What do you need to draw to become a designer? What subjects need to be taken as a designer - preparing for admission

In addition to standard knowledge, applicants who dream of becoming a designer must have a certain set of qualities. The first and most important thing is desire. There is nothing to do in this profession without desire. In addition, the future designer must be a very ideological person, capable of offering new, outstanding solutions. Such a specialist should always be on fire. He is an eternal creator, capable of infecting a team, inspiring first those around him, then the customer, and then the consumer of services. And of course, minimal skills in drawing and drawing, as well as the ability to sketch a sketch, will be an indisputable advantage when applying. If all this is at least a little familiar to you, and you have firmly decided to connect your life with the profession of a designer, or you need this skill as a hobby, then feel free to become a designer.

How to apply to become a designer at Intercollege?

If you are faced with a choice of which college to enroll as a designer, we suggest you study our advantages in more detail:

  • firstly, we suggest enrolling in the Design specialty (by industry). This area includes a large list of possible specializations in the future. The applicant is not faced with a choice immediately after graduating from school. He has time to fit in educational process and already during training, decide what specialization he is interested in: interior design or clothing, landscapes or layout illustrations. After immersion in general disciplines, a deeper study of specialized information begins. In addition, students have the opportunity to choose the type of practice that matches their request;
  • Secondly, we promise you real industrial practice, because our college has partnerships with companies that work with students. Thus, our graduates leave the college not only with a theoretical course, but also with practical skills, often with a solid portfolio;
  • It is not difficult to apply to us, the number of places is quite large;
  • We employ qualified teachers, current members of the Union of Artists, Architects, Designers of Russia, as well as practical teachers, for example, costume designers collaborating with brands such as Lacoste, OODJI, SHELE;
  • We have affordable tuition fees, which can be found on the website in the APPLICANTS section Tuition fees;

Do you want to become a designer? Then it’s time to decide where and how to enroll as a designer, what subjects to take and, of course, what specialization to choose!

Many applicants, thinking about choosing a profession, choose for themselves creative path and the specialty of a designer occupies a special place in the list of creative professions.

Design attracts with its apparent complexity and simplicity, limitless possibilities for creativity and the opportunity to show your talents.

How to become a designer?

The designer creates the outer shell of the product he is working on. But the profession itself has many varieties: landscape, industrial, clothing designer, industrial, graphic design specialist. Therefore, the product can be not only a banner for a website or an illustration for a magazine, but also a design project for an apartment, mock-ups of clothing patterns, 3D models of products and buildings.

Therefore, it is important to understand that a design specialist is not a universal soldier who can do everything, masters all techniques, he specializes in some specific specialization.

Accordingly, the path to admission to design and the subjects that need to be taken will depend on what specialization the applicant chooses for himself.

In one case, entrance exams you will need to take it when entering a university, in another when entering a college or technical school, and in a third it will be enough to simply enroll in courses without passing anything at all.

Admission to designer after 9th and 11th grade

If school curriculum mastered to the maximum, then after Unified State Exam graduates They can confidently apply for admission to a university. This path opens up opportunities for training in the most complex design-related specializations.

If the future designer has only 9 years of school behind him and the decision is made to complete school years, then you can enroll as a designer at a college, technical school, school or course. The number of options for which specialization to enter after 9th grade will be slightly smaller.

Enrolling as a designer after 11th grade gives you a chance to connect your life both with design and with work related to architecture, design and engineering.

If we talk specifically about design, then at a university an applicant can choose to study in the following areas: artistic and easel graphics, graphic, industrial design, design of printed materials and a number of others.

When studying after 9th grade, as well as when enrolling as a designer after 11th grade at a college, technical school or college, there is an opportunity to focus on clothing design, landscape, interior, and graphic design.

Some areas are taught in both universities and colleges, so the same specialization can sometimes be studied both at an institute and a college.

What do you need to take to become a designer?

If entering a higher educational institution, for the competition the applicant must provide Unified State Exam results, and if to a college or technical school, then grades from the certificate. When entering a higher education institution, the list of subjects for a designer will be variable; it is determined by the specific area of ​​study.

IN best universities countries, in addition to the Unified State Exam, there are also creative competitions; you may need to take part in other additional tests.

List of key subjects that need to be taken as a designer when entering a university:

  • Russian language
  • Story
  • Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Informatics

Drawing and drawing tests can be conducted as creative competitions. The final conditions and subjects are determined by the specific training profile.

What subjects do I need to take to become a web designer?

If design for you means skills in Photoshop, the ability to use Illustrator and some other graphic programs for image processing, then you can learn to work in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDraw on your own. Video tutorials, online classes, books and manuals, design courses at the training center, watching videos - anything will do.

Serious preparation in this case is gained personal experience and constant improvement of the level of knowledge.

The average specialist working as a freelancer or in a small company by profession as a designer is just a self-taught person who independently acquired knowledge without having any diplomas.

So, take the designer course if the plans are independent study and work in the direction of web design usually does not require anything. But if you want to get a specific specialization, then getting a job may require a diploma or, at a minimum, taking certain courses.

What subjects do you need to take to become an interior designer?

If you decide to connect your life with this profile, all options are applicable for mastering. This includes entering a university, studying at a college, and taking courses.

When applying to become an interior designer at a university, you need to prepare to pass exams in Russian, literature or history and mathematics - these are the exams that most applicants take. Creative tests in drawing and drawing are also common. Duration of study – 4 years with full-time training, a little longer for correspondence and distance learning.

You can become an interior designer when you enroll in college after 11th or 9th grade. Colleges and technical schools accept students based on the results of an interview, and if there is a lot of competition for a place, then on the basis of grades in the certificate. Studying after 9th grade will take about 3 years, after 11th grade about 2.

There are many universities where you can study. For example, you can become a student at SUSU (Chelyabinsk), MSPU (Moscow), St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg), FEFU (Vladivostok), NSPU (Novosibirsk), etc. The exams to become an interior designer are still the same - literature or history, mathematics and Russian .

There are also plenty of colleges for this specialty. For example, you can go to college KTMU (St. Petersburg), MPEK (Moscow), Krasnodar or Voronezh art school, Orenburg regional art college, etc.

Courses are another way to master the profession of an interior designer; there is no need to pass exams. At the same time, minimal knowledge can be obtained very quickly - in just a few weeks, but a serious base will have to be mastered no less than several months.

With a university or college diploma, your chances of finding a job are higher, but based on your course results, you most likely won’t be hired, but you can start as an assistant and very quickly progress to a promotion.

Entrance exams for fashion designer

Training as a fashion designer, ideally, is best done at a higher educational institution. The specialty opens access to the world of fashion and beauty; If you have talent and education, it is quite possible to make a dizzying career.

Social studies, Russian language, history and mathematics - these are the subjects a clothing designer needs when entering a university. But it is also extremely important to be able to draw and draw. St. Petersburg University of Industrial Technologies and Design, URALGAKH (Ekaterinburg), Kosygin Russian State University (Moscow) are some universities where you can enroll. You can also study at a college or technical school.

Specialized art schools and training centers will allow you to immerse yourself in the world of fashion and teach you a profession in a few months. Perhaps you can become the new Armani or Prada - they did not study at a university and entered the profession without a diploma.

What subjects do you need to take to become a graphic designer?

The specialty relates to both creative and technical, so if you want to master it, you should get ready to enter a higher educational institution.

Russian and literature, mathematics, physics and computer science are possible subjects that you will need to be ready to take for the Unified State Exam to become a graphic designer.

It goes without saying that you can enroll in courses; although this profile requires a higher education, in fact it allows you to start your career path without a diploma. The main thing here is creative talent and knowledge of graphics programs.

In general, any specialization can be studied both at a higher and secondary vocational educational institution or in courses. You must have artistic taste, creativity and, of course, be able to apply software. It is now used everywhere and each specialization has its own programs.

Admission to a university offers great prospects, so it is best to focus on higher education, but passing exams to become a designer, entering a university or institute and receiving a diploma is only the first stage. Then everything depends on the graduate himself.

The profession of a designer appeared relatively recently. And lately it has become increasingly in demand. Beautiful clothes, objects, furnishings, interiors - all this is no longer available only to rich people.

But the ability to combine colors, things, and decorative items is not given just like that. Even if you have good natural design abilities, there will be a lot of learning involved.

People are often mistaken about what a profession is. Some people believe that work consists only of coming up with various projects, interesting things, and furnishings.

But the responsibilities also include many other things, sometimes not very pleasant:

  1. First of all, it is communication with people. Clients can be different: unpredictable, picky, impolite.
    Sometimes situations even occur when, before completing the work, the client asks to redo everything.
  2. Constant control over the current project.
  3. Working with modeling programs.
  4. Maintaining documentation.
  5. Financial accounting.

These duties require physical and mental stamina.

What items are needed

In high school, students begin to think about future profession. Many people choose design.

The question arises: what items should be submitted to the designer.

School subjects for admission will require Russian language and literature.

Sometimes it is required. Specifically, you need to know culture and art.

Main directions in design:

  • interior;
  • landscape;
  • cloth;
  • floristics;
  • web design;
  • food design;
  • 3D design;
  • architectural.

Important! Different areas will require different items.

In order to become a web designer, you will also have to take computer science. And some professions don’t even require admission. For example, to become a florist or food designer, you can simply complete courses.

How to proceed

For admission to a higher or secondary specialized educational institution of graduation school exams won't be enough.

As an entrance exam you will need creative work. Most often, the exam is a creative competition in which you will have to draw a picture within the allotted time.

However, each institution has different admission conditions. You need to find out in a specific educational institution.

The most common options for creative competitions for admission:

  • providing a portfolio in the form of the best works;
  • an exam in which you will need to draw the presented geometric figures;
  • exam in which you will need to draw a still life, compiled by the teacher from several objects.

Only well-prepared students should take part in the exams. The option “what if it blows through” will not work.

Teachers see even the slightest inaccuracies in the drawings.

In some institutions, in addition to drawing, you need to pass an additional exam - composition.

Students are provided with several objects from which they need to create a composition, name it and make a drawing.

Upon admission, the points received on entrance examinations, are summed up with points for the Unified State Examination.

What you need to know

To become a designer, a simple “I want” is not enough. You must have aptitude and primary abilities for this profession. Design is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The ability to draw is important, but it won't get you very far.

You will have to learn many other things.

For example, a clothing designer must understand fabrics, an interior designer must know the basics of construction and architecture, a web designer must be familiar with computer science.

Perhaps this is even a plus of the large number of design directions.

If with the ability to design home environment If you have problems, but you really want to become a designer, you can choose another direction.

Few people know, but you can also learn a profession through courses. The level of education will, of course, be worse, but this is a great opportunity for those who for some reason cannot study at a university or college.

Admission after school

To successfully enter, you need to be well prepared for the Unified State Exam and creative competition. Many people just don’t get through the latter. It will be much easier for students who have graduated from art school. Although in any case intensive preparation is needed.

Also, by the time you submit documents, you should have accumulated a portfolio. This should not be neglected. It will be needed in any case.

You can enroll as a designer after 9th grade. They will give it in college too necessary knowledge and skills.

In some colleges the training is no worse than in individual institutes. Therefore, after 9th grade you can also get an excellent education.

What does an interior designer need?

People who decide to develop in the field of design most often choose the direction of interior design. To do this you must have the following qualities:

  • presence of taste;
  • creative imagination;
  • creative approach to business and out-of-the-box thinking;
  • the ability to combine colors and objects with each other;
  • the ability to select small decorative items that fit well into the overall picture;
  • ability to communicate with people and connect with them common language;
  • willingness to realize any client’s wishes, even if they seem bad;
  • patience and diligence.

What you need to become an interior designer:

  • It is not necessary to study at an art school, but it will be a plus;
  • create a good portfolio;
  • graduate from a higher or secondary specialized educational institution.

This is interesting! Some universities help their graduates start working in their specialty. But this doesn't always happen.

To work independently, you need to start looking for your first clients. Without connections it will be difficult. At first, clients may be relatives and friends. You can also offer your services on the Internet, or contact small companies.

But success will not come immediately. You will have to hear a lot of refusals.

Moreover, at first you will have to work almost for free.

When the work is done efficiently and with satisfied clients, income and professionalism will gradually increase.

But not everyone has the opportunity to get good education. There are also self-taught people in the field of design.

What you need to learn to become an interior designer yourself:

  • design process;
  • basics of construction;
  • modern design programs;
  • lighting design;
  • design methods.

This is the basic knowledge needed in the job.

How to become a fashion designer

Fashion design and interior design are completely different things. A fashion designer is required to have several other skills. In addition to the ability to draw, you need the ability to sew, and in addition to the ability to combine colors, you will need knowledge about fashion.

In many secondary specialized educational institutions, admission after 9th grade requires only an interview.

But it depends on the specific college.

In some, to become a fashion designer you still need to pass exams similar to those taken after 11th grade.

Admission to a fashion designer after 11th grade is the same as to an interior designer. The only difference will be in the structure of the training itself.

After admission, you won’t be able to immediately start learning fashion design and modeling. First you will need to master the profession of a cutter - someone who cuts clothes and prepares them for fitting.

Pay attention! In higher educational institutions, more attention is paid to studying the issue from the industrial production side. Creativity itself fades into the background. This is one of the reasons why some students even after 11th grade choose to go to college.

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Let's sum it up

The job of a designer is difficult. It won't be easy to get in either. But, as in any other business, the main thing is diligence, hard work and determination. When applying for any specialty or direction, you need to prepare well for school and entrance exams.

At first glance, the profession of a landscape designer is not difficult, especially if you have certain knowledge and skills in this industry. But in fact, like everyone else, it has its own nuances and difficulties.

This type of activity is not limited to design. It is necessary to draw up projects and communicate with customers. Therefore, a designer must be not only a creative person, but also a communicator. Finding a common language with the client is very important, because he also has his own opinion and idea of ​​how everything should look.

Another difficulty of the profession is its seasonality. Often, only highly sought-after professionals find something to do in the winter. At this time of year, as a rule, major projects, in which every detail is important. There is a chance that young specialist They will hire you to landscape the inside of your office, but you shouldn’t expect much money in the winter.

What needs to be taken

  1. Russian language. This is a compulsory subject for all graduates taking the Unified State Exam.
  2. Literature. This subject is often one of the core subjects in design specialties in the humanities, and since the competition for them is usually high, you should prepare well for the Unified State Exam.
  3. Computer science or mathematics. Some engineering or graphic design majors require a good knowledge of mathematics or computer science if the design involves web resources.
  4. Besides passing the Unified State Exam A creative competition awaits all applicants applying for admission to design majors. To do this, if required, the applicant must bring admissions committee the university has its own portfolio of works - drawings, paintings.

In any case, the information is outdated, so check the sites educational institutions listed below.

Some of the universities producing landscape designers:

  • Moscow State Forest University (]]> MSUL ]]>) - Faculty of Landscape Architecture;
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (]]> RUDN University ]]>) - Faculty of Agriculture;
  • ]]> Moscow State University ]]> - Faculty of Soil Science, distance course;
  • Russian State Agrarian University - ]]> Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva ]]> – Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture/
  • ]]> State University of Land Management ]]> – Faculty of Design;
  • ]]> University "Dubna". Branch "Kotelniki" ]]> - Faculty of Landscape Architecture

Except, government agencies knowledge about landscape design can be obtained at design schools with a professional program.

Where to work with a landscape designer education:

  • Execution of individual orders;
  • In companies that offer services landscape design;
  • In companies that build cottages;
  • You can organize your own landscape design courses or open a school.

People who have already mastered this profession told how much a landscape designer earns. The average salary is about 20 thousand rubles, in the regions it is slightly lower. The services of a highly qualified designer cost about 60 thousand rubles.

If you have developed imagination If you have an interest in working with plants, are sociable and have a creative approach, the profession of a landscape designer suits you.

The profession of interior designer is one of the most prestigious in modern world. And the belief that this profession is the choice of exclusively creative people is fundamentally wrong. So what does it take to become a successful designer?

If you are determined to become an interior designer, then the ability to draw, unfortunately, is not enough.

It is necessary to master several related disciplines, such as architectural theory, construction standards, lighting and phytodesign, and the fundamentals of urban planning.

And this is just a small list of the knowledge that will be needed in professional activities.

Where to start?

We begin to “dance from the stove.” A good place to start is to take career guidance tests. If you have a creative streak, have character qualities that will allow you to become a successful manager, and rational thinking is not alien to you, then becoming a designer is an excellent choice.

The second step is to study at an art school.

When entering universities, you are most often required to take specialized subjects. And here, without a solid portfolio of your drawings or graphic works can't get by.

The third step is to collect all the information about the profession and about new products in the field of design. Even in the most advanced universities and in the most widely replicated courses, you will not be taught how to practice business. They will only teach you what not to do. But you have to learn how to do it yourself, in practice.

What subjects should I take?

But when entering universities you need to take entrance exams. But the list of subjects depends on the university itself.

Where to study?

There are several universities in Moscow that offer applicants studies at the faculty of practical design (or environmental design).

Upon admission to the Moscow State Art and Industrial University. S. G. Stroganov (in common parlance “Stroganovka”) you must submit at least 10 drawings and pass a difficult competition.

Duration of training – 6 years. The Moscow State University of Culture and Arts also has a design department. Upon admission, you must pass an exam in your specialty and pass traditional tests in the Russian language and Russian history.

There is a design department at Moscow State University State University A service where upon admission you will have to pass a test in the Russian language, Russian history and pass a competition in composition, painting and drawing.

Recently, environmental design departments have been opened in other art or construction institutes and universities.

Non-state universities only conduct an interview and review the submitted drawings (at least 5 works).

Now let's talk about courses. Compare for yourself. The duration of study at the university is 5-6 years. The courses offer you to complete the entire program in a maximum of 1 year, or even less. Naturally, most related disciplines will be missed.

The second point is that even the most prestigious courses do not guarantee employment, while universities usually work with several specialized organizations.
Thirdly, training courses are not cheap. And the more prestigious the course, the more money you will have to pay for training.

No special education

The profession appeared a long time ago, when there were no special universities teaching this art.

Even now, many designers are learning the basics of the profession, as they say, “in the field,” without taking courses or prior training.

So is it possible to become a designer without special training? You can, if you are ready to put everything on the “altar of victory”: nerves, effort, time and willpower.

Self-education is a serious thing. And only a true fan of his craft will master the road.

Video: How an interior designer works

Either way, a study plan will do the trick. From special disciplines You will have to figure out the following on your own:

  • fundamentals of architecture;
  • design theory;
  • construction technology;
  • computer programs;
  • accounting;
  • furniture design;
  • lighting design;
  • theory of culture and art.

Description of the profession

The word “designer” translated from English means “designer”, “a person who draws”. In practice, it turns out that one drawing is not enough.

This should be a full-scale project, where all the details are spelled out, down to what brand of concrete to pour into the foundation, where to install sockets, where to connect sewer pipes, and how to comply with all fire safety requirements and not violate existing construction standards.

And also - what tiles to buy for cladding, how many kilograms of paint will be needed to paint the walls and ceiling, where to order suitable furniture, and where to get wallpaper of the desired color.

Perhaps, somewhere in the world there are companies in which the designer carries out exclusively an artistic project, and the entire technical base is painted by other specialists.

But, most likely, this is from the realm of utopia. So get ready for the fact that your flight of fancy may be stopped by the customer’s usual question: “Where will we run the wiring?”, or “Will the bathtub fit later, otherwise they will only bring it to us from Germany in three months?”

Thus, a designer is an artist, foreman, marketer, builder, psychologist and manager rolled into one.

You will have to draw up estimates, walk around the construction site with a tape measure, bargain at the market, and lead a repair team.

Add also communication with the customer, whose plans and wishes may change “as the play progresses,” so you will have to make amendments to the already created project.
However, not everything is so gloomy.

If you are ready for difficulties, then believe me, working as a designer will not let you get bored.

What is the salary of a designer?

No one can answer this question for you exactly. Designers are classified as freelancers - that is, people of a free profession. And here everything depends on your ability to present yourself as a specialist and on your reputation.

What is more profitable - working for a company or going on an independent voyage?

The first option is preferable, especially for beginners. Firstly, there is at least some distribution of responsibilities in the company.

Some are looking for customers, others are developing projects, and still others are helping with the search and purchase of materials. In addition, if your contract stipulates payment for downtime, then at least you will not be left without benefits in the event that there are no customers.
And the more prestigious the company, the higher the earnings.

Currently, according to statisticians, the average salary of an interior designer ranges from 20-50 thousand rubles.

The earnings of famous designers who have managed to earn a reputation as a highly qualified specialist are calculated in amounts with five or even six zeros.

Pros and cons

Designer is a multifaceted profession. Naturally, there are pros and cons to such work.


  1. If you are a true fan of your craft, then working as a designer will not let you get bored.
    This profession requires constant work on your qualifications.
    After all, it is necessary to always be aware of all the new products in your field.
  2. Free schedule. If you work independently, then there is no need to get up on an alarm clock, sit in the office for the required 8 hours, report to your superiors and worry about being late and absenteeism. You are your own boss and leader.
  3. Kudos.

    Behind the people creative professions the right to self-expression is a priori recognized.

    A creative haircut, clothes that don’t follow the protocol, and little quirks will be forgiven if you don’t overdo it.

  4. And the greatest joy comes from the implementation of the project.

    When you arrive at a home, office or production site, you walk through the rooms and realize: the project has taken place!

    Everything has become an order of magnitude more beautiful, more convenient, more practical and looks simply great. It is for this moment, when you see that your dream and fantasy has come true, that it is worth working as an interior designer.

    Video: Profession


    1. Lack of stable income. Freelancing is an unreliable business. Everything will depend on you, your ability to present yourself and, what’s more, to sell it profitably.
    2. The ability to combine several vectors: artist, manager, builder, psychologist, seller and architect.

      Even if you are the most brilliant artist, if you cannot find an approach to the customer, have no idea about estimates, and are not at all oriented in construction, you will not see any income.

    3. Physical work. Don’t think that an interior designer spends all his time in a clean office with a cup of coffee in his hands and wielding a pencil.

      You will have to take measurements on site, rush to meet the customer at any request in hot or cold weather, vegetate on a construction site supervising repairmen, knock on thresholds in institutions if, for example, your customer decides to demolish a wall in an apartment in a multi-story building, etc. , and so on.

      History of the profession

      The very concept of “interior designer” came into use only at the end of the last century. Although designers as such have existed at all times. After all, Rastrelli furnished the Winter Palace, and Poussin and Romanelli decorated the rooms of the Louvre.

      But in the past, the functions of the designer were taken on by architects or artists.

      It was only in the 80s of the twentieth century that the first courses teaching the art of interior design appeared. The baton was picked up by universities, which began to open special faculties.

      A scheme as old as time worked: demand generated supply.

      People began to earn more, there is no need to hide their income, and there is a great desire to live in a beautiful and comfortable home.

      The heads of firms and companies also fell into the same rut, realizing that the office is the face of the company and cannot be furnished without special knowledge. workplace beautiful and tasteful.

      Not to mention the owners of restaurants, hotels and others public places, where the establishment’s profits depend on the surroundings.

      Thus, the profession is relatively young and, according to marketers, very promising.

      How to become successful?

      There is no such manual or training manual that, having studied it, you will become a successful designer tomorrow and start “raking in money with a shovel.”

      As in any other profession, to achieve the heights of skill (and, accordingly, good earnings), you will need three things: experience, time and reputation.

      But there are several general rules that will help you take the first steps towards success:

      1. Get the appropriate education. It’s up to you to choose where to study: whether it will be a specialized university, special courses or self-study. But the better you know the math part, the easier it is to find a job.
      2. Create a portfolio. To begin with, you can decorate your home, work as a designer for friends and acquaintances. The low initial fee is compensated in the future. And without a good portfolio, no self-respecting customer will hire you.

      3. Learn self-presentation and self-promotion. And word of mouth or announcements in the media are not enough here. Look for ways to express yourself and your talent to the whole world. First you work for the name, and then the name works for you.
      4. Always value your work and your time. Of course, no one will pay millions to a novice designer. But you shouldn’t dump against your competitors, otherwise it will be very difficult to get out of the swamp of cheap orders.
      5. Learn to work with people.

        Interior design is not the profession of a solitary artist. After all, you will have to communicate with customers, builders, sellers, and contractors. And everyone has their own problems and their own conditions.

        Your sociability, friendliness and resistance to stress will count.
      6. Constantly improve your skills. A diploma alone is not enough. The profession of a designer is one that one learns throughout one’s life, because this art direction is developing by leaps and bounds.
      7. Take part in professional competitions. This is another way to express yourself and gain experience.
      8. If you decide to become an interior designer, don't let yourself give up on your dream.

        Yes, it will be difficult, you will have to sacrifice time, effort, money, you will need all your willpower, diligence and hard work.

        Starting is always difficult. But if difficulties do not frighten you, then you are guaranteed a career as a successful and sought-after designer. And what could be better for creative person than a job where you can become a real creator of beauty?