Read the oracle newspaper online without registration. When can you cut your hair according to the oracle?

People learned to make astrological forecasts many centuries ago in order to be better prepared for the surprises that fate has in store for us. Orientation in real life by celestial bodies is one of the ways to lift the veil of the future. The stars are able to tell us about upcoming events and determine our actions.

Everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether to believe or not to believe in an astrological forecast, but the fact that astrology is a real science with its own research methods and indisputable results is beyond doubt. No astrological forecast claims to be perceived as the only possible truth. Star predictions provide us with a guide, something to think about and recommendations that may or may not be carried out depending on the individual's personal wishes. Everyone is free to build their destiny according to their own scenario, but the stars can help us avoid some mistakes, seize a lucky chance in time and simply make life a little easier and brighter.

In order to have a successful haircut according to the Oracle, it is necessary that the Moon be in the signs of the Earth (Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn). In such signs, a haircut can be done at any phase of the Moon, then your hair will be much thicker, stronger, which contributes to less hair loss. If it is necessary to slow down hair growth, then the best option would be to cut your hair during the waning moon.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for 2019

Lunar horoscope of haircuts according to zodiac signs

Haircut done under the Moon in different signs The zodiac can affect not only the condition of your hair, but also your health and personal life. Let's listen to the advice of astrologers.

It is better not to wash your hair when the Moon is in the signs of Water, which includes Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. Otherwise, your hair will be very oily. This also applies to perm. The curl will be more durable in the signs of Leo, Virgo, Taurus and Aquarius. These days are also not suitable for getting a haircut, although in order to speed up hair growth, you can do this on the waxing Moon.

The best days to style your hair are when The Moon is in Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo and Capricorn . The Moon in Aries is unfavorable for haircuts and any other procedures with your hair.

In Aries, haircut cutting does not affect the condition of the hair, but appearance it may get worse. A haircut will negatively affect your health, as the body will be significantly exposed to various infections. During the waning Moon, in the sign of Aries, you should not cut your hair, as this threatens the loss of your hairstyle and split ends.

In case The Moon is in Taurus , then this is a great time to cut your hair, even if the moon is waning. The hairstyle will turn out beautiful, and the hair will be strong and healthy. IN personal life a haircut will help you gain a sense of financial stability and increase your intellectual abilities.

The moon is in Gemini ideal for creating a full hairstyle, as at this time the hair will be fluffy and light. In your personal life, a haircut will improve your relationships with friends.

When the Moon is in Cancer, then cutting your hair at this time can give two results. A haircut at this time promises loss of hairstyle shape. But also, cutting your hair at this time has a positive effect on hair health, since hair grows much slower, but at the same time becomes stronger, absorbing nutrients. These days it is best to bleach your hair. As for your personal life, a haircut will reduce parental supervision over you and weaken your parental roots.

Moon in Leo is one of the best times to visit a hairdresser. Lightening hair, styling, coloring or cutting - all this works out great at such a time. Light chemistry It is best to do it on other days, as the curl may turn out to be too curly. A haircut can improve your overall appearance and change the pace of your life.

Moon in Virgo is also a positive time for cutting and caring for your hair. Perms should also be best done at this time. A haircut will help strengthen hair and promote intensive growth. Getting a haircut can also strengthen your intellect. However, according to some sources, Virgo and Leo are barren signs, so not all astrologers recommend cutting your hair at this time.

Moon in Libra , is the ideal time to bring beauty to your head and improve your hair health. The hairstyle done at this time will turn out lush and voluminous. It is not clear how, but a haircut at this time improves memory and vision, and adds ease to communication.

Moon in Scorpio is inharmonious, leads to changes, can either improve or worsen your life, relationships with people of senior rank. As for the effect on hair: you can style your hair on dry, brittle and thin hair, but the Moon will make it strong, tough and thick.

Moon in Sagittarius It is also ambiguous and brings changes to your life. To make the changes positive for you, take into account the lunar day when cutting your hair. A haircut will have a good effect on the condition of your hair and will slightly straighten unruly curly strands.

Moon in Capricorn A haircut will have a positive effect on hair growth, it will become stronger and less brittle. During this period, the moon has a positive effect on your social status.

Moon in Aquarius A haircut can cause hair loss and energy depletion. However, if you are a risk taker, try changing your hairstyle. The result may be different every time. The best option is to do unusual hairstyles these days, since ordinary ones very often do not work out.

Moon in Pisces not suitable for visiting a hairdresser, since cutting or even just washing your hair at such a time can provoke profuse dandruff. A haircut can have a negative impact on the realization of your abilities.

One way or another, cutting your hair according to the Oracle is more of a tradition than a true one, so how and when you get your hair cut is up to you.

The name of Eleanor Ginzburg is known to all readers of the “Oracle” and “Predictions” - just look at how many letters from our mail are addressed to her: “I am addressing Eleanor Ginzburg”, “I beg you, let Eleanor answer me, I trust her so much”... Desperate requests for help - to draw up a horoscope, tell you how to get out of debt, find your soul mate, build relationships with your bosses, choose a profession - and Eleanor’s thorough, detailed answers. I am always amazed at how hard she works and how many people she manages to help!

What’s also amazing is the deep knowledge of various esoteric and astrological schools: classical, Avestan, Tibetan. Combining different teachings, Eleanor makes an in-depth analysis of the situation and gives highly accurate forecasts for the future.

I am glad that Eleanor Ginzburg has been one of our leading astrologers for many years.

Olga Monakhova,
editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Oracle",
editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Oracle Predictions"

You are one of the best authors of the magazine " Good advice", gold fund. Professionalism and excellent knowledge of a complex, controversial topic - astrology - are captivating. Eleanor is absolutely knowledgeable in this matter, so I often resort to her help not just as an author, but also as an expert. Good syllable, light pen - materials do not need correction, rewriting - the joy of the editor! Her individual, figurative style of presentation is very popular with readers. And one more indisputable advantage - all articles arrive on time, Eleanor is very obliging.

Olga Shustova
Deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine "Good Advice"

Magazine "Lisa. Horoscope"

Magazine "Good Secretary"

It's rare to find professionals in their field. It’s even rarer if they are also obligatory and creative. Our magazine has been collaborating with Eleanor for three years now, and every time I, as an editor, am pleased with the quality materials, reasonable approach and strictly adhered to deadlines. Our readers fell in love with professionally oriented horoscopes from Eleanor, and our cooperation, I hope, will not only continue, but also develop.

Olga Genina, editor-in-chief

a cluster of planets in the sign of Capricorn, which will certainly affect the political situation.

has been for several years now Pluto , which increases the “explosiveness” of the situation. At the end of last year I came here Black Moon, which contributes to the manifestation of everything negative. Also its own ruler entered Capricorn Saturn, which happens once every 29.5 years. And finally, from the second half of March until mid-May, Capricorn will also be Mars , which is exalted in this sign.

Thus, major political and military conflicts are likely during this period.

Entry Chiron in Aries does not contribute to the development of diplomacy; leaders will be prone to impulsive decisions.

Financial situation may be unstable in the world between May and November, when Uranus will enter the sign Taurus and will create a tense configuration to Lunar Nodes. This will be the first “call” about the need for reforms in financial systems. The transformations themselves will begin only in 2019, when Uranus finally enters Taurus.

End of the year- more calm. Most likely, there will be a switch from political struggle and the desire for power to the development of family values ​​and reliance on historical and cultural traditions.


Lunar Nodes

The main task is creativity, the manifestation of charisma (in this case, charisma should manifest itself). The Ascending Node in Leo sets the task of strengthening ties with younger generations and engaging in leisure activities. At the state level, this may mean the development of programs related to the birth and upbringing of children, support for creative and sports projects.

The main task is the revival of historical, cultural, national, tribal and family traditions. States and their leaders must turn to supporting families and protecting motherhood and childhood. New housing programs must begin, as well as programs for land development and farming development. Patriotism and everything connected with it will be revived, while patriotic sentiments must come from the “grassroots.”


Saturn will be in Capricorn all year. He rules this sign, and therefore will give greater weight to everything connected with state power, will introduce an element of severity into everything political movements, will force managers to take on more responsibility. All political programs and business plans of large organizations will become clearer and more streamlined. Strategic planning and maintaining strict order in business are the main conditions for success during this period.


Until November 8, Jupiter will be in Scorpio. In this sign, Jupiter focuses on breaking old stereotypes and recreating them on a new level.

With Jupiter in Scorpio, the worldview system becomes magical. The leaders of this period have hypnotic power over the masses; they are able to withstand extreme loads and not get lost in the toughest situations and crises.

On November 8 at 15:38 (Moscow time) Jupiter will move into Sagittarius. Here he has his abode, and the strength of Jupiter will increase many times. The highest spiritual and moral values, the formation of strong ideological strategies based on religion and spirituality will begin. Jupiter in Sagittarius will reveal outstanding ideological leaders, scientists, and teachers. During this period, the revival of the education system will begin - both school and higher education, as well as science.

Black Moon

The Black Moon is in Capricorn until August 6th. In this sign, she tends to dictate, cruelty, and these qualities can manifest themselves in representatives state power, and among managers of various ranks. There is a risk of a military dictatorship emerging in certain countries. Given that both Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn, these trends can be especially severe.

On August 6 at 9:53 (Moscow time) the Black Moon will move into Aquarius. In this sign, it exacerbates contradictions between people. We need clear criteria for distinguishing between good and evil, instilling respect for all people without exception, and a sense of responsibility and duty.

White Moon

Until January 14, the White Moon remains in Gemini. Here she helps to establish contacts with people. Communication means, media, etc. will develop.

On January 14 at 13:18 (Moscow time) the White Moon will move into Cancer. Here she will help improve family relationships and resolve conflicts between generations. At the level of countries and peoples, it contributes to the preservation and transmission of historical experience, cultural and spiritual values, assistance to young families, and care for the older generation.

On August 15 at 14:26 (Moscow time) the White Moon will move into Leo. In this sign she helps everyone creative people. This good time to discover and support young talents.


Until May 15, Uranus is in Aries, in this sign it brings all kinds of shocks. Also contributes liberation movements at any level, from interpersonal to global-political. In the worst case, spontaneous riots, protests, fires, explosions.

On May 15 at 18:16 (Moscow time) Uranus will enter Taurus for several months. With Uranus in Taurus, the need for radical reforms in the field of economics and finance will become apparent. July, August and September can be particularly stressful as Uranus forms a tense configuration with Lunar Nodes, which will be joined by other planets. During this period, a serious financial crisis cannot be ruled out, which will become a trigger for future large-scale transformations.

On November 6 at 21:58 (Moscow time) Uranus will return to Aries again and the final phase of its stay in this sign will begin. It will last until March 6, 2019, when Uranus will finally enter Taurus and begin to destroy the usual stereotypes associated with finances and material values.


Neptune continues to be in Pisces, in its abode, promoting the growth of spirituality, the revival of higher ideals, and strengthening the role of religion and faith.


Pluto is in Capricorn and promotes powerful changes in government. At best, the energy of Pluto will bring liberation from everything that interferes with political change. At worst, it will contribute to major internal political and interstate conflicts. The most serious period is the second half of April, when Pluto, Mars and the Black Moon connect.


Chiron completes its transit through Pisces and remains in this sign until April 17. Chiron in Pisces promotes a deep awareness of cosmic processes and sensitivity to energy vibrations. Also, the planet in Pisces helps to find common ground between different religions and spiritual teachings.

On April 17 at 11:09 (Moscow time) Chiron will move into Aries. Here he will give abrupt transitions in communication, the desire to solve problems “at once.” In politics and business there will be a tendency to get results immediately, without taking into account the interests of opponents.

On September 26 at 3:11 (Moscow time) Chiron will return to Pisces again. In February 2019, Chiron will finally move into Aries.


Proserpina has been in Scorpio for a long time - this is the period from 1983 to 2043. During this period, there will be an increased interest in the nature of subconscious processes, in the study of death and the afterlife. Lots of shocking scientific experiments. For Proserpina, ingression per degree matters. Since she will be at 17 degrees of Scorpio throughout the year (this is the degree of exaltation of the Black Moon), all the negative tendencies described above can manifest themselves with particular force. Especially during the period of May 20-28 and August 23-30, when Jupiter will be at the same degree.

Vakshya in Leo calls for giving up excessive attention to one’s own self and individual achievements, and people with great charisma and talent will be seriously tested for their lack of pride.


Mercury : March 23 - April 15, July 26 - August 18, November 17 - December 6

During Mercury retrograde, do not plan travel or important negotiations unless absolutely necessary.

During the period of Venus retrograde, avoid conflicts, do not rush into claims and criticism. Venus retrograde is a good reason to dive into the past and analyze mistakes.

When Mars is retrograde, any conflicts may aggravate, both between by individuals, and between organizations and states.

Retrograde Jupiter will again force you to turn to traditions, philosophical teachings, and look for answers to the question of the meaning of life. During this period, it will be somewhat more difficult to travel, especially abroad.

Retrograde Saturn will require an in-depth study of your business; at this time it is good to sum up professional results. It is not recommended to start new global projects.

Retrograde Chiron will require a thorough analysis of partnerships and compliance with agreements.

The higher planets are retrograde for six months every year; their retrograde is not as noticeable as that of Mercury and Venus. But still, for some people these periods can be significant.

You may feel dependent on someone. This is a time to connect with old friends.

Calls for deep spiritual quests. It is useful to read the lives of saints, to immerse yourself in the past, which will provide the necessary resource for building the future.

If you are sensitive, then avoid the crowds, and also do not rush to work with energy and contact psychics.


Stationary phase - a special time when the planet does not move forward or backward, but stops to “think.” These are magical moments when you can initiate new events by forming the appropriate intention. Main- like the planet - do not make unnecessary movements, observe the situation, working exclusively with thought.

Stationary Jupiter: March 9, July 10 - time to form ideas regarding growth social status. If you need a teacher, then call on him these days, your intention will definitely be heard.

Stationary Saturn: April 17-18, September 6-7 will help you reach professional heights; on these days you need to set a goal, lay down an intention related to work.

Stationary Chiron: July 4-6, December 8-10 - there is no need to conclude an agreement, but it is necessary to prepare internally, clearly forming your position.

Stationary Uranus: January 1-4, August 6-9, will raise the issue of freedom head on. This is an exciting time - dreams and intentions born during these days will be promising.

Stationary Neptune: On June 16-21, November 22-27, intuition will be especially strong, and prayer at this time will truly work miracles.

Stationary Pluto: April 19-25, September 28 - October 4 - the time of magical transformations of reality. By working with your own energy, you can change the world around you. But remember that strict control and austerity are necessary.