Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ingush State University", (IngSU). Acceptance of documents for admission to Ingushetia State University is coming to an end

The admissions committee of the leading university of the republic began its work in the second ten days of June. During this time, more than 1,300 people have already applied for full-time studies and about a thousand for absentee studies. The greatest demand, which, however, is already traditional, is in economics, jurisprudence and medicine.

Despite the fact that it has been repeatedly said at almost all levels that today’s realities dictate their own conditions, namely the need to train specialists in blue-collar and technical specialties, unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to reverse the current trend.

We also have other very good faculties: mathematics, physics, fundamental and applied chemistry, information systems and technologies, history and other specialties that will be in greater demand in our republic in the future than, for example, lawyers and economists. Therefore, there is a big request for our applicants to apply for engineering specialties, such as construction, agronomy, animal science, and agricultural engineering. I would like the guys today when choosing future profession made a more informed choice, so that in the future, after graduation, they would not be left behind, as they say, without finding a job in their specialty,” noted Zahidat Sultygova, Ingushetia State University vice-rector for scientific work.

Acceptance of documents for full-time study is carried out for 25 educational programs (specialties), for correspondence courses - for 22. Note to applicants: there are some innovations in the admission procedure this year.

Unlike previous years, applicants must submit an application for consent to enroll in a particular specialty. This has not happened before. At the time of the enrollment deadline, the applicant must already decide which educational program he wants to study in, and must submit, along with the original documents on general secondary education, an application for consent to enroll in the chosen specialty, the professor explained.

From total number There are also applicants who have the right to certain benefits: these are disabled people, orphans, children of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. For these categories this year, 61 places have been allocated for full-time and 41 for part-time courses.

In addition to them, special rights for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs are granted to winners and runners-up school competitions in specialties and (or) areas of training corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. For individual achievements an advantage is provided in the form of additional points to the results.

Let us also remind you that applicants can submit documents for enrollment simultaneously in five universities for three specialties in each. For those who intend to become a student at Ingushetia State University, but for some reason hesitated to apply to admissions committee, you should hurry: there are only a few days left before the deadline for submitting documents: the acceptance of documents ends on July 26.

They are considered one of the youngest higher educational institutions in the country. It appeared in 1994. The difficult socio-economic situation in the country affected the university, but did not break it. The staff of the educational organization did everything possible for subsequent development.

Ingush State University: faculties

The university has 10 faculties related to different fields of knowledge:

  • to philology;
  • history;
  • economics;
  • finance;
  • jurisprudence;
  • medicine;
  • agricultural engineering;
  • chemistry and biology;
  • physics and mathematics;
  • pedagogy.

Faculty of Philology and History

The history of the Faculty of Philology began in 1994, when an educational organization was created. At that time it was only a department that was part of the Faculty of Humanities. In 1998, the division of the structural unit took place. As a result, 3 faculties appeared. One of them is philological. Ingush state university This faculty offers the following specialties: “Domestic Philology” and “Foreign Philology”.

The Faculty of History began its work in 1998. During the period of its existence, it has done a lot of work - it has produced a huge number of qualified specialists who now work in various organizations of the city. For those who are just planning to enroll here, it will be useful to know that the faculty at Ingush State University provides training in “History” and “Psychology”.

Faculty of Economics and Finance and Economics

At first glance, these structural divisions seem identical. In fact, this is not so, because each of these faculties provides training in certain areas. Economic structural unit has existed since 1999. This faculty has 2 areas of training - “Economics” and “Management”.

The Ingush State University created the financial and economic structural unit a little later. The moment of foundation dates back to 2003. The faculty is implementing several relevant and popular educational programs preparation - “Credit and Finance”, “Taxation and Taxes”, “Municipal and Public Administration”.

Faculty of Law

This structural unit was also formed in 2003. The faculty trains bachelors in the field of “Jurisprudence”. In the first years, students study general disciplines, and in the last years, they choose a specific profile and deepen their existing knowledge. The faculty offers 3 profiles: state law, criminal law and civil law.

The educational process in the legal structural division of the Ingush State University is organized by the departments:

  • history and theory of law and state;
  • civil procedure and law;
  • criminal procedure and law.

Reviews from students indicate that qualified teachers teach here. They have extensive practical experience, as many of them are familiar with working in law enforcement agencies, courts, and legal organizations. Great attention is paid to the practical side of training. Ingush State University has concluded agreements with executive and judicial authorities, thanks to which students can undergo internships in organizations.

Faculty of Medicine

They teach to become doctors only in medical universities. Many people say this and do not even realize that such educational process organized by Ingush State University. Faculty of Medicine has been operating since 1997. It trains specialists in the field of General Medicine. It can only be studied full-time. The duration of training is 6 years, and the awarded qualification is doctor.

The Faculty of Medicine of the Ingush State University, represented by its staff, conducts active research activities. The results obtained during it are implemented in educational process. Employees of the structural unit of the university publish their works in regional, central and foreign publications, participate in symposia and congresses. Students are also interested in research work. They also publish scientific works, make presentations at conferences.

Faculty of Agricultural Engineering

The agricultural engineering structural unit traces its history back to the founding of the Ingush State University - since 1994. At that time it had a slightly different name. The faculty was called agrarian.

Applicants entering this faculty choose the area of ​​bachelor's training that interests them:

  • "Agronomy";
  • "Agroengineering";
  • "Zootechnics";
  • "Construction".

Faculty of Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Mathematics

The Faculty of Chemistry and Biology was founded in 2001. There are only 2 directions offered here - “Biology” and “Chemistry”. Training is carried out thanks to the departments of the same name. The Department of Chemistry employs teachers who conduct laboratory and practical classes and teach such disciplines as inorganic and general chemistry, quantum chemistry, high-molecular compounds, etc. The Department of Biology teaches zoology, ecology and rational environmental management, zoogeography, animal ecology, etc.

The Ingush State University created the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry earlier. Year of foundation - 1997. Since its creation, students have been trained here in such areas as “Physics” and “Mathematics”. In 2005, the department of computer science and computer technology. Thanks to this, the preparation of bachelors in “ Information systems and technologies."

Faculty of Technology and Pedagogy

Since 2002, this structural unit has been operating at the Ingush State University. It was created with the aim of training personnel to carry out professional teaching activities. Currently, applicants are offered:

  • pedagogical direction, education in the field of physical education;
  • pedagogical direction with 2 profiles (“Methodology preschool education" + "Methodology primary education»);
  • pedagogical direction with 2 profiles (“Economics” + “Technological Education”).

The Faculty of Technology and Pedagogy graduates bachelors in all of these areas. However, the duration of training varies. In the first direction it is 4 years, and in the rest - 5 years.

Ingush State University: admissions committee

At the university, the admissions committee begins its work every year in June. It is formed in order to:

  • organize the recruitment of students;
  • accept documents from applicants;
  • conduct entrance examinations;
  • enroll in the university those persons who passed the competition.

The admissions committee introduces applicants and their parents to the license and certificate of state registration. Applicants are also informed of the minimum acceptable scores. These values ​​are typical for a satisfactory level of knowledge. Fewer points is the same as a failing grade. With such results, applications to the university will not be accepted from applicants.

Passing score

Applicants, when contacting the admissions committee, are interested in the passing score. Unfortunately, at the beginning of accepting documents, university staff do not give exact numbers, because they become known only after the completion of the admissions campaign and passing the entrance examinations.

Members of the admissions committee can only name the old information about admission to Ingush State University - the passing score typical of past years. However, you should not rely on it, because the situation this year may change dramatically (for example, fewer applications will be submitted for a certain direction, among applicants there will be fewer people with an excellent level of knowledge). If in previous years there was a high passing score, then it is still worth submitting documents this year. Very often, applicants who do not even hope for admission end up on the admission list.

Additional information about the educational organization

Persons who decide to enroll at Ingush State University need to know the address and telephone number. Last year, an announcement was posted on the official website of the university. It said that the acceptance of documents begins on June 20. For all questions, you could contact the admissions committee (at the address: Nazran, Gamurzievsky a/okrug, Magistralnaya str., 39, building 3), where the Ingush State University is located. The phone number for more information can be found on the official website of the educational institution.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the university in question is educational institution where you can get an education high quality. This is confirmed by the status. Periodically, the university undergoes a federal five-year audit. Each time according to its results educational organization confirms its high status as a university. Reviews also confirm the quality of educational services. In them, students talk about qualified teaching staff, technical equipment of the university, a library containing all the necessary books for study.

The university trains highly qualified specialists in 41 specialties and areas of training, 19 areas of internship and residency, and 12 areas of postgraduate study. The training of specialists is carried out by a scientific and teaching staff of 470 people, of which 62 are professors, doctors of science and 209 associate professors, candidates of science. Of the teaching staff, 21 people were awarded the “Honorary Worker” badge higher education Russia", 35 Honored Scientists of the Republic of Ingushetia, 9 members of the Social and Professional Academy.

The total number of students according to 2012 data is 10,387 people, including full-time training - 4627 people. 55.7 percent of the total student population is educated at the expense of the state budget (5783). Every year, about 1,000 graduates of schools and other educational institutions enter the first year of the university.
University graduates work in almost all fields national economy both the Republic of Ingushetia and beyond its borders.
In 2003, and then in 2008, IngSU successfully passed the federal five-year comprehensive assessment of its activities, following which the university each time confirmed its high “University” status.

The development of the university is determined by a comprehensive program, within the framework of which new technologies for teaching students are being developed and introduced. Within the walls of the university there are modern educational, laboratory, experimental and research complexes that meet the highest requirements of modern educational and research activities, library.

Recognition of the important role of the university in the region was the creation of the Research Institute of Social Research (ISR IngSU) at the Ingush State University. The main activities of the institute as a research institution are theoretical and applied studies of ethnopolitical, federal and geopolitical processes in the Republic of Ingushetia and the North Caucasus, problems of peace, conflict and sustainable development region, ethnosocial and psychological problems forced migration, problems of political extremism and interfaith harmony, traditional cultures of the Caucasus, sociocultural dynamics and the impact of globalization on ethnic cultures.