Tasks every day for personal growth. How to brighten up the anticipation of the New Year - tasks for every day

January 1 is a new starting point. During the chiming clock, we seem to reset ourselves to zero: we have new dreams and goals, we are inspired by our plans for the coming year. There are so many interesting things ahead and at least 365 reasons for little joys. Print this list, hang it on your refrigerator and cross off what you manage to do. And it’s okay if some of it doesn’t suit you - replace these points with something of your own and enjoy life every day.

1. Write “I love you” on the bathroom mirror with toothpaste (let this please your loved one, your parents or you).

2. Brew mulled wine (you can use non-alcoholic wine).

3. Arrange a surprise to a loved one(for example, taking him to a cafe instead of breakfast when his friends are waiting there).

4. Draw a watercolor sketch (you can complete the design around a teaspoon on the table or a ballpoint pen).

5. Take a walk in the forest (at least an hour).

6. Collect a herbarium (especially if you haven’t done this since childhood).

7. Buy a beautiful book (just because you liked it).

8. Buy a bouquet of flowers or cucumbers from a dear grandmother on the street.

9. Take a photo of a beautiful sunrise.

10. Take a photo of a beautiful sunset.

11. Take a picture of a rainbow.

12. Spend time near the water (even if it’s near a fountain).

13. Go ice skating or skiing.

14. Ride the Ferris wheel.

15. Swim (I wish in the sea).

16. Write and send a paper letter to an old friend.

17. Send a postcard from your trip (even from your grandmother’s village).

18. Throw away 10 unnecessary things.

19. Rearrange 27 items in the house (they say it changes your life dramatically).

20. Help an animal shelter.

21. Recycle old clothes, waste paper or used batteries (do something nice for nature).

22. Decide on a dream and take a small first step (for example, if you want to buy an apartment, buy a key chain).

23. Donate blood and become a donor (if this is not possible, try to help in another way).

24. Carve a pumpkin for Halloween (and it doesn't matter how you feel about this holiday - just have fun with your friends).

25. Praise the work of another person (for example, the person who packs your purchases at the checkout).

26. Give up your seat in public transport, in a queue, in a traffic jam.

27. Buy cookies for colleagues.

28. Eat the most delicious dessert.

29. Build a snowman.

30. Build a friend for a snowman (or a girlfriend, because no one should be alone).

32. Play beach volleyball or football.

33. Cook favorite dish at home and treat your friends.

34. Walk with someone else’s dog (you can from a shelter).

35. Take part in a family event.

36. Take a recent family photo (with parents and grandparents, if possible).

37. Collect a photo album with photos from your last vacation.

38. Create a tracklist that improves your mood (and use it during times of discouragement).

39. Pet the cat and listen to him purr.

40. Watch the match of the Russian national team at the World Football Championship (which will be held in Russia), or the World Hockey Championship (whichever is closer to you). Cheer on the team with friends and complete strangers.

41. Try a new fruit.

42. Try bubble gum flavored ice cream (if you don’t find another, choose any other flavor that is unusual for you).

43. Wear a bright accessory (yellow tie, red brooch).

44. Give a compliment to a stranger.

45. Meet with former classmates or those with whom you communicated at school.

46. ​​Plant a flower in your yard.

47. Take a bath like in the movie - with lots of foam and candles.

48. Go for a massage (foot massage also counts).

49. Fix something in the house that everyone can’t get around to.

50. Eat candy on any bridge.

51. Pet the dog and treat it with a treat.

52. Wake up without an alarm clock (sleep as much as your heart desires).

53. Feed the hungry.

54. Go to a concert of your favorite band.

55. Write a letter of gratitude to the person who, in your opinion, deserves it most.

56. Get up at 6 am and go for a run.

57. Dance.

58. Sing your favorite song at karaoke or in the shower.

59. Lay in bed all day with a book and cocoa.

60. Watch a children's cartoon.

61. Swim in the sea, river or pool.

62. Play with the children.

63. Donate to charity.

64. Give a gift to a friend for no reason.

65. Hug mom.

66. Go on a picnic.

67. Sign up for a photo shoot, take a bunch of photos and admire yourself.

68. Eat the national dish of any country (except your own).

69. Write a handwritten note to your loved one.

70. Buy something new for your wardrobe.

71. Go on a visit.

72. Paint a picture (or color a coloring book).

73. Bake a cupcake (you can use a microwave in a mug).

74. Feed the squirrel.

75. Brew tea with sea buckthorn and ginger.

76. Take a ride through the city at night.

77. Splash through puddles.

78. Slide down the hill.

79. Smile at a random passerby.

80. Fall into a snowdrift and make an angel.

81. Go through a maze or solve some puzzle.

82. Tell fortunes on coffee grounds.

83. Ride the carousel or jump on the trampoline.

84. Swing on a swing.

85. Feed pigeons or bullfinches.

88. Listen to jazz.

89. Laugh at something stupid.

90. Hide your stash so you can find it someday.

91. Hug a tree.

92. Sit by the fire - fireplace, fireplace or candlelight.

93. Look at the stars and make a wish.

94. Say “yes” all day! to all suggestions that will not harm anyone.

95. Go to an exhibition or museum.

96. Visit any country you have never been to before, or interesting place in your region.

97. Go out into nature with tents (with friends or better yet, family).

98. Order food to your home.

99. Wake up in the morning and realize that you are absolutely happy.

100. Leave work early.

101. Change the ringtone on your phone.

102. Buy your favorite perfume (or use a tester in the store to enjoy a pleasant smell all day).

103. Ride all the slides in the ice town.

104. Stay in bed all day watching TV series.

105. Get rid of bad habit(smoking, drinking, arguing over trifles).

106. Kiss someone.

107. Help someone carry heavy bags.

108. Give to a child balloon(maybe someone else's).

109. Finish a big job.

110. Help a colleague or friend with his list of joys.

111. Make peace with someone.

112. Receive an order by mail.

113. Bet someone for a chocolate bar.

114. Win an argument.

116. Watch a film that makes you think (The Second Life of Ove - I recommend).

117. Bury the treasure and make a map.

118. Invite a friend to dig up a treasure in six months. We can do this together.

119. Gathering with friends in a restaurant for no reason.

120. Find an edible mushroom in the forest.

121. Pick a cucumber from the garden and eat it.

122. Take part in some competition.

123. Talk to a foreigner.

124. Walk barefoot on the grass.

125. Lie on your back, looking at the clouds and figuring out what they look like (you can do it in company).

126. Make a list of your strengths And positive qualities(they definitely exist!).

127. Snatch something at a big discount.

128. Dedicate the whole day to your parents.

129. Wash your car (maybe not your own).

130. Sunbathe (if this is not contraindicated for you).

131. Bake charlotte.

132. Help the orphanage.

133. Make a T-shirt with a funny print (or decorate it yourself with markers).

134. Go on a short trip by car.

135. Learn 20 new words in a foreign language.

136. Find something unusual at a flea market.

137. Make a cup or figurine from clay.

138. Spend the evening alone with best friend or a friend and have a heart-to-heart talk.

139. Go to the cinema and eat popcorn.

140. Have a candlelit dinner.

141. Learn something new that you didn’t even know about before.

143. Go to bed before nine in the evening and sleep until the morning.

144. Meet the dawn with a loved one.

145. Climb a mountain.

146. Visit a friend in another city.

147. Do something you haven’t decided to do for a long time.

148. Decorate the Christmas tree.

149. Drink freshly squeezed juice.

150. Walk for 20 minutes when you don’t feel like it at all.

151. Solve the crossword puzzle.

152. Write a story that begins like this: “The strange things started when Fred bought a house for his miniature pigs...”.

153. Look at your childhood photos.

154. Launch paper airplanes with wishes.

155. Blow out the candles on the cake.

156. Buy fluffy knitted socks and wear them around the house when it’s cold.

157. Give yourself permission to be lazy all weekend.

158. Tell dad about the most vivid memory from childhood that is associated with him.

159. Launch a paper boat.

160. Hold someone you care about for a long time.

161. Hang a garland at home, even if it’s not New Year’s.

162. Play board games.

163. Clean up the room and enjoy the new atmosphere in the house.

164. Meet someone.

165. Go for a walk and take 10 shots describing your city.

166. Have lunch or dinner in the summer house.

167. Inspire someone to do a good deed or take a step towards their dream.

168. Make and eat hot sandwiches.

169. Run a marathon (you can choose a distance of 3 km).

170. Organize an unusual party (you can do it at home).

171. Find something new for yourself.

172. Bake pancakes.

173. Go to the theater.

174. Ride a horse (or feed it carrots).

175. Fly a kite or sky lantern.

176. Learn several constellations and show them to another person.

177. Tell someone that they will succeed and explain why.

178. Hear a compliment.

179. Eat shawarma (only one!).

180. Work out in the gym and feel the result of your efforts.

181. Give up a meaningless event and spend time the way you want.

182. Celebrate a holiday with friends that is not usually celebrated in your company. For example, January 3 is the birthday of the cocktail straw.

183. Write your main dream on paper and the steps that will lead to it. Hang it in a visible place.

184. Observe the lunar or solar eclipse(whatever happens).

185. Make your own family tree.

186. Eat potatoes cooked over a fire.

187. Make love.

188. Get an autograph from a star (or someone who motivates you).

189. Ride a bike.

190. Make something with your own hands and sell it (even to a friend for 10 rubles)

191. Tell a colleague that he is great.

192. Buy 10 balloons and walk down the street with them (you can give them as a gift to someone).

193. Take part in a tasting (wine, cheese, yogurt...).

194. Change your image.

195. Exchange souvenirs with someone.

196. Make your own video.

197. Take part in a flash mob (for example, on Hug Day).

198. Buy something for yourself, for which you have always been sorry for money. And don't regret it.

199. Earn 1000 rubles from your talent (you can do this more than once).

200. Roast marshmallows (you can do it at home in the kitchen).

201. Swim with swimming goggles.

202. Take a walk in the rain.

203. Become a volunteer.

204. Fly in a hot air balloon.

205. Do yoga or meditate (at least once in your life).

206. Visit abroad (or at least get a passport if you don’t have one).

207. Get a tattoo (if this is a deliberate decision).

208. Learn a new skill (calligraphy maybe?).

210. Choose and give a book to a person that you think will inspire him.

211. Take unnecessary things to a social assistance point.

212. Decide to change your job if it doesn’t bring you joy.

213. View the city from a high-rise building.

214. Sign up for courses or attend some training ().

215. Play paintball or laser tag.

216. Scream loudly and loudly in a sparsely populated place (this helps a lot when you are incredibly sad).

217. Make mehendi.

218. Buy something at a charity fair.

219. Conduct an experiment (if you have no ideas, google it or try blowing soap bubbles in the cold).

220. Walk 10 km in a day (rejoice at how useful this is).

221. Pay off debt.

222. Write “I can do anything” at least 20 times.

223. Walk along a new unknown route in the city.

224. Leave a book with your wish in the park.

225. Fool around with water pistols.

226. Go rafting (take water pistols there).

227. Tell a close friend a secret.

228. Dress up just like that.

229. Give a fruit or vegetable bouquet.

230. Visit open air.

231. Grow greens on the windowsill.

232. Buy new bed linen.

233. Visit the teacher.

234. Purposefully go to a cleanup event.

235. Treat someone to coffee.

236. Draw with chalk.

238. Go on a boat.

239.Walk around Paris or Lisbon using Google or Yandex panoramas.

240. Write a letter to Santa Claus and send it to Veliky Ustyug.

241. Teach something to another person.

242. Spend the weekend in the countryside or at the dacha.

243. Eat watermelon.

244. Plan a trip (even if you don’t have the opportunity to implement it now, it will definitely happen).

246. Plant a tree.

247. Plunge into an ice hole.

248. Take a photo in a field with sunflowers.

249. Sleep in the hayloft.

250. Play on musical instrument(especially if you don’t know how).

251. Play crocodile with friends.

252. Go to the bathhouse.

253. Dance in pajamas while no one is watching.

254. Start an awesome diary.

255. Fly somewhere by plane.

256. Prank a friend.

257. Be alone with yourself (you can go to a quiet and cozy coffee shop).

258. Run into the water.

259. Blowing soap bubbles.

260. Collect a bouquet of cornflowers, daisies and bells.

261. Drink a milkshake.

262. Offer to everyone you celebrate with New Year, put gifts under the tree, and open them together on January 1st.

263. Clean up trash in the forest or in the yard.

264. Visit some castle.

265. Draw a family portrait.

266. Write down everything that went wrong today, and then destroy this piece of paper and let go of the situation.

267. Make a bird feeder.

268. Congratulate your mother on Mother’s Day (last Sunday in November).

269. Congratulate dad on Father's Day (third Sunday in June).

270. Eat all the chocolate on the quiet.

271. Climb onto a fresh haystack and take photos.

272. Put up a Christmas tree.

273. Burn some sparklers.

274. Make a collage with pictures symbolizing dreams and visualize.

275. Go to the farmers market and buy something delicious.

276. Go to the Christmas market.

277. Arrange a gastronomic tour of a city cafe (for example, try jasmine tea in three different places in one day). Create your own expert rating.

278. Play snowballs with friends.

279. Update the music in your playlists.

280. Bake pancakes and eat them with your favorite filling.

282. Fly in a wind tunnel.

283. Have a shopping day.

284. Climb to the highest point in the city.

286. Take a dance class (how about Zumba?).

287. Find an amazing item at a thrift store.

288. Forgive yourself for all the mistakes of the past and move forward.

290. Sleep in a tent.

291. Eat sweet cherries.

292. Hang photos around the house.

293. Go for a manicure (good for boys too).

294. Take a 15-minute nap in the middle of the workday.

295. Get up early to cook and eat a delicious breakfast.

296. Prepare breakfast for a loved one.

297. Eat strawberry jam.

298. Make a list of places you dream of visiting.

299. Make a video greeting to a friend who lives far away.

300. See a waterfall.

301. Write something nice under someone’s window.

302. Have a bachelorette or bachelor party.

303. Eat cotton candy.

304. Watch the fireworks.

305. Give flowers to a veteran.

306. Slow dance with someone.

307. Make a fruit salad.

308. Drink for brotherhood.

309. Take an extreme driving lesson.

310. Adopt a dog or cat from a shelter (only if this is a deliberate decision).

311. Learn a beautiful verse.

312. Eat okroshka.

313. Go to an 80s disco or host one yourself.

314. Draw graffiti (but without vandalism!).

315. Go to your school or university after graduation.

316. Take a vacation.

317. Watch Harry Potter in the original (or are you in the Lord of the Rings squad?)

318. Ride a Segway.

319. Play bowling.

320. Shoot at the shooting range.

321. Feed the rabbit carrots.

322. Spend time with your child.

323. Try a new hobby.

324. Watch New Year's films with the whole family: “Home Alone”, “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath”, “Christmas Trees”.

325. Ride a hoverboard.

326. Go karting.

327. Visit a natural attraction.

328. Take an internship at MIF.

329. Buy a lottery ticket and try your luck (don’t be upset if luck is not on the ticket).

330. Watch old videos from your personal archive.

331. Lay in the sun.

332. Organize a new graduation with your classmates (or hold a graduation rehearsal, starting with the presentation of diplomas).

333. Spend time with colleagues outside of work.

334. Cheer for someone at a dog sled competition.

335. Find yourself among blossoming apple trees.

336. Swing on a swing.

349. Go to the solarium in the middle of winter or rainy summer.

350. Lay in a hammock.

351. Find a lilac flower with five petals (or at least enjoy the smell of flowers).

352. Find a four-leaf clover (it's possible, we checked).

353. Watch a performance by dog ​​handlers with dogs.

354. Play darts.

355. Challenge yourself and accept it.

356. Make your own time capsule and leave a message (to yourself in 1 year or 5 years, to your children or grandchildren).

357. Play old photograph with the same people in the same place.

359. Eat strawberries.

360. Get together with friends and imagine who you would be if you were a movie, a dessert, a plant, the sea, etc.

361. Summarize the past year, highlighting only the good.

362. Make a plan for the next year.

363. Do what everyone thought you couldn’t do.

364. Do something that you thought you couldn’t do.

365. Make a list of 365 joys for 2019.

Diary - 100 tasks for the development of creative thinking

Based on a list of one hundred creative tasks by author Keri Smith.
My tasks:

1. Keep a diary. Go for a walk, remember 5 faces - 5 images and expressions, and sketch them in your diary.

2. Write a letter to your future self, seal it and stick the envelope in your diary.

3. Buy something inexpensive that symbolizes your need to create (a new pen, a cup, a large-format notebook). Use what you bought every day.

4. Draw your breakfast.

5. Find a poem to which everything in your soul responds, copy it by hand and paste it into your notebook.

6. Glue an envelope to the notebook and put there the beautiful gifts of nature that you find on the street during the week.

7. Get to know the work of a new artist, writer, etc. Write about what touches you in his paintings, books, or what he does.

8. Find a photo of a person who is very beautiful to you and write down what qualities he has. possess, place in your diary.

9. Draw only red objects during the day.

10. Draw a still life of your favorite things and objects.

11. Make a list of everything you will buy in the next week.

12. Draw a map of the places you visited during the week.

13. Draw the composition using the lines of your palm.

14. Trace your foot, draw whatever you like and color it.

15. Record a conversation you overhear - understand and describe how it might be addressed to you.

16. Trace and sketch how the moon and sun move relative to your home.

17. Collect samples of your favorite colors and create a collage.

18. Draw your favorite tree.

19. Eat a new exotic fruit.

20. Write haiku.

21. Stand upside down for five minutes.

22. Throw away 10 items.

23. Make a doll from pieces of fabric.

24. Draw a fantasy home in your journal.

25. Read a book in one day.

26. Illustrate a list of products you want to buy.

27. Read a story out loud to a friend.

28. Write a letter to someone you respect.

29. Take a close look at the face of the person you DO NOT like.

30. Prepare breakfast/lunch/dinner in the same color theme.

31. Build a collection of Very Small Things.

32. List what smells in your area.

33. Write a hundred ways to use a canning tin.

34. Fill a whole page of your notebook with small circles, and then color them.

35. Give away something you love.

36. Select an object and draw the side of it that is not visible to you.

37. List all the places in which you have lived.

38. Describe your favorite room in detail.

39. Write about your relationship with any subject.

40. Draw a picture of everything you have in your purse.

41. Make a mini-book on the topic<светлые мысли>and fill it out.

42. Come up with a character based on a person you know. Describe this character - what he likes, what he doesn’t like, what he’s angry about, what he thinks about at night.

43. Remember your favorite childhood game.

44. Stick art prints on the inside of your kitchen cabinet doors so you can see them every day, but still notice them.

45. Draw the same object every day for a week.

46. ​​Write in your journal using pen, ink, charcoal, crayons, markers, etc.

47. Draw some of your favorite clothes.

48. Make a useful item using only paper and tape.

49. Research in detail a holiday or ritual from another culture.

50. Set up a temporary art installation.

51. Draw a map of places in the city where you like to visit (you can scan it and give it to a friend).

52. Write down all the sounds you hear within an hour.

53. <нужно вычертить некую сетку (обычно она бывает три на три квадрата или прямоугольника, можно и другую, которая подходит под страницу своего арт-журнала) Потом вырезать из журналов кусочки фото с разными фактурами (то есть не изображениями, а какими-то однородными темами-узорами) и подвигать их, потом приклеить в эту сетку-разметку, чтобы они <заиграли>

54. Give up all media for one day. Write down what happened.

55. Make a pencil print of six different surfaces.

56. Draw trash.

57. Make a morning collage. (This refers to the kind of collage that is whipped up in the morning to spur creative thinking.)

58. List ten things that matter most to you (people and animals don't count).

59. List ten things you would like to do every day.

60. Glue your childhood photo into your notebook.

61. Make something out of trash.

62. Write in CAPITAL LETTERS in your notebook.

63. Collect some flat natural materials (flowers, leaves) and glue them into your notebook.

64. Modify the page - cut a hole, spill tea, scorch, crumple, etc.

65. Think of a few color combinations that you react to. Write down, sketch, indicate where you see them.

66. Write something in your notebook<секретное>. Cut the sheet of paper with the note into several pieces and glue them mixed onto the page.

67. Write down definitions or descriptions of new words or things that interest you. Use encyclopedias and dictionaries.

68. Draw the outlines of objects without looking at the paper.

69. What were you just thinking about? write it down!

70. Do nothing and think nothing, write down the time you get.

71. Write down ten things you could do. Do it and mark what you have done with a red outline.

72. Draw something with dots.

73. Make three drawings, but draw at different speeds.

74. Put something small in your left pocket (or purse) and draw this object without looking at it, by touch. (It is possible and even recommended to look at the paper.)

75. Make a chart or graph of measurements of something in your life.

76. Draw the sun.

77. Write instructions for performing a simple everyday task.

78. Make a composition with food prints (halves of fruits and vegetables, etc.)

79. Find a photo of yourself and draw on it.

80. Write a letter to a friend with something unusual on something unusual.

81. Draw one subject for twenty minutes.

82. Combine two things that you haven’t combined before.

83. Describe your day like in an encyclopedia (that is, by subject and alphabetically).

84. Make a list of what you do when you want to avoid or dodge something.

85. Cut out pieces of paper of any shape from several pages of a magazine and make a collage out of them.

86. Write something in code.

87. Draw something with something you’ve never drawn with.

88. Make paper angels and hang them on a tree.

89. Describe the doors that you have encountered at important moments in your life or draw them.

90. Make a card with kind and wise words and drop it in any mailbox.

91. Make spontaneous entries in your diary - stream of consciousness (morning and evening).

92. Write your own definition of any of the listed actions: sit, sleep, wait. The verb itself cannot be used!

93. Write down ten of your habits

94. Illustrate the idea of ​​simplicity.

Leaflets from 95 to 100 inclusive are empty.

It is assumed that you need to fill them out yourself with some of your own simple and at the same time extravagant ideas.

Many people like the idea that difficulties strengthen people. One might even say that this is one of the beliefs characteristic of Russian people. This is probably why the book by Norwegian business coach Erik Larssen “On the Limit. A week without self-pity” has become so popular in Russia: the road of change that he proposes to take is very difficult.

Monday: changing habits

Our habits determine the way we live and what we look like and who we become. A person in good physical shape has the habit of exercising regularly. Stylish women have a habit of keeping an eye on new collections and sales.

People who accomplish a lot in a day have developed the habit of getting up early. This is what is proposed to be implemented starting Monday. Just get up at 5 am every day during Hell Week.

According to the author, there are several ways to change bad habits. The first is to create a new useful one instead of an old one. Since a habit is an automatic action that is repeated regularly, you just need to break the routine. For example, to get up earlier, set a new melody as your alarm or move it to a different location.

But a more effective way is to understand what habits you have in general, and which of them are harmful and useful. The next step is to replace all the bad ones with good ones. How to do this? Well, if we talk about getting up early, then you just get up at 5 am and that’s it. What did you want? During “hell week” everything happens this way, not otherwise. But there is good news: for the next 7 days you are strictly instructed to go to bed at 10 pm.

Tuesday: learning to focus

“Focus is a wonderful state. Any person is capable of fully surrendering to the process and applying all his strength to the task,” writes Erik Larssen.

So, in order to carry out all your tasks effectively, you need to be extremely focused, or, as the author says, work with a certain attitude. “Do only one thing at a time and try not to be distracted,” the book says. “Before you get started, create the appropriate mindset.”

To feel a certain mood, you just need to remember it: “Remember how you looked, what you felt, what you concentrated on when you were at your best.”

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Wednesday: learning to plan

Some solve problems as they come, while others plan their work and life. But all these people have the same result: not a single free minute, and there is always not enough time for what they want especially badly.

Eric Larssen suggests doing this: just write down everything that needs to be done (in the near future and in the more distant future). Compiling a list like this usually takes a few minutes. And then open your calendar and distribute these tasks by day.

“This is an example of what you can do when you feel overwhelmed. The main goal is that in everyday life you will constantly feel that you are in control of what is happening and that you have enough time for everything,” the book says.

What to do if urgent matters arise at the most inopportune moment? During “hell week”, procrastination is strictly prohibited! You can reschedule it for the very near future and make sure it is completed.

Thursday: leaving our comfort zone

This is the most difficult day: the author suggests not going to bed at all and working for a day straight. Thursday "...should be an invaluable experience for you, showing you that your limits are much wider than you thought, and giving you a taste of what it's like to be outside your comfort zone."

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In general, the task is quite simple: work 24/7, do not read social networks, minimize the use of public transport (move more - walking, running).

By the way, if you still haven’t learned to plan, this is the day you can finish what was postponed for some reason. We remember that all tasks during “hell week” must be completed!

Friday: rest and recovery

“When you finish Thursday morning at 5 a.m. on Friday, take a long, hot shower. After your shower, eat a healthy breakfast, the book says. “Besides, you should go to work as usual and do everything you normally do.”

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And this is not a mockery, but a way to show how little we value rest and neglect it. Agree that after a sleepless night you will find any free minute to take a breath, and will happily take advantage of it. Therefore, the main task of Friday: learn to value recovery and find ways of rest that help you regain your strength.

Saturday: changing the way we think

Although this day is a non-working day for many, you will still have to get up at 5 am - “hell week” continues. Why so early? And then to learn to think only well about yourself and what you do. And see how much the way of thinking affects emotions.

So, here's what the author suggests doing on Saturday: make a list of everything you do well, think only good things about yourself. And believe that everything that happens on this day is for the better. As a result, your opinion of yourself will become much better.

If you used to think and say things like, “I know something about this,” then by Saturday evening you should be sure: “I’m very good at this.” “I’m exhausted” will become “I’m exhausted, but I’m capable of more.” I know when I can rest, so now I need to step on the gas.” Just notice negative thoughts and change them to positive ones.

Sunday: give thanks

Appreciating yourself and your achievements is an important skill. And if you haven’t thanked yourself for a job well done before, then Sunday is a good day to start doing it.

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The main thing is not to thank yourself for your diligence by sleeping. On the last day - rise according to schedule, at 5 am. “Allow yourself to feel the pleasant feeling that comes after a serious test, a journey through difficult terrain, a difficult climb up a mountain. Feel how great it is to be at the top, realizing how much you have overcome,” writes the author.

The last month of summer has arrived! It will fly by completely unnoticed and the school year will come again... Well, well, well, don’t be sad! We invite you to spend August in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time! Last year we already made a special summer calendar and this year we decided to continue this wonderful tradition.

By the way, if you complete our “tasks” every day and share your photo reports on VKontakte or Instagram with the hashtag #have time in August, you will receive cool gifts from YES! We will remind you of this every day. :)

Well, let's get started? :)

Make delicious summer lemonades. Look for recipes. Can you come up with your own? Feel free to fantasize! After all, fruit lemonades are the taste of summer :))

Take a bike ride. Choose a route to your liking: along a country road, along an embankment or off-road, tie a beautiful scarf... and off you go, towards the wonderful August breeze.

In a couple of days we have YES! The competition “Your dazzlingly bright summer!” ends. The main prize is a hot air balloon flight. In order to win, you need to take a photo in yellow and post your photo here. We hope you have good luck! But even if not, don’t be upset, because a summer photo shoot is a great idea to spend a wonderful day. And the photos will remain :)) Share them with us on Instagram or VK

Make wonderful vegetable and fruit bouquets and surprise your family and loved ones.

Watch some summer mini-series. You can view the selection

Hooligan! Buy some plastic eyes and start eyebombing.

Make your own ice cream.

Dedicate a day to art - go to some exhibition or museum

Have a pajama party!

Spend the whole day with your parents or grandparents, be gentle, find out old family secrets :)) Maybe there is a stack of letters with great-grandmother's love correspondence?

Organize windows shopping with your girlfriends - go through the shops and see what the buyers brought from your favorite brands. Try on different looks and figure out how to update your look this fall. Or create something completely new and unexpected?

Admire the starfall! On August 12-13, one of the most beautiful meteor showers, the Perseids, takes place. Don’t miss this spectacle; take your friends out into nature to spend the night in sleeping bags. Starfall looks very romantic, and you can make a wish for every falling star!

It's time to update the play list! Make your TOP 20 compositions for this fall. Post it, share it with us :))

To make the beginning of the school year not so sad, color it with some original stationery accessories.

Collect gifts from the forest. To ensure that the feeling of summer lasts all winter, be sure to get out into the forest and bring back something valuable: mushrooms, medicinal herbs, or just a piece of driftwood that will turn into a fashionable hanger.

Do yoga in the park

If you live in Moscow, then see the schedule of free yoga classes in the capital’s parks

And if in your city no one does yoga in parks yet, then you can organize this movement.

Make the jam yourself, pack it in a beautiful jar and give it to your friends! You can hide it in the refrigerator to give as a gift in winter :))

Jump on a giant trampoline

Make your favorite apple dessert. You can look at the recipes

It's time to shake up your summer reading list and find out what you haven't read yet. It's time to enjoy reading!

Set up an outdoor cinema at your dacha. In American films, characters often watch movies outdoors. Do you think it’s impossible to arrange this yourself? How possible! You will need someone's dacha, a TV and an extension cord with which you can pull it out onto the site. Scatter blankets and pillows around and stock up on popcorn for movie night. By the way, it is better to decide in advance what films you will watch: these could be your favorite films that you never get tired of watching, or, for example, a thematic selection of films about vampires. Attention! Don't forget the mosquito repellent.

Walk around the city looking for unusual places. In every city, even the smallest one, there are hidden from prying eyes, but very beautiful places. Later it can become your secret headquarters or a place for the best photo shoots.

Make summer masks for your face, hands, tummy and hair. Recipes can be viewed

Picnic, picnic again! This item should be on your summer to-do list! After all, when else can you lie on a blanket, enjoying the sun, and forget that September is coming?

Give a second life to some household junk, such as old CDs, light bulbs or tin cans

Create your own walking tour and invite your friends to it. And if the theme of the excursion is “Favorite places of my childhood,” then feel free to take your friends to the old playground and to the candy store past the bench on which the neighbor’s cat always slept.

Confidential with your girlfriend on the summer terrace of some nice cafe, savor a warm summer evening and a delicious dessert.

Create your own flower arrangement! Prove to everyone that you are still that florist!

Saturday night - dancing, of course! Clubs, discos, parties with friends and, of course, outdoor dancing classes. In Moscow, the most fashionable places for open air dancing are Gorky Park (here is the schedule) and VDNH (). Well, the coolest dance spot in your city is where you dance)

Go to some open-air concert if you're lucky with good weather. And if it does rain, don’t be sad! You can listen to music under the roof :))

Print your favorite summer photos and create a fun gallery in your room.

The New Year is approaching and it is customary to completely clean the house. Only most often this is done in the last week, at the same time as buying gifts, coordinating celebrations, corporate events and completing urgent matters. General cleaning of the house these days becomes just a “sword of Damocles”. I am constantly haunted by the thought that I still have time to wash the glasses, sort out the laundry and wash the curtains.

At one time, the Fly Lady system helped me a lot. Its essence is to clean the house a little every day so that it is always clean. When I want to completely clear the house of junk, I use a ready-made cleaning chart.

I offer you a list that will help you clean up your home.

The entire list is divided into “zones” for ease of use. Take any zone and any point and complete it. The trick is that completing any of the steps should not exceed 15 minutes. Everyone can take this time!

Remove items from the checklist if you don't have some things. Add your own points if you feel the need.


  • Clean or replace the door mat
  • Wash the front door, both inside and outside
  • Wash all doors leading into rooms, especially the door handles.
  • Clear mirror
  • Sort through shoes, clean them, take them to repair
  • Sort out outerwear
  • Wash the lampshade
  • Go through boxes of gloves and scarves.

Bedroom – Dressing room

  • Vacuum the mattress in the bed
  • Clean the floor under the bed
  • Put away clothes you don't wear
  • Go through the shelves with bed linen and towels
  • Wash the lampshade

Kitchen - Dining room

  • Clean up the shelves with dishes
  • Wash the dining table and chairs
  • Wash the lampshade
  • Wash tablecloth or table napkins
  • Go through the shelves with dry products, throw out the excess
  • Defrost and clean the refrigerator
  • Wash the microwave inside and out
  • Clean the electric kettle
  • Clean the stove and oven


  • Go through all skincare and decorative cosmetics
  • Organize all the shelves
  • Clean the plumbing
  • Clean shower doors or wash shower curtains
  • Wash the lampshade

Living room - Study

  • Polish the furniture
  • Wipe the spines of books
  • Sort through documents
  • Wipe down TV remotes and router
  • Wash the lampshade
  • Vacuum upholstered furniture