A person has a gift from God. Prostor.net - Christian resource center

Desire to receive God's gift

The most essential qualities of God are generosity, love and patience. This opens up exciting prospects for us to turn to Him in prayer. And this truth is confirmed by Scripture. But you should pay attention to one more aspect. We can humbly ask why the conclusions of verses 6–8 follow from the contents of verse 5. The answer is that verse 5 speaks of the undoubted sincerity of God, who desires our progress toward maturity and will therefore give us the wisdom we need. In verses 6–8 we're talking about already about our sincerity. Do we want to move forward with God? Are we willing to conscientiously and sincerely implement God's plans for our lives and be guided by His will in all circumstances? Or do we keep the door open to the world? Are we trying to stand with one foot in someone else's camp? God's mind is pure, but aren't they talking about us as people? with double thoughts! Faith(6) ours is based on the absolute conviction that He will give what we ask of Him, doubts(6) they reveal our uncertainty about whether we really want to get what we ask for.

Two key words that James uses make this point clear. One word the RSV translates as “doubt” (diakrinomai). This word does not carry a negative meaning. It means “to discern, that is, to be able to choose between two possible options” (Matthew 16:3), or “to argue/discuss the respective merits of two points of view” (Acts 11:2), or “to doubt without knowing how to resolve the issue” (Rom. 14:23). The main meaning of this word is to be able to choose one of two. But then the word appears negative value: A person with double thoughts is not capable of being faithful. This is the definition dipsychos, occurs in verse 8. Jacob may have created the word himself. He uses it again in 4:8. Literally it means “double-minded,” “with a split soul.” This word should not be confused with the concept of double-mindedness, for James does not mean double-mindedness here. Rather, as in the case of another word, such a split is not duplicity, not deceit, but aspiration in two different directions.

The Lord Jesus stated that one man cannot serve two masters (Matt. 6:24). He showed that such fidelity cannot be true fidelity, because in the end a person goes over to either one side or the other. James gives examples that make us understand that he foresees the possibility of such a situation, but he is not concerned with the final collapse in the future, but with the sad consequences of this bifurcation already in the present time. Image sea ​​wave,“lifted and tossed by the wind,” was very close to the Galilean Jacob (cf. Mark 4:37). The waves are in constant movement. Here they are rushing together in one direction, when suddenly a gust of fresh wind hits them and reverses their movement. Likewise, a person who does something cannot be firm. doubting(6) or with double thoughts (8).

And then one of two things happens. First we will consider the result that is directly related to the teaching of James: prayer loses its power. Comparative analysis various English translations shows that there was some doubt about how to punctuate verse 8. The RSV offers one option, the NIV another (cf. RV): “Let such a man not think that he will receive anything from the Lord; a person with double thoughts...” In any case, the prayer loses its power, since the person praying is overcome by doubts. The Lord Jesus taught the same thing. He said that people who know how to forgive can be sure that they themselves will receive forgiveness, and those who do not forgive themselves will also not be able to receive forgiveness (Matthew 6:14,15); or that people who show mercy will receive mercy (Matt. 18:23–35). This also applies to people with double thoughts. Our Heavenly Father seems to be asking us, “How can I forgive you if you don’t really care about forgiveness? Why should you receive mercy if there is no place for mercy in your life? On the other hand, the Lord Jesus taught that unanimity is the decisive factor in both general prayer of agreement (Matt. 18:19) and private prayer (Matt. 21:21). And in the latter case the word “doubt” has the same meaning as in James. In each of these cases, the problem is not a question of reason, but a determination of moral and spiritual commitment and our absolute allegiance to the Lord.

Secondly, doubts and doublethink often lead to instability of the entire human life: man... is not firm in all his ways(8). James often deviates from the main topic to make a point that arises from a particular point of his teaching. In this case, he argues that we cannot be firm in anything unless we have a strong relationship with God. We can relate the idea of ​​impermanence in our lives to those trials and tribulations that we must overcome with the strength of our spirit. The person who is “unsteady in all his ways” (NEV) is the target of all the temptations that James spoke of. On the other hand, various manifestations of unsteadiness may be a property of his human character, internal division, from which comes the unsteadiness that always manifests itself in life, be it smooth or stormy. In any case, James touches deeply on issues that concern us today.

Today, many people are worried about their strong dependence on tranquilizers. It is believed that medicines help to cope with those difficulties of life that our grandmothers did not perceive as intractable, seeing them as ordinary everyday affairs associated with raising children and caring about the future. Modern people They are often overcome by a feeling of boredom, they feel like they are trapped, and often they simply don’t know how to kill time. A cynic would say that the problem of whether there is life after death in today's world has become the problem of "is there life before death." But mainly it is a question of finding the meaning of life. In solving it, James advises us to ask for the gift of God's wisdom, for this wisdom from above is given simply and without reproach to all those whose personalities are one with God. Coming back to life modern world Let us remember how widespread are the cases of nervous diseases and mental disorders, nervous breakdowns that arise due to the truly pressing problems of today. It is difficult for people to make ends meet, or great grief occurs in their families, serious illnesses overtake them, but they do not find a point of support, do not find a source from which they could draw strength to cope with all the difficulties. But there is the wisdom of God, which is equally given to those whose hearts profess loyalty to the One God. It is possible that not every doctor will make the diagnosis that Jacob made, but this fact cannot in any way affect its truth. This diagnosis is very serious. People without God are in a state constant anxiety, they cannot find peace: without God there is no peace in them.

This truth also applies to those who acknowledge God as the Father, Jesus as the Savior, and the Holy Spirit as the Comforter. For we are also familiar with the hardships of earthly life, we also easily absorb the spirit of the vain world, we are also torn and drawn in by the confusion and anxieties of this world. James states that our first and foremost need should be a right relationship with God. If life has “backed us” to the wall, if we have little strength and we are not able to cope with our own and other people’s troubles, then the formation of a right relationship with God should become the main task of our life. United Is our heart with God (it’s not about whether it is “right,” for we have been given the righteousness of God in Christ forever), isn’t even the shadow of infidelity stopping us? And the second question: can we really prove our loyalty to the One God, not on the battlefields, not in a war against this world (this will come later), but in the innermost mystery of prayer? For it is from this prayerful fidelity that comes the wisdom that makes a person whole and helps to keep a firm course forward, no matter what storms rage around us.

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How does God distribute spiritual gifts? Will God give me the gift I ask for?

From Romans 12:3–8 and 1 Corinthians ch. 12 we can learn that the choice of who and what spiritual gift to give remains with the Lord. Spiritual gifts are given for the edification of the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:7; 14:12).

Scripture does not indicate at what point these gifts are distributed. Most people believe that they are given at the moment of spiritual birth (salvation). However, there are some verses that indicate that God sometimes gives spiritual gifts later. The texts in 1 Timothy 4:14 and 2 Timothy 1:6 refer to the gift that Timothy received at his ordination “through prophecy.” This most likely means that at the time of Timothy's ordination, one of the elders spoke under the influence of the Holy Spirit about the spiritual gift that Timothy was to receive for his future ministry.

We also know from 1 Corinthians 12:28–31 and 14:12–13 that it is God (not us) who determines what gifts to give us. These texts also indicate that not every person will be given a special gift. Paul wrote to the Corinthian believers that if they desired spiritual gifts, they should pursue more creative gifts such as the gift of prophecy (the ability to speak God's Word to others for their building). Why would Paul say this if they had already received everything they were destined for and there was no opportunity to receive additional gifts? Even if King Solomon sought to gain wisdom from God in order to be good ruler for His people, then we can expect that God will provide us with those gifts that are necessary for the benefit of His Church.

However, we must understand that these gifts are distributed according to Divine choice, not our own. Even if every person sincerely desired the gift of prophecy, God would not give it to everyone. Otherwise, who would then perform other functions for the benefit of all parts of the body of Christ?

One point is definitely clear - God's command is also God's opportunity. If God commands us to do something (for example, witness, love others, teach, etc.), then He thereby gives us the opportunity to carry it out. Some people may not be as “gifted” for evangelism as others, but God calls all Christians to witness and discipleship (Matthew 28:18–20; Acts 1:8). We are all called to share the gospel, even if we do not have a spiritual gift. A dedicated Christian who is committed to studying God's Word and teaching it to others will be a better teacher than one who has a special spiritual gift for teaching but neglects it.

So, are spiritual gifts given to us when we turn to Christ, or do they grow throughout our life with God? Typically, spiritual gifts are given to us at the time of salvation, but we should develop them. Can our heart's desire develop into a spiritual gift? Is it possible to desire certain spiritual gifts? The text in 1 Corinthians 12:31 instructs us to pursue “higher gifts.” We can ask God for a spiritual gift and make efforts to develop ourselves in one area or another. At the same time, if it is not God's will, then we will not receive a certain spiritual gift, no matter how much we desire it. God is infinitely wise and He knows with which gifts we will be most productive for His Kingdom.

Although we may be gifted with one gift or another, we are all called to develop into various areas mentioned in Scripture: to be hospitable, merciful, serve one another, bear witness, etc. If we seek to serve Him out of love, to build others up to His glory, He will help us do so and reward us (1 Corinthians 3:5–8; 12:31–14:1). God promises that if we take comfort in Him, He will give us whatever our heart desires (Psalm 37:4–5). And this will undoubtedly give us the opportunity to serve Him, realizing our potential and receiving satisfaction from it.

), abound, but he rejects any idea that the Holy Spirit is an eternal God, as part of a triune deity. The term ruach ha-kodesh (Hebrew: רוח הקודש‏‎, "Holy Spirit" - transliteration ruach ha-kodesh) is given once in Psalm 51:11, and also twice in the Book of Isaiah. These are three Bible verses where the expression “Ruach HaKodesh” is used. Moreover, the noun ruach (רוח), often used in reference to the Spirit of Almighty God, and also generally refers to the concept of spirit, literally means “breath” or “wind.” The noun ruach, just like Russian word"breath" means either wind or invisible driving force.

Thus, the Holy Spirit has always been perceived and is still perceived by Judaism as effective force, the breath of Jehovah God (Yahweh) himself, with which He does and creates everything. Subsequently, the word “spirit” (רוח) began to designate an independent superterrestrial being. This designation is found in some apocryphal works, as well as in the Talmud and Midrash. This idea received particular development in Christianity. Here we are no longer talking about the special quality of the Lord, not about the enlightenment emanating from Him, but about an objectively existing, living and personal principle. The Holy Spirit probably never underwent such an incarnation among the Jews; but the Jews also sometimes saw in it an emanation of divine power acting independently.


History of Christianity
Christian theology
Christian worship
Directions in Christianity
Criticism of Christianity

The importance of the Holy Spirit in the life of every believer is recognized by most traditional Christian denominations. The Holy Spirit is the person of the Trinity, through which the triune God acts in man and the church. If the concept of God the Father was paramount in the Old Testament, the ministry of the Son - in the period described in the Gospels, then in present moment in the Christian Church the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are more prominent.

Development of ideas about the Holy Spirit

At the same time, opposing views on the nature of the Holy Spirit appeared in the church. Thus, the Bishop of Constantinople Macedonius in the 4th century expressed the opinion that the Holy Spirit is “a servant and attendant on the same level as the angels” and is subordinate to God the Father and the Son. Bishop Eunomius of Cyzicus spoke about the origin of the Spirit “due to the command of the Father and the action of the Son.” The teachings of the Macedonians and Eunomians about the Holy Spirit were examined at the Council of Constantinople in 381, recognized as heretical and anathematized.

In the Middle Ages, interest in the Holy Spirit was fueled by controversy over the filioque. Ultimately, different views on the nature of the descent of the Holy Spirit became one of the reasons for the Great Schism.

Actions of the Holy Spirit

From the point of view of orthodox Christianity (recognizing the first creeds of Christianity, in particular the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed), the Holy Spirit, together with the Father and the Son, is the Creator of the invisible and visible worlds -

Jesus Christ also called the Holy Spirit the Comforter:

Obviously, this reveals the function of the Holy Spirit in that He will testify of Jesus Christ.

In Pentecostalism and the charismatic movement, where spiritual gifts are emphasized, manifestations of the Holy Spirit are generally classified into three different groups:

Fruits of the Holy Spirit

The fruits of the Holy Spirit are virtues that require, in addition to the efforts of the person himself, the assistance of God. According to the interpretation of Theophylact of Bulgaria, “the seed is given from us, that is, will, but in order to become its fruit, it depends on God.” The Apostle Paul calls them in chapter 5 of Galatians:

Visible Appearances of the Holy Spirit

The New Testament describes the following visible appearances of the Holy Spirit:

  • In the form of a dove (Luke, Matt., Mark, John). This episode, describing the Baptism of the Lord, is the only possible plot in Christian iconography that is acceptable - like the image of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descending from Heaven. That is, all other images of a dove that are not related to the plot of the Baptism of the Lord do not depict the Spirit, but just a dove.
  • In the form of tongues of fire (Acts).
  • In the form of other languages, when people on whom the Holy Spirit descended began to speak different languages, whom these people did not know before (Acts).

Theology of the Holy Spirit

  • In the Gospels he is called a cleansing power (Matthew) and the successor of Jesus Christ (John).
  • In Orthodoxy, Catholicism and most Protestant denominations, the Holy Spirit is spoken of as an independent personality of the Divine, consubstantial with God the Father and God the Son, which was recorded at the Second Ecumenical Council
  • In medieval mysticism, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit developed as a symbol of the new post-Christian era - the Era of the Holy Spirit (Joachim of Flores).
  • Some sects exploit the idea of ​​the dogmatic vagueness of the Holy Spirit, and develop the doctrine of new incarnations of the Holy Spirit (Maria Devi Christos, Alice Lakwena, Nirmala Shivastava), similar to Jesus Christ.

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

According to the Gospel, the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not forgiven.

Bible Dictionary
  • Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia
  • Treasury of Spiritual Wisdom
  • St.
  • Word of God (Bible Quotes)
  • bliss
  • St.
  • Gift- 1) God’s goodness towards creation; 2) voluntary, brought by a person.

    Why is everything good in the world a gift from God?

    Everything created that has ever existed, exists and will exist, with the exception of evil, has the basis of being in God, the Giver of life: “Every good gift and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow. changes" ().

    Since God Himself is the Source of inexhaustible benefits and endless perfections, He never needs anything. Having created the world, the Lord created it solely so that many other creatures could enjoy His benefits, which He wisely and generously pours out on each creation and on the world as a whole, “according to His gift” ().

    This means that in relation to own life a person must make every effort to live up to his highest purpose. He must protect and improve the world, loving it following the example of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit: “For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” ().

    What is a gift to God on the part of man?

    Since God lacks nothing, pleasing God on the part of man is “pleasant” to Him in the sense that it is useful for man himself, for whom God, as we know, always wishes good.

    In ancient times, a gift to God often meant sacrifices made with reverence. Thus, “Abel... brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord looked upon Abel and his gift” ().

    In addition, a good disposition of the heart and a contrite disposition of the spirit could serve as a gift to God: “a sacrifice to God is a contrite spirit” (). In this meaning, thanksgiving could also be called a sacrifice: “Sacrifice praise to God” ().

    Finally, at times, people even offered their whole lives as a gift to the Lord. This happened when a person made a special commitment to sacredly honor and obey God's commandments and laws. For example, Samuel lived such a righteous, virtuous life, for whom his mother made a vow to the Lord even before his birth: “If You will consider the sorrow of Your servant and remember me, and will not forget Your servant and give Your servant a male child, then I will I will give it to the Lord [as a gift] all the days of his life" (

    God loves His children and rewards them with various gifts. He wants to hear the gratitude of those who receive these signs of love. As generously as He gives to us, so generously should we give to those in need. God is glorified and praised when gratitude flows from the heart of the person receiving it. “...Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8) - this is a heavenly command!

    Every blessing and “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning” (James 1:17). God wants to enrich our fellowship with Him so that we, in turn, strive to attract as many people as possible into fellowship with Him.

    As we share these gifts with others, our hearts grow in devotion and love to our good God the Father, who sees everything, especially the compassion and kindness of His beloved children. He rewards even a cup of cold water given “...in the name of the disciple...” (Matt. 10:42). We become conduits of God's blessings to others who are in dire need of His love and help. Ingratitude is often the door we close to God's blessings.

    The selfish qualities in each of us are innate because we have inherited Adam's sinful nature. Our selfishness is rooted in the tendency to sin and many of its manifestations, which the evil one tries to use to condemn us and thus destroy us.

    God's greatest gift is His Only Begotten Son. Accepting Him as your personal Savior requires “...sorrow for God's sake...” (2 Cor. 7:10) for our sins, followed by repentance, a humble contrite heart, and making amends for the losses we have caused. “...You will not despise a broken and humble heart, O God” (Ps. 50:19). “...Him that comes to Me I will not cast out” (John 6:37). To accept Jesus, the greatest Gift of a loving Heavenly Father, you need a grateful heart.

    God's storehouse of blessings will never run dry or become scarce. His abundance can satisfy our every need and holy desire! Our lives have been greatly enriched by His outpourings from the open “windows of heaven”: the plan of redemption, a godly spiritual inheritance, and caring brothers and sisters in Christ. All spiritual blessings come to us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, as do temporal material blessings.

    Gifts often cause harm to those for whom they are intended. The essence of the gift and its peculiarity sometimes determine the recipient's reaction to it and how he will be able to use it. Some gifts are meaningless in terms of the benefit they bring and often have no meaning, but the Gift in the person of Christ determines the true meaning and purpose for our lives!

    The usefulness of some gifts is determined by circumstances. “...Godliness is profitable for everything...” (1 Tim. 4:8) not only relatively real life, but also the future!

    Let there be praise to our Father God for His priceless gift!

    We usually make offerings out of love and concern for people dear to us, but God showed love even to those who disobeyed Him, insulted Him, and treated Him with disdain. Thanks to the work and power of the Holy Spirit, He awakens in us the desire to be saved and gives us the strength to do His will. Sometimes gifts intended for children must wait until the future recipients reach maturity so that they can handle legal and legal documents at the appropriate time. God's gift of love is a wonderful power that leads us to perfection so that we can ultimately inherit all things with Christ.

    Reconciliation with God the Father is the greatest blessing for humanity. It is more than a dream, since it is really for the heirs of the saving faith. “Looking unto...Jesus, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb. 12:2). “...The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Neh. 8:10), and walking in the truth is its best manifestation for those around you.

    Our Heavenly Father knows a person like no one else, therefore he understands the excessive joy that the soul experiences, from which condemnation and guilt have been removed. “Therefore, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). God is love, and Jesus Christ is the greatest manifestation of this love, thanks to which we are reconciled with God the Father and become His messengers, bringing other people to Him so that they too can become one with Him. By testifying to others about our joy and praising God for our salvation, we thus convey convincing truth to those who are outside the flock - captive to the evil one.

    John 3:16 is the golden verse of the Bible because it contains nine great qualities:
    1. For God is the greatest Person
    2. So loved - the highest degree
    3. The world is the largest number
    4. What you gave is the greatest deed
    5. His Only Begotten Son is the greatest Gift
    6. So that everyone - the most extensive
    7. He who believes in Him - greatest work faith
    8. Didn’t die – the most severe degree of destruction
    9. But had eternal life– longest life expectancy with excess

    If the Only Begotten Son of God, the Gift of the Father’s love, is accepted as Savior, Redeemer and Lord, then God’s wrath is replaced by favor towards the sinner. God, showing His greatest love for mankind, sent His Son Jesus Christ to do the work of redemption for our eternal good. We must praise our Father God for His gift of redemption by our sincere devotion and obedience: “My Lord and my God.”

    “Thanks be to God for His ineffable gift!” (2 Cor. 9:15).

    Charles Brubaker