Lessons on the topic land common house. Summary of ecology lesson “Planet Earth”

Abstract of GCD “Planet Earth”

educational field " Cognitive development»

(preparatory group)

Program content.Expand children's understanding of planet Earth and the environmental dangers that threaten it. To consolidate knowledge about the continents and the poles of the globe. To give children knowledge of how the change of day and night occurs on Earth. Continue to cultivate love and respect for nature, the desire to preserve and increase natural resources.

Developmental environment.Layout spaceship, homemade globe, sun lamp, plasticine men, presentation “Planet Earth”

Methodological techniques.Surprise moments, conversation, story, slide show, games, experience.

Previous work.Making a model of the Earth with children. Conducting conversations, learning poems on environmental topics.

Progress of the lesson:

The children and the teacher enter the hall.

Hello sun!

Hello sky!

Hello all my Earth!

We woke up very early

And we welcome you.

If everyone smiles, a good morning will begin.

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to our guests, share our smiles, and let everyone be in a good mood throughout the day.

Children stand in a circle

Educator: Today we will talk about the fact that the entire planet common house. Where we have lived since birth. Another thing we will talk about today is that we must take care of our home.

Guys, what is the name of our planet on which you and I live? (Children's answers - Earth).

Do you like our planet, do you love it? (children's answers).

IN solar system there are other planets.

What planets? (children's answers, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars....)

Is life possible on other planets?, Why? (children's answers).

Slide 1 Solar system

Slide 2 UFO sound

Educator. Guys, look at some unusual object (draws attention to the model of a spaceship). Is he not yours? He reminds me of something. Can you tell me what it looks like? There are some buttons here (he accidentally presses one of the buttons, cosmic sounds and signals are heard). Oh, what's going on, aren't you scared?

Slide 3. Alien ship.

Voice from a spaceship. Good day to you, little inhabitants of planet Earth. We are your friends! Dear residents planet Earth, me and my friends from a distant, distant planet really want to make friends with you. But we don’t know whether you are good or evil. We still know little about your planet, although we have been to it several times and taken many photographs from space. Please tell us why your planet is colorful? And in order to contact me, click on the red button.

Educator: Guys, we recently made a homemade globemodel of the Earth. What is she like?our Earth? What does it look like from space, when astronauts flying in a rocket look at it? Yes, our planetThis is a huge, huge ball. So big that it takes many, many days, even months, to travel around it.

Slide 4 with a picture of the Earth (view from space).

Why does planet Earth look multi-colored from space? What is there on our planet Earth? First of all, there are two poles on Earth. Let's remember what they are called? From above the globe– Northern, below – Southern. What else is there on the planet? Most of the Earth is covered with waterthese are seas and oceans. There are large areas among the oceans solid ground - this is dry land.

Educator. Children, what is more on our planet Earth: water or land? Yes, there is much more water (oceans and seas) than land. Who lives in the seas and oceans? Does anyone live on land? Who? Certainly. Many plants, animals, and of course people live here.

The seas and oceans on our globe are colored blue. Guys, but we also see other colors, for example, white. What does this color mean? (Children's answers) These parts of the Earth are constantly covered with snow.

Why is most of the land painted green? (Children's answers.)

Slide 5 “Planet Earth”.

Educator: Yes, because there are a lot of green plants growing everywhere.

Educator: Guys, what does the color yellow mean on our planet Earth? (Children's answers.)

That's right, these are deserts, covered with sand, no water, few plants, very hot there all year round. That's why our planet is colorful. Look, children, how beautiful she is.

Slide 6 “Who needs air”

Asterisk. Your planet Earthbeautiful! But much of it is not clear to us. After all, there is a lot on your planet that we don’t have. You have air. Tell us why you need it?

Educator. Yes, there is air on Earth. Why do we need air? Who needs air? Plants, animals, humans. (Experience “Air”.)

Educator. Here, Zvezdochka, we cannot live for a minute without air. What else would you like to know?

Slide 7 “Fresh water”

Asterisk. There is fresh water on your planet. Tell us about her.

Educator. Children, where is fresh water? (in rivers, lakes, springs, taps.) There are different places on Earth: in deserts there is little water, it is difficult for everyone to live there; in places where rivers flow, there is a lot of fresh water, it’s easy for everyone to live there; and in the oceans and seas, although there is a lot of water (shown on the globe), it is not suitable for drinking. Why do you think? (It's salty). It will not quench your thirst, you cannot get drunk with it, and you cannot water your plants with it.

Experiment “Sea and fresh water”(On two trays there are disposable cups with fresh and salt water.

Educator. We'll also tell you To Our Friends that we have light thanks to the sun. Children, think about why there is a change of day and night on Earth, why in any place on our planet there comes either a dark night or a bright day?

(While the children are thinking, the teacher prepares a globe and a sun lamp. Then he invites them to carefully examine the illuminated globe– maybe one of the guys will guess where on the globe it is day and where it is night. The teacher gives the children the opportunity to speak, and then draws attention to the fact that one part of the globe is illuminated by a sun lampit's daytime and the other side is in the shadeat this time it is night there.)

Everywhere on Earth, day gives way to night. This happens because planet Earth rotates around itself and turns to the Sun first on one side and then on the other.

Physical education minute“Now we will all stand together”

Now we will all stand up together (Children stand up.)

And let's rest a little. (Stretch.)

Turn right, turn left,


Bend over, bow down!


Hands up and hands to the side, (Movements with hands.)

And jump and jump on the spot! (Jumping in place.)

Now go skipping, (Running in place.)

Well done, guys!

Slide 8 SOS

Asterisk. Thank you my little friends. But recently, signals for help and SOS signals have been coming from the Earth. We photographed these objects. They turned out to be plants and animals, rivers, lakes and seas with their inhabitants. People built many plants and factories.

Slide 9 “Pollution of planet Earth”

The air is polluted by smoke that comes out of chimneys into the sky and gases from cars. Waste from factories is poured into rivers, oil from tankers spills into the waters of seas and oceans during an accident. Animals and plants die from this pollution, and people get sick. Your planet Earth is in danger and needs help.

Educator: But people cannot do without plants and factories. But nature must be protected and preserved. That's why people came up with wastewater treatment plants, install filters on pipes of factories and factories. But still, as we see, this is not enough; signals for help continue to arrive from our planet.

Slide 10 “The planet is in our hands”

Asterisk. It turns out that people themselves are destroying their planet. You are still small, but you can save your planet. Think about how to do this. We will watch you from space. I wish you success. Thanks for your help. And remembertake care of your beautiful planet Earth!

Educator. Guys, Our Friends are right. Look at the screen. This picture means that the future of our planet depends on us, on people, what it will be like in many, many years. How can you help, what can you do to keep planet Earth green and blue?

Didactic game “Rules of behavior in nature”

Slide 11 “Be nature’s friend”

Educator: We also know poems about our planet.

Slide 12 Child with a globe

1st child. I look at the globe - globe,
And suddenly he sighed as if alive!
And the continents whisper to me:
“Take care of us, take care of us!”

Slide 13 River

2nd child. The deep river is sad
Losing our shores.
And I hear the voice of the river:
“Take care of us, take care of us!”

Slide 14 Deer

3rd child. The deer stopped his run:
“Be a man, man!
We believe in you - don't lie
“Take care of us, take care of us!”

Slide 15 “Take care of the Planet”

Educator. Yes, the planet must be protected and loved. You and I need her, and she needs us. After all, planet Earth– our common home.

Lesson on environmental education “Our common home is planet Earth.”

Goal: Formation of environmentally literate behavior, respect for nature, the desire of children to decorate and love their Earth with specific deeds and actions.

Software tasks:

  1. Expand children's understanding of planet Earth.

2. Expand children’s understanding of nature conservation.

3.Consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature.

4. Instill in children a sense of pride for their planet.

6.B game form consolidate children's knowledge about the animal and plant world.

Integration of educational areas : cognition, communication, reading fiction, music, physical education, socialization, health, work, artistic creativity.

Material and equipment : poster with the image of the earth, audio recording, cards with images of trees, a bird, Pinocchio, flower seeds, a container for planting, napkins, wire, emoticons.

Preliminary work:

  1. Conversation on the topic: “The Earth is our common home”, “Rules of behavior in nature”.

2.Targeted observations while walking.

3. Introducing children to objects of living and non-living nature.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the group.

Let's turn to each other and give a smile.

Now let’s give smiles to the guests and say hello to them.


Today we will talk about

That the whole Earth is our common home,

Where we have lived since birth.

Guys. In the spring, in April, the whole world celebrates a wonderful holiday - Earth Day. It is celebrated by all people who love their planet - their home, their native nature.

Please look (draws the children’s attention to a poster with a picture of the earth).

What is shown here? That's right Earth. What is there on earth?

Children's answers.

Guys, do you like to travel? I suggest you go on a trip. And we will visit the forest with you. We close our eyes and listen, pretending to fly (airplane music sounds).

(Audio recording of “birds singing” is turned on)

Children stand in a circle.

Guys, we have arrived in a forest clearing.

Educator. Children, what is your mood in the forest? Why?

Children's answers.

The game “Name the tree” is played.

Children name trees.

Educator. What birds can you see in the forest? (Children's answers.)

Well done, you know a lot of birds.

Now we will play the game "Birds"

If you hear the name of the bird, clap your hands once, and if not, stomp your hands once. Be careful!

Educator. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, roses and eagles, owls and starlings, sweets and tongs, nightingales and frying pans, sparrows, toothbrushes.

Well done guys.

Invite the children to sit in a circle.

Look, the birds have flown to us and they are scared of something.

Draws children's attention to birds.

Why do you think they are scared? (Children’s answers and assumptions.)

The teacher shows the picture "Boy with a slingshot in the forest."

Educator. Is the boy behaving correctly? (Children’s answers and reasoning.)

Do you know how to behave in the forest?

To do this, we will play with you the game “If I come to the woods.” I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I act well, we say “right”, if bad, then we all say “wrong”!
1. We sat in the clearing,
Everyone drank and ate,
And then we went home -
They took the trash with them! (Right)
2. You can walk through the forest
Break branches from a tree? (wrong)
3. The girls picked flowers
And they wove them into wreaths.
And the clearing is all empty -
Not a flower left! (wrong)
4. You can go home
Taking the hedgehog with you? (wrong)
5. The children walked through the forest,
They didn't make noise, they didn't shout,
The berries have been collected
The bush was not broken! (Right)
6. Don’t crush insects
If you meet me in the forest,
Insects nature
They will bring a lot of benefits! (Right)
7. Ant house in the middle of nowhere -
You will stir him up
Help the ants
Collect them in a jar. (wrong)

Educator. Well done, everyone answered correctly.

Physical education warm-up "Zverobika" is being carried out

Educator. Guys, there are no flowers in our clearing at all. We need to decorate it for the holiday. How can we decorate it? We need to plant flowers. Look in the clearing, we are not alone, he draws the children’s attention to Pinocchio. Who is this?

Children's answers.

Educator: And really Pinocchio, what’s in his hand? (Pinocchio holds money)

I think I guessed it, Pinocchio wants to plant money. Is this possible?

Children answer and explain the answers.

Educator: What can you plant in the ground?

Children offer answers.

Educator: Let's teach Pinocchio to plant plants?

The birds gave us flower seeds.

Now we will plant them.

The game “What comes first, what comes later?”

We attach a diagram of the planting sequence to the board.

Children name sequentially, what comes first, what comes next.

We approach the tables with prepared pots of soil and plant the seeds.

Educator. Well, the flowers are planted. And just in time for the holiday they will grow. Guys, we forgot to give gifts to the earth, because gifts are always given on holidays. Will butterflies fly to the scent of the flowers that grow?

Want to make them yourself?

I think the Earth will be very happy with such a gift.

Now you and I will return home and make gifts for the earth.

Children cover their eyes with their hands (an audio recording of the flight sounds).

Educator. Here we are back. Go to the tables.

Audio recording plays. Children prepare gifts by folding napkins "Harmonic" and tie them with wire. Attach them to the board to the image of the earth.

The teacher praises the children for working together and making a beautiful composition. All inhabitants of our Earth will live comfortably and well here.

Final word from the teacher: Today we talked about the fact that the whole Earth is our common home. Animals, plants, insects live next to us. And so that we all can live well on our planet, let’s take care of it. If everyone follows the rules of behavior in nature, then our Earth will be the most beautiful planet.

Children take “smile emoticons” and put them on the board. (This means that the children enjoyed the activity and are in a good mood.)

Target: give children the idea that the planet - the Earth - is a huge ball (most of the globe is covered with water and oceans. In addition to water, there are continents - solid earth - land where people live).


Foster love and respect for the Earth and its inhabitants

To develop the concept of “outer space” in children

Progress of the lesson:


Our home is our home, our common home

The land where you and I live!

Just look around:

Here is a river, there is a green meadow,

You can't get through the dense forest.

You won't find water in the desert!

And somewhere there is a mountain of snow,

And somewhere it’s hot even in winter.

We can’t count all the miracles,

They have one name:

Forests, and mountains and seas -

Everything is called Earth!

And if you fly into space,

You're from the rocket window

You will see our blue ball!

Favorite planet!

Let's look at the model of our planet together! What do we call the model of the globe? (Globe!)

In ancient times, people believed that the Earth was huge and flat, like a pancake or a plate, and that it was possible to reach the edge of the Earth. There were brave souls who dreamed of getting to the edge of the Earth and seeing what was there at the edge of the Earth, and whether it was possible to fall from it. They set off on foot, or on horseback, or by ship.

Those people who traveled on foot or on horseback sooner or later reached the deep water of the sea or ocean and believed that their journey was over: here it was, the edge of the Earth, and there was nothing further but water. But there were also people who, having reached the seashore, boarded a ship and continued their journey.

Many years passed, and then brave sailors under the command of the Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan set off to trip around the world. Their sailboats, always moving in the same direction, circled the Earth and after 3 long years returned home with opposite side. Their voyage proved that the Earth is round.

Now let's travel with you.

We have small balls here, take them. We will also need markers. Now imagine that you are travelers and each of you is standing on top of a ball. Place the tip of a felt-tip pen there. Now your path will go downhill all the time. Move the marker down the ball and rotate the ball as the marker moves. If you carefully move the felt-tip pen in one direction, you will soon find yourself at the same point from where you started.

This is how our travelers became convinced that the Earth is a ball. What then surrounds the Earth?

And it is surrounded by a huge space called outer space.

This space is not empty, it is filled cosmic bodies: stars, planets, comets and meteorites.

When the first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, while at the cosmodrome, was just preparing for the flight. The earth seemed huge and vast to him.

This is a call for help. How can you and I help our planet?

To help her, we must learn to love nature, love it from childhood, learn to understand how all living beings live. This is what people – ecologists – do. Do you want to become young ecologists?

I will now show you two places in our country that need to be saved.

Far away in Siberia there is Lake Baikal. This is a very beautiful, deep lake. Now it is polluted. People not only in our country are thinking about how to save him.

At home, talk to your parents about our city. Ask: is our city in danger or not? What threatens him? Tomorrow tell me whether we should put an SOS sign next to the name of our city.

"The earth is our common home"

High school lesson notes speech therapy group

Program content: to cultivate in children a love for nature, a desire to take care of it, to consolidate children’s ideas that the Earth is our common home, in which animals, birds, fish, insects live, and humans are part of nature, to develop in children the ability to observe , analyze, develop coherent speech.

Preliminary work: observations on walks, reading poetry, stories about nature, looking at illustrations, getting to know models essential features birds, animals, insects, memorization of poems, songs by L. Abelyan “About me and the ant”, collective application “In a forest clearing”.

Materials for the lesson: a panel depicting the globe, an exhibition of books about nature, illustrations about nature conservation, audio recordings of the sounds of nature, models, caps of insects, birds, animals.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

"No beginning, no end, no back, no face,

But everyone knows, both young and old, that she is a huge ball."


People say: “She didn’t give birth to anyone, but everyone calls her mother.” Our Earth is mountains, rivers, forests, seas, people, animals. The earth is our common big house, in which man is the master. And this owner must be kind and caring.

2. Educator: Guys, the Earth is a home for everyone who lives on it. Everyone needs it, and everyone who lives on it also needs the Earth.

Children read a poem by B. Zakhoder:

Everyone in the world is needed!

And midges are no less needed than elephants,

You can't do without absurd monsters,

And even without predators - evil and ferocious.

We need everything in the world!

We need everything -

Who makes honey and who makes poison.

Things are bad for a cat without a mouse,

A mouse can do no better without a cat!

Yes! If we are not very friendly with someone,

We still really need each other.

3. Educator: Now let’s have a fun quiz.

“In the forest, near a stump, there is bustle, running around;

The working people are busy all day.

Who are they, where are they from, whose black streams flow?

Together, small dots are building a house on a hummock."

Who is this?


Educator: Guys, what do you know about ants?

The children answer.

Ants eat harmful caterpillars. Anthills cannot be destroyed.

Children sing the song "About Me and the Ant."

Educator: Guys, remember that many insects pollinate plants and thereby increase the yield and destroy forest pests. All colored butterflies are useful. Don't catch them, please. What benefits do ladybugs bring?

That's right, they destroy aphids.

4. (An audio recording of birds singing sounds)

Educator: It is impossible to imagine our life without birds. Many different birds live next to us, in forests, clearings and meadows.

Guys, what benefits do birds bring?

Children answer: Birds bring great benefit. Some destroy harmful insects, others eat weed seeds, and others catch mice and voles.

Educator: And how they sing, making us happy! Birds must be protected, protected, and fed in winter.

Children read a poem by A. Yashin:

Feed the birds in winter!

Let it come from all over

They will flock to us like home,

Flocks on the porch.

It’s impossible to count how many of them die,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And it’s warm for them.

Train your birds in the cold

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring!

5. Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

"The house is open on all sides,

It is covered with a carved roof

Come to the green house

You will see miracles in it"

That's right, it's a forest.

6. Physical education minute.

Imagine that we are in the forest. Look to the right! Look to the left! Look around! How beautiful the forest is! Look up at one tree, at another. How many birds there are, how many nests there are in the trees! Sit down, look under the bush. What's happened? There is a chick sitting there, he fell out of the nest. Take it. Carefully! Plant as high in the tree as possible. Higher, higher! Get up on your toes, be bold, stretch your hands! Well done! You helped the bird!

7. Educator: “The forest is not only for our amusement,

He is the wealth of our country.

All the trees in it, berries, herbs

For our benefit, friends, nurtured."

Guys, in the forest, behave as if you were visiting. Remember that the forest is a home for birds and animals.

8. Now let's play the game "Who knows, let him continue."

The teacher names a generalizing word, and the children name words related to this meaning.

Educator: Insects are...

Birds are...

Wild animals are...

Pisces is...

9. An audio recording of Chichkov’s music “Scherzo” is playing, children wearing hats of insects, birds, and animals. Children dance and pretend to be animals.

Educator: Guys, remember that we are responsible for our common home - the Earth.

Children read poetry.

Our planet Earth is very generous and rich:

Mountains, forests and fields are our dear home, guys!

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world.

Let's scatter both the clouds and the smoke over it.

We won’t let anyone offend her.

We will take care of birds, insects, animals.

This will only make us kinder.

Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers.

All: You and I need such a planet!

Lesson notes in senior group

Topic: “The Earth is our common home”

Program content:

1. Expand children’s understanding that the Earth is the common home of all people and all living beings living next to humans.

2. To arouse in children the desire to take care of their common home as a condition for preserving the life of humanity and all natural inhabitants.

3. To consolidate the concept that we - people - are part of nature, that for the growth and development of living objects the same thing is needed - water, light, air.

4. Foster a responsible and caring attitude towards the surrounding world and native nature.

Material: ball, symbols (human, animal, fish, bird, insect, plant), map of the Earth, globe, poems, riddles, symbols (sun, air, water),

carousel with ribbons, cards from the album “Take care of the living” (parts 1 and 2).

Vocabulary work : globe, planet Earth, nature reserve, land, living and inanimate nature.

Preliminary work : looking at illustrations from the album “Take care of the living”, didactic games, asking riddles, memorizing proverbs, reading fiction about nature.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys! I invite you to go into the natural world.

What do you think the natural world is? (these are animals, fish, birds, insects, plants).

This world is so diverse and unique.

And now we will play with you. To do this you need to stand in a circle. The game is called “Living and Inanimate Nature”. Children stand in a circle and take turns passing the ball to each other, naming objects of living (birds, plants, fish, etc.) and nonliving (sky, earth, stones, etc.) nature.

Every person has his own home, every animal has his own home. And insects, flowers and trees have a home (I lay out symbols on the board).

Guys, what can we call our common home? (Earth). I post a map of the Earth.

Our common home is planet Earth, which revolves around the sun.

What is it? (globe)

The globe is a model of our planet Earth. The globe was invented and made by people. By looking at it, we can learn a lot about our planet, for example, what is the shape of the Earth? (round, ball-like)

Is there land on our planet? (Yes)

What color is it indicated on the globe? (brown, light brown, yellow, green)

Is there a lot of water on our planet? (more than sushi)

What color is it indicated on the globe? (blue, cyan, white)

Our planet is the most beautiful of all planets.

What other planets do you know? (Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, etc.), but there is no life on these planets, because there is no air and water.

The earth is a common wonderful home for all people, animals and birds. Listen to what beautiful poems the poet Daineko wrote (reading):

“There is a huge house on Earth under a blue roof,

The sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

The cheerful sound of the stream,

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead

You will always be in it

The nature of our native land

This house is called."

Nature is important in the life of every person, because in addition to beauty and a wonderful mood, it gives a person something without which it is impossible to live. And what exactly will the riddles tell you:

“Well, which one of you will answer?

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a baker, but a baker?” (Sun)

I post symbols.

Can a person live without sunlight and warmth? (No)

Why? (children's answers)

“It goes through the nose into the chest

And the return is on its way.

He is invisible, and yet

We can’t live without him” (air)

Can we live without air? (No)

Why? (air is needed for breathing, a person can live for several days without food, without water, but without air he can live only a few minutes).

Why is there nothing in the picture? (because air is invisible). The air shell of the Earth is like a blanket. It protects the Earth from extreme heating and cooling.

Next riddle:

“They drink me, they pour me out, everyone needs me, who am I...?” (water)

Right. Water is so common and familiar to everyone today.

Can we live without water? (No)

Why? (children's answers)

Without water, the existence of all living things is impossible:

"Wherever the water runs,

The earth is blooming, the country is blooming..."

This is what nature gives to all living things for life: air, sun, water. Since the sun is shining brightly, the streams are babbling and there is fresh air all around, I suggest you relax and play the game “Carousel” with ribbons. To the music and poetry, children, holding ribbons, rotate the carousel. The carousel stops at the stations “Wild Animals”, “Poisonous Mushrooms and Plants”, “Medicinal Plants”, etc., where children name what belongs to each group.

Well done! We've rested, now we can move on.

Do you think a person can live alone on Earth, without animals, birds, insects, plants, trees, etc.?

Of course not. Man lives in nature, his life depends on nature.

What do you guys think, does the beauty of nature depend on humans? (people plant forests, protect animals, feed birds, clean rivers, etc.)

Does man always help nature?

Can he destroy nature? How? (pollutes rivers, cuts down forests, traps animals, birds, fish, pollutes the air, etc.)

People can increase nature, or they can destroy what remains. In the history of mankind there are many examples when a person, not taking into account the laws of nature, caused enormous harm to the animal and plant world.

But man knows how to correct his mistakes, and nature reserves have been created in our country.

What is a reserve? This is a place where herbs, flowers, berries, mushrooms, trees, birds, fish are protected by the state. A place where nature has the right to live according to its own laws. These are islands that save nature from humans. This is our wealth that everyone can be proud of.

What is prohibited to do in the reserve? (pluck flowers, berries, fish, hunt animals)

What are you allowed to do? (breathe fresh air, go on an excursion, get acquainted and admire the beauty and richness of protected places, walk along the paths)

Man on Earth is smart and strong, and he must direct all his knowledge and skills to the conservation and protection of nature on planet Earth.

“I look at the globe - the globe,

And suddenly he sighed as if alive,

And the continents whisper to me:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The groves and forests are in alarm,

Dew on the grass is like a tear,

And the springs quietly ask:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deer stopped his run:

"Be a man, man"

We believe in you - don't lie,

take care of us, take care of us!”

I look at the globe - the globe,

So beautiful and dear,

And the lips whisper: “I’ll save it!”

I will save you, I will save you!”

To save our planet Earth, you need to be smart and kind. A Giant Man.

Now I’ll give you cards and we’ll remember the rules of behavior in nature.

How to behave correctly while relaxing on a river, in a forest, in a meadow (children come out with cards and tell them the rules).

And also, guys, you and I know a lot of proverbs about nature, let’s name them.

Today, guys, I decided to dedicate you to “Young Friends of Nature”. A friend of nature is a person who loves, protects and protects it. I present you with the “Young Friends of Nature” medal.

Do you think you will be true friends of nature? Why? What will you do for this?

What do you remember most from today's lesson?

What will be your actions or what will you do if you see that your friends and neighbors are picking flowers in the flowerbed, throwing garbage, breaking branches (children's answers).

Well done! Thanks for the activity!

Used literature:

1. Vasilyeva M.A., Gerbova V.V., Komarova T. “Education program

and training in kindergarten" - M.: Enlightenment.

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