Meaning of the word juventa. The meaning of the word yuventa New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T

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Meaning of the word juventa

juventa in the crossword dictionary

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


and. Goddess of Youth (in ancient Roman mythology).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


in Roman mythology, the goddess of youth was identified with the Greek Hebe.

Mythological dictionary


(Roman) - Roman goddess of youth, identified with Hebe.



Juventa or Juventas- among the ancient Romans, the goddess of youth, the daughter of Jupiter and Juno, who had her own small sanctuary within the Temple of Capitoline Jupiter, where she personified the eternal youth of the city of Rome.

Upon reaching adulthood, each young man who made a sacrifice to Jupiter had to pay a coin to the treasury of the goddess Juventa, as the patroness of the novorum togatorum, that is, young men who had just put on the toga. At the beginning of each year they made a sacrifice to her for the young man.

She was also known under the name Juventa greek goddess Hebe, whose cult was transferred to Rome at the end of the 3rd century BC. e. : in honor of Juventa, a temple was built in Rome, consecrated in 191 BC. e. .

Currently very often used as names of various companies. The name of one of the most popular football clubs, Juventus, is also derived from the Latin word “iuventus”.

The goddess of youth, the daughter of Jupiter and Juno, who had her own small sanctuary within the Temple of Jupiter Capitoline, where she personified the eternal youth of the city of Rome.

Upon reaching adulthood, each young man who made a sacrifice to Jupiter had to pay a coin to the treasury of the goddess Juventa, as the patroness of the novorum togatorum, that is, young men who had just put on the toga. At the beginning of every year they made a sacrifice to her for the young man.

The Greek goddess Hebe, whose cult was transferred to Rome at the end of the 3rd century BC, was also known under the name Juventa. e. : in honor of Juventa, a temple was built in Rome, consecrated in 191 BC. e. .

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  • Obnorsky N.P.// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Excerpt characterizing Juventus

It was necessary to walk to the Ilaginsky eel through fields. The hunters straightened out. The gentlemen rode together. Uncle, Rostov, Ilagin secretly glanced at other people's dogs, trying so that others would not notice, and anxiously looked for rivals for their dogs among these dogs.
Rostov was especially struck by her beauty by a small pure-dog, narrow, but with steel muscles, a thin muzzle and bulging black eyes, a red-spotted bitch in Ilagin’s pack. He had heard about the agility of the Ilagin dogs, and in this beautiful bitch he saw his Milka’s rival.
In the middle of a sedate conversation about this year's harvest, which Ilagin started, Nikolai pointed out to him his red-spotted bitch.
- This bitch is good! – he said in a casual tone. - Rezva?
- This? Yes, this is a good dog, it catches,” Ilagin said in an indifferent voice about his red-spotted Erza, for which a year ago he gave his neighbor three families of servants. “So you, Count, don’t boast about threshing?” – he continued the conversation he had started. And considering it polite to repay the young count in kind, Ilagin examined his dogs and chose Milka, who caught his eye with her width.

The goddess of youth, the daughter of Jupiter and Juno, who had her own small sanctuary within the Temple of Jupiter Capitoline, where she personified the eternal youth of Rome.

Upon reaching adulthood, every youth who made a sacrifice Jupiter, had to pay a coin to the cash desk of the goddess Juventa, as the patroness of novorum togatorum, that is, young men who had just put on the toga. At the beginning of every year they made a sacrifice to her for the young man.

The Greek goddess was also known under the name Juventa. Hebe, whose cult was transferred to Rome at the end III century BC e.: in honor of Juventa was built in Rome temple, consecrated in 191 BC e.

Currently very often used as names of various companies. The name of one of the most popular football clubs is also derived from the Latin word “iuventus” (“youth”). Juventus.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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