Stages of development of umk. Methodological recommendations for the creation of an educational and methodological complex for the academic discipline of vocational education. Develop an educational and methodological complex for your discipline

Guidelines for development

educational and methodological complex of the discipline.

  1. Application area.
  2. Definition of terms, designations and abbreviations.
  3. General provisions.

Purpose of UMCD– increasing the efficiency of managing the educational process and students’ independent work in mastering the discipline through implementation in the educational process modern technologies training.

The main tasks solved through UMCD:

Determining the content, volume and sequence of studying sections of the discipline, establishing requirements for the level of mastery of the content of the discipline by the student in accordance with the OEP;

Determining the content and scope of the student’s independent work, forms and means of monitoring its implementation;

Implementation of methodological and information support of the educational process and implementation of innovative approaches to student learning.

Educational methodological complex compiled on the basis of the following documents:

GOS in the direction (specialty);

Basic (working) curriculum directions (specialties);

Approximate work program discipline recommended by the UMO (if any);

Instructive letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 19, 2000 No. 14-52-357/in/13 “On the procedure for forming basic educational programs of a higher educational institution on the basis of state educational standards”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 6, 2005 No. 137 “On the use of remote educational technologies»;

Letter of the Deputy Head of Rosobrnadzor dated April 17, 2006 No. 02-55-77 in/ak (Educational and methodological complexes); - GOST R ISO 9001 - 2001. Quality management system. Requirements;

Order of Rosobrnadzor No. 1938 of September 30, 2005 “On approval of performance indicators and criteria for state accreditation of higher educational institutions”;

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On a comprehensive assessment of the activities of a higher educational institution” (No. 864 dated November 12, 1999);


Educational and methodological complex (UMK) - part of the main educational program higher educational institution, developed for each area or specialty of training, a set educational materials, ensuring the improvement of the quality of teaching, the introduction of the latest achievements of science and practice into the educational process, facilitating the effective development by students of educational material included in the curriculum of a discipline (block of disciplines) in one of the specialties (direction). The UMK includes:


SOFTWARE PART appears to be a work program academic discipline and/or program educational practice according to the discipline (if it is provided for by the educational program).

Discipline work program (RPD) – a basic methodological document that meets the requirements of the State educational standard, taking into account the specifics of training students in their chosen direction or specialty, forms the basis of the teaching and learning complex of the discipline.

The RUP must contain:

Practice program for the discipline* – an educational program publication, a normative document that reveals the purpose and objectives of the practice, defines a list of professional knowledge, skills and abilities to be formed, establishes the types and content of tasks, and provides methodological recommendations for the preparation and conduct of practice.

THEORETICAL PART– appears to be a textbook, study guide, course of lectures, lecture notes containing complete or summary all sections and topics of the program in a logically consistent form.



PRACTICAL PART is presented as educational and practical publications containing systematized information of a scientific, practical and applied nature, presented in a form convenient for study and assimilation. Educational and practical publications are intended to consolidate material obtained from educational and theoretical publications and test knowledge. Their main varieties are workshops, educational reference books, and anthologies.


Collection of exercises

Collection of problems (problem book)

Collection of foreign texts

Laboratory workshop

Collection of seminar lesson plans

Collection of test tasks

Study Guide



Guidelines(materials) for the teacher can be drawn up as an appendix to the discipline program and should indicate the means, teaching methods, methods of educational activity, the use of which is most effective for mastering certain topics and sections.

Guidelines for students can be drawn up as an appendix to the discipline program and should disclose the recommended regimen and nature of the various types academic work, as well as performing independent work, including coursework (projects)

Methodological support for independent work students.

Materials on the testing system

Materially technical support disciplines (MTOD)

Innovations in teaching the discipline.

7. Procedure for developing teaching materials

Stage I:

  • development of an educational standard for a discipline included in the curriculum for preparing students in the relevant specialty (direction);
  • preparation of original exam papers;
  • development of lecture notes (or course of lectures, textbook, teaching aid);
  • development of methodological recommendations for the implementation of SRS and methodological recommendations for studying the discipline for students;
  • development of testing materials.

Stage II – Preparation of documentation for teaching materials.

III Stage – Correction and approval of teaching materials.

8. The procedure for reviewing and approving the teaching and learning complex of the discipline

8.1. The educational complex developed by the department with a protocol of discussion is submitted for consideration to the faculty committee of the educational complex or on the quality of education.

8.2. The faculty commission of the educational complex or the commission on the quality of education reviews the educational documentation (conducts an examination of them for compliance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, this instruction) and prepares an internal review. The minutes of the discussion and review are sent to the meeting of the YSU EMS.

8.3. YSU EMC reviews the EMC documentation and accompanying documentation (protocol, review) and prepares its conclusion. Then all documentation on the educational complex is sent for approval to the methodological department or education quality management, where the educational complex is assigned a registration number, and then the educational complex is submitted for approval to the first vice-rector for academic affairs.

Note: In the case of submitting the documentation of the teaching and learning complex for assignment of the stamp of the corresponding educational and methodological association or the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, it undergoes a review procedure through the Academic Council of YSU, which sends the documentation of the teaching and methodological organization for external review.

8.4. After approval, the electronic version of the teaching materials is transferred to the methodological department.

8.5. Hard copies of teaching materials in special folders should be stored at the developing department, major department and in the library reading room I GU.

8.6. The validity period of the discipline approved by the teaching educational system is determined by the validity period of the state educational standard in the area (specialty) and is updated as necessary. Possible changes and additions are agreed upon and approved in the order indicated above, as a rule, before June 30 of the current year. Approved changes and additions are put into effect, as a rule, from September 1 of the new academic year.


9.1 After consideration for a meeting of the department of teaching and learning, it is agreed upon with the educational and methodological commission of the faculty at which the discipline is taught;

9.2. Coordination with the graduating department (departments) in the specialty (direction);

9.3. coordination with the dean of the faculty (deans of faculties and heads of structural units) where training in the specialty (direction) is carried out;

If a faculty has several graduating departments in one specialty (direction), then the teaching and learning complex of the discipline goes through the approval procedure at each department.

The unified teaching and learning complex of a discipline for a group of specialties of several faculties is approved by each of the faculties (graduating department, dean of the faculty).

A unified teaching and learning complex of a discipline for a group of departments and structural divisions conducting training in one specialty (or group of specialties) is approved by each of the faculties and structural divisions (graduating department, dean of the faculty or head structural unit), unless otherwise provided by another procedure approved by a separate order of the first vice-rector - vice-rector for academic affairs.

10. Documentation support for teaching materials

11. Control

1. Control over the implementation of the development procedure and the state of the educational complex is assigned to the head of the department.

2. The deans of the faculties, together with the departments, control the availability and provision of teaching materials for students studying at the relevant faculty.


Educational and methodological complex - a system of normative and educational and methodological documentation, teaching and control tools, necessary and sufficient for the high-quality organization of basic and additional educational programs, according to the curriculum.

The teaching and learning complex of an academic discipline is one of the elements of organizing educational activities for full-time, part-time and part-time forms training. The educational complex should be developed for students in all academic disciplines, taking into account the need to improve the quality of mastering the content of educational material at the level of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education, Secondary Professional Education, and Non-Professional Education.

The purpose of creating the teaching and learning complex is to provide high-quality methodological equipment for the educational process.

ü Determination of topics in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and the number of hours for certain types of classes according to the curriculum.

ü Development of an educational standard for the discipline.

ü Development of a textbook, study guide, course or lecture notes.

ü Development of test questions and assignments for each thematic block. Formation of exam tickets.

ü Development of the structure and content of practical, laboratory work and seminars (if they are included in the curriculum).

ü Planning the student’s independent work and placing points current control students' knowledge.

ü Development of tasks for control points.

ü Development of test tasks for the discipline course.

ü Preparation of educational documentation.

ü Approbation and adjustment of teaching materials of the discipline in the educational process.

ü Coordination and approval of teaching materials.

ü After the creation of teaching materials, they are tested in the educational process, during which, analyzing the results of the current control of students, adjustments are made. After testing on the first stream of students, the educational complex is, if necessary, adjusted, supplemented and approved, thus constantly being improved.

The teaching and learning complex of the discipline and its components should:

Take into account the general ideology of federal and regional policies, promote the development of the regional system higher education;

Provide a logically consistent presentation of educational material;

Assume use modern methods and technical means of intensifying the educational process, allowing students to deeply master the educational material and gain skills in using it in practice;

Comply with modern scientific ideas in the subject area;

Provide interdisciplinary connections;

Provide ease of use for teachers and students;

  1. 1. Structure of the educational and methodological complex

The educational complex is developed by a teacher (team of teachers) of the department or methodological unification teachers of the specialty being taught, ensuring the teaching of the discipline in accordance with the curriculum for training students in specialties (directions). The department-developer of teaching materials is responsible for the high-quality preparation of teaching materials that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education, Secondary Professional Education, NPO for the preparation of students in a specialty (direction), for educational, methodological and technical support of the relevant discipline, including for ensuring the educational process of educational and educational methodological literature.

Structure of the educational standard of the academic discipline:

title page;


introduction (performed if necessary);


designations and abbreviations (performed if necessary);

goals and objectives of the discipline;

work program of the discipline;

discipline passport;

work program approval sheet for the discipline;

use of technical teaching aids and computer technology;

software discipline;

organization of self-regulatory work on discipline;

elements of scientific research in the study of the discipline;

applications (only required ones are listed):

guidelines to laboratory practical work (performed if available in the curriculum);

methodological instructions for course design (followed if available in the curriculum);

options for individual calculation tasks and guidelines for their implementation (to be carried out if available in the curriculum);

Control materials for the discipline:

The discipline standard is revised every time after the release of new state educational standards and (or) revision (change) of the curriculum of the specialty (direction).

Every year, the standard is reviewed at a meeting of the leading department, which is recorded in extracts from department meetings; if necessary, changes and additions are made to it (in accordance with STP 12 310 - 2004).

  1. 2. Requirements for development and design

The regulations on the educational and methodological complex (UMC) of the discipline are intended to introduce uniform requirements to the educational and methodological support of all disciplines included in the curricula, implemented in all educational institutions in all forms of education.

The level of educational and methodological support of the academic discipline provided for by these Regulations is one of the conditions allowing to achieve required quality training in full-time, part-time and correspondence forms of education, including correspondence form training with elements of distance educational technologies.

This Regulation regulates the process of preparing educational materials in terms of content and form in order to create conditions that allow effectively organizing and supporting the student’s independent work, as well as maintaining continuity in the teaching of academic disciplines.

The regulations on the educational and methodological complex of the discipline were developed in accordance with GOST 7.60-90 OST 29.130-97 “Terms and definitions of educational publications” and the letter of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated April 17, 2006 N 02-55-77in/ ak.

The presence of developed and approved educational and methodological complexes with the widespread use of innovative methods in all disciplines of the curriculum is a prerequisite High Quality training of specialists and state accreditation of the basic educational program (BEP) in the specialty (direction).

The requirements of the Regulations must be observed by all university departments or specialty departments.

The composition of the teaching and learning complex of a discipline is determined by the content of the approved work program for the relevant discipline. The composition of the educational complex includes:

Work program of the discipline- a program for mastering educational material that meets the requirements of the State educational standard of higher professional education and takes into account the specifics of training students in their chosen direction or specialty.

The work program must include the following training materials:

thematic plan for all forms of education;

a plan for conducting practical classes and laboratory work for all forms of training;

This is a set of recommendations and explanations that allows the student to optimally organize the process of studying this discipline. When developing recommendations, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that part of the course is studied by the student independently. Contents of the supporting summary:

Description of the sequence of student actions, or “scenario for studying the discipline.”

Brief theoretical information on all sections of the discipline;

Materials for preparing for the exam (test);

Explanations on working with the test system of the course, on completing tasks for independent work.

Included in Educational and Methodological Materials (UMM) lecture course include:

textbooks and manuals developed by department teachers, notes (texts, diagrams, presentations) of lectures in printed form and electronic format, file with handouts;

questions and assignments on individual topics of lectures (sections of the academic discipline) for self-control of students;

UMM of practical classes included in the teaching and learning complex include:

a lesson plan indicating the sequence of topics covered, the amount of classroom hours allocated for mastering materials on each topic, as well as hours for students’ independent work;

brief theoretical and educational teaching materials on each topic, allowing the student to become familiar with the essence of the problems solved during the practical lesson (discussed at the seminar);

questions to be discussed and a list of references (indicating specific pages) necessary for the student’s focused work in preparation for the seminar (the list of references is drawn up in accordance with the rules of bibliographic description);

methodological instructions for teachers conducting practical classes, defining the methodology for conducting classes, the procedure for solving problems offered to students.

UMM of laboratory classes included in the teaching and learning complex include:

lesson plan indicating the sequence of topics covered, the volume of classroom hours allocated for mastering materials on each topic;

theoretical principles and instructions for performing laboratory work;

methodological issues related to the preparation and conduct of laboratory classes; (for senior students, laboratory classes in the major discipline should involve a small, complex task of an educational and research nature, for which the student must select the necessary literature, independently draw up a plan for solving the problem assigned to him, carry out the experimental part of the study and submit a comprehensive report);

methodological instructions for the teacher on conducting laboratory work with students, determining the direction and organization of work;

methods of independent work of students;

Dictionary of terms (glossary). Each discipline uses special terms, the content of which is not obvious and requires explanation.

This dictionary should provide definitions of all terms encountered in the course that relate specifically to this discipline. Terms can be linked to topics and/or arranged in alphabetical order.

Block of current progress monitoring and intermediate certification contains:

methodological instructions for performing tests and assignments for test papers;

guidelines for completing coursework;

sample topics for abstracts, instructions for working with literature when preparing abstracts and requirements for their formatting;

training and control tests by sections (topics) of the discipline;

test questions for each topic of the curriculum and throughout the course (the list of questions is presented in a given sequence in full accordance with the educational program).

The teacher can introduce other didactic materials in this discipline, developed at the department or department of the specialty: instructions for preparing for laboratory work and materials on labor protection during its implementation, guidelines for individual sections of the course, etc.

The educational and methodological complex can be supplemented if necessary:

reference publications;

periodicals, industry and socially significant publications;

scientific literature;

Documentary support for teaching materials (Appendix 1. Sample)

All elements of the CMD must be compiled in separate files.

The educational and methodological complex in printed or typewritten version, stored at the department in a separate folder, must be duplicated in electronic form and presented on the university’s educational website.

Title page The discipline standard is drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline. General requirements to structure, content and design.

In the preface the following is indicated: the name of the department that developed the standard; on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education, Secondary Professional Education, and Non-Professional Education of what specialty(s) or area of ​​training the standard has been developed; if a standard is reintroduced, it must be indicated which standard replaces the newly developed one. If necessary, the preface may include additional information.

The preface is placed on the back of the title page and is formatted in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline.

Introduction provide, if necessary, justification for the reasons for the development (change or reissue) of the standard. The introduction should not contain requirements. The introduction is not numbered and is placed on a separate page.

Standard name discipline has a group heading and a title (if necessary, a subtitle is allowed).

Group header- common to all discipline standards: for example, “Quality management system. Educational standard of higher professional education of Altai State Technical University.”

Heading contains the name of the discipline in accordance with the curriculum of the specialty (area of ​​training) for which it is being developed, and begins with the words: “Educational standard of the academic discipline (name of the discipline).”

The title of the standard should be printed in capital letters; group heading and subheading - lowercase letters with the first capital.

As a rule, abbreviations, Roman numerals, mathematical symbols, and Greek letters are not allowed in the name of the discipline standard.

The name of the discipline standard is drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline. General requirements for structure, content and design. Scope of application of the educational standard of the academic discipline.

Structural element " Scope"(Appendix 2) is issued in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline. General requirements for structure, content and design.

Structural element "Normative references" contains a list of standards to which references are given in the text of the discipline standard. The list of reference standards begins with the words: “This discipline standard uses references to the following standards.”

The list includes the designation of standards and their names in ascending order of registration numbers of designations in the following sequence:

state standards;

organization standards, designations and abbreviations (to be carried out if necessary)

Structural element "Notations and abbreviations"(if available in the discipline standard) contains a list of symbols and abbreviations used in this standard. The recording of notations and abbreviations is given in the order they appear in the text of the discipline standard with the necessary decoding and explanations.

Structural element "Goals and objectives of the discipline" must contain:

a brief description of the subject of study;

goals and objectives of the discipline in relation to a specific specialty (group of specialties) or direction(s);

place of the discipline in the curriculum, relationship with previous and subsequent disciplines, role in the system of professional training of specialists;

requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities that students must master as a result of studying the discipline.

Work program of the discipline- an educational publication that defines the content, volume, as well as the procedure for studying and teaching any academic discipline (its section, part).

The subsection "Work program of the discipline" should consist of the following elements:

discipline passport;

educational and methodological materials on the discipline;

educational and methodological map of the discipline;

specific features of teaching the discipline (if necessary);

approval sheet for the work program of the discipline.

Structural element "Passport of discipline" drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline.

In the subsection "Types and content of classes in the discipline":

For each lecture, practical lesson and laboratory work, the number, topic, list of issues covered, volume in hours and links to recommended literature are provided. A less detailed presentation of the content of these types of classes is allowed if all the necessary information is contained in the educational map;

for a course project (course work), the purpose and topic of the course design, the content and volume of the explanatory note and graphic part, the volume (in hours) of each part of the project (work), and links to recommended literature are indicated. If there are classroom classes on course design, the topics of the classes are given;

for independent work of students, numbered tasks are listed that students must complete independently during extracurricular time, indicating the content and volume of each task (in hours), as well as references to literature.

Structural element "Forms and content of current certification and final assessment in the discipline" contains a list of checkpoints for the current certification in the discipline (test, test, colloquium, writing an essay, etc.) and types of final assessment (test, exam) indicating the weight (in fractions of a unit) of each checkpoint.

A list of qualifying tasks and tests used to control current, final and residual knowledge of students in the discipline is given. The content of the current certification and final assessment in the discipline is disclosed in a set of control materials designed to verify compliance of the level of training in the discipline with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, Secondary Professional Education, and Non-Professional Professional Education.

tests of current control of knowledge in the discipline;

tests for final control of knowledge in the discipline;

tests for monitoring residual knowledge in the discipline.

Subsection of the work program "Teaching and methodological materials on the discipline" contains a list of recommended literature (basic and additional), educational materials and manuals used in the study of the discipline.

The list of references should include the latest editions of textbooks and teaching aids. The numbering of literature should be continuous.

Additional literature is separated from the main literature by a heading. For each literary source, indicate the number of copies in the library and, if necessary, in the department.

The list of references is compiled according to GOST 7.1.

The section "Teaching and methodological materials for the discipline", if necessary, can be a structural element of the standard of the discipline as a whole.

Educational and methodological map of the discipline, at the discretion of the developer of the standard, are drawn up in accordance with the forms given in STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline.

In a structural element "Specific Features teaching the discipline" indicate additional information specific to teaching a discipline in a specific specialty (direction) and form of education.

Work program approval sheet disciplines are drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of academic discipline.

Structural element of the discipline standard "Use of technical teaching aids and computer technology. Software discipline" contains a list of TCO, audio and video materials, programs (application software packages), computer games, automated computer-based teaching systems, electronic textbooks, teaching aids and other materials used in the process of studying the discipline (in lectures, during laboratory and practical classes, completing course projects and works, calculation tasks and other types of self-help work).

In a structural element "Organization of independent work of students in the discipline" A list of measures is provided to ensure that students complete all types of independent work:

availability of premises for course design;

provision of computer equipment, software;

Availability handouts, sets of individual assignments, educational and methodological materials, abstract topics with a list of recommended literature, manuals for solving typical problems, sample reports on the implementation of SRS;

provision of educational, methodological and reference literature, etc.

In the structural element of the discipline standard "Elements of scientific research when studying a discipline" indicate methods and forms of involving students in independent creative activity(reviewing scientific and periodical literature on the most complex and relevant topics of the discipline, participation in scientific research, competitions, exhibitions, olympiads, conferences and other areas of development creativity students)

In applications place educational and methodological documents and materials that complement the provisions contained in the main part of the discipline standard.

Applications may be mandatory or informational. Information applications can be of a recommended or reference nature.

Mandatory annexes to the discipline standard are:

methodological instructions for laboratory practical work (if available in the curriculum).

Laboratory work must be provided with methodological instructions, executed on hard (paper) media and approved at a meeting of the department. When conducting classes, methodological instructions can be used both on hard copies and in electronic versions.

Guidelines should include:

title, which indicates the type of work (laboratory), its serial number, volume in hours and name;


equipment, technical means, tools;

the order (sequence) of performing the work;

safety and labor protection rules for this work (if necessary);

general rules for the design of work;

list of references (if necessary).

Requirements for the content, performance and design of laboratory work in the academic disciplines of the specialty (direction) are regulated by STP 12 700-07 Laboratory work.

Guidelines for course design, developed by departments, must comply with the provisions of STP 12 400-2009 Course project ( course work). General requirements for content, organization of implementation and design;

options for individual calculation tasks and guidelines for their implementation (if available in the curriculum);

controlling materials for the discipline, developed and executed in accordance with the requirements of STP 12 100-02 Requirements for the fund of qualifying tasks and tests:

tests of current control of knowledge in the discipline (TTKZ). TTKZ for curriculum disciplines are intended to assess the progress of students’ assimilation of educational and program material during the intersessional period in accordance with the educational and methodological map of the discipline. The labor intensity of TTKZ, depending on the type of task (test, quiz, colloquium, etc.) can vary from 20 minutes to two hours. TTKZ are compiled in any form.

tests of final control of knowledge in the discipline (TIKZ). Tests for the final control of students' knowledge in the disciplines of the curriculum of a specialty (direction) are intended to assess the compliance of students' training with the qualification requirements for specific disciplines of the curriculum. used for the final assessment of students' knowledge during self-examination of a specialty (direction), as well as during tests and exams in disciplines of the curriculum of the specialty (direction) in the form of oral, written or computer testing. TIKZ must contain questions and (or) tasks for all sections of the discipline’s work program. The labor intensity of test tasks should be no more than two hours. When performing TIKZ, it is permitted to use information and reference literature according to the list approved by the head of the department responsible for teaching the academic discipline. TIKZ are issued in accordance with Appendix Zh STP 12 100-02 Requirements for the fund of qualifying tasks and tests.

tests for monitoring residual knowledge in the discipline (RTKZ). TCOT in the disciplines of the curriculum are intended to assess the level of knowledge of the fundamental and problematic provisions of academic disciplines. TCOTs are used for self-examination, state certification and accreditation of a specialty (direction); they can be used for incoming control of students' knowledge in disciplines based on knowledge of previous disciplines, in the form of an oral, written or computer-based test (testing). TCOS are drawn up in accordance with STP 12 100-02 Requirements for the fund of qualifying tasks and tests.

other educational and methodological materials used in teaching the discipline (for example, a list of examination (test) questions in the discipline, etc.).

Annex 1


State educational institution of higher professional education



First Vice-Rector-Vice-Rector for SD

_________________S. Ya. Korolev



by discipline ___________Optimization methods ___

(name of the discipline)

for specialty _23010062 - Informatics and computer technology ________

(code and name of direction, specialty)

faculty _______ Information systems and technologies________________

(name of the faculty or structural unit where the training is carried out)


The educational and methodological complex (UMC) is compiled on the basis of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and the curriculum of the UlSTU specialty ____23010062 - Informatics and computer engineering___________

at the department _____________________ Computer Engineering __________________________

(name of the department)

faculty___________ Information systems and technologies ________.

(name of the faculty to which the compiler department belongs)

Compilers of the educational complex

Teacher ______ _________________ ______Ivanov V.S.____

(position, academic title, degree) (signature) (Last name I. O.)

The educational complex was reviewed and approved at a meeting of the department __ Computer Engineering ___

Minutes of the meeting No. ___ dated “__”___ 2007

Head of the department

"___"________2007 _________________ ___Sosnin P.I. ______

(signature) (Last name I.O.)


Dean of the Faculty _________IST _____________ _______________ _Shishkin V.V._

(where training in the specialty (direction) is carried out (signature) Full name


Head of the department _ Computer Engineering _ _____________ _Sosnin P.I._

(graduating specialty (direction) (signature) Full name


Chairman of the NMK faculty ______IST _______ _____________ ______________

(where the discipline is taught) (signature) Full name


Appendix 2.
1 area of ​​use

1.1 The discipline standard establishes general requirements for the content, structure, scope of the discipline “Fundamentals of Scientific Research” and the conditions for its implementation at AltSTU.

1.2 The standard applies to:

For students studying in specialty 170600 “Machines and apparatus for food production”;

For teachers and staff of the MAPP department.

2. Normative references

GOST R 1.5-2002 GSS RF. Standards. General requirements for construction, presentation, design, content and designation.

GOST 2.105-95 ESKD. General requirements for text documents.

GOST 8.417-81 GSI. Units of physical quantities.

STP 12 100-02 Educational standard of higher professional education of Altai State Technical University. Requirements for the fund of qualifying buildings and tests.

STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of higher professional education of Altai State Technical University. Educational standard of the academic discipline.

STP 12 700-02 Educational standard of higher professional education of AltSTU. Laboratory works.

STP 12 005-2004 Educational standard of higher professional education of Altai State Technical University. Independent work students.

3 Purpose and objectives of the discipline

3.1 a brief description of disciplines

The discipline “Fundamentals of Scientific Research” is general professional and is based on materials from general engineering and special disciplines, read earlier, and combines students’ general theoretical knowledge with the level of industry development.

3.2 The purpose of teaching the discipline

The purpose of the course "Fundamentals of Scientific Research" is to provide students with knowledge of general principles and methodology of scientific research at universities.

The main objectives of the course are:

  1. Study of scientific research methodology.
  2. Training in setting up a physical experiment in scientific research.
  3. Acquiring practical skills in measuring and processing scientific results.

3.3 Place of discipline in the curriculum

The study of the discipline “Fundamentals of Scientific Research” is based on the knowledge acquired by students while studying higher mathematics, physics, computer technology, hydraulics, heating engineering, electrical engineering.

3.4 Requirements for knowledge and skills

As a result of studying the discipline, students must:

Basic principles of the theory of knowledge;

Methods of empirical research level;

Methods of theoretical level of research;

Main stages of scientific research;

Measuring instruments and their characteristics;

Basic concepts and definitions of the theory of error.

Prepare the results of information search and scientific research;

Correctly select the means for measuring physical parameters;

Competently organize experiments and obtain results;

Take into account existing measurement errors;

Competently process and summarize the results of experiments.

4 Contents of the discipline and conditions for its implementation

The content of the discipline was developed in accordance with the qualification requirements of state educational higher professional education in the direction of training a certified specialist 655800 "Food Engineering" specialty 170600 "Machines and apparatus for food production", approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2000, registration number 184 technical/ds.

The discipline “Fundamentals of Scientific Research” contains basic information about the methodology of scientific research, setting up a physical experiment and processing the results obtained.

4.1 Work program of the discipline

4.1.1 Discipline passport

Department "Machines and apparatus for food production"

Discipline OPD.R.1 "Fundamentals of scientific research"

Discipline status: mandatory

Speciality 170600 "Machines and apparatus for food production"

Form of study full-time

The total volume of the discipline is 102 hours.

Distribution by semester

Semester number

Training sessions

Number of courses.


(test, copy)

Overall volume



4.1.2 Types and content of classes in the discipline


Topic 1. Introduction, 2 hours

Subject of the course and its content. Methodology of scientific knowledge. Basic principles of the theory of knowledge. Methods of empirical research level. Methods of theoretical level of research. Main stages of scientific research.

Topic 2. Information retrieval in scientific research, 3 hours

Discovery, invention, utility model. Registration of the results of information search and scientific research.

Topic 3. Physical experiment and measurements in scientific research, 5 hours

Modeling of physical phenomena and technical devices. Measurements, measuring instruments and their characteristics.

Topic 4. Calculation of measurement error, 3 hours

Basic concepts and definitions of characteristics random variables. Elimination of gross measurement error. Determination of the systematic component of measurement error. Determination of the random component of measurement error. Determination of the error of indirect measurements.

Topic 5. Fundamentals of the theory of experimental design, 4 hours

Basic concepts and definitions. Full factorial experiment. Fractional factorial experiment.

Checking the results of a physical experiment. Graphical analysis of the experimental results.

Laboratory works

Laboratory work No. 1, 4 hours

Measurements, measuring instruments and their characteristics

Laboratory work No. 2, 8 hours

Processing and generalization of the results of a physical experiment

Laboratory work No. 3, 5 hours

Experimental design

Independent work of students

4.1.3 Forms and content of final and intermediate certification in the discipline. Control materials Forms of final certification - pass.

Control materials for the discipline contain:

  • tests for final control of knowledge in the discipline;
  • tests of current control of knowledge in the discipline;
  • tests for monitoring residual knowledge in the discipline. The set of control materials is given in Appendix B of this standard.

Ratings individual activities students in the discipline consists of the following types of work:

  • defense of laboratory work - score from 0 to 50 points;

5+ 95-100 points - excellent.

5 83-94 - excellent,

5-75-82 - almost excellent,

4+ 69-74 - more than good,

4 56-68 - good.

4-50-55 is not good enough,

3+ 44-49 - more than satisfactory,

3 31-43 - satisfactory,

3-25-30 - unsatisfactory,

2+ 19-24 - more than unsatisfactory,

2 6-18 - unsatisfactory,

2-0-5 - no knowledge.

4.1.5 Educational and methodological materials for the discipline

  1. Anufriev A.F. Scientific research. M. 2004.- 1 copy.
  2. Kuznetsov I.N. Scientific research. M. 2004. - 2 copies.
  3. Schenk H. Theory of engineering experiment. M. 1970. - 2 copies.
  4. Akhnazarova S.L., Kafarov V.V. Experiment optimization methods in chemical technology. M. 1985.- 4 copies.
  5. Burdin K.S., Veselov P.V. How to apply scientific work(a manual for universities). M. 1983. - 2 copies.
  6. Experience and problems of organizing students' research work. M. 2003. - 2 copies.
  7. Scientific works. Methodology of preparation and design. M. 2000. - 1 copy.


discipline OPD.R.01Fundamentals of Scientific Research

on 6th semester

Classroom and independent work schedule

Type name

Weeks of the semester


Practical (seminar) classes





form of control

Continuation of the educational and methodological map

Auditory lessons

Independent work of students


Lecture number

Lab number works

SRS task number

Volume, hours


coordination of the work program of the discipline

with work programs of other disciplines of the specialty (direction)

Name of disciplines, the study of which is based on this discipline


Educational institution

"Gomel State University named after Francis Skaryna"

Faculty of Physics

Department of Optics

Graduate work

Development of an electronic educational and methodological complex

in the discipline "Solid State Physics"


student of group F-53pr I.N. Crow

Scientific director

Associate Professor, Ph.D. - M.Sc., Associate Professor S.A. Khakhomov

Scientific consultant V.V. Grishchenko


k.f. - M.Sc., Associate Professor V.A. Goldade

Gomel 2014


Topic of the thesis: Development of an electronic educational and methodological complex for the discipline "Solid State Physics".

The thesis consists of pages, drawings, and sources.


The purpose of the thesis: to develop an electronic educational and methodological complex for the discipline "Solid State Physics".

The objectives of the thesis are:

review existing EUMCD;

justify the choice of platform for the development, creation and placement of electronic digital devices;

development of a knowledge control unit in the form of tests (at least 120 questions).


1. Review of existing EUMCD

1.1 Basic requirements for electronic educational and methodological complexes according to the regulations of the Ministry of the Republic of Belarus

1.2 Review of EUMK in the discipline "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics"

1.3 Review of EUMK for the discipline " Numerical methods"

2 Rationale for choosing a platform for the development, creation and placement of EUMKD

2.1 Overview of Help and Manual - programs for creating help system files

2.1.1 Program interface

2.1.2 Project Browser

2.1.3 Some important editor tools

2.1.4 Project properties

Chapter 3. Development of a knowledge control unit in the form of tests

3.1 Types and types of test tasks. Their features, advantages and disadvantages

3.2 Closed tasks

3.2.1 Assigning alternative answers

3.2.2 Multiple choice tasks

3.2.3 Tasks to restore compliance (compliance)

3.2.4 Sequence restoration tasks

4. Electronic educational and methodological complex "Solid State Physics"


List of sources used


The information and educational environment (IEE) of a university is an environment of information interaction, which aims to meet the educational needs of students, undergraduates, and graduate students and is provided with special hardware and software. This information interaction includes means of communication between people (e-mail, telephone communications, chats, forums, video conferences, etc.), means of access to information resources: external and internal, as well as the information resources themselves available to students.

Due to rapid development science and technology and the high growth of information in almost all branches of knowledge require a new approach to the implementation of the pedagogical process. The main information resources of the university's IOS are electronic educational and methodological complexes (EUMK) in various disciplines.

EUMKs allow you to collect into a single complex almost all the information materials required for studying a particular discipline. At the same time, they provide the interactivity, visibility, mobility, compactness and low cost of replication that are necessary today, multivariance, multi-levelness and a variety of verification tasks and tests. The advantages of modern EUMK, first of all, include the ability to effectively organize independent work and enhance the role of the student in the learning process.

The introduction of EUMK into the educational process can help students understand complete picture of the discipline being studied will ensure independent assimilation of the material, individualize learning, improve control and self-control, and increase the effectiveness of the educational process. The advantages of modern EUMK include the efficiency of organizing independent work and the activation of the student’s role in the learning process.

During this thesis, the development of an electronic educational and methodological complex for the discipline "Solid State Physics" in software package Help & Manual 6.& Manual Professional is a handy tool that makes it easy to create Windows help files, print help guides and documentation in general. The program has a simple and easy-to-use interface. All created projects can be saved in various formats: HTML Help, Winhelp and MS Help 2.0/Visual Studio Help, Browser-based Help, PDF and Word RTF, as well as printed documentation. Help & Manual combines a table of contents (in the form of a tree list) and a text editor in the main window. This makes it easy to navigate the table of contents and edit or move help topics. In addition, the program allows you to convert help files from one format to another. In addition to programs for working with text, Help & Manual includes functions for creating screenshots and editing graphic files. The structural approach to the formation of a text document is analyzed.

EUMK will be developed taking into account the Regulations of the Ministry of Education on the electronic educational and methodological complex in the discipline for higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus, approved on December 29, 2008.

electronic educational methodological physics

1. Review of existing EUMCD

When completing a diploma assignment on the development of EUMK in the discipline "Solid State Physics", the following complexes were considered:

electronic educational and methodological complex "Numerical methods"

electronic educational and methodological complex "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics".

.1 Basic requirements for electronic educational and methodological complexes according to the regulations of the Ministry of the Republic of Belarus

According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education on the electronic educational and methodological complex in the discipline for higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus, the EUMK should include the following main elements:

title screen;

EUMKD card;

curriculum of the academic discipline;

theoretical section;

practical section;

knowledge control block.

The title screen of the EUMKD should contain:

title (according to GOST 7.4);

overhead data (according to GOST 7.4);

neck text (if available);

output data (according to GOST 7.4);

graduation data;

minimum system requirements;

state registration number;

bibliographic description (according to GOST 7.82).

Requirements for the main elements of the title page and their placement are established by GOST 7.83-2001 "Electronic publications. Main types and output data."

The EUMKD card contains:

graphical representation of the content of the EUMKD, reflecting the logical, hierarchical and other connections of its elements;

The curriculum of an academic discipline contains the standard curriculum of the academic discipline and (or) the curriculum for the academic discipline being studied.

The theoretical section of the EUMKD consists of logically completed educational modules and includes material for the theoretical study of the academic discipline to the extent provided for by the standard curriculum and (or) specialty curriculum.

Material for the theoretical study of an academic discipline can be presented in the form of lecture notes, an electronic textbook, an electronic textbook or other electronic educational publication in electronic form and illustrated with various multimedia or any other form of inserts that clearly present and explain the material presented.

The practical section of the EUMKD is organized according to the types and volume of academic work provided for by the standard curriculum and (or) curriculum for the specialty, curriculum for the academic discipline being studied.

The section may include subsections “Laboratory workshop”, “Practical, seminar classes”, as well as tasks and methods for performing standard calculations, a course or diploma project (work). Each subsection may contain examples of practical solutions to certain problems and other materials intended for practicing various kinds of skills, repetition and consolidation of the material covered.

The subsection "Laboratory workshop" should include methodological materials for full-scale or virtual laboratory work - guidelines for their implementation, illustrated with multimedia or other information and explaining the main stages of preparation for implementation, direct practical implementation and analysis of the results obtained, electronic simulators, stands.

Virtual laboratory works are a set of linked animated images that simulate a pilot plant.

A virtual laboratory bench is a computer program that, using computer graphics and animation, simulates a real laboratory bench in which measuring instruments are installed on a computer screen.

Electronic simulators are a software complex, during the operation of which various tasks are offered step by step, requiring active actions from the student.

The subsection "Practical, seminar classes" includes methodological materials for practical and seminar classes, regulating the development of skills, repetition and consolidation of the material covered through illustrative examples of practical solutions to problems, tasks for independent decision or electronic simulators, business games.

Business games - a means of simulating various conditions professional activity(including extreme) by searching for new ways of its implementation, allowing to remove the contradictions between the abstract nature academic subject and the real nature of professional activity.

A typical calculation, calculation work, graphic work must include tasks and methods for performing standard calculations, calculation options and guidelines for their implementation.

Coursework or diploma design (coursework or diploma work, projects) must include assignments and methods for completing a course or diploma project (work), guidelines, examples of implementation and design.

The EUMKD knowledge control block contains materials and a set of testing and monitoring software tools: interactive tests, control questions, control tasks, providing the opportunity for student self-control, current and final certification. Control tasks should concern all the key problems of the discipline being studied, and guide students towards independent study of the most important fragments of classical, programmatic examples of scientific and educational literature.

Additionally, the EUMKD may include elements containing reference and auxiliary materials, for example: a glossary, a list of abbreviations and abbreviations, frequently asked questions with answers, electronic copies of primary sources, questionnaires, examples of problem solutions and analysis of typical situations, a reader, a collection of student works, other.

The order of presentation of materials in additional elements of the EUMKD should not contradict the general approaches to the provision of information in the elements of the basic composition of the EUMKD.

The source documents for the development and formation of the EUMKD are the educational standard of higher education, the curriculum and the curriculum.

EUMKD for its intended purpose is an educational publication in electronic form, by the nature of the basic information - a multimedia electronic publication, by distribution technology - a local, network or electronic publication of combined distribution, by the nature of interaction between the user and the electronic publication - a deterministic electronic publication, by structure - a one-volume electronic publication edition.

The basic principles for the formation of elements of the EUMKD are:

discretization (modularity) - provision of educational material in the form of logically completed modules corresponding to certain sections of the curriculum of the discipline being studied;

visibility - provision of educational material in the form of a set of frames with the necessary minimum of text (hypertext) and visualization, facilitating the understanding and assimilation of new concepts, statements, conclusions and methods;

hierarchical structure and branching - the relationship of educational modules and other elements of the EUMCD using hyperlinks, taking into account recommended transitions that ensure consistency in the study of the academic discipline;

regulation - providing the user with the opportunity to independently select training modules and display all the necessary information on the screen;

adaptability - the ability to adapt the EUMKD to the needs of a specific user, forming an individual trajectory for studying an academic discipline;

computer support - the effective use of standard (or publicly available) computer tools to achieve the goals of the EUMCD;

versatility - compliance software requirements EUMCD possibilities computer equipment most users;

compatibility - implementation of EUMKD elements in formats that allow assembly from autonomous elements unified system EUMKD, carry out content and program updating, create electronic libraries (cathedral, personal) EUMKD within the framework of a particular specialty (direction of education).

When developing the EUMCD, it is necessary to ensure:

timely reflection of the results of achievements in science, technology, culture and production, and other areas related to the academic discipline being studied;

consistent implementation of intra- and interdisciplinary connections, elimination of duplication of educational material;

rational distribution of study time on course topics and types of training sessions, depending on the form of higher education, improving the methods of conducting classes;

improvement of planning, organization and methodological support for students’ independent work;

the relationship between the educational process and students' research work;

professional orientation of the educational process, taking into account the specific conditions and needs of enterprises and customer organizations of qualified personnel.

Technically, the EUMKD is designed as an educational publication in electronic form with headings in accordance with paragraphs 10, 18 of these Regulations, made using web technologies (Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 6.0 and higher) and meeting the basic requirements of the international standard SCORM 4, which are:

accessibility - the ability to locate and obtain simultaneous access to the electronic digital device from multiple remote access points;

adaptability - the ability to adapt the EUMKD in accordance with the individual needs of the user;

efficiency - the ability to increase productivity by reducing time and effort to find and deliver the required EUMKD material;

durability - compliance with new technologies for obtaining, storing and processing information without additional and expensive modifications;

interoperability - the ability to use electronic digital devices regardless of the software platform on which they are created;

reusability - the ability to use EUMCD elements in different applications and contexts.

When developing an EUMKD, it is necessary to provide for navigation through the EUMKD materials, providing the ability to quickly find the required information, move from one section (topic, paragraph) to another section (topic, paragraph), and use hyperlinks.

The EUMKD must have a clear interface with a modern, attractive design and comply with the standards of health-saving technologies.

Author's originals, which are the basis of the EUMKD (excluding the curriculum), or representing independent electronic educational publications, can, in the prescribed manner, undergo the procedure of being assigned the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus (the stamp of an electronic textbook or electronic teaching aid) or the stamp of the educational and methodological association of higher educational institutions of the Republic Belarus in relevant areas of education (electronic teaching aid, or electronic educational visual aid, or electronic manual).

1.2 Review of EUMK in the discipline "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics"

Let's consider the EUMK in the discipline "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics". The electronic educational and methodological complex "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics" (Figure 1.1) is a document in PDF format - TViMS. pdf. This document consists of the following parts:

user guide,

basic concepts,

theoretical materials,

a set of tasks and exercises,

Figure 1.1 - EUMK window for the discipline "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics"

The "Basic Concepts" part contains definitions of the main concepts from the theoretical course, arranged in alphabetical order. At the end of each definition there is a hyperlink that allows you to go to the corresponding section of the “Theoretical Materials”.

The “Curriculum” part contains standard curricula for courses in probability theory and mathematical statistics in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. Topics from standard programs are linked by hyperlinks to the corresponding sections of the theoretical materials of the EUMK.

The “Theoretical Materials” part contains the main educational materials for the course.

The “Tasks and Exercises” part (Figure 1.2) contains a set of tasks and exercises on topics corresponding to the content of the “Theoretical Materials”. Problems can be provided with answers, solutions, or directions to a solution. To view them, please use the appropriate hyperlinks.

Figure 1.2 - Window of the "Tasks and exercises" section

The “Tests” part contains a set of tests intended for self-control of students before an exam or test. The tests contain multiple choice questions in which you must select one correct answer from several. Please note that the answer result is shown immediately after you click on the selection field. The correct answer is marked with a green tick, the incorrect answer is marked with a red cross.

1.3 Review of EUMK in the discipline "Numerical methods"

Let's consider the EUMK in the discipline "Numerical Methods". This electronic educational and methodological complex includes:

Electronic document Numerical methods. pdf (Figure 1.3) - course manual, including:

user guide;

standard course curricula;

theoretical materials;

a set of tasks and exercises;

Interactive demos for viewing in Wolfram CDF Player - files with the extension . cdf files located in the Demos directory.

The “Curriculum” part contains standard curricula for courses in the disciplines of numerical methods in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. Topics from standard programs are linked by hyperlinks to the corresponding sections of the theoretical materials of the EUMK.

The “Theoretical Materials” part of the complex is the most voluminous. In addition to the theoretical materials themselves, divided into chapters, this part of the document contains sections “Basic concepts”, “Index” and “Proofs of theorems”.

The section "Basic Concepts" contains all the definitions highlighted in the main part of the theoretical materials.

The "Subject Index" section contains an alphabetical list of terms defined in the theoretical part. By clicking on the corresponding term, the user is taken to the corresponding definition in the "Basic Concepts" section, or to the page in the "Theoretical Materials" on which the corresponding term was defined. The vast majority of terms included in the index are highlighted in italic font and greenish-blue in the main text.

The section "Proofs of Theorems" contains proofs of theorems and other statements that were taken from theoretical materials in order to make the text less cumbersome.

Figure 1.3 - EUMK window for the discipline "Numerical methods"

Problems for the course "Numerical Methods", which are located in the corresponding part of the electronic document EUMK, can be provided with answers, solutions or instructions for solution. To view them, please use the appropriate hyperlinks.

In the “Tests” part (Figure 1.4), each of the tests included in the complex consists of ten questions. Test questions can be of two types.

First type test questions- a simple multiple choice question in which you need to choose one correct answer from several. Note that the answer result is shown immediately after clicking on the selection field. The correct answer is marked with a green tick, the incorrect answer is marked with a red cross.

The second type of questions requires specifying a text or numeric value in a special input field.

After entering, to obtain the answer result, you must press the key. If the answer is correct, a green frame will appear around the input field, otherwise the frame will be red. To get the correct answer, you can click on the [?] button that is provided with each input field.

Figure 1.4 - Window of the EUMK knowledge control block

The beginning of each test is indicated by a corresponding inscription; at the end of the test there is a button, clicking on which clears all completed answer fields.

It should be especially noted that the tests in this EUMK are intended only for independent control of knowledge in preparation for a test or exam.

Interactive demos are Computable Document Format (CDF) documents that implement demo applications with a full graphical interface. Demonstrations are located in a separate folder with the appropriate name. To launch the selected demonstration, you need to right-click on the file icon and select “Open with CDF Player” in the context menu. If Wolfram CDF Player is not installed on your computer, it can be downloaded for free at #"784890.files/image005.gif">

Figure 2.1 - Program interface

File menu

The File menu switches to a special interface for files associated with operations such as creating new projects, publishing projects, and importing data. The menu includes features such as publishing projects in different formats, printing a user manual, and saving projects in different formats for different purposes.

Quick search

This tool at the bottom left of the program window provides instant access to any Help & Manual feature, tool or project. Just enter the first few letters of the name of what you want, and then select it from the list, etc. You can select a tool using CTRL+SPACE. If this keyboard shortcut is already assigned on your computer, you can change it in View => Programs => Options => Shortcuts.

Tool Ribbon

Help & Manual functions are carried out primarily through the toolbar (or ribbon for short) (Figure 2.2). It is divided into tabs and groups of functions in accordance with the assigned tasks.

Figure 2.2 - View of the tool belt

Project Browser

The Project Explorer provides access to all project components, including the Contents section, Files, other project files, and all the templates and settings associated with your project.


The editor where you do all your editing work. The Help And Manual editor works like a regular text editor. However, this is also where your project options and settings appear when you select Project Section Configuration under " Project Browser".

The Page Editor consists of three tabs: Page Editor, XML Source, Theme Options.

The first tab is the editor itself, where the user writes text, formats it, adds tables, pictures, media files, links, anchors, etc.

The second bookmark is original text pages in XML format. If desired, the user has the opportunity to edit the page directly in the source code or add code there that cannot be entered using the editor.

The third tab defines the main parameters of the current page: page identifier, window identifier in which it will open, keywords, default anchor, compilers that include this page in the final file.

2.1.2 Project Browser

This section (Figure 2.3) displays general information, recently opened projects, tips for finding information in Help, information about the latest program updates, and other details. There are links to example projects that will help you learn how to use the program better, a “help” link and a “user manual”, a forum and Facebook pages, checking for updates and the ability to create new projects.

Figure 2.3 - Welcome screen

Figure 2.4 - View of section tables of contents

You can create new topics by adding new items to the TOC, which automatically creates a corresponding table of contents file section entry in the project files.

Each section of the file has its own individual settings, which are available in the parameters section (tab in the editor). This tab is also available in the " Content".

2.1.3 Some important editor tools


An anchor (Figure 2.5) in a program is an invisible mark in the text of a page that will be accessed by a keyword or hyperlink. When adding a binding, we specify an identifier and keywords for it. All keywords specified for both entire pages and anchors will be displayed on the Index of Generated Help Files page. Clicking on the selected keyword will take you to the referenced object: page or anchor.

Figure 2.5 - Window for adding a binding

Links to pages of the current help file. For this case, the link parameters indicate the identifier of the page to which the transition will be made. If you need to go not to the top of the page, but to a link on it, the identifier of this link is additionally indicated. If the program has more than one window defined, here you can specify which window will open when you click on the link.

Internet links. In this case, the page address is indicated here or Email. For the first option, you can set in which window the page will open: the same or a new one (only relevant for CHM, HTML and XML files). Moreover, the address must be complete (for example, #"784890.files/image011.gif">

Figure 2.7 - Window for adding a condition

Text variables

In the project parameters, you can set several predefined parameters, such as title, author, copyright, version number, etc. These parameters can be displayed on pages using text variables (Figure 2.8). In addition to the predefined parameters, you can add your own text parameters, which will also be available in the list of variables.


When writing help, the author often needs to insert text onto the page that is interesting only to him. This role in the program is played by the “Comment” tool (Figure 2.9). It inserts a yellow text block onto the page, which is ignored when the file is compiled.

Figure 2.9 - Insert comment window

2.1.4 Project properties

In the project properties window, you can set the basic settings for the future help file. All settings are divided into nine groups.

Project Options Window

The first group sets properties that do not depend on the format of the future file. These are the values ​​of text variables (both predefined and additionally specified), language settings, default font, directories with pictures, own image storage, etc.

By default, the program has one window with the identifier Main. The user has the ability to add new windows and set their own settings for each of them. All this is done in the second group of settings. Here you set parameters such as whether the window has a title bar, background color, and position. For CHM and HLP files, here you can configure a set of buttons that will be available in the help file window.

The following groups contain individual settings for each help file format. For example, page options for RTF or the availability of text for highlighting and copying in an eBook (EXE) file.

External Components

Among the additional Help and Manual tools, I would like to draw your attention to three external components (Figure 2.10) that help in writing instructions.

The first is a screenshot photographer" Screen capture". This function allows you to take a snapshot of an arbitrary area of ​​the screen and even individual interface elements: toolbars, input areas and others.

The second tool is the template editor" Printing the User's Guide" for future files in PDF format. Here you can set the page layout and, using text variables, determine how the source text will be output in the future file. The template created in this editor is saved in the MNL file and is connected to the PDF format settings in the project properties.

And the last application to pay attention to is " Image editor". This is a fairly simple and convenient graphic editor, sufficient for writing documentation. Operating with a small set of graphic primitives, this utility allows you to easily create diagrams, drawings and diagrams, and the applied effects allow you to make each image object unique in its own way. Of the objects created editor, I especially want to highlight the “Magnifier” object, which allows you to enlarge the image on which it is superimposed. This tool will be very useful when working with screenshots with a lot of small details.

Figure 2.10 - Additional external components

Compiling a help file

When the help text is typed, the content is complete, links, anchors and images are arranged, you can begin compiling the final file. In the compilation window, you need to select the final file format, specify its name and location. Then click the "OK" button. In a few seconds the finished file will be in front of you.

Compilation window

A convenient feature of compilation mode is the ability to include options for other file formats in the compiled file. For example, in the source text you have conditions that output text blocks only for HLP files. But one day you needed to compile a PDF file and include the mentioned text blocks there. To do this, you do not need to rewrite the source text of the project; just select the PDF file format in the compilation window and check the Classic Winhelp (. HLP) box. It should be noted that you will need your own compilers to compile the CHM and HLP files. If they are not installed on your system, they can be downloaded here.

Figure 2.11 - Compiler settings window

Figure 2.12 - Publishing a project in the selected format

Figure 2.13 - Project preview window in the selected format

The main advantage of the program is its versatility. With its help you can get the file reference information in any of the most common formats today (CHM, HLP, HXS, HTML, PDF, RTF, EXE, XML). With this package you can get a reference book in three formats: WinHelp, HTML Help and WebHelp. In addition, it is possible to export the directory to a PDF file and to a Word text editor file (. doc or . rtf). The Help And Manual package is capable of creating electronic books. This book is very similar in appearance to a reference book in HTML Help format, but is a stand-alone Windows application (EXE file). The e-book format has one significant drawback - it is not very compact (but is quite suitable for distributing additional educational materials on CDs). The Help And Manual package is able to decompile help files (. hlp and . chm) and create from them new project. The accessible interface makes the program easy to learn. The main block of the program is a text editor, little different from MS Word both in interface and in the number of features.&Manual is one of the best help file generators today. The versatility, convenience of the editor, variety of tools, simple and visual mechanisms for structuring and linking pages make it so.

Chapter 3. Development of a knowledge control unit in the form of tests

One of the most common forms of knowledge control today are tests.

Composition of test tasks

In the very general view test tasks should:

· correspond to the content of the educational material;

· be drawn up taking into account the relevant rules;

· be tested in practice (tested);

· be clear to the subject.

In addition, it should be noted that test tasks can be characterized by indicators - difficulty and discriminability.

From a developer’s point of view, the minimum requirements for the composition of a test task are the presence of all three parts:

1. Instructions

2. Text of the task (question)

3. Correct answer

1. The instructions must contain instructions on what the subject must do, how to complete the task, where and how to make notes and notes, how he should complete the task, where to mark, how to add, etc.

Strictly speaking, the instructions should make sure that the task and the method of performing it are absolutely clear to any of the subjects and do not lead to errors.

For example:

2. The text of the task or question represents the content of the task.

Stimulating (stimulus) - material The data referred to in the question is usually presented in the form of text, a picture, a table, or other data representation. In many cases, writing questions begins with collecting relevant texts or thinking about situations or topics around which a series of questions can be grouped.

3. Correct answer or scoring scheme- a mandatory attribute of any test task - without it, the task, with the exception of, perhaps, the most trivial ones, loses its meaning, since it cannot be accurately analyzed and assessed.

The listed three components of the test task are the minimum necessary for compiling tests.

3.1 Types and types of test tasks. Their features, advantages and disadvantages

Let's consider the typology of test tasks and highlight the requirements for them. There are two types of tasks that combine six types. The entire variety of existing tasks can be reduced to these six types without compromising their quality. The types and types of test tasks are presented in the diagram:

Scheme 3.1 - Types and types of test tasks

Open type tasks include two types - addition tasks and free presentation tasks. Their distinctive feature is that in order to complete them, the subject himself needs to write down one or more words (numbers, letters; possibly phrases or even sentences). This type of task does not have distractors or correct answer options.

Closed-type tasks include four types of tasks: alternative answers, multiple choice, matching and sequencing.

Test tasks of a closed type - provide various options for answering the question posed: one or more correct answers are selected from a number of proposed ones, correct (or incorrect) elements of the list are selected, etc. These are tasks with prescribed answers, which presupposes the presence of a number of pre-developed options for answering a given question. question. Sometimes incorrect answer options are called distractors.

3.2 Closed tasks

3.2.1 Assigning alternative answers

Assignments of alternative answers (true - false, correct - incorrect).

For each alternative answer problem, only two answer options are given. The subject must choose one of them - “yes - no”, “right - wrong”, etc.

Instructions for alternative answer assignments: choose the “yes” or “no” answer that you think is correct. (If you agree with the statement, select the answer “yes”; if you disagree, select “no”).

For example:

Is the following statement true:

1. " The broadcast operation is defined as an infinite symmetry transformation that transfers homologous (corresponding) points to a certain distance in the three-dimensional space of the crystal ".

a) yes, that's right;

b) no, that's not true.

2. " The difference between amorphous and crystalline bodies is limited only by the peculiarity of the transition from liquid state into solid " .

a) yes, that's right;

b) no, that's not true.

3. " The most important property of dislocations is their easy mobility and active interaction with each other and with any other lattice defects " .

a) yes, that's right;

b) no, that's not true.

Alternative answer tasks are the simplest, but not the most common when compiling tests. This is mainly due to the specificity of the material to which this form of assignments is more appropriate. Alternative answer items are used to assess one element of knowledge. The use of alternative answer tasks in the form of a separate question, alone, leads, as a rule, to trivial testing and is used quite rarely.

Thus, this form is appropriate for using tasks of this type in a series, when several questions are asked for one element of knowledge. In this form, alternative answer tasks are more suitable for identifying the level of mastery of complex definitions, knowledge of fairly complex graphs, diagrams, diagrams, etc.

3.2.2 Multiple choice tasks

This is the main type of task used in achievement tests. We must remember that he is not the only one.

Multiple choice problems involve variability in choices. The subject must choose one of the proposed options, of which most often only one is correct.

Form for presenting tasks of alternative answers: Question (statement):

A. answer option 1

B. answer option 2

C. answer option 3

D. answer option 4

E. answer option 5

Multiple Choice Instructions: Select the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

In multiple choice tasks, the number of correct answers is not limited by objective reasons. In the event that there are several options for correct answers, the instructions should be modified, indicating that it is necessary to mark the letters corresponding to the correct answers. Or otherwise indicate that there are several correct options.

For example:

Choose the correct answer:

1. It's called isotropy.

a) independence physical properties body from the direction inside it;

b) the dependence of the physical properties of the body on the direction inside it;

c) the dependence of the physical properties of a body on its size;

d) identical properties in parallel directions throughout the entire volume.

2. Energy spectrum a solid body is usually called:

a) a set of dynamic properties of quasiparticles in a crystal and the nature of its ground state (zero motion);

b) the set of static properties of quasiparticles in a crystal and the nature of its ground state (zero motion);

c) the set of dynamic properties of quasiparticles in a crystal and the nature of its non-zero motion;

d) a set of static properties of quasiparticles in a crystal and the nature of its non-zero motion.

Select one or more answers:

3. Energy defects in a crystal include:

a) phonons;

b) temporary lattice imperfections;

c) excitons;

d) vacancies.

3.2.3 Tasks to restore compliance (compliance)

Compliance tasks (restoring correspondence), in which it is necessary to find or equate parts, elements, concepts - structures, figures, statements; restore correspondence between elements of two lists.

For example:


This type should also include tasks in which it is necessary to restore the order of a series, to put it in order. These tasks can be considered as special case correspondence tasks in which there is only one series, and the other, assumed, is time.

The main advantages of tasks of this type are: the ability to quickly assess knowledge, skills and abilities in a specific field of knowledge, and the cost-effectiveness of placing tasks in the test.

In order for compliance tasks to allow obtaining a result that does not depend on external causes, when constructing them it is necessary to take into account the requirements arising from the characteristics of perception:

· the number of input data of one list should not exceed 10; if there are more of them, it is better to create one or more tasks;

· if the length of the lists does not match, then this must be indicated in the instructions and key.

3.2.4 Sequence restoration tasks

As we have already noted, sequence restoration tasks can be considered as a variant of the correspondence restoration task, when one of the series is time, distance or another continuum construct, which is implied in the form of a series. Since this form of tasks requires special instructions, we have separated it into a separate subsection.

Rarely used in tests. In fact, this is a very high-quality form of test tasks, which has significant advantages: brevity, ease of testing. It is suitable for any subject where there are algorithmic activities or time events. For technology, this can be the order of technological operations, for history - the restoration of time sequences of events, for exact sciences - algorithms for solving problems, and this list is almost endless.

If we talk about the form of this task, then on the one hand (if we approach it strictly) it cannot be classified as closed tasks, since when completing it the student himself writes down the answer. In form, this task is close to tasks to restore correspondence, but on the other hand, one cannot fail to note its closeness to tasks to continue the sequence. Separately, it is necessary to note the low probability of guessing the correct answer that is characteristic of this form of tasks.

For example:

Place them in the correct order.

1. The operations for finding the Miller indices for a plane should be arranged in the following order:

A) Take segments cut off by a plane on the coordinate axes.

B) Take the reciprocal values ​​of these segments.

C) Reduce to a common denominator.

D) Discard the denominator.

2. Arrange the crystals in order of increasing binding energy (from lowest value to the greatest):

A) Molecular;

B) With hydrogen bonds;

B) Metal;

D) Ionic.

Advantages of closed tasks:

tasks can be reliable because there are no factors associated with subjective assessments that reduce reliability;

assessment of assignments is completely objective: there can be no differences between the assessments of different assessors;

it doesn’t matter whether the subjects can formulate answers well;

tasks of this type are easy to process, testing is carried out quickly;

a simple filling algorithm reduces the number of accidental errors and typos;

these tasks allow you to cover large areas of knowledge, which is especially important for achievement tests;

machine processing of responses is possible;

low probability of guessing the correct answers;

It is possible to obtain an accurate assessment of the content of the test, which is especially important for determining the suitability of the test for the purposes of the study.

3.3 Open type tasks

These include two types of tasks:

additions(other name: problems with limited answers). In these tasks, subjects must also provide answers to questions independently, but their capabilities are limited. Restrictions ensure the objectivity of assessing the result of the task, and the wording of the answer should allow for an unambiguous assessment;

free presentation or free design. They require free responses from subjects regarding the essence of the task. There are no restrictions on answers. However, the wording of tasks should ensure that there is only one correct answer.

Instructions for add-on tasks: Instead of each ellipsis, enter only one word (symbol, sign, etc.).

Instructions for free presentation tasks: finish offer ( phrase), enter the correct answer instead of the ellipsis; complete the definition by writing the answer in the form, etc., that is, instead of an ellipsis, you can enter a phrase, phrase, sentence, or even several sentences.

Fulfilling the basic requirement for addition tasks does not seem difficult; the correct answer will be the very expression, word, etc. that the test subject needs to enter.

For free presentation tasks, fulfillment of the basic requirement for test tasks more difficult. To fulfill this requirement, it is necessary to formalize the response itself. In the case where the result of the task is numerical expressions, the structure of the phrase implies two or three unambiguous words - this is not difficult.

Example of a free presentation assignment:

Instructions: Write down the correct answer.

Question: " Total number independent point symmetry groups of crystals are equal. "

Question: "The total number of independent space symmetry groups of crystals is equal."

Question: “Depending on the ratio of the size and relative orientation of the edges of a unit crystal cell, there may be types of crystal lattices.”

Due to the unique definition, there is only one answer, which will ensure high reliability on the test.

Example of specifying an add-on:

Instructions: Instead of an ellipsis, write down the correct answer. One blank corresponds to only one word.

Question: "There are only... forms corresponding to point crystallographic symmetry groups."

Or the question: “This state of a conductor in which its electrical resistance is zero is called.”

The difficulty in using this type of task lies in the difficulty of formalizing answers; the need to prepare assessment schemes makes standardization difficult; the procedure is cumbersome and time-consuming.

Tasks of this type are considered by psychologists as additional methods of presenting tasks in test form. However, which form of tasks is better is determined by the specificity of the information being tested. If it is very specific, and this is not uncommon in pedagogical practice, then free presentation tasks will be effective; if it is not so clearly defined, then it is better to use supplementary tasks.

The main difficulty in composing open-type tasks is compliance with the basic requirement for test tasks - the presence of an unambiguous correct answer. There are several techniques that allow you to formalize the answer and make it unambiguous.

The positive aspects of well-written addition and free presentation tasks are:

) brevity and clarity of answers;

) the need to reproduce the answer from memory;

) no need to search for several answer options;

) simplicity of formulation of questions;

) ease of verification;

) inability to guess the answer.

The main advantage of these tasks is the inability to guess the answer, and the main disadvantage is the difficulty of formalizing the correct answer. However, for calculation problems, problems with formulas as an answer, this form seems optimal.

4. Electronic educational and methodological complex "Solid State Physics"

Let's consider the EUMK in the discipline "Solid State Physics". The electronic educational and methodological complex "Solid State Physics" (drawing) is a document in PDF format - Solid State Physics. pdf. This document consists of the following parts:

user guide,

standard course curricula,

theoretical materials,

Let us briefly describe the contents of these sections.

The part "Training programs" contains standard training programs for the course "Solid State Physics" in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. Topics from standard programs are linked by hyperlinks to the corresponding sections of the theoretical materials of the EUMK.

The “Theoretical Material” part contains the main educational materials for the course.

The “Laboratory Workshop” part contains descriptions of 5 laboratory works on the basic sections of the course “Solid State Physics” in accordance with the general physics course program for university physics students. The laboratory workshop can be useful for students of physics and technical specialties at universities, and physics teachers.

The “Tests” part contains a set of tests intended for self-control of students before an exam or test. The tests contain multiple choice questions in which you must select one correct answer from several. Please note that the answer result is shown immediately after you click on the selection field. The correct answer is marked with a green tick, the incorrect answer is marked with a red cross. The beginning of each test is indicated by a corresponding inscription; at the end of the test there is a button, clicking on which clears all completed answer fields.


At this stage of scientific and technological development, in the course of improving various educational methods, the introduction of electronic educational and methodological complexes is progressive.

EUMKs allow you to collect into a single complex almost all the information materials required for studying a particular discipline. At the same time, they provide the necessary

today there is interactivity, clarity, mobility, compactness and low cost of replication, multiple options, multi-levels and a variety of verification tasks and tests.

The advantages of modern EUMK, first of all, include the ability to effectively organize independent work and enhance the role of the student in the learning process.

When choosing a platform for performing EUMK, we took into account such characteristics as an accessible interface, versatility, convenience of the editor, a variety of text editing tools, and the ability to save the project in various formats, such as CHM, HLP, HXS, HTML, PDF, RTF, EXE, XML. The Help and Manual program turned out to be the most convenient and meets all the above characteristics. Help&Manual is one of the best help file generators available today.

For the EUMK knowledge control block, tests were developed, about 120 pieces (120). Tests are the most common form of knowledge control. To reduce the likelihood of guessing answers, various types of tasks are presented in the work. Examples of questions asked are given in Chapter 3 "Development of a knowledge control unit in the form of tests." However, the most common are closed-type multiple choice tasks and matching tasks.

the basic requirements for electronic educational and methodological complexes were reviewed and analyzed;

a review of existing EUMCD was carried out;

their compliance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus was checked;

a search for a platform for hosting an electronic educational and methodological complex in the discipline “Solid State Physics” was carried out, a comparison and justification for the choice of platform was carried out;

completed short review functions and tools of the Help and Manual program;

tests have been developed for the discipline "Solid State Physics", about 120 pieces;

an electronic educational and methodological complex has been created, consisting of a title screen, an EUMKD map, a curriculum of an academic discipline, a theoretical section, a practical section in the form of a laboratory workshop, a knowledge control unit and recommended literature based on the Help and Manual platform in the form of a PDF document that meets the requirements Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

The introduction of EUMK focuses on independent learning. Since the main properties of EUMK are accessibility, clarity and versatility, the use of electronic educational and methodological complexes allows the student to develop himself in the direction of independent learning, to consider various aspects of the discipline as a whole. The presence of a knowledge control unit in the EUMK allows the student to carry out self-control and check himself as he studies the discipline.

Conclusion: the electronic educational and methodological complex is a convenient and understandable tool for studying the discipline; it can also be used to present the subject being studied in lectures, since it includes presentations and demonstrations. We can say with confidence that EUMK is a progressive method of organizing independent learning.

List of sources used

1. Modern electronic educational and methodological complex - the basis of the information and educational environment of the university / P.A. Mandrik, A.I. Zhuk, Yu.V. Vorotnitsky // Informatization of education - 2010: pedagogical aspects of creating an information and educational environment: materials of the international. scientific Conf., Minsk, October 27-30. 2010 - Minsk: BSU, 2010. - P. 197-201.

Regulations on the electronic educational and methodological complex in the discipline for higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus.

Help And Manual

Mayorov, A.N. Theory and practice of creating tests for the education system. (How to choose, create and use tests for educational purposes) / A.N. Mayorov. - M., "Intelligence Center", 2001. - 296 p.

5. Khakhomov, S.A. Physics of Solid State / S.A. Khakhomov, Yu.V. Nikityuk, A.V. Semchenko. - Gomel: GSU named after F. Skaryny, 2011. - 108 p.

Laboratory workshop on solid state physics / Yu.V. Nikityuk, A.V. Semchenko, S.A. Khakhomov; Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Gomel State University named after F. Skaryna. - Gomel: GSU named after F. Skaryny, 2009. - 100 p.

Kitel, Ch. Introduction to solid state physics / Ch. Kitel. - M: Nauka, 1978. - 792 p.

Zhdanov G.S. Solid state physics. Moscow, Nauka, 1962.

EC Software web site // [Electronic. resource] / Access mode:

TeX Users Group web site // [Electron. resource] / Access mode: by/


1. Electronic educational and methodological complex "Programming" (39Mb zip)

2. Electronic educational and methodological complex "Chemistry" (768Mb zip)

Electronic educational and methodological complex "Economic theory for non-economic specialties" (8Mb zip)

Electronic educational and methodological complex "Economic theory for economic specialties" (8Mb zip)

Electronic educational and methodological complex "Fundamentals of Psychology" in the discipline "Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy" (17Mb zip)

Electronic educational and methodological complex "Higher Mathematics" (21Mb zip)

Electronic educational and methodological complex "Philosophy" (25Mb zip)

Electronic educational and methodological complex "Physics" (208Mb zip)

Electronic educational and methodological complex "Fundamentals of Pedagogy" (1.2Gb zip)

Electronic educational and methodological complex "Numerical methods" (4Mb zip)

Electronic educational and methodological complex "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics" (5Mb zip)

Educational and methodological complex

An educational and methodological complex (EMC) is a set of educational and methodological materials on various media that determine the content of each discipline of the corresponding educational program, as well as methods for using educational and methodological support necessary for all types of classroom training and organizing independent work of students.

The teaching and learning complex of an academic discipline is one of the elements of organizing educational activities. The educational complex should be developed for students in all musical theoretical disciplines, taking into account the need to improve the quality of learning material at the level of FGT requirements.

primary goal creating an educational and methodological complex - providing students with a complete set of educational and methodological materials for independent study of the discipline. At the same time, in addition to direct teaching of children, the tasks of the teacher are: provision of consulting services, current and final assessment of knowledge, motivation for independent work.

The educational complex is developed by a teacher (team of teachers) of the department that ensures the teaching of the discipline in accordance with the curriculum for training students. The developer(s) of the educational and methodological complex are responsible for the high-quality preparation of teaching materials corresponding to FGT.

The teaching and learning complex of the discipline and its components should:

  1. take into account the general ideology of federal and regional policies, promote the development of the regional system of additional education;
  2. provide a logically consistent presentation of educational material;
  3. assume the use of modern methods and technical means of intensifying the educational process, allowing students to deeply and efficiently master educational material and gain practical skills;
  4. comply with modern scientific ideas in the subject area;
  5. provide interdisciplinary connections;
  6. ensure accessibility and ease of use for teachers and students;
  7. contain information about the author (authors), editor, results of testing in the educational process.

The teaching materials in electronic form are stored in the school library and can be published, if students need to study any sections, on the personal website of the teacher-developer.

The composition of the educational and methodological complex is determined by the content of the approved work program for the relevant discipline. The composition of the educational complex includes:

  1. abstract of teaching materials;
  2. work discipline program approved by the school director;
  3. educational materials for the following types of classes:
  1. short course of lectures;
  2. practical classes (practical training plan);
  1. educational and visual aids (tables, presentations, audio, video materials, etc.);
  2. electronic materials, manuals for independent work of students.

Abstract of the educational and methodological complex -a brief content of the educational complex, indicating its goals and objectives, the expected results of mastering the discipline in terms of obtaining new knowledge and developing competencies.

Lectures are a section of an educational session, the purpose of which is to consider theoretical issues of the academic discipline in a concentrated, logically consistent form. The teaching materials of the lecture course include:

  1. educational and methodological materials for the course of lectures (textbooks, teaching aids, collections prepared and published by the authors of the teaching materials, lecture notes in printed form or electronic presentation - electronic textbook, file with the content of the material presented in lectures, file with handouts);
  2. control and measuring materials;
  3. educational literature recommended for students as basic and additional literature in the relevant discipline.

Practical lessons -one of the forms of an educational lesson that develops the practical skills of students, aimed at developing the independence of students and acquiring the necessary skills. Educational and methodological materials for practical classes included in the educational complex include:

  1. guidelines for conducting practical classes in printed form or electronic format, containing:

A lesson plan indicating the sequence of topics covered, the amount of classroom hours allocated for mastering materials on each topic;

Brief theoretical and educational materials on each topic, allowing the student to become familiar with the content of the issues studied in the practical lesson, with links to additional educational materials that allow them to study the issues being considered in more depth;

Texts of situations (musical texts) for analysis, assignments, tasks, etc., considered in practical classes;

Methodological instructions for teachers conducting practical classes, defining the methodology of conducting classes, the procedure for solving problems proposed to students, options for topics for essays and practical assignments, methods for discussing business situations for analysis (in high school, practical classes are recommended to be conducted using business situations for analysis).

Situation for analysis –a description of a specific pedagogical task (situation) that actually faced or faces the musician-performer, indicating the facts, opinions, judgments accompanying this situation, on which the solution to a practical situation is usually based. This is a method that allows the teacher to develop independence and logical thinking students, the opportunity to reflect and find correct solution, choose the most appropriate model in solving a specific practical problem(situations).

Laboratory exercises –type of independent practical work aimed at deepening and consolidating theoretical knowledge, and developing experimentation skills. In some disciplines, laboratory classes are conducted using computer programs(presentations, and others).

Educational and methodological materials for laboratory classes included in the educational complex include:

  1. guidelines for conducting laboratory classes in printed form or electronic format, containing:

A lesson plan indicating the sequence and topics of laboratory work, the amount of classroom hours allocated for mastering the materials for each work;

Brief general and educational materials for each laboratory (practical) work;

Methodology for performing laboratory work, including short description software, used to perform laboratory work, a description of the initial data for laboratory work (texts of situations for analysis, assignments, tasks, etc.), the procedure for performing the work, the methodology for analyzing the results obtained, the procedure for preparing a report on laboratory work;

Methodological instructions for teachers conducting practical classes, defining the methodology for conducting laboratory classes, the procedure for preparing and presenting a report on laboratory work.

Testing and measuring materials (CMM) -funds assessment tools, allowing you to assess knowledge, skills and acquired competencies. CMMs include:

  1. control questions, tests and assignments for individual sections of the discipline ( training modules, didactic units) for ongoing monitoring of students’ knowledge;
  2. examples of questions, tests and assignments for individual sections of the discipline for intermediate control of students’ knowledge;
  3. exam questions on the discipline.

UMK documentation –the totality of all educational and educational materials that are part of the educational complex in the relevant discipline. The documentation of the educational complex is the intellectual property of the educational institution that developed the educational complex.


Educational, methodological and educational materials included in the teaching materials must reflect modern level development of science, logically provide for the use of modern methods and technical means of intensifying the educational process, allowing students to deeply master educational material and gain skills in its application in practical creative activity.

The educational complex is developed in the following sequence:

  1. development of a work program for a discipline included in the curriculum;
  2. development of lecture notes, theoretical information;
  3. development of the structure and content of practical (laboratory) classes;
  4. planning students’ independent work;
  5. formation of methodological recommendations and other guidelines for students’ independent work, as well as self-study disciplines;
  6. development of CMMs;
  7. testing and adjustment of teaching materials in the educational process;
  8. preparation of documents according to the educational complex;
  9. coordination and approval of teaching materials.


The examination of the educational and methodological complex begins with consideration at a department meeting. Next, the work with an extract from the minutes of the meeting is submitted to the deputy director in the educational (methodological) department for internal review. Then the teaching materials are sent for external review to the relevant department of a higher organization or to the corresponding department of the educational institution.

Work with positive reviews is discussed at a meeting of the methodological council, a decision is made and an extract from the minutes of the meeting is drawn up. An electronic version of the teaching materials with reviews remains in the school library. If the methodological council makes a negative decision, the work is returned to the author(s) for revision.

The need to ensure high-quality implementation of the state educational standard for primary vocational education (SES NPO) has intensified the search by pedagogical science and practice for ways to increase the efficiency of the educational process and improve all its component elements.

In this regard, other priorities for the goals of the educational process are being built. Its focus on the final results, in particular, on the formation of the specialist’s personality, his moral and creative potential, is intensifying. Taking into account the trends of modern education, the content of primary vocational education, teaching technologies, and forms of organizing the educational process are being intensively updated. Therefore, the interest of the pedagogical community in the problem of educational and methodological support for special disciplines has increased. After all, pedagogical science and practice prove that the quality and effectiveness of the educational process increases if its educational and methodological support is carried out comprehensively.

In the Russian language dictionary, the concept “complex” means a collection of something; a collection of objects or phenomena that make up one whole.

In pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary the following definition is given to the concept of “complex” (in psychology) - the combination of individual mental processes into a whole.

In the methodological recommendations for the development of educational and methodological support for subjects and professions, a complex is understood as structural components, from which it is composed as a single whole, necessary and sufficient for the design and high-quality implementation of the learning process.

The effect is achieved due to the fact that with comprehensive educational and methodological support, the necessary conditions for the functioning of the educational process, this contributes to the high-quality assimilation of the content of education, the implementation of learning goals, and therefore leads to the education, development of students and the activation of their educational cognitive activity.

Currently, teaching staff of primary vocational education institutions are working to organize educational and methodological support for the educational process in accordance with state educational standards for specific professions of primary vocational education.

At the same time, not all issues have yet been resolved by pedagogical science and practice with the necessary completeness. Mass pedagogical practice shows that the creation of an optimal set of educational and methodological support for special disciplines is very difficult task. To successfully solve it, it is necessary to become familiar with the initial concepts of the educational and methodological support itself: its composition (structural structure), content (documents, technical objects, etc.), requirements for its development.

The importance of educational and methodological support in the education system, including vocational education, is assessed differently. In the monograph by D.D. Zuev gave the following definition of this concept: “Educational and methodological support is a system of didactic teaching aids in a specific subject, created for the purpose of the most complete implementation of educational and educational tasks serving the comprehensive development of the student’s personality.” In Encyclopedia of Vocational Education, edited by S.Ya. Batyshev, educational and methodological support (UMS) is defined as “comprehensive methodological support of the educational process and a tool for the teacher, master of industrial training.”

Almost all researchers agree that the educational and methodological complex (EMC) is a means of educational and methodological support of the educational process in order to improve its quality. At the same time, none of the researchers dealt with the problem of forming educational training in the basic discipline of a special cycle of training from the perspective of employers’ requirements for the knowledge and skills of a graduate of an institution of primary vocational education.

In order to better understand the problem, to identify the entire composition of teaching materials, it is necessary to consider the educational process as an object of educational and methodological support and decide what should be taken as the initial basis for establishing its component composition.

All educational and methodological documentation and teaching aids used in the educational process must form an interconnected system. This will provide a truly scientific approach to the design, creation, recording and control of educational and methodological support for the pedagogical process.

The system of educational and methodological support should be understood as planning, development and creation of an optimal set of educational programs, educational and methodological documentation and teaching aids necessary for complete and high-quality education of students within the time and content determined by the state standard.

When determining the criteria and content of the educational and methodological support system for the learning process, it is necessary to proceed, first of all, from the curriculum, which reflects the requirements of the state educational standard, defining the project of the content of the educational process in the subject, profession in accordance with modern requirements.

The system, a complex of educational and methodological documentation and teaching aids, must cover all the main content of the program material.

Systematicity in this case is expressed in the fact that the study of each key issue of the educational content for each topic (section) of the curriculum is provided with the necessary optimal minimum of teaching aids and the necessary documentation that allows for a high-quality implementation of the educational process.

The educational and methodological support system can be considered in a traditional and innovative structure (see Table 1.1).

Table 1.1

Traditional and innovative construction of a system of educational and methodological support

Component of the educational process





Quality of learning outcomes, socio-economic orientation of education goals (meeting the needs of the state and society for qualified personnel).

Personal development; satisfying the individual's needs for educational services; Personally oriented education: independent choice of the pace of learning, sequence of learning, level of assimilation, subject to achieving the standard level.

Combination of standardization and personal orientation in content selection; selectivity of content; interchangeability of topics; questions; literature; elective tasks;

Block-modular structuring of content in order to implement educational and methodological support for independent work of students.


Learning tools derived from traditional objectives and required content components.

Means of educational and methodological support for independent work of students, educational information technologies (increasing the use of computers, computer programs in subjects, network use, computer diagnostics, use of textbooks on magnetic media, multimedia).

Explanatory and illustrative methods;

Methods arising from traditional goals, content, and teaching aids.

Reproductive methods (work according to the model shown by the teacher).

Method of creative tasks; group methods of educational work; selectivity of execution techniques educational activities; reflection method; research, problem-based methods, project-based, independent work of students; method of heuristic conversation, method of independent work of students on a proactive basis.

Forms of organization

Classroom system (lesson, excursion, club, elective, consultation, homework).

Lecture and seminar work ( different kinds lectures, seminars, laboratory and practical work, workshops, types of practice).

Immersion lessons, creative weeks, forms of individualized learning, types of innovative lessons (competition lessons, lessons - public forms of communication, lessons imitating the activities of institutions and organizations).

Guidance of educational-cognitive and educational-cognitive activities of students. In these conditions, the teacher is the organizer and manager. The conditions are not equal.

Training in conditions of educational and methodological support for independent work of students. In these conditions, the teacher is an equal employee, consultant, technologist, creating means to ensure independent work of students.

The next criterion of the system is taking into account the capabilities of teaching aids. Different learning tools have different purposes, functions and capabilities.

Teaching aids are material objects and objects of natural nature, as well as man-made means used in the educational process as carriers. educational information and a tool for the activities of teachers and students to achieve the goals of training, education and development.

The main functions of teaching aids as a component of the educational process are as follows:

They increase the degree of visibility and make educational material accessible to students, which is generally inaccessible or difficult to access without the use of teaching aids;

Help satisfy and develop the cognitive interests of students, thereby increasing the pace of learning educational material;

They are a source of information, freeing the teacher from a greater amount of technical work and thereby contribute to increasing his creative level;

They are a means of controlling the cognitive activity of students on the part of the teacher.

The types and types of teaching aids are shown in Figure 1.1.

Rice. 1.1.

Teaching aids, as well as content, methods, and organizational forms, are a component of the training system (designed model) and the educational process, as well as the most important component of the educational and material base of any educational institution.

The teaching aids are: educational literature (books, visual aids, tables, posters); information materials for individual teaching aids (movies, videos, filmstrips, films with images); software and methodological support for the educational process ( Computer techologies, training and monitoring programs, PC programs, tasks for graphic works); special equipment (simulators, trimmers); didactic materials (training programs, game scripts, questionnaires).

Educational equipment: TSO (film projector, tape recorder, overhead projector, computer); laboratory equipment (instruments, devices, microscopes, measuring instruments, drawing equipment); educational furniture and equipment (tables, boards, poster holders).

Thus, the means of information and subject support for professional training are represented by information media and educational and technical means.

Being a component of various systemic formations, in pedagogical science and practice, material means of education have a direct impact on all other components in full accordance with the established system-forming connections of functioning, transformation, interaction, etc.

Depending on the functions performed, teaching aids are divided into didactic and auxiliary.

Didactic teaching aids are teaching aids to which part of the teacher’s functions (information, management, control) is transferred during the implementation of the pedagogical process.

Auxiliary teaching aids are means that do not take on part of the teacher’s functions, but help him in organizing and implementing the pedagogical process.

Depending on the purpose of creation, teaching aids are differentiated into special and natural ones.

Special teaching aids are material objects created for the purpose of using them in the pedagogical process. These include:

Volumetric modeling tools (models and layouts);

Exercise equipment;

Subject-sign teaching aids (didactic means expressed by signs (formulas, letters, words) of natural and artificial languages, organizing the cognitive activity of students).

Natural teaching aids are material objects created for the purpose of using them in certain professional activities as objects, objects and means of labor, but used in the pedagogical process. Natural means of education also include objects of natural nature.

When equipping the educational process with teaching aids and educational and methodological documentation, it is necessary to take into account the economic factor, bearing in mind:

1. An economically sound approach to planning a set of teaching aids, taking into account the widespread availability and prospects of the relevant specialties, the content of training, and the organization of the system for creating such means.

2. Selection and creation of teaching aids that would allow one to successfully solve educational problems at optimal costs for their development, production, acquisition, rental, etc.

In addition, the teaching aids included in the complex must comply with established ergonomic, hygienic, environmental requirements, and safety requirements for their use in the educational process.

Taking into account all these factors-criteria in a complex is the essence systematic approach to educational and methodological support of the educational process, which is reflected in Figure 1.2.

The practice of professional educational institutions confirms that the leading principle of educational and methodological support of the educational process is the principle of consistency.

The source documents for the development of a set of educational and methodological support for the subject (profession) are training program, which determines the content of the learning process in accordance with the requirements state standard, modern production, labor market to prepare skilled workers. The set of training tools should cover all the main content of the program material.

The system of educational and methodological documentation and teaching aids for the subject (profession) is presented in Figure 1.2. and 1.3.

Fig.1.2. System of educational and methodological support of the educational process


Regulatory and educational documents

The state NPO standard is a set of requirements for the level of content and quality of vocational education.

A curriculum is “an official document reflecting the scope and content of instruction.”

The immediate basis for planning the educational process in an educational institution is the working curriculum.

The working curriculum is developed in a specific educational institution on the basis of a regional (approximate) one, taking into account the chosen specialization and the requirements of the local component of the educational standard.

The basis for constructing a regional (approximate) curriculum is a standard (approximate) curriculum.

A standard (approximate) curriculum is a document that establishes at the federal level a list and volume of educational cycles and subjects in relation to a profession, taking into account the level of qualification and the minimum (basic) period of study, reflecting the requirements that ensure the equivalence of training in a given profession throughout Russia.

The development of a standard (approximate) curriculum is carried out at the federal level on the basis of the curriculum model, approved by the decision of the board of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated June 30, 1993 No. 14/3, for specific professions of the List of NGO professions, approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated December 8, 1999 No. 1362.

The package of educational program documentation (package UPD) for the training of skilled workers in institutions of primary vocational education is a collection of regulatory educational materials for a specific profession, the List of professions, developed at the regional level, taking into account national and regional requirements for training and collectively constituting the project regional component of the NPO standard for a given profession, approved (also at the regional level) after its testing.

A curriculum is a document that details the content of training in a specific subject (course).

An exemplary curriculum is a document that details the mandatory (federal) content components and quality parameters for mastering educational material in a specific subject of an exemplary (standard) curriculum.

Working curriculum - a curriculum developed on the basis of an example (standard) in relation to a specific educational institution taking into account the national-regional component of the standard.

A necessary component of the learning process program is a perspective-thematic plan, which allows you to adjust lesson planning for the study of specific topics from the standpoint of methodology, types of independent work of students, interdisciplinary connections, educational and methodological support, etc.

Lesson plan ( routing lessons) - an educational and methodological document developed by a teacher for each educational lesson to ensure the effective implementation of the content of education, learning goals, education and development of students, the formation of solid knowledge, skills and abilities.

The list of educational and production work by profession defines the work performed by students in order to master professional knowledge, skills and abilities provided for by the industrial training program.

The development of educational and methodological support by a teacher is a creative process consisting of an analysis of goals, possibilities and the choice of forms, methods and means of teaching. This is a choice of personal preferences of the teacher. In practice, this is a constant mental search and creative activity, which the teacher does not record until he begins to draw up a calendar-thematic plan or lesson plan.

Since this process is associated with the choice of forms, methods, and means of teaching, let us consider them in more detail.

In pedagogy, a teaching method is usually called a method of interconnected activity between a teacher and students, aimed at students mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, at their upbringing and development in the learning process.

In order to use teaching methods more effectively, it is necessary to present them in a certain system, reflected in the appropriate classification. Methods widely used in pedagogical practice, distinguished by sources of transfer and acquisition of knowledge and skills, include:

Verbal (story, explanation, conversation, working with a book and instructional materials, etc.);

Visual (demonstration of visual aids, films and videos, observations, etc.);

Practical (exercises, laboratory- practical work and etc.).

Depending on the main didactic tasks implemented at this stage of training, methods of acquiring knowledge, developing skills and abilities, applying knowledge, consolidating, testing knowledge, skills and abilities are distinguished.

In accordance with the nature of students’ cognitive activity, methods are divided into two groups: reproductive and problem-search.

Teaching methods as a way of implementing the educational process can be conditionally considered in three aspects:

General didactic;

Private didactic;

Private methodological (private methods).

The general didactic aspect reflects the objective essence, requirements and didactic capabilities of the method, characteristic of it as such, regardless of the period of the educational process.

The particular didactic aspect reflects the general characteristics of the method in its specific conditions in relation to the period of the educational process, as well as the features of the content of training.

The particular methodological aspect is based on general didactic and particular didactic characteristics of methods and reflects particular methods of studying specific subjects.

We will consider the classification of teaching methods at two levels:

General didactic;

Private didactic.

General didactic methods are:





The information-receptive method (or explanatory-illustrative) consists in the fact that the teacher, using various means, presents information in a “ready” form, and students perceive it with all their senses, understand and remember it.

The reproductive method is based on the teacher first presenting “ready-made” information, then tasks that require the student to reproduce knowledge and methods of activity.

The heuristic method - (partial search) - involves students' perception of information in the process of searching for a solution to a problem with the direct participation of the teacher.

The research method is implemented through students’ independent completion (individually or collectively) of research tasks proposed by the teacher.

Private didactic methods are:


Development methods cognitive activity students;

Methods for checking the quality of acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Perceptual learning methods differ in the type of knowledge sources. This group includes verbal, visual and practical methods training.

Verbal teaching methods are used by the teacher when presenting, explaining, generalizing, and systematizing educational material through words. Verbal methods include story, explanation, lecture, conversation, instruction, etc.

Visual demonstration methods are focused on students’ sensory perception of the objects or processes being studied. Examples of visual demonstration methods are illustration, demonstration, personal demonstration of the implementation of labor techniques and operations.

Visual and demonstration methods are used, as a rule, in conjunction with verbal and practical methods.

Practical methods are based on the implementation of real educational actions and are aimed at developing practical skills and abilities.

Practical methods include exercises, laboratory work, practical work, implementation of educational and production work, etc.

Methods for developing students’ cognitive activity are focused on developing their learning skills and developing creative abilities. These methods can be divided into two subgroups:

Methods individual organization cognitive activity of students (individual methods). Examples of individual methods include: the homework method, the training method, the course design method, etc.

Methods of group (collective) cognitive activity of students (group methods). Group teaching methods include: discussion, brainstorm, role-playing, business game, etc.

Methods for checking the quality of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities are identified as a separate group. In this group, a distinction is made between oral and written control methods.

Methods of oral control of knowledge, abilities, skills include individual and frontal surveys of students.

Common methods of written control of the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities include a written survey, a test, and testing. The use of written control methods makes it possible to check the level of mastery of educational material by a group of students simultaneously in a relatively short period of time.

In our study, we used private didactic teaching methods. In particular, we used verbal, visual demonstration and practical methods (laboratory and practical work), as well as written control methods (testing).

Forms of education are types of organization of interaction between students in study groups, microgroups, individual students among themselves and with the teacher within the framework of one or another type of lesson (frontal, group, individual, pair).

Forms of organization of training contribute to the implementation of the teaching, developing and educating functions of the pedagogical process.

Exist various classifications forms of educational organization, differing in what criteria underlie them: number of students, didactic goal, type of activity, dominant function, place of study, duration of classes.

In vocational education institutions, the following types of organizational forms of training are distinguished: theoretical (TO) and industrial (PO).

Industrial training is a way of organizing a student team for educational and industrial activities, a form of management of these activities, as well as a structure for constructing training sessions.

Theoretical teaching is a way of organizing a student group for educational activities, a form of management of these activities, as well as a structure for constructing training sessions.

Depending on the location of theoretical and industrial training, classroom and extracurricular organizational forms of training are distinguished.

Classroom learning is implemented through lessons and activities.

A lesson is a part of the educational process, limited to a certain period of time and conducted by a teacher with a group of students of a constant composition and the same level of training.

Depending on the goals of training, duration, location and type of educational activity, lessons of theoretical training (TO) and industrial training (PT) are distinguished.

Depending on the didactic goals, there are five types of theoretical training lessons:

A lesson in learning new knowledge;

Lesson on consolidating and improving knowledge and skills;

Repeating and generalizing lesson;

Test lesson;

Combined lesson.

Depending on the learning objectives, the following types of industrial training lessons are distinguished:

Lesson on studying labor techniques and operations;

Lesson on performing complex work;

Inspection work;

Combined software lesson.

Depending on the degree of independence in carrying out educational and industrial activities, the following types of industrial training lessons are distinguished: lesson-exercise, lesson of independent performance of educational and industrial work, combined lesson.

Along with the lesson in professional educational institutions classes apply.

A lesson is a classroom, different from a lesson, organizational form of training that can be conducted with one study group, part of it, or several study groups at the same time.

The most common types of activities include:


Laboratory and practical classes.

Lectures and seminars are used in theoretical teaching.

Laboratory and practical classes are divided into:




The most common extracurricular activities, differing in didactic goals, are:



Independent work of students;

Industrial training at the enterprise.

Consultation is a form of organizing the learning process outside of class for one or a group of students to clarify unclear or complex issues, topics, sections of the program in the process of studying an academic discipline. Translated from Latin, consultation means advice given by a specialist.

An excursion is a visit and study of real objects (enterprise, museum, etc.) for educational purposes. Depending on the learning objectives, there are introductory, illustrative and general excursions.

Independent work. The essence of students’ independent work lies in organizing independent cognitive activity. She is one of important means preparing students for active self-educational work and this is its main didactic goal. Independent work of students consists of working with a book, making notes, preparing reports, completing homework, coursework and dissertations.

Industrial training at the enterprise is carried out with the aim of consolidating and improving students’ most important skills and abilities when performing complex work.

IN diploma work When developing methodological support, we used such forms of training as theoretical training lessons and practical training (laboratory and practical classes).

Control means are used regardless of the traditional or innovative educational and methodological support system.

High-quality implementation of the requirements of the State Educational Standards of NGOs is associated with the creation of modern means of monitoring the quality of training of students and graduates. In this case, a control program should be prepared for the subject, aimed at checking the degree of achievement of the standard requirements in the real educational process. This program should include the planned forms of intermediate certification of students - tests, tests on individual topics, sections, credit lessons on practical and laboratory classes.

These forms of control are ensured by the compilation of checklists of questions, the formation of response standards (algorithms for performing certain actions), the development of control procedures, and means for its implementation. In many cases, preference is given to test questions that allow the most objective assessment of student achievements.

The development of control means is entrusted to teachers, ensuring coordination of all planned forms of control in the studied subjects of a given profession. There should also be provision for examination and control of assignments, questions, and situational tasks by other teachers working in this profession.

The choice of educational methods and teaching aids depends on many objective and subjective reasons, namely:

Patterns and principles of learning arising from them;

General goals of training, education and human development;

Specific educational tasks;

Level of learning motivation;

Features of the teaching methodology of a specific academic discipline;

The time allocated for studying this or that material;

Level of preparedness of students;

Age and individual characteristics students;

Students' educational skills are developed;

Type and structure of the lesson;

Number of students;

Student interest;

The relationship between the teacher and students that developed in the process of educational work (cooperation or authoritarianism);

Logistics, availability of equipment, visual aids, technical means;

Peculiarities of the teacher's personality and qualifications.

Taking into account the complex of these circumstances and conditions, the teacher makes a decision on choosing a specific teaching method or their combination for conducting a lesson.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the complex of educational and methodological support includes several components, and for its development it is necessary to analyze the problem of implementing state educational standards at the relevant levels of education.