In order to become complete. How do you become a person? Practical advice

Many of you are probably not unaware of the term “inferiority complex,” since most people are susceptible to it during adolescence, when transition period. Some were able to step over their complexes, while others were not, much to our regret. As you know, with any complex, and especially with an inferiority complex, it is difficult to live and achieve something, but since we are very ambitious creatures, and almost everyone wants to achieve something worthwhile in reality, this factor becomes a serious obstacle.

Thanks to all kinds of literature on psychology, many are informed that the cause of our complexes is ourselves. Yes, sometimes parents, acquaintances, peers “help”, but we develop the complex ourselves, and therefore only we can fight it.

To combat your inferiority complex, you first need to love yourself. To do this, make it a rule to praise yourself often, and in addition, try to pay attention to your strengths instead of your shortcomings. You will see, very soon you will begin to grow in your own eyes. All this will give you the opportunity to be more confident, and you definitely want to encourage a confident person. By the way, you don’t have to wait for gifts from “outside”, because you can give yourself gifts, or encourage your personal mood in other ways. It is possible that for every small victory in the difficult struggle against complexes, it is worth organizing a small celebration, because in this way it will be easier to climb the ladder called “self-esteem.” Perhaps career growth in this case will not be far off.

Find some talent or ability in yourself and start improving it. Let this be your hobby. Once you start achieving good results, your self-respect will skyrocket. Perhaps you have a talent for photography - so show the results of your work to your friends and family. Let them appreciate you. And don't be afraid to show off. Sometimes this is very useful, when, of course, it does not go beyond reasonable boundaries. After all, in most cases, people evaluate us the way we present ourselves to them, and therefore do not scold yourself in the presence of others.

Understand that you are an individual, and often an inferiority complex is born precisely because we feel different from others in the best sense this fact. Who said that you have to be like someone? We are all special, we are all different from each other, which means we are all individuals.

The next step is to accept that all sentient beings have their weaknesses and shortcomings. There are no perfect individuals in the world, everyone has their own negative aspects. But it is important to love yourself by overlooking these imperfections. If you can accept yourself for who you are, then you will have the strength to fight these shortcomings, which means you can become a little better.

Work on yourself, because there are things that you can change, for example, weight, career status, relationships. So do it. Only a person who wants to achieve something, to achieve the desired goal, can begin to work on himself. Plus, knowing that you did a great job will make you and your loved ones proud of you, which is great motivation.

Finally, I would like to note that the most important thing in overcoming an inferiority complex is self-respect. The article provides only generalized methods of combating this complex, the rest is up to you!

Very often we see unique, bright and independent people. And then questions arise in our heads: “Can I become the same? How to become an interesting person? Rest assured, there is a way! After all, even if under the influence environment and parental upbringing, you grew up shy, this is not a problem, since confidence can always be acquired. With considerable effort, any timid and insecure person can change and become a strong person.

How to become an interesting person to others

Strength of spirit and self-confidence are what were valued at any time. But how can you become a person if you don’t have these qualities? For such people, there are a number of tips that will give them self-confidence and help them reveal their individuality.

Conversation with yourself

With constant encouragement of oneself, personality development occurs. Once again, try to praise yourself for what you do for yourself and the people around you. Don't overdo it though. Also, you should not compare yourself and others, because this has never been beneficial;

Reading biographies of famous and famous people

There is more than enough such literature nowadays. Their stories have more than once inspired and will inspire you to great feats, and will also simply help you simply learn to present yourself to others. These examples will allow you to confidently overcome obstacles and ultimately become a strong person;

Appearance is the key to success

Often the path to becoming a strong personality should begin with working on your appearance. To become an interesting person, make every effort to be attractive anywhere, be it at home, work or an evening walk. This will help you attract the attention of others and increase your self-confidence. Understanding that you are at your best, confidence will come on its own;

Training speech

In addition to good appearance, a person must be able to speak competently and confidently. Therefore, try to make your speech bright, competent and emotional. After all, many people know that they will never pay attention to a mumbler who speaks inaudibly. Your words must become alive. If your speech is confident, then along with it your gait and gaze will begin to change, which will be characteristic of a strong personality;

Your opinion

Any dissatisfaction must be expressed directly. After all, remember that only a strong personality can say what she doesn’t like, without using any workarounds. A clear opinion, independent of others, distinguishes a strong person and makes her person more colorful compared to a weak person.

How to become an interesting conversationalist

All the basic properties and characteristics of a particular person’s personality are determined by his inclinations, and are fully manifested in his activities. But also this activity depends on the characteristics and nuances of his personality.

It must be remembered: the most important link in the education of any person is self-esteem, which is based on the assessments of this or that individual by outsiders and his assessment of these people. The concept of "personality" is used in a much narrower sense than general concept"Human".

Since the very concept of “person”, as a rule, reflects only common features, which are inherent in absolutely our entire species, but a personality is a certain specific representative of the human race - an individual, and he is characterized by very specific - purely individual - socially significant behavioral traits.

When the last phrase is uttered, in this case we are talking about the views, personal beliefs, characteristics of behavior inherent in this particular person - the individual: what this person loves, appreciates, how he treats his own responsibilities and other people, whether he is able to provide all possible assistance, protect, show some care, do some kind of good deed, and so on.

If you want to become an interesting person, keep in mind that everyone who dreams of this must certainly develop the consciousness of a successful person. The consciousness of such successful person- this is the state of his mind tuned and revealed in a certain way, and at the same time allowing him to see success and all possibilities.

In the mind of such lucky man There is absolutely no room for thinking about failure. At the same time, the loser sees only obstacles and obstacles on the way to the desired goal. Such a person sees in everything only the shortcomings of current situations.

Vices of the surrounding world, people and, of course, one’s personality. Quite a few will agree that normal self-esteem is extremely important for achieving the necessary adequate understanding of one’s own importance, and accordingly for the formation of a sufficient successful personality.

But how can this be achieved? In order to see and of course understand the path to adequate self-esteem, let's carefully analyze a number of mechanisms of its formation.

The foundation of our self-esteem is the elements laid down in childhood, and what this very foundation will be, and, accordingly, what kind of self-esteem will be built on this foundation (adequate, excessively underestimated or, conversely, overestimated), will largely depend on the previously laid down in us life values.

Constantly learn something new for yourself. You may be surprised to find that the biology article you read yesterday is useful today for creating something new or making a clever joke.

Train your imagination the same way bodybuilders train their muscles. To achieve perfection, they visit the gym every day.

To become a creative and interesting person, find creative solution for any problem! Decide conflict situations, if any, creatively. This may seem difficult at first. However, in the future it will only become more interesting.

Don't be afraid of anything! Many of us are quite dependent on the opinions of others. This is one of the worst enemies on the path to creative realization.

If you want to become a creative person, take an acting class. The skills and knowledge that acting courses provide will act as a springboard that will allow you to look at everything around you in a completely different way.

Stop listening to sad and depressing music! As a rule, such music evokes memories, and it seems that the moment of “NOW” is quietly slipping away. And along with it, the possibilities of something new slip away.

The author said: Do I like to WRITE a script or do I want to WRITE a script? Do you feel the difference? Do you want instant results or do you like the process itself? In the case where you like the process itself, it will be an indescribable pleasure to introduce new creative and interesting ideas.

Hobbies will help you become an interesting person. If your activity does not inspire you at all, come up with a hobby, if of course you don’t already have one. To become a creative person, spend some time figuring out what you really enjoy doing, and once you decide, start creating in that area. This time spent may make a fantastic revolution in your life. There will be much more knowledge on how to become a creative person.

Bring creative ideas to life! It happens that a brilliant idea comes to you, but you don’t have time to put it into practice, or you’re scared or reluctant. But time will pass and this brilliant idea will no longer seem so brilliant and the courage to bring it to life will never appear. And after some time, you suddenly discover that someone has already implemented your idea. He just turned out to be braver, and we already said above that there is no need to be afraid of anything!

Improvise! Don't be afraid to be different. Experiment with your options.

Each person is an individual set of emotions, feelings, needs and, of course, qualities. And we all know that, most often, people are divided into leaders and followers, wolves and sheep, sharks and simple fish. And everyone understands that, as a rule, the ruling roles are occupied by completely unknown characters in this world. If you decide to become stronger, then you should set a goal that you must achieve at any cost, despite the fact that there will be a wall of insurmountable obstacles in front of it. Only by putting all your priorities in their place can you understand how to become a strong person with a strong will and unbending determination.

If you understand that you want to change your life, if you are constantly going with the flow and want to change it, asking the question “what needs to be done to become a strong person?”, then be determined. Remember the main rule - strong people never quit what they started halfway, and if you really want to become a “shark”, then you should say goodbye to all the insecurities, confusion, fear and, first of all, the most malicious enemy of all strong people - laziness! In life, as in any game, movie or book, the one who is confident in his strengths and abilities wins. Only by putting this thought into yourself will you be able to reach the heights of self-improvement and see the real result of your efforts.

To become a strong personality, you need to clearly understand why you need it and what goals you are pursuing. If you are confident in your decision, then we are ready to present you with the TOP 10 steps to develop your individual strength, which will help you become a self-confident person.

1. Your thoughts should be set to win

The power of human thought is an incredibly amazing phenomenon, so many psychologists advise repeating your desires every morning, but it is worth remembering that the thought should be aimed at how to become an individual with your own “I”, which you will be proud of. Confidence should be not only in your actions, but also in your head. You should not say phrases like “I want to become a strong person” or “I need to be more confident”, this is the wrong approach to business. You should wake up with the thought “I will become stronger, more confident, brighter!”

2. Learn to defend your own views

A person who does not have his own opinion will never be taken seriously. Of course, you don’t need to be a rebel who will get into arguments on every possible issue, but it’s worth remembering that you are individual and blindly relying on other people’s opinions is not believing in yourself. To become an independent person, you must be able to objectively assess the situation and clearly adhere to your own opinion, even if your opponents do not like it. Analyze information and carefully choose people to trust and listen to.

3. Take time to read

If you feel unsure of your knowledge, then do your research! The old proverb says: “He who controls the information controls the world.” IN modern world the flow of information falls on a person like an avalanche and everyone must filter and select what is useful to him. But, do not forget that reading is an irreplaceable aspect of human self-improvement. Reading develops a person’s imagination, improves memory and opens up new horizons for solving any problems. In order to understand how to become a strong personality, a book is the best and indispensable assistant. The human brain is designed in such a way that every information received never leaves its aisles, and in the right situation, your head itself will push you in the right direction. In addition, a person who pays attention to reading can easily simulate various situations and find the optimal solution to a problem within a few seconds.

4. Learn discipline

Know how to control not only your thoughts and actions, but also the order of your life. Distribute your own daily routine, start doing physical exercises, sports, give up bad habits, which have been annoying you for a long time. Create a daily planner that will help you become a serious person and stick to it. Schedule your day, celebrate important events and be sure to achieve all your goals. Scientists have long proven the fact that it takes a person exactly 21 days for any activity to become a habit. You only need to overcome yourself within three weeks, and you can enjoy the results throughout your life.

5. Never give up

Learning to lose is an entire art, necessary for every person who wants to become a self-sufficient person. You must gradually accustom yourself to the idea that not everything always goes according to plan, but even if it seems to you that you have fallen into the abyss, you should not give up. Let's imagine a situation that clearly shows that even if you stumble and lose, you can return to starting point and get to victory. Let's say that you are a climber and your goal is to get to the top of the desired mountain. Having gone halfway, you stumble on a tiny stone and again find yourself at the foot. Of course, it’s a shame, because you’ve walked so much, but now you know the route and won’t stumble in the same place a second time, which means you’ll get to the top.

6. Learn to love yourself

Love yourself and shippers will be drawn to you. A strange pattern, but it has been working for many centuries. The main thing that a person who reads these lines needs to remember is that self-love is not blind egocentrism. Loving yourself, first of all, means that a person aims to develop himself and strive for his ideal. Each person should not only accept himself as he is, but also clearly understand his pros and cons, work on himself and develop his good qualities.

7. Don't look for reasons in others

Never blame others for your losses. Remember, you attract everything bad that comes to you. The first thing a strong person needs to do is not shift the blame to other people. Don’t look for excuses at the expense of others, try to find the reasons for what happened within yourself.

8. Accept criticism

A person must calmly accept criticism addressed to him, be able to analyze it and try to correct his own shortcomings. To become a strong person, you need to be able to listen to others. Of course, if the criticism is not justified, and you understand that it has no foundation, then you shouldn’t bother about it, but if real errors are pointed out to you, then think about it and calmly accept it. Learn to control your emotions and do not start a conflict just because the truth has been told to you. By shouting, arguing and showdowns, you will once again prove that uncertainty prevails in you more than strength and calm.

9. Know how to let go and cross people off

To become a strong personality, you need to be able to limit yourself from people who intentionally or unknowingly pull you down. Never hold on to people, those who you really need will be nearby. Strong people will not run after someone; they themselves are like a magnet that makes people gravitate towards them. If they do something dirty to you, then you should not look for an excuse for the person, no matter how hard you try to find the reasons for the action, when they see your weakness, those around you will definitely take advantage of it, and the situation will repeat itself.

10. Become kinder

The good and pure qualities of your soul will help you become a strong, full-fledged individual. Learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness, help those who really need it, tell the truth and do not tolerate lies. People will never follow the lead of someone who is filled with malice and anger. Learn to see the world through the prism of goodness and honor, and then new horizons will open up for you.

These are just a few simple tips, which will tell you how you can become a strong and independent person who will attract people, become an authority for others, attract everyone's attention and lead the masses. Know yourself, develop and look for new methods to achieve your ideal. You must remember - you will succeed!

The ability of seduction brings great benefits to its owners, this cannot be denied. But what is she like? ideal woman? There is a misconception that only appearance defines charm, but not at all! This is not true at all!

If you want to be noticed, and men always turn their eyes only to you, check out these tricks.

1. Be an individual

If you try to take a good look at people at a party or just in a group, you will notice that most men are attracted to women with unique personal qualities and style. Focus on what makes communicating with you interesting and fun - and you will be able to see from your own experience how clearly this approach is a win-win.

2. Love yourself

You won't be able to look sexy unless you learn to truly love yourself. For example, no one will pay attention to how beautiful, shiny, silky hair you have if you constantly complain about the size of your waist. Self-confidence is something very powerful and contagious, it is a sparkle in the eyes that will never go unnoticed. It is unlikely that anyone will appreciate you until you learn to appreciate yourself!

3. Stand up for what you believe in

Be a woman of sound principles. Stand up for what you believe in. Try to always keep a clear head and clearly distinguish between what you like and what you don’t like, what you think and what positions you share. Maintaining moral principles can help you maintain the right ethical balance in your relationships and will also provide a good foundation for living a good life. Don't listen to other women who try to force their opinions on you on how you can attract men. Each member of the fair sex has her own concept of beauty, as well as an opinion on what people find attractive. “Wear this” or “do that”, “show your left ankle; because men like it so much!” - these tips can be useful only occasionally. You should not stray from your main goal: to express your individuality!

Follow with your own feelings and instincts. If there is a person who does not accept this in you, he is clearly not the one whose opinion you need to pay attention to. In addition, all women use various ways seduction. And that's the beauty of it!

5. Pay attention to your health

A woman who takes care of herself and takes care of her health always attracts admiring glances. Keep your weight within the recommended range, eat healthy foods, get enough sleep and exercise physical exercise. Good health makes you feel more energetic and also contributes to normalizing your psychological state and is a fantastic reason for justified self-esteem.

6. Take care of your skin

Defects, especially on the face, may not work in your favor. Cleanse your skin regularly and use moisturizer daily and when needed sunscreen to avoid wrinkles and the harmful effects of sun rays. Remember that the condition of your skin greatly affects your entire look.

7. Maintain good hygiene

It goes without saying that great attention must be paid to hygiene and cleanliness. Take care of your body and you will always feel fresh and beautiful. Take regular baths, brush your teeth after every meal, and wear clean, neat clothes.

8. Pay due attention to your hairstyle

Make sure your hair is always healthy and beautifully styled. After all, as you know, facial hair is like a frame for a picture, so it should be in excellent condition. Oily or even simply damaged hair doesn't look very sexy. Give preference to those hairstyles that suit the shape of your face well. Always strive to improve your appearance and highlight your natural features, rather than hide them!

9. Pamper yourself with beauty treatments

Allow yourself to visit beauty salons from time to time. You don't have to do this 7 days a week, but sometimes you can try setting aside time and resources for self-care. Get a manicure, pedicure, massage or, say, facial cleansing. In addition, even at home you can arrange impromptu SPA treatments and pamper yourself a little. Everything is in your hands, if you wish! But as a reward, you will receive a beautiful reflection in the mirror, a rested look and a delightful feeling that you are an incredibly beautiful woman!

10. Be smart!

Everyone knows that clothes are what people pay attention to first. She is peculiar business card and can say a lot about you. Make sure you always look great. Wear clothes that flatter your look and don't forget about accessories. Even if you wear a pantsuit, never lose your femininity. For special occasions, try wearing high heels. Don't forget about the beauty of a light blouse and skinny jeans.

11. Forget about any manifestation of rudeness

The ideal woman is polite and kind to everyone. A rude person is not pleasant to anyone, but politeness and courtesy actually look graceful. Men are drawn to a sensitive woman who has a patient and meek character. Try to be kind to everyone and never push yourself too high. Yes, we are all different, but, in essence, we are so similar.

12. Don't forget to smile

Never be afraid to smile. Even a tiny smile will make you more attractive. What else could be such a strong magnet that attracts everyone around? Try to smile in different ways, because each mood has its own unique smile. You shouldn't be predictable, and for heaven's sake, don't put on a "stony face." Men are waiting for a reaction from you, they need it in order to understand you and express their emotions. If you don't have the strength to smile, don't force yourself. Of course, it's worth a try, but your smile shouldn't look fake. We are all children at heart, and, as you know, they always respond to a sincere smile.

13. Be sociable and open to new things

If your friends go to the gym, play, dance, or even go diving, you can get involved too. Who knows, you might like it and discover something new. Don't be the woman who sits still and always seems to say, "I'm a boring person who doesn't like to have fun or have fun." But this, of course, does not mean that you should drink on any occasion or go to a party if you are not in the mood. Participate only in events that will truly benefit you positive emotions.

14. Learn to carry on any conversation

Even if you and your interlocutor have little in common, you can always find something to talk about. A great way to start a conversation is to ask about something trivia or tell someone about a funny thing that happened recently. Avoid topics related to your appearance because it may seem like you want to hear compliments about yourself. Don't belittle your merits, but learn to treat yourself kindly and ironically. Discuss interesting and “light” topics, do not descend into gossip. And don't forget to maintain eye contact. This will tell the interlocutor that you are interested and pleasant to communicate with him.
  • Don't change your appearance, makeup or hairstyle to convince someone or prove something. Just do it for yourself! Just because you want to be with someone doesn't mean you have to change for that person. If he truly loves you, he will value you for who you really are and will only support your efforts to do something for yourself.
  • Accept other people for who they are. Everyone wants to be accepted and understood. You don't have to be friends with everyone, but you must respect others if you want to be treated with respect.
  • Show your best sides so that others can appreciate how beautiful you are both inside and out.
  • Find something you enjoy doing. This way, you will attract people who love the same things, and you will also be able to find areas of activity to explore your unique abilities!
  • Always be in good mood and try to quickly adapt to difficult circumstances.
  • Experiment with new fashion trends or just new styles and things for you.
  • Don't worry about what others think! Enjoy your life!
  • Try not to create the impression of a superficial person. If you are looking for a serious relationship, then, of course, you do not want a partner who will only be interested in how you look. Surprisingly, the same applies to men, or at least those men who deserve more than 10 minutes of your attention.
  • Don't copy other people or try to imitate. Originality comes through understanding yourself.
  • Don't get too caught up in fashion. It's good to be fashionable, but don't be afraid to follow your taste. Men who are truly worth your time and effort will want to be with you - a unique, sincere, cheerful woman, and not some fashion expert.
  • Don't be surprised or upset if people don't share your opinion. Differences in views are common.
  • Don't show too much. I'm talking about revealing clothes now. Yes, they will pay attention to you, but they are unlikely to respect you.
  • And most importantly - love yourself and value your life! Remember that you are unique, and then the sparkle of your happy eyes will conquer any man’s heart!

Do you want to become a real person and not disappear into the gray mass? Read 8 recommendations and start taking action today! The choice is yours..

That’s why we can say about some people “He/she is a person”, but about others we cannot?

I don’t know what you mean by this concept, but I believe that someone who stands out from the crowd is not afraid to oppose himself to the crowd, has his own beliefs and is ready to defend them even in an unequal “battle.”

But the presence of a remarkable mind, excellent education, erudition, talents and even an excellent career do not guarantee that a person is an individual.

Is it possible become an individual or you need to be born that way, we will find out in this article.

How to become an individual? Epithets are used...

I am sure that the very concept of “personality” is quite multifaceted.

I will prove this to you by selecting epithets with examples.

The examples may cause you to disagree, but this is my opinion and I am ready to listen to yours in the comments.

    Bright personality.

    This subspecies is most often found in areas that require a challenge, festival, etc.: the world of fashion, show business.

    You can bully as much as you like about the winner or winner (which is better? :)) of Eurovision 2014, but no one will argue with the fact that Conchita Wurst, in addition to a strong voice, also has undeniable strength and courage.

    P.S. Don't you agree? Please go below (after the article) and justify your answer in the comments!

    Talented personality.

    A bright personality is almost always talented, but a talented person does not have to be bright.

    You can argue that a person whom God has awarded with talent is already a person, but I don’t agree with you.

    Look around the modern stage and you will see a lot of faceless boys and girls, and even older singers with good voices.

    But how many of them are there like Slava Vakarchuk, Ruslana, Zemfira?

    Strong personality.

    By this phrase we most often imagine politicians, military men, who the most difficult situations are not afraid to take on enormous responsibility and: Abraham Lincoln, Che Guevara, Golda Meir, Theodore Roosevelt and others.

    Among Ukrainian politicians, number one for me is Vyacheslav Chornovil, who gave his life for the future of his country, and no camps could break him.

    There, by the way, he earned the title “Zekov General”...

    Charismatic personality.

    Possess bright and can not only famous people, but also quite ordinary.

    I have one friend, his name is Stanislav.

    A fairly creative young man, but there are not enough stars in the sky, all his creativity is within the limits of amateur performances.

    Girls, especially young ones, are simply killed for him, although he is an ordinary puny young man of short stature.

    But there is some kind of unreal charisma in him, multiplied by his erudition, that once you see him, you will not forget.

    Scary person.

    In fact, you can choose any epithets here: creepy, bloody, etc.

    I think no one will argue that Stalin was a person, and so was Hitler.

    The fact that they are responsible for millions of deaths and destroyed human destinies does not make them less famous.

    Alas, but it happens!

    Bright personality.

    I didn’t want to end the list with Hitler and Stalin, so I remembered one more category.

    These are people who were born to make the world better, more perfect, to bring good into it.

    Their life is service to others.

    When I say “bright personality,” I think, first of all, of Mother Teresa.

You're probably thinking right now how can you become a person, about which the whole world will talk?

Human possibilities are limitless and with great desire, you can really achieve a lot.

But even if you don’t become world famous, do you really want to disappear into your surroundings?

Then, we will learn how to become an individual.

In order for you to receive ready-made recommendations, many people have done their best. Are you too lazy to use a ready-made product?

    Love life.

    Here with all my heart and without a trace.

    Live every day like it’s your last, hurry to do as much as possible!

    Learn not only to take, but also to give.

    If you do not dream of a career as a second Stalin, then learn to do good to others.

    Fortunately, the current situation in the country teaches us to sacrifice more than ever.

    There are so many who need your help: military, refugees, children, homeless animals.

    Every day you live consists of many choices:

    What to wear today, what to cook for dinner, whether to buy a vase you like, etc.

    All positive and negative moments in life are the result of our choices, this applies to both small things and global issues.

    Don't be afraid to become a black sheep.

    Stop telling yourself: “What will people think if I say or do this?”

    Yes, we live according to certain human and social laws, but this does not mean that they are inviolable.

    Expressing your opinion is not a crime, smart people will understand you, but fools... yes, don’t care about them!

    You are a reflection of your surroundings.

    If all your friends are alcoholics, then you have three options: drink too much, find new friends, help your alcoholic friends get rid of their bad habit.

    The personality will try to implement the third option.

    Don't be afraid to make mistakes.

    This is an inevitable part of life.

    It’s better to fly into the sky through trial and error than to be careful and die in a swamp!

    Usually those who do nothing themselves criticize others a lot.

    Keep communication to a minimum.

    Well, and, of course, stop criticizing others.

    You understand why, right? 🙂

If there are rumors about you, it means you are a person. Remember: never discuss or envy bad things. They envy the best, discuss the best.
It is better to be the center of attention, having a scandalous reputation, than to be in a primitive herd of judges!

Always want more than you have.

Only the desire to achieve the maximum will make a Personality out of dullness.

how to overcome addiction public opinion and become a person?

V. Dovgan says it all... don’t be a gray mass, start acting! 😉

As you can see, you can become an individual.

It doesn't matter how old you are or how you lived before.

There is always an opportunity to change your life for the better.

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