Fill out the check sheet. Why a checklist is essential for you at work

At MIF we love checklists. They help you not waste mental fuel on routine operations, not fill your memory with details, and at the same time remember the important things. Checklists can be used not only at work, but also in personal life to start good habits, take care of yourself and manage everything. That's why we made beautiful, colorful checklists with hearts, houses and acorns for different occasions. We tell you what habits they will help you acquire.

How a checklist saves lives, or Why it works


Many people think that checklists are too simple to really make a difference. But simple tools always work best. Checklists can not only help in life, but also save it. Don't believe me? Here's the story.

Clinic patients are often placed on an intravenous drip. If an infection gets into the IV, the consequences can be very serious. Tired of “drip infections,” Dr. Peter Pronovost from Johns Hopkins University compiled a checklist with five sections.

It contained direct advice: the doctor should wash his hands before inserting an IV, the patient’s skin should be treated with an antiseptic, and so on. No scientific innovations, nothing controversial. However, the results were surprising: within 18 months after introducing the checklist into the practice of one hospital, infections had practically disappeared, and the hospital had saved approximately $175 million on the treatment of associated complications.

The checklist has saved more than 1,500 lives.

How did such a simple measure turn out to be so powerful? Checklists teach people better and show them a reliable way to do things right. This is just what you need to start taking action and not go astray.

If checklists can help in something as serious as medicine, is it any wonder that they can make our lives easier? Here are 8 habits that are easy to implement using checklists.

Create good habits

Superman out of habit

Think for a minute about what you would like to do in life, but never got around to it. Maybe you've always dreamed of getting a graduate degree or doctorate, running a marathon, writing a book, starting a business, going on a trip, or restoring a vintage car...

Now remember when you were in last time took a step towards this goal or did something you love?

Few people talk about dreams when they talk about paying the electric bill or filing a tax return. But for some reason in life we ​​give the main place to this: routine matters, which simply save us from current problems. And we leave activities that lead to big goals for later. Which never comes.

Plan the things that are important to you right now.

Write them down on your checklist and do one thing every day. It's not difficult and doesn't take long. The main thing is to start.

Checklist of important things that can no longer be put off

Get enough sleep

Personal boundaries

We bet you don’t need to be told about the benefits of sleep and the dangers of lack of sleep. We've all heard this a hundred times. The question is: how to start getting enough sleep? After all, there are always more important things to do. That's why we need a plan.

Determine what time you want to wake up and count back 8 hours. This is the time when you need to fall asleep. Count down from it some more time needed to prepare for bed. How many minutes will it take to lock the door, wash your face, and read before bed?

Here is an approximate ritual: 22:00 - turn on the dishwasher, check the front door, 22:15 - brush your teeth, 22:30 - go to bed with a book, 23:00 - fall asleep.

To help - a checklist with sleepy houses. Your task is to put the entire village to sleep. How quickly can you deal with this?

A checklist with sleepy houses will help you keep track of your vacation

Eat healthy

Closer to the body

Counting calories and running around the store every day looking for celery is tiring. There is an easier way to enrich your diet - the balanced plate method. The benefit is that you don't have to restrict or weigh your food, count calories or study ingredients. All you need are your eyes and a reminder checklist.

Balanced checklist for proper nutrition

One important feature: the basis of the diet should be plant foods. Why? Because they supply the body with fiber, vitamins and minerals. Two or even three-quarters of a balanced plate consists of plant foods - fruits, vegetables, legumes, seeds, nuts and whole grains. If you work hard at filling this part of the plate adequately, the rest won't matter much.

A balanced plate gives energy, improves digestion, maintains normal intestinal microflora, improves immunity and helps maintain optimal shape. Just hang the checklist on the refrigerator and eat healthy.

Keep a diary

Diary as a way to yourself

A diary helps you keep track of events in your life, track dynamics and growth, and remember important milestones. He serves as a personal psychotherapist: by pouring out our thoughts and feelings on paper, we become calmer, understand ourselves better, find ways and opportunities that we did not see due to seething emotions.

Many people give up journaling due to lack of time. The book “Diary as a Path to Yourself” has a wonderful way to keep a diary very quickly, literally in one minute a day. This is the way.

In the evening, on the wall calendar, write down only one epithet that characterizes your day. Below it, place another one describing your dreams for tomorrow. This will be a fun exercise in creating your own reality.

The method is very good, but writing on the calendar is inconvenient. In addition, we use Google calendar, which is not intended for this. That's why we made a special checklist.

Diary checklist to help you create your own reality

Saying "thank you"

Control your happiness hormones

No, no, we're not talking about politeness now. We are about how much in your life positive emotions. Not enough? Then make it a habit to find 3 things every day for which you can say “thank you” to life or others.

It may be difficult at first, but gradually you will see more and more reasons and joyful events. Is there hot water in the tap? Thank you. Did the sun come out in the morning? Thank you. Did the coffee turn out just the way you like it? Thank you.

To remember to say thank you, we have made a special checklist. When you start filling it, the number of pleasant moments will begin to increase like a snowball. Having filled out the checklist to the end, you can re-read it and rejoice at how much good there is in your life. Give it a try. This checklist is truly magical.

Gratitude checklist

Read books

Reading more is not a matter of time, but of habit. People who read a lot do it everywhere: in traffic jams and queues, on the subway and trams, at lunch and before bed. Even if you manage to grab only 5 pages at a time, in total this gives a noticeable movement forward.

But do you know what it takes to make it work? Reading list and books at hand. If you have a free minute, but there is no book, your hand will automatically reach for the phone, your eyes will bury itself in social networks and goodbye, time that could be devoted to a wonderful, unforgettable, desired and long-awaited book.

To prevent this from happening, we made a bookshelf - in the form of a checklist, of course. Write here the names of the books you want to read and don't forget to buy them. And then read and color the spines.

Reader's checklist

Take care of yourself

The most important thing that is so easy to forget. Remember what they say on the plane: put your oxygen mask on yourself first, then help others. It's the same with care. If you don't take care of yourself, you simply won't be able to take care of others. So before you help your friends move, finish a quarterly report for a colleague, and cook an eight-course dinner for your beloved family, think: have you already taken care of yourself?

By starting to take care of yourself now, you'll be more likely to become the person you want to be.

Accidentally discovered an interesting shaping tool good habits. First I’ll tell you the story, and then I’ll give you the instrument itself.

I encountered this problem

I started going to bed late, often after dawn. As a result, I got up late, didn’t get enough sleep, and felt worse all day. By the evening I was very tired, but could not sleep and stared at the phone. It was a vicious circle.

I tried setting alarms and reminders

I started with a regular alarm clock for the evening. The signal meant it was time to go to bed. But the alarm clock didn't help. It caught me in the middle of something, and I turned it off, first with slight irritation, and then completely automatically.

I tried to put an event in my calendar with a notification on the screen, in my email and phone:

And now you stop what you are doing there and go to sleep. Otherwise P*****C!

Notifications came to all devices at once and sounded like a gun salute. At first, this made an impression on the brain, and it obeyed. Then a couple of times the salvo caught me on Skype, which could not be quickly interrupted, and I had to ignore the notifications. Notifications no longer seem mandatory. Soon the perceived meaning changed to “you need to sleep within an hour.” An immediate reaction to them was no longer required, so the brain quickly learned to ignore them completely. Failure!

It was time to change tactics.

I decided to collect information

I started an A4 piece of paper with 4 lines:

  • Woke up refreshed
  • Got up before 10 o'clock
  • Lay down up to 24 hours
  • Lay down without screens

I put this piece of paper with a pen on the table in the bathroom. In the morning, the brain saw a leaf and automatically put 4 squiggles.

Nothing happened for several weeks, and then the magic began.

  1. I noticed and felt the connection: “I went to bed without screens and woke up rested.” It gave me strength.
  2. I understood the connection between the leaf and reality. The excitement of managing numerical metrics emerged.
  3. I couldn't easily ignore the reminders anymore. Previously, a missed reminder would disappear forever. The next day a new one arrived, and just as quickly disappeared without a trace. And now everything goes into the table. Missed reminders do not disappear, but are added up.

This mechanism turned out to be extremely successful

“Mood” became a separate metric. So I realized that 15 minutes of meditation a day consistently and reliably increases my mood by one. Music, communication with friends, a powerful motorcycle and active sports also do this. For me, this is no longer “book” knowledge, but “internal” knowledge. That is, those on the basis of which I act.

Then the mechanism moved online

Going online is a big risk, because the leaf itself catches your eye every morning, and you have to specifically remember about the program. I would start missing days and the system would collapse. So I replaced the leaf with the old iPad, left only 1 program there and put it in exactly the same place. For reliability, I created a daily task “Fill out a personal checklist.”

There was no special application in the app store, but Google Sheets did a good job with the function. See screenshot at the beginning of the post.


6 months have passed, the flight is normal. There are no more problems with sleep, almost all other indicators are in the green zone. Average mood increased from 5-6 to 7-8. And for me these are not just numbers!)

Here is the final table template, you can copy and adapt it for yourself. The highlighting is adjusted line by line using conditional formatting. But a piece of paper and a pen are cooler, honestly.

Have time to do everything, don’t forget anything and don’t make mistakes! You will be surprised, but it is with similar thoughts that many people go to bed or get up in the morning. modern people. What methods and means are not used to increase professional and personal productivity. Some people set alarms and reminders on their personal electronic devices, while others “the old fashioned way” cover everything around them with colorful stickers. But there is one really convenient option that works - a checklist. What is it and is it for everyone? this one will do magic remedy?

Magic lists tested in flights

It is believed that checklists originally began to be used in aviation. Flying an airplane involves performing many complex operations in a specific sequence. And without a reminder system, even an experienced pilot with an assistant can make a mistake, and mistakes in such a matter can have total consequences. That is why, as an additional “insurance”, aviators are offered a checklist for each flight. What is this? Essentially, a list consisting of individual actions that need to be completed, in this case organized in the correct sequence. Because this tool It works ideally in aviation; it was also adopted by civilians whose professions are far from aviation.

Who will benefit from checklists and why?

Daily reminder systems are useful for anyone who wants to increase personal productivity. Time management is an area of ​​knowledge whose basic principles and techniques can be used equally successfully by a manager, a novice entrepreneur, and any housewife. Only the specifics change, since each type of activity has its own specifics. In its standard version, a checklist is a list of actions and tasks. But if necessary, you can compose it in the form of a list of some individual items. Many people keep shopping lists - and these, in fact, are also checklists, just like any culinary recipe, written in a column in the form of a set of components with dosage recommendations. By the way, in almost all establishments catering Such reminders hang in the kitchen for cooks so that they can cook faster, using tips on the weight of a portion and each specific product used in a particular dish. Most often, a checklist is created for one person, but if a certain task will be solved by a group of people, the list will also help out. In this case, it is necessary to break the task/final goal into sub-items, each of which will be carried out by one employee. Next, each task is assigned to a specific performer and, if necessary, he writes it down for himself step by step in a personal checklist.

General drafting rules

If you want to become more productive and get more done without too much fuss, it's time to try creating your first checklist. Such a plan should have a clear structure and attractive appearance. It is also advisable to maintain a time sequence (you can refuse it if all tasks are open-ended). Avoid long paragraphs, it is advisable that each task is expressed in 3-4 words, and be sure to use verbs. How to create a checklist that will work? It's simple - choose a format convenient for you: paper, a note in your phone or a file on your computer. In total, you should have two columns, in the first the number will be written down and the task itself is formulated, and in the second, a mark will be placed as it is completed. Experts advise not to cross out completed tasks, but rather to mark them with ticks or crosses.

Formulate tasks correctly

In order for your checklists to really start working, it is important to learn how to correctly formulate tasks. Things that are performed regularly do not need to be divided into sub-items, but it is advisable to break down one-time tasks and assignments into sub-items. For example: it is advisable to write down negotiations with new clients with at least 3 notes, highlighting for yourself those topics that need to be discussed. If you need to send a daily report, write the task in one paragraph. Be sure to write down anything you might actually forget. To reduce the time it takes to complete tasks, you can also make detailed notes in the checklist, for example, enter contact information of those with whom you plan to contact.

Some business planners advise writing down tasks on a checklist as if they had already been completed. Accordingly, write not “must be done...” but “...done!”. This is a fairly effective technique from a psychological point of view, but it will take some getting used to. The labeling system is also convenient to use. Choose the option that is most convenient for you: text highlighters, underlining. But try not to get carried away with highlighting, otherwise you will end up with a checklist that is too colorful and bright. Filling out the to-do list should be done in one color, and for highlighting, use no more than two colors, marking what is truly important.

Don't try to do everything

A popular question among those who are just starting to work with to-do lists: a checklist - what is it, a weekly or daily work plan? Long-term goals and activities should be written down separately. A checklist is a mini-list designed for one day. The total number of points should not exceed 20. Otherwise, you will either fail or become overtired, both of which have nothing to do with productivity. Creating a checklist can become a regular evening or morning ritual. At the end of the day, it's time to review your list and understand whether all the planned tasks were completed to the required extent.

Verification is required

So let's say you've finished creating your first checklist. What to do next? It's simple, now is the time to read it carefully and check it. Firstly, it is important not to really forget or miss anything. Secondly, during the check you can adjust and add something if necessary. And only if you are satisfied with everything, you can take the checklist to work. Try not to forget to make timely notes on completing tasks. If you think that creating checklists is long and difficult, we hasten to dissuade you. For convenience, you can store some templates, for example, lists for packing things for a business trip, or basic tasks for every day (provided that they are repeated). On average, filling out the checklist takes no more than 10-15 minutes along with checking; it is only important to choose a time when no one and nothing will distract you.

Analysis Tool

A checklist is not only a tool for reminding and increasing productivity. You can also use to-do lists in a corporate environment. A manager can create checklists for his subordinates and, with their help, monitor and control the process of completing tasks. This tool is also useful if you are just starting to work on yourself and are looking for the most suitable methods and options for distributing daily activity. In this case, it is also necessary to check the number or percentage of completed tasks and unsolved tasks daily and then form a new program for the next day based on the results obtained. It turns out that the question: “Checklist - what is it?” can be answered as follows: a tool for increasing and assessing productivity.

Have you ever forgotten something?

For example, swimming trunks for a swimming pool or a student's swimming pool?

You turn the car around, curse yourself with the last words... I'm sure everyone has had such moments.

Today we will talk about a reliable tool “so as not to forget” - checklists.

What is a checklist?

This is a set of some actions that need to be performed. Or items to take. Plus notes, diagrams, tips.

The point of a checklist is to prevent mistakes. Avoid force majeure and hassle. Get the whole routine out of your head and put it on paper.

Professional checklists

The checklists came to us from aviation. There the price of a mistake is hundreds of human lives.

Any pilot knows by heart what he needs to do before takeoff. Nevertheless, pilots run everything through special checklists. In this case, one checks, and the second checks, as the first checks.

Checklists are used in construction, medicine and other areas where errors are unacceptable.

Aviation checklist, all in English - this is the language of aviation:

Checklist before surgery:

Checklists in my life

I discovered them recently. Now I can’t imagine how I managed without them all this time.

Things I take to soccer practice:

And this is my checklist for monthly car inspection:

In case of a business trip:

Since each business trip has its own characteristics, this checklist is simply a template to which I add or remove things.

This is my checklist for writing blog articles:

Everything is here: how to collect ideas, text editing, design and promotion.

Please note that there is a lot of supporting information here. Here, for example, is an indication of what size the pictures should be in a given case:

Here is my checklist for backing up and cleaning your computer:

I do it once every two weeks.

These are all constant checklists. Sometimes I create a checklist for a one-time event. For example, if I'm planning a vacation.

How to create a checklist?

  1. Reduce. This is not an essay. It's just a collection of points. Clarity of wording! Simple dictionary! The goal is for you to grasp the essence even with a quick glance.
  2. Remove unnecessary items. Include only what you might forget. For example, in the checklist for writing articles there is no “Turn on laptop” item. I will do this without a reminder.
  3. Highlight what's important. Capslock or bold. The main thing is not to overdo it. One or two discharges per sheet is enough.
  4. Edit constantly. The checklist must be up to date. Have you seen my pencil edits? Here. When there are a lot of edits, I print the checklist again.

Where to store?

On paper, on a smartphone, in Evernote... Wherever it’s convenient for you.

You can even apply the checklist directly to the item. For example, I used to use stickers on my laptop. But it didn’t stick))


Checklists are simple and convenient. This will save you a lot of time. And nerves.

Why aren't they talking about this in school? Instead of stupid moralizing like: “Have you forgotten your head?”

I do it once every two weeks.

These are all constant checklists. Sometimes I create a checklist for a one-time event. For example, if I'm planning a vacation.

How to create a checklist?

  1. Cut it short. This is not an essay. It's just a collection of points. Clarity of wording! Simple dictionary! The goal is for you to grasp the essence even with a quick glance.
  2. Remove unnecessary items. Include only what you might forget. For example, in the checklist for writing articles there is no “Turn on laptop” item. I will do this without a reminder.
  3. Highlight what's important. Capslock or bold. The main thing is not to overdo it. One or two discharges per sheet is enough.
  4. Edit constantly. The checklist must be up to date. Have you seen my pencil edits? Here. When there are a lot of edits, I print the checklist again.

Where to store?

On paper, on a smartphone, in Evernote... Wherever it’s convenient for you.

You can even apply the checklist directly to the item. For example, I used to use stickers on my laptop. But it didn’t stick))


Checklists are simple and convenient. This will save you a lot of time. And nerves.

Why aren't they talking about this in school? Instead of stupid moralizing like: “Have you forgotten your head?”