’t found an answer to my question. Difficulty: which is correct: Ivan is a farmer or Ivan is a farmer. And if you add By profession (Ivan is a farmer)? Ivan is a proper name. Does the rule of use apply to it? dash between subject and ska expressed, expressed by a noun. in Imp.p.? Thank you very much, Lilia

Russian help desk response

Punctuation depends on the structure of the sentence and semantic connections between words. If Ivan– subject, and farmer predicate (Ivan is reported to be a farmer), a dash is placed between these words: Ivan is a farmer. If the word farmer acts as an application, it is separated by commas: Our correspondent talked with Ivan, a farmer, about life in the village. As for the hyphen: after a person’s own name, a hyphen is placed only if the defined noun and the application are merged into one complex intonation-semantic whole. A hyphen is possible in the following context, for example: Everyone knew him as Ivan the Farmer.

Question No. 284817

“The Thunderstorm,” according to Dobrolyubov, (-) is Ostrovsky’s most decisive work. There should be no dashes. Why?

Russian help desk response

Dash between subject and ska The subject is not put if there is an introductory word between them (in this case: according to Dobrolyubov).

Question No. 284725

An answer is urgently needed. Is a dash necessary: ​​The traffic police inspector (-) is not a medic.

Russian help desk response

Dash between subject and ska predicates, which are expressed by nouns in the form of the nominative case, are usually not placed if the predicate is preceded by a negation not: The traffic police inspector is not a doctor. But if the author of the text wants to logically and intonationally emphasize the predicate, he has the right to put a dash.

Question No. 283818

Please tell me why there is no dash in the following sentence? Language is the key to all knowledge and all nature.

Russian help desk response

Dash between subject and ska predicates that are expressed by nouns are not placed if the predicate is preceded by a secondary member of the sentence related to it.

Question No. 283237
Good afternoon. Tell me whether it is necessary to put a dash in this sentence: “This forest (-) is also the envy of the landowners.” Is incorrect placement of quotation marks a punctuation error?

Russian help desk response

There is no need for a dash. Dash between subject and ska

Incorrect use of quotation marks can be a punctuation error (for example, when formatting direct speech) or a spelling error (for example, when highlighting names).

Question No. 282570
Hello! For a long time I was sure that in some cases the dash in complex sentences can be omitted. Is this true? Here, for example:

According to producer Igor Ugolnikov, the Second World War is an unfinished First.

In addition, he repeatedly noted (even in book publications of the 1950s) that some commas are omitted in the dependent parts of complex sentences. In what cases is this necessary?

Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Staging dash between subject and ska It does not depend on whether the sentence is complex or simple.

In the example given, the dash before This need to. Please note that the given sentence is simple (it has one grammatical basis).

The second question is not entirely clear. Perhaps it will be clearer if you give an example.

Question No. 282433
Hello, please answer whether a dash is needed in the sentence: “Literacy is only the beginning of culture, the first step, the foundation of its development.” Please justify your answer. Thank you in advance.

Russian help desk response

There is no need for a dash. Dash between subject and ska words (which are expressed by nouns) are usually not placed if there is an introductory word, adverb, conjunction, particle between them.

Question No. 282401
Very urgent! Is a dash necessary in a sentence: Our city (-) is no exception.

Russian help desk response

Dash between subject and ska predicates, expressed by nouns, are usually not placed if the predicate has a negation not: Our city is no exception. But a dash can be placed if you need to logically or intonationally emphasize the predicate.

Punctuation marks are like markers. Who invented them and what is the role of these punctuation units besides another reason for lowering students’ grades for their incorrect placement in the dictation? But thanks to such elements of writing, the perception of the text and the emotional message are achieved. It is simply necessary to be a literate person today. Therefore, knowledge of basic punctuation and spelling is necessary for everyone. The dash between the subject and the predicate - examples, exceptions, rules will be discussed in this article.

Semantic centers of sentences (SSC)

Having initially read the title of this publication, a person who has graduated from school a long time ago most likely begins to frantically remember the members of the sentence. And it’s unlikely that examples of sentences with a dash between the subject and predicate immediately come to mind.

A combination of words connected in meaning and having intonation completeness is called a sentence, the totality of which forms the text. Each such statement tells about some object or subject. By asking questions inherent in the nominative case - “what?”, “who?” - you can determine the first component of the grammatical basis of the statement - the subject. That is, it is part of the semantic center of the sentence. “Employees at the repair shop have completed preparing the equipment for winter.” In this version, “employees” are the subject of the message. We are talking about repair shop workers.

Having decided who the sentence is about, it is necessary to highlight the action performed by the subject of the statement. It is expressed by the predicate. A logical question arises in the example under consideration - “What did the employees do?” - completed the preparation of the equipment. The predicate is “completed” and is considered the second semantic center of the sentence.

Dash function

The sign defining silence, semantic separation, was introduced into Russian writing by the historian N. M. Karamzin. Although there is an opinion that the punctuation unit first appeared in the Russian press in the 60s, and Nikolai Mikhailovich only contributed to its popularization.

In modern Russian writing, a dash between the subject and the predicate is a punctuation rule that every fifth grader knows. Main purpose of the sign:

  • Separating function. Separating parts of a statement with meaning and filling in the excluded members of a sentence with a sign. I walked along the poppy field to the left, and Andrey went to the right. Here the predicate “went” is missing in the second part of the statement. The dividing function is the dash between the subject and the predicate. Examples: Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine, the meeting place is the assembly hall. In the first case, Kyiv is the subject, and the capital is the predicate. Both parts of the sentence are expressed by a noun. This is one of the requirements when a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate.
  • Excretory function. Writing lines in dialogue.
  • Connective purpose: to quantitatively or semantically combine two words. Bus "Moscow - Dolgoprudny".

Punctuation: a dash between the subject and the predicate. Explanation with examples

When the semantic centers of a statement are nouns, moreover, in the nominative form, there are several cases in which the sign of “silence” is used:

  1. To convey a fixed (logical) meaning: A square is a regular quadrilateral. Algebra is a discipline that generalizes and expands knowledge of arithmetic.
  2. Journalistic statements or scientific judgments that describe the characteristics of an object or evaluate a phenomenon: A thunderstorm is a natural phenomenon that occurs as a result of electrical discharges.
  3. Judgments where the subject and predicate are identical in meaning: Sevastopol is a city in Crimea.
  4. After subjects answering one question and referring to one predicate: Kirovograd, Dnepropetrovsk, Vinnitsa are cities in the central part of Ukraine.
  5. To add precision to a statement: Mom is my friend. Or when in judgments there is a connective like “this”, “here”: The path through the dunes is desolate kilometers of silence, drought and thirst.

Requirements for placing a dash when the centers of a sentence consist of different parts of speech

The “-” sign can be used in statements where the main members are not only nouns.

So, we continue to consider the dash between the subject and the predicate. Examples of sentences when semantic centers are expressed by different parts of speech:

  1. Five six is ​​thirty. The phrase “five six” is the subject, “thirty” is the predicate, both are expressed by a numeral. The height of the peak of the Carpathians is two thousand six hundred fifty-five meters. In this case, “height” is a noun that reflects the subject; after the sign, the entire phrase refers to a numeral and is expressed by a predicate. It follows: a dash is placed when the main members of the statement act as a numeral and/or a noun. But! In the nominative case. The exception is texts describing the characteristics of the subject in specialized literature, for example: boom reach 12 meters; The melting point of the metal is 1000 degrees.
  2. To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf. SVPs refer to the indefinite form of the verb (IFG). Conclusion: sentences with a dash between the subject and the predicate can be found when its main members are expressed by the infinitive.
  3. Our goal is to complete the task before Monday. The combination of an infinitive and a noun expressing SCP also requires the use of a “-” sign.

Cases when the sign is not used

  • The absence of a dash between the subject and the predicate is possible when SCPs are made up of simple sentences, usually in a conversational style: m oh dad director of a scientific enterprise; my sister is an analyst.
  • If the predicate is attached to the second part of the grammatical basis of the statement (the subject) with the conjunctions “as”, “as if”, “sort of like”, “exactly”, “as if”: m oh the school yard is like a garden; the stars are like little diamonds; the sky is like an ocean.
  • The predicate expresses negation using the particle “not” - this is the case of the absence of a dash between the subject and the predicate. The rule has exceptions, but more on them later. Examples: The heart is not a stone. The word is not a sparrow.
  • The grammatical basis of the sentence is divided by an introductory word: a August is known to be the season for fruits and vegetables; Ivanov is now a famous hairdresser. If in the last version we omit the adverb “now”, then we get a statement when a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate: Ivanov is a famous hairdresser.
  • The semantic centers of the sentence form a phraseological turn: d a pair of boots.
  • The predicate appears in a sentence before the subject: з wonderful girl Tatyana Pavlovna.
  • The subject is a personal pronoun, and the predicate is a noun. He is an ulcer, he is a plague, he is a corruption of these places.


Deviation from the requirements put forward for the placement of a dash or its absence can be observed in modern authors and classics. For example, the judgment: eh that man is like a hero! It seems that according to the punctuation rule, if there is a connective “how”, then the “-” sign is not placed. However, its presence can be justified by the author’s desire to emphasize the nuance of the comparison.

For a clear contrast, the author can use intonation and logical stress. In this case, a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate. Examples: His views on raising children - isn't this a prejudice? Preparing for the Olympics is not that easy.

Dash between subject and predicate: table

There is a dash (subject + predicate):

Noun + noun

A dog is man's friend.

Numeral + numeral

Three times two is six.

Infinitive + infinitive

Eating right is loving yourself.

Infinitive + noun

Drinking coffee in the morning is a pleasure.

Noun + infinitive

My goal is to defend my diploma.

Subject (that means this) predicate

Teaching is the best hobby.

No dash:

"Not" predicate

The word is not a sparrow.

Predicate (precisely, sort of like, as if, as) subject

Lips like rose petals.

Predicate + subject

A wonderful person Andrey Vladimirovich!

Subject = pronoun

She's a librarian.

Preparing for the Olympics is not that easy.


The basic rule before placing a dash is to determine the semantic center of the sentence (subject, predicate), establish which part of speech they belong to, and know the cases when such a sign is absent.

Competent language skills are the key to prosperity, success and respect. After all, life is an endless exam.

Punctuation marks are like markers. Who invented them and what is the role of these punctuation units besides another reason for lowering students’ grades for their incorrect placement in the dictation? But thanks to such elements of writing, the perception of the text and the emotional message are achieved. It is simply necessary to be a literate person today. Therefore, knowledge of basic punctuation and spelling is necessary for everyone. The dash between the subject and the predicate - examples, exceptions, rules will be discussed in this article.

Semantic centers of sentences (SSC)

Having initially read the title of this publication, a person who has graduated from school a long time ago most likely begins to frantically remember the members of the sentence. And it’s unlikely that examples of sentences with a dash between the subject and predicate immediately come to mind.

A combination of words connected in meaning and having intonation completeness is called a sentence, the totality of which forms the text. Each such statement tells about some object or subject. By asking questions inherent in the nominative case - “what?”, “who?” - you can determine the first component of the grammatical basis of the statement - the subject. That is, it is part of the semantic center of the sentence. “Employees at the repair shop have completed preparing the equipment for winter.” In this version, “employees” are the subject of the message. We are talking about repair shop workers.

Having decided who the sentence is about, it is necessary to highlight the action performed by the subject of the statement. It is expressed by the predicate. A logical question arises in the example under consideration - “What did the employees do?” - completed the preparation of the equipment. The predicate is “completed” and is considered the second semantic center of the sentence.

Dash function

The sign defining silence, semantic separation, was introduced into Russian writing by the historian N. M. Karamzin. Although there is an opinion that the punctuation unit first appeared in the Russian press in the 60s, and Nikolai Mikhailovich only contributed to its popularization.

In modern Russian writing, a dash between the subject and the predicate is a punctuation rule that every fifth grader knows. Main purpose of the sign:

  • Separating function. Separating parts of a statement with meaning and filling in the excluded members of a sentence with a sign. I walked along the poppy field to the left, and Andrey went to the right. Here the predicate “went” is missing in the second part of the statement. The dividing function is the dash between the subject and the predicate. Examples: Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine, the meeting place is the assembly hall. In the first case, Kyiv is the subject, and the capital is the predicate. Both parts of the sentence are expressed by a noun. This is one of the requirements when a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate.
  • Excretory function. Writing lines in dialogue.
  • Connective purpose: to quantitatively or semantically combine two words. Bus "Moscow - Dolgoprudny".

Punctuation: a dash between the subject and the predicate. Explanation with examples

When the semantic centers of a statement are nouns, moreover, in the nominative form, there are several cases in which the sign of “silence” is used:

  1. To convey a fixed (logical) meaning: A square is a regular quadrilateral. Algebra is a discipline that generalizes and expands knowledge of arithmetic.
  2. Journalistic statements or scientific judgments that describe the characteristics of an object or evaluate a phenomenon: A thunderstorm is a natural phenomenon that occurs as a result of electrical discharges.
  3. Judgments where the subject and predicate are identical in meaning: Sevastopol is a city in Crimea.
  4. After subjects answering one question and referring to one predicate: Kirovograd, Dnepropetrovsk, Vinnitsa are cities in the central part of Ukraine.
  5. To add precision to a statement: Mom is my friend. Or when in judgments there is a connective like “this”, “here”: The path through the dunes is desolate kilometers of silence, drought and thirst.

Requirements for placing a dash when the centers of a sentence consist of different parts of speech

The “-” sign can be used in statements where the main members are not only nouns.

So, we continue to consider the dash between the subject and the predicate. Examples of sentences when semantic centers are expressed by different parts of speech:

  1. Five six is ​​thirty. The phrase “five six” is the subject, “thirty” is the predicate, both are expressed by a numeral. The height of the peak of the Carpathians is two thousand six hundred fifty-five meters. In this case, “height” is a noun that reflects the subject; after the sign, the entire phrase refers to a numeral and is expressed by a predicate. It follows: a dash is placed when the main members of the statement act as a numeral and/or a noun. But! In the nominative case. The exception is texts describing the characteristics of the subject in specialized literature, for example: boom reach 12 meters; The melting point of the metal is 1000 degrees.
  2. To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf. SVPs refer to the indefinite form of the verb (IFG). Conclusion: sentences with a dash between the subject and the predicate can be found when its main members are expressed by the infinitive.
  3. Our goal is to complete the task before Monday. The combination of an infinitive and a noun expressing SCP also requires the use of a “-” sign.

Cases when the sign is not used

  • The absence of a dash between the subject and the predicate is possible when SCPs are made up of simple sentences, usually in a conversational style: m oh dad director of a scientific enterprise; my sister is an analyst.
  • If the predicate is attached to the second part of the grammatical basis of the statement (the subject) with the conjunctions “as”, “as if”, “sort of like”, “exactly”, “as if”: m oh the school yard is like a garden; the stars are like little diamonds; the sky is like an ocean.
  • The predicate expresses negation using the particle “not” - this is the case of the absence of a dash between the subject and the predicate. The rule has exceptions, but more on them later. Examples: The heart is not a stone. The word is not a sparrow.
  • The grammatical basis of the sentence is divided by an introductory word: a August is known to be the season for fruits and vegetables; Ivanov is now a famous hairdresser. If in the last version we omit the adverb “now”, then we get a statement when a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate: Ivanov is a famous hairdresser.
  • The semantic centers of the sentence form a phraseological turn: d a pair of boots.
  • The predicate appears in a sentence before the subject: з wonderful girl Tatyana Pavlovna.
  • The subject is a personal pronoun, and the predicate is a noun. He is an ulcer, he is a plague, he is a corruption of these places.


Deviation from the requirements put forward for the placement of a dash or its absence can be observed in modern authors and classics. For example, the judgment: eh that man is like a hero! It seems that according to the punctuation rule, if there is a connective “how”, then the “-” sign is not placed. However, its presence can be justified by the author’s desire to emphasize the nuance of the comparison.

For a clear contrast, the author can use intonation and logical stress. In this case, a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate. Examples: His views on raising children - isn't this a prejudice? Preparing for the Olympics is not that easy.

Dash between subject and predicate: table

There is a dash (subject + predicate):

Noun + noun

A dog is man's friend.

Numeral + numeral

Three times two is six.

Infinitive + infinitive

Eating right is loving yourself.

Infinitive + noun

Drinking coffee in the morning is a pleasure.

Noun + infinitive

My goal is to defend my diploma.

Subject (that means this) predicate

Teaching is the best hobby.

No dash:

"Not" predicate

The word is not a sparrow.

Predicate (precisely, sort of like, as if, as) subject

Lips like rose petals.

Predicate + subject

A wonderful person Andrey Vladimirovich!

Subject = pronoun

She's a librarian.

Preparing for the Olympics is not that easy.


The basic rule before placing a dash is to determine the semantic center of the sentence (subject, predicate), establish which part of speech they belong to, and know the cases when such a sign is absent.

Competent language skills are the key to prosperity, success and respect. After all, life is an endless exam.

Between the subject (subject group) and the predicate (predicate group), of all punctuation marks, only a dash is used. placed in place of the missing ligament.

Dash between subject and predicate PUT:

A dash is placed Examples
In the absence of a connective in a compound nominal predicate, if: a) both main members of the sentence are expressed by a noun in the I. p. The word is the commander of human power (V. Mayakovsky).

Love and friendship are a mutual echo: they give as much as they take (A. Herzen).

b) one of the main members is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, and the other by an infinitive, or both by an infinitive (in addition to the infinitive, the subject and predicate may include other words) The poet’s gift is to caress and scribble, a fatal stamp on him (S. Yesenin).

Shooting at stones means losing arrows (M. Gorky).

Drive out before evening and bring in

at dawn the herd is a great holiday for peasant boys (I. Turgenev).

c) the subject and predicate are expressed by numerals in I. p.; one main member is expressed by a numeral or numeral with a noun, and the other by a noun in I. p. Three times three is nine.

Four is an even number.

The specific gravity of pine is zero point six tons per cubic meter.

d) the predicate includes the words this, that means Language is a tool of thinking... To handle language somehow means to think somehow: inaccurately, approximately, incorrectly (A. Tolstoy).

Dash between subject and predicate NOT PUT:

There is no dash Examples

a) before the nominal part of the predicate there is an introductory word, adverb, conjunction or particle (only, only, because, unless)

The rook, of course, is a smart bird... (K. Paustovsky).

Mercury is also a metal.

March is just the beginning of spring.

b) the predicate includes comparative conjunctions as, as if, as if, exactly, that, anyway (what) A pond is like shiny steel (A. Fet). An unfinished book is like an unfinished journey (Proverb).
c) before the nominal part of the predicate there is a negation not, except in cases where both main members of the sentence (or one of them) are expressed by an infinitive Horses are not travel companions on foot (Proverb). Living life is not a field to cross (Proverb).

The main motive of my life is not to live my life in vain... (K. Tsiolkovsky).

d) between the subject and the predicate there is an addition, circumstance But this calmness is often a sign of great, albeit hidden strength (M. Lermontov).
e) the predicate is expressed by an adjective (full, short, comparative or superlative) The day is sunny.

The girl is smart and beautiful.

The weather is rainier in autumn, and people are more talkative in old age (I. Krylov).

f) the subject or predicate is expressed by a pronoun; She's a cunning girl. The book is mine.
g) the nominal part of the predicate, expressed by a noun, denotes the attribute of a certain person (there is no “break” intonation) My mother is a teacher.

His older brother is a good friend. Our friend is an elderly woman.

h) the predicate precedes the subject This valley is a wonderful place! (M. Leomontov)

Dash in an incomplete sentence

In incomplete sentences, a dash is usually placed when a predicate or other members of the sentence are omitted, if they are restored from the text of the sentence itself, most often complex: For several seconds, the shepherd boy and Metelitsa looked straight into each other's eyes: Metelitsa - with feigned indifference, the shepherd boy - with fear, sympathy and pity . (A. Fadeev) To the north of the city the Germans reached the Volga, to the south they were approaching it . (K. Simonov)