Elizabeth 2 message in English. Top Elizabeth II, Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria

Dear site visitors! On this page you will find materials on the following topics: The Queen of England. Queen Elizabeth of England. British Queen Elizabeth 2.

A short, elderly lady wearing a buttoned coat, to the knee, in a strong single color — perhaps maroon or turquoise, or yellow, or green, and a matching hat, moving along a line of people who have turned out to see her — it's the way the Queen of Britain looks during various public events - a small, brightly-coloured, well-presented, formally-dressed lady.

Quite a number of Brits consider having to play the role of the queen to be a very difficult job which prevents you from having a normal lifestyle. By the way, the majority of people in Britain think the Queen is doing her job of representing Britain around the world excellently and very professionally. In her country she does charity work and participates in various events of symbolic importance. The Queen started the tradition of the “walkabout” when she walks among the public crowds and stops to talk to some people.

As a princess, Elizabeth II tried to lead as “normal” life as possible in her situation. She was allowed to play with other girls and she never showed she was superior to them. She even bought shoes for one of her girlfriends who was very poor. Princess Elizabeth enjoyed acting, too. With her younger sister Margaret and the children of members of the staff of the Royal Household she staged pantomime at Windsor at Christmas.

During the Second World War she joined the Armed Forces, the first female monarch to do so, and helped drive and repair military trucks. Just imagine: the Queen driving or repairing a military truck!

Now one more question to you. Is it easy for a queen to marry for love? Why? Elizabeth II was lucky to have found a man whom she truly loved and worshiped, for her he was the one. His name was Philip Mountbatten, now Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. They say in his youth he was rather a reckless man — he used to drive his car too fast and Elizabeth even got in a car accident with him once. His clothes weren’t very tidy and Liz’s family complained that he didn’t have polished shoes and an elegant suit and behaved himself in an unduly familiar manner, sometimes he was just rude. But he also was a handsome young man and Elizabeth loved him anyway, she loved him as he was. Her parents were not too happy to have Philip as a son-in-law, but they didn’t want their daughters to be unhappy, so the marriage took place in 1947, when the would-be queen was twenty-one.

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, this is the full name of the Queen, became queen at the age of 26 when her father, King George VI, died while on an official tour of Kenya in 1952.

The Queen is thought to have a very courageous personality. Carolly Erickson, the biographer of Queen Elizabeth II, in her book “Lilibet: An intimate Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II” describes a very telling episode which occurred during Windsor Royal Horse racing show in May, 1978. The Queen, beautifully dressed, wearing high -heeled shoes, was watching the horses with thousands of other people. Suddenly an unexpected thing happened. One of the carriages turned down and the horse went galloping very fast, dragging the carriage behind itself. No one could utter a word, people didn’t know what to do. All of a sudden the Queen rushed to the galloping horses and caught the bridle reins trying to balance on her high-heeled shoes. Then prince Philip came to help and together they managed to stop the enraged horses. The crowd roared and apploaded, but the Queen looked calm and reserved as usual.

Topic: Elizabeth II - a symbol of the country and the entire era

Topic: Elizabeth II - a symbol of the country and an entire era

I started learning English. At the same time, I became interested in the history, culture and traditions of the United Kingdom. One of the most fascinating topics, that have made an impression on me, is the royal family and, of course, the head of the British state - Queen Elizabeth II.

I started studying English before school. At the same time, I began to become interested in the history, culture and traditions of Great Britain. It turned out to be very interesting to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the country whose language you are studying. One of the most fascinating topics that made a great impression on me is the royal family and, of course, the head of the British state - Queen Elizabeth II.

An invariably stylish, small woman has an interesting biography, full of bright events and tests. She is the main critic of the state laws, the author of some traditions, and, moreover, an icon of the classic English style. Elizabeth is a sample of moderation, democracy and religiousness. In addition, the Queen of England is one of the strongest players on the world political arena. Of course, such a significant person, who has become a symbol of England and of the entire era in the history of the state, deserves our attention.

An invariably stylish, short woman with a pretty appearance, she has an interesting biography full of bright events and trials. She is the main critic of state laws, the author of some traditions, and also an icon of classic English fashion. Elizabeth is an example of restraint, democracy and religiosity. In addition, the Queen of England is one of the strongest players on the world political stage. Of course, such a significant person, who became a symbol of England and an entire era in the history of the state, deserves attention.

Little Lilibeth became a princess at her young age, when her father, King George the Sixth, inherited the throne. Much attention was paid to the and education. She studied school disciplines and additional subjects at home, with the help of tutors. Elizabeth was demonstrating her independence, perseverance, the ability to defend her own

Baby Lilibet became a princess at a young age, when the title of king passed to her father, George the Sixth. Much attention was paid to the upbringing and education of the princess - she studied school disciplines and additional subjects at home, with the help of mentor teachers. Even then, Elizabeth demonstrated independence, perseverance, the ability to defend her own opinion and a tender attitude towards animals.

The character of the heir to the throne did not change after her reaching adulthood. Elizabeth is even said her future spouse in spite of the fact that her family members were against it. She took her ascent to the throne reservedly, with the knowledge of , as it befits the Queen of England.

The character of the heir to the throne did not change even after reaching adulthood. They even say that Elizabeth herself proposed to her future husband, despite the fact that her family members were against it. She accepted her ascension to the throne with restraint, with an awareness of all the responsibility, as befits an English queen.

The truly royal restraint is inherent to the royal person in everything: she does not express her political views openly, does not participate in debates and disputes. The few cases when Elizabeth was caught on emotions" display in public, were her favorite horse racing at Ascot, being late for which a queen had overcome several steps breaking into a run, and the birth of her great-grandson, Prince William's son, who was called “a very special boy” by a regal great-grandmother.

Truly royal restraint is inherent in the royal person in everything: she does not openly express her political preferences, does not participate in debates and disputes. The few occasions when Elizabeth was caught in a public display of emotion were her favorite races at Ascot, late for which the queen took a few steps, rushing to run and give birth to her great-great-grandson, the son of Prince William, whom the royal great-great-grandmother called “a special boy.”

Elizabeth II was the first British monarch who allowed shooting herself on camera and broadcasting on television. She believed that people needed to see her to believe her, and she was not mistaken - for more than six decades her subjects treat her with sincere respect and love. and the world, the queen of Britain has passed the most difficult stages in the history of the country with her people - the completion of decolonization, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Irish conflict, and many others. Despite all the historical and political vicissitudes, Elizabeth managed to raise the prestige of the British monarchy significantly.

Elizabeth II was the first English monarch to allow herself to be filmed and broadcast on television. She believed that people had to see her to believe her, and she was not mistaken - for more than six decades, her subjects have responded to her with sincere respect and love. The oldest female monarch in Europe and the world, the Queen of Britain went through the most difficult stages in the country's history with her people - the completion of decolonization, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Irish conflict and many others. Despite all the historical and political vicissitudes, Elizabeth managed to significantly increase the prestige of the British monarchy.

When I got to know how the Queen spends her day, I was greatly surprised: I used to think that monarchs may allow themselves devoting time to their rest. Elizabeth II begins from ten in the morning. At this time, she begins to study the press and personal correspondence. She for some letters to.

When I found out how the queen’s working day goes, I was very surprised: it seemed to me that monarchs could afford to devote more time to their rest. Elizabeth II begins to engage in state affairs at ten in the morning. At this time, she begins to study the press and personal correspondence. She dictates answers to some letters to her assistants herself.

After that, the Queen holds audiences with foreign ambassadors, bishops, judges. Every meeting lasts at least fifteen minutes. Then comes the time to study the “red boxes” with the official documents, as well as and other celebrations. Every Sunday Elizabeth II attends church. She is generally a very. Her short leisure time the Queen spends visiting the races, solving crossword puzzles, communicating with relatives and beloved, which are of a great many at the court.

After this, the queen holds audiences for foreign ambassadors, bishops, and judges. Each meeting lasts at least fifteen minutes. Then it's time to study the "red boxes" containing official documents, as well as to participate in awards ceremonies and other celebrations. Every Sunday Elizabeth II attends church. She is generally a very pious person. The queen spends her short leisure time attending horse races, solving crossword puzzles, communicating with relatives and her beloved pet dogs, of which there are a great many at court.

Elizabeth II became queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1952. In addition she is head of the Commonwealth.

Elizabeth was born on 21 April 1926 in London, the first child of Albert, Duke of York, and his wife, formerly Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She initially had little prospect of succeeding to the throne until her uncle, Edward VIII, abdicated in December 1936. Her father then became George VI and she became heir.

Elizabeth and her younger sister Margaret were educated at home. On the outbreak of war in 1939, they were evacuated to Windsor Castle. In 1945, Elizabeth joined the war effort, training as a driver in the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service (WATS). In November 1947, she married a distant cousin , Philip Mountbatten (formerly Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark), who was created duke of Edinburgh The couple have four children.

George VI died on 6 February 1952 while Elizabeth and Philip were in Kenya. She returned home immediately, and was crowned at Westminster Abbey in June 1953. For more than 50 years, during a period of great change in Britain, the queen has carried out her political duties as head of state, the ceremonial responsibilities of the sovereign and a large annual program of visits in the United Kingdom as well as numerous foreign tours.

Despite the controversies and scandals surrounding her children and other members of the royal family, she remains a respected head of state (in parliamentary systems: an official representing the state, but not implementing political power; in presidential systems may also be the head of the executive branch)). In 2002, Elizabeth celebrated her golden jubilee (50 years on the throne) and in 2006 her 80th birthday.

The Queen meets thousands of people each year in the UK and overseas. Before meeting Her Majesty, many people ask how they should behave. The simple answer is that there are no obligatory codes of behavior - just courtesy.

However, many people wish to observe the traditional forms of greeting.

For men this is a neck bow (from the head only) while women do a small curtsy. Other people prefer simply to shake hands in the usual way.

On presentation to The Queen, the correct formal address is "Your Majesty" and subsequently "Ma"am".

You can write to Her Majesty at the following address:

Her Majesty The Queen

Buckingham Palace

If you wish to write a formal letter, you can open with "Madam" and close the letter with the form "I have the honor to be, Madam, Your Majesty"s humble and obedient servant".

Elizabeth 2 is the Queen of Great Britain. She was born in Windsor on April 21, 1926. Her full name is Elizabeth-Mary-Alexander Windsor. Her pet name is Lilibet. She was educated at home, taught to read and write by her parents. She knew foreign languages. Elizabeth was made her speech on the radio in 1940. She was learned to drive. She was married Prince Philip in 1947. Her first son Prince Charles was born in 1948. She came to the throne in 1952. Elizabeth was crowned in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953.

Now she plays an important role in the country. She travels a lot. The Queen has got four children: Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward. She has five official residences in Britain; Buckingham Palace and Windsor among them.

I"d like to speak about Elizabeth 1 and Queen Victoria. Elizabeth 1 came to the throne in 1558. She had many of her father"s qualities including common sense and the strength of character. Like him, she understood the people. She loved hunting and dancing. She traveled a lot around the country. She wanted to know her people and to be known by them. Her soldiers and sailors admired her courage [courage]. The universities were surprised at her leaning, for she could speak Latin, Greek and several modern languages. She enjoyed a joke. During her reign Queen Elizabeth solved her first problem, the Church. The Anglican Church under Elizabeth followed a middle course. Most people in Britain wanted what her father, Henry 8, had given them: a reformed Catholic Church that used the English language and was free from foreign influence. And they got what they wanted. Elizabeth's next problem was to keep her enemies quiet until her country was strong enough to defend itself. The greatest danger came from Spain. In July 1588 the Spanish Armada of 130 Spanish ships arrived in the Channel. The English ships were faster than slow Armada. The English guns could shoot farther. After the battle less than half of the proud Armada came back to its home ports. This defeat of Spain was very important for England, though some people said that the Spanish Armada was defeated more by bad weather. than by English guns.

Queen Victoria was a strong queen. Her monument you can see in front of Buckingham Palace. Queen Victoria came to the throne in 1837 and reigned until her death in 1901. She ruled for the longest period in the English history, for 64 years! Victoria married a German, Prince Albert, but he died at the age of 42 in 1861. That was a great tragedy for Queen Victoria. She left London and never lived in the city where she had been so happy with her husband and nine children (5 daughters and 4 sons). But there are places in London that reminds us of their love. One of them is the Royal Albert Hall - a very large concert hall where the best musicians of the world perform classical music. In front of the Albert Hall there is a monument to Prince Albert built by Queen Victoria. Another place is the Victoria and Albert museum (V&A) with its rich collections of paintings and other works of art. The family life of Queen Victoria touched people's hearts. But this is not only the reason why Queen Victoria became very popular. During her reign Britain became a rich industrial country with a developed trade, an empire with a lot of colonies.

Elizabeth I was queen of England from 1558 until she died in 1603. Her reign was called the Elizabethan Age, a very exciting and glorious period in English history, in which England became an important world power.

She was born near London in 1533. Her father was Henry VIII and her mother Anne Boleyn, the second of the king's six wives. When Elizabeth was 3 years old her mother was beheaded because she was accused of having a relationship with someone else . Elizabeth had an elder half sister Mary, and a younger half brother Edward.

King Henry VIII broke with the Roman Catholic Church because the pope would not let him divorce his first wife. Henry then founded the Church of England and made his country protestant.

Although Henry cared very little about Elizabeth during her childhood she received a good education and was taught well in history and philosophy. She learned many languages, including French, Italian and Latin.

When Henry died in 1547 his only son, Edward, became king but the boy king died six years later. Mary became queen and made England a Catholic country again. She didn't like Elizabeth and thought that she was plotting against her. She sent her half sister to prison in the Tower of London for two months. When she was released, she had to live in the countryside.

Mary died in 1558 and Elizabeth succeeded her. She became very popular and many people thought that she would bring back peace and stability in a time of conflict. Elizabeth was a cautious and clever queen; she knew a lot about economics and had good advisors. She returned England to Protestantism but she was not a radical religious reformer.

Although there were many young men who wanted to marry her, Elizabeth remained alone and had no children. This was a threat to the English monarchy because without children her cousin Mary, Queen of Scots, would inherit the throne. She was a Catholic and a friend of France. Elizabeth was aware of this danger and had Mary sent to prison for many years. She was executed in 1587.

Elizabeth gave her country a lot of self confidence. During her reign it built up its sea power and sail ships across the seas to trade in the New World. At that time Spain controlled much of the trade in the New World. Elizabeth sent Sir Francis Drake and other sea captains to raid Spanish ships and seize gold and other treasures that the Spanish had captured.

This was too much for Philip II of Spain so he decided to attack England. After years of preparation he put together a strong fleet of ships called the Spanish Armada. In 1588 the Armada sailed into the English Channel. In the battle that lasted for nine days the British defeated the Spaniards because their ships were smaller and faster. Only a few of them managed to get back to Spain. Elizabeth had celebrated the greatest victory of her reign.

The last years of Elizabeth's reign were troubled by scandals and revolts. Parliament started to criticize the queen and health problems made her weaker. She died on March 24, 1603 at the age of 69. At her wish, Mary Stuart's son , James VI of Scotland became king of England and the two countries were united.